Newspaper Page Text
REE HEIGHTS. The C. A .N. W. k . Co. will buijl ;• new and lurg« r Water-Link at this dm-. Mrs. Watkins of il:ghmore was in • o v n Tue; <la y. Mrs. Kittpi inan and cliil Ir‘U Ir an B unt are visiting her s -it.r Mr-. •A id Gardner. Tliftwcn-niii MVial 1.-t •>! Friday id I.t was weh attend <1 and the Indus added a neat little sum to their bank acc» nut. Miss Eva Whitcomb and Mrs. Ida Wat kin* invited about sixty of their ri« nds to nn <*t at tie* home of the latter, last Monday eve. Tin* orcas .-ion was the piano recital given by Mi-> Emma Moses of Chicago. Miss Moses is an accomplished miisici in, having spent several years in Berlin studying under the best teachers. For over an hour the large company >at spell bound, as it issehlom, (and never in the west) does one ha ye the pleasure of listening to such artistic playing, but as ye editor was pres ent. his pen can give a better ac count than ours. Miss Moses leaves Th urs. for Chi cago with the best wishes of a host of friends she has made while with us. and we all hope she may visit us another summer. Now is the time if you need any furniture, stoves, buggy Ac., as I am going away in u few days. Come quirk. H. Clegg, St. Lawrence. Tetter, Salt-Rheum am! Eczema. The intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases, is instant ly allayed by applying Chamber lain's Eye anti Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanent ly cured by it . Ft is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite reme dy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic .sore eyes. 25cts. per box. For sale by Fitzgerald's Drug Store. 51 yl Excursion Tickets to lhe (■ renter American Exposition, to be Held at Omaha, Neb., I'ntil October, 31 IM)9. Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates, from certain stations on specified dates. For rates, dates of sale and limits of tickets apply to agents Chicago A North-Western Kailway. 3117 A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen’s \wiica Salve, the best in the norhl, wHI kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Ohl Sores, Fever Sores, I leers. Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth, only 25cts. a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by J. I). Fitzgerald Drug gist. 33t5 That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. Kintz's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved i heir matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try thorn. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by J. D’ Fitzgerald. Druggist. 33t5 Urn 'k&F'' EcTINC Karl’s Clover Root Tea the Complexion, Purifies the Klimhl. gives a Fresh, Clear Skin. Cures Con tu </’•”’ indignation, and all Frupti' c ( *!• i **”•■ An agreeable Laxative Nerve lonic. Sold on absolute guarantee by all druggists at 25c., 60c. and SI.OO. S C. WELLS A CO., LEROY, N Y SOLE PROPRIETORS Sold by C. L. Willett, Ree Heights. .‘nl Sny About Various Subjects of J’ierr** Free Press:—The philos ophy that aboil.ids in high class wit and humor is of more value than an I i '. ethical work-of Spmv >r or th • speculations of sage or dreamer since the race was born. Wit puncture* with its needle point the bubole of theory, Sarcasm with Damascus blade cuts through the skin of arro gant ignorance and to the apart of hvpo racy. Leirnel disquisitions and lengthv argum *nts often lend dignity to the quibbles of casuists, while an epigram or a laugh shows their absurdity. Pope boasted that he was proud * Shakespears fools were philosophers and the wisest men are the men tlwit laugh. Cervantes made chivalry rediculous. Petroleum V. N'asby laid bare the in justice of slavery and the sophistries of the democratic party; and now in Mr Dooley the new Irish writer, we have a humorist who can show the rediculous pretensions of the Populists in a few words. We quote : “Keep yer eye on th' Pops, John. They’re gr-reat people ana gr-rea t pa-arty. What is their principles ? Anny ol’ thing that th’ other parties has rejected. Some iv thirn is in favor iv coining money out iv bailed