Newspaper Page Text
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat- It artificially digests the food and aid' Mature in strengthening and recon* Mructlng the exhausted digestive or gana. It is the latest discovered d i ge; t ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It •tantly relieves and permanently cure. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heaithurn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, N».i. Bick Headache, Gastralgia.Cr.i»r p-?.-; all other results of imperfect d'e -si kin JMoesoc. and Fl. Largesisoconvalu*'■ *4 t nno» small al*a. Book all about dyspepsia Prepar'd by E. G OaWITT a CO.. Cbkago The pop papers looked at the election returns and then gave a long wail. You can’t afford to risk your life by allowing a cough or a cold de velop into pneumonia or consump tion. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troubles quick er than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. 47t4 Give thanks Nov. 29th, according to proclamation of the president and go vein or. There is no pleasure in life if you dread going to the table to eat and can’t rest at night on account of in* digestion. Henry Williams of Boon* ▼ills, Ind., says he suffered that way for years, till he commenced the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, and adds, “Now I can eat anything I like and all I want and sleep soundiy every night.” Kodol Dyspepsia Cuie will digest what you eat. 47t4 Bro. Blake’s Wessington Times came out last week in red, Beadle county republicans got everything but States Attorney, which was won byTazwell Simmons. CASTOR IA Tor Infiniti and Children. 11l KM Yw Haw Bean th* •gnafcroof Jk>v 16t« Summons-Relief—Complaint Served. State of South Dakota. ) < M Sixth Judicial Circuit. ) la The Circuit Court in and for Band Roaana Robinson, Plaintiff, VS John F. Marks, Rosa B. Marks aad A. F. Schrevder, Defendants, The State of South Dakota sends greeting: To the above Named Defendant. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, Which will be filed, in the office of the Clerk pt the Circuit Court within and for said Hand Chanty at Miller South Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer en the «üb acriber at my office In the town of Miller South Dakota, within thirty days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service. If you fall to answer the complaint within that time, the Plaintiff WUI •PPty to the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint, besides costs. Dated at Miller. South Dakota, this 9th day of November, A. D., 1900. «. V. GKRIST. Plaintiff's Attorney. To the above ndmed defendants : TakhNoticu: The complaint In the above entitled action was filed in ths Office of the Clerk of said Court at Miller. 8. D. on the 12th day of November 1900, 8. V. CHRIST, Atty, for Plf. SADDLERY. I have just received a fine, new stock of the very latest, up to date SADDLES The finest line of Saddles ever shown in the County, and at a verv low price. T. N. Wade, HARNESS • BEALER HlM**. So. O. H. Collins. O. H. Collins. /T<S7KPTk AVDITOB’S AMD TREASURER'S DBTAILBD EXHIBIT Of Receipts and DkbursmenU In the County of Hand for Quarter «o, 1900, Showing Amount of Funds in Treasury and vfhere Doposiies. MUte Tax Apportionment insane County (Jen County School CountV Bridge Couuty Sinking Couuty Institute District Schools Townships Miller General •* Bond In*., ** sinking -• Road “ water St. Lawrence General •• Bond lot-.... •••• Sinking St. Lawrenoe Road 116-70 *' Greeoleal Well Taylor Defalcation County Artesian Redemption Hal ary Rais & Lease school land* State Perm School Fund.... Fire Guard. Sheep Inspection couuty Foor Ini. Verm. School Township Road Stock indemnity Mi lor Twp. Artesian 8\ Lawrence “ Total . . 