Newspaper Page Text
Cbe news\j s& \ Of the Week “ W •; ; \\ ii*lilngl«iii Note*. It is reported Hay and Choate will nii'ceeil each other. Gov. Hole of Hawaii has given out another statement that lie lias no in* tention of resigning. Director of the Mint Roberts recom mends that the coinage of silver dol lars be suspended for the present, and that the bullion on hand be converted into subsidiary coin. The stale department has received a draft for £O.OOO from the government of Great Britain, in full payment of the claims of certain American citizens, v. ho claim to have been improperly ex pelled from South Africa during the Doer war. in the consl leratlon of the Indian ap ptoprlatlon bill it was decided to re fer to the attorney general for an opin ion on the nuestion as to whether the I’hlppewas of Minnesota are entitled to the refund of *i:>o.coo which Is annually for their benefit. As a result of the statements made in a recently publbheu interview regard ing the ability of the Cubans to govern themselves, which have been deemed Indiscreet, Lieutenant Commander Luclen Young Mas been relieved by Sec retary lamg of hlr present post as cap tain of the port of Havana. Secretary Hoot has refused to inter fere in the case of Capt. Jas. C. Keed. fi rmerly a volunteer subsistence officer, who was convicted by court martial of complicity in alleged commissary pecu lations In the Philippines and sen tenied to dismissal from the urniy and Imprisonment for three years. It is authoritatively stated that there lias been no marked change for the worse* in the condition of Rear Admiral Sampson. However, he Is now. as he has been since he came to Washington, In very feeble health, and his chances for withstanding any serious strain up on his %ltulily are said to be slight. I ti fort ii mile Hn|t|H‘lillilt». A fh email and a tramp were killed in a collision on th** <'h'*sapeako & Ohio near Charleston, W. Va. Th** Queen's hotel, at Sout.isea. Kng land. was burned recently. Forty-five guests escaped from (Me* hotel in their cloth s. Two chambermaids were suffocated and several fliemen and «tit ers were injured. Father J. W. O’Kelly, the New York Catholic priest who Injured his hand while flrhing at Rockaway heath a month ago, and who refused, until too late, to have one of his thumbs ampu tated. for the reuson that he feared It would interfere with his work as a priest, is dead, the result of blood-pois oning. Mrs. latrry Rose staggered into the g«mluaky police station recently, more dead than alive. She laid walked hit the way from Buffalo, and when ten miles from Sandusky was overtaken by i sr.ow storm. AHr in Buffalo, she said, destroyed all her belongings, and she started to walk to the home of her mother, in Hueyrus, Ohio. Sins huil NI liner*. Sol Temple, an outlaw wanted at Pond Creek. Okla., has been tuptured at Dallas. Tex. Peter Pleretc, manager of the Itoyal hotel ;ft Winnipeg, committed suicide by drowning. Emil Watrous was arrested at l<a Porte, Jnd.. on a charge of robbing a residence of Jl.tKKl worth of jewelry. A Brooklyn bank clerk was arrested recently, and in his room were found stamps thought to have been stolen from the Chicago pustoffice; Frank M. Smith, former cashier of the Savings Rink of Portsmouth. Ohio, pleaded guilty to the embezzlement of IHO.oOU of the bank's funds, and was sentenced to eighteen months in the pi nltentlary. John Ilomerlgous, a dentist of Matr toon. 111., courted his cousin. Miss Em ma Hoinerigous of Ohio, for twenty years. Then, fearing that they were net temperamently fitted for each oth er, and that the *B,OOO which he had saved would not be sufficient to care for her properly, lie committed suicide. Foreign (.oa*l|i. Millions of Russians are suffering as a result of the famine. British interests get the largest por tion of the Philippine trade. A death from bubonic plague in the suburbs of Sydney, N. S. W., Is re ported, A death front bubonic plague In the suburbs of Sydney, N. S. W„ was re ported recently. Startling revelations are being made regarding spurious works of art on the London market, A large part of the handsome railway station at Frankfort was wrecked re cently by the Orient express, the air The immigration-restriction bill, ex cluding from Australia all persons w ho cannot speak a European language, has passed the commonwealth senate. The Bedrip Vosslche Zeltung says that at a conference of the leading iron masters of Berlin and Stettin It was de eded to reduce the price of bar iron W pfennig. Dr. Mosso of Toulouse read a weighty paper before tin* Academy of Medicine at I’fiiis showing great Improvement In cases of diabetls when potatoes arc substituted for a bread diet. Mr. Kruger, former president of the South African republic, bus arrived at Utrecht, and