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Republican State Platform. Hie Repnblilcnn party of Sonth Dako |n: i: ..s its tin jtin itlo l allegiance to ilie grout fund,miental principles of Re publicanism, protection ami 6outul mon ey. We rojoico in tko beneCcient effects of those principles resulting from the Republican trimnoh of 18% and seen in the g< m r .1 revival of prosperity, the out- Row of hundreds oi millions hoarded motley into the ebuiiuels of tra le, the reduction of interest rates through re stored confidence, the revival of business industry, the re-employnnsat of labor, the ttdvu'ice of w.ig M, tlio restoration of fair prices for farm pro.luots, the vast in crease of both domestic and foreign com- merce an l replacing of four T 'ars of steady drain on our resources by the greatest layora'il© balance of trade ever kuowu. Wo are unalterably oppose 1 to the free nod uuluuitcu coinage of silver aid un hesitatingly end is ■ the gold stand trd of money nuder which til 1 nation lias tirade Midi wondrous stridoß of progress. With unstiut-ol pride we do honor to the courageous ,sta:<**mauUlc'\ patriotic and thoroughly American administration of that of the people, William Mc- Kinley, who with a dignity, energy, strong sympathy with all workeru, has established confidence at home and com mercial respect abroad. We unqualifiedly commend the slntos mansliip which, animated alike by re gard lor our own material lutore.-ts and by regard for a struggling neighbor, first exhausted every peaceful means to free Cuba and then promptly marshaled the national resources for the punishment of Spanish perfidy and the expulsion of Spain from this hemisphere. Wo enthusiastically commend the Re publican president and congress who despite a constant, factious au 1 abusive opposition, with nuexamplo energy, and organizing ability, raised, equipped and sent to the front u magnificent army ana navy which have wou a series of victories of unprecenedted brilliancy, and. with a celerity and absence of loss unequalod elsewhere, have forced this righteous war to a successful termination, And we call on the patriotic people of Sonth Da kota to replace our preswut representa tives at Washington with congressman bound to loyally uphold the administra tion's hauls. We earnestly commend the Re publi can administration an 1 congress for the annexation of Hawaii, despite the stretin ouß opposition of a conspiracy organized by the sugar trust. Wo pledge our nom inees for congress to use their utmost ability and influence to secure legislation for the control of the great trusts and the repre s:oa 1 1 o.pj. ito ibnse,. We fur ther pledge them to earnestly work for an extension of the interstate commerce act, giving the national commissioners full power ami authority to regulate inter state freight and passenger rates. Wo pledge them to an earnest support of a postal savings bank bill, a postal ttMegraph system, adequate pensions both tor the veterans of the civil war and the brave soldier boys who Uava runted their lives and bodies in the war against Snaiu, lair ani liberal treatment of the Indians, and to wotk earnestly for the enactment of the iree homestead bill. We rejoice in the passage by the la it legislature of the lowa railroad law. Wo commend the lie publican members, who in obedience to the Aberdeen con vention and the overwhelming desire of the Republicans of the state, unanimous ly advocated aud toted for that law. We congratulate the teople of the state on the first great victory won uuder it for just aud reasonable rutes aud we pledge our nominee for governor, railroad commis sioner, attorney general aud the legisla ture to vigorously and relentlessly carry on the contest to a successful termina tion. We congratulate the country upon the near approach of peace aud upon the prospects of liberty and a higher civiliza tion for Cuba, I’orto ltico, Hawaii aud theFhilippino Islands. While not be lieving in a career of conquest for our re public. we favor the extension of the na tion’s influence in the interest of u«*aeo and enlightened government. We favor the building of the Nicaraguan canal as a means for extending and protecting our enlarged commercial interests. We arraign the Populist governor aud legislature for inexcusable stinting of needed appropriations for our state insti tutions, while w isting the puuli • m >noy on political favorites and we promise au economical but wise and busine s- like administration. We favor such change in our revenue law as w.U require corporate and other property now escaping to bear its equal share of taxation. We inggest the careful study Ly Repub licans of the i lan of legislative initiative and referendum and other methods of legislative enactment which are now be fore the people wdh a view to securing iutoiligeut action thereon. Relieving that home institutions should receive nil encouragement possible, I; ♦ therefore, be it Resolved, That all goo Is and supplies for state institutions should be pur chased. so far as posrible, from South Dakota institution*, and furthermore, that all supplies and goods used by stite officers be purchased within the state auci by county officers within the county when fensible. Further, be it Resolved, That we are unalterably op posed to the inmates of our suite penal institution* being brought into compeli tion with the free labor of the state. The Republican party of South Dako ta stands for self reliance, put*! »tis:il, progress and prosperity on Ihe farm, in the w orkshop and at the merchant's coun ter, Its success will mean inspiration to our own people in the nubuildiog of the state and be a means ol bringing to our vacant land.) and undeveloped resources tho sturdy .settlers and the capital need ed to make Sonth Dakota one of tin* in > >t populur, prosperous and happy common- wealths in the 1 md. During: the voting for candidates nt the populist convention one dele gate called attention to the fact that the north half of the county was not; giving the south half a fair representation upon the ticket. Hut the north combine went right along as usual and nominated her own men. The south half got o:ie man out often. Cmnmerclul Travelers’ Day, Omaha Exposition, Sept. 24, IM‘.)B. ()u account of above. September 22-23, nil agents of the North-West ern lane will sell tickets to Omaha at reduced rates, good unril Septem ber 20. 37t2 Medical authorities aro generally agreed as to tho value of olive oil med icinally, finding it also a potent agent for any’ defects of tho excretory duets, especially tho skin. Eczema has rapidly disappeared upon a discontinuance of starch foods and the substitution of a diet of fresh and dried fruits, milk, eggs aad olive oil. The beneficial effects of the latter, when thus taken in con junction with a fruit diet, have fre quently been remarked iu respect to the hair, nails and scalp, supplviug to tho sebaceous glands the oily substance which they secrete when in a healthy condition, and the absence of which is the cause of debility of tho hair, fre quently ending in baldness, says The Scientific American. It has long been observed that those who treat olive oil as a common articlo of food and use it as such are generally healthier and in better condition than those who do not, and its therapeutic and prophylactic properties are very favorably regarded by medical men. It is known to be de structive to certain forms of micro or ganic life, and for tho eradication of such from tho system its internal use has beeu successfully resorted to. July tiHtb Department: of the Interior, united States Land Office, Huron. S. I)., July lf.tli, 1 nun, A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Henry E. Hansel, of Orient, Bouth Dakota, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 18284, made June 10th, 1 *Ol. for NE ' i section 21, two. 11*; N. Range tits W.. by Heinrich Itosenthul Contestee, In which it is alleged that: the said entryruan lias wholly abandoned said tract and changed ids residence therefrom for more than six months since making; said entry and next prior to June l), 185*8. that, said tract Is not settled upon ami cultivat ed bv said party as required bv law and that there art* no buildings of aiiv kind up on said tract. Saiii parties nr**hereby noti fied to appear, respond and offer evidence touching snid allegation at lOo’clock a. in, on September 18. 18$)*, before the Register and Receiver at the I'nlted States Land Of fice in Huron, Handle County, South Dakota. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, tiled July Kith. 1 siiK, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice can not lie made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper pub lication. 0. A. Ri.aki:, Register. I>. H. Latham, Attorney. First publication Aug. 2."tt> '-horlfl’is Sut© I’nder Foreclosure. State of South Dakota. County of Hand in Circuit court. Sixth Judicial Circuit. John D. Hockafellow, plaintiff 1 vs. ) Herberl A. Cole. Lida A. Cole. ( ti. W. Abell, trustee. John It. Trevett, trustee. Mary if. IMnkham, James R. Edmunds, Janies R. Russell and R. E. Reach, defendants. Notice Is hereby given. That by virtue of a Judgement of foreclosure and sale in tin* above entitled action on the 24th day of June, A D. in l .**, and an execution is-med upon said Judgement, the sunscrlber, .1. .1. Strulf. sheriff of Hand county, South Da kota. for that purpose appointed, will sell at puhll • auction, at the front door of the court lions • in tlie town of Miller, Comity of Hand, South Dakota, on Saturday, October first. 