3M5 19 Currency and Coin . - 89 Amount in Benke—Net. Bank, at Commerce I ierre 8. IJO State. Township and dty warrants *• 4125 Vue trom Postage and express State of South Dakota, [ true and correct statement of the financial condition of Hand Couutj, as appears xiUJUSY tßigned) IBU * * Subscribed and a worn to before mi thia 27 day of Oct; IWO. u„,,tk Dakota [SEAL] JAY P. MORRILL. Notary Public, Botfl* vaxots County Auditor • 445 00 •• " Clerks Connty Treasurer 375 00 Deputy Treasurer MJO (J Register of Deeds 300 00 Deputy Register A Clerk IM 00 County Judge . W W Sheriff. Deputy and Bailiffs «7 « Superintendent of Schools.... 216 94 Coroner witness 4 Jurors County Commissioners J»1 Tv States Attorney 160 w Clerk of Circuit and County Court Clerk Justice Court !• 00 Grand and Petit Jurors' fees Witness Fees Circuit Court Justice oi the Peace Jurors, Constbla. Witnesses. Justice Ct. 27 60 Carried Forward 2t>bo 48 ASSETS OF COUNTY IN DETAIL. Total amount of School Money Loaned, Se cured by Mortgages and Bonds fIIMO 00 Unpaid tax IbtW 4054 54 Unpaid t»x lb*i, Co. Fund 817 U 0 Unpaid tax I«VT. Co. Funds 743 12 Unpaid tax. 1896 Co. Funds 666 20 Unpaid Tax, 1826 Co. Funds 669 20 •• •• 1894 " 388 54 •• •• IbWi “ 283 W •• •• 1802 ” 318 76 •» •• IBID •• .. . 184 77 “ •’ 1800 “ 182 61 •• •' " 46 97 •• - 1088 '• 1» 87 •• •• 1887 •' 29 45 •• •• 1886 - 5»31 •• •• l«s3 “ 32 81 cash in Trcas'y “ School money to loan County building* and furniture 10600 00 Due <>n account of deficiency 8721 62 Bills receivable 80 00 Total 39127 47 Miscellaneous Expenditures art for school boolts. exprom postage, furniture, repairs for well .< U.M., Tmc Salary and Reg, Salary, _ State of South Dakota, I Oonnty of Hand. ' Aodltor , being first duly sworn doth sav that the Treasurer's exhibit hawnn a true and correct statement of the financial conpition of Hand county, m appears by his KSS that * uditor's exhibit“ a true and correct statement of all warrants drawn on the tree*- .nd sworn .o b.tor. m. <M. W On, o< OJMM Snaps For Sale and Rent. I am duly authorized to rent at $5 per qr. and sell all of the following lands at below prices per qr. Cash to me. 8. W. 2-116-67. 325 N. E. 10-116-67. 325 S. W. 10-111-67. 375 2 qr. 18. W. 30-109 69. 325 together.) 8. E. 25-109-70. 325 N. % N. E. 26 N. W. N. W. 25 4 8. E. 8. E. 23-112-70. 300 N. E. 19-110-68. 300 8. E. 8-109-69. 300 N. W. 13-109-70 300 8, W. 21-112-70, 300 N. W. 30-110-66 (177.66 acres) 325 8. E. 18-112-70 at 800 N, E. 20-112-66 325 X. W. 33-112-66. Building worth SSOO all for 825 Correspondence solicited at any time from any one in regard to this land and 2 or 3 bnndred more qrs. 1 have for sale. E. 11. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Courts, The Landman. Highmore, S. D. Wanted-An Idea TREASURER’S EXHIBIT. Act ov< drawn Prey Qr.) 156 68 Less Accounts Overdrawn, FUNDS— Wi?®BE DEPOSITED. Tetal * AUDITOR’S EXHIBIT. DETAILED LIST OF WAk RANTS ISSUED DURINS QUARTER, CH. Bal. Cahu Rcpt Previous [This Qur] Quarter Du < 516 ■ ! Ml ' 2737 1 652 1 67 ( 2416 4t‘ 810 15 2680,18 30.3 4t 4 41 18 72 810,00 5'»93 9V 734 U ;M 28 189. 