hay an' dhried apples. They are the iuHationtionists. Others want th’ gover’ment to divide up the rivi nues equally among all la-ads that’s too strong to warruk. Th' Pops is agin the banksan agin havin' gas that can be blowed out of the human lungs. A sthrong section is devoted to th’principal iv separatin’ Maik Hanna fr’m his money." Bro. Bushfield’s alleged Mrs. Lease interview w as so rank that he chuck ed it off on the back page of his pa per. Bushfleld would no doubt lead the procession in a humorist con test, especially if polities wu- ti>a theme. —Miller Gazette. Rep. Politicians and—•• Jump Jacks!” At the state meeting to devise ways and means to return the South Dakota volunteers from San Fran cisco, at Huron, Wednesday, most every republican politician and jump jack in the state was present. —Mil- ler Gazette. •John H. Baldwin and son Milo, C. IL Henshaw, and—ye editor,attend ed the state meeting at Huron Wednesday.—Miller Gazette. Sioux Falls Press:—The Press is heartily in fayor of the very things sought by the Huron convention. We have been perhaps more persist ent in demanding that this action be taken than any other newspaper of the state. It was a matter of great pleasure to us that we were able to assist in the convention and to se cure in addition to the movement for a fund to pay the fares of the re turning soldiers in good health the setting apart of a fund for hospital aud relief work. I Pierre Special to the Argus.)— The local land office today received notice that the record has been cleared to the land relinquished by the st ate on the Crow Creek reserya ti o n in the eastern part of thiscoun ty, and the same is now open to set tlement. This opens 18,000 acres in this land district. There were a b out 65,000 acres of the sameclass of land in Hyde and Hand counties, in the Huron district, which is now 1 i kelv likely in the same district as the lands in this district. Huronite:—Governor Lee was con spicuous at the Huron meeting by his absence; ditto Pettigrew. But the meeting did business without them and placed them on the com ini t tee of reception, showing that the delegates were not governed by any narrow feelings, but actuated by a desire to serve the volunteers. V, H AT OTHERS THINK. Interest. Dooley ’s Philosophy “Alleged Humor.” Satisfied with Huron Meeting Land Opened. No Partisanship. ASMUt. STATEMENT Of ISaard <,r Con.ll) -s << Hand Count). Sooth l>a«ota. lo> Year Ending »'«•«“' 30 ’ , Thb. statement I* made mmle pursuant gallon 593 of the compiled laws “ f S Dakota, and deals with the vurioto County , funds. TA X EX. Total amount of a sw-** men is f<>t . the year ending-lune 1899. M, 13<M. M , Total amount of ta*es collected _ _ | foi theyvarv nlh‘X’l l,ll ‘ 1 ** S 4 ~ ” i Total amount of interest collect ed for year eudhiß dun*-10. 351 G 93 1803, Total amount of abatement* for year ending June 30.18 expenditures. Warrant* outstanding and in hands of auditor July 1. 1898. 10165 •”>- W arrant* issued during year end- ing June 30. I*9.'. 19147 45 Warrant* anti interest on satin* paid during year 1899. - U,J7G 8M Warrants outstanding a nd in hand* of Auditor June 30, 1899 92.>1 <>•' Due on Roaenkraßs deficiency .June, 30, 1899. $9063.91. no receipts during tlie year on said account. Mae. <l. C. Bri ui* School Book Depository. To balance due county July 1. 1898, • ol To books on hand *tXB •* 1 To books American B'k Co. year June 30, 1899, 129 95 To books Sheldon & Co. year ending June 30, 1899. 58 90 To books Maynard. Merrill Co. year ending June 30, 1899, 1•» ,)O G 49 37 By cash paid cotnty traeasurer year ending June 30. 1899. 199 59 By books ou hand June 30, IS'.t't, 268 B’2 By balance due county June 30, 1899, 180 96 G 49 37 I', W. Gemhard School Book Depository. To books on hand Juiv 1, 1898, 33<» 58 “ “ received during year June. 1899, 11 60 348 18 By credit by overpayment July 1, 1898, 16 91 By cash paid county treasurer year ending June 30. 1899, 57 35 By books on hand June 30. 