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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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<P/if pioneer Ureas. ESTABLISHED JANUARY 4 Til, 188 V. PC'BLIfItIRD EVERY TBCBMDAY lIT J. A, BUSH FI ELD, PROPKIETOR. Subscription 81.60 a Yr'ar In Advance* An Italian astronomer Kays “the earth has two moons.” Thnz Bright —hie—two moons! Headers who lmye not paid their subscriptions to the Press for IS9B are entitled to another chance! Cuban patriots have been strug glingthree.ycnrKforfrefdoin. That's almost equal to a campaign for a at ate office. The average man is said to eat more than 1.000 times his own weight in a life t ime. Hut who is an average man ? A new base bail rule in the nation al league prohibits swearing on tiie ball grounds. Some of the boys will want to know “what is home with- out privileges. An early ch ink of Soring arrive 1 this week. Monday, and tli ‘cityagri culturists began to count 15 bushels per acre at 75 els. per bush, 1, No. 1 hard, no dockage. If the St. La wren e .Journal. Mil!?:* Gazette anil t. Wee are bound to have a scrap over the insurance statements, the Pnr.-s will act an referee, although we hope the boys will keep peace in the pop family. AYornen of .Joplin, Mo., are Irving to hare the city council pass an ordi nance to prohibit tobacco “elm wer*’’ from slotting on the side walks. It will still l>e jierinissable to spit through a knot hole. Little t. \Y< e's claim that he “run* a republican newspaper” in merely circumstantial evidence of course, but it has caused a stalwart sus picion to roam about this range that Tommy aspires to be a humor ist. The elegant winter just passed, seems to have caused more colds, pneumonia, and sickness of that kind than any previous winter. Per haps people arc more careless about going in and out when the weather is good. llro. Sweetland is bombarding King Andy within the capital breast works. He says ho must have those insurance statements. It reallv looks like a scrap with Pro. Healey. It would be less unseemly if the gen tlemen were to draw cuts!—or give t. Wee a little nibble. Salem SpecialA correspondent in the Milhank Review tolls a whole volume in a few lines when he sacs ‘ the fanner who took an interest in the creamery nnd went into stock raising three years ago is this fa!! laughing in his shore at the other fel low who didn't believe in diversified farming.” Butter is commanding a splendid price, nnd the Dakota creamery product is the most eager ly sought after in the eastern mark ets. However, if is never too late to mend, and the armers who have held bad: from daii ving will now hot tu* than e vr underntind that it will piv them t o r-T a >,e fieir method - and follow Ihe exan nH of those who broke away from w sole ra'ianee up on wheat raising and became patrons of the cr« anierv. 1 lie (onib k Woman Who goes to the dub while her hu tends tliF baby, ns well as the good old-fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get riin down in health, They ivill 1 • troubled witli lors of appetite, head aches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy spells. The most wonderful remedy for these women is Electric Bitters. Thousands of su-erers from Lamo Back an 1 Weak K idneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female complaints and nervous troubles of all kinds are •non relieved by the use of Electric Bitters. Delicate women should keep tbi- remedy on hand to build up the On’v r#oc per bot’le. For •i*le b J. 1 {' -i-.M. 1 PROCEEDINGS. OFFICIAL PItOCEKMGS Of Board of Uount.r < on.mi**.l oner- Of Hand Conner S. i». Miller, S, D.. Feb. ~9th, ISjB. Hoard met as per adjournment all mem bers present. Proceedings ruul and np pioveq. llids to move the Greenleaf artesian well outfit as per advertisement were then opened, bids were as Wilson