Newspaper Page Text
Nov. K t 7. Wi!|.hi:ah, default ban beta made in tl»t condition* of a mortgage containing a pow • > of rnle. executed by Emily N'llh-sand John NHICk her husband, to the Union Banking < ompauy. Hated July loth. IN9<>. mortgau •r g tl e South Went Quarter of Section K 8 in 'lowushii* 116, north of Henge 69 went of Ihe sth. r. M. Hand County, South Dako ta, and which mortgage was duly recorded on July 28th. IS9O, In book 47 of mort gages. on page 1 70: « iih duly assigned to I'. A. -loln'ron w hich assignment ha* been duly recorded. The amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at 1hl» date Ik >258.40. Attorneys fees allowed by law S lo.o<i. and (nr the recovery of which no mi lon or proceeding has lan n Inst Ituted. \ot!<e {* hereby given that said mortgage "HI he :or< <■!<>»«'<l by a public Kale of said premises on the 22nd day of December. I'.MH', at 2 o'clock I’. M at fhe front door n thofonrt House. or building u*vd a* a < omt Louse. In Miller. Hand t'onuty South lUiknia. to satisfy said indebtedness and 1 1»* uxpeuee of foreclosure. JJn’ed November Ist. 1900. F. A. Joii.xkox. Assignee of Mortgagee. Nov 29t6 Notice Ik hereby given that the following named Mettler ha- tiled notice of hi* intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before th-- Judge of the County Court at Miller, 8. D. on Sat unlay Jan. sth, 1901. via: • OH KN I', STEVENS H. E. No. 14209 for the North East l/ t of Scctiod 3.5, Twp. 110 N. Range 69 IV. .sth I'. M. tie names the foliowing witnesses to prove lim continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said lanjl. vi»: Calvin H. Port«r. Henry W. Penwell. Nla Peterson Frll*. N>l b;»n McKinney, of c’<»ndu!c. Hand co. S. D C A. BLAKE. Register. T !f 1 leads the World. ■■!■»■ g «*» „ HE who buys the name “Es tey’ on organ or piano, as an ounce of prevention, will never be sick of his bargain. “What, pay for a name !*” No, not ex actly that, but in purchasing an Estey, either organ or piano, you may secure the protection of a name which through a half cen tury has been a guarantee against dissatisfaction, wherever it has been fourjd on a musical instrument. Send for catalogues. ESTEY ORGAN Co. Batticboro, Vt. I am sole agent for Hand Coun t v for the above described Estey Organs and Estev Pjanos; also for the Newton Piano a strictly first class pianoof medium grade. Ph ase remember also that 1 carry a full line of books, stationary, tablets, fruits, candies, cigars and wall paper. I am agent again this season for the celc brated Alfred Peats wall papers, and am now prepared to show you over 500 samples of there papers, in new, beautiful, and ar tistic design $ for 1900. Come in now and make your selections If you do not care to order from samples, we will have a stock from which you can select. Call and see us. And we will coi. vince vou that we can furnish a tep notch paper at a botton notch price. Yours Truly, SADDLERY, 1 have just received a fine, new stock of the very latest, up to date SADDLES• HARNESS 0 OEALER Mortgage Sale. Notice for Publication. Land Olfice at Huron. S. D. Nov. <5. l’.;O(l Estey Piano Co., New York Citv. f The finest line of Saddles t ever shown in the County, t and at a verv low price. T; N. Milled, So. Dak* 'p G. C. Briggs. Wade, Nov.’22t6 Timber Culture. Final proof.—Notice for publication. I'nlted State* Laud Office. Huron. So.Dak. Nov. 15). 1900. Notice i* hereby given that William H. Maxwell has tiled notice of inten tion to make final proof before Clerk of Court* nt his office In Miller, 8. I)., on Sat urday the 29 da v of Dec. 1900, on timber culture application No. 9080. for the S E quarter of section No 2. in Township No. 111. N. Rango No. 70. W. sth I*. M. He names as witnesses: Amb rose Laccoss, Louis Laccosa. Henry Vogelgesnng. Fre i Miller, all of Ree Height* 8. D. C. A. Blake, Register. Nov 29t3 Notice to Owner of Land Before Tax Deed Shall Issue. To Mr*. M, L. Tierney : You are hereby notified that on the 7th di-y of November A. I). 