1899 272 8 1 By balauce dur county June 30, 1899, 1 08 348 18 Mrs. C. 1., IVillkttSc wool Book Depository. To books on hand June 30, 1898, 81 87 To books American Book Co. year ending June 30,1899, 4 5G To books Sheldon & Co. year ending June 30, 1899. 6 08 To books Maynard Merrill & Co. year ending June 30, 1899. 3 GO 9G 11 By credit by overpayment June 30, 1899, 5 7G By cash paid county treasurer year June 30. 1899, 14 80 By books on h*nd June 30, 1899. 75 52 By baiauvT- .tunc no, 1899, o-'i 9G 11 Ah to further purpose forwhieh warrants are issued, reference is made to the auditor's and treasurer's statements ptbliahed quar terly. A true statement [heal] Peter Grohs, J. t. Bailey, Co. Auditor. Chr. Co. Com. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Rave Always Bought Bears the V/&/)"“ Signature of 1 Land Wanted. I want to buy dome good quarters of Hand county land cheap for cash. Write or call on Jae at Miller. tf > G II Carroll. First Pub. Aug. 21 to. C ONSOLIDATED NOTiCe FOR rI’R LKATION. Department of tbf* Interior. Land Office at Huron. S. 1)., Aug,2l, 1899. Notice in hereby riven that the following named Hettier ha« Ned notice of his intention to make final prooh in Hu:>fi(H t olhiHclainnt and that said proof will be made beforethe County Judge of'. Hand county, s Dak. at hlw office inMiller, S. Dak oh Fril day. Oct, 6, 1899, Hz: HE.TtY ERB. under hin H. E, No. 13*587. for the S. K Sec. 17, twp. 109 Nilange 69, W. r,th p in viz: HENIY ERB. under hiu T. U. E. Nd 9759, for the N. E V 4 Sec. 18 twp. 109, N tinge»>9. west sth p.’ in. He namen the foHowig witnewHeH to prove hi* contlnuoUH reHid&e upon and cultiva tion of Haid land, vid John W. Alloway Calvin H. Porter. FrAk C. Rohm. John L ArbogaHt, all of Anu-Js Dak CIA. Blake. Register. Aug. 17t7. Foreclosire Notice. To David Hare. Mor agor. Take notice: Default in pnvmen exiting on a mortgage date*! the til day of June, 1889 and recorded in Hand ounty. South Dako ta on the sth day of Ji e. 1889, at 4 o'clock p. in . in book 40 of in -tgageH, page 507, of the public reeorda of 4i<l county, executed by David Hare (an uihnrried man) mort gagor. to the No/hweatern Mortgage Tn at Company, of lUtiehl, Dakota, mort gagee, and aaaigned i CharleaS, Millington, aa id aHHignment l»ein recorded iu book 69 of mortgagee, page : 7, of the nubile re i <>rda of Hain Hand c< nty, on the North East quarter of aecth i five (5), township one hundred fifteen 15) north of range aixty-alx (66), went r tie sth p. m,, three hundred ninety-nim dillan- and sixteen centa (399.16) being hu theteon, at thiw date, for principal, a 3 literear. Said mort gage w ill la* fo rev I oh, 1 tn aatiaty th* amount due, with co# tn and i penaea ol mle, anti statutory attorney’! ee. by aale of aaid preniiaea at public ui ion, at the iron door of the court house iik the town of Miller, county of Hand and date of South Gkotn, on the 39th day of !* ptember, 1899 a two o'clock p. m.. by tberneriff of said <Ninty. or Ida deputy. Dated at Aberdeen South Dakota. Aguat 14th, 1899. Z. Si-itlrr, Attorney. Ihaac Li.ncQn, Agent Mr aaaiguee of Mortggee. Aug. 17t7. M For Infants and Children. I' 1 ASTORII | The Kini! You Have =3l Always Bought Vegetable Preparation for As- Ifl U similalirigihcToodandßegula- fl » f UngtheStomathsaixlßowelsof fl BOcLIS 1116 f < Ba gigaatui’e / JO* Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ■ # / iu* nessafidßest.Contains neither ■ n f X Jf |p OpninTMorphinO nor Mineral. H ul Not Narcotic. ■ \\t r* ■ .X/XN ft V * I ■ ft/* JfixAtlU SJb I M _ ■■> ( ■(\ ijr* Ihe ) I Kind Apcrfect Remedy forConstipa- ll'( Al W IV IIIU Cion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, ■ ■ Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- * Ip y A tl~. iA ness and LOSS OF SLEER j| X/ 1 | Uli nnVB facsimile Signature ot fl „ggggl[| Always Bought. I exact ccer or WRAPPER. H CASTORIA -“'■ > ■ ■ " »i THC CCNTAUR eOMFMNV. NtW VORK CITY. c A ug. 17t<> Notice For Publication. Land Office nt Huron S. Dak . Aug. 1 1X99. Notice is hereby given that the followin'? named settler has filed notice of his in'en tlon to make final proof in support of IDs claim, ami that said proof will be made" be fore the Judge of the County Court for H and Co. 8. Dak., at his office in Miller. 