ect ew m. iail sry ce, )ko hly 350 •ily tr's for ing on iar nd ist an Df- to v- in er ty ae fie'1 •e rs is- 1 ot Ite PS is ed ig ae :h, ae re re a.-, m, !S IX. II lg Ig K- f.4 rts- The inaugural message of Gov. Coe I. "rawford contains recommendations for enactment of much important lega tion for the state. The dominant party the legislature Is strongly urged to deem the pledges made in the party ilatform, particularly the enactment of comprehensive primary election law, a .w for the regulation of lobbying, an iti-pass law and a law prohibiting cam paign contributions by corporations. The message Is long, and all the sub jects treated are covered In a most thor ough and comprehensive manner. In the following synopsis all the most Important features of the message have leen retained: In opening the governor asks careful lonsideration for the address of the re tiring governor and for the reports of fthe various heads of departments. Attention is called to the Increasing _rowth and prosperity of the state and to the revolution in the commerce of the •tate being wrought by the various rail toad extensions projected and being built. The educational, penal and charitable nstltutions of the state are In splendid eondition and are being managed with Tl«iency. The governor finds among the ei.». educational institu tlons a tendency to overlap and work at cross purposes, and •uggests that the limit of the scope with in which a given institution is confined |«o its work be more clearly defined. I Institution*. tin. on of rer ity ve nd The governor says: "There is a feeling of uncertainty and Insecurity among many who are con fenectet.' with state institutions, which MBgrows out of a fear that,, regardless of Smerlt and faithful service, their tenure lof position is in constant danger from |political intrigue and partisan politics sand that merit and faithfulness must E yield to favoritism and the political S pull.' There should be no ground for concern on this account. The time has come when it should be made clear and |i emphatie that the fixed and permanent policy of the state is to plane the man agement these Institutions entirely above all questions of political ex pediency and favoritism. A rulo of civil •ervice should be applied to the adminis tration of the public institutions of the •tate." Much difficulty is experienced, says the governor, In securing competent help for various state institutions, because the (4 wages which the management Is per mitted to pay are not big enough to |*neet the competition from the outside. ^Appropriations to pay for help of this ikinfl should permit the state to pay (wages high enough to secure the best S-'eervice, and hold it against competition. Important recommendations are made ^regarding the needs of the various instl 'tutipns, and the necessity for more re arara for permanency in the construction state buildings in the future is urged. jS "It appears from the report of the state '•auditor foV the fiscal year ending June SO. 1906, that state finances are in good nditlon. There were outstanding in revenue warrants the condition or sum 0{ The RAWFORD'S INAUGURAL. ew Governor Galls Upon Dominant Party in Legislature to Redeem Platform Pledges. freatgreatof $250,000, and fttat* Finances in bonds less than State Finances. $50 000 the constitu­ tional limit to bonded indebtedness, since Writhe payment of the territorial debt as •?»umed by the state,, being $100,000, and it ^appears that since that time all the yhonds have been paid. The auditor ^Irecommends that the legislature appro jiyprlate funds to enable the state board of ^assessment to perform the duty imposed S1" -Jipon it by chapter 40, Session Laws 1905, Snaking it the duty of that board 'to ."take such means and measures as they jghall deem proper and expedient to as /certain, discover and place upon the '-proper assessment rolls and tax lists all 'i$S?taxable property in any county omitted "from such assessment rolls and tax lists or which has been omitted or concealed Kjfrom assessment,' calling attention to 'the fact that the legislature of 1905, Swhich enacted this law, made no pro vision by appropriation for carrying It •Silnto effect. I heartily join in the recom mendation of the auditor." The Kuvornor points to the fact that on June 30. 190G, there were only seven .Jcents of the school fund uninvested, '£?