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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
AUDITORS AND TREASURERS Detailed Exhibit ofßeceip'.s and Disbursement* in th j county of pu, HAk (U. BAL. CU. KC'l’ XN IMBB Ji’iil TOTAL Total Ac t oVer- ’ Dr. ItaL Cr, Hal. dr'n Pre- A’mt.ove (.’nah on vloua Qr t d’rn at Hand. , Till* Qr. Thia Qunr. end of Qr. Mtntr“rnJG... 80* a"* 845m’«4 34*5 271 UM 191 < ountr General 5439 75 9494 18 4680 74 626 36 tv Sebvtbl 1119 31 4j4 It 4 1 110 25 433 80 < ’,*»«> lf«.<We GMO 04 7 70 26 687 *l* County poor«. ... 681 57 1000 60 603 81 285 88 County Artesian.... I 86 29 1 65 Comity liuaue GM3 49 595 15 887 42 1041 22 Sheep Inspection 17 50 3 on 7 00 18 56 Mtock Indemnity 02 / ,w > 81 St Lawrence *99Art. 74 j;o GO 5.’; 18 55 1-21 30 St. L. ape. B. In. Ar 147 7> 147 78 Miller Tw p. Artesian - .ii p> 1 Hit 41 593 19 139 84 116-70 Bond 20 41 20 41 ItlMtrletNchOolM 6503 77 16142 75 12014 53 10688 ‘.Mt Miller General I*»<l4 25 2555 35 2311 H 7 1587 78 Ti,u nship Itond *)i<) 44; 2898 09 1445 05; 1858 50 Fire < ilia rd 5M7 19 1218 37 674 39 1181 17 Mjllcr General u •] 286 21 199 01 46 01 'thiHr Water 20 «w 685 61 521 46 135 07 Miller Sinking.. <, 17 » 7tlt» Ml 4 199 87! 129 61 Miller Read r 74 285 60 198 94, 45 40 St. Lawrence Rett -in 55 55 28 35 25 28 St. Lawrence B’d H 03 43 37 111 54 29 St. Lawrence Slnkß. H St Lawrence Hoad.. 14 jj, 77 77 07 91 M 9 st. Lawrence Gen.... II hg 25 Ml 87 67 Apportionment n6K 72 Itos M 7 874 52 601 07 C. 0.. Trensnrera Sal.. 1618 91 15M5 51 19KM 5s 1210 M 4 Sal 'no 65 877 40 820 75 87 80 Kedetntion 955 22 4729 1«» 4205 59 147 m 79 St'te S D i»er Sc'l I’d 200 Ott 8760 (Mt 1672 <M» 22*8 OO hit. Per. School < JU 135 <><» 327 77 93 42 County Institute <, 7- v 17 Sal" <& L'se Se'l L’nd 367 20 3003 14 2084 90 1285 44 CountvHinkliiß Inv HG 17H» Mil Currency and Coin 8905 National Hunk of Commerce. Pierre, S, D 20558 Township, and City Due From Pontage, Prelßht and Expresa2a OF SOI’TH DAKOTA,! County of Hand. I Thomn* Kelley Treasurer, being duly *uorn. doth nay that the above exhibit I* ii true nod correct Htatement of the tiuanclal condition of Hand County, ni appear* by hl* book* THOMAS KELLEY. Subscribed and sworn to before me thin 22nd <lnv of April 1901. [seal:] [SEAL ] J \Y I’. MOhRILL, Notary Public, South Dakota. AVDITOai’B EXHIBIT i»Er.m.t:i> r.trr n* wamuknt’? nrtiixo mvauter. r k'C '{nef'ftdohfrtf Ikt Dl»t 1 Jlrnuahf .Forward - 2381 51 7 <W **' ••••’••••«••• I Juror* aitd W|(ueguee. Juetlce Court 16 00 Sift " 23b To Fliysiclttn* for Poor'. 270 10 4th *’ I Poor Relief; 281 40 stli “ J Book* and Stationery 629 17 ♦ onnty Auditor, Deputy A Clerk*.... 446 05 Printing and Advertising 130 55 < uunty Treasurer, Deputy a Clerk**.. 555 oo Election* 200 Register <»f Deed* 440 00 Light*, Fuel and Repair* Co. Bld gs. 39 75 Depjlfy Register of Deed* Wolf Bounty County Judge 75 OO County Bridge*„ Sheriff. Deputy and Bailiff* 214 75 Sheep Inspection 7 OO Clerk Circuit and County Court* IO 90 | Miscellaneous..lll2 75 Superintendent of School* 220 G"> Sch. Book* Slate’* Attorney.lso <ai Constahie Fee* 10 70 Justice ot the Peacel4 32 ’ Wit nee* fee* Cir nnd county Court Clerk JiiMli<- Court Stenographer Coroner IO OO Carried Forward 2381 51 Total4Bßo 93 AMCTM OF COI’NTV IX OETAIL. Total Amount of School Money I«oaned. Se cured bv Mortgage* anil Bonds... 11600 OO Unpaid Tnx 1900. county fund* 6009 62 " “ 1899 " •• ... 1510 KJJ Unpaid Tax, 1898 County Fund*... 585 52 Unpaid Tax. 1897 County Fund*... 470 17 •• •• 1896 •• ... 580 50 ’• “ 1R95 “ “ ... 643 96 •• ’* 1894 •* “ ... 368 41 “ “. 189 b •• - ... 277 12 1*92- •• •• ... 301 72 “ “ 1891 Ac Prior “ “ ... 595 11 Due Rosenkrau* defalcation 8404 12 Permanent School Fund 2288 OO Co. Building* and FurniturelOOOO OO Bill* Receivable Cash In Tte*uryllo7 91 Bill* receivable 80 Oo Total f 14e22 99 MT ATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, 1 County of Hand, J Ira J. Cree, Auditor being duly sworn doth sav that the above exhibit 1* n true and correct statement of the fiuuiiclul condi tion of Hand county, iw appear* byjji* book*. Petku <>h<i*s. Subscribed ana swoin to before me thia 22nd day of April 1901, (SEAL.) Jay P. Morrill, Notary Public. So. Dak. I ■•i ? y 11 And a clear complexion are deaired by every woman and admired by every man. Many a physical defect may be hidden by the aid and art of fashion. But there is no art can hide the blemishes which mark and mar the skin. The usual cause of eruptions, pimples, boils