8. Dak., on Saturday Sept. 30. 1X99, viz: FRANK BUTTS, under his H. E No. 13x17. for the South Uof S. E. ' 4 of See. 30 and E. '■. of N. E. 1 , of See. 31 in twp. 112 N. IL 69 W. sth p. m. He names the following witnesse* to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of. said land, viz: Harlan Woodruff, Frank 8. Hubbard. George L. Hubbard, Charles Burk, all of Miller, 8 D Aug. H)t3 Notice That Tax Deed will Issue. To E. E. Weeks, M. Humphrey. J. W. New bern and A. L. Singer A- Co.. Adoiph L. Sing er. and Charles Schoen man as vole members of said firm. You are hereby notified that on •he 4th day of Nov. A. D. 1X95, the following described piece or parcel of real estate, taxed in the name of E. E. Weeks but owned by J. W. Newbern as to lots 1.17. IX, anil in that of M. Humphrey but owned by A. L. Singer & Co. as to lot lb and situated in the county of Hand, state of South Dakota, as follows': lots 1. 17, lx, also 10 all in block 34 of North Addition to the town of Miller, S I), were sold for taxes then due and delimiuent for the year 1X94, at tax sale by the Treasurer of said county to Hand county, 8. D. and was by said pur chaser duly assigned to E. M. Dunn who is now the lawful holder of the certificate of purchase. That said taxes then due and de linquent amounted to 71 cents on lots 1.17, IX and 25 cents on lot Hl aforesaid and with interest, penalty ami costs accrued. #1 as to former making total amount neces sary to redeem #1.71, and with interest, penalty and costs accrued, 47 cents as to said lot io making total amount necessary to redeem 72 cents and in addition thereto, the cost of service of this notice, together with such Interest as may accrue after this date, must be paid, and that the right of re demption will expire and a dei-d for said land be made within sixty days from the completed service of this notice. Miller, South Dakota. August 4, 1X99. Aug. 3t5 Contest Notice. Department ol the Interior, (’nited States Land Office. Huron, South Dakota, July 1•’ 1X99. J ’ To Mrs. Anna Blanchard. Wilton Junction Muscatine county. lowa, Reuben Blanchard’ Albuquerque. Bernalillo county, New Mex ico. Theoda Blanchard-Pulver, Elmwood / , o? ri ,?.. ( : ,)unt r v - “llpols Frances (Mt. W flton Junction.Muscatine county la Cynthia Blanchard-Deforest, North Huron’ Wayne county. New York. William Bianchi ard. Muscatine. Muscatine county lowa widow and heirs respectively of Hendrick or Kendrick Blanchard deceased, and to James L. Giesler, Administrator of the estate of the ah >i esaid decedent, of Muscatine Musca tine county. lowa, an<i To whom it mav concern : A sufflcient contest affidavit having l been filed in this office by David R. Moncun ofMj|. ler. South Dakota, contestant. against tim ber culture entry .No; *9240, made May 2Xth 1 MRS, for South Went quarter, section 32 township 114 N„ range 68 \V._ bv Hendrick R\ Ke S <,r,c ! t I * lan chhn» contestee. in which it is alleged that the entryman is dead. That his demise occurred Nov. 29th. IX9I That the entervman. and since his death his heirs pr the Administrator of the estate ha™ whollv failed to comply with the tlmlier cul ture laws for the last nine years. That dur ing all nt said time the tract remained and now remains whtylvunplo wed.uncultivated uncropned and without any trees, trw-swda orcuttlngs planted or growing thereon Said parties are hereby notified to appear’ respond and offer Evidence touching skhl al legation at lo o’clock A. M. on S?pt 14th I ,K w'’’l* tl } e Kester and Receiver at the I nited States Land Office in Huron Beadle county South Dakota. ' 1 “ v,l ‘ The said contestant having in nrooer nt fldavlt tiled May Nth. 1X99 set „’h facts which show thut after due diligencepersonLl service of this notice can not be made ?t la hereby ordered and directed thut such Ho tier Th? pi n . >,v ’ll 10 P r °P<r publication In Ihe 1 iuncer 1 nun. purMlxhed nt Miller, s, D i'- BLAKE, Register. Wanted-An Idea Protect your Ideas* thav maw C. A. BLAKE, Register. E. M. Dt nx. Owner of