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say k that Id t r i )♦ S. D. ES. cured Ex?)-*- ;io A. jt-ClM®*’ x nu<l O rd ’ENEK'* way The Miller Rolfe" Are now reaping the benefit of |heir big outlay for new machinery made lust fall. Farmers who never -were here before to mill are coming this fall. The (jimiity of their flour as well uh amount given in exchange? is the attraction. Their rates are 28 tbs Fancy Patent, .30 lbs Second Pat, or 32 of Straight Hour with bran ami shorts p< r bushel. A load of 40 bushels sec ures the farmer free* lodging for self and team. TIME CAHI). Arrival and departure of trainn nt Miller 8. I), over C. & N. W. Ry. GOING EAST. No. 2 —l’assenger 9:52 a. tn. No. 32—Freight andAccotn 11:15 a. tn GOING WEST. No. 31 —Freight nn<l accoin 11:55 a. in. No. 3—Pasnenger 7:39 p. m. For further information apply at Miller station. J. 1». ES'l ICE, Agent. 1"’ ■ ..... ■■■■ . , , , , The Pkehh will publish free all notice* oflo ral organization*, h* bunded iu by thone in tereated. Mt. Lawrence Lodge. A. F and A. M. No. 39 0 Meeta at Miller, S. D, every tirwt and third Friday night each month at s o’clock. (.*. E. Soutag.W. M.; F. F. Beaaom, Sec’y. Mrs. George Beasoin and Harrold are both on the sick list. J. H. Cole returned Friday’ from a visit to his old home at Pella, lowa. Overcoats and Fur coats at cost, at Coquillette’a. 3tf Mrs. G. C. Briggs entertained her music scholars Saturday evening by a party. A large stock of new underware to sell cheap at 11. R. Grieves & Co. tf Mrs N\e, the aged mother of Mrs. A. 8. Ober, has been quite sick for some time. Monarch heme made lasnberry jam at Hazen’s, try a pound today. tf Master Gleu Waters gave a party Friday evening for a large number of his young friends. All cloaks at cost to close them out. 3tf J. W. Coquillette. Noble’s Theatre Co. at the opera house tomorrow ami Saturday night. 11. R. Greeves ACo sell the latest styles in Ladies jackets and capes. 4itf Harvey bnoddy will assist Prof, Snoddy in th * County Superintend ent’s Office. The Press has on hand a quantity of old papers which any subscribers can have by calling at the office . The town of Highmore is haying a serious time with a run or scarlet fever. Several deaths are reported. Scarlet fever is also reported mother towns in the state. Tested and Tried For 25 Years Would you feel perfectly safe to put all your money in a new bank ? Ono you have just heard of? But how about an old bank ? One that has done business for over a quarter of a century ? One that has always kept its promises? One that never failed ; never misled you in any way? You could trust such a bank, couldn’t you? SCOTT’S EMULSION of COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES is just like such a bank. It has never disappointed you, never will. It has never deceived you, never will. Look out that someone does not try to make you invest your health in a now tonic, some new medicine yov know nothing of. 50c. ind |i.oo; all <lruggi»t». SCOTT & BOWNE, Ch«mi»t», N«w York. 25 Cas«s of new articles and rub bers just rec’d nt Copuilletto’s. 3tf Pan Hersh man, of Holden, is still catching fine picked from the creek near his place. Spanish onions at Hazen’s, mild, healthy. tf Miss Maggie Hut hie returned Tues day from Madison where she has been attending college. C. M. Weiblen, of Spring township, departed today for Des Moines, lowa, for a three weeks’ visit. ( all on us for blankets—comforts outing Han nels underwear etc. Good warm goods and reduced prices. 3tf J. W. Coquillette. (olds and la grippe are doing busi ness in many households. The open winter makes people careless W. H. Sunderland has purchased the old Wilkins property in north Miller and will remodel the same for a dwelling. We have the finest quality ol cheese manufactured. Its a iittleexpensiye but oh so good. Just the thing to eat with apple pie. Hazen’s Mr. and Mrs. Mitc hell, stop-father and mother of Joseph and Bert ('louse, returned to Wisconsin Mon day. 11. (’. Shober, auditor of Hyde county was iu Miller and St. Law rence Saturday, looking after his newspaper interests. Hazen has just received a. fresh lot of pealed peaches, French prunes, figs, Dd raspberries, DJ plums; our 25c*. syrup is the best in the * tate. tf S. J. Primer, a former MiLcrite,ar rived Thursday evening. He his been located at Butler, Mo. for a couple of years. Tie Masonic fraternity installed officers Friday evening, and partook of an oyster supper at thy Vander bilt afterwar Is. Goto Hazen's for deviled olives. These are pitted and stuffed with Spanish Pimientoes or sweet pep pers. tf The topic for Christian Endeayor prayer meeting at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening Jan. 15 is ‘'Where am 1 going.” Mrs. Maud Dunn will lead the meeting. * We wish to close out our entire line of cloaks, rajies ami jackets a t prices that we defv competition to .meet, tf 11. R. Greeves, Miller, S. D. Edward Sheppai <J, Clerk of Courts of Hyde county was married Dec. 31 to MissO. Mabrey, of Minneapolis. Ed's Hand County friends congratu late him. All to be found at Hazen's: 3 It’, can saurkraut 10c 2 lb. can gooseberries 10c 2 It ’, can raspberries 10c 5 11 . can blue berries 10c 2 lb. can strawberries 10c tf Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitali zer iinmediatov relieves Sour Stomach. Coming up of Food Dis tress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by N. Johnson & Co. 3yl A. R. Hannum, of Gilbert, was in Miller Tuesday. He is making a successof mixed farming, dairying and stock raising. Mr. Hannum’s exferience illustrates what can be done here. He has alwalys raised grain and feed, and some years* ago bought one row to begin his stock business. Today he has 45 head of cattle, has sold several head, and never bought a single critter since the first one. Like many others he ships his butter and paysail running expenses of the farm. Dakota Farmer. The Dakota Farmer Aberdeen, 8. D. contains over ten times as much original Dakota farm matter as any other paper published. It is pre eminently the farm papa- for Dako ta farmers ami every loyal Dako tian should subscribe for it. Call on us for club rates. The Press and Farmer one year $1.25. Mort Burke, Minnie Burke, and Mrs. Hi< ke> departed today for To cotna, Washington. H. IL Farrington and Fred Con kev, of Wessington, wore doing busi ness in Miller yesterday. Card of Thanks. I hereby return my heartfelt thanks to those friends and neigh bors who so generously assisted dur ing the last sickness and burial of my beloved mother. John P. Miller. Mrs. Spate:!) received the sad news Monday that her son Walter had died at Adrian, Michigan. He was 24 years old. Arthur Spatcb left Tuesday to attend the funeral, and accompany the remains to Illinois for burial. The report oftheoil tank company located at Miller under the manage ment of Andrew Butler shows that 1800 gallons.of kerosene and gaso line oil was used in the month of December. Some oil was also sold by private dealers obtained from other companies. Mr. Butler sup plies Milier and neighboring towns by wagon, the gross amount hand led for December being nearly 5,0 00 gallons. It is a familiar siglrt to old resi dents to once more S'‘e the post office lobby crowded with people to receive their mail after the evening train ar rives. Whenever the train is any wavs near on time from the east the mail will always be distributed and delivered that night. The office will not Is* opened Sundays, as the train from the comes at 7<39 Satur day evening, and from the west at 9:52 Monday morning, giving amp’e time for mailing purposes, and no money order business could be done Sunday. The first of a course of lectures will lie given at the M. E. church next Wednesday evening Jan. 1,8, by Rev. H. F. Knight, of Bradley. He will give his personal experiences in a relx*l prison. < uir speakers are some of the best in South Dakota, and it will be a rare# treat to hear them. We are pleased to present the list: H. F. Knight, of Bradley. W. B. Redburn, of Redfield. N. A. Swickard, of Aberdeen. W. J. Culfee, of Huron. W. L Graham, of Mitchell. W 11. Jordon, of Sioux Falls. Tickets for wholecourse one dollar, for single lecture 25 cts. Tickets on sale at Wm. Stover's, G. C. Briggs’ and at J. W. Coquillette’s. * Noble’s Theatre Company* Mr. Waters, manager of the opera house has induced Noble’s Theatre Company which is to open a pro tracted engagement in Pierre on the I Gth inst. to break the longjump by