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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ORAYING. WILLIAM* BROS. Having purchased the dray line of Andrew Butler, we are prepared t* do all kinds of <1 raying promptly and carefully. Leave order* at or telephone to Vanderbilt hotel. T (INCH COUNTER. H. J. Hickox, Prop. Come to R. J. Hickox's Lunch counter for a good 10 or 15 ct. lunch. Or a No. 1 meal, nav and night, at old Pres* building. 2d street, Miller, 8. D. | jENSHAW HOUSE. C. H. HENSHAW, Prop. First tins* lodging and the beat meals the market afforda. Farmers made welcome. Also a livery and feed stable In connection Broadway. Miller. 8. D. pIONEER GALLERY. Miss Oviatt, Photographer. The Pioneer Gallery, one door north of post office. Miller, 8. I), will be open Tuesdays & Wednesdays. All work guaranteed to be first class. J)ENTISTRY. E. H. Wilson D. D. S. Office over Beasom’s hardware store. .Mil ter. 3. I>. pUSEY & BALDWIN, LAWYERS. Practice before all the courts of South Da kota. Office in Morrill brick block. 2 doors north of post office. Miller South Dakota. J D. FITZQERALD, •DRUGGIST, ♦las on hand Pure Drugs. Patent Medicine* Dye Stuffs Combe, Brushes, Perfumes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. Physicians’ prescriptions and Family Recipes com pounded with care. Miller. S. D. U F. TORREY, Pbophietor VANDERBILT HOTEL. First-class accommodations guaranteed ut reasonable rates MILLER. GC. BRIGGS, • (COUNTY JUDGE) ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real estate and Insurance. Farm* and dwelling houses rented. Taxes paid for non reeidents. Correspondence solicited, Miller South Dakota. Q V. GHRIST, ** (STATES ATTORNEY) LAWYER, And Real Estate Arent. Collections and insurance. Taxes paid for non-resident pro- Serty owners. Office over postoffice. Miller, outh Dakota. J H. COLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office two doors north Hand Co. Bank. MILLER Jan Mt 3 Notice to Owner of Land Before Tax Deed Shall Iwrae. To D. R, B. Johnston Land Mortgage Co. and Geo-ge M. VanValkenburg owners and Emma E. Ware Mortgagee. You are hereby notified that on the 2nd day of November 1897. the following de scribed piece or parcel of Real Estate, taxed in the name of George M. VanValkenburg and situated in the County of Hand state of South Dakota, an follows: The North- West Quarter of Section Twelve in Town ship One Hundred and fifteen North of Range sixty Eight, West of the sth P. M. contain ing 160 acres, was sold for taxes then doe and delinquent for the year 1896, at tax sale by the Treasurer of eaid County, to Hand Co and wae bv said purchaser duly assigned to I-ewis Shuster who is now the lawful holder of the certificate of purchase. That said tax es then due and delinquent amounted to *12.24 sad that subsequent taxes have been paid, with interest, penalty and costs ac cnicd.yS.lH.making total amount necesaar ry to redeem *15.42 and in addition there to the cost of service of this notice, together v itli such interest as may accrue after thia date, must be paid, and that the right of redemption will expire and a deed for said iugd be made within sixty days from the completed csrvics of this notice. Jan. lltH Notice That Tax Deed Will tame. State of South Dakota, 1 County of Hand. j To R. M, Kuns, You are hereby notified in accordance with the provisions of the Statute in such case made and provided, that on the 4 day of November 1895, at a regular sale of lands upon xx hich taxes weie due. in and forHaud ( Miller the ( ounty Seat thereof, the following described property was sold for taxes: \Uat Half ol North West Quarter n*?} JV U i A'* ’ Township One (G 9 r< * * ,ev eb (111), Runge Blxty-nine i'toperty was purchased by H and < aunty, and has since been assigned tot, 1). Adams, Miller, South Dakota. And whereas, two yean have expired ► 11.ce ibe (lute of purchase of said tract, and the | io]ieily aioiesaid has not been redecin- ou aie nlso notified, tbnt according to •f'ltmption In •<t u to the said dew i lls d trnd oi land will <■'l He »it bin sixty days oi the (ompleted • •ixae oi il..s i-olitc. and that the subsetib- • i ht i< to x\ ill be »ntithd to a deed of said licet alt.i the pioper sei vice and nt m of ■» 1900,' ,<U “* aJil,vr “ ,l " dw * u 1 J*nt»ury SOUTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA LEWIS SHUSTER. Si U AUMili NEW HARNESS SHOP Having opened a shop two for the purpose of inak- door Bing and