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Pierre weekly free press. (Pierre, S.D.) 1889-19??, January 06, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

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Weil Roilii1 TraiiiK—Ceulrsil Time
No. 503 arrives 1:40 a. m. leaves 2:0- a in. daily
No. 41 leaver 6:110 a. m. daily.
.So. 591 arrives 1:85 p. m., leaves 1:55 v-
Daily except Sunday.
East Bound Trains—Central Time
No. Mi arrives 8:50 u. m. leaves 4:10 a- m. dally
No. 3'J leaver 6:00 a. m. daily.
No. 504 arrives 4:28 p. m. leaves 4:4K p.m.
Arrives daily except Sunday.
Pierre and Hort Pierre linage Train.
No. 23leaves Pierre 8:00 a. m. daily.
No. 25 leaves Pierre 9:00 n. daily.
No.27 leaven Pierre 1:01 in dally uxrepT
No. 29 '.eaves Pierre 2:00 Sundays only.
No. .11 leaves Pierre 3:00 p. m. dally except
No. 23 leaves Pierre 0:0.') p. dally.
Dr. S. B. Stegeman went to Blunt
Willis McCord spent Sunday with
friends at Huron.
Erie Olson was in the city yester
day from Canning.
A. N. Whitney has returned from a
visit at Arlington.
Mrs. Tony Brignoli was an east bound
passenger Monday.
George Weber is visiting friends
here from Colorado.
John -Lockh&rt and wife were up
from Blunt Sunday.
Dr. W. II. Tweedle has moved into
the new Pierre Street block.
The Firemen's annual ball will be
given Jan. 19, at the auditorium.
Judge L. E. GalYy and wife return
ed Sunday from a visit at Omaha.
Miss Laura Thierofl' went down to
Highmore Saturday to visit friends.
Mason Samco began work Monday on
the delivery wagon for H. L. Dorothy.
A. Rosander and wife who have been
visiting at Vale, Iowa, home Satur
F. E. Hilts and wife returned Satur
day from a vi9it with friends at Mil
Mrs. L. Dloughy arrived here Sun
day from Miller for a short visit with
E. II. Wood has returned to Lane,
S. D., where he is located in the laud
Miss Ilazel Kendall of Midland is a
new student enrolled at the Business
A. C. Brink left yesterday for Kau
kakee, 111., owing to the death of his
Wm. Kemwick and wife left Mon
day for Boston for a visit with the
latter's parents.
Miss Myrtle Hutchison has return
ed from a visit with her sister at
Chattsworth, Iowa.
Miss ITazel Pinknev returned Tues
day to resume her studies at the Nor
mal at Aberdeen.
Miss Georgia Summerside has re
turned from an extended visit at
New York, Maine.
Miss Margaret Karcher returned
Monday to resume her studies at
AVellesley university.
Mrs. B. A. Cummins and daughter.
Aline, returned Saturday from a two
weeks' visit at Minneapolis.
C. H. Griffith, representative of the
Mergenthaler Linotype Co., was in
the city Tuesday from Chicago.
Victor Peterson returned Saturday
from Blunt where he installed a heat
ing plant in the school house.
Miss Ella Clough returned Monday
day to school at Aberdeen, after a
week's visit with her sister here.
Miss Mary Mclutyre returned Tues
day from Ashtou, uhere she was
called by the death of a relative.
Mrs. P. J. Murphy of Tacorna, Wash,
visited relatives here Saturday enroute
ffor Brookings to visit relatives.
Miss Emma Jackley returned Satur
day to her home at Madison, after a
pleasant visit with her brother and
R. E. Sanford has accepted the
position as clerk in the post office,
owing to the resignation of Guy F.
Miss Louise Gleckler returned
Saturday to her school at Custer,
after spending a week with home
folks here.
Miss Harriett Haney went to Mit
chell Saturday for a short visit with
her brother before returning to school
at Milwaukee.
Mrs. E. J. Schultz and children and
Miss Agnes Lee returned Tuesday
from a visit with their mother at
Mankato, Minn.
G. W. O'Parrell was brought in from
Midland Saturday to be operated upon
for rupture. Last reports he was get
ting along nicely.
Miss Abbie Whitney has resumed
her duties as stenographer in the
state house after a short visit with
her parentB at Wessington Springs.
M^s. Willian HutChins was brought in
from Quinr. Saturday suffering, from
stomach trouble and was enroute for
her home at Peabody, Kans, in hopes of
bettering her condition.