1898. the following de < ribed piece or parcel of Real Estate, tax ed in the name of M. L. Tierney, and *ltu at s| In the County of Hand State of South (>« kota. ns follows: Lots .’J, 4. 5. ft, 11 <!< 12 in -••ction 2 township 112, Runge 70 was ho d for taxes then dur and delinquent for ti e year 1897, at tax sale by the Treasurer of said Cotintv to Hand County and was b> said purchaser duly assigned to W. H. I’ : •>. who Ih new the lawful holder of the cc tificute of ptir hase. That said taxes fl -n due and delinquent amounted to s: 7.58, making total amount necessary to r< er:n «.'I7. *l. and in addition thereto, t •cost of service of this notice, together " th such interest as may accrue after this d must be paid. and that the right of r. :em;>tlon will expire and a deed for said leal be made witnln sixty days from the completed service of this notice. Dated Nov. 28. 1900. ...»v 22t6 i Notice tor Publication. Department of tiie interior, I Office al Heron. So. Dak. No\. 19. !•.><»• Notice is hereby given that the following named set tier has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that sal I proof will be made before Clerk of Courts. at Miller N. Dak., on Dec. 29, i'.mo, viz: GEORGE A. PRICE. A for the heirs of HertfVrt E. Price. ( i 11. E. No. I* A- R <’>(>. Sioux Series for the N F'. S W •/, x 8 W I/, of SW i, sec. 8. and XW % of K W It Sec. B,Twp. ll<». N. Range 70. »V. .">ih •' p. ni. He names th* following witiievsßfc*' to provrtils continuous residence during th* ii <- of cbiiniaudc" earf-d upon and cultiva tion of said laud, viz: Fred Miller. \d:im Ml'tyr. Lewis Lacco**. Frank it, Gardner, a’’ rd Rce Heights. S. I). <’. A. IJLA KE. Register. D.c Ct 3 Notice to Kedeeni, Stale of South Dakota, ) C<mnty of Hand. | 8S To Levi Gunn, the record owner, and to Levi Gunn to whom taxed. You are hereby notified, that nt a sale of lands and lot* for unpaid taxes by the treasurer of Hand Coun ty. South Dakota, on the Ist day of Novem ber 1X97, the foliowihg described real prop erty, situated in said County and State to xvit : the North weat quarter of section 15. in township 114. of range 69. weatof thesth principal tneredian was sold to Hand Coun ty for the taxes of 1X96. and a certificate of purchase for same issued by the treasurer of Hand County, to said Hand County and that said certificate of purchase was on the 3rd day of December 1900, duly assigned by said Hand county, to E. .1, Miller, and by the said E. J. Miller reassigned to Anna E. ’Miller, December, 3d, 1900 , who is now the owner and holder thereof, and that the right of redemption will expire, and u deed lor said premises will be made to Anna E. Miller, unless redemption be madefrom such sale within sixty days from the com pleted service of this notice. Dated thia sth day of December, 1.90 C, Anna E. Miller. Dec Gt 7 Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default lias been made in the conditions of a mortgage, containing a Power of Sale, executed by H. C. Arbogast, unmarried, mortgagor, to A. D. Hili, mort gagee, dated September 11 tn 1891. mort gaging thebouth West Quarter (8 W y 4) of Section Three i 3) in.township One Hundred and Nine (109). North of Cange Sixty Nine (♦l9). Went of the Fifth P. M.. Hand County, state of South Dakota and which mortgage wns duly filed on t*he 12th day of September A. D IX9I at eleven o'clock A. M.. and re corded in book 31 of Mortgages on Page32B m the Office of the Register of Deed* for said Hand County, s, D., has been duly