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,07/f jg iattar srtss. ESTABLISHED .IAN L AKY 4TH, 188‘i. ITBI.IHHKO KTERY THI'UBUAY BY J. A. nrSHFIELI), PROPRIETOR. Subscription !{f>l.. l )0 a Year in Advauce* rude Henry’s Prescription. "(Jit up In th«» morula’, , Kimilc ’romul a bit: Mum ’em there'** sum*- Kinder In your Kyatem ylt, Singr 'n‘ (lame a' a Inetle. Stiirtle all cr« ation— Anything to git your Mlood in * ltvulation— Make somebody happy Lordv, thnt'n the w ay Any nLf can brighten Ip the darkest day ! The Deliver News says: Theotiier tiny a Denver girl kissed a soldier goodby at the depot with t!ie re mark: *(Jod Mess you; stand up for Colorado.’ Between his sobs he re plied : ‘I am from Nebraska, but I'll try to stand up for both states now.’ Thereupon slm kissed him again for Nebraska. That young man might have reminded her with entire pro priety that there are forty-three other states which he could ‘stand up for. 1 Hand county democrats held a second convention Saturday at the Opera house, and selected another set of delegates to their state con vention. The first ones\yereselected a week before. The cause of division was not fully learned by the reporter, but it is presumably for and against fusion. The first convention was said to be led by R.C. Anderson, while the last one, claimed to be consider ably the largest, was led by J. I’. Morrill and Judge Pusey. It i-< pre sumed the doubleheader from Hand county will contest for seats in the convention at Aberdeen. The Miller correspondent of the St. Lawrence Journal last week attempt ed some strictures upon I). A. Mc- Coy, for the alleged reason that la* was testifying wrong in tie mill rase. The Press believes such criticism was wrong, was unwarranted, and it is informed that the reason therefor could only be a political or personal one. Mr. McCoy is an honorable man, and a republican. He is con sidered all right by his fellow busi n >ss men here, and the person who sought to injure him (we are not sure just who it was) must have done so purely for personal spite. County populists held their con vention in Miller Saturday for the purpose of selecting delegates to their state convention, at Aberdeen. It was a quiet affair, devoid ofen t husiasm. As expected, the radicals declared the war to be a failure. That’s about all our populist friends have to cling to. Their real issue of finance and government lmye all been discredited by actual facts, so that about their stock in trade now is quibbling and faultfinding. Out of about 1 .”.”> delegates to the conven tion, less than half that number at tended. This convention is not pro nounced a success by even the popu lists themselves: As understood by observing politi cians, wlmt is called the Pettigrew faction was defeate 1 by the Kvle faction. State Senator Major repre sented the Pettigrew faction for dele gate at large, and Editor Sweetland represented the Kyle faction. To the surprise of some, Editor Sweet land easily defeated Mr. Major for delegat *at large to Aborde n, not withstanding the energetic work of strong men like Railroad Com. Kirk patrick. This only adds another to the many instances recorded in polit ni history that then* is a limit to all rn >n. No difference how goods man muv be, when he undertakes to con tinually hold on to political favor and position the people call n halt. And so it is that Messrs. Major and Kirkpatrich. both good men, who have so long controlled tic* populist party of Hand county, and enjoyed , the good things, have been turned' down. Perhaps nnotln-i elemental so is the recognition of Editor Sweel - land’s work for his party through his paner. At any rate he is evident !y t he stronger man in his party, and it looks as if tie would be the logical candidate for State Senator on the populist ticket. in >n. —Cleveland Lender. CELEBRATION. The Glorious Fourth Will be Celebrated AT MILLER. .SfleasEs Patriotism, Speaking, Music, and Amusements. Arrangements are bejngcompleted for a grand celebration at Miller on the 4th. Hon. Thos. Sterling, of Redffeld, has been secured as speak er of the day. He is a tine orator and on this grand theme of patrio tism he will please the people. Every citizen of Hand county should hoar him. la the afternoon the usu.\l pro gram of interesting amusements will lie carried out, with liberal purses for all contests, including horse rac ing. bicycle racing, foot racing, base ball. etc. A fine display of fireworks will be given in the evening. Everybody in Hand county should come to Miller and join in this patriotic celebru t i on of independence. City Marshal E. M. Dunn was seen around town Monduy with a gun over his shoulder looking for stray dogs. Two or three were shot be cause they were reported by their owners to be acting queerly. There is no necessity of a nmd dog scare, although many persons are inclined to fear such things in warm weather. Good authorities, however, state that it is not so frequent in a warm climate as it is in a cold one. nor in summer as in winter. For the general good of the com munity the Pit ess considers it neces sary to make a plain suggestion, viz: Owners of female dogs should either kill their animals or carefully to lock them up. This “hydrophobia" business will instantly disappear. The large, fine shade trees around the edge of the court yard, placed there by citizens of Miller, show what could have been done had the entire square been set out properly to the right kind of trees. The beauty of a living green tree on these barren prairies is a retouching of nature that any one ought to appreciate, and wherever it is possible trees should be grown. There is water and hose at the court house, und by this time the county ought to have a nice little shady park around the building. The County Commission , ers did make such an effort once, bv • * < setting out some little ash slivers, may make trees sometime in thedim and distant future, but they will do the | >reseat generation no good. The in.