and l’eaisou 8 o'). J J Lyons ICO. A Butler 7.1. E F Lifford Gd. ! Tbos Grant 70. ' Brown it leeway Ilia. j W Wilkins C. 5. i Wn. Her.f 49.50 On motion bids were laid oyer to 'J a. in. Mar. i^t. Abatement by IJ. F. Ives, personal and ! real of all township taxes levied on city 1 property for Ittfifi o.s follows : X W of X ! L 18-11.2-G7, X V/ 18-112-GB. not oiler wise discribed. Parcel aput of X W 18- j 112-G7. Undivided N ’ or X E 13-112-08 Lots 1 2 Llk 1 St. Lawrence lot 1 blu 8, lot It blk 8, lots 1 z 2 Uk GO St, Lawreuce city, granted. Prtifit n r me'-ting the County Coin to d< a place to Lold towubiiip general meeting, St. Lawrence tap., on motion rejected. Having no jurisdiction. Abatement oi twp, taxes on lots 13-14 blk 2, St. Lawrence, grunted. Uefundof taxes on lot 3 blk 13 St. Law rence for 1821-5-0-7 eroneous ftssehsiuut j grunts i. lief unci of taxes of 1807 on S W 35 110- ] g 7 rejected. Bergen t A Greenleaf lor cleanimug timeloek on safe and guarautee tor qne year c'lo, allowed. Refund of one school poll by Alvin Williams for 1897 not ot aje granted. Abatement of one uog bv E It Butter field for 1 ' »7, lir.d uo dog, granted, liefund of one dog by W C Thomas for IbJG rejected, to V Blackman of the 1833-0 j taxes assessed against the N W 7-11G-GG {.oyermneLt land granted. Abatement of 1881 taxes of M E Wilcox held as u bar to lotH 1-2 of the X. E. 4-112 . 08. iuterest ordered abated. AUitenjent of »ko 108 l tux assessed epuinst lien uud Ceo Hancock and he.d ’us a bar to the X E 7 unu X W 8-110-UO, ! interest ordered abated Abatement of the 18 7 tax on the valua tion of 837 by J J Slruif on tli3 X E 7- 113-03 exempt by limber culture. Abatement of 8-1.30 personal taz assess ed against Mat Hollmau ir* Miller twp. I for 1w37l w 37 granted as sume wus al .oassess i ed iu Miller city. j Abatement of one dog assessed to G A I Furman for LOT, h id no dog, granted. E XI Stevens for care of Mrs. Dduh $2 > I granted. | On motion board then adjourned to meet Match Ist, 3 a. in. March Ist, 9 a. in. Board met as per adjournment ill members i resant, proceedings rea l and approred. Bid of 83 oby Joseph ICocck for the Grccuk-.if artesian well outfit was pre sented and samo was taken under con-id erution, .Vo.ion vih i made nnd carried that two members o.’ the board go auu inspect tee well oat t. Motion to amend tho abo.e motion and have ull the Too.e members go and in spect the iliccuieuf well outfit curried. Bids for moving th ; well outfit t> Mil ler was on motion laid over o March 2ud 3 a. in. AL iieraeui ol i 37 tnx s on the \alia tion of 83>‘ on rs \V 3-lIG-G‘j, rejected. Abatement tf personal tax o-. »». W, White for i.-M-C anil lax of C M Saudon o 3 V 0 nud heiu as n lieu ou t'u S W 22 j 115-70, iuteicut ah.itefi. Gn motion b-O'ti'd uujouru.’d to inspect U. : v II •; Tit and ’n“ot March 2d, 9 a, m. >1 ivh find, a. m. Board n e* as per adjournment 11 mem bers p.ts nt. Proceeding leuil ml ap pro v d. » 7,lotion to reject all bid* for moving the Greenleaf w 11 outfit carried. lhd of 3 ldv Joseph Ko?oI: for the Gremlee.f v ’II outfit vas on motion ac cepted. Petition signed by 170 citizens request ing the County ('oiumissii n -rs to appro priate the necessary amount for a pair of artificial b- s for W L Itolerus iimonnt needed about 8130. was laid oyer tilll next meeting. GII Carroll house rout for Mr- PLiun >y 8' .2 * allowed. On motion board adjourned to meet at one p, in. One p in. Board met as per adjournment ail pres- Compromise of taxes for lots 8-9 blk 11 i W H Miller's add. by Johu Baldwin for s2f> was on motion accepted. Bills presented nub allowed and auditor Ji’ect'd to draw warrants for the same. Beasom A Co, goods for A C Justice during the winter of 189 G-7, 82.29. Beasom A Co. gooes for court house from July Ist 189 Gto March let 1898, $31.75. Peter Gross postage and express $11.03. E M Dunu digging grave for Mrs. Cot tle! sl. \Y II Waters witness cert. sl.lO. Winona Mill Co. for Mrs. Gliddon $3.59. L D Sweotland r rmting proceedings $31.88. J A Bushfied printing and stationary SBO. GO. P J Dunn printing and stationary $40.85. T D Sweetland coroner’s fees in case of Joseph Smith, $2 350. Jerry Hennes-y juror’.