repairing har- north ness, I respectfully soli- vandrdilt cit a share of your pat hotel ronage. lam also pre- I ared to make and repair— FINE SHOES. • All work warranted. Fine work a specialty. G. H. PRESTON. Jan.llt4 Notice To Creditors. Estate of Rosa M. Stapp, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned. Executor of the last Will and Testament of Rosa M. Stapp deceased, to the creditors of and ail persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within Four months af ter the first publication of this notice, to the said Executor at his home In Linn Township In the County of Hand. state of South Da kota. Rockham. So. Dak. P, O. January 9, l!>00. John. S. Stapp. Executor of Last Will and Testament of Rosa M. Stapp, deceased. Jan. 416 N<jtl<»e For Publication. Land Office at Huron S. Dak . Dec. 28, 1899. Notice Is hereby given- that the follbwing natned settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Judge of the County Court at .Miller S. Dak., on Saturday, Feb. 10. T9OOi vta: GEORGE CURRIN, H. E No. 13532. for the South West Vt Sec. 9. twp. 111. Range 68. W. sth p. in. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and'cultiva tion of said land, viz: John McGowen. Peter Hough. Christian Vannet. Louis Man ning, all of Miller, S. Dak. C. A. 81. A KE. Register. Jan.4t3 Notice for Tax - Deed. To Lydia O. Myers, Take Notice. That at a regular sale of lots and lands for taxes held on the 2nd. day of November 1896, in ami for the coun ty of Hand and State of South Dakota, the following described tracts of land situated in the county of Hand and State of South Dakota, and taxed In the name of Lydia <>. Myers, to-wlt: South half of south west quarter of Section 18. township 112, range i<>; and South half of south east quarter of section 14. in township 112. range 70, were separately offered for sale for the taxes due and unpaid thereon for the vear 1895, and were each separately bld in t>v the treasurer of said Hand County, in the name of said Hand County, for the full amount of said taxes, with interest, penalty and costs; and the certificates of purchase were then-after duly assigned by the treasurer of said Hand County to E M. Dunn, who Is now the law ful owner and holder thereof: And more than two years having expired since such sale and neither of said tracts of land hav ing Isen redeemed, you are further notified that the riirht of redemption will expire and a deed or deeds for said tracts of land tie made within sixty days from the completed service of this notice. Dated at Miller, 8. D. this 2d day of Jan uary 1900. E, M. DI’NN. Owner and holder of the certificate* of purchase. Dec 7t7 Foreclosure Sale. \X hereas, default has been made in the payment of the money secured by a Trust Deed, dated the first day of March A. D. 1887, executed by William Mun: and Emma Munz, his wife, of the County of Hand and Territory of Dakota to L. W. Tulievs. Trus tee, party of the second part and Clarence K. Hesse, party of the third part and which Trust Deed was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of Hand and Territory of Dakota, in Kook' 30 of Mort gages on page 150, oh the 11th day of March 1887 at 2:30 P. M„ and Whereas, no action or proceedings at law or otherxx ise have iieen Instituted to recover the debt secured by said Trust Deed, or any part thereof. Whereas, on the 31st day of March 1887, said Trust Deed with the note secured there by, was duly assigned by the said Mortga gee to The Security Company of thecounty of Hartford in the State of Conneticut which assignment was duly recorded intbeofflee of the Register of Deeds of the said county of Hand and Territory of Dakota on the sth day of April 1887 in Book 29 of Mortgages on page 389 and, Whereas, default has been made in the pay ment of the interest as stipulated In said Trust Deed, Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the taxes assessed on said real property as agreed by the said mortgagor in said Trust Deed and. Whereas, the whole amount of said prin cipal and Interest has become due by reason of said default. Whereas, the amount claimed to be due upon said Trust Deed at the date Of this no tice, Is the sum of Twelve Hundred and Twenty Six Dollars and Seventy-five Cents i *1226.75) principal and in addition there to Seventy Dollars attorney’s fees stipulated for in the said Ti ust Deed. Now therefore. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained In said Trust Deed and duly recorded as afore said and in pursuance of the statutes in such case made and provided the said Trust Deed will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein described, at public auction by ihe Sheriff of Hand county or his Deputy at the front door of the Court House in the City of Miller and County of Hand and State of South Dakota, on Saturday the 20th day of January 1900 at 10 o’clock in the fore noon of that day, The mortgaged premises are situated in the County of Hand in the State of South Dakota and are described as follows, to-wlt The South east quarter (S.E.U) of Section 1 wenty-one (21) in Township One Huudred w f, ! en ,U ls Z?^. rt^ of Kan *«* Sixty-six (66) " est of the sth I’. M.. containing 160 acres tn ore or less according to Go vern men t survey Dated at Miller 8. D., this Ist day of De cember A. D., 1899. The Secirity Company, Assignee of Trust Deed, W. F. Bin ell. Attorney- for Mortgagee. Jan. Htß , , Notice to Owner of Latid Before Tax Deed Shall loaner To Walter F. Smith, \ou are hereby notified that on the Ist day of November A. D. 1897, the following described piece or parcel of Real Estate, tax ed In the name of M alter F. Smith, and sit uated in the county of Hand State of South Dakota, as follows: South West NW U Hectiun 22. Township 110 Range bB, con taining 160 acres, waJ sold for taxes then due ami delinquent for the year 1896, at tax sale by the Treasurer uf said county tu Uhnd ( ounty So, Dak., and wan by Maid purchaser duly assigned to E. J, Burton who is noxx the lawful bolder of the certificate of purchase. And that the right of redemp tion will expire and a deed for the said VMi twiihn Jan. lltv. _ . or School and Endowment Landa. .Vin°t'X A oi “ ."<?o d mt-.‘..d eoun- ty Dated Pierre. 8. D. January 4th 1900. David Eastman, Commissioner of School and Public Lauds. Det. 7t ®jj ottoe y or publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Huron, 8. D. Dec. 4, IHJJ. Notice is hereby given that the named settler has filed notice of his Int. n tion to make final proof in -"M’ort <« claim, and that said W 0 fore the Clerk of tlhet < •?“2f fc r n «>» Co. S. Dak., at bis office In Mllkr, 8. D.. on Monday January 15. IJOO viz. SIMON NICHOLAS. IL E. No. 13490, for the S. 27 ’ Twp. 112. N. Range 69. West sth I . M. He name* the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and <u tiva tion of. said land, viz: Daniel 1 arkhurst. Harlan Woodruff, J. W. Almond, Frank Conan, all of Miller, 8. D. C. A. BLAKE. Register. Dec. 21t6 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Huron, S. Dal-. Dec. 14th 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler nas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge of the County Court for Hand Co. S. D.. at Miller, 8. D., on Saturday, Jan. J«. 1900. viz: FRANK 0. ROSS H. E. No. 14658. for the 8 E Vi Sec. 2, Twp. 109, N. Range 09, W. sth I’. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultiva tion<of said land, viz: John L. Arbogast, Calvin H. Porter of Glendale. 8. D.. Thoma* Cawood, Heury W. Penwell, of Ames, 8. D. C. A. BLAKE. Register. Dec. 716 Timber Culture, Final Proof.—Notice for Publication. Cnlted Statre Land Ofße. Huron. 8. D., Dee. 4, 1899. Notice I* hereby given that Henry Andrew Biddle linn tiled notice of in tention-. to make final proof before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Hand Co., S. Dak., n< hi* office In Miller, 8. Dak., on Saturday the 13 day of January, 1900. on timber culture application No. 10150, for the North Went quarter of section No. 31. in townxhlp No. 114, N. Hauge No. (56. W sth p. m. He name* ns wltneMsea: Albert A. Wharton, AbnerC. Whatton of Odetwa. 8, D„ and C. L. Dougherty. Burton Dougiaaa, oi St. Lawrence. S. D.. C. A BLAKE. Register. Dec 21t6 Notice for Publication. i.and Office at Huron. So. Dak. Dec. 14.1899. Notice la hereby given that the following named nettler ha* tiled notice of hfa intention to make final proof in support of hia claim and that aald proof will be made before the Judge of the County Court for Hand Co. S. Dak., at his office in Miller, S. Dak. on Saturday Jan. 27 1900, vu: JOHN ANDREWS. H. E. No. 18(5511. for the South East of Section 26, in township 114 of range 08. (V. sth p. m. He names the following wit nesHPH to urove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlx: Thomas Jones, Jamea Jones, of Miller. 