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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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J » HOLIDAY * GOODS DOLLS ESTEY books /z>jE ORGANS w ifxs 3 3 3t 3 3 TOYS r . ____ . Al. J—) Every organ we make is protected by our name and guaranteed for five 119 lUiSJSC yCafS * $ f° r cata^°?u «* Address; 1 Bsteyo T' n ,s°'v Pianos Brattleboro, Vt. And a large variety of articles both useful and ornamental, suitable for Christmas Gilts can be found at * G. C. BRIGGS - : BOOK STORE. Miller, S. D, Mrs. Adderly, a former well known citizen of Miller is here visiting her daughter Mrs. Pusey. Charles Voch t, formerly of St. Lawrence, last week procured a divorce from his wife nt Huron. See our elegant new sto k of cloth ing overcoats. All sizes and prices. tl .1. W. COQUILLETTE. The Press will soon have a new home one door south of the postof 'ice building, having exchanges! the present office for the McCoy proper ty. Crank Myers has purchased the St. Lawrence post office building, and will move it onto his lot on Bron d way in Miller. We .object. One post office is enough for Miller! Bro. Stratton made a trip to Huron Saturday, and gives it a col umn that ought to swipe Mark Twain and Bob Burdette o f the face of the (*art li. Harvey J. Kite, of Union, was chosen President of the South Dakc-I ta Retail Merchants Association; held at Mitchell last week. A good selection. Chamb trlain’s Colic, Cholera and: Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by Fitzgerald’s drugstore. 52t3 Dr. Fenner’s Kidney & Bactenh CURE. A combination of the most effec tive known remedial agents for the cure of all Kidney, Bladder, Urinary and Uterine diseases. Too frequent or turbed urine, bed wetting by children, lame back, dropsy, female weaknesses, rheuma tism and heart disease are cured by this great medicine. This is no new discovery but has been used in private practice for a third of a century by one of Amer ica s most successful physicians. In order to extend to a wider use* fulness a medicine that has pro duced such bcneiicicnt results jt is now advertised to the millions. Experience teaches that merit tllone is not sufficient to bring to the people knowledge of tjie won derfull curative powers of this extraordinary preparation. It is also a greut Renal Depurant or Blood Punfyer, straining off the imparities from the blood through the kidneys. i'or sale by J. D. Fitzgerald, \ljllv S. D. • • MissOyratt announces that the [ photograph gallery will bo closed for the winter after January :‘d. All : those desiring work done should I come early on Monday or Tuesday. Dr. Sawyer’s Wild Cherry and Tar does not disagree with the stomach, but is the safest and most affective of any < ough medicine known. 50t5 J. D. Fitzgerald Look oyer the Press advs. and then go to the various stores and buy your holiday goods. Every adv. in this paper is an invitation to the reader. (ilen Waters came home last night from Chicago, where hi* has been for several months in the Allen institute, having his lame hip treated. We have not learned the result. “Peace on Earth. And good will to man’’—for all those who buy their fresh candies, nuts, dishes, toys etc nt C. C. Camp bell's supply depot. Come in and set* what we have. ItJ Druggist Johnson is tearing down a brick building and the rink in St. Lawrence, with which he expects to put up a brick store building in Mil ler next spsing. G. \V. Collins has purchased a resi dence building in St. Lawrence and moved it to Miller, on lots on east Second street—a locality that Col. Harry Sawyer named “pea nut hill,’’ when he used to live there. Nothing funny in being sick all the while, troubled with constipation, dyspepsia or liyer complaints when you can so easily be cured by taking Dr. Sawyer’s Little Wide Awake Pdls. 50t5 J. I). Fitzgerald. For Constipation take Karl’s Clov er Root Tea. ti e great Blood Puri fier ( ures Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes ihe head clear as a bell. Sold by N. Johnson A Co. 5()yl ellnw Jaundice Cured. Suf ering humanity should lip sup plied with every means possible for its relief. !t is with pleasure we pub lish the .oilov. i;.g; ‘‘This is tocerti iy that 1 was a terrible sufferer from \ ellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best phycisians in our city all to no avail. Or. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles, I was entirely cured. 