Newspaper Page Text
;jjj I press. Mjjn. Have [lit CRABTREE will sell you large pails white family fish for only The ind ave flit shirts for summer wear Just a few left until all are sold go at only L. *ar Bwgtt if 1 uartera ■>r cash. The Minnesota state fair is adver tised for Sept. 3—B to be held at Mainline, Mino. ROLL. A German general, Count Von Waldersee, Ims been selected*to lead the allied soldiers in China 17 1900, Jlowlng mention n claim, efore the 8. D. on Excessive heat is reported from the cities, with many deaths and prostrations. V, of X E » of Sec. Mitchell is to have a coi n palace this yenr, the first since ’93. They already hare tlie building and the immense crop of corn in that section will make its preparation compara tively easy. o prove cultlea •n*haw. Rainer. >mb. of lialer. The Weekly Yankton Gazette got out a forty page illustrated edition last week. It contained a' great variety of ami much informa tion of the country in and about lankton. ate o V. Chit ill, etc. .ling to ini and George The recent election in North Caro lina disenfranchises the negro, but he is counted just as much as the white man when the number of con grewmen nre l>eing considered.- alone may not seem of ntucli importance, yet it was one of the many causes of the civil war. on the hereuy :»io, at iotu of have prtrv «n <h- Jeorge m te«t ■rested Even Senator Hoar severely con* Bryan’s attitude in his re <*nt acceptance speech. The Sena tor says Bryan’s argument' for sup porting the ratification of the treaty "ith Spain is exceeding “lame and weak.” !, tbu) j town ak9ta. ounty Jb n’any people throughout the’ _ ni^J States it was hoped that r ' un would exhibit qua lities of real statesmanship in his acceptance speech, but those people were sadly Appointed. The better portions 0 hi., address are entirely overshad owed by his petty personal criticisms President McKinley. Eg, (aivi n Zimmerman, Miles- Ur g, Pa., says, As a speedy cure for * 0ll »li8, colds, croup and sore throat Po minute Cough Cure is unequal- i B J )^aH . f° r children to nw »i heartily recommend it to », , It ' 8 the only harmless l o i t a ,V i Produces immediate re ‘ .t cures bronchitis, nneurno ’ grippe and throat and lung \ ‘twill prevent consump l,ou - Mf N. Johnson & Co. (c* er ue it»- VOL- XIX. CASH STORE. PAIL FISH. Next week only, we MENS SHIRTS Mens black and white CRABTHEE BROS. 55c. 18c. MILLER, HAND COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 16, 1900. Opera Block, Hiller, S. D. Opposite Citizens Bank. The Paramount Issue. Inter Ocean Former United States Senator Ix?e Mantle of Mont ana, chairman of the silver Republi can party organization of his state, has issued a letter renouncing all allegiance to Bryanism. “Silver,’’ he says, “is no longer the paramount issue, not even with Brvan himself, and less so with the great majority of the party.” ‘•To iny mind,” lie adds, “the para mount issue today is the issue of maintaining the honor and ,' dignity of the nation and the supremacy of the ting wherever it is rightfully floating. It is the issue of whether we shall preserve the fruits of al! the blood and treasure expended a;id all the splendid courage and patriotism exhibited in the cause of humidity and in defense of undeniable rights, of whether we shall resolutely dis charge the great obligations which have devolved upon us, or whether we shall abandon our advanced pos ition, throw down our arms, craven ly hoist the white Hag, and admit to the world that we are in capable of solving the problems which confront us.” Mr. Bryan delivered his speech of acceptance last week at Indianapolis, and strange to say made no reference to free silver. This is really a re markable occurrence in current poli* ties. It is a clear abandonment of the principle that made Bryan, and what a change is here suggested in four brief years. Who does not re member the heated free silver dis cusions of four years ago. and the radical statements then made by Bryan and his followers? And who does not now see how awfully they were mistaken? “What a change, my countrymen I ’’ “1 used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic’s best friend,” says E. Hartgerink, Overisel, Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. 