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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
I IBTAULISIIED .JANUARY 4 TH, 188®. gnbßcrlpttop 81.00 a Year in Advance. The County Dads transacted busi ness nt the court housf this week. Judge Simmons, of Huron, was in Miller on legal business Tuesday. Rev. Wallis, of Howard, S. I), was in Miller last week visiting his broth er. the Doctor. Sheriff Wilcox and wife report the arrival of a young deputy Sheriff at their home Monday. Mrs. Newman Gardner, of Frank fort, visited her sister Miss Bessie Maxwell in Miller last week. J. P. Estee writes that he has moyed his bottling works from Trncy to Marshall, Minn. Mr. John Wilson, of Howell, de part el Monday for Dayton, Ohio, where he will visit relatives awhile. Miss Eva Whitcomb came home from Aberdeen last week for a few days’ visit with her parents, return ing Tuesday. Clay Villman, of Huron, an<l Clif ford Burlingame, of Lake Preston, were in Miller Tuesday shaking hands with old friends. Both are engaged in barbering in the above towns and are doing well. Slop the Blight It is a sad thing to dee fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight. You can always tell them from the rest They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children. But some of them don’t get their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. Scott’s Emulsion can stop that blight. There is no reason why such a child should stay small. Scott’s Emulsion is a medicine with lots of strength in it—the kind of strength that makes things grow. Scott’s Emulsion makes children grow, makes them eat, makes them sleep, makes them play. Give the weak child a chance. Scott’s Emulsion Will I make it catch up with the rest. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott’s £ Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. i < SCOTT & BOWNE, ■ St.,- New VnrlG j 'OO and» ’ druggwto. ,882— —20th YEAR— -19m Palace Drug Store Is the Pioneer. J ;A careful, steady busi- 5 ness conducted for 20 5 years is a guarantee to a all who need Drugsand 1 Medicines, toilet arti- g ' cles paints, oils, etc. 5 WALL PAPER AND ALABABTINE. * J. D. Fitgerald, Proprietor, ? Miljer, S. D. { glp pioneer fartss. PDBLIBHED EVERY THURSDAY BY J. A. PUSHFIELD. PROPRIETOR. Jones repairs at E. J. Miller’s, tf Attorney General, J. H. Pyle was in Miller today. T. Paul Beall of Minden, Neb. will preach nt the Chiistian church Sunday Nov. 17. Hand county’s official vote ns canvassed by the board Tuesday was 282 for Judge Gaffy. Dr. J. B. Taylor is recovering slowly from his recent serious ill ness, and he will probably be up and about again in a few days. The Ladies Aid society of the Chiistian church will serve a Thanks giving dinner in the room formerly occupied by Crnbtree Bros. * See, the auction card of David An- derson in this issue. He makes a speciality of crying stocksales. His P. O. address is Aines, S. D. Prof. Shoenert, the music teacher of Huron who has an advanced class in Miller, also teaches a class in German during his weekly visit here, Geo. Phinney and wife, arrive <1 from Missouri last week and will again reside in Hand county. They were early settlers in Como town ship. The ladies of the Greenleaf Cong’l Church will give an oyster supper, at the church Friday evening, No vember 22d. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The astronomers tell us there will be a grand display of fireworks and shooting meteors in the sky this week. The best exhibition is expect ed tonight and tomorrow night. Is vour land worth $lO per acre? Where cun you get any at a less price, except n little government land and possibly some on the bor ders of civilization? And after that is none, where will the rapidly in creasing population find homes? The Parker Grund Concert Co. is billed for the opera house, Miller Noy. 20th. This promises to be one of the best entertainments ever given in Miller. The numbar of tickets already sold insures n large audience. Tickets are on sale at Briggs’ book store. E. T. Waite's household goods were shipped to Miller Saturdav from Blunt, and when the car was opened Monday a couple of dogs jumped out of the car. Ed insists that he owned no dogs at Blunt, so his friends there must have made him a present. Mike Walsh is home from Mitchell visiting relatives and friends. He is working on the Omaha road ns baggageman from Mitchell to Salem and going to night school. That’s the kind of energy ami am bition that pushes a young man ahead. Wilhelm Pautsch, anohl and high ly respected citizen of Grand town ship in Hand county, died nt his home Thursday morning. He was of quite advanced age and his death was due to natural causes. Funer al services will be held at the home today and the remains will be in terred in the Wessington cemetery.