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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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s the that primarily •ily every man an « brain are on the order messes which sa ns of diges urce of man’s ; sses of diges. Jhates, li mei brain and i ?*y the needs ind digestive re to extract body under- I tom of nerve I efficient and I lach ; a con- I late from the I > of nervous s» and other h and allied nd cleansed r>* writes Mr. ' putt In t ,ES locked I meat it sell J ?OVED ‘s and for the ist ac- epara’ 50 00 65 00 35 00 00 o<l 25 00 65 00 (i anr iking p era- le or stub at a < in The Miller Roller Mills, Are now reaping the benefit of their big outlay for new machinery made lust fall. Farmers who never were here before to mill are coming this fall. The quality of their Hour as well as amountgivm in exchange is the attraction. Their rates are 28 lbs Fancy Patent, 30 lbs Second Pat, or 32 of Straight flour with bran and shorts per bushel. A load of 40 bushels secures the farmer fre* lodging for self and team. THE CHICAGO and NORTH-WESTERN Railway. TIME CARD. Arrival and departure of train** at Miller «. D. overC. A N. W. Ry. GOING EAST. Ko. S—PMsenirer o:s* a. m- No. 32— Freight andAecom 11:45 a. m. GOING WEST. K 0.31— Fra’gut and accom 11:55 a. m. No. 7 7:34 p. m. All trainH daily except Sunday. Slrrpinjr cars between Hawarden and t'hl •< ngo. and bet ween Mankato and ( hienge. and idreping earn between Brooking* and Kasota. ( hair car* between Kano'a and Minneap olis. For further Information inquire of W. B. Kmmhis J. M Noicipmore. Gen. Paas. A«l.. Cbtrago. Gen. Apt. Winona Minn. J. P. F.STEE. Agent. The Par** w ill pubiiah free all notfe<-M of lo ea) orgaiiitatiou*, if handed in by thorn* in terested. r Commercial Club. Meet* tiret Tueeda.v of each month in their club roouiH over Nate .lubnaon'x drug atore. Otiicera. DireittorH. President, 8. 1. Ghriat. khe Pre**., Peter Gross, J. 11. Baldwin, Nevretary, L. I>. Swe* tlat.d, Frei* sweet laud, John Fueey. Treasurer, Nate .loliuon i*t. Lawren* t Lodge. A. F and A, M. No. ;jt> 0 Mtetv at Miller, 8. D, every tirnt and third r ridaj night each month at 8 o’clock. W. 11. Laue. \\. M.; j. 1,. achs, Sec’y. Chapter id, K. A. M. n <<t» tirat and third WedniMuay each monm at juiller. M. 11. 1". —lt. T. btuam. ar< <.M. bw ver. Nicest hue ul good things to eat, 44tt Elmer Holben. Attend t cquilltttcH closing out •ale. Everything will go at cott and less. 42ti M. A. I’armley, ol Pleaoaut Vail ey, was in Miller Monday, alter having been iaid up by a spell oi sickness. —IM i HI i ♦♦♦ ■ IlflMw is Bafty liMtlliln? It II < I < If so, there must be some j trouble with its food. Well babies are plump; only the sick are thin. Are you sure ; the food is all right ? Chil-; dren can’t help but grow; they must grow if their food i ■ nourishes them. Perhaps a ' mistake was made in the past and as a result the di-, gestion is weakened. If that is so, don’t give the baby. a lot of medicine j just use :: your every-day common, sense and help nature a i little, and the way to do it is to add half a teaspoon ful of SCOTT’S EMULSION to the baby’s food three or . four times a day. The gain will begin the very first day you give it. It seems to correct the digestion and i gets the baby started right again. If the baby is nurs ing but does not thrive, then z the mother should teke the emulsion. It will have a good effect both upon the;: mother and child. Twenty five years proves this fact, i 150 c. and fi.oo, all drufgiata. SCOTT A BOWNE, ChawUu, Naw York. ,HI 11 ■ 111 II ■aw Ml inwHl »wWi J LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Have you seen the novelties nt Holben’a? The wife and child of W. E. Barker arrived from Pierre last, week. W. S. I rcsion, of Huron was in ’iJlor this week visiting his relatives hern. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Burk of Mid lend, report the arrival of a boy at their home. I wenty below again this morning' causes a little more respect for the ground hog. Local base ball enthusiasts wore out practicing Friday February Second. Agent J. P. Estee and family re turned Saturday from a visit to relatives in Minnesota. Hand county did very well in her mixed farming last year, but after all her wheat crop is only about one fifth of tint oilier products. State Supt. Collins was in Milter Saturday attending the teachers meeting, at which there was a large attendance and interesting program. Art her Burton returned last week from Michigan, where he hud the pleasure of visiting with his mother, sister and brother, for the first time since thay were separated when he was a child. Revival meetings nre in progress at the M E. church, conducted by Rev. C. B. Warren, of Wolsey, assist ed by the Pastor Rev. J. E. N orval. Rev. Warren is announced as the “Sum Jones of Dakota Methodism ” C. 11. Henshaw, an old time con ductor on the D. (’. was calling on friends here Friday, Mr. Henshaw is now in the hotel business and con ducts the Henshaw House at Miller. —HurOnite. Card of Thanks We wish to extend our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for their kind assistance during the sick ness and burial of our loved one. M. Geiver & Family The Press has received a copy of the Minneapolis Journal Almanac.a book filled with statistics and gener al information of all kinds. It sells for 25 cts. and is well worth the price. 2 Doz. Stnmn Photos in 4 posi tions for 25 cts. at Miller Gallerv. Open every day. W. E. Barker, tf Artist. Masquerade Bal’. There will be a masquerade ball at the opera house Friday evening Feby. 23. First class orchestra will be in attendance. Everybod y in vited. 7t3 Com. Notice the advertisement in this issue of J. 1). Manning’s Cream Sep arators. He h andles the IL S. Sep arators and guarantees perfect work. See him if you need any thing in this line—and you do if you have not got one. Now is your chance toget all kin ds of photographic work at Miller gal lery. Open every day. All work guaranteed to beof the best. tf W. F. Barker. Artist. We still have a splendid assort ment of fine dress goods ami trim mings and they all go at cost. 48tf ,1. W COQUILLETTE. CASTORIA. Sean the Iha Kin d You Haw Alwayi Bought At wholesale price our goods are all bargains, but the best always go first so don’t delay but come early and often. tf J. W. Coquillette. Others will charge you $1.25 to $1.50 lor goods that you can buy for SI.OO So see our stock before you make a purchai* of any kind. 4Rt! J» W. COQVUABTTK. Furs Wanted. filling your furs to the Redmond store. Stover building. Bt3 Heavy Horses Wanted. I want to buy some good heavy young horses, weight about 1400, B. F. Torrey. Dakota University at Mitchell is having the most prosperous year in its history. Enrollment 323 from 40 different counties. Everybody is shouting “On to the New Building.” Plenty of good readingcanbe had now for little money. The Press goes one year for sl.; the Press and Weekly Inter Ocean for $1 .50; the Press and twice a week Sioux City Journal for $1,50; the Press and the Dakota Farmer tor $1.25. Andrew Thompson, of Gilbert township, was a County seat visitor Monday. He reports indications of an increased acreage to farming in his locality this year. And it may be noted this is somewhat general over the county. Last tear’s crop was a very fair one—good in some localities—hence the added interest in that direction. Miss Maggie Geiver, an estimable young lady of Spring Lake, died at the home of her parents last Sunday, of heart trouble. She was well and favorable known to many people of the county who tender the family there sincere sympathy. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at the Catholic church in Duncan’ at which place the remains were buried. Many of our exchanges are making favorable mention of Congressman Gamble as senator to succeed the man-aslmmed-of his country. If it should be the desire of Mr. Gamble to enter the raxie he will find astrong following in the southern part of the state at least. Mr. Gamble has a clean record, he has proved faithful to his party and tru** to his state and country.—Centervill Caronicle. Notice of Teachers’ Examination. Notice is hereby given that the next quarterly examination for ap plicants to teach in Hand county will be held in the court house in Miller, Friday March 2, 1900, be ginning at 9 A. M. Bt4 A New Fad. How to write 1900 in Roman let ters is a question that has driven out the “What century?” discus sion. It used to be a fashionable fad in days gone by to head a letter with the yeai in Roman numerals. That fad got a death blow in 1888 when it took just thirteen letters, MIM’CCLXXXVIII. Last year was neailv as bad for it took nine letters, MDCCCXCIX But 1900 can be written MI’M if anybody prefers it that way.—Hu ronite. Prices Marked Down. We are overstocked on shoes and wish to reduce cur stock at once, therefore offer we onr entire stock at a sacrifice Including 800 pairs of new spring and summer styles. Back date shoes tor 75 cts. per. pair, 50 cts. per, pair, 25 cts. per. pair. Shoes that wiil please you and prices that will pleaseevery one; these prices are for cash. Btf A Frightful B louder Will often cnuse a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen’a Ar nica Salve, the beet in the world, will k ill the paiu and promptly heal it. Cures Ohl Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Erup tions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by J. 0. Fitzgerald Druggist. 7t4 The People of Today, Have reached that stage of intelli gence where they are no longer im posed upon by traveling quacks and peddlers. The bo called opticians and oculists, used to reap a rich harvest, but their work is so unsatisfactory after tbev have gone that the people have learned that their safest plan is to have their eyes examined and fitted l»F theirho'meoptician. Thor ough aad scientific examination fiee of charfe. Chas. E. Sontao, J. H. Snoddy. Co. Sunt. H. R. Ghkeveb & Co nptisiMi, AUDITOB’S AND TBBASURER’S DETAILED EXHIBIT Of Receipts and Dlabursment, in the f oanty of Hand for Quarter Ending Dec. 31, 1899, Showing Amount or Funds in Treasury and where Deposited. T’REABURER’S EXHIBIT.. ..-■•! r~ T~; DR. BAL. CH, J>U.. CB. RC’p’tK DlSß’m'i'H TOTAL Tutai~~' Ac t over- or. B al. (Jr. Bal. * r n 1 J?’ A’mt. ove (a*h on 'louhQi- rd’ru at Hand. £.r®.vM_’ , ' ,r Thlx Qr. This Quar. end of Qr. State Tax oil *5 1880 19 2091 61 40oTF» Apportionment 883 40 1034 94 1670 79 247 X”. insane oS 35 457 Hit 336 37 179x1 County General 3894 77 4436 91 3829 99 3287 85 County School 1016 59 192 kO9 1014 49 1930 in County Bridge 607 87 174 59 50 19 730 07 County Kinking 1532 43 483 x 1 46 2015 7s County Institute 11 08 74 00 Ab 9-> District School* 7010 75 9516 68 8831 98 7705 4". 'ownHhipH 886 77 1230 35 715 89 1401 23 Miller General >.>4 so 67 02 189 60 27 78 Mißer Bond Int 223 97 153 43 447 94 70 54 '!* . ler J}* 1 95 5 7 64 74 191 14 30 83 '*■ r Hoad 19 50 20 91 49 00 859 Miller Water 145 62 90 45 291 24 55 11 24 41 "t. Lawrence gen 11 3.; 15 08 as St. Lawrence B’d 17 15 21 45 15 86 St. Lawrence Sink'g. 6 4 1 8 93 w 2 n st Lawrence Road.. 11 I 2 69 17 10 110-70 Road 14 25 2 x 5 Stock Indemnity 14 14 1230 53 Tsp. Read...: 573 83 1157 97 501 27 1 24 County Artesian... 