28tf N. Johnson & Co. T * m JjN MW ** Signature /Jr j , We will for a limited time only, sell Plug Pip erheidsich tobacco per lb. at wholesale price only 65c. We have two chests of Black Japan Tea. That is supposed to sell 50c. per lb. to close out quickly will sell for only N. Johnson & Co. BROS’ Tobacco. TEA. 19c. Local Politics. Next Tuesday Hand County re publicans hold their County conven tion at Miller. There is little inter est manifested, and lev- candidates have made any efforts so far to se cure the noninatioDs. Several per sons Im ye been talked of or “men tioned” as the saying is, by the few persons who have said anything about politics, but the only author ized candidates before the republican convention, now only five days away, are those given in the an nouncement column of this paper. In a desire to secure some kin I of in formation for our readers the report er has asked republicans fro n did *r ent sections if they had any caa li dates in thvir localities an 1 from these inquiries the following infor mation is gained : G. \V. Rudd is a candidate for Sen ator, and Thos. Cawood is a candi date for representative, both are old soldiers an<l experienced 1 men. The names of Chas. Thomson ami ("apt. E. T. Sheldon have also been mentioned for the legislature but it is said they are not candidates. Lewis Shuster is a candidate for auditor, and no other has been hoard of at this time. W. IP Shtfftnerhbrn is a enhdidate for Register of Deeds. The nahte of Fred Strickling has been mentioned by St. Lawrence patties. This is the end of known Candi da tvs, unless we include Judge *G. C. Briggs, and Supt. J. H. Snoddy, who have no opposition for renomina tion. Because he was a candidate two years ago: the name of Attorney J. IL Cole is the only on? mentioned for states attorney. For County treasurer there is rfO candidate, unless the mention of F. E. Saltmarsh constitutes one. For Sheriff the names of A. H. Ab bott; W. H. Pen wen, E. M. Dunn, Sam’l McCarthy and Cliftt Hoskins have l>een mentioned. The only one srtid to have’announced himielf as a, candidate is Mr. Abbott. For Clerk of Courts ‘here is n 6 can didate. A- suggestion his been made by some one, that it* would be a good thing for the party to m ike a cen tral committee of 40, ons member from each township, with an execu-’ tiye committee of small number to conduct the active work of the cam paign. There should be a good at tendance at the convention next week—because there is a chance for any republican to get i» nomination f he wants it I For ConifroHH — C. H. Bcrke. E. W. >f\ KTiy, For Governor — C. N. If i nitr.ii>. For Lieutenant Governor — For S.*cretn«y of stnte — For Treasurer— John 8 iiamuek. For Auditor— J. I). Reeves. For Supt. of Public Instruction E. E. Collink. For Co tn. of School anti Public Lan Is David Eahtmax. For Attorney General — John L. Pyi.e. For Railroad CoiuiniHHioner— Presidential Electors— Col. Thomas Fitch, Grant Cj. A. R. Biown, Lincoln Co*. C. Thomson, Hnnd CoS A. H. Mahblk, Butte 30. at 40c REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. Notice i* hereby el reu that a Republicun con vention will be held nt Miller, S, D. Auguxt 2).' 1 '.UK), at 11 o’clock M.. for the pnrjejse of put ting in nomination candidate* forth folio\uug of ticers ana transacting such other buxine** as mav properly come before it: Senator 43rd Dint, state Representative 25th DM ; County Judge, County Auditor, Red inter of Deed*, County Treasurer, Sheriff. Clerk af Cuurb, State’* Attorney, Supt. of Schools, Coroner, Cdtlhty Assessor. It is recommended that Township* cauciiVe* l»c' held Friday Aug. 17, r.