*nalcing a total of $4,807,587.08 which 'sM O..I, is drawing interest. "M School and Pub- keeping of this ll» 1 anrir large fund safely in lic Lands. vested, says the gov­ ernor, requires great watchfulness and activity. "While the unsold school lands are r« eteadily advancing In value, It is very doubtful wisdom to go on selling them. In my Judgment, the best of these lands should be taken from the market, and 1 I heartily agree with the recommendation of the commissioner that the mlirxmuni price be raised to $20 per acre. It ap pears from his report that the average price per acre of these lands sold from 1891 to 1894 was $13.56 from 1«V. to &f 1898, $12.76 from 1809 to 1902. $15.St, I from 1903 to 1906, $20:85. These figures show the wisdom of withholding Irom 8 the market the most desirable of these is1 lands and of raising the minimum or'ce The governor earnestly recommends that the office of clerk of the supreme court be put upon a salary basis, that a fee bill be enacted and that that official he required strictly to account for all fees collected. In making appropriations*. for the ex senses incurred by the state ofiicejs clui tng the next two years, the governor .urges the legislature to take into con- .. sideration the fact Appropriations for that it has been Stete Officers. peopie that officers (-^.n the service of the state shall rot use --free transportation or accept courtesies iifi'Mn the form of franks, passes or tree Tr"tickets in any manner. Provision must V-lje made by appropriation for the trans 'P'portatlon of the state's officers neces aarily incurred "while transacting the business of the state £vi The governor considers it his duty to attention to what he is convinced has 'been ai unconstitutional attempt or ri%rlor legislatures to circumvent the plain and emnhatic Inhibitions of the r.V.ftconstitutlon in "voting to the governor a [^contingent fund, paid in twelve monthly ^'^Installments and without any itemized fevvoucher being filed with the auditor The is Koveruor believes that the officers who re p'ceived this money in the manner indicated i'Sfe'can be required to give an accounting in Mia civil action, and he will ask the at Ifitorney general to examine this feature of ItlIt Undeclared to be the duty of the legis SUture to omit any such provision from Ithe appropriations for 1907 for the ex I«ense» of any state officer. I "The dominant political party in this ,J state which is entrusted with the respon & si bill ty for its government and each of -the other political organizations in the ae- Offirprs ^.termined by the Platform Pledges Must Be kept. ?^f«of^are^ actment of the following laws: First. The enactment of a law mrking It a penal offense in this state for any person, or corporation to give to, or for any public officer, party delegate or com mitteeman to receive any free pass or tree transportation over any railroad within the state or any telegraph, tele phone or express frank. Second. The enactment of a law that •will prevent representatives of corporate and special interests from attempting to influence legislation except by open and lUblic oral, written or printed argument efore public meetings of legislative com mittees. Third. The enactment of a comprehen sive and practical primary election law for the nomination of all congressional, state, Judicial, legislative and county offi cers by a. direct vote ot the peopie. Fourth. The enactment of laws pro hlblting corporations from making con tributions in any form to any political The enactment of a law requir- tng an accurate record of all campaign contributions to be-kept and publication of the same to be made. They have also declared that the interference Ot public service corporations in the polities ox this state shall be entirely eliminated. These pledges must be redeemed by jVtcrouchgolnE and effective legislation. #•*?«, "i I'li We could not go home and face our con stituents as honest men after all that has occurred in this state during the last three years, and be chargeable with hav ing disregarded the plain mandates thus received from the people." In urging particularly the enactment cif a primary law the governor dwells upon the subject at much length. All the rea sons for the enactment of such a measure are most thoroughly Primary Law, covered. He says: "The demand for legislation of this character arises from the abuses which have become intolerable under the old caucus and convention system. The aim of this legislation is to overthrow the Party boss and dictator and to shake oft the hold the corporation upon the political organizations of the state, ha enterprises of to-day are car ried on by artificial creations of Jaw known as corporations, and combinations of corporations. Frequently they become so powerful that they attempt to fix and control the prices of the necessaries of life, toe prices of what the masses have to sell, as well as the prices of what the masses must buy In order to live. "We have come to the point where they "av? destroyed healthful and legitimate competition, and where