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§hl* §i»neer flress. KSTAHLISIIED JANUARY -ITII, 18H3. IM ni.IHIIKI) EVF.KY TIICKHDAY ItY J. A. IKTRHFIRLD, PROPRIETOR. Subscription $1.50 a Year lu Advance. England's grand old man Glad stone died yesterday. The Klondike is a mining camp in Alaska, once quite noted. There is strong probability that the President will make a second call for Iroops. A report is current that the South l>nkota militia will be sent to the Phillipine islands. Tilde Sam’s Hood Money New York World:—A Spanish promise to pay SIOO in gold with 4 per cent interest is worth $20.50, while an American promise to pay SIOO in gold at 4 per cent interest, is worth $122.50. Free bulletins are appreciated by the people anxiously awaiting to hear war news. It's all right for the big telegraph corporations to do this, too. Men of great possessions could in times of emergency win friendship among the poorer classes if they were a mind to do as the tele graph companies are doing. Pail roads should be patriotic in hauling troops, and supplies, and rich men should aid the Tinted States for the advantages it has given them to ac cumulate their wealth. The Gazette’s idea of “deals” is of the yellow persuasion, purely imagi nary—so far as the Press is concern ed, at least. The city election, now ancient history, clearly demonstrat ed that the people who live here; have worked here for years against adversity and helped to make Miller and Maud county what they are to day; those who own property here; who pay taxes here; who bear their share of eyery community burden, are amply able to run their own af fairs, and that they do not take kindly to non-residents coining here to tell them what they shall do. Unde Thomas Abroad. Huronite:—Hon. Thomas Cawood, of Hand county, spent an hour with the Huronite reporter Monday • hatting about the prospects of the farmers in Hand county. Mr. Cay wood says that they are prosperous many of them having paid off their inorgages, and some are now loan ing money at a low rate of interest. Stock raising is extensively engaged in, and he estimates that 100 car loads of cattle have been shipped in to Hand county this spring. Sheep men h ive been very successful, and the only discouraged ones to he found in Hand county are the pop ulist politicians. They are losing faith and followers at a rapid rate. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody cun try it who has a latne back and weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean lie can cure him self right away by taking EWtrie Hit ters. This medicln. 1 ton »s ur* the whole system, aoss as a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifer and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation. Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxitive, and restores the system to its natur al vigor. Try Electric Bitters and bo convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. a bottle at J. 1). Fitzger ald’s drug store. 22tA Very Low Bates to Naperville, U.\ Via the North- Western Line, on ac count of the annual meeting of (i >r man Baptists (Dunkards), to be held .May 2(l».lune 2. For dates of sale and return limits, apply to agents Chicago & Mouth*Western ICy. Vtrj Low Uiitei to Dtnver, Col. Via the North-Western Fine. Eccui- Hion tickets will lie sold at greatly reduced rates Jun * 2. 1 and 5, limit ed to return June 12 to July 0. in elusive. Apply to agents Chicugo Jfc North-Western ICy. 22t2 Has lie Hand Co. Agents f Tn view of the following very signif icant report, which is receiving more or less notice over the state, the Press would like to inquire who are the Hand County Agents of the Sen ator. This is from the Alexandria Herald: “Some interesting news comes from Washington,anil this is about the size of it : It is said that Senator Pettigrew has formulated a plan to help nominate the next re publican state ticket and lias passed the word among those he thinks he can trust. His idea is to nominate “two-spots” and men who will do what they are told, then bend every energy to elect them, with the hope that they will make so many mis takes and commit so many crimes during tlnar term of office that it will play to defeat the party, state and national, in the campaigu of 1900. The wily gentleman would no doubt try to carry out the plan if he thought it would win. The story sounds ridiculuousand would not he worthy passing notice if it did not come from a very level headed of ficial, recently arrived from Wash ington; a man, moreover, not giyen to talk for talk's sake.” Remembers Hand. Paxton, 111. May 14, 1898. Editor Pioneer Press:— I am pleased to report that I have not forgotten my Hand County friends where I spent eight years more or less pleasantly and profitably. I still have abiding faith in the future of that locality, and unless signs fail you are now on the upward trend. Yet I was much saddened to read of the terrible fire which has lately vis ited the county, and I assure you that myself and family feel great and sincere sympathy for those who have struggled for years against adverse fortune to see their savings destroy ed in a few minutes. We are pleasant ly located here, in the county seat, a city of over 3000 population, in a wealthy country, in the corn belt of the state. I stepped into an estabj lished practice with a partner who is young, active and well liked, and feel confident of success here. We will on July 1 take possession of the only set of abstract books in the county, and then will have all we can possi bly do. Times are improving, corn and oats both being worth about 10 cents per bushel more than a year ago, but there are still somesilver ites who can’t see that there has been any improvement. There are none so blind as those who will not see Regards to all, and best wishes for Hand County audits only Repub lican newspaper. I remain, Yours trulev, Chant Frederick. Millions Niven Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to he gener ous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King’s New Dis covery tor Consuption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asth ma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all (list nse» of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by if. Call j on J. I). Fitzgerald, druggist, and : get n trial bottle free. Regular size 50c. and #l. Every bottle guaran teed, or price refunded. 