8. D., Daniel P. Herehman. Alexander Gilmore of Florence, 8. D. C. A. BLAKE. Register. Jan. 11 LT Notice to Owner of Land Before Tax Deed Shall Issue. To J. H- Brink. You are hereby notified that on the Ist dav of November A. D. 1897. ths following described piece or parcel of Real Estate tax ed in the name of J. H. Brink and situated 1 in the County of Hand. State of South Da-, kota. as follow : Lota One (1). Txvo (2),/ Seven (7) and Eight (8) of Sec. 2. Tow* 112, Range 70 containing 154 acres, w<s sold for taxes then due and delinquent fßr the year 1896, at tax sale by the Treasurer of said County to Hand County and was by said purchaser duly assigned to J. C. Gard ner who is now the lawful holder of the cer tificate of purchase. That said taxes then due and delinquent amounted to with inter est, penalty and costs accrued, *19.20, mak ing total amount necessary to redeem *19.20 and in addition thereto, the cost of service of this notice, together with such in terest as may accrue after this datr, must be paid, and that the right of redemption will expire and a deed for said land be made within sixty days from the completed service of this notice. Jan. Iltß Notice to Owner of Land Before Tax Deed Shall lawue. To Isaac Lincoln. You are hereby notified that on the 2nd day of November A. D. 1896, the following described pfeee or parcel of real estate, taxed in the name of Isaac Lincoln, and situated in the County Of Hand State of South Dakota, as follows: Lot 8. block 9, Atlantic Addi tion to the town of Miller, Hand Co. 8. u., sold for taxes then due and delinquent for the year 1895. at tax sals by the Treasurer of said County to Hand county and was by said purchaser duly assigned to Cyrus Stout who is now the lawful holder of the certifi cate of purchase. That said taxes then due and delinquent amounted to *2.98, and that subsequent taxes have been paid, with interest, penalty and coats accrued, * .90, making total amount necessary to redeem *3,88 and in addition thereto, thecost ofaer vlce of this notice together with such inter est asmay accrue,after th Is date, must be paid, and that the right of redemption will expire and a deed for said land be made xx-itbin sixty days from the completed service of this notice. Miller, 8. D., Jan. Btb 1900. CYRUS BTOUT, Owner of said Certifies te. Jan. Iltß, Notice to Owner of Land Before Tax Deed Shall laaue. To The D. 8. B. Johnston Land Mortgage Co., John Quhn and D. Burr Geddings oxvn er of Sheriffs Certificate. Yon are hereby notified that on the 2d dav of November A. D. 1897, the following de scribed piece or parcel of Real Estate, taxed in the name of.C.H. Waterbury and situated In the County of Hand, State of South Da kota, as folioxvk: The North West Quarter of Section Thirty-four in Township One- Hundred aqd fifteen, north of Range Sixty eight west of the fifth F, M..containing 160 acres, was sold for taxes then due and de linquent for the year 1896, at tax sale by the Treasurer of said County to Hand County and was by said purchaser duly assigned to Lewis Bbuster who is now the laxvful holder of the certificate of purchase. That said taxes then due and delinquent amounted to *12.96 and that subsequent taxes have be<u paid, with interest, penalty and costs accrued, *3.36, making total amount neces ►ary to redeem *16.32 and in addition there to the cost ot ►erx Ice of this notice, together with such interest as may accrue after this date, must be paid, and tnat right of redemp tion will expire and a deed for said land be made xx ithiu sixty days from tbs completed ■srvivs of this antic*. J.C. GARDNER. By G. C. B hi (ios, Atty. lICASTORIA I The Kind You Have ISS «ag=9l Always Bought Vegetable Prcparationfor As- ft * a slmilaUngtteToodandßegula- ft _ Z tingthftStaMdaaDdßawdsaf ■ BOOTS 1110 X « ft Signature z zl\r ProtnoteaTfigestion,Cheerful- ft j ibess and Best. Con tains neither ft A r f Opium,Morphine nor Mtoeral. ft U 1 Not Narcotic. ft fU.IT ft Ifi Jfr The |l A perfect Remedy for Com lipa- ft| Hr ftlllu I tion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, ft I I<F " I WonftSjCanvubions.Feverishr ftl llr’ I ft IQU Unyn I Bpc Sunil* Signature of ft I BA lwsys Bought. CASTORU Nov. 30t6 Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United State* Lana Office, Huron Mouth Dakota, Novem ber 23rd 1899. A Hiifticient content affidavit having t>een filed irf thi* office by Chrietlan Schmidt of (Mendale, 8, Dakota, conteetant. again*t Home*tead entry No. 14548, made May 21 at 1894, for South West quarter Section 25. Town*hip 110 N., Range 69 W., by Christian Peter Chriateneeß Centeet ee. In which it ie alleged that: the aaid Chrfatian Peter Chrleteneen. ha* wholly abandoned said tract of land anti ha* not at anytime elnce the year 1895, re aided upon *ald land. That *ald claimant ha* not cultivated or eauwedto be cultivated any portion of *aid tract during the year* 1895, 1890. 