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KED, am so rwhat ‘y; u list so Mor# ‘gnifi >tyou time, Wi ß ., sthat bear, ache, •inge, K and after •liner, edby ins, •its, •he, its*, ice ice er- tat ne, si her awful deed SHOOTS two CHILDREN AND COM- MIT* SUICIDE. Brooding Over Prospect off Heath Caused She Fleet Tried to Force lite Cblld»e« to Drink Carbolic Acid—Fallin* 1» This Sbe Shot Tbea-Oee Child ia the Hospital Suflerlnsr From Car bolic Add Burns - Two of tbe Children Were Killed Instantly. Kew York. Oct. 7.-Mrs. Lily Smith of * inn wood, borough of Manhattan, vvhile insane yesterday, shot her two children, Ethel, aged twelve, and Theodore, nged eight years, and then committed suicide by shooting herself. Another child lies in Fordham hospi tal at the point of death as the result of carbolic acid burns. Before shoot ing the children Mrs. Smith, with the cunning of a maniac, tried to force them to drink carbolic acid. Long brooding over the prospects ot death is said to have been the cause of the woman’s insanity. Mrs. Smith was the wife of Walter Smith, who has been connected with the grocery house of Austin. Nicholson & Kip for twenty-one years. Mrs. Smith drove her husband to the station yesterday morning and appeared to be happy and care free. She promised to meet him on his re turn from the city at night. It is believed she went out in the morning after her return from the drive to the train and bought the pistol. When and where she bought the carbolic acid Is a mystery. In the afternoon Mrs. Smith instructed her coachman, Curtis Moore, to hitch up the team and take his wife, also a servant for the Smith’s, for a ride on the Speed way. The Moores returned shortly before 4 o’clock in the afternoon and they were met by Mrs. at the door. The woman was only partly clothed, but she did not seem to be agitated. ••Don’t come in yet,” she said, with a smile. ‘ Take a long ride. There is plenty of time in the afternoon.” The Moores again went away, but they did not stay long. They returned at 4:40 o'clock and discovered the tragedy that had been enacted in their absence. Mabel, three years ot age, was killed first in the front room of the second floor of the house. The mother had induced the baby to drink carbolic acid. Then the mother got the revolver and'flred three shots and the chest of the girl was literally torn to pieces. It was about this time that Ethel, the eldest daughter, returned from school. She tasted the carbolic acid, but rejected it. Again the pistol came into play. The mother shot twice at Ethel, but only one took ef fect. Then the little boy returned from school, entering by the back door. The mother met him and shot him, killing him instantly. After satisfying herself he was dead she returned upstairs. Walking into the hall, she shot herseif in the right breast. The bullet tore through her body, killing her instantly. Mr. and Mrs. Moore summoned Policeman Schiffert. Ethel will probably re cover. Smashes Many Records. Brockton, Maw., Oct. 7. Every record from two miles to the hour was broken lust night by Harry Elkes at the Shoe City Oval in a race with Arthur Ross. He covered the distance of thirty-nine miles, 1.045 wards, beat ing the record of Chase, made two weeks ago, at the Paris exposition of thirty-eight miles, 464 yards. The new record is phenomenal from the fact that Elkes rode with the ordinary pace without wind shields, while Chase had all these protections. Robbed off Jewels and Cash. New York, Oct. 7. —The Journal and Advertiser says that Dr. and Mrs. Yeatman Wardlow of Columbus, Ohio, were robbed of jewels worth 32,000, 1246 In cash, a draft for 587 at their hotel in this city last week. Dr. and Mrs. Wardlow were on their honey moon trip, having been married in Asheville, N. C., Sept. 24. The rob bery was committed by a sneakthlef, who escaped by the window, being seen by Mrs. Wardlow. Wants tc Fight a Duel. pana. 111., Oct. 7.—Judge Righter of Shelby county has received a letter from Ralph Corti, «n Italian, asking permission to fight a duel with Peter Camell, a fellow countryman, .vho, the former says, stole 1200 from him while working in the minee at Mowe qua last yean Corti begs that they be permitted to step off ten pacee.and shoot at each other with shotguns untn one or the other falls dead. W reeked at Wa. New Orleans, Oct. 7. British steamer Paddington, from Marseilles, reports on Sept. 18, lat. ».02 north, long. 31.04 west, she passed a brigan tine of American build with fore and mainmasts gone, jibboom standing, hull apparently intact and no sign of life on board. The sea at the time was running fearfully high and the Paddington was unable to launch a boat to examine the wreck. British Election*. London, Oct. 7.t Thirty-two contests took place yesterday In the parlia mentary general election. Most of them were in rural districts and the results have not yet been announced. 