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al been ■e of per. noy, this. Ex. h of ‘cut. rops It otic Tins iud tion the eep. *YS sll and. list few quar ter cash. I’»RIGGB, Dak. Aug, n that the notice of in support proof er an<l Ke . S. Dak., Frani-i* E. for the ft went .'th tneHHea to upon and ■plu n laic ti. Henry iegleter. •K ITB- 1 < tffice at oilowing intention liselaiiDH. lieforethe nty, S. on Frt- Heal estate and ikourance. Farm* nnd dwelling houaen lentad. Taxes paid for no* 1 * resident*. Correspondence solicited, Miller, South Dakota. 8. E. Vi >t h p. tn. N. i:. •/, ">th p. tn. o prove Q V. GIIRIST, (HTATEB’a’ITOBNEY) inltiva- Mlowa.v, John L, 'And Real Estate Agent. Collection* anti Insurance. Taxes paid for non-resident pro perty owner*. Office over postottice. Miller, south Dakota. ■giater. 'flowing itcntion i claim, fore the county. >ll Sat- j H.COLE, nare b!* miller o prove ultlvn- IVeHII'T. I I lon- Having opened a shou two for the purpose of makf boors ing and repairing har- north news, 1 respectfully soli- vandrbilt cit a share of your pat hotel ronage. lam also pre- pared to make and repair— notice: on a 1 ss'i Ihiko > clock ill”, of eciited niort tgaire mort igton. >k «!• ic iv ,\orth niihll* range three stern All work warranted. thin niort lOUllt iiikl ealtl door filler, kota. two •unty agents WANTED:—FOR ‘THE LITE *-'D A< heiveno nta of Admiral Ih-wey” the tjorld* Kit>Ht«Ht naval hero. Bv Marat tiHlatead, the lifelong friend untl ndmlrei* of • np . nation’* idol. Biggeet and beet book: ,T, ‘ r "dK> iing.ih, sxlo inchea; nearly 100 i'agvH halftone illuwtration*. Only <1.50. nornioua demand. BfgcointnlMiloiiM. Out tl < haineof a lifetime. Write quick, J* np Dondaion tompanv, Hrd Fluor CAxton ‘Nr, Chicago. 241211 * • IrcKraftt' Bb 1 j ® HjC i3l SIIW fto a VOL. XVIII. Calumet (g) Baking %» Powder MODERATE IN PRICE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DENTISTRY. E. IL Wilson D. D. S. Office over Beaftom** hard ware itore, Mil ler, S. D. piONEER GALLERY. Miss Oyiatt, Photographer. The Pioneer Gallery, one iloor north of noetofllee. Miller. S. I), will be open Monday* and Tuesdays. All work guaranteed to be firot cianH. HENSHAW HOUSE. |C. H. HENSHAW, Prop. First cIaHH lodging nnd the bent meal* the market affords. Farmer* made welcome. Alm<> a livery and feed stable In connection run by Hemdiaw am) Morrow . Meat aide Broadway, Miller. S. D. pt’SEY & BALDWIN, LAWYERS. Practice before nil the court* of South Da kota Office in Morrill brick block. 2 doors north of poatoftice. .Miller. South Dakota. J D. FITZGERALD, DRUGGIST, Han on hand Pure Drmr*. Patent Medicine* Dye Stuff*. Combs, Bruahea, Perfume*. Points, Oil*, Varninhe*; &c. Physicians prescription* and Faintly Recipes, com pounded with care. Miller. S. BF. TORREY, • PROPRIETOR VANDERBILT HOTEL. Firet-cliua accommodation* guaranteed at reaaouable rate* MILLER. GC. BRIGGS, • (COUNTY judgk) ATTORNEY AT LAW. LAWYER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office two doorH north Hand Co. Bank. NEW HARNESS SHOP FINE SHOES. • Fine work a specialty. SOUTH DAKOTA. SOUTH DAKOTA G. H. PRESTON. MILLER, HAND COUNTY, SOUTH D republican ticket. For Supreme Court Judges DIGHTGN CORSON. H. G. FI LLER. DICK HANEY. RESOLUTIONS AND PLATFORM. Adopted by Republican Convention Redfield. Resolutions. Resolved that we congratulate the Ist South Dakota Volunteers, the heroea who have carried the colors of our state be yond tlie sea, upon the splendid record they have made as soldiers and gentle men. Resolved, that we are proud of the un questioned ability, sturdy integrity and tireless industry with which the judges of the supreme court of onr state have at all times, without fear or favor and un swered by political or other influences, performed their duties ; and, believing that au able, honest, laborious and non pnrtifan judiciary is one of the strongest bulwarks of a free government, we re spectfully invite all voters regardless of party affiliations who take pride in hav ing our laws ably and impartially inter preted to ciipt their votes with us to re ,tain the nominees of this convention m their present positions. R<solved, that we favor the enactment of such laws as will carry out the provi sions of the state constitution relating to trusts and unlawful combinations, and we pledge our party to such legislation a* will fully control trusts, monopolies and combinations organized and created in restraint of trade for the purpose of lim iting the output of products or increasing the price thereof, and •uch legislation as may be necessary to prevent the forma tion and operation of such dangerous combinations. PlAifohm. 1. We, the republicans of South Da kota, in convention assembled, unhesita tingly reaffirm our ullsgiauce to and ac cept the principles of the republican piuty ph declared by the republican plat form adouted at AsK lotllw. 2 We endorse the present republican administration and earnestly commend the wise, able and patriotic statesman ship of President McKinley displayed in the copduct of tire war with Spain and the insurrection In the Philippine*, and pledge our hearty support of the admiu istiutioß iu nil measure looking to its honorable and speedy termination by the complete subjugation of the enemies of our country nnd the vindication of our ting. 3. We heartily commend our soldiers in the Philippines for their bravery and point with pride to their patriotic valor in de our country and flag, und deprecate the attempts of certain disloyal un-American enemies of our country to cast odium upon our brave boys by at tempting to stir up dissension in their ranks and ro embarugs the administration in ita efforts to suppress the insurrection now existing in the Philippines. 