Prof. M. M. B&mer and Principal
C. E, Evans, of the High school fac
ulty, entertained the members of the
Boys'athletic association at a chick
en pie supper at the home of the for
•wr, Hew Year's eve.
visit :it Toronto.
O. L. Eakin of Blunt was in
Tuesday on business.
Miss Ruth Hyde returned Monday
to school at Milwaukee, Wis.
Dr. Thos. Green, the great orator
Saturday night at the Grand.
The Chase-Lister Company will be
here all next week at the Grand.
Miss Pearl llunlyus returned yes
terday l'roin a visit at Minneapolis.
Otto Linstad returned yesterday
from Minneapolis and other points.
Miss Josephine Hengel returned Mon
day to the seminary at Winona, Minn.
R. H. Gritlhi of Hawardeu, Iowa,
is a guest at the F. J. Swansuu home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. liandley returned
from an extended visit with relatives in
Miss Hattie Pietrus has returned to
New Ulm, Minn, after visiting with her
Miss Grace Guuderson returned
Monday to resume her studies at
Milwaukee, Wis.
Orville Shubert returned yesterday
to Vermillion to resume his studies
at the state university.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matters, who
have had charge of the depot hotel,
left today for Chicago.
The weather is offering the subur
ban residents an excellent chance to
show their civic pride.
Members of the state veterinary ex
amining board departed today for
their respective homes.
Homer Partridge, proprietor of the
Haberdasher store, is in Chicago,
buying goods for his store.
Miss Margaret Tate returned Monday
to Mankato, Minn,, after spending the
holidays with her parents here.
Hon. ('has. E. DeLand returned
yesterday from Rome, New York,
where he attended the funeral of his
Mrs. W. L. Peirce of Harlwick,
Vermont, has arrived in the city for
a visit with her sister, Mrs. C. C.
Goods are goiug at the big auction
sale on Dakota avenue. Ladies aiv
taking advantage of the low prices
for which goods may be had there.
E. L. Moore, examiner of the state
veterinary examining board was in
the city from Brookings Tuesday.
.1. A. Graham was up from Sioux
Falls Tuesday on business pertaining
to the veterinary examining board.
W. J. Mundt arrived home Tuesday
morning from Humbolt, this slate, where
he has real estate and other interests.
Dr. S. B. Stegeman returned Tues-! It's a Htippy Now Year anyway
day from Blunt. Elmore returned yesterday
Guy Erickson returned Tuesday from from a visit at Vermillion.
the citv
Ella Bartlett was operated upon
Monday l'"r appendicitis.
Win. Floyd was duwu from Oko
bojo Tuesday on business.
The county board of commissioners
commenced Tuesday in regular session. Falls college.—11 uroniti
A large amount of business awaits the
C.J. Neuhauser, proprietor of the
European Hotel, returned Tuesday
from North Dakota where business call
ed hi in.
You can buy goods at your price at
the Waldo Stiles auction house, Da
kota avenue. Follow the crowd and
you will bring up al the house of big
Governor Vessey commuted the sen
tence of Harrold Burke sent to the pen
itentiary from Minnehaha county on a
charge of grand larceny.
Eunnett McEntee of Okohojo was
in the city Tuesday for a few days'
visit, enroute to California where
he expect to spend the winter.
Mrs. P. Miller, who has been the
guest of relatives here the past week,
departed Tuesday in company with her
son and daughter for Topeka, Kan.
A class of
from Highmore will
be initiated by Huron Elks on Janu
ary 11th, and two more classes will
probably go in during the course of
the winter.
Nels EBenson, who was bridge car
penter for the North-Western, died
the fore part of the week at Huron.
The funeral services will be held
Friday from the house.
Homer Hoover went down to Onida
Monday where he will begin the
practice of law in the office recently
vacated by Atty. M. W. Murphy,
who is now located at Fargo, N. D.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Moore left the
-tirst of the week for Chicago and other
points to p' rchase goods for their
store here. During their absence I.
H. Wilson will have charge of the
The State Board of Charities and Cor
rections have issued invitations for in
spection of the new Hospital Building
for Women at the South Dakota State
Hospital, Friday January 7, 1910 from 2
to 5p. m.
If you desire to purchase clothing,
you can save much money by going
to the Waldo-Styles auction store, on
Dakota avenue. Goods offered are de
pendable not a houseful of butts and
ends of a half dozen houses in Saint
-r- yv.- --T:•
Born to Mr. ana Mrs*. Frank Howe
Tuesday a little daughter.
