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VOL. XX. %% %%%%%% Int ( hi* 8.! icshm Pon , Royal •>n Ju pxi«te 1 Offlct. •01. Hlowli U lot ort o' made T, Soi »to prove '■uitln. id. a. o. V>ratia» L ■eghter. I Office ollowiof. hi* Intej. Tt Of h n»a<fr t>». S. D., oi derman rsee. 23, M. culttri- Krump,. J. Strut' f Orient, Office at oHowtnr- Intention Ik claim. le before J. D., w Sec. 28. to prove cultlva- Colli or. if Miller, Sinter. I’roof'.- >, B>outb K. Moon ce of Io Clerk of Dakota. . 1901. ;4«7. for o. 23,1 a , W. sth Jatiiea ndrewa. ginter, The South Dakota Press Associa tion while at Buffalo elect e l T. W- Taubtnan Pres., W. O. Clough first Vice Pres., H. Wentzy second Vice Pres., G. M. Farley Sec’y., anti C. Fletcher Treasurer. I L. T, firm of Invent eceWOr 0.. and •an In •uimon. bley 0. f south 1.. T. The Annual Epworth League As sembly at Huron closed Tuesday, the 9th. it had a good attendance ami is reported to huye been very successful. eeting : Yon to an ieh wa» in the It is reported the big ex-bruiser. John L. Sullivan, will enter the pugilistic ring again. His first match will be with Mitchell, the champion of Jingland. with r 8. 1). on the Miller, vi I ervl '• ■ in thi* rill an <le<l In As a result of celebrations nil over the country on the 4th, 25 people were killed, 1,800 wounded and the fire loss was $198,185. This was a good price to pay uo doubt, but then think of the fun they had. hT, aint iff com * tiled Court 8. I». The South Dakota eJitors who went to Buffalo have nearly all lie gun their contiiuel stories of the fair. The number of chapters in each story nre not stifted, but the “hoys” will probably work their snap for all it’s worth. rtere •ash, ojneer Press Crabtree If you want to get double value for your money just call at our Cash Store this month and see the best Bargains you ever saw. Purest Crystal glass assorted shapes over 4 inches across Limit-6 to each customer. Next week only, we will sell you a good 25c. Parlor Broorn at the astonishing low price of Coffee Pots, Less Than half Price 3qt. Granite coffee pots. where in this town for the same thing. granite coffee pots go at our Cash If you care how much goods you get for your hard earned dollar you will do your trading at this Cash Store and buy them cheap. CRABTEEE Bros’. Opera Block, Miller, S. D. CASH STORE. BAEOAINS. BERRY DISHES. The lowest price on record. Each Only 15 c Each 23c each MILLER, HAND COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY. JULY 11,1901. O2c. BROOMS At less than half the price you will pay any- A. B. KITTREDGE SENATOR. A special from Pierre revived at 3 o’clock P. M. states that Governor Herreid today appointed Hon. A. B. Kittredge United States Senator to fiill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Kyle. Mr. Kittredge will make an able representative of this yonng commonwealth. Thousands of people are anxious ly waiting along ti e frontier ot the soon-to-be opened territory in Okla homa. All kinds of people comprise this waiting army. There are the men from the city tired of their old life and seeking a new, gamblers, thieves and all kinds ot criminals are there, peaceful fanners looking for new homes and professional boomers, all these and many more, but it is only an old story an I has been repeated in every new country opened for settlement in this gre it west. Years will elapse, perhaps, before the conditions in this new Oklahoma country will become nor mal, but it will come, and only a small percent of the army of boom ers now hovering on her borders will he left. They will hive moveloa to some new field, where they exp?ct I to get something for nothing. Only a couple doz. of these 50c. store at only Bros’. Yachting, that sport in which such a large proportion of the American public is interested ami which so comparatively few’ aie able to see, is again in the public eye. There are three contestants for the defend er of the American cup, namely; the Constitution, the Independence and the old Columbia. The trials thus far place the Constitution in the lend. Thomas Ayers, Secretary of Ex- Gov. Lee, and the general all-aroun 1 populist politician , has come to the inevitable conclusion of all men who engage too strenuously in polities. Thomas has gone up and down the land for several years reforming everything but himself, and here is the result given in his own language at Vermillion: “It has taken me a long time to discover that there is uo money and little honor in politics, but in the fu ture 1 purpose looking after my own intereetssn the attempt to gain an honest dollar, and from this on I will let some body else save the re public.” If you wish to sell your land, list it with me, I want to buy a few quar ters. They must be cheap for cash tf G. C. Burn us. land Wanted. The Kansas fanners are forcing the tramps in that state to tielp in the great harvest Helds. This is rather hard on the Weary Willies, but it may be the means of ridding Kansas of all hoboes in the future The strike situation in the east, in which 45,000 men in the employ of the steel trust are ou a strike against a reduction of wages, re mains unchanged. This fight is watihed with interest to see what will be the next move of the great trust. Ex-Governor Hazen S. Pingree was finally laid to rest Saturday in Elmwood cemetery Detroit, Mich., Mr. Pingree was an excellent busi ness man, but a radical politician. He benefit ted the people while alive, but the reforms he advocated were too radical to last and passed from the stage of public attention with their originator. Geneial Gomez said the other day at a dinner given in his honor that Cuba