1*5)8, jit two o’clock in the afternoon of that dav, tin* real estate and mortgaged premises situate in theCount.v of Hni.d, state of South Dakota, and directed in said Judge ment and execution to he sold, and therein described as follow s : The north-west quar ter of section thirty-five (8o) in township one hundred thirteen (118) range slxtv-sev eu i i.Ti treat of the Fifth principal meridian, containing one hundred sixty acres, or **j much thereof as may be sufficient to satisf.f said Judgement and costs, amounting in all to : fin n hundred dollars and twenty cents nfl'><).»,2o), with interest thereon from the date of >-nid Judgement aud all accruing costs of sale. listed Miller, South Dakota, August 24th, 1 S',IN, .1. .1. Kthttip, sheriff of Hand < minty, 8. IX W. E. Rknkiiht, Plaintiff's Attorney. Wanted-An Idea SS Protect vonr Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEUPKKBUrN A CO.. Patent Attor neys. Washington. I). C., for their 81.900 prize oEer sad new list of ono thtusaud tnveaUoos wanted. Efficacy of Olive Oil. Contest Notice. First publication Sept. stfl Notice tor t'liblfcrttloii. I’. S. Land Office at Huron. South Dakota. Sept. 2nd, I HUN. Notice lx hereby given that the following named settler ha* ,l|, ‘ tldtiee of hi* intention to make final home stead proof In support of his claim, ami • lu, v said proof will l»e made before the Judge oi the t'ountv Court In and for Hand < ountv. South Dakota, at his office In Miller. K. I. on Saturday. October loth. 1 HP*, vis: FRED K. ST Kill! INS, under hie homestead entry No. 14022 for tne SK 14 Meet lon :i:l. township 10b. V range <>N, West nth p. 111. He names tin* follow b g Witnesses to prove his continuous r> si donee upon and cultivation of said bind, viz: Edwin s. Phillips, of Ames, and John Leister. Andrew I*. M c u-l and Charles v. Campbell, of Dean, Haml Co. S. !>. V. A. »LAKE. Register. The companies doing business as public warehousemen who are named below, ami doing a storage business for compensation at all stations named herein will eh urge 1 *ie following rates of soft-age which have b.*en established by the S. D. state board o? rail road and warehouse commissioners. The established rates and charges to I* re* reiving, headline and Insuring and storing main for (15) fifteen days and delivering m (2) two cents per bushel. M orag • aft r t lie first (15) dnvs (Mp one half cent per bushel for each lft'i fiftet a days or part thereoMor the first fß] three months. After the t : rst v :t) months ( 1.4 one half cent per bushel for each (.'lffy thirty days or part thereof. If grain is cleaned at owner's re 1 tiest * l 4> one half cent per bushel extra is charged. I’.iis grain Is Insured for benefit of owuer. Note—Rations are requested not to a -cept other than the regular printed tickets or cash for grain delivered to them for sal:* storage as personal receipts will not be hon ored and agents have no authority to use any but the regular printed form containing rates herein printed. Company Station County <}. W. Van Ri sen Co. Miller Hand, First pub July 2Hti> Notice for Publication. Cnited States Land office at Huron, S. I>. July 20, lNils. Notice is hereby given, that the following named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make final homestead proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will tie made before the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Hand county. South Dakota, at Miller, S. D. on Saturday, Sep tember Bd. Imps, viz: JCNIATTA WATSON, under her homestead application 184 15 for the SW quarter of sect ion 8 township 118. N. ranged!*, west of thesth p. in. Sheiiatnes the following witnesses to prove her con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Percy Wilson, Ernest 11. Wilson and tleorge Yf\ Steptoe. of Miller. S. 1)., and Frank Deuter, of I tee Heights. S. 1). C. A. Blake, Register. August ltd Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. I . S. Land Of fice, Huron, S. D. August 1. In'.**. a sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this of fice by John L. Olson, of Miller. S, Dak., con testant. against homestead entry No. 14221. made May 81st, Im'.*B, for southwest quar ter. section 2!). township 111 N Range 07 W., by Hans Deter Anderson Contestee. in which it is alleged that: the said entr.vman has wholly abandoned said tract, that lie has changed his residence therefrom for more than six months since making the entry. That said tract is not settled upon and culti vated ns required by law. It is further al leged that theentrymnn has fulled to reside upon tlie tract at any time during the years lHttd, 1H!)7 and 189 Hto date and that no part of sold land is under cultivation and that there urv no buildings and improve ments of any kind upon the tracts, said part ies are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation nt lo o’clock a. m. on September 2!). 1 *!>*, l»e fore the Register and Receiver at Cnited State Land office in Huron, ltendle County, South Dakota. The suid contestant having. In a proper affidavit, filed July l'Jth, 18!