18 7T»SU 18 22 83 49 29 SO 29 9b 29 94 3-7 21 30 f. 56-» 7ft 42 bb 41 942 84 W 0 04 2X3 86 3S7U N 428 31 2 18 Mt 1814 97 IFrt 444 247 203 618 20691 86 29022 1 Total Cash, in hand sol Treasurer 9647 73 Brought Forward • ** $ Physcians for poor *• « Poor Relief Books and Stationery ” Printing and advertising •** Lights, Fuel and Repairs of Co. Bldgs °6 Building and repairing Co. Bridges Sheep Inspection Wolf Bounty * , 'Miscellaneous J«4» 67 County Artesian •••• School books Total '*564 29 LIABILITIES OF COUNTY IN DETAIL. Total amount of School Money Received up to Date $llB5O 00 Warrants issued and in bands of Auditor 183 60 Warrants outstanding 641 60 Excess of assets ever Liabilities ao, 2i fj, County funds overdrawn 15690 90 ** ■ n Total 39227 47 Nov. Bt3 In County Court, Hand County, South Da kota. Estate of Hannah Bartlett Shapley Davis, deceased. To all persons interested In said estate ana all whom it may concern: Take notice that the deposition of Jamn Edward ehnpley, executor of the last will and teatament of said deceased, as a witness on his own behalf, will be taken at the office of B. 8. Curran, Notary Public In and for Broome County. New York, at 54 Court Street. In Binghampton, in said Broome County, New York, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 5 o’clock P. M.. on Fri day, the 80th day of November, 1900; said deposition to be used upon the final bearing herein, for the assignment of the estate of said deceased remaining unsold, and upon the final account and report of said executor, and his application to be per mitted to remove from this jurisdiction the money and personal estate of said deceased in his hands, and for his discharge herein. Dated this 3rd day of November, 1900. Nov. 8 t T. Whxrkas, default baa been made tn the conditions of a mortgage containing a pow er of sale, executed by Emily Mileeand John Miles her husband, to the Union Banking Company, dated July Ifitb, 1890, mortgag ing the Routh West Quarter of Section H« In Tow nehip 116, north of Range 69 west of the sth. P. M. Hand County, South Dako ta. and which mortgage was duly recorded on July 28th, 1890, in book 47 of mort- « ages, on page 170; was duly assigned to *. A. Johnson which assignment han been duly recorded. The amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at this date is 82'4 8.40, Attorneys fees allowed by law SIO.OO, and tor the recovery of which no action or proceeding has been instituted. Notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a public sale of suid frsinises on tbe 22nd day of December, 900, at 2 o'clock P. M at the front door of the Court House, or building used as a Court House, in Miller, Hand County South Dakota, to satisfy said indebtedness and tbe expense of foreclosure. Dated November Ist, 1900. ItanuiuiMTel [This •387 9580 2718 905 .5704 711 53 115 50 14 53 11 12 7 91 1 10 727 79 1087 94 215 75 5292 00 397 97 896 408 669 IM 90 56 78 W. F. Mason, Attorney for executor. Mortgage Sale. F. A. Johnson, Assignee of Mortgagee, total I DR. BAL. SArnt ovr rneudH CB. BAL. Cash on [hand] 666 34 IW6 95 5V9 69 322 28 656 47 80 38 6451 64 744 51 68 69 141 81 6K 15 9 98 70 6» 43 94 94 01 93 89 1 48 20 41 1 33 1050 26 1157 03 105 49 499 49 14 10 3bl 21 490 11 38 20 15470 38 6892 60 96447 73 For Infanta and BllPtiil Tllß Kind You Have BSSBS I ■ A|wa ys Bought I sim&aUngttaObodandßetftila- ■ _ > || tjngtheStoaadgaDdßowelscf BOSLTS th© / I J II wm^H^Cofltafn* neither ■ r X » ip || OptuntMorphine nor Mtaual ■ ul Alf Wj hr> I Apenfectßemedy for Cons fipa- Al fy n Ifl | tionZSourStomactuDiarrtoea, ■ I lai' 1111 *• | WonnsjComrulsions.Fevcrish’ Ml V r if || II Maaud LOSS OF SLMB ■ VF TOU H3VB Always Bought. I exact coprorwewea. j CASTORIA Not. Bt6 Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Huron So. Dak ~ Now. 2, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following, named settler has filed notice of hie inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of Courts at Killer 8. D., on Dec. 15,1900, vis: WILLIAM H. SMITH, H. K No. 14012 for the N W % See. 14, Twp, 114. N. Range 67, W. Bth p. m. He names the following* witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: E fc. Rom, W. A. Williams, Abner C. Wbartoa, EM Galea, all of Odessa. 