they stuobornly resist all attempts upon the part of the '^-making power to check abuses of which they are guilty, or to place them under regulation and control. They enter the field of politics for the purpose of controlling the declarations of political platforms and tha selection of candidates for public office and by many and divers ways use their vast power to corrupt the action of publlo officials. "The political machine and the public service corporations are in partnership everywhere. The purpose of the primary election In nominating a ticket is to get ,6trlct expression of choice of candi dates from tha people. "Th« duty is upon you, gentlemen, with all the light and assistance you can get, tOj formulate and enact a practical and comprehensive primary ejection law. It should be made effective by an emer gency clause, because its enactment has been demanded from authoritative sources without oonditions. Nearly nine thousand of your constituents petitioned for its enactment and submission two years ago. Ita enemies were opposed to submission then. This year every polit ical organization. in the state by over whelming majorities in party conventions" has emphatically declared in favor not of the enactment and submission of the law, but in favor of the enactment of the law. Its" enemies who two years ago opposed its submission now attempt to defeat its enactment with an emergency clause on the plausible claim that the right to in voke the referendum should not be bartr-ed by such a clause. "Enemies of the referendum two years ago may now—if they reoeive encourage ment—pose as its most zealous defenders. Under the cloak of pretense, however, will be found enmity on their part to the proposed law and a desire to defeat the demands made in party platforms oy de lay and covert opposition. You were commissioned not to enact a primary and allow its enemies to suspend its effect for two years, but to enact a primary and make it at once a live and effective stat ute." The passage of a fellow servant law Is strongly recommended, as is also a law regulatHig the hours of labor of railway emnloyes. The subject of freight and passenger rates Is next taken up by the governor. He says: "Under the law of 1897 the board of railway commissioners has full and com- Frplnh* 9nr4 plete power to make Freight and Pas- he most thorough inspection and in senger Rates. vestigation of ex lsting rates and to promulgate and enforce a new schedule of charges for both freight and passenger traffic. It is unfortunate that the. board has delayed action in the matter until the last moment, and did not enter upon it in time to jflve the results to the pub lic before this legislature convened, so that it might supplement the action of the board with any further legislation that might appear necessary. "It is to be hoped that the board will take action sufficiently early to enable you to thoroughly examine the results and to take such further steps as the sit uation may require. "The demand for a, revised rate sched ule is growing stronfer and a very thor ough investigation of the whole subject must be made by the board of railway commissioner* at once, and a new sched ule nromulgated with such reductions in freight and passenger charges as present conditions require. Otherwise, the duty of taking the necessary steps for relief will rent upon you." The governor calls attention to the fact that the law requiring railroads to build connecting tracks at points of intersec tion is in need of amendment to make it effective. The nresent law has been held hy the sunreme court to be invalid for fatal uncertainty. The governor recom mends the enactment of the Minnesota law on this subject, which has been sus tained by a decision of the United States supreme court. Our revenue laws are crude and in adequate and the governor believes that the time for action has come. He says: "The franchise of public service corpor ations organized in this state and the privileges to do busi Assessment Law3. ness and hold prop erty in this stato granted by its laws to non-resident nno lic service corporations are of vcrv great value, and the law prescribing a rule for assessing the property of these corpora tions whose property is a kind possessed of marvelous earning power, omits all reference to the value of the franchises, and in fixing values, no reference is made to increased value of that part of the mou erty of these companies lying within towns and cities, where they nave depots, machine shops, enlarged grounds, side tracks, general offices and personal prop erty of great value. "The statements which railway compa nies are required to furnish as a bfusis for an assessment, omit all side, passing