*N. set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice can not In* made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. JOHN WESTDAHL, Receiver. First publication Aug. ist7 Notice of Mortgage Forclosuro Sale. Whereas, default has occurred in th" con ditions or a mortgage given by John Woods, an unmarried man, to Hiram I), I'pton, mortgagee, dated February s, lssd, which mortgage, together with the power of sale therein contained, was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Hand county aud State of South Dakota. February s*th. INNS, al 4:1 ii o’clock, p. in., in Rook 22 of Mort gages. on Rage 212. which mortgage has been duly assigned bv said Hiram D. i'pton to Elijah M. Topliff bv an assignment in writing dated July 22. IN'is and recorded in the office of tin* Register of Deeds of said county on August Bth, ISDN in Rook t>B of mortgages, on page 424, And whereas there is claimed to iie due upon khM mort gage at this date the sum of eight hundred dollars, and no action or proceeding having been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part there of : Now therefore, Notice Is hereby given that saiii mortgage will lx* foreclosed b.v sale of tin- premises described in said mortgage, vfx.: The north east quarter of section thirty three in township one hundred thir teen of range sixty-seven in said county, which sale will lie made by the sheriff of said county, at the front door of the court house, in Miller, in said countv, October Nth, IN','*, at 10 o’clock a. m., at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, to pn.v saiii debt, interest and taxes if any, on said premises, and SSO attorney's fees, and the disbursements allowed b,v law,subject to re demption ns provided by law. Dated at Watertown. S. I>.. August Nth. lNitN. Li.UAH M. Tor at kk, Assignee of Mortgagee Geoiihk w. (.'ask. Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee. Sept, ltd Sheriff'’* Suit*. —Judgement of Fore closure. State of South Dakota. Otli Judicial Cir cuit. In the Circuit Court within and for Hand County. L. 11. Hole, Trustee and John ) 11. Miller, beneficiary, Plain- | tiffs. vs. Mary Newell, W. H. Holmes and Edward M. Jones, De fendants J Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a Jugdement of Fomlosuer and Sale in tin* above entitled action on the 2.ith day of August. A. D., 185*8 anil an execution issued upon said Judgement, the subscriber, .1 ,j. Struif. sheriff of Hand County and State of So. Dak. for that purpose appointed, will sell at public auction at the front door of tin* court house in town of Miller, County of Hand, State of South Dakota, on October h, 1 85*8. at lo o'clock if) the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises situate In County of Hand and State of South Dakota, and directed in said Judgement and execution to be sold, A therein described as follows: The south east quarter of «ec tlon three (8), in townslp one hundred thir teen (118). north of range sixty-six west of the .'ith p. in., or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said judgement anil costs, amounting in all to thirteen huud red thirty-five dollars and 7 seven cents with interest thereon from the date of said judge ment, and all accruing costs of stile. Dated August 81st. 185)8. J. J. Smiic, Sheriff i.l Hand County, South Dakota. John L. Pvi.k. Plaintiff * Attorney. Notice. RATES an open letter To MOTHERS. WE ARB ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA,” AND “PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” AS OUR TRADEMARK. I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyamis , Massachusetts was the originator of “CASTORIA,” the same that has borne and docs now bear on every the fac-simile signature of wrapper. This is the original “CASTORIA” which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it fe the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company , of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. mch2i ’ ms -ojL~u. Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in. gredients of which even he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought’'' BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THE HEW BROWNIES (Pictures of Rhyme), by PALMER COX | , -S3 IN ES* » • The Chicago Inter Ocean SUNDAY INTER OCEAN, Beginning Shit, ii, WEEKLY INTER OCEAN, Beginning Se»*t i 3. Order from newsdealers or by mail from THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago, 111. < si.ocT~> - GETS THE PRESS -2=l FOR 1898 IF PAID IN ADVANCE-If Not, sl.s° PRESS AND INTER OCEAN BOTH $1.50 The Best... And Cheapest newspapers In their respective fields. Why not get the best when they cOSI no more than poorer ones. Send in your address and $1.50. Ad dress all orders to J. A. Bushfikld, Miller, S. 1). i TN( CINTSUfI COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRICT. Hl* YORK CITY. Per* rail i ston rxoei I h and St*n<i Iron then will llu linn till! Sit* i la t hfli or i Ho BU »M *iv Mil P.n M** ti«