assigned to The German saving- Bank of Davenport. lowa, which assignment was duly filed and recorded in said office: and tiie amount claimed to lie due at this date, on said mort gage ami the note secured thereby is Two Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars i 225.00) Principal sum, and One Hundred and 1 we;vo Dollars and Forty cents (#112.40) Inti rest thereon.also the taxes for the years 1'93 to 1899, Inclusive, on said premises, m i essarllv paid by tiie said Assignee in the n :glegate sum of Ninety Three Dollars and 1 oriy i ire Cents (#93,45) with legal inter r t accrued tlnreonls the sum of Twentv i <>ur Dollars and Forty t ents (#24.40*) amounting in all to the grand total of Four hundred and Fifty dollars and Twenty Five ' cats (4.>5 25) besides ten dollars attorney's • s allowed by law ; ami no proceedings at : iw or otherwise having been Instituted to cover said Indebtedness or any part there- Notice is hereby given that said note and Oitgage will be foreclosed by a Public Hale •f said premises at ten o'clock in the fore oon 1.1 Monday, tiie 21st dav of January 9<>l.a! the front door of the Court House i the Town of Miller. County of Hand. ate of bouth Dakota. by the Sheriff ofsaid • utility, to satisfy sail! indebtedness and the . x|>enses ol the foreclosure. j nted at Miiier, 8. D. December Ist. 1900. '1 HE Gekma.n Savin;,;. Bank, Assignee of said Mortgagee. i J If. Cole, Attorney for said Assignee. I :> c mi A otiee of Sale ot Heal Estate. I y virtue of an order and decree of the 1 minty < 'ourt of Hand County South Dako i >. made on the 4th day of December I'.HMI, ' e undei Higned. .lay I’.' Morrill, ndminiHtra j •’or of ihe estate of William Stover, deceased « Il well the following land* belonging to • • al estate. all wituatcd In the county of I H u:d and k tateof tsouth Dakota to-wil ; I.ota 1 to 9 in iuidve. Block 17. Garlick'* [ addition to the town of Miller. 'Die undivided one half of all thut port of Hi ■ »outh west quarter of the north emit arter of Meetion I<>. towhehlp 112 range s vv hich i* not imluihd in Gurlick’a addi •l >n to town of Miller, and which lie* north •<> a line draw n from the north weal comae ••• block 1 7 in Garlicka addition to Miller to >• point due went on the went line of the north eaxt quarter of naid Hection 10. In undivided half of all the unplatted por t.ouof the north half of the north uni quarter of section 10. townahip > 12 range <>K. lying north and vve«t of Gar i.« P h addition to the town of Miller. The South Enxt quarter of Hection ID. < iwuxldp 114 range US laid lands will be wold at private wale on or alter the .’flat, dav of December 1900. for cavil. Offere <>r bldx for aaid laiidrt wil’ be re < Ida place of buKincHK. that being at the office of the coun to tivuMurer in the town of Miller, Hn a id county bouth Dakota. Hida xhuuid be for separate tracta uh above dwenbed, and all bide moat be iu witting. Dated thin It) day of December 1900. J at PV Mohkill, Administrator. ‘ W. H. I’biu:. By 8. V. Ghkist. his Atty, Dec ot7 „ . Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default has been made In the condition* of a mortgage, containing a Poxver of sale, executed by Robert Murray Wilson and Anna Wilson, husband and wife, mortgaggore, to Joseph *L Smith, mort gagee. dated September 2Brd A. D. 18. M), mortgaging the South Went Quarter (S W Vi) of Section Thirty (80) In Town shin One Hundred and Thirteen (11.3) North of Ranee Sixty Eight (08) West of the Filth P. M.. Hand bounty. State of South Dakota, and which said mortgage was duly filed on the 2Brd day of September 1890 at 4o clock r. >l., and roeorded in Book 50 of Mortgages on Page 5«9. In the Office of the Register of Deeds for said Hand Co., S. D ; has been du