and switching tracika, warehouse lots and terminal grounds and franchises. The assessment must be made by fixing the value per mile of the main line and branches and by a pro rata distribution per mile of such assessment among the counties through which the road t)asses. "The state board levies all the tax which is at all levied upon the property of telegraph, telephone, express and sleeping car companies in the state. "The statute says that the tax so levied shall be equal to the average assessment of the state, county, school and municipal taxes levied upon other property for 'he preceding year, and shall be apportioned by the state treasurer between the state and the various counties !n which the company so assessed is doing business, the amount to V- '"h each county is en titled beinf," deter, led by the state board of equalization. The statute does not au thorize the board to include the average equivalent of the road tax levied upon other property the preceding year. At this lime, when a cry is coming up from all over the state for better roads, these cor porations are enjoying absolute immunity from road taxes. It is a well known fact that local assessors fail to assess -noneys and credits and a vast amount of property never gets upon the tax rolls. "The law enacted two years ago, giving the state board of assessment authority to take such means and measures as may be necessary to ascertain, discover and place upon the assessment rolls taxable property omitted therefrom or concealed, should be made effective by making an appropriation which would enable this board to employ an agent to go out over the state and make a personal investiga tion of such cases and report the same to the board. I earnestly recommend this subject to you as one of the greatest im portance. demanding effective legislation at your hands." The governor declares that the present state capltol la wholly inadequate for present needs. He continues by review ing at length previous legislation on this ... subject and the work State Capitol. already accom plished. Ha recom­ mends that the law be amended permit- L% Kl-^TiF W3C~J tins the eommlulonar of lands to pro ceed with the sal* of the remainder of the st&t* lands, and authorising the capltol commitston to go on and complete the en- tire capltol building according to plana and specifications, in this way, he says, a splendid capltol building can be erected without the expense of one dollar to the taxpayers of the state. The legislature is urged to take action toward levying the assessment authorized by the amendment to" the constitution adopted at the last general election for the purpose of installing a twine plant at the state prison. The Importance of revising the law for the preservation of game Is strongly uri—* he governor in recommending efficient support by appropriations for the" state fair says: "There is vastly more substantial good te the people of the state in maintaining in the highest degree of excellence a state fair and in expending funds for that pur pose, and for the purpose of encouraging the production of fine stock and to pro mote a more perfect and practical knowl edge of farming than in any other form of advertising. In concluding the governor says: "In addition to the foregoing, which I have presented as measures of great im portance pressing upon your attention, are many other subjects which you will be required to consider. Conclusion. Adequate appro priations must be made for the maintenance of the national guard in an efficient and creditable man ner. "The department ot history suggests sev eral matters worthy of legislative action. A law providing for the construction, maintenance and supervision of good roads will be proposed. "Measures further regulating the sale of Intoxicating liquors, requiring personal service in all actions for divorce requir ing persons practicing the art of healing to procure a license providing for the appointment of a fire warden, defining his duties and fixing his compensation, to be paid by the'fire Insurance companies do ing business in the state." Geese With Brains. A farmer would scarcely believe that a goose requires only about sixty hours la order to prepare it for the footlights and a critical audlenee, and that a common pig, which has been bought in the mar ket will In thirty hours be competent to blossom forth as an actor. According to Clyde Powers, a trainer of wide experience and much patience, it takes a iuck about three days to learn how to march on the stage, to follow the chorus, and to march off again at the proper time It takes a chicken a week or more, and a turkey cannot grasp the art of acting in less than six ithr months tlm«» Mr. Powers has