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Jdr’Jgs, 5 AND $ MEDICINES. $ When you bCY you want 4 the best standard goods F that can be had, made by the most responsible 5 houses, and carefully* put nd by competent pha/ma- £ cist. J THE PALACE DRUG STORE* S is the place to go. 5 ESTABLISHED JAN- 1882. r j. i). Fitcerald, Proprietoi A Miller, S. D. pioneer s)rtss. ESTABLISHED JANUARY 4TII, IMS? Fl DLIHHKI) KVKRY TUVRHDAY B\ J. A, BUBIIFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Subscription WUIO a Year In Advanr* P. T. Sutphei) has purchased F. C. Clayton's interest in the St. Lau rence store. Mr. Sutphen will mon the store to Miller. Mr. Clayton has not yet decided on a locat ion. Ed. Burlingame, of Holden, wa« a Miller visitor Monday. He reports a big crowd at the Gates sale Satur day at which horses sold from S6O to $lO6, and cows for over SSO Terrible hard times, those. A dispatch from Chadron, Neb says the C. A N. W. Co. has pur chased 30,000 tons of steel rails, and flurures it out that about 275 mile could be built therewit h. The 27 » miles picked out for the company *o build is from Pierre to the Black Hills—but the Co. has not given out yet what the rails are to be used for. Friday Evening the Woman's Reading Club gave its annual recep tion nt the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Waters. A very in teresting literary and musical pro gram was rendered, ami games and refreshments. The program con sisted of a w< il tendered piano solo and encoie by Mi>s Helen Wafers; Apathetic rut ding by Mrs. Lucy Keves; A humor .us recitation by Mrs. Mattie Woodruff; a duet and enertre by Mbs Edith Mari n ami Mrs. Non i Snltmaish; A recitation by MBs Nelle Potter; s' etch of Holmes and recitation by Mrs. Emma Coquillette; violinand piano duet by Mrs. Maud Miller and Mrs. (hrtrude Briggs. The entertain in' nt w is full v up to the usual high standard of t l.e Miller ladies in such performances, and.was certainly on- joyed by the large number of guests present. HBHF z I WBS ESkW 1 W---J t?t << vfT>* tasse rWX ••&S HO .; £“U’. s*£2 IJfclgJ ypfl Jjfu rA ii ••• •*•*“"••• * r k 'X *\ 3 -£t ,' f , ') '■"?' /bsl ■ J t raU'c BIIL.D IERCE*sM| PTfa VO RITE 1 PTioKj *» x ” Z > (£t’vc» j 'ffl rawff / | reiiNTAWi g | I I I H Notice of Administintor s Sale of property of the Stover Estate in an other column, for Meh 27. A large amount of stock, grain and farm machin *ry will be sold forca :h. Re liable parties attending the sale can borrow’ money on theground to pay purchase BEE HEIGHTS. Messers Braden and Cowan shipped in four ear loads of cattle from lowa last week. Meppen and son pur chased 65 head, Forest Bros. 65, P. Watkins 55. and others bought a fwln ad each. Faith in the cattle b isiness is not declining. Miss Eva Whitcomb returned from In run Saturday night. Miss Edith Mason closed her c-hool inf the Lauzon district last we«*k and returned to her home at Ulabird Tues. A Strong Combination. A strong combination iu the way of first class newspaper features is made up of The Minneapolis Jour !i il’m incomparable northwest news ervice, its superior Washington ser vice. and “ Bart’s” daily cartoons. These three features alone make the Journal invaluable to *the north western reader. Dissolution of Partnership. Miller, S I)., Meh. 15,1900. The firm of Miller Bros. Co , of Miller. S. 1). is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All Mill accounts line the firm are payable to J. D. ami H. M. Miller, who assume con trol of the Koller Mill. All coal ac counts due the firm are payable to Charles Miller, who assumes charge of the coal business. 13tf J. I). Miller. 11. M. Miller. Charles miller. SOUTH WEST HANI). (). C Eastman made final proof on tree claim in Buffalo county Mar, 3. IT J. Robison and Richard Haves were his witnesses. R v. Sv. nrtout closed his series of meetings at the Congregntioual chur li Thurs. March 8. There were sev< conversions and the church i+ in better working order. Born tG Ulhlt John+on nn 1 wit • at the home of Thot. (’awoo 1 on March 6th a dnuxhter. • J. R. Shaw is boring a. well for Chris Srhmidtjon the S, W. X of Sec. 25 in Gh minis twp. Willard Shaw is f< ncing his home stead, the 8. E. X of 2JIIO-69. Adam Koch bad a well boreC 15S feet deep but got n > water. J. R. Shaw did the work fpr him. Siii’priseii Her Husband, "I used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion tvzo years apo," writes Mrs. Alfred Clark, of Hiteman, Monroe Co., lowa, "and the result was a fine baby girl of eleven or twelve pounds. lam about to become a mother again, and I have been troubled with morning sickness and vomiting. I could not eat any breakfast, but two days ago I began taking your * Favorite Prescription ’ twice a day. a tea spoonful at a time, and I am pleased to say that I have not had a vomiting spell for two mornings, and I had not been free from these for four months, and I can eat a hearty breakfast with the rest of the family. My husband is surprised at the change in me. It would be a blessing if more poor broken-down women knew of the ‘Favorite Prescription.’ It would save them hours of misery. I could write more about my suffering but I don’t need to now for all my aches and pains are gone." Worfft SIQO* "I received both of your letters,"writes Mrs. Eva Vedder, of Oneida, Lenawee Co., Mich., "and would say I do not know what my trouble was, unless it was a misplacement of some organ in the abdomen. I was so weak I did not have strength enough to stand on my feet long at a time, neither could I sit up very long. There was a sore spot on the left side of my abdomen which pained me very much when I walked. I lost mv appetite, bad a severe pain in the pit of my stomach which was worse when lying down. I commenced with your * Favorite Prescription ’ and ' Golden Medical Dis-w covery,’ taking the two kinds alternately, and when I had the two bottles half taken I was much improved. I took four bottles, and to-day am just as well and strong as anybody could ask to be. My husband says * Dr. Pierce’s medicines have been worth one hundred dollars to ire.’ We cannot say enough for the good I have received from your medicines. "I thank you for your kind and quick replies to my letters." Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free of charge. A U cor respondence strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. H. V. pierce Buffalo, N. K ’ ’ Meli. Bt.’J ADMIX’ISTK Vr«R’ s *ALE. In the County Court of the County of Hard State of South Dakota. ivim.m In the matter of the entitle of wiJlaut Styver, Deee&aeJ. Notice of utile of personal property. Notice is hereby Riven that In pursuance nn order of the County Court of the <>un iy ot Hand mid State of South Dakota, made on the sth day of March A. D, teen liundre I, in the matter <>l the entail of William Stover, deceased, the undersign ed. .lav P. Morrill, administrator o' ~*'£■ ceased will sell at public auction tothe iilgb ot bidder, for caan. on Tm+ulay. t ie day of March, A, I). Ninel <li btiu lr.‘ ten o'clock A. M.. at tin' . - d-m e ” u .,' arm of the decedent. on the North i-m* Quarter Sec. Nnete-n (19)> i’> towimnip 11 + range 68. in Hand County, ami State 01 South Dakota, the following person u prop erty. to-wlt: , . , . An tin livid d one ha »I of 115 heal ol<a.- tle, consisting of steer*.cowh. lieiier*. viitve.. ami one Poll Align* bull, and one Durham bull. . lo head of work hor-w s, un 1 one mule. All the farm iinpleim uts. machinery farm tool* belonging to the decedent, couHifting of I wagon and wu.ler tank. I .Molme wagon. 1 old wagon, 1 hay rack, a skicis, 1 pr. bob sleds and tvagon bed. 1 Moline gang plow. 1 Deere gang plow. 1 grindstone, 1 hay rake 1 prenndrill. 1 hay buckcr, 1 (frown mower. 1 corn cutter, 1 Deere culti vator, 1 walking cultivator, 1 Disc harrow. 1 Disc harrow with Heeder attachment. 1 St rowbridge seeder. 1 corn planter. 1 lister, 1 Piano header. 1 John Deere 4 section har row. 4 breaking plows, 2 header boxen. I binder. 5 sets doiib.e harness. 1 bbl. lime and 1-2 blit, cement. X Hickle grinder. 1 fanning mill. 1 Hingie buggy and harness.saddle and whip, neck-yoke and single trees, eliovel. scrap iron, wheel barrow. tin epouting. ropes, and puhovH. and scyt ie. About 1000 bushels of wh -at. One half interest in prairie bay, millet hay. and corn fodd< rin stacks on farm : About 15 bushels ot corn 10 bushels spiltz. and barley in granary Dated Marell Bth 1900. Notice in hereby given to all per sons not lo buv either of twp notes issued by me to the Merchants and Farmers Unite! Mutual Insurance Association of Redfield, S. D., one for $28.81 and one for $26.81. 13t3 E. S. Wilson, auctioneer, of Bur dette, has been secured to m ike the Stover sale in Florence township March 27th. His sales aie very suc cessful. This sale will draw a large crowd. * Program for Teacher’s Ass’n. March 31, 1900. Song. Current Events by Society. Recitation,—Miss Bessie Maxwell. Literature,—Miss Nellie Olson. Paper,—Miss Anna Lawler, Recess, Solo,—Miss Martin. History,—B. W. Humphrey. History and Science of Education, — Miss Stevens. Recit ition, —Mr. L. KeJlough. Question Box, —K. M. Linn. Lois Talbott, Sec’y S. L. Sage, the wandering news paper mmi, has at last got bold of a good newspaper property in the Garner Herald of which the first number under his editorship has been issued. It is abr *e?y one. Mr. Sage is tv bright and capable man. He is related to both Russell Sage of New York and John R. Sage, the lowa weather man uf Des Moines. Sage the weather man, used to say that he and Russell were worth mil lions-but Russell had most of it.