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PIONEER ? alace Drug Store. * t Continuous in Location J 3 And Management r £ SINCE 1882 4 T —° — A x A rirsi-class stock of the best 5 goods that money can buy J £ and experience can select, con- \ L sitting of everything found in J a well-regulated. systematic a n pharmacy. Especial attention N J given to mail orders. a J J. D. FITZGERALD, J £ PALACE DRUG STORE, S S Miller, S.D. ,(T//r pioneer jJrt'i'i. Ksr ABIJSi lED .IAN LAKY 1111. ISS4. I I BI.UUIEB KVEHY THt RKBAY BY J. A. RUSHFI ELD, PROPRIETOR. Subscription $1.50 a A'ear li* Advance. According to an old saying, if it rains on Easter Sunday it will rain for seven successive Sundays. Last Easter Sunday's snow will do for rain as a starter. Attorney General Pyle has decided that wolf bounties under the state law are not ripe until July Ist. As ntanbrous Bounties have already been paid, some body will be out the cash. Hon. 11. J. Black, of Sioux Falls, was in Miller Monday, representing the Beach printing house of Sioux Falls. Harley was an employee in the Press office someyearsago. He has since become one of the promi nent republican politicians of the Queen city. “Little colds” neglected costs thousands of deaths yearly. People who have used Dr. Sawyer’s Wild Cherry and Tar. recommend it even for consumption. Fitzgerald. 16t4 Here is a current mother-in-lnw story. The mother-in-law was ill and the son-in-law called the doctor. “Yon will have to send her to a warmer climate.” said the physical!. Soon after the son-in-law came to the doctor with an ax and pleaded, “Shy Doc., you kill her—l haven't got the nerve to do it. ” Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fall. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and t goes right to the spot. Sold by N. Johnson <k Co. lOvl Some* nhiloso pher savs it is a sing ular and unexplainable fact that many men w ho have made a dismal failure of their every undertaking in life know exactly how to run other people’s business, and how to man age all affairs of church and state. DR. FENNER'S Blood and Liver Remedy AND NERVE TONIC. This is a medicine that cures Ner vousness, Liver Complaints, Deranged Stomach and Bowels, Skin and Blood Diseases, Bili ousness, Headaches, Constipa ion, etc. It removes pimples and Beautifies the Complexion. it causes the liver to throw ofl its bile. It cleans out the entire alimentary canal, rid ding it cf offensive mucous and, all effete matters that inhabit an un healthy stomach and bowels. It completely cleanses and purifies the. blood and system and at the same time strengthens and restores the nerves, also all other tissues. It causes the head to become clear and the patient energetic for business when dull from “the blues’’ or indisposed from bilious ness or impure blood. It produces appetite, strength and vigor. It does all these things with certainty byactingupon the causes of disease. It strikes at the root. It is pleasant to take and its effect on the system is warming and in every way agreeable. For side by J. ». Fitzgerald, Miller An elegant line of ladies Spring capes, suits and skirte just rec’d at Coijuilletes. tf There will be a meeting of all those interested in forming a Library As sociation, at the home of G. H. t’ar i oil Saturday evening April Bth at eight o’clock. May P. Ghrist, lot-2* Sec. Woman's Club. What i c does it cut whether every thing turns out just exactly right this y<ar or not—so long as Prof. FiJb’s calculations end this old world’s tumbling next November. If everybody believed the Prof, what a good time they would have until then I Karl’s Clover Root Tea, for Con sumption, it's th'* Best and if after using it you don’t say so, return the package and get your money. Sold by N. Johnson & Co. Idyl (lakes. N. D., Independent E xcept ionally good. The people were so patriotic and enthusiastic over Cressey's Cuban war lecture that they nearly tore the housedown. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy; We sell six bottles for $3 and guarantee an absolute cure. Sold by N. Johnson & Co. Idyl Advertised Letters. For the week ending Meh. 20 ’99 the following letters remain uncalled for in the Miller postoffice. Miss Bessie Wallace. * Parties cal ling forabovewill please say advertised. J. A. Bushfield, P. M. For Constipation take Karl’s Clov er Root Tea, the great Blood Puri fier Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by N. Johnson & Co. 16yl Col. Richard Woods, the only and inimitable “Dick,” of Sioux Falls, was talking insurance to Millerites Friday. He is the leading life insur ance man of the northwest, and un doubtedly is personally acquainted with more men in South Dakota than any other man in the state. He is one of the earnest and enthusiastic republican state workers, who has never sought any preferment, and would make a popular candidate for an important state office. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the Worcester Enterprise recently, which leads me to write this. I can truthfully say I never used any remedy equal to it for colic and diarrhoea. I have never had to use more than one or two doses to cure the worst case with myself or children. —W. A. Stroun, Popomoke City, Md. For sale by Fitzgerald's Drug Store. IGt-l Ex-Senator John Sherman's re ported death is the cause of unbe lief in spiritualistic circles in New York. An evening paper gave a full report of Sherman’s death, and sup posing it to be authentic, the Spirit mediums called up his spirit that night and received several “mes sages.’ A few hours later it wasan nounced that Sherman was still alive ■nd the mediums lied about talk ing to hisspirit. McCook ( ouuty produced a 2,100 st<>T that brought Hand county wants that fellow’s receipe. We have every other ingredient to n ake “millions in it.’’ The denizens of Peanut Hill look ed < nt of their windows yesterday morning and discovered that an o tl.< r house bad risen theie as if by magic in the night. It seems that S. S. I’obirts had hauled, or floated a ho use from St. Law rence Tuesday, and along in the night some tian* bad landed upon Ml. Peanut, where h ■ has concluded to take up his resi <l nee. This name, Peanut Hill, or as we think now more appropriate, Mt. Peanut, was given to the resi dence portion of east Miller, by the jocular Col. Harry Sawyer, Sec retary of the state Bail way Commis sion, who used to liye there. The name and locality has a local fame in verse and song, and has afforded considerable amusement to east side residents. | m eduwtTonal j ♦ DY superintendent snoddv. ♦ Notice of Normal In-tititte. Notice is hereby given that the An nual Normal Institute for Hand coun ty will convene in Miller. Monday. June sth at 10 o'clock A. M. and continue for four weeks, followed by a special exan.inatian, Saturday, July, 1. .ByorderofJ.lL Snoddv, lGt-3 County Superintendent. In connection with the Institute announcement. 1 desire to make some explanations in regard to the educational affairs of the county. The available institute fund is but little more than half what hasusual ly been expended each year for that purpose. But we need a four weeks institute; and in order to get it, re trenchment must be introduced in some lines, and departure from pre vailing methods in others. Every teacher inthecounty isdeep ly interested in the success of this season's institute as a means of re ducing the large number of Third Grade certificates, and of Second Grades issued on low scholarship. Many of these certificates have been issued to the same applicants sever al times insuccession. True teachers should not be satisfied with such re sults which are but standing adver tisements of one, or all, of three things; lack of natural ability, in dustry or ambition. A Third Grade certificate is simply a local and temporary expedient and the law gives it validity, “only in such school as may be designated by the County Superintendent;” and when he fails to specify the school where it is legal and designates a whole county or even a district it has no legality anywhere. It may be the letter, but it is certainly not the spirit, of the law that Third Grades shoul ’ be issued to the same person several times in succession ; nor even Second Grades, to the same appli cant, from year to year, without some show of progress. Hand county has many teachers well up in both metkodsa>udscholar ship, and no fears are entertained as to their encouragement of the insti tute. In order to raise the standard of teaching, in order to properly utilize the $27,000.00 paid annually for school puiposes in the county, in order to give every boy and girl the yery best possible school privileges, I ask every teacher, every patron, every taxpayer,—in fact all good citizens, for their hearty cooperation in making the coming institute one eminently successful. It is said that a guarantee fake is being worked upon farmers in some counties. Smoothe agents guaran tee that the farmer will raise from $2.50 to $5. worth of grain per acre. Another man’s game is«usually load ed. Attorney General Pyle was in Mil ka- today shaking hands with his old Hand county friends, who have con fidence that he will make an efficient and honorable state official. The reputation of a good square man is never affected by partisan criticism. O -A. S T o n. x A. Boars the _/} Y° u Haw Always Bought Al. Trusty, a former resident of Logan townhip who left here for lowa a few' years ago, is on his way back to Miller. He will engage in stock raising on his place some eight miles south of town. It is said he and his partner will ship in some extra tine blooded cattle for their ranch. Eye Night. Your vision can not bp over taxi'd with safety. All eyes require spec tacles sooner or later. Defective eyes unless strengthened by glasses are apt to become more weakened. Any defects that exist are certain to increase by neglect. Lose no time in ascertaining if you need spectacles, and if so what you need. No charge for a thorough, scientific examina tion. Chas. E. Soxtag, Optician and Jeweler. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ N©W DRY GOODS The latest novelties in Dry goods all complete. Wash goods, silks, dress braids, laces, embroidrics per cales prints and Ribbons in all the latest colors and shades. shirt waists. and soft shirts complete. : Our ma mo th stock of shoes are ♦ the best in the market be- cause they wear the longest. : Our groceries are the fresh= est because weturn them often ♦ And we have the Largest stock to select | from. Call and see. s♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PRESS & DAK FARMER $1,25 |s«®« Pioneer Meat Market, FRESH ARD SALT MEATS, © FISH AND CAME, © FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. The Very Best fresh beef, veal, poi k and mutton, cured meats, etc. always on hand. * MM ■* BMM)M • •*•'•- * COMMERCIAL PRINTING DONE NE/ITLY ARD QUiOKLY AT THE PRESS OFFie ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦❖♦♦♦ Also a large stock of Ladies wrappers and Gentlemens dress shirts both laundried SHOES. GROCERIES Yours Respectfully, H. R. Greeves & Co. UMILLER, ,S ID. e- f. ERiewseN & co. OF ALL KINDS <J~' We have them. Call and see them. ■’ o ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ n »•