tried to train a pea fowl, but he finds that It is impossible. A goose is the most intelligent of all the feathered tribe, and a goose is also the only domestic fowl that shows aftaotion. Animals are always entertaining, and so much in demand are they by man agers, that every vaudeville theater In America books for Its program at least one animal act, and often two, ever* week. A good animal troupe la con tracted for many months ahead, and its owners and trainers reeelve salaries far exceeding those of the average troupe of vaudeville nerfornitfrs of the human species. During a visit to a dress rehearsal at the Hlppodronip, says a write- '.n I^tt» lie's Weekly, three or four euo bears were being sahoolcd In the art of stand ing on their heads. In driving an auto, or at least appearing to do so, and last but not least—for it amuses an audionce greatly—to drink out of bottles. To teach thsm this last aot is not verv difficult if the bottleB are filled with sweetened water In fact, the difficulty comes In preventing the cubs from steal ing these bottles and rehearsing before It is time, so fond are thoy of this particu lar form of acting. Bears are decidedly humorous, and while thoy know perfectly well what they are doing, they often do a trick the wrong way, apparently Just for the hu mor of the thing, and thej seem to enjoy the scolding, which with baby bears Is seldom accompanied by punishment. The trainer's pockets are usually bulging with sugar, .and the cubs are given a taste every time they obey orders and go through a trick with willingness. If a bear is good tempered and of adaptable disposition, a new trick can bo mastered In about four weeks.—New York Sun. Tl«.e T,nck tif Cars. Demand of the railroads uoon the work for their locomotives ana cars is In ex cess, ail over the country, of their ability to meet it. That is, demand of traffic lias outrun railroad equipment very far. It is in the West that the shortage produces extreme inconvenience and heavy loss. Even the great lines of the East cannot move the traffic that offers, and lack of motive power delays even passenger trains. In the Southern states the condi tions are very similar to those that pre vail in the West. Were the situation without remedy the people would be pa tient. But it is felt everywhere that there has not been sufficient foresight or enter prise in making provision to handle the traffic of the country and in most, if not all the states, legislative inquiry will be made, with view, perhaps, to enforcement of remedies, or, at least, of attenuating them. The people do not wish to deal unjustly with the railroads, nor do "they expect Impossibilities. But they do feel that there has been delinquency, or dilatori ness and they wish to "expedite" supply of a pressing want. The "reciprocal de murrage" talked of is In the nature of a fine it may have in It an element of in justice, for perhaps it will be Impossible to furnish the cars called for, since none can be bought or built at once but it will be admonitory, and may hasten re sults. Lack of cars has been an increas ing complaint for years, and It is not be lieved that the railroads have done all they could or should to meet It.—Qre gonian. An Important Difference. When the late Mr. George Monro Grant, principal of Queen's university in Kings ton, Can., was a student at Glasgow uni versity, his biographers say he entered into the practice of debating with the greatest zest, and soon became one of the chief speakers of the Conservative club, and eventually the president of it. On one occasion the election of the lord rector was pending." The lord rector as Is doubtless known, is the representative of the students on the governing board of the university, and his election Is gen erally conducted upon lines strlctlv po litical. During this period a luckless Liberal spoke unguardedly one svening of the "Conservative association." "There's no such thing, sir!" thundered young Grant. "It's a club "Well, what's the difference?" The Nova Scotian was on his feet in an 'nstant, his nostrils curled in scorn. "There's an association, gentlemen." ho said, flinging out his hand,, the fingers falling limp and separate "and there*s a club." At the last word his closed fist shot out from the shoulder, fingers clenched, the whole gesture suggesting the gulf be tween flabby individuality and the smash* Ing power of united effort.