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May and June we find we have a big stock I Ask to see the 80-Ka Tea at Coipiillette’s 26tf Now is your dunce toget all kinds of i hctcgH'pl tic work at Miller gal leiy.- every tiny. All work guaranteed to be of the best. tf tY. E. Barker, Artist. Wishing repairs for the Buyk Eye would dq well yo lot/k oyer their machines and leave their orders with their agent. 2fitf George Jeffery, Miller, S. D. Although all kinds fo painters ma- ferial have advanced you never in the past bought paint cheaper than vou can buv it of N. Johnson & Co t * nt the present. 2 Iff A SON SAVEO. Is there anything sadder than to see the child you love fail and fade.' Ixifore your eyes. Money is lavished upon doc tors, th a* love < an. suggest and science c;ui perform is called into But * the cough tears and tears at the tissues, the cheeks grow hollow and yet more hollow, and the little frame weakens until the limbs can no more support the body. What joy must come to the parents who find at length a remedy which helps and heals. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has cured in hundreds of cases where doctors had altogether failed or given up the patients. When the lungs have been weak and bleeding, the cough obstinate, the body emaciated, ’’Golden Medical Discover} ” has effected a perfect and permanent cure. There is no alcohol in the ”Discovery,” neither opium, cocaine or any other Do not be imposed upon by a substitute medicine in p of ” Golden Medical Discovery,” There is nothing ’’ just as good” for weak lungs as the ’’Discovery,” apd all ’’just as good medicines” are made to fill the dealer’s purse and not |o heal the diseased lungs. ” After using about five liottles of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery my boy seems to be all right,” writes Mr. J. W. Price, of Ozark, Monroe Co., Ohio. «H e was very bad when I commenced to give him the ‘ Golden Medi cal Discovery.’ The doctor claimed he had consumption, and we doctored with him until he was past walking. It has ’ *en ten months since he stopped taking your wedicii’c and he is till in We are very thankful to you|hr ; v . " . Children Pr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They are tQ- take aw de not gripe, They regulate the bqwele and cure .<piistipati6!t. ’ ‘ •••<>.... -•< JI- » » 1 AT GOOD PBICES. While our trade has been unusually large during weather goods on hand yet and are anxious up the entire stock at once to make room for our new fall goods. Notice these prices which are any other store in Hand county and in most cases less' than cost. Ladies shirt waists regular 50c & 75 c - kinds now 35 & 50c, ular $1.25-1.50-1.75-1.95-2.25 kinds at 50c. pair off. An elegant fine shoe for ladies at 95C. A fine assortment of wash goods-lowns percales, dimities, organdies etc. fine goods regular price 6to 15c. Now going at 3j£ to 10c. Ladies fine parasols regular 75c. to $2. A mixed lot of mens going at 50c. to $1.50. and boys crash and straw hats worth up to sl-00 yoyr choice for 25c. Ladies summer Underwear sc, 25c. Everything in goods must go at some price. We will have ninety days of hot weather yet so you will need these goods. Call and see them. J. W. COQUI LLETTE Farmers, Farmers. ■ ■ ♦ * ya* » X X Lad fes Ox ford ties reg* narcotic. BYE Fast black hos sc. to the line of summer The 3d quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church of Miller will be held next Sabbath July 15. Rev. W. I. Grahm I). D. Pres. of Dak. Univer sity at Mitchell, will Ire-present and preach morning and evening. Love feast 10 a. tn. preaching at 11 n. m. and 8 in the evening all Christians are invited to join us at the Ixjrd’a table in commemoration ot his sacri ficial death. Dr. Graham excells as ••• • t a preacher and is a great success in educational work Public is most cordially invited to these services. J. E Norvell, Pastor. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Miclh, «nys, “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the yery best pills I ever used for costiveness, Liver and bowel troubles. 28tf N. Johnson & Co. tasssspsssaasg of warm to clean way belo w X• * - VO* • Mrs. J. M. Bushfield, the mother of the editor of this paper, died at her home in Cambridge, Ohio. -July 3d, and was buried July sth. To say that “mother is gone” voicesan ach ing void in the hearts and minds of those who have experienced such loss, and echoes a fear from those whose time of loss is not yet come. It covers all, is a. common heiritage to all, and becomes the silent sorrow once in each life. Cambridge Daily Sun Mrs. Sarah Eliza Moore Bushfield, wife of the late Col. John M. Bashfield, died tttr her home on Clark street, in this city,* July 8, 1900, aged 87 veal's. Mrs. Bushfieid was the youngest child of Andrew Moore, who in April 1809, settled near what was then called Smithstown, on the Zane Trace, and, after the formation of Guernsey county, was called Frank ford, and opened what afterwards became a notable place, Moore’s Tavern, known far and near. She was married in Cambridge, to John M. Bushfieid, Esq., December 30, 1843. To them were born seven children. Those living are William M. and Hattie,, at home, and John of Miller, South Dakota. Mrs. Bushfield was the oldest mem ber of the Cambridge Presbyterian church. She was not an active woman in conspicuous work, never prominent, but in the vaiious com munities in which she lived no one was more widely pr more deeply es teemed by all who knew her. She 'was nofi without