Certificate Land Wanted. If you wish to sell your land, list it wit h me, I want to buy a few quar ters. They must be cheap for canto, t.f G. C. Briggs. July 20t6 Not ire for Publication. Land Office at Huron. X. Dak. .Tulr 14 1x99. Notice is hereby given thnt the fol lowing named settler has tiled notice of ki» intention to make final proof in supports bis claim, and that said proof will Is*in*)* before the Judge of the County (.'owl In and for Hand county S. Dak. nt Milkr. S. Dak. on Saturday Aug. 26. IX99,viz: EDGAR M. ANDREA'S, under IL E. No. 14047 for th* N E >4 Sec. Twp. 11 1 N. Range «*X west stri I'. M. He names the following witnesses to prort his continuous residence upon andcultiva tion of. said land, viz: Harry <’. Spaix. Joseph H. Spain. Slvvanus L. Wilkins. Ea dell J. Miller al) of Miller, X. Dak. U. A. BLAKE. Register July 13t<». Timber Culture Final I’roof—Notice, for Publlcat lon. United States Land Ollie, Huron. 8. July 11th. 1X99 Notice is hereby girn that Oscar W. Dearborn has tiled notice'>l intention to make final proof before the Register and Receiverat theli office in Mo ron. S. Dak., on Tuesday the 224 day Aug.. 1X99 on timber culture applicstloi Nn. 10637. for the north east quarter of sec. No. 2x. in township No. 109 N. Rang* 6x w sth p. m. lie names as witnewfc Melvin A. I’armely. Edward Donnahw. Fred Stebbins, all of Dean, S. D., and Jobi Leister, of Ames, S. I). C. A. BLAKE, Register. July 13t6 Notice for Publication. Land Office at Huron,B. D., July 3. 1W- Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before tv Judge of the Countv Court In and for HM* Co,, at Miller, S. D.l on Saturday, Aug. 1 1899, viz: RACHEL ALEXANDER, widow of Janies E. Alexander under hi* H E, No. 14013. for the S. E. of Ser. !•' u townwhip 113 Range 69 W. sth p. tn. She names the following witnesses to l ,r0 _ her continuous residence upon and ciilti'*- tlon of said land. vl»: David P. Cree. .1. Cree. Robert M. Wilson, Seth L. Wylm all of Miller, S. I». July IHttt Notice for Publication. Land Office at Huron. S. D., .Inly 11. Notice ia hereby given that the fol l ”*’* named settler has tiled notice of hie * n, '?L nt to make final proof iu support of nw • and that said proof will be made t**’'”* 1 . Register and Receiver at Huron, S. Dak. Tuesday Aug. 22, 181)9, viz: MELVIN A, I‘ARMELY, I nderhlsH. E, No. 18528 for the Xort*' UN. E. l/ 4 and 8. E. >4 of N.E '■» Sec. 22 to"» snip 109 Range 08. .. He names the following witnesses to pro Ills continuous residence upon and tion of said land, viz: Oscar W. Dearm • Edward Donnaliue, Pardon Kenyon, »* Dean, S, D. and John Leister, of Antes. • C. A. BLAKE, Register Aur lOtti Notice lor Publication. i.anti Office at Huron. So. *' al }' / Bd. 1899,. Not Ibe is hereby given tnai ( following named settler has or t her intention to make final proof In * f of her claim ami Hint said I I{f will be mAdr before the Register reiver, I', 8. Land Office nt Huron. »• on Thursday, Sept. 21, 1899, viz: LOI’ISA REYNOLDS. as the deserted wife and agent of the Reynolds, under his II E. No. I**’•<”«*.*t Atb 8. \V. Vi See. 5 twp. 115 N. rang 09 t c p. in. She names the following wR" tto .i prove her continuous residence 1 . pu< cultivation of said land, viz: St I keck. Carl Welblen. .Martin Eggerllng, all of Orient, 8. Dak C. A. Hlakk, C. A. Bi,A KE. IDtrister. VOL. Food I Free 1 CAI f KOT r MADE? THE < TRUSI pENTIt Office ove ler. S. I>. piONEI Miss ( The l’i<"i poHtottiee. A hii'l TiU’pila firet clhhh. HE.xsn First clasi market aff< Also a Iher; run by Hem Broadway. pI’SEY <Xr practice h kota. oii'Ci north of !•<>• J D. FIT Hus on han Dye Stuffs. Paints. Oil* prescription pounded wi F. TOI VANI First class reasonable ri MILLER, C C. BRI ATT Real estat dwelling lion residents, c South Dakot V. QIIR (K And Real E Insurance. perty owners South Dnkoti J h. col: ATT i'flit e o miller NEW I DOORS north vandrbii hotel Pared to m All Work w; agents v AM' a. helve jl‘ , '1 ,,H Kiel •’» ; l*ltad. th. •" tn.tie M M •’'er 500 ~n ir • "ki - hnUto {norn..,! k ,; f . < hat *}'!' Don .t.m w *r, ( hi. Iu