—Ex. Going to California. This Winter? If so you are perhaps wondering which is the best way to go. The "Omaha road" offers the prcner solution of this problem with their through tourist nzr service by three different routes as fol lows Tuesday car leaves Minneapolis 7:50 p. m.. St. Paul 8:80 p. m.r going, via Omaha Denver, Denver & Rio Grande Salt Lake City and the new Salt Lake route to Los Angeles. This route is through the scenlo portion of, the Rocky Mountains. Thursday car leaves Minneapolis 8:30 p. m.s St. Paul 9:05 p. m., going via Omaha, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific to San Francisco, thence down the coaat line to Los Angeles. Saturday car leaves Minneapolis -fl*io a. m., St. Paul 9:40 a. m., going via Omaha Kansas City and the Santa Fe through the Land of Sunshine. This gives the traveler choiee of three splendid routes, the best through tar service, and all At a reasonable prieeu For full information regarding rate* and service to California call on or address B. A. Whitaker. 306 Robert street (Ryan hotel). St. Paul, or J. A. O'BrW, 600 Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis. I Governor Crawford and the new ad ministration started on their course of two years with perfect weather and a cloudless sky. The lobbies of the representative hall, where the In augural ceremonies were held, were crowded early by visitors who wanted to be sure of places, and who held them until after 4 o'clock, when Gov ernor Crawford finished the reading of his message. The document was filled with demands for the legislative reforms which were the issues in the ljfte campaign, and was met by fre quent bursts of applause from t.hv members in joint session. Samuel H. Elrod, the retiring gov ernor in his farewell message to the legislature severely assailed the noted North Carolina bond deals by which South Dakota collected $25,500 from the Southern state on paper which had been repudiated. He said South Dakota has no moral right to the money, and urged the legislature to pass a bill returning it to North Caro lina. Both houses met at noon Tuesday, the senate being called to order by J. E. McDougall, the retiring lieuten ant governor, and the oath was admin istered to the members by Presiding Justice Fuller. The principal ap pointive officers selected were L. M. Simons of Davison, secretary of the senate W. C. Rampfer of Hutchinson county, assistant O. MI Osbon of Miner county, sergeant-at-arms John McDQnald of Beadle, assistant. The house members were called to order by State Secretary Wipf, and the oath of office was administered by Justice Haney of the supreme court. The principal officers chosen were: M. J. Clianey of Clay county, speaker Ed Moscript of Lincoln, sergeant-at arms: S. H. Wilson of Fall River, assistant J. W. Cone of Minnehaha, chief clerk, and E. N. Allen of Spink, assistant. As soon as organization was com pleted the bodies went into joint ses sion and recieved the state officers, when the oath was administered to them by Presiding Justice Fuller and the messages of Retiring Govenor El rod and Governor Crawford were re ceived. By a viva voce vote the senate cau cus selected United States Senator Gamble to succeed himself. Before the vote was taken Mr. Gamble ex plained the charges made against him. Senator Gamble denied any 'ntent of wrongdoing, and declared that he could not feel a consciousness that l\e had done any wrong, but that he was following out a precedent which had been in existence for years among senators and representatives in Washington in giving employment to deserving young men where they could secure the means and have an opportunity to secure an education that the employment of his son was only at times when places which were given out in this manner had heen made vacant by one young man going and another being ready to step in, which was at three different times for periods covering thirteen months, and out of which ,time the boy was in school less than six months, but all the time within easy reach of the du ties in Washington. Senator Dillon, the Gamble spokes man on the floor of the caucus, said the explanation given by the senator was clear and definite, and that while they were ready for an investi gation at any time it, must include the whole congressional delegation. As the Gamble forces are strong enough to get what they want, to open up the matter mtans work for a committee for the most of the session. Speaker Chaney is busy on his com mittees, and, while he may be ready to announce the principle ones to morrow afternoon, it is not certain that any of them will be ready until Friday. The only thing known is that Kribs will again have the educational committee and Parmley that on bills. In the senate Dillion will head the judiciary committee and Byrne the appropriations. The senate will create three new committees this session on appor tionment, state buildings and grounds, and the committee on insurance and banking will be divided into two difr ferent committees. Temporarily, John