22t-L Washington was severely criticised —and then approved. , Lincoln was censured by many im j patient people—-to be followed later when all facts were known by general approval. | McKinley was criticised by impa tient people, who were then not willing to give him credit for know iug more about the situation than they did,—and subsequent facts are rapidly developing which insure Mc- Kinley general approval. Do not these things teach us a lesson ? If not, what benefit is history and experience? But th y do teach us one of life’s greatest les sons—Patience. Hastily condemn no man. He may be right. He may have knowledge that we do not pos sess. ilia actions may be the result of conditions and circumstances we do not fully understand. Impulse and impatience do not control the world. REE HEIGHTS. “And the heavens were opened, and the tloods descended”—such is the state of affairs at this writing. Mrs. Felix Louzon’s school closed last Friday. Several visitors were present, to listen to the fine program given by the scholars. The children were treated to candy, nuts and ba nanas by the teacher, who is well liked by parents and pupils. Mrs. F. It. Gardner went to Favour Tuesday to visit her brother. Mrs. A. L. McWhortor will leave this week to visit several months in lowa and Ills. Mrs. Rose Gardner, of Frankfort, arrived Saturday to spend a week with relatives. Rose can always be sure of a warm welcome from old friends and pupils here. Peter Watkins Ims a new wind mill pump which will save much hard \york. Llyod White of Highmore is herd ing for Mr. Watkins this summer. Stock Takes; Tp. 1 have in my possesesion 9 stray colts. One sorrel mare 4 years old, white face, sorrel inane and tail, and three white feet; one bay mare 2 years old with a few white hairs in forehead, a dark mane and tail and one white foot. Owner can have same by proving property and pay ing costs. Twp. 109, Range (>B, N. E.of 22. M. A. Pa km lev. 22t3 Dean, S, Dnk. Land Wanted. I want to buy some good quarters of Hand county land cheap for cash. Write or call on me at Miller. J G. H. Carroll. Notice is hereby given that there is now on hand $1355, money be longing to the permanent school fund subject to loans on school ai d township bonds and well improved farms, at 0 per cent per annum. Ap plications for loans will ho received by County Auditor. Dated this 10th day of May, 1898. Peter Gross, Auditor of Hand County. Advertised Letters. For the week ending May 9, ’9B the following letters remain uncalled for in the Miller postoffice. Mrs. Susan Robinson. Miss Rosie Welsh. Parties calling forabove will please say advertised. John ITsky, P. M. Teachers’ Examination. Those who desire to take the regu lar examination for certificate to teach school, will report at the office of Co. Supt. in Miller on Friday at 9 o’clock a. m., June 3, lftlis. Levi Morton, Supt. Priceless Pain •* If a price can be placed on pnln, ‘Mothers Friend’ is worth its weight in gold as an allevi ator. My wife suffered more in ten minutes with either of her other two children thau she did al together with her last, having previously used four bottles of 4 Mother’s Friend.’ It is a blessing to any one expecting to become a mother,” says a customer. Thus writes Henderson Dale, Druggist, of Carmi, 111., to the Bradfield Regulator Company, of Atlanta, Ga., ’the proprie tors and manufacturers of “ Mother’s Friend.” This successful remedy is not one of the many internal medicines ad vertised to do unreasonable things, but a scientifically prepared liniment especially effective in adding strength and elasticity to those parts of woman’s organism which bear the severest strains of childbirth. The liniment may lie used at any and all times during pregnancy up to the very hour of confinement. The earlier it is begun, and the longer used, the more perfect will be the result, but it has been used during the last month only with great benefit and success. It not only shortens labor and lessens the pain attending it, but greatly dimin ishes the danger to life of both mother and child, and leaves the mother in a con dition more favorable to speedy recovery. “ Mother’s Friend ” is sold by druggists at Ji.oo, or sent by express on receipt of price. Valuable book for women, “Before Baby is Born,” sent free on application THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Notice. • f 1..- ! MNtmt WIfiVWT TIHJp® WHEN You want a good CLOCK warranted for a year to give perfect satisfaction, go to . FURMAN’S Xem itare, And see the yerv best Clock on the market for ths money —or anv thing in the jewelry line. Eyes examined fres of charge and a perfect fit guar anteed with every pair of glasses sold. Yours Truly, F. H. FURMAN. MILLER, - - - SOUTH DAKOTA. * Harness V. • • TriEeriEAPES' AHD Trie B6S' Ever sold in the County. ALSO*FIRST CLASS REPAIRING AT GAVOOB Sc VADE" Harness Shop opposite Vanderbilt hotel, Miller, S. D. i Pioneer Meat. Market, X ■ MMILLEB, S.*ID. i I fresh ard salt meats, 9 •<> 1 © FISH AND CAME, • @ I FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. S (1) The Very Best fresh beef, veal, pork and mutton, curd jg meats, etc. always on hand. •) 4; j ©• F. ERIOHSGN & CO. * BLANKS ♦ AT TH e PRESS °~ FFII | COMMERCIAL PRIHTM OF ALL KINDS I DONE NEATLY ADD QUIOKLV| FOR . . . House Painting, Barns, Buggies, Machinery, Oils and Varnishes, VanJ Stains, Alabnstine, Wl,it e Lead fancy Paints and Brushes of al j all kinds, Yellow, Bed and Brown Ochres. All best grades m lowest prices, Palace l)ru ff sto ' e Yours Truly, J. I). FITZGERALD, rfH' vb V