1 18 On 1040 83 Redem lion 422 29 5596 73 4978 19 2660 62 Salary 1539 77 2088 21 967 35 144 40 Sale A L’ae Sc’l L’nd 8 25 144 40 8 25 74,5 oo st test) perSc'l F'd 16 500 580 00 | 437 39 Eire Guard 506 77 622 57 641 65 I 17 31 *heep I -apection 16 01 1 30 44 4Tj County Poor 16 87 27 60 180 73 Int. Per. School 16 16 164 33 45 qq Miller Twp. Artesian ■*•'» 66 lo tali -'&L. Overdrawn | 8525 23 TotepCaHh in Hand* of Treasurer | 17834 68 Funds -'Where Deposited. Currency and Coin. .. , 4037 18 National Rank of Commerce. Pierre, S. D. 18588 79 Township, sad City Order* ...| jyy 97 Due From Pontage, Freight and Express ”...| 28 /W I 17824 68 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA,! . County of Hand. f Thoma* Kelley, Treasurer. being duly sworn, doth nay that the above exhibit is a true and correct statement of the financial condition of Hand Conntv, as appear* hv hl* books thomas Kelley. Subscribed and worn to before me thi* 31st day of December 1899. [seal:] JAY P. MORRILL, Notary Public, South Dakota. atoitoir’ DETAILED LIST OF WAURAN* Co. Commixaionera l*tDi»t., ..) *• " 2d " I “ “ 3d “ 112 20 *• •* 4th “ I “ “ Sth “ ............ J County Auditor 290 00 Deputy Auditor t’eiinty Treasurer w ....... 250 00 Deputy Treasurer a.: ..... 120 00 Register of Deeds ...*. 194 90 Deputy Register of Deeds. .... ho 00 County Judge 50 OO Sheriff. Deputj - and Bailifftr 520 35 Clerk Circuit and County Court* 76 70 Superintendent of Schoo)* 137 62 State’* Attorney 100 OO Justice of the Peace 8 20 Witness fee* Cir and county Court 23 60 Stenographer Carried Forward 2214 47 ASSETS OF COUNTY IN DETAIL. Total Amount of School Money Loaned. Se curetl bv Mortgage* and 80nd*...11105 00 Unpaid Tax 1899. county fund* 14528 65 Unpaid Tax. 1898 County Fund*.,.1032 63 Unpaid Tax, 1897 County Fund*... 950 42 •• '• 1896 •' “ ... 805 20 •• 1895 “ “ ... 709 39 •• “ 1894 “ “ ... 418 82 “ “ 189?-, M ” ... 321 11 •• “ 1892 “ " ... 320 93 “ “ 1891 “ ’* ... 190 64 •• “ 1890 “ “ ... 197 27 •• “ 1889 •’ - ... 52 82 “ •• 1880 •• “ ... 27 69 •• •• 1887 ” “ ... 29 45 •• •* 1886 “ “ ... 59 31 “ “ 1«85 “ “ ... 40 98 •• “ 1884 “ “ ... 38 32 •• “ 1883 “ ’* ... 32 31 Due Roaenkrans defalcation 8769 27 Co. Building* and Furniture 10000 OO Bilie Receivable 80 00 Total. STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, County ot Hand, Thoma* Kelley Treasurer, being duly aurora doth aav that the above exhibit Ik n true aud correct statement of r the financial condi tion of Hand county, aw appears by his douks. THomah Kcli.kv. Subscribed and swoin to before me this 29th day of January, 1900. Jav I*. Morrill, Notary Public, So. Dak. STATE OF SOUTH DA KOTA, County of Hand Peter Gross Audito-, being (Inly sworn, doth aav that the I’reaaurer’n exhibit hereon Is a true and correct statement of the fin nncinl condition of Hund County, as anpeurs ny hie books and that the Auditor’s exhibit I* h true and correct of all warrants d<awu on the trea-uary during the quarter, anil that the statement of asneta and liability la true and correct Peter Uross. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of Januar; 1900 Jay t* Morrill, Notary Public. 80. Dak. tHe press FORSI THE PRESS AND SIOUX CITY JOURNAL $1.50. PRESS & INTER OCEAN-$i. 5 o fpiONEER MARKET. Fresh and Salt Meats, FISH, GAME, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Call at the old reliable Pioneer Meat Market for any thing in our Hue. ..52571 H 2 FOR ALL KINDS OF I 4 BOTTCHER BROS. < : S2CZTZXJZT. I WI ED DURING QUARTER. Brought Forward 2214 47 Physicians for Poor 150 00 Poor Relief 33 (_g) Book* and Stationery 420 50 Printing and Advertising 895 5o Elections 543 85 Lights, Fuci and Repairs Co. Bldgs. 292 OO Wolf Bounty 50 00 County Bridge* Sh«ep Inspection 29 50 MiHcellaneon* 377 2? Sch. Rooks Total . LIABILITIES OF COUNTY IN DETAIL. Total Amount of Schoo) Money Re- ceived Upto Date... 11850 00 Warrantw Ihhihm) and in Handa of Auditor 236 45 Warranta OutMtnndfnic 6145 54 Permanent school fund overdrawn 185 00 Exceaa of aaaeta over liabiiitiea34339 83 County Panda Overdrawn T0ta1,52571~32 9