M. Erickson of Sioux Falls will fill the position of private secretary of Governor Craw ford until a permanent appointment is made. Govtinor Crawford made his first appointment Thursday, sending to the senate the name of E. C. Erickson of Elk Point as a member of the board of regents of education, and the same was/confirmed. The only legislative action Thurs day was in receiving several resolu tions of small import. The regular routine vill begin Friday after the an no'.incement of committees. Minor officials selected by the two houses were: His Expectations. First Boy—Expect to get much tor Christmas? Second Boy—Yep but I expect I won't get nothing like wot I expect Yielded Gracefully.15'' "Minnie, didn't your father .make a fuss when you showed him that dia mond ring and told him Clarence gave It to you"" ,-.^= "Not a bit All he said was, 'Who? That Insignificant, little—but what's the use."'- GRIND OF THE LAW MILL What Is Being Accomplished by the State Solons. For the Senate—-Bill clerk, W. Van Shalck of Roberts chief of engross ing force. A. A. Rowan of Turner as sistant, R. E. Grimshaw of Lawrence postmaster, Orlando Searls of Moody assistant, 0. L. Ward of Meade watch man. Ole Larson of Charles Mix mes senger, W. S. Ingham of Stanley pages, Loraine Apley of Woonsocket, Bernard Vessey of Wessington Springs, Earl Bergen of Pierre. The cliaplainship was one of the dif ficult places to fill, the candidates be ing numerous, both from the city an3 outside. The question was finally de cided by dividing the time between the five resident pastors of the city, arranging as they chose to take suc ceeding days or weeks in the different houses as suited themselves. Minor house appointments were: Bill clerk, J. H. Peterson of Lawrence postmaster, A. H. Crawford of Grant assistant, P. E. Tinney chief of en grossing force, Edward "Palmer of Yankton assistant, Ira Jones of Tur ner janitor, Frank Smith of Pierre messenger, Thomas Brown of Pierre. The chaplain situation in the senate also applies to the house. The house pages are Will Robinson, George Schultz, John Porter and Arthur Jen sen. The real, estate dealers are on hand and will organize for a bill to provide, something in the way of an immigra tion department at the coming session. They are not particular whether it comes in the way of a clerk in one of the established departments of the state or a complete department, just so they get it. The so-called administration meas ures whicl) have been advocated in the last campaign will not be allowed to lie idle, as they were practically all started on their way on the first day on which bills could be introduced. Most of them carry emergency clauses which would put them into operation as soon as passed and leave no delay in their going into effect. Representative Glass of Codington presented most of the administration bills in the house, including the pri mary election, anti-pass, providing penalties for campaign contributions by corporations, requiring reports of campaign expenses to be made by par ty committtees to. proper designated of ficers, and providing penalties for lob bying on the part of corporations. The reciprocal demurrage measure was presented by Whittemore of Hamlin. In the senate like bills were intro duced by Senators Cook, Dillon and Byrne, with the addition of the em ployers' liability or fellow servant act by Senator Jenkins of Brookincs. A long list of minor bills was presented, and the first day record of any past session was broken with forty bills and resolutions, the rushing of the ad ministration bills being the cause of the laree number. In tl\e senate a number of commit tee clerks were named, as follows: Fred Kittenbill of Grant, on agricul ture .T. F. Armstrong of Faulk, on ap propriations H. Schancke of Yankton, judiciary N. L. Merner of Brown, ways and moans J. W. Burnham, state affairs F. E. Hilt.z, railways Eric Westlund. education J. A. Smith, cities'and municipal corporations: W. A. Kinsey, military affairs E. P. Hays, senate journal. 