and similar blemishes, is an impure condition of the blood. For this reason lotions or washes ap plied externally can never cure the defect. Indeed they often aggravate the disease after a time, and render the skin more sensitive and irritable.'' one thing which will cleanse the skin and brighten the complexion is pure blood, and this means that the blood must be cleansed from the corrupting causes of disease. This blood cleansing and purify ing is perfectly accomplished by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It entirely eliminates from (he blood the poisonous elements by which eruptions are originated and perpetuated. It makes pure blood ana pure blood makes a pure complexion. There is no alcohol in ” Golden Medical Discovery " and it contains no opium, cocaine or other narcotic. If is‘ a purely vegetable preparation, and cannot dis agree with the weakest system when used as directed. Do not experiment with other medicines. There is no experiment in the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It stands on its record of cures. It is an experiment to try a substitute medi cine, because there is no evidence of curative power behind it which compares with that be hind the ” Discovery.” "For about one year and a half my face was badly broken out," writes Miss Carrie Adams, of 116 West Main Street, Battlecreek. Mte’i "I spent a great deal of luxnt-y with doctor's and for different kinds of medicine, but received no benefit. At last I read one of your advertisements in a paper, and obtained a bottle of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Before I had taken one bottle of this medicine I noticed a change, and after taking three bottled I was entirely cured." Free. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, too# pages, and over 700 illustrations, is sent free on receipt of stamps to cover expense of mailing only. It ia a book for every woman, old or young, married or single, who wishes to make the most and best of lire. Send 21 one-cent stamps for paper covered book, or 31 stamps for cloth bind- Jng. Address pr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo; p. Y. * Hand for Quarter Ending April, 22, 1901 Showing amount of in the Treasury and where Deposited. T0ta1...;;; Less Accounts Overdrawnl 1005 16 Total Cash In llanda of Treasurerl 24625 94 Funds—Where Deposited; t.IAIHI.I TI Eft OF COUNTY IN bETAI 1.. (Totfll Amount of School Money Re ceived I'pto Pate 13SN8 00 Warrant* I**u«ml and In Hand* of Auditor 24s 70 Wnrrnntx Otitxtaudiiiß <ll4 20 l*< ruiMiieiit Hehool fund overdrawn Exccmh of nHxetM over linbMitlea 30072 09 County FundH Overdrawn T0ta1.*44*22 99 14*22 y» A spotless Skin kJ iMjirr y h] E. ft. Packman Killed. A cdpy of the Rochell, Hi., Herald of April 24th, received by W. H. Waters, records the death of E. H. Blackman, who was run over by a train in the yards at DeKalb, and instantly frflteff. Jtft. Blackman was Hand County’s first treasurer, serv ing’one term 1883 and 1884. A. D. Hill was bis deputy. Both men are now deed. Mr. Blackman was 75 years of age, and leaves a wife and five children. Next Monday’s city election, has developed quite a little interest, more personal we fea? than other wise. As will be seen by the certifi cates of nomination published else where, there are two full tickets out, * X* one called citizens ticket and one peoples ticket. The needs of tliis growing city aredefinite, systematic improvements on business lines. That’s an issue and personalities are not. Which ticket, or what individ ual, will do these things best. Keep good natured, and pass up the per sonal animosities boys. You are all neighbors, and the weather is too hot to get warm internally. Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook, N. C. says he suffered with piles for fifteen years He tried many rem edies with no results until he used De Witt’s Witch Hdtel Salve and that quickly cured him. 20t4 O. H. Collins. 57 85 45 07 24625 The Gazette undertakes to chas .tise Marshal Ed. Dunn for all the er rors in city affairs in both commis sion and omission. Ed. has worked faithfully for several years, and we doubt very much if any man would have done better under all the cir cumstances. He is not a candidate this year, and announces that he .will retire from the city work. The Press thinks he is wise, because he can do better for himself at some thing else, but just the same it will take any other man some little time and work to acquire the knowledge Ed. Dunn has of the waterworks In the Press opinion he retires with credit, from u position hard to fill, and captious fault finding will not detract from his record. The Opportunity \\ hat are Miller’s business men doing? » Are they alive to the opportuni ties of the present? Do they know that men are slip ping into all sections of this cotfhty buying up the cheap lands ? Do they know the farmers and dairymen are clamoring for cream eries? 