ly assigned to the German Saving* Bunk of Davenport, lowa, which assignment was duly fi'ed and recorded in said Office; and the amount claimed to be due at thl* date on said mortgage and the note secured thereby is Two Hundred and Seventy Five Dollars $275.00) Principal Sum and Nine ty Two Dollars ($92.00) Interest thereon, also the Taxes for the year* 1896—7—8 & J on sapl premise* necessarily paid by said Assignee In the aggregate sum of Forty-six Dollars and Seventy Cents ($46.70) with legal interest accrued thereon in the Seven Dollars and Seventy-five Cents ($7.75) amounting in all to the grand total of Four Hundred and Twenty One Dollars and For ty C.mts ($421.40) besides ten dollars at-, to "ney’s tees allowed by law; and no pro ceedings at law or otherwise having been instituted to recover said indebtedness or any part thereof: Notice is hereby given that said note and mortgage will be foreclosed by a Public Sale of said premises at ten o’clock in the fore noon of Monday, the 21st day of January A. D. 1901. at the front door of the Court House in the Town of Miller, Hand County, s>tate of South Dakota, by the Sheriff of said County, to satisfy said indebtedness and the expenses of the foreclosure. Dated at Miller, 8, LT.'. December Ist 1900. The German. Saving* Bank. Assignee of said Mortgagee. J. 11. Hole, Attorney for snid Assignee. Dec. 0-7 t Mortgage Sale. Whereas, dchiult has been made In the condition* of a mortgage, containing a Power of Sale. executed by William A. War ren and Martha Warren, his wife, mort gagors. to Joseph j. Smith. Mortgagee, dated November 26th 1890, mortgaging ;<f»-North West Quarter (N W Vi) of Section Ftften (7) in Township One Hundred and Eleven (111) North of Range Sixty Six <66) ■west of the Fifth I*. M.. Hand Count v. State (if South Dakota; and which mortgage wns t>uly filed on the 28tb day of November A. I).. IX9O. at ten o'clock *. M„ and recorded In Book 50 of Mortgages, on Page 638 of t lie office of the Register of Deeds for said H ami County S. D; has been duly assigned to Thi‘ German Savings Bank of Davengort. lowa, which assignment was duly filed anil recorded in said Office; and the amount claimed to be due at this date is tiie sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars (#250.00) Principal Sum, and One Hundred and Eighty Two Dollars (#182.00). Interest thereon, also the Taxes for the years 1894 to 1899. inclusive, on said premises, in the aggregate sum of Seventy Six Dollars and Thirty-two Cents (#76.32) with legal interest thereon accrued in the sum of Twenty Nine Dollars an<i Forty Three Cents (#29 43* amounting in all to tne grand total of Five Hundred anil Thirty’seven Dollars and Seventy-five Cents (#587.75) besides ten dollars attor ney's fees allowed by law ; and no proceed ing!) at law or otherwise having been insti tuted for the recovery of said indebtedness or any part thereof; Notice is hereby given that said note and mortgage will be foreclosed by a Public Sale of said premises at ten o’clock in the fore noon of Monday, the 21st day of January 1901, at the front door of the Court House, in the Town of Miller, Hand County, State of South Dakota, by the Sheriff of said Coun ty, to satisfy said indebtedness and the ex penses of the foreclosure. Dated at Miller. S. D., Deceaiber Ist 1900. The Gehman Savings Bank. Assignee of said Mortgagee. J. H. Cole, Attorney for said Assignee. Dee. 6-7 t Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default lias been made in the condition!! of a mortgage, containing n Power of Sale, executed by Lawrence Far rell. a Single Man. mortgagor, to Joseph J. Smith, mortgagee dated April Ist 1891. mortgaging the North West Quarter (N'W>4) of Section Thirty [3o] in Township One Humlred and