9. D. 0. A. BLAKE. Register. Nov Bt6. Notice for Publication. Dept, of tbe Interior. Land Office at Hu. ron, B.‘D. Nov. 2, 1900. Notice ia hereby riven that tbe following named set tier han filed notice of hie intention to matt final proof in support of his ciaim, and that said proof will be made before County Judge at Miller. 8. D., on Dec, 15, 1900. via: AUGUST KOPHCKT, H. E. No. 14441 for the 8 E % Sec. 17, Twp. 115 N, Range 70. W. sth P. M„ He namea the following witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon and cultiva. tionof. bald land vis: Frank Blatchford, Wsaeil Houdek. Jacob J, Houdek, William Blatchford all of Kolda, s. D. C. A. BLAKE. Register. Three College Courses. Three Preparatory Courses. Three Normal Courses. Special course for Teachers preparing for examina tion, Special courses in music, art, elocution, business, shorthand and typewriting. The enrollment for last year including Summer Session 641. Forty Counties east of the Missouri River were repre sented. Thirteen professors and Instructors, a well sel ected Library. Excellent provisions for Athletics. 110 to 130 dollars pays for 36 weeks’ board, room and tuition in regular departments. Fall Term begins third Wednesday in September and continues thirteen weeks. Winter Term begins first Wednesday ‘after January Ist and continues twelve weeks. Spring Term begins second dav after close of winter term an d continues elevan weeks. L~ MMW er Term begins first Wednesday after close of \ spring term. For Year Book address W. I. Graham, President. J Mitchell, South Dakota. J KOTA .... UNIVERSITY. College for both sexe. General Calandar. Oct. 18t« Timber Culture, Final Proof.—Notion fbr Publication. United St a tee Land Office, Huron. So. Dak. Oct 13. 1900. Notice le hereby given that. Daniel D. T. Hull has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Clerk of Court* at bis office In Miller, 8. D.. on Thurwlaj, the‘29 day of Nov. 1900. on timber cnlture application No. 9926, for the N. E quarter ofaection No. lb. in Township No. 109, Ji. Range Nn. 68, W. sth P. M, He name* u witnesses: Peter Gelver. .1. M. Oeher. Charles Donahue, Thomas Barrett, all of Dean, 3. D. Testimony of claimant, will bs taken be fore the Clerk of Courts nt West Union, Fayette Co., la., ou same date. C A. BLAKK. Register. Oct. 18t6 Timber Culture, Final Proof.-Notlce for I'ublicatlon. United States Land Office, Huron,So. Dak, Oct. 18. 1900. Notice is hereby Riven that Nspoleot B. Webber has filed notice oflntentlon to mak» final proof before County Judge at Mi of fice in Miller, 8. D.. on Saturday the 8 day of Dec 1900. on timber culture appHcattoi No. 9044. for the N E quarter of section No. 30, ip Township No. 109. N. Range No. M. W. sthP. M. He names as witnesses: *• W. Johnson. John Leister, L. D, Johnson, o! Ames. 8. D. F. E. Saltmarsh,of Miller, 8. D. Testimony of claimaat will be taken be fore the Clerk of the District Court at Blair, Neb., on same date. 0. A. BLAKE. Register. VOL. X In 1 the pur as we a Sent on It good We f goods ' you. a big s ♦♦♦♦♦♦ 18 Ibe. f 18 lbs li All paid Choice i Corn & Elawt ic Navypl Star & ♦AA A A w< ever s begin mean -z>’ • uOc cc of nol sure t a lin Mr was flush such need It to t of tl ver sex of t pre the we