her sore trials—in the death of some of her children in infancy, others later in life, in the death of her husband, brothers and sisters, in her own failing health— but the “Giver of all good satisfied her with a long life.” After a life of more than four score years it may be said of her, “She came to her grave in a full age. like as a shock of corn come*. -n his season.” She was the last of a prominent family in the'early history of the countv. This long life, identified with the history of the county amt with the city of Cambridge ami their growth and development from the Wilderness to the enlightenment of today marks tin* era of the world’s greatest development in its progress toward universal brotherhood,-when it may l»e truly said, “The day of his death is better than the day of his birth.” The funeral occurred Thursday. July 5, at 3:30 p. in. from her late lesidence, conducted by Rev. Dr.Mil ligan, Rev. W. F. Weir and other ministers of th? city. Interment in City cemetpry. For sale only by J. W. C'oquillette. Quarterly Statement of Superintendent of Hospital for the Insane Jo the County Auditor of Hand County S. D. I herewith bund you statement of account of Hand County with the Hospit al for Insane, for the quarter ending June 30, 1900. [seal] V. S. ROSS, Snpt. Name. Admitted. Diac barged. Charge. Robgrf Gprfen $ 43 (JO C C Detio* is Q 0 Herman Schafer ig tit) William Page 4S 00 Mary Find I v 48 00 Mary E Finella 48 GO Hannah J Pringle 48 (0 1 Pater Groa* County Auditor of Hund County 8, D. do hereby eeaify that the above report was made to me j uno io, 1900 : and that $316. m the amount paid by Hund County fur the support of In baue for the quarter ending June 30, 1900. (When under my Land and seal this 10, day of July 1900. |Sea&] Peter Gross. Co. Aud, OBITUARY Total 33G 00 PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. In order to Reduce our large stock of mens felt hats we offer All $3.00 Hats for $2.25 “ $2.25 “ “ 2.00 “ “ “ I.OQ ‘ ♦ H. R.GREE VES&CO. Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., soys. “DeWitt’s Little Early Risers always bring certain relief,, cure my headache, and never gri|»e." Th u y gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. 28tf Reduced Rates to Milwaukee. Wis.. Vig the North Western Line, on account of Annual Meeting L A. W.. etc., to In? held nt Milwaukee July 10 to 15. For dates of sale, etc. apply to agents Chicago North-Western ll’y. Highmore Bulletin Mrs. David Watkins departed for Mitchell this morning where she intends to reside in the future. The rest of the family will follow shortly. George H. Bottcher drove up fron) Miller Monday to cast his ballot in 1 he primary election. Alex Anderson, post master at Bailey, Hand conntv, transacted business in this burg Friday. To secure the original witch Hazel Salve, Well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. They are dangerous. 28tf N. Johnson & Co. “I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic’s best friend,” says E. Hartgerink, Overfeel, Mich. Diorests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. 28tf N. Johnson & Co. NO RIGHT TO UGLINESS. The woman whois loyely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be at trac tive m ust keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all ruq doyyn, §he will be nervious and irritable.' If sh e has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bit ters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, iiver and kid iiavs and fq purify.the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth yelyety skin, rich complex ion. It will make a good-looking charming woman of a run down in valid. Only 50 cents at J. I). Fits geraid’s Drug Store. 2914 “ 1.50 “ “ N. Johnson & Co. IS THE HE who buys the name “Es tey” on organ or piano, as an ounce of prevention, will never be sick of his bargain. “What, pay for a name?” No, not ex actly that, but in purchasing an Estey, cither organ or piano, you may secure the protection of a name which through a half cen tury has been a guarantee against dissatisfaction, wherever it has beet; found on a musical instrument. Send for catalogues. ESTEY ORGAN Co.- Battleboro, Vt. I am sole agent for Hand Coun ty for the above described Estey Organs and Estey Pianos; also for the Newton Piano a strictly first class pianoof medium grade. Please remember also that I carry a full line of books, stationary, tablets, fruits, candies, cigars and wall paper. I am agent again this season for the cele brated Alfred Feats wall papers, and am now prepared to show you over 500 samples of these papers, in new, beautiful, and ar tistic designs tor 1900. Come in now and make your selections. If you do not care to order from samples, we will have a stock iron! which you can select. Call and see us. And we will con vince vou that we can furnish a top notch paper at a bottom notch price. Yours Truly, 1.75 1.50 1.00 .57 Estey Piano Co., New York Citv. • G /. I : HIGGS. rUGS When von the best ( that can the nw houses, at u d by eon cist. THE PAU is the ESTABLI' J. D. Fi TG I 'ABIdSIIB ppfll.lHllE J. A. P l ’ sK [pt lon I TbePß^.T' 1 ■I orfontont’o it. Lawronce 1 Meet* nt Mil today nlKht e j bane. V ■ N Chapter 24. redne*‘l«y <“«' .K.T. Seaam Crwent C h j» nd and fourtl I, Mt»- 6. H local Bev. Batt hlaweek. Prof. Sih Bturday. Mrs. Lu 'ierre Moi Mrs. M. Kansas Ci Hon. T 1 rait or W See D. lowers. Mrs E ibis mori IW. V irlol' K<ep ( orw ts: W:i in did Mr. a eu Moib Miss Huron auvi-x i 1). \\ l.u I! Cresci Mrs went M< Taci the i and JUst