Eleven [lll], north of Range Sixty Six [66J. West of the Fifth P M.. Hand County, State of South Dakota, and which mortgage wns duly filed on the 2nd day of April a. 1) 1891, ut Six o'clock r. M., and recorded in Book 51 of Mortgages, on Page 88. in the Office of the Regtater of Deeds for said Hand County S D; has been duly as signed to The German Havings Bank of Davenport, lowa, which assignment was duly tiied and recorded in said Office; and ihe amount claimed to beetle *it this date unsaid mortgage and the note secured thereby is the sum of Two Hundred ami Fifty Dollars [#250.00] Principal Sum and Two Hundred and Fifty Four Dollars and Eighty Cents [#254.80], interest thereon, also the taxes for tiie years 1X95 to 1X99, inclusive, on said premises, necessarily paid by the said Assignee in the aggregate sum of Sixty One Dollars and Forty Three < ents [#61.43] with legal Interest accrued thereon In the sum of Eighteen Dollars and Forty Seven <'ents [#18.47] amounting in all to the grand total of Five Hundred and Elghtydour Dollars and Seventy Cents [#584.70], besides ten dol'ars attorney's lees allowed by law ;'aud no proceedings at law or otherwise having been instituted for the recovery of said indebtedness or any part thereof: Notice is hereby given that said note and Mortgage will be foreclosed by a Public Sale ot said premises, at ten o'clocK in the fore noon of Monday, the J Ist day of January 1901, nt the front door of the Court House in the Town of Miller, Hand County, State of South Daksta. by the Sheriff of said Coun ty. to satisfy said indeoteduess and the ex penses of the foreclosure. Dated at Miller, b. D., December Ist 1900. The Havings Bank, Assignee of said Mortgagee. J. H. Cole, Attorney for said Assignee. Nov 15t<> Summons-Heller-Complaint Served. State of South Dakota, I < ss Sixth Judicial Circuit. ) In The Circuit Court in and for Hand County. Itoanna Robinson, Plaintiff, VS John F. MnrkH, Ilona II Schrevder, DefrixiuntH, The State of South Dakota sends greeting: To the above Named Defendant. are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in thia action, which will be tile*!. In the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court withinandforsaid Hand County at Miller South Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer on the anb scriber at my office In the towu of Miller south Dakota, within thirty days after the service of (his Summons. exclusive of the day of service. If you faU w to answer the complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint, besides costa. Dated at Miller. South Dakota, this <>th day of November, A. D., 1900. s. V. OHKIBT. Plaintiff's Attorney. To the above named defendants : TakkN'otuk: The complaint in the above entitled action was tiled iu the office of the Miller, S. D. on the IJth day of November 1900, 8. V. GHRIST, Atty, for Pit. Markw and A. F gSWTORIA —z, , --I ■ For Infants and Children, jbl AIWA VS uOUGfht Preparation for As- E * O’ Simba ting tteFoM and Retfula- fl f ting the Stomachs and. Bowe Is of fl JjCcITS til6 J I Signature /K if Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- fl X mess and ResLCon tains neither fl n r JF » .|r Opium,Morphine nor Mineral fl vl #f\rl <T Not Narcotic. fl JJU Ip fl . M /Mi, fl I If 1 . JhutJ*** ! fl 4L BAI I La j IJ\ Up Ths Aperfecfßemedy'forConstipa- A>* K 11) (| tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, fl I laK Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- fl t Ip V ■ II nessandLossoFSLEEß fl IOU HuVC Facsimile Signature of fl ■Always Bought. |CASTOBIA - ~ Y ' ‘ TH CNTAUR COMPANY. NCW YORK CITY. Nov. Bt6 Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Huron So. Dak , Nov. ‘J, 1900. . Notice la hereby given that the following ’nained net tier ha« filed notice of hi* inten tion to make final proof in aupport of hie claim, aud that aaid proof will be made be fore Clerk of Court* at MillerS. D., on Dec. 15, 1900. viz: WILLIAM 11. SMITH. H. E No. 14012 for the N W Vi Sec. 14, Twp, 114. N. Range G 7, W. sth p. in. He namea the following witneaaeato prove hit* continuoiiH reaidence upon and cultiva tion of Muid land, viz : E E.