1 now lake great pleasure In recom mending them to any person suffer ing from this terrible malady. lam Gratefully yours, M. A. Hogarty, lAungtoii, K.v,’’ Sold by .1.1). Fitz era Id Druggist, 50t5 The town was full of people Satui- day purchasing holiday .supplies. An apparently happy and prosper ous crowd of people, 100. (li rist in as (iooih. I have a choice line of candies, nuts and toys for the holidays—the best and freshest in town, come in be fore assortment is broken. John Pa rmlev and If orace Morrow were up last week from Chamberlain. Of course the boys like Chamberlain —but there must be some attraction that causes these frequent trips back home. Notice to Public. On and after Jan. Ist 1899 those calling upon me for service at night or upon the Sabbath day will be charged one third extra for such service. It 2 Dr. W. 11. Lane. Charles Carrroll and Harley Bush tield arrived home this week from Mitchell, where they have been at tending the 1 Diversity. The boys are not yet so full of education but what they can spare a lit Me room for ‘‘mother’spancakes.” Married, at the home of itev. Bates Dec. 15th, Frank D. Palmer and Miss Anna Olson. The groom resides in York township and the bride is the daughter of county treasurer Olson. The Press wishes the happy young couple a full meas ure of prosperity. Without doubt, there is no disease so common as the piles, none more painful or annoying, or that has been so ur.succcs'-fully treated. The only permanent cure for piles, either itching or bleeding, yet discovered, is Dr. Sawyer's Arnica a»*d Witch Hazel Salve. J. D. Fitzgerald. 50to “Bellow Central’’ Santa Claus:—“Give in? all tJe boys and girls, old and young.’’ Central—“ All right. Ring’em up.’’ Santa :—“Say, folks do you know 1 haye already been to Miller, and have established a regular head quarters, a supply depot for Holi day goods at J. D. Fitzgerald’s Pal ace Drug Store? Well, that’s right. You can find everything there you want in the shape of toys, and then for the older folks there are some of the most (‘legant fancy lamps ever seen in the state. There are toilet cases, perfumery, and innumerable things for beautiful and useful pres ents. Go see ’em.’’ Ting a-ling-a ling. I he Press acknowledges subscrip tions the past week from J. L Arbo gast, D. Counihan. G. W. Allen, A. Steadman. A. Lacrosse, S. B. Cook, M. B. Wampler, E. Joy. J. Kindle, Henry Erb, W. H. Richards, Jesse ( asterline, Mrs. F. Yoder, J.J.Struif, John Paxton. C. F. Halbig, GETTING READY Every expectant mother Lai ft trying ordeal to face. If she does nol of uncertainties il Nature is not given proper assistance. Mother’s Friend is the best help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and when regularly ap plied several months before baby comes, it makes the advent easy and nearly pain less. It relieves and prevents “ morning sickness,” relaxes the overstrained mus cles, relieves the distended feeling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangprous after-effects. Mother’s Friend is good for only one purpose, viz.: te relieve motherhood ol danger and pain. One dollar per bottle at all drug stores, or 8e: ‘ l by express on receipt of price. Fiiks Boors, containing valuable informa tion for women, will be sent to any addreu Upon application to THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., . Atlanta, Qa. C. CAMr’BELI. V get ready for It ] there is no telling what may happen Child-birth is fuL N E W DRY GOODS, t DEWEY handle the latest and best goods on the market. I should say we do, if our goods and treatment did not MERRITT the patronage of the people, they would not come for MILES around to trade at our store. The truth of the matter is that we SHUEY : the prices on all goods used in the household and it would take the st rength of SAMPSON to convince the people that other stores sell as cheap as H. R. GREEVES & CO., S. ZED, . —— WHEN ou want a good CLOCK warranted for a year to | give perfect satisfaction, go to * FURMAN’S 3ft® 3 weir y | And see the very best Clock on the market for ths money—or any thing in the jewelry line. Eyes examined fres of charge and a perfect fit guar- j | I an teed with every pair of glasses sold. I Yours Truly, F. 11. FURMAN. MILLER, . SO IJTI {DAKOTA. ’ ©©©©i®©© 1 ® (p •>;• » > ♦ • •.Vfix*) eysvsy*! j Pioneer Meat Market I f MfMILLER, ,S ZD. 1 © X © | FRESH ARD }\LST MEATS, f ' • • e FISH AND CAME, • | iFRUIT AND VEGETABLES.! | The Very Best fresh beef, veal, pork and mutton, cured f A K 5 meats, etc. always on hand. § I I' i e- f. ERieHseN & ee. f PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS EVERY THURSDAY FROM POINTS IN Minnesota and South Dakota TO CALIFORNIA. . Pally exoureious on able pummgero to toko a<lvanta RJ of thronoli first-eta .. .ml Tourist sleeping «l Connell lllnß, and Omaha to point in CalUorni.,. i O re son. which run every day in the year. 1 ” POWEST RATES—SHORTEST TIME ON Till: 110AU-FINEBT SCENERY Chicago & North=Western Railway. I