10 70 ..4SKO 93 Do they know that in Sioux City, Omaha and Yankton it is generally believed the Milwaukee will begin building to Miller this year*? Do they know that Yankton and Sioux City parties have been quietly buying land near the old surveyed route of the Milwaukee from Orient south ? Are these things of interest to us 9 What say you, boys, shall we grasp the opportunity* and make things hum? DeWitt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and remove the imparities speedily with no discomfort. They are fam ous for their efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. 20t-5 0. H.'Collins. Curbstone Philosophy. Don’t kick I If somebody id pros pering or getting along a little bet ter than you, let him prosper. Don’t grunt and grumble. Say a good word for him, look pleased, and let it go at that. If you see your town is getting along nicely, feel good about it. Help things along. SWoye a little, and try to get some of the benefit yourself. Do a little hustling yourself, but don’t kick. No man ever raised himself up permanently by kicsing someone else down. We are helped when we help our brother. Be ready to give a kind word; give it liberally; it won’t cost you a cent, and you may want one yourself some day. How ever, if you must kick, leaa your self around behind the smoke hourfe and take a good kick at /outsell.-* PiciJeer-Times. SAY* spring is Here. And it becomes a matter of first importance to think about yout wearing apparel. There is a great diversity of opinion about what the proper material should be for SPRING SUITINGS A great many men are tired of the almost end leer variety of gray tweedy and Oxfords. To get the proper styles and materials be sure to call early at our store, as we guarantee satisfaction in style and price. Our new line of Gents & Boys Slothing is the most complete and up-to-date line in the town with prices ranging from $2.50 to sl4 per suit. HAVE YOU SZEZEHST .... OUR BUGGIES ? They are fine for the price, and made by Ful ler & Johnson. Also a line of wagons and farm implements by tfie sdmefirm. GROCERIES. U M Let us show you what good goods are. Our stock is fresh and constantly being replenished—and we don’t have to tell you the difference between poor groceries and good groceries. Your taste will soon discover the difference. Free delivery. Call up on telephone. lam prepared to pasture a fftrtu l>er horses at reasonable rates. 19t3 G. W. Livingston. Young Stallions for Sale. I have some young stallions of the percheron breed for sale. Call at my place six or seven miles west of Miller. 19t3 G. W. Livingston. Cows Wanted. lam fixed to take 30 to 50 head of cows cm shares. Address me at Ree Heights. 18t3 Geo. Hardwick, Jr. The Best Paint, The Sherwin Williams paints are the best, and will give you complete satisfaction. Call at Collins’ drug store and see them, 17tf Ladies call and see our new shoes we just received from the old and re liable Sorth Star Shoe Co. The lat est and the Bfe<t. 7tf H. IL GREEVES. Wall Paper? I Yes, you will find at A larger stock than usual, and s one of unusual beauty and : PRICES THAT TALK,!, N. H. RASMUSSEN. G. C. BRIGGS' Spring time has come, and every body should tone themselves up with Collins’ blood purifier. It will give new life to you after the winter’s accumulation of bad blood at Col* line’ drug store. 17tf C. B. Vocht is prepared to do all kinds of painting, and papering, wood finish, graining, etc. Strict attention given to all work. Leave orders at Fitzgerald’s drug store. Horses Lost. Oh Apr. 13th a pair of horses strayed frdm mv piace at Boz, Spink Co.—one cream colored mare pony; branded; one black yearling mare colt. Finder notify B. H. Bloom, Boz, S. D. 19t3* Bulls for Sale. 1 have two registered dark red Durham bulls for sale. Write Miller, or inquire for H. W. Wood* ruff. 19t2 17t4* $ J*lßßa | Paia A care iness 1 [ year: > all* ! Med J cles f WALI h.V. BBTABI gubacrl Thel c«l orga ten*te<l ijt. I*’ 0 Meet Friday, V. <Jtirl Barne* Chai Wedna —C. E. Barnei Cre» on<> M. Mri Ik*u*o * ’* Al npp lb the 8. liis T sio: * 'J an