playing a night or two at Miller. This Mr. Noble has decided to do and will open a two nights ’engage ment on Friday Jan. 13th in “Uncle Dau l or a Messenger from Jarvis Section’’ acomedy drama of unusual merit, presented here just the same as in the larger cities, with special scenery, startling mechanical efforts, etc. The company is one of the larg est and most pretentious now tour ing the west, carrying their own Grand Military Band and Operatic Orchestra, and traveling in their own palatial private car. Pricesfor this engagement 35 &25 cents. Re served seats now on sale at Briggs’ book store. Curtain rises promptly at 8:15. Street parade at noon. * An editor who married a girl from a cooking club, prints the following in his paper after a few years of married life: (io stand where I have stood, go feel what I have felt, eat clammy, half cooked food and fish and eggs that smelt. Go take what I have took, go bear what I have borne, throw teacups nt the cook, and swear what I have sworn. Go live on juiceless steak nnd soggy bread half baked; at midnight lay awake and ache as I have ached, (io gnaw with all your might on tough pieces of doughnuts and pies, and stop between each breath to pick out hairs and flies. Go do what I have done—make yourself a fool; by winning as I have won, a girl from a cooking school.” I NEWGOOOS I A great plenty.... Of the very Best. DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, CLOTH ING, HATS, CAPS, Underwear, gloves, mittens, etc. An unequaled assortment, including all the newest styles. Come in and we will surprise you. The largest stock of fresh Groceries alwavs on sale. J. W. COQUILLETTE, Miller, S. D. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin erup tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv J. D. Fitzgerald. Mchlß HOLDEN. The great society event of the sea son took place Tuesday night at seven o'clock, being the marriage of Miss Jennie Creager to Mr. Frank Bowles at the home of the groom’s parents Mr. end Mrs. J. R. Bowles, the Rev. Bates atHciating. The bride, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bowles, is one of the successful teachers of the Co. and possesses not only the beauty for which South Dakota ladies are noted but also the sterling qualities which make her the true and noble woman and helpmate of one of Hand Co’s, most industrious, enterprising and esteemed young men. After the wed ding ceremony the guests partook of a bountiful supper wnich would be acceptable to the palate of the most fastidious, and told plainer than words of the success and en terprise of our esteemed neighbors Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bowles. The presents were numerous. There were present twenty seven friends aud relatives’ Ah Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake arid enterprising than J. D. Fitzgerald, who spares no pains to secure the best of everything in his line for his many customers. He now has the valuable agency for Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It abso lutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness all affections of the throat, cheat and lungs, (’all at above drug store and get a trial bot tle free or a regular size for 50c. and Gauranteed to cure or price re funded. 3tl Afore new styles, handsome selections and choice novelties than ever before. Such fine goods you never saw sold so low. We will gratify your ambition to buy cheap rndgiyc extra good qualities in the bargain. The world’s best at fair figures. ILLINERY ► The ladies of Miller and vicinity are invited to call and see my all new stock of Mil linery Goods all Fresh and New Finest line of Silk Velvets ever shown in Hand county. Patteri? Hats A specialty, of which I am go ing to sell at lowest prices. Ev erything goes cheap. Call and see for yourselves. Mrs. T. N. Wade. mM * JIIIIW lllllllllfllllMllUllltitlllllllllllllllll It Bl IV IHIIIIU |N. JOHNSON & CO | | DRUGS. | = 1 5 X = xzjrrx-rzxrz z | « • i We have a complete, fresh line = = of al standard drugs and = E medicines. = s | s • I TOILET ARTICLESI I I s = | Notions, cigars, novelties, = = wall paper of all grades. | IPAINTS and OILS,! ! We want your trade and j f guaranteesatisfaction. Come i = and sec us. |