*Rom, W. A. William*. Abner C. Wharton, Eli Galea, all of Odeaaa, s, 1). Nov Btf>. Notice for Publication. Dept, of the Interior. Land Office nt Hu ron. S. 1). Nov. 2, 1900. Notice la hereby given that the following named aettler haa tiled noticeofhia intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that aald proof will be made before County Judge at Miller, S. D, on Dec, 15. 1900. viz: AUGUST KOPECKY, H. E. No. 14441 for the SE ’ 4 Sec. 17, Twp. 115 N, Range 70. W. sth I’. M„ He names the following witneaaea to prove hla continuous reaidence upon and cultiva tionof. aaid land viz: Erank Blatchford, Mencil Homlek. Jacob J, Houdek, William Blatchford all of Kolda, S. D. C. A. BLAKE, Regialer. $ DAKOTA .... J J • UNIVERSITY. J 4 College for both sexe. Three College Courses. 4 £ Three Preparatory Courses. J Three Normal Courses. X Special course lor Teachers preparing for examina tion, Special courses in music, art, elocution, business, shorthand and typewriting. The enrollment for last v year including Summer Session 641. Forty Counties east of the Missouri River were re pre sented. Thirteen professors and Instructors, a well sei- X ected Library. Excellent provisions for Athletics. 110 to 130 dollars pays ior 3f weeks’ board, room K and tuition in regular depa• tircnts. ▼ x General Calandar. £ nT Fall Term begins third Wednesday in September and continues thirteen weeks. \\ inter Term begins first Wednesday after January Ist and continues twelve weeks. £ Spring Term begins second day after close of winter J term and continues elevon weeks. Summer Term begins first Wednesday after close ol \ \ spring term. J For Y&ar Book address W. f. Graham, President. Mitchell, South Dakota. V 4 C. A. BLAKE, Register. Dec Gt 6 Notice for Publication. Land Office at Huron. S. D. Dec, 4. 1900 Notice Ik hereby given that the following named settler haw tljed notice of hia intention to make final proof hi support of.hla claim, and that aald proof- will be made before the Judge of the County Court at Miller S. D. on Saturday Jan. 12. 1901. viz: JOHN J. LYONS. H. E. No. 14433 for the South Eaat Uof Sec. 15 Twp, 116, N. df Range <l7, W.sth P. M. He name* the following witneaaea to prove liix continuous residence upon and cultiva* tlon of. aaid land, viz: Harry Corbett, -leaae R. Casterline of II and. Hand Co S, D, George H. Steele of Rockham. ranlkCo. S. D. William Dri ng, of Hund, Hand Co., s, D. C. A. BLAKE, Regiater Dec. 6t6 Timber Culture, Final Proof.—Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Huron. So. Dak. Dee. 4. 1900. Notice la hereby given that Win. H.H. Barker han tiled notice of intention to make final proof before the County Judge in and for Hand County South Dakota, at hia office In the Town of Mil er. S. D.. on Wednesday the Kith day of January 1901, on timber culture application No. 9563, for the N. W. quarter of section No. 24. in Township No. 114 North of llange No. 67. West sth .'P, M. He names as witnesses: Theophilus L. Ferree, Jethro J. Morri*. Ma ry C. Smith of Burdette, So. Dak., and Hen ry A. Biddle of St. Lawrenee So. Dak. Personal Testimony of claimant, will bo taken before the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and fair Cook County. State of Illinoia. at hia Office in the dt.v of Chicago, the County Seat of aaid Cook Co., ill., on the same date. C A. BLAKE. Register. VS