4. We favor ihe yiaoroua prosecution of the South Dakota maximum rate Ouse now pending on appeal betore the sup reme court of the United States involv ing the reduction of both passenger and freight rates. Bismarck's Iron Serve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tre mendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneysand Bowels are out of order, li you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Tills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c. at Fitzgerald’s Drug Store. 38t4 Dicacfully Nervous. Gents: —I was dreadfully neryous, and for relief took your Karl’s Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous System. I was troubled with Constipation, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that! rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs 8. A. Sweet, Hart ford, Conn. Sold by N. Johnson & Co. STORIA. Iha Kind Ynu Hove Always Bought C3A. Bears the {tign&tore of South Dakota is lia year giving Kansas a close chaje as the “Sun flower state.” Even the oyster iirmers report a good crop this yean and an earlier demand than usual) The worst enemy democracy has to face is time. It feeps roiling by. and every roll smas es some demo cratic theori’ lik free silver. “Peace first, then with charity for all, a government c law and order under the stars andptripes.” These are the President’s Jords on the fu ture of the Phillippnes. The Miller Pionee Press says Hur ley has laid out ame “tract.” Sort of a religious race, \je presume. —lroquois Chief. No, just something to at tract the boys and girls who aye money to burn. ■MTWHI iWMBMa ■ Tha t the A inerican learns quickly is attested by the diference in san itary management in Cuba and the Philippines. ( Ths lessons learn ed in the Cuban campaign are show ing fruit in the Manik management. It is said that siiLe Mr. Bryan “met the General” (Prosperity) he has amassed a fort une of about $200,000 ; also that in the past two years the deposits in Nebraska’s banks have more than doubled. These and other similar incidents are occuring nndej President Me Kinlev’s a dministrition. The Ne braska statesman may talk elo quently for many days, but he can not overcome a few plain facts that have taken root in tlte minds of the people. Southern Russi ii people think the end of the world is in a sight, »'»d are panic stricken; in Alaska the boys are digging for the root of all evil; in Southern Africa Join I’aul walketh about nnd asks Ms friends to bold him ; in Fiance people sweat and freeze alternantly o ver the Drey - f us affair, which Sarah Bernhardt says can set a pace for any of S hake spear’s tragedies; in the I’. S. we are threshing, over old straw end getting ready for apple dump lings and oyster soup. . —n » x The world has pronounced the free silver 10 to 1 theory a dead issue, im possible to resurrect even to its unsuccessful heigh th of 1890, and yet lowa and Nebraska democrats have declared for the Chicago plat form and 1G to 1. The only logical con elusion for such action amongin telligent men is that Mr. Bryan and his dose friends are fearful he will be dropped if the issue that made him is set aside. And wherever Bryan nun control party organizations they are dinging to this shadow of a past issue because it is political life to Mr. Bryan and themselves. With their party torn asunder and groping in darkness, it is not a difti c nit task for an organized .following like Bryan's to readily control party ex pressions. All that is necessary is Ihs appearance at a stateeonvention and the cheer goes up for Bryan and bis impracticable financial theory, ns there is no other leader or issue in sight. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases, is instant ly allayed by applying Chamlier lain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanent ly cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite reme dy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box. For sale by Fitzgerald’s Drug Store, alyl Wanted—An Idea protect your thc ? WrtU. JOHN WRDnKKBURN n?y». Wa<hlnr<-> i. h. C.. for J KOTA, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER, 7 1899. Absolutely'Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome The East and West. The following brief statement is taken from an Ohio paper: “This immediate section is suffering from want of rain.” That’s all there is to it. A matter of no great or disas trous significance there. But how different here! Whenever such a condition occurs here, as it does every place more or less, it becomes a matter of public interest, and oe cassions impatience, discontent, forebodings, etc. And can anybody tell why such things should be of more importance among the peop’e of the wasjt than those of the The only probable explana tion is the fact of age and settle ment. In the newer west, every thing seems to be in the ex perimen tai, the doubtful stage. We more read-1 ily fear the result of anything