8o far as Is known, however, 431 mem bers have been officially declared elected, and the relative strength of the parties is the following; Minis terialists, 301: Liberals, 77; Nation alists, 60; Laborttes, J. Don’t They, Every D«yt Alice—Aren’t men funny? Laura—Yes, they are; suppose a lot of women would rig up in fantas tic costumes and parade?—Detroit Free Press. What Will Become of China? None can foresee the outcome of the quarrel between foreign powers over the division of China. It is Interesting to watch the going to pieces of this race. Many people are also going to pieces because of dyspepsia, constipa tion and stomach diseases. Good health can be retained if we use Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Not Essential. Miss Flyrt—Your engagement ring, eh? From whom? Miss Summergal—From Blffany's, of course. Miss Flyrt—Yes; I know. But who’s the young man? . Miss Pummergal—Why—er—my gra cious! How odd! I can't recall his name just now!—Philadelphia Press. Best for the Bowel*. No matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature, cure you without a gripe or paiu, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back CASCARETS Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up In metal boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Be ware of imitations. Defrauding the Government. Mr. Blank gave his new groom. Pat rick. a letter and 2 cents, with in structions to mall the letter at the post office. Presently Pat returned and deposit ed the 2 cents on his employer’s desk, wlih an air of conscious pride. “How’s this. Pat?” said Mr. Blank, in surprise; “didn’t you mail the let ter?” “I did thot, sor," said Patrick, glee fully. “But why do you return the mon ey?” “Well, sor, I watched the ould lad die back behind the windy, an’ slip ped ut in whin he wusn’t lookin.’ ” Harper’s Magazine. The SaiHge Bachelor. “I know something I won’t tell,” sang the widow boarder's little girl, as little girls Lave done ever since language was invented. “Never mind, child,” said the Sav age Bachelor, "you’ll get over that habit when you get older." —Indianap- olis Press. Are Yon I sing Allen's Foot-Enne? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Alien’s Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. I am sure Plso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago.—Mrs. Thus. Robbins. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 1?, 1000. Contradictory. Mr. Corntossel —Blame ’f I c'n un derstand these here theater troupers. Mr. Meddergrass—What’s the mat ter? Mr. Corntossel—Why, they adver tised this here drammer o’ “Th’ Black Vow o’ Vengeance’ as havin’ plenty o’ life in it, an’ blame ’f they don’t kill sixteen people in the first act. —Balti- more American. Faded hair roeovars Its youthful co’->r and eoft neee by the um of Faaasa'a Hats B wSAM. HiSOBBCOBMa, the beat cure for - -rna. 15cta. Always Alive. New Foreman-Little short of copy, sir. Editor—Dor** ycu know the stand ing rule of the yff-ce? New Foreman—No, sir; what is it? Editor—When short of copy, always run the portrait of the dowager em press of China.—Cleveland Plain Deal er. Thirty minutes is all the time re quired to dye with PUTNAM FADE LESS DYES. Failed to Turn It Down. Tess —1 never saw anyone so slow as Mr. Timrus. Jess —He is slow, isn’t he? Tess—Awfully. We were sitting in the parlor last night, and he suddenly said: “If you could see how much I love you, I’m sure you’d let me kiss you.” I told htm “I couldn’t see it In that light," and he just sat there like a stick. —Philadelphia Press. In Cleveland, of Course. Native —No, we no longer have any cells at our volice stations. Stranger—Eh! Why, what do you substitute for them? Native —Professional bondsmen.— Cleveland Plain Dealer. A wife Is willing to be obedient, but she hates to be considered a slave. With a woman, her soul should al ways be as well clad as her body. A domestic wife is a blessing, but not if she is too domestic. No novelist of the present day works like the Dickens. I believe there are hearts that could cut diamonds. Minneapolis. Woodward & Co., List off Patents Issued Last Week to Northwestern Inventors. Francis B. Hassenstab, Young Amer ica, Minn., sugar beet seed planter; John S. Hickey and J. H. Egbert, Ana conda, Mont., car axle; John D. C. Knapp, Minneapolis, Minn., seal lock; James E. Moore, Bozeman, Mont., farm gate; Jonn F. Smith, Parker, S. D., draft equalizer. * Lothrop A Johnson, patent attorney?, 911 & 912 Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Johnson —What I said to Mrs. Simpkins was dat I didn’t b’leeb yo’ husband ebbah robbed a hen roos’ in his life. Mrs. Black—You doan mean to in sinniwatc he ain’t got de nerve?