David T. Jekyll of Highmore, tran
sacted business matters here Wednes
Clint and Bessie Bobbins will be at
the Grand all next week with Chase
Lister Co.
Virgil Laughlin returned Tuesday
to Delatield, Wis., to resume his
studies at school.
Mrs. G. M.Livingstone left Mon
day for Keokuk, Iowa, and will be
absent two months.
The Onida Watchman is growing,
like some fair widows, more engag
ing as it-grows older.
Miss Margaret Cullen leaves next
week for the Twin Cities to purchase
goods for her millinery store.
Governor Vessev will speak on
"The Value of the Individual" at the
•Congregational church Sunday even
Will be one of the large attractions
that will appear here soon.
The Ilolabird News with Judge
D. A. W. Perkins as editor, made its
appearance last Friday and speaks
very highly for the enterprising
Local fuel dealers say they see no
necessity for a scare on fuel matters in
this citv inasmuch as they appear able
to get shipments through without trou
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dotson and
daughter left Tuesday for Maxville,
Kan., owing to the serious illness of
the former's father.
Money to loan and real estate in
Hughes, Stanley or Sully counties,
large or small amounts. 28 Pierre
street, Title Insurance & Trust Co.,
Pierre, S. D. istf.
The first number of the Ilolabird
news, by D. A. W. Perkins, has reach
ed this office. Mr. Perkins is a writ
er of ability and we are certain the
News will be edited with command
ing tact.
William Summerside is well on his
way to New Mexico having left Pierre
on Wednesday. He will remain in the
far southwest until the warmpth of an
other spring. He was accompanied bv
Mrs. Summerside.
The improvement of the ground is
the most natural obtaining of riches,
for it is our great mother's blessing,
the earth's but is slow, and yet
where men of great wealth do stoop
to husbandry it multiplieth riches ex
Miss Martha Sutherland of Pierre,
daughter of Attorney John Suther
land spent several hours in the city
yesterday between trains while pass
ing through on her way to Sioux Falls
where she is an instructor in the Sioux
The auction sale of dependable mer
chandise, announced by Waldo-Styles
to begin January ii. began today (Fri
day). The delay was occasioned by
the irregular movement of trains,
.bringing in the goods. But the sale
is now on and goods are goiug.
'.I'here is a preacher in Minneapolis
says The Better way, whose daughter
has for "company" young fellow
who is just beginning to learn the
printer's trade. A few evenings ago
at church the goo I man had for his
evening lesson the fourteenth chapter
of Mathew, and when he read out in
his most, stentorian tones, "My
daughter is grieviously vexed widi a
devil," the audience tittered.
The premium list of the South Da
kota State Poultry Association show
to be held January 31-February 4,
1910, is now out and shows that the
associatiation is offering the highest
and best prizes ever offered. Among
the special prizes are fifteen gold
cash specials and twenty elegant sil
ver loving cups. For copy of pre
mium list address L. S. Vickers, Sec
retary, Mitchell, S. D.
The Odd Fellows at a regular meet
ing Tuesday evening installed the
following officers: Noble Grand,
C. B. Stough Vice Grand, E. A.
Platts Rec. Sec., G. E. Busby Fi
nancial Sec., B. C. Stout, treasurer,
E. W. Simpson warden, M. C.
Marecle conductor, M. B. Hastings
inside guard, W. H. Bailey outside
guard, C. W. llohrer Right support
to Noble Grand, J. S. Schroeder Left
support to Noble Grand, St. James
Blanchard Chaplain, Chas. Watske.
Garretson News The many friends
of Miss Adelaide Laughlin will be in
terested to learn that on Wednesday
of this week she was united in mar
riage to Mr. Theodore Quale, of
blunt, S. D., the wedding taking
place at her home in Madison, Wis.
The bride is well known here, having
held a position in the city schools for
three years previous to this year, and
is held in high regard by all. The
groom is a real estate dealer, and is
said to be a fine young man. They
will make their home either ih Min
neapolis or Pierre. Their friends ex
tend heartiest congratulations unfl
best wiabea.
The Girls that are all the candy. A
company of 80 people.
School started Monday after the
regular holiday vacation.
The University will give one of
their popular dances Friday evening.
A coal famine is reported in Tripp
county soft coal can't be found even
at gi-i per ton.
L. A. Temmey and family will leave
this week for a month's visit among
relatives in Iowa, Nebraska and pos
sibly in Wisconsin.
The county board of commissioners
will not be able to finish their labors
this week. Committies made up of the
board are now chocking up the accounts
of the treasurer, auditor and clerk.