500 SJSSJSff mm The senate ordered the printing of extra copies of the primary elec tion bill for distribution. The senate passed a resolution to present a chair to retiring Gov. Elrod. BOOKS PLEASE EXAMINER. Checking Up of State Auditor's Ac counts Reveals Good Management. Public Examiner, Frank Bramble has filed a supplemental report, covering the examination of the state auditor's office, which has just been completed and which highly compliments that department for the manner in which it has been conducted under the ad ministration of Auditor Halladay. The examiner says "You will find herewith the original papers in the examination of the state auditor's office, which 1 have Just com pleted with the assistance of ray dep uty. "We have checked the warrant stubs, warrants, warrant register, and vouchers and proven same. in fact, this included the checking of all funds. We have proven the ledger balances and warrant register. We have checked the'permanent school fund In detail. In all we have gone over near ly 13,000 vouchers. "I am pleased to state that we have found everything in a most satisfac tory condition, and shows a very care ful management of the affairs of this most important office. Respectfully submitted, —"F. L. BRAMBLE, Public Examiner." The transactions involved in the ex amination aggregated $4,000,000. The examiner also personally compliment ed the system, accuracy and neatness of the books ftl Taste Was the Same. "j. "'We're using a new shaving soap now," said the barber. "How do you like it?" "Well," spluttered the victim, «T don't, notice any difference in taste." ./v.. ipr: Upliftihg the Public. Tim—There goes a man who done much to arouse the people. Bim—Great labor agitator, JS&SySYJSS has I sup­ pose? Tim—Naw alarm clock manufac turer. aapMMiraap LIEUTENANT BOWMAN. iS^S8S »FMKHT IBS .PE-MHIUIM) WH. Cold Affected Head and Throat— 'Attack was Severe. iXfy 1 Chas. W. Bowman, 1st Lieut, and' Adjt. 4th M. S. M. Cav. Vols., writes from Lanham, Md., as follows: "Though somewhat averse to pat ent medicines, and still more averse to becoming a professional affidavit man, It seems only a plain duty In the present Instance to add my ex perience to the columns already writ ten concerning the curative poweri of Peruna. "I have been particularly beaefltec by Ita use for colds In the head ant throat. I have been able to fully cure' myself of a most severe attack In forty-eight hours by Its use according to directions. I use it as a preventive whenever, threatened with an attack. "Members of my family also use It for like ailments We are recom mending It to our friends." —Chas. W. Bowman. Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1907. Similarity. "How do you like married life, Hark er?" "Well, I wish I had remained a bach elor. There is so.much expense .and so many breakdowns." "Expense and breakdowns? Gra cious, old chap, perhaps you bought an automobile license instead of a mar riage license?" mmwmMK: t'j/t Self-Evident. Tommy Vss Paw, what is a man of des«s: tiny? a Mr. Tucker—Any man that lives in Kansas. SHE NEEDED ANOTHER HAND, They Enjoyed the Show Immensely,^ But Failed to Applaud. In the parquet at the Orpheum las to night sat a young man and his best fci girl. People behind them noticed that Xr S, the young couple seemed to enjoy the show immensely, but neither wouldr applaud. They would look at each oth er and smile and say "Fine!" "Isn't' that great!" and other such things, but they would not applaud. Every-?''..: body else near by was applauding andV. that started the people behind young "couple to wondering why thevf"' did not clap their hands and show^ their appreciation substantially, savs^|| the Denver Post. .Finally James H. Cullen came on ~ti'~ the stage and began his singing stunt. His first two songs made big hits, butt still the woung couple did not applaud.! IISs third song was even better than" the other two, and it was then that* the mystery as to why the young poo pie did not applaud was explained to'! those behind them. When Cullen fin: ished the song the girl turned to her esc.ort. "John," she said, COSTLY PRESSURE. Heart ?nd Nerves Fail on Coffee. A resident of a great western state puts the case regarding stimulants with a comprehensive brevity that IS admirable. He says: "I am 56 years old and have had con siderable experience with stimulants. They are, all alike—a mortgage on re served energy at ruinous Interest. As the whip, stimulates but does not strengthen the horse, so do stimulants act upon the human system. Feeling this way, I gave up coffee and all other stimulants and began the use ol Postun^ Food coffee some months ago. The beneficial results have been ap parent from the first. The rheumatism that I used to suffer from has l$ft ma I sleep sounder, my nerves are stead ier and my brain clearer. And I beai&j testimony also to the food value o!^ Postum^ometJiin&thatislaelElasilB^ coffee." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reaspn. Read "The Road. to. W^UvUle/' quaint HtUeJjppfc '^.plcss. mmm 11- j-, I Important to Mothers. fpl Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TORIA, a safe and sore remedy for infants and children, and gee that It Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Ilia Kind Ton Have Always Sought. & SBfc •VSfo loulfor-vv those behind to hear, "you'll have to let go my hand a minute. I've just got to applaud this man." 4-i At!