— Puck. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for anj ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall't Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props.. Toledo, Q We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and tinanclally able to carry out any obliga tions made by their flrm. „ . West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.; Waiding, Kinnan & Marvin. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Pries 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. The Assistant—Do you think an op eration is necessary in that case brought in this morning? The Head Doctor—No; the ciass in practical surgery doesn’t meet to-day, you know. —Philadelphia North Amer ican. FITS Permanently Cured. Woflta or nerrocaneaa after drat day's uss of Br. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer, for FREE *2.00 trial bottle and trsatiso. I*. R. H. KU'K.’td.. »S 1 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa. IbAMUKIA . , M For Infants and Children. CASTO RUI I The Kind You Have WV. ’I Aiwa vq Rniight « ii a,iiiTr .'h’lbi.iuulH-u'H ii . ’■• utjoi.m pm 'iimiuitlumim JMI o*| VW QW W lx U U 111 AVfcgetablePreparationforAs- 3 > similating the Food andßegula- ■ _. _ X ling the Stomachs andßowels of ® BOSLFS 1110 X < fl Signature z/lu Promotes Digeslion,Cheerful- « X a/ lAf ness and Rest. Contains neither 9 ZlaF Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. 9 vl Not Narcotic. B X Jas/- I jw «IF 1 XZr. Awal * 1 nZ* a } 11\ |ln* In a/u Aft Usfi Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa- Bl W tr VQU Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Ml Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- Ml If fllfftP ness and Loss OF SLEEP. IV* rUI UVul Facsimile Signature of Q # Thirty Years ICASTORIA MILLKIIIS MADE E in HINES The Dixie Queen Gold Mining Co. CAPITAL $1,003,000. PAR VALUE SI.OO PER SHARE, NON-ASSESSABLE. All the great mines have been made so, by sale of stock, and from moneys received, so equipped the mines that small holders of stock become wealthy. There is no limit to profits. This company owns four excellent mines at Dixie, Idaho, title perfect. No debts. Will sell only $25,000 worth of stock at ten cents per share, to erect mills and machinery. Stocks in mines like these go from SI.OO to SIOO per share. Invest SIO.OO or more, cash or installments. Write for information at once. We refer to any bank, city, or state officer. GENERAL OFFICES f. fl. PLUMMER, 1 ft 2 Sherwood Block, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT. LUMBER 500 VIRGINIA FARMS VS per acre upward*, with buildings, fruit*, timber, water, etc.; best climate tn U. 8 : good market*, great variety of crops, vegetables and fruits; noted for bealtbfulnet*; future prospect* bright. Address PYLE A Deli AVEN, Real Estate Agents, Petersburg, Va. ORDERS FOR FUTURE DELIVERY EXECUTED IN ALL MARKETS. PATENT*. A Reflection. How’s Thia? Not Necesaary. Mrs. Mnlaprop In the Hospital. A well-meaning visitor, Inspecting the childrens’ ward in a hospital on a day which also happened to be the visiting day for the patients’ friends, went over to a cot where a mother was anxiously bending over her child, a mite of two years with a broken leg. •’Well,” said the visitor, “the poor lit tle thing looks very comfortable, but I shouldn’t like a child of mine to come here.” The sister in charge, who was justly proud of her pretty w'ard and the ap pearance of her little patients, felt more than a trifle hurt, and the visitor, seeing she had made a mistake, en deavored to correct It. “Not," she added, “but that I am sure they are much better looked after than they would be at home!” The glare in the eyes of the child's mother, when she heard that remark, was semething to be remembered. “Be as wise as a serpent!" w’e sug gested. The distraught wife wept afresh. “If you but knew,” she said, “how extremely sensitive my husband is to any Impression, even remotely, sug gestive of serpents!” Plainly here was a household where in peace could be restored only by the exercise of the utmost tact. —Detroit Journal. Mr*. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For children teething, softens the gums, reduces In* domination, allay*pain.cures wind Kcabottl* “I tell you,” said the practical citi zen. speaking with emphasis, “the se cret of permanent roads is—” “How did you get the idea that I was Interested in the subject, of per manent roads?” interrupted the pav ing contractor, with a frosty smile.— Chicago Tribune. ▼WE CENTAUR COMPANY. MEW YORK CfTV. AT WHOLESALE PAIGES! We Sell Direst te Farmers. ADDRKSt* Union Lumber Co. TS ESTABLISHED A Considerate Wife. The Absurdity off It. INTO. Grain Commission. Duiuth. NEW COLONY. I A new colony to furnish homes ha thensuids of people, to locate tn Oklahoma Territory, is mow being organised by the founders of Um Georgia Colony, Mr. P. H? Fltxgemid Of Indlauapolt*. Indiana, is backing It. Information sent free, showing bow to get good homes. Good fsrmers wanted. A woman should be chary with her | kisses and caresses, even with her hus- ( band. We get tired even of canvas back duck If we have it every day. HhmpMi g pommel! The Best C*| I Saddle Coat OLK | a Keeps both rider and saddle per fectly dry In the hardest storms. Substitutes will disappoint A*k for J Fish Brand Pommel Slicker— ■ * J? It is entirely new. If not for s.tle In your town, write for catalogue w> > A. J. TOWER. Boston .Mass, Wf > UNION MADE The real worth of K..- W •ur SS.OOand *3.60 PT shoes compared with RJBMBk 11 other make* ieSd.OO to gUt.OO. We are the hj largv.t makers end retailer* EflKt </ of m*n'*L'i.U)end*3-50»hoee [ In the world. We make and Vv’tJ sell more <3.00 and <3..X) AuLggX L shoes than any other two luauufaclurtr* in tha U. 8. Jwpk atf- £atabii«hcd BHSERifcHTJKw in IST a. -ga do you pay 81 to W * A . VA $5 forgoes when) ou ■ ,!^ L \Afan buyW.L.Douglas g will shoes for $3 and 1 CONVINCE $3.50 Which t VwSv. ar ®J !lßt «• 1/ good. wfcarefczajMi • 1 A >«. k THK KE VMIK more W. I- Douglas S’ ud •.'.50 shoes are sold than tiny other make is Ivranae THEY ABE TH £ RKMT FOE Ito TUF Made of the tart imported and THE 11 *" American leathern. The work- 1 _____ manahip iaunexcelled. The style _ DEQT ia equal to <4 end S 5 shoes of DWI other make*. They nt like cue- Di..o I tom made shoe*. They will out- AQ Eft wear two pair* of other make* at (Aft nft soa UU the eame price*, that hare no rep- ij)v UU utation. You can safely recom mtftr mend them to your fri« rid* i they SHUE, l ,lfn — everybody that wvara them. Qn Jt* Your dealer should keep them | we give one dcukj Sxrluaive sale in each town. Take no anbat it tit el Insist on having W. L. Douglas shoe* with name and price stamped on bottom. If your dealer will not get them for you, stud dir>ct to factory, enclosing price and 25c. extra for cu.Ti..ise. State kind of leather, tire, and width, plain or can to*. Our shoes will reach you anywhere. OtUalopMe Free. W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., BraoUon, Mast. (alltothg. Peopkjk Use that whiskey Known, to be pure/ and good! uncle [Tvs. M SAMS MONOGRAM WHISKEY Sold by Drutppsts LHNEF Dealers or Benz J & SONS. St. Pauland Minneapolis TS— SEND NO MONEY Myyf 1 1 ’ll—f ’ ' ut o!lt ,n< ’ r,- t ,,rn { hi« aul and »« will scud you this high 'Agrade, high arm, i gO-year WMjiil’A'W . guaranteed injr Mix-Ulna ■' /■*■<« by freight, f. O. 11.. subject turratnl- S eABA nation. If you find it perfectly aat »OW HS lIVM isfactorv. equal U>the hlghe.l grartv aew. wZ aaaekleea sold «t SM.M rKSK&wtWI t» SSU 00. pay th* freight fc agent Oar Speela! Otfrr Prlee, and freight charges. I!** th* osehla* three Math* aad If dtaa*tl*«ed ia aar way "• will vetarwaeer Maay. Comee complete with quilter, screwdrivers, bob bins, needles, gauge, oilcan and instruction book. Beau tlful solid oak h-drawer, drop head cabinet, lias every improvement Eaaieet ranula*, beat machine ever oFered. BOtir WOMDtt ♦ I BanOAl.t IVgl ■ KLKDor. "trit* fee fr** hewiag ■arMa* Cataiegw*. A<Mr«a*t SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO. n ATEBITO R- s. a a. b. eackt, Ufl I kN I \ Ptum Attorneys, Washington J).O. ■ WF Eli mination and opinion " <m patentability and Hand Book fmu. 31 yra exp. r^DODC£V NEW O'SCOVERY; givra ■ quick relief andcures worst cases. Book of testimonials and !• »AYH* troatiueut gBSB. »B. a. IL «MU*» tW«L M. Atlanta, Os. TAE fillM Cures Corna 15c; all Drugglnt* I UE"IIuNI (If it fails it to frac.). Thompssn’fc Eye Water. BMHtoMaMWSMSSSMSSnaiMMMMMaaMMMSUMmmMNMVMMMmMtnhMSMMMIiaMatom When Answering Advertisements ntadly Mention This Taper. 8. D. N. U. —No. 41— 1900 K 3 Bas* Cough Byrnp. Tastes Good. Uaaßl intima. Bcddbydrsggists. pf 5L lli i I’ Im r pi I S J ■» ' f >y ! A: pF" F siarW *- it i 3'' > ■» jfK? ■ *