-ide of the court square should he set out with cottonwood trees, the ground sown to blue grass, and then all should Im* carefully attended for a sonson or two until well start ed. This is a small matter, and in nsmu ..*li as the* city of .Miller gave the court house nud grounds to the county, flit* < ounty should lie willing to beautify and preserve its own property. I’nN.lmN Arnlea Salve. Tin»b*wt salve in the world for cutß bruise- sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Nored, tetter, chapped hands, cii:)blains, corns mid all skin erup tions, and positU o!.y cures piles, or no pay required. it is guaranteed to giv«* jierfect sat'afaction or money refunded. I’rice cents per box. For sale bv J. I>. Fitzgerald. Mehlß Yellow Jauinlieo Cured. Suffering humanity should be sup plied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we pub lish the following: “This is to certij fy that l was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best phveisians in our city all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recom- mended Electli • Ritters: and after taknig two botth s, I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible malady. lam gratefully yours, M. A. Ho garty, Lexington, Ky.” Sold by J. D. Fitzgerald, druggist. 2(5tl Court li ol July Rates. (hi July *2, :j and 4 the North-West ern Lino will sell excursion tickets at low rates to points on the North- Western System within 200 miles of selling station, good returning un til July 5, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western H’v. 2712 Wall Paper. I will have constantly in stock t his season the celebrated Alfred Peat’s wall papers, ranging in prices from 3c. to 40c. per roll. If you can not make a selection from the papers 1 have in stock, 1 have over .”>OO new patterns to show you in my sample books which are the same papers as will be sold at Alfred Peats & Co.'s mammoth New York and Chicago stores this year, aud from which 1 will order any paper you may choose. 0. C. Briggs. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /rf, Signature of C Call at the Miller gallery .Monday and Tuesday of each week for first class photos. 20t.‘l Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, bv a ladv in this country. “Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King s New Discov ery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on tuking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Iler name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.” Thus writes \V. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, S. C. Trial bottles free at .1. 1). Fitzgerald's drug store. Regular size ."><). and - ; 1. Every bat tle guaranteed. “Gt 4 iOIBkSS and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of “ Mother ” —she who watched over our helpless infancy andguid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. ■ a n| ■ so assists nature lU!! It ill Of 0 in the change tak- Ivlulllul U ing place that bi | . the Expectant B* IA It (fi Mot he r is cna- IT| I r* || |l bled to look for ■ ■ IVII il ward wit h out dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement—in short, it “makes Childbirth natural and easy,” as so many have said. Don’t be persuaded to use anything but MOTHER’S FRIEND “My wife fullered more in ten min utes with either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her last, having previously used four bot tles of ‘Mother’s Friend.’ It is a blessing to any on* expecting to be come a MOTHER,” says a customer. lixMDXiisoM Dalk, Carmi, Illinois. Of Druggist* at 11.00, or sent bf express on receiot of price. Write for book containing testimonials UHI valuable Information for all Mother*, free. Th* Bredflol4 Becelator Ce., Atlanta, Ca. teg,- 'D^rsr- 1 1 ?: . /••*.'•; sr; 4f?? * ** ’SESStwm^w* WHEN You want a good CLOCK, warranted for a veur to give perfect satisfaction, go to . FURMAN'S JftHD 3 weiry Store, And see the very best Clock on the market for ths money—or anv tiling in the jewelry line. Eyes examined fres of charge and a perfect lit guar anteed with every pair of glasses sold. Yours Truly, F. H. FURMAN. MILLER, - - - SOUTH DAKOTA. Harness A TriE CHEAPEST ALSO FIRST CLASS REPAIRING fiT GAVOOB & WADE’S Harness Shop opposite Vanderbilt hotel. Miller. S. I). s> » .* siifi WfHjliß|i§iiil|>tf t Pioneer Meat Market, FRESH APD SALT MEATS, [•) •) .5) © FISK AND CAME, « FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. The \ei y Best »resh beef, veal, pork and mutton, cured meats, etc. always on hand. if i t ..... * blanks * ™L PRESS "ofpjie AT COMMERCIAL PRIUTIKG DONE kE/ITLY ARB QUICKLY ARD Trie BEST Ever sold in the County. %wMILLEB, S. ID. G- F. ERICHSGN & CO. OF AM, KINDS FOR . . . Hoiiss Painting, Barns, Buggies, Machinery, "ils ami VurniHliea, V atni ,[ Stums, Alnbastinc, White j* a() fam-y Paints and brushes of u l, all kinds, Yellow, lied and Brown (.elires. All best grades sold at lowest prices, Palace Drug store Yours Truly, L 1>- FITZGERALD, n TET D 8 1 : 7f