D. C. Coppage, of the firm of War
ren, Coppage & Co. arrived home Tues
day from Omaha, where he has been in
the interest of his firm. Some very
heavy invoices of goods are on their
way to this firm
The vital statistias of Stanley county
for the year 1909 as finished us by the
the Clerk of courts is as follows: Births
357 of which 174 were boys and 183
girls. Deaths 80 marriges 11V divor
ces 26 naturalizations and declaration
of intentions 104.
Rapid City .Journal: Chambers Kel
lar, young lloinestake attorney, this
afternoon, made a vicious assault on
Freeman Knowles, the editor of the
Lantern, the assault taking place in
the rooms of the county commission
ers, at Deadwood, and the attorney
using a stout riding whip as a weapon.
The National Geographical Society
will meet on the 20th and decide
what reparation shall be made to
Peary. It is thought that the agree
ment will be to make Cook write his
confession, compel everybody who
was for Cook to buy a copy of the
book and give Peary the proceeds.
Sheriff Sam Sheldon, of Oacoma,
has returned here with Michael
Olson, who is wanted in Lyman county
on the charge of obtaining property
under i'aulse pretences. As the result
of his preliminary hearing he was held
for appearance at the next term of state
circuit court under $1,000 bail which he
Onida Watchman: Messrs. Gibson
and Meyers, the C. & N-W. right-of
way men who spent the latter part of
last summer and autumn in Onida ar
ranging right-of-wry matters pretaiu
jng to the Blunt-Onida-Gettysburg
line have been at work for several
.weeks on the right-of-way for the
Ilitchcock-Onida line.
Highmore Herald: Capt. Dewell
of Pierre was in town last Friday on
business Miss Bern ice. SmiLli re
turned to Pierre Friday after a visit
here at the George Travel- home
Miss -Julia Patterson went to Pierre
last Friday for a visit with relatives
and friends—Father Ambrose of
Stephen was in town Friday and went
west to Pierre at noon.
Stute Engineer Lea has forwarded to
:i Colorado colonization company 11 jwlnt
of the divine country laying between
itapid Creole and Box Elder creek in
Pennington county. They are contem
plating the location of a colony on that
divide and desire to know what the
chances are forgetting water for eith
er irrigation or any other purpose they
may desire to use it in that part of the
Nisland, the new town on the Belle
Fourche government irrigation pro
ject, is growing fast. New business
houses are springing up daily. The
latest is a bank which is being organ
ized with John Hiriiing, state auditor,
as the cashier, and Burt, Rogers,
James E. Lonergan, William Delaney
and other local men as principal
stbckholders. The banking house
is in course of construction, as are
houses for the officers.
CO of
the latest patterns in suit­
ing they are giving a special discount
while they last at the Haberdasher..
It. would pay
to is it
Berg's Jewel
ry Store before
presents, as
you will find
there a com
Iplete line of
[High Grade
'Watches, Dia
monds, Solid
Gold Jewelry,
Cut Glass, Art
China, Clocks,
Novelties, etc.
Remember the place.
Berg's Jewelry Store
Dakota Avenue.' Pierre, ft. D.
General and Operative Suroeru
C. ICKilCIt, President
w. BW1II I, Taaliter
No. 400 Mo. Avenue.
Phone 2-3-3
National Bank of Commerce
capital, $100,000.00
General Banking. Foreign Exchange.
OH AS. I,. IIVDIt, VtMPrnideal
II, P. KAKH. iHliunl Caaliler
China, Crockery and Glassware
are .soiling at Chicago Prices and carry the largest
and bast .stock iu South Dakota.
Garland Stoves and Ranges
B. P. 5. Paints and l/arnisfies
Oils, Glass and Putty
6-Room House and 3 Lots
8-Room House. 1 Lot
Property on Missouri Avenue, Pierre.
E, L.
Choice Farms in Central South Dakota at $18 to $20.
irvp. Bought for the Holiday
Candies, Nuts,
Spices, Preserve,
Christmas Trees,
I have the choicest line
in the city, and can fui*nish
societies with goods for
Christmas trees cheap.
The Leading Grocer.
And, if you get land before the advance in prices"
you will have to hurry. Lands are certain to rise
in the immediate future. We buy desire farms
and sell at small advance in price. Our advice is
We can locate a limited a number upon Goveri^
meat homesteads, near railway station.
to go at
a "bargain^-
Some business and
lots in Pierre, choice locations, offered oheapi..*!|
v* ft

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