could not get along without the United States. After their long struggle they wanted a taste of ab solute independence, but in a short time would gladly come back under our protection. This from a Cuban and one who knows the ways ot the Cuban people, is of great importance Ito this government, as it shows the I real attitude of the better class of Cubans toward the United States. The first 4th of .July celebration in the new century has come and none. It is a time when we may pause for a moment an 1 view with pride the great wealth and mighty power of our ever growing republic Our nation came into existence a lit tle more than one hundred years ago. With no wealth save what lay undeveloped under their feet, with no power except their undying pa triotism, and with the whole civil- ized world watching; theii attempt at a democratic form of govern ment, our forefathers on their nar row strip of land alon<r the Atlantic coast began their long struggle. Their first act was the acquisition of new territory and this has been going on ever since. The possession of this new territory added immedi ately to their wealth and power. Of course there were pessimists whoop posed this expansion, as there are those who oppose it now. Buttheir pessimistic wailsof imperialism were each time overruled by the sensible majority and as each 4th of July rolled round new wealth an 1 great er power was added to the young republic. And on the year just passed the lie was once more put to the cry of Imperialism, when a civil government was inaugurated in the distant Philippines and all over our own land the people cele brated the anniversary of our na tional birthday with an enthusiastic patriotism never before witnessed. Low Rates West ami Northwest this Via the North-Weste/n Line. Ex cursion tickets will b? sold to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Salt bake, Denver and other Colorado, Utah and Pacific Coast Points, as well as St. Paul, Minne apolis, Duluth, Dakota Hot Springs, etc., at greatly reduced rates, with favorable return limits, on various dates during the summer season. Frequent Fast Trains, through sleeping cars, chair cars, dining cars. The best of everything. For dates of sale and full particular i, ia quire of ticket agents Chicago & North-Western R’y. 27rl DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve should be promptly applied to burns and scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the injured oart. There are worthless counterfeits, bj sure t > get DeWitt’s. 2‘Jtl Summer, O. H. Collins. TO OUTSIDE SUBSCRIBERS, A colored pencil mark over thl»»Jparajrraph:ia notieejtliat your ’ HUbxcriptfon expii'iM with thin in- I Mile. If von denire the paper con- I tinned to your addrese. aend one t dollar to the Pkem*. Miller, 8. 1). Resolutions. Whereas the All Wise Father in His love and wisdom hascalled from our midst, our sister and earnest co-worker, Mrs. Anna Shuster. Therefore be it resolved: That the North Hand Co. S. S. Association deeply feels itslos* it her removal, but realises that its loss is Heaven’s gain. That this Association extend to the bereaved husband and family (earnest co-workers in this Associa tion ) our heart-felt sympathy in this their hour of great sorrow. That we commend t hem to God the source of all consolation and help them to remember that “Earth has no sor row that heaven can not heal.’ 7 That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Assn., a copybesent to the bereaved family and one be sent to Co. papery for publication. Com. E. S. Wilson, J. C. Thomas, J. W. Heltibridle. You can never cure dyspepsia by dieting. What your body needs is plenty of good food properly digest ed. Then if your stomach will not digest it, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure wil’. It contains all of the natural digest? ants hence must digest every class of food and so prepare it that na ture can use itii nourishing tin body and replacing the waste! tis sues, thus giving life, health, strength, ambition, pure bio > 1 and good healthy appetite. 2*.'tl For Sale. '1 wo pure bred Short Horn bull.’’, one year old past. Certificate of registry furnished. One span of mares, standard bred. I* ine roa I stars ns well as good farm team. 2218 E. T. Sheldon, 4 miles east of St. Lawrence. Advertised Leitw. For the week ending J uly 8/11>01 the following letters remain uncalled for in the Miller postofiice. Herbert Kilpatrick. Parties calling for above will say advertised. Do You Have Headache ? Thousands of people are suffering with headache who do not realize that the cause is a defect or weak ness of the eyes. All these cases can be permantly cured by glasses that, are made to correct the errors an 1 properly fitted, I don’t merely s« ;l glasses, I fit eyes and guarantee u cure. Examination free. Chas. E. Montag. 51 tf Jeweler an.l Optician Miller, S. D. Le* Than Ilnir Rates to Cairor.ii.u Chicago & North-Western R’y. Tick 'a sold .July ♦th to 13th; re turn limit August 31st. Sperial train party, personally conducted, will leave Chicago 11:59 p. :r. Tues day, July 9th ; leave Omaha 0:09 p. m., Wednesday, July 10th. Parties can join enroute. Stops will be inside at Denver, Colorado Sorin.rt, Glenwood Springs, and Salt Lak .*, passing en route the finest scenery of the Rocky and Sierra Nevada Mountains. The party will beiiinit ed in number and under personal direction of the Tourist Department Chicago & North-Western Ry. Send stamp for illustrated itinerary and map of San Francisco to W. TL - Kniskern, G. P. &T. A., 22 Fifth Aye., Chicago, 111. 2 Ito NO 30 O. H. Collins. J, A, Bubhfield, I’. M. • • • **• pleas# • I w