1897, 1898 and 1899 and that *nch failure* are alleged to have existed Nov. 7. 1899. lit 1* alleged that the claim ant ha* not bul t or cauaed to be built anv building* of any description upon *ald land. It 1* finally alleged that *ald Claimant ha* not been engaged In the Military or Naval Service of the United state* during the period above mentioned nor- that he I* in such employment at the present time. *aid partle* are hereby notified toapnear. respond <and offer evidence touching *uld allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 26, 1900. be fore the Register and Receiver at the United State* Land office in Huron, Beadle County, South Dakota. The Raid contestant having, in a proper affidavit, tiled November 22, 1899, net forth facta which ahow that after due diligence, personal service of thia notice can not be made. It in hereby ordered and directed that tmch notice be given due and proper publica tion In the Pioneer Frees, published at Miller. 8. D. e DAKOTA.... 5 UNIVERSITY. £ College for both sexes. Three College Courses. F Three Preparatory Courses. T Three Normal Courses. Special course for Teachers preparing for examina tion, Special courses in music, art, elocution, business, shorthand and typewriting. The enrollment tor last including Summer Session 461. Forty counties east of the Missouri River were repre sented. Thirteen professors and Instructors, a well sel- J ected Library. Excellent provisions for Athletics* 110 to 330 dollars pays for 36 weeks’ board, room J and tuition in regular departments. £ General Calendar. Fall Term begins third Wednesday in September and v continues thirteen weeks. Winter Term begins first Wednesday after January Ist and continues twelve weeks. Spring Term begins second day after close of winter J term and continues eleven weeks. X Summer Perm begins first Wednesday after close of spring term. For Year Book address W. I. Graham, President. Mitchell, South Dakota. J ▼ 0. A. BLAKE. Register. Land Wanted. I want to buy some good quartet of Hand county land cheap for canb. Write or call on me at Miller. tf G H. Carroll. Dec. 28tG CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. United Stata Land office, Huron. South Dakota, Decern tier 22nd, 1899. A Hufficient contest affidavit having been 1 filed In ihi* office by Nellie M. Potter, of Mi! ler, 8. Dakota, contestant, ngaitmt Tin'irr Culture entry No. 10081. made July 2C 1889. for North Eaat Quarter Section 11.1 Township 110 Range 68. W by Jacobi] Hildebrand Con tew tee. in which It I* nllnH' that : eaid claimant ha* failed to break fin acre* of *aid land during the fir*t vear d *aid entry and five acre* during the *eco»4 year of the entry. That he ha* failed to cw tivate anv portion of aald land or planted any part thereof to tree*, weed*, or cutting* a* required by law but that he ha* wholly abandoned *ald tract, *aid partle* are her* bv notified to appear, reapond and offer evi dence touching *ald allegation at 10 o'clort a. m. on February Bth, 1900. before tie- Register and Receiver at the United State* Land Office in Huron, Beadle County, South Dakota. The snid contestant having, in h proptr affidavit, tiled Octolwr 24th. 1N99, set forth fnctw which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice i»e given by due and proper pub lication In the Pioneer Press published Miller. 8. D. •• • • A. BLAKE. Beglatrr VOL. X a man ■ 3 ‘lt- E Nickle | Large Good si Iron an Large( 4 Harn Hatne < Name : Barn d AU kin Nails fi are no everytl one. I Spring small i shoes v find 10l OFFIC on lie Boi Board w all men be Chairman Bailey rec Collins, on ed cluurrmi The boa the books Treasurer, Courts, ar from day accounts v approved. Gardner for lots 5, Loves addi granted. N Johnson Harry Ker Barnard <f 1.50. & Perkin Bn Holcomb facturin J F Kellej Educator American books t< and GO 9 Butler She books to to Mrs 1 F E Sal tn sheep Allot he made, nn< country. upon I withutoo vital org death mm months a could no! cred a wt mg of uh hiHcover> H <> ihuch i tlint shei hotties I Her naiip writen W. ,N’ C. Trii brag st< f md 1.00 ed.