not* particularly favorable. In the old eastern communities, where people have had ail the experiences of the west many times over, time has es tablished the fact that all these things are overcome; that drouths and rainy seasons come and go; that disease may overtake a com munity with more or less disastrous results at any time; that epidemics ot this or that appear to annoy aud distract human endeavor. But they don't move out; they don’t be- CGm e scared and make a fuss. They Ul« pvr UUinoMly Rented, vC’hp ill, wind or good, and as each decade passes there is increased deyelope ment. And just think how many years, how many generations, have (ome and gone in these old localities with their slow, butcertaindevelops ment —before everything became permanent, with the people patient and contented under a|l matters or eras of adversity of any kind or de scription! Yet this is the result of time ami experience. The impetu ous young person plunges head long this way or that, to either ex treme, until finally age and experi ence teaches him or her to take the middle course of patience and con servatism. So it is with a country. In the bourse of time, with age and experience, we learn to settle down and pa liently accept the varying conditions to which life is subject. Evenbody Make Rain. The great interest created here once in years gone by over the Kan sas rain makers will be readily re called by Press readers. The Fair play, Mo.. Advocate explains their method and material used, so that anyone can become his own rain maker: Some years ago Kansas was over run with so-called rain makers, who did a thriving business in vicinities afflicted with drouth. The Rock Is land railroad had a rain maker who traveled about the country iu a special car, ancLmade ram from Tex as to lowa. At that time the process employed was guarded as a secret, and no doubt the mystery surrounding.the operation had much to do with the interest aroused among 4he people,, But now comes George Matthews in Wichita Eagle, with a full exposi tion of the means employed by the Rock Island wizard* and others,and the following is the recipe given* by him: “Ten tiuid dunces of sub sulphuric acid. “Fifty il»Tid Attiices of water. “Five ounces of «Uc. “Renew every ,’and stir evgry 'At SAKWtQ RQWQtW CO., YORK. thirty minutes day an I night for :V> hours, until rain conies. The mo ment rain comes removejar or crock. In territory west of Kansas use one third less: at sea level use double the quantity. In Kansas work only on southerly winds. Begin an exper iment only in a clear sky. One sta tion of the experiment, if successful, will produce a rain thirty to fifty miles wide in diameter. A better and more certain result can be se cured by having three or more sta tions fortv or fifty miles apart.” According to Mr. Matthews, this mixture left in an open mouthed jar generates hydrogen gas which rap idly ascends. The theory is, that this gas ascending creates a. {shaft, through the hot air, down which the cold air rushes, creating a storm center, and gathering moisture tor precipitation. Matthews claims that of the 209 experiments made, by him, at least 180 ol t hem were successful. City Improvements. The grading and tilling in of Miller s main street is the mo.stcom plete work vet done on the streets. This brings the street level ro what will be about a permanent thing. It has been suggested by a. nu.ub ’r of property holders that the city ofticpj’H should now ( stahUMh fir mament grade line for the building of houses ami sidewalk, in fact m uiy are surprised to learn this had not been don° years ago. Without such up established line no uniformity, can be had in buildings or side, walks. Ample evidence of this is. had in the very uneven side walks and buildings along Broadway, which of course is the result of hav- ( ing no regular line to build to. In view of these facts it would seem very proper now to establish a grade line in conformity with the present permanent slope of the to affect only future building. From now on better buddings will be put up in Miller, ami every m m whoso builds will want to be on a regular grade line. This will not af fect present walks oi buildings, ex cept as present property owners wish to meet the line of their own free will, but when new sidewalks are put in they could then all be placed on the grade line, and in time we would have a uniform, even walk the length of Broadway. This would be no inconvenience to pres ent property, but a decided benefit to future builders, anti is really a necessity in the building of a town. Excursion Tickets to Milwaukee Indus trial Exposition, to be held Sep tember 2 Io October 7, .Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates. For rates dates of sale, limits,! etc., apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R’y. 37t3 Liver Complaints and Nervousness A torpid liver always produces and Irritability. You art* all clogged up and feel despondent. Perhaps you have treated with physicians or tried some recommended medicine without benefit. All that is no argument against Dr. Fenner’s Blood and Liver liemedy and Nerve Tonic which will so readily cure Impaired verves, liver com plaint*, headaches blood and skia diseases, etc. Get a circular of dealsr. f Fordale by J. I). Fitzgerald. S. D. Bakino Fowder Cured. NO 38 4J 5® <> 1 ! fill B#