- fees In case of Joseph Smith sl.! fi T X Wado clerk fees 311.71. J \V Coquillette goods for Mrs. Ditch $1,85, J W Coquillette goods for Mrs. Arbo gast $5.20. J W Coquillette goods for Martin $.50. (prisoner). Wm Stover repairs to County $3. J J Strnif inilor fee?, board of prisoner, care of Mrs. Di ch $91.40. Tlios. Btuttou printing and stationary $9.73. (continued mxt weeu.) lhuuiing Oi.Uition*. Jherre Special:- -The state littnkex aminer, Muris Tuylor, iu his report which wiil be issued in a few days, discloses a very satisfactory state of affairs in South Dakota finances. Mr. T nylor wavs: State and private hanks in South Dakota at this lime are iu good condition. Deposit* are considerably larger than during any recent year, and securities are. n ■ to value and convertibility, better un derstood. The most uasrit: f:i<; >vv feature from the standpoints of the bank, appears to be the lessened de maud for money and the consequent decrease of loans. Conditions have been such for the past s »yeral years that banks have Mi compelled to greatly restrict their loans. Hence other adjustnunits have been forced, and with many pc >r e the borrowing habit has been broken. Hay and farm land for rent in all parts of the county. 9t4 Hand Co. It. E. Co. J. 11. Baldwin, Mgr. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tii fis- jy *&&#**£ Lnrd Wanted.! I want to buy some good quarters of Hand county land (di* np for oanh. Write or call ou me at Miller. 3tJ G. H. Carroll. The sympathetic tenderness of a lov ing husband is everything to an expec tant mother, especially during her first ordeal. George Layton, Esq., a promi nent druggist of Dayton, 0., gives the following case: A customer of mine, whose wife has used four bottles of * Mother’s Friend ” before con finement, savs, after seeing the effects of the remedy, thut if she had to uo through theordent again, aud there were but four bottles on the market, and the cost was SIOO per bottle, she would have them. “ Mother’s Friend” is a scientifically compounded liniment which affords cer tain relief in the various ailments pre ceding childbirth, and assures proper elasticity to the cords and muscles in volved in the final ordeal. “Mother’s Friend” is sold by drug gists, or expressed on receipt of one Valuable book* u Before Baby is Bom, ” mailed free oa application. THE BRAOFIIL9 EMULATOR Cs.« At touts, la, ; 1 ‘"•"•iiiiii ! THE NEW STORE ! % ! DRY OOOBS,I 1 CLOTHING, SHOES, Eli. ’| Marked down to prices that beat sending away for ; = goods, besides you see just what you are getting. IFRESR GROCERIES! ~ 4 1 Always on Hand. Highest juices paid for produce.! 2 Come in and sec our bargains. | N. H, Rasmussen. ! = Miller, S. I). Successor to J. M. Fisher. I niiiiiiniHmiimiimiiiu'MimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiwMiiiii ititiiiiitmiiiiMi ■•inriiM iiimiiinn •miiiih,,,,; T I fb ' r f i , n * ic)o w V & tHe cheapest ARD Trie BGST Ever sold in the County. ALSO FIRST CLASS REPAIRING AT GAWOOB & WADE’S Harness Shop opposite Vanderbilt hotel, Miller, S. D. Pioneer Meat Market, j | 1 S. 3D. | | 5 | 1 FRESH ARD S/ILT MEATS, I I i | © FISH AMD GAME, © | • • | FRUIT ANI) VEGETABLES] § i t The Very Best fresh beef, veal, jiork and mutton, cured i (i) . a | meats, etc. always on hand. I | e- f. ERieMSGN &ea i ®®s*©-9ssl99M9ilCls6s®®s®i!SXlXSsS£gl3®® •»- *<-••*. - -♦-(Mil * BIvJLMKS • at THe rH; offigg H xA t;rsnm 0 COMMERCIAL PRIIITING OF AI.LXKINDS— DONE NEATLY ADD QUICKLY PRESS AND INTEROCEVN *1.50 PER YEAR. ■V » It)