— Cedar Rapids Republican. MOUSE FOR SALE. I have n house 24x28 for sale. Also one new pulverizer, one 20 ft. harrow, one gang plow, at my place in Alpha township. Geo. Livingston. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Don’t Look So Cross. Read this ad. and laugh, After that a drive will do you good. Come over and s»e me. You are always welcome at my store, ami it is a pleasure to me to show mv goods. Everybody come, tf S H. Belt. Dissolution of Partnership. Peterson, lowa. Feb. sth, 11100. Pin* firm of Pusey & Baldwin of Miller, S. D. is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm are payable to Mr. Pusey, "do succeeds to the business of the former partnership of Pusey & Bald win. llu •John Pusey, J. H. Baldwin. Jay P. Morrill, AdminiHtrßtor. Alexander Ross. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦************* i SMS AHU MB ! > iDRV SOODS V $ xi re have been to Chicago W and purchased our spring am! summer t Dry Goods, all of the latest styles that are j on the market today, and are ready for in- J spection. $ We are able to show you a better selec- X tion than you ever had an opportunity to t look at in Miller before. No inferior quality 5 of goods like others are showing you in off | styles and shelfworn goods. The Public now t have an opportunity to get what they want, X not what they don’t want, at prices that are 1 right. Don’t allow other Dealers to pur suade you to buy what you don’t want, for it is dear at any price to you. A few of many [bargains that we are offering is : Fancy Linen towels per pair 20 Fancy Precales per yard 05 Beauty pins per dozen 10 ♦ Outing flannel per yard 05 $ Hen’s dress suspenders 15 | Ladies fancy side combs 05 ♦ And many other articles too numerous to X mention. X Our shoe Department is complete. We have the larg- X est stock of shoes in Hand Co, in fact too urge for ouc (store to handle, so we offer them at a reduced price. Our Groceries are always the cheajjest because we handle nothing but standard goods. Call and get # our prices. ♦ H.R.GBEEVES&CO. Jh HJADS THEV/oRHL —. — /Sb * HE who buys the name “Es- tey’ on organ or piano, as an ounce of prevention, will never be sick of his bargain. “What, pay for a name?’’ No, not ex actly that, but in purchasing an Estey, either organ or piano, you may secure the protection of a name which through a half cen tury has been a guarantee against dissatisfaction, wherever it has been found on a musical instrument. Send forcatalogues ESTEY ORGAN Co, Battleboro, Vt. Estey Piano Co., New York Citv. I am sole agent for Hand Coun ty for the above described Estev Organs and Estey Pianos; also for the Newton Piano a strictly first class pianoof medium grade. Please remember also that I carry a full line of books, stationary, tablets, fruits, candies, cigars and wall paper. I am agent again this season for the cele brated Alfred Peats wall papers, and am now prepan d to show you over 500 samples of these papers, in new, lieautilul, and ar tistic design $ for 1900. Come in now and make your selections It you do not care to order from samples, we will have a stock from which you can select. Call and see us. And we will con vince you that we can furnish a top notch paper at a bottom notch price. Youn Truly, G. C. Buggi. LUNCHCOUNTER And Confectionary. Mealsand Lunches furn ished at all hours. A fine Stock of Confec tions, Cigars, etc. Of all kinds in Season. Call and see us for any thing in our line. CITY MEAT Fresh and Salt Pleats, Fruit and Vegetables. I have purchased the Hub bard Market and stocked up ready for the public. Call and see how much good meat you can get for cash. We shall carry no accounts, but sell on a cash basis, which means a benefit to customers. TIN SHOP. Having purchased the Stover Tin shop, tools and material, 1 am prepared to do all kinds of WORK IN METAL, iron roofing, bicy cle repairing, etc., FIRST CLASS WORK Guaranteed. FRUITS S. A. PALMER. MARKET. HARRY GIFFORD. LOUIS SHONBRUN Miller, S. Dak. I- I TO • 1 ant h L Not ILLIU) tni ©0 t< oc Have y Holbenw .fudge 1 day on hi Frank Lake Sat Neu I Height h, Wilmo Kee Hei Mil er M The fa Thoineo er Count Bev. ? tv Mon week pi Sam 1 county settle ii Hon. from I’» his son Mr. a over t their h housel section from \ work tomoi dunce H pn cir on wi he