«X>. at 7 o'clock P. M. to be held o|>en at least one hour. The various Preeinctn are entitled to represen tation a* follows, being one delegate at large and 1 tor every 3 votes or major part thereof ca-M for K,U. Phillipa for Uov. liH.Uitl2 113-38 11«.” 3 114- 2. Ill,”3 115-“2. 112” 3 llti-” 3. 113- ”3 101)38 3, 111-” 4 110-- 4. 115- •*2 111-” 3. 113--3 112-“: i. KIMIT 3 113-" 2. 110”.;3 114-”1, 111- 2 115-”2, 112- 3 lift” 4. 113- 3 2, 114”2 110-“2. 115-“ 4 111-”3, lift-”. . . 2 112-” 5. I'i'.MiS...3 113-“2, JlO-” 3 111” ). Ill” 4 115” I, 112-” 14 Illi-*'l, 12? Dated July 18 WOO. Cham. Thommon, Chairman. ' 11. F. Ives' Sec y. An elegant frtock of new decorated find white dishes, glassware, etc., just received at Coquillet te's. 2(>tf I offer for sale on 8. E. % Sec. 2, 109-69, 1% miles N. W. of Ames P. 0., the following: 10 cows with calves running by side. 5 yearling heifers. 5 yearling steers. 14 acres of good corn in field. 8 acres of mil lett. 1 Strickler wagon, nearly new. 1 spring wagon. 1 road cart, and harness, 1 Deere disc nearly new. 1 20gal. bbl churn, Fur over coat ete. Terms, Cash or bankable notes. 35t4 F. C. ROSS, Ames, P. 0. Mrs. Harriet Evens, Hinsdale, HI. writes, “I never fail to relieve my children from croup at once by using One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without.” Qnickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung disease 24tf Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Caton N. Y., writes, “1 had dyspepsia over twenrty years, and tried doctors anil medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia (’lire and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea for all forms of indigestion.” It digests what you ent. 28tf N. Johnsoh A Co. REPUBLICAN TICKET. National. For President— WILLIAM MCKINLEY. For Vice Pre»d<lent— THEODORE ROOSEVELT. STATF. <». W. Snow, <>. C. B F. Le Cocq, Jr. Advertised .Letters. For the week ending Aug. 6, 11)00, the following letters remain uncalled for in the Miller postoffice. G J. Hanson. T A. Duncan. Parties calling forabovewill pleas** say advertised. J, A. Bushfield. P. M. Private Sale. N. Jbbnson & Co. RoYal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. •orAt BAKINS rOWOCR Mr. Collins was ordained hut Wed. evening, after an e.xuniina tion by »< council in the afternoon. Ordin i tioii exercises were prayer, by Mr. Fish, sermon by Mr. Brand of Huron, Kight hand of fellowslrip’, Mr. Hunt ley, charge of pastor Mr. Ih/lev. A quartette of singers from HiglituVre, with Mrs. Sarvis as organist, furn ished some floe music. Mrs. Annie Scudder, who has been* yery sick for several weeks, left f<»r Mankato, Tues. Mrs. Schermerhorn accompanied herns far as Huron, ami Miss Eva Whitcomb took charge other the remainder of the way. During her stay among us Mrs. Scudder has greatly endeared f to the people here, ami all sincerely wish the aged lady may recoyer her health. The continued heavy rains inter fere with hay-making, an Isto ikm ?n begin to wear long faces. 3, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The KW You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of You enn always do a little better with your butter and eggs by tak ing them to J. W. Coquillette. 26tf Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aid" Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exh crusted ’digestive or? gam. It lathe latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cure.. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heart burn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsarvl all other results of imperfect digest ion. Price 50c. and |l. Large s lie contains 2K, - small viie. Book all about dyspepsia mailed/ree Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO-. Chicago SADDLERY. I have itrfct received a fine, new stock of the very latest, up to date SADDLES- t The finest line of Saddles t ever shown in the County, t and at a verv low price.- T. N. Wade, HARNESS • DEALER' Milled. So. Dak>. .. Ntw YOBK. HEE HEUHIT3 Wf? NO 35 > C- '-*■ I wj t r- WwL-jt. Mg ■