- Wessington Times. There will be an entertainment given by W. H. White of Miller, with his Great Graphophone at the Buelah church on Wednesday eve Nov. 20th, also at Burdette on the 21st. A good time is promised and a hearty laugh is a. foregone con clusion. Ailmission 10 and lo cts. Come to the C. E. meeting at the Pres, church next Sun. evening at 7 o’clock. Subject for consideration id -‘Missions”. This will b*a Camp- Fire meeting; everyone telling or reading a short story, reciting a poem or singing a song. Come and help the meeting along. Missionary Com. CASTOR.IA. , Bear? iho lhfl KW YtU HIW Always Rnught Signatory r Church Clerk. BOOMING * A 1 ' iiiiiiMiniiHiiiii ttiiiiiiKUHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititmiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiii.iii.iiii m f BUSINESS. gassasasa DOUBLE STORE--L ARGER STOCK. Owing to our room being too small for trade we have added another room to our ready to show our new fall goods. B n. tn g C nJ tn fu In f t nJ •0 [2JTE S 2 SHEHSEScSHSB EtS Business Locals. See the advertisement of Dr. Doran in this paper. He will visit Miller regularly. Advertising is the lever that moves the world. That Jones rake attachment is the last. 31tf E. J. Miller Agt. For dry goods, cloaks, etc. see Ccouilleite’s new stock. 44tf If .you want a good sewing ma chine for a little money see those at G. C. Briggs’. Special prices offered until Dec. Ist. 47t2 Closing Out. I am going to close out my big stork of merchandise, and all parties owing me must come in an 1 make arrangments to settle. 43tf N. H. Rasmesmen. The gallery is now open. G. C. Stoner, Photographer. At our new store you can get •18 lbs. granulated sugar for .SI.OO il9 “ light C sugar 1.0(1 1 large bu. basket each .09 All package coffees .10 Corn starch per pound .03 Bird seed “ .05 • Rising Sun stove polish .05 Good tomatoes pci* can .10 “ Sugar c< rn .10 Yeast foam 02 Climax and Spear head tobacco .43 Standard N’ayy & Battle ax .33 Good prints per yd. .03 Childrens underwear each .15 Everything new ami fresh. • J. W. COQL’ILLETTE. A. Bm» tto * ind You a We are able to show you the most complete lifte of Drv Goods,' Clothing, Shoes and Groceries ever carried in one store in Hand County. As I have never carried clothing before I wish the read ers ol this advertisement to remember that in the future we will j carry a full line of Men’s, Boys, and Children’s Clothing and Overcoats. We have increased our Dry Goods stock at least one-half, and will hereafter endeavor to keep on hand such Dry Goods as the people require Our Shoe stock is well known throughout Hand county to be the largest stock, the best fitters, and best wearets sold on this part of the globe. We have been selling Groceries in Hand county for thirteen years and have always lead the grocery trade. We wish the read ers to understand that we handle standards and high grade goods and keep the grades up while others try to pull the grades down. We arc now fixed with plenty of room to handle all kinds of farm produce. We pay the highest market price. Yours for Business, * o EL FT. Grreev-es. » GEO. S. RINGLAND, Pres. F. D. GREENE. Cashier. S GEO. C. FULLINWEIDER, Vice Pres. FIRST STATE BANK Incorporated under State Law 5.4%%%%% Transacts a. General Banking Business. ♦ Loans on Live Stock. & Collections promptly made. Interest allowed Your business is solicited. ♦ ♦ ♦ LICENSED EMBALMER. Call and see a good stock. ♦♦♦ ►♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Rasmussen's big stock will be closed out at cost. Bargains for everybody. Bring your cash. 43tf N. H. Rasmussen. You will find the only stock of real Clothing in town ut our new store, Every thing up to date and prices tower than others ask for old goods. 4.4 tf SHSHSTB'ac’ S dScLSHSr? Sc’-SBSHSB S2SBSHSH! MILLER, SOUTH EAJCOTA.. S. PAULY. FURNITURE. For wash Only. J. \V. CoQUILLBTTE. S’SScLSciSE us to handle our immense store building and are now Capital Stock $13,500.06. HZ z*< --Dealer in— Funeral Director AND ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Millen S. D. My bargains in raw land and im proved places are fine. See me be fore buying. Time given. 43 tf A. E. Bills. Carpet Weaving. Having purchased a new Eureka loom I am prepared to weave car pets. make rugs, quilts, comforters etc., promptly aud at reasonable prices. Mrs. J. G. Strong, 4<»t3 on time I <*. <*> Miller, S. 1). • ‘ r * J