has taken possession of his new residence. Mr. Kruger, who appeared to be in excellent health, re ceived a great ovation from crowds of people. The surgeon In the Roentgen depart merit of the London Skin hospital in foims the press that hi* experience with the use of X-rays in eases of can cer of the face has been similar tn that of Dr. Hutchins of '\tlnnta. lie firmly believe# in the treatment. Forty Turkish soldiers have been killed near Lohrla. in Yemen, Arabia, in a lisht with tribesmen who hud re belled on a< count of • x<*essive taxation. « The Peru chamber of deputies ban auicUonei] the gold-standard law, which has already pnssed th** senate. It is reported that when parliament reassembles the British government will bring forward a new proposal in r<gurd to the reconcentrntlon camps in South Africa. It is believed that this proposal will suggest the distribution of the refugees in the settled districts. People Talk'd \bnut. NV. N. Tinsley, formerly president of the Tinsley Tobacco company, died in Louisiana, Mo., of cancer of the stom ach. Harry A. Stovtjl has been nominated for mayor of Marion. Ind., by the Re- I üblicans. lie is but twenty-four yea-a old ar.d is the star player of th" local football team. Hcv. Dr. George Patterson. pastor cf (•race Episcopal church, Memphis, Tenn., died of heart failure. Dr. Pat terson was seventy-three years old and a native of Boston. Frank Amos of the Hcillster-Amos Company of Oshkosh. Wls., expired .suddenly from apoplexy. He was six ty-one years of age and had been prom inently idt nil fled with the lurnb‘*r business for years. Judge R. \V. Hughes died at his home n* at Abingdon. Va. He was a leader In Republican politics in Virginia, and .for several years a federal district at torney. and. later, a federal judge. He >\ as once defeated for governor of Vir ginia. He fought two due's during his career. Maj. Henry Fulton, a member of the f aulty of the i‘diversity of t'oloriifa-. t.ead of heart disease in Denver. He was fifty-five years of age. and was a native of Greece. X. Y. He served with distinction In the Civil war. enlisting at the age of tif’etn years, and spent a year in Libby prison. .Col. Doniphan, hero of the Mexican and Civil wars, and for fifty years prominent in th- affairs of Missouri, died at his home in St. Joseph. Col. Doniphan was btrn in Ohio in 1H26. He was an odd Fellow of national prom inence, and was the first president of the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs railroad. Dr. Leslie M. Sweetman, a prominent suigeon of Toronto, Can., who was well known in the United States, died In the Johns Hopkins hospital at Bal timore. He had been there #or several weeks receiving treatment for blood poisoning suffered after an operation performed in the hospital of the Uni versity of Toronto. Otherwise. Schaeffer won the world's billiard championship. A | raetlcal Joker caused a run on a bank in Helena. A Pittsburg physician has discovered a scrum treatment for lockjaw. Kansas City has been selected as thw next place of folding the live ctoek ct nventlon. The Federation of Labor has adopted a resolution advocating the exclusion of the Chinese. An immense cave, the dwelling place of prehistoric people, has been discov ered in Montana. An immense mi ss meeting In Chicago adopted resolutions protesting aguinst the South African war. I .aw son dedans that attacks on Amalgamated stock ure the fruit of envy of rich New Yorkers. Anti-toxin serum for the St. Louis public Is said to LaVe been taken from a hurs-e suffering from tetanus. Filipino scouts captured and behead el David Faffin, the American negro deserter, who for two years has been fighting with the insurgents. A Chicago school giG played a two step on a piano for 300 other children to keep time by, while they marched out of the burning school house. A fierce combat took place at Bos tin k's animal arcra in Boston between three black bears from Indea, two forest-bred Hons and two hybrids. A* a re suit one bear is dead. Gov.' Gen. Leonard Wood has gone back to Cuba with the determination to uige upon the Cuban jieople the im portance of prompt action In establish ing the independent government. Seiious defects have manifested themselves In the machinery of the battleship Illinois, now In Ne*- Orleans, and It is more than probable that a board of naval engineers will be named by the department to examine her en gines. The subm trine torpedo boat Fulton, v, l ich sank at her dock at New Suffolk, L. 1., on Monday, has been raised. The only demage done the boat was by the water that poured into her through tin open forward hatch. After the machin ery has been ovt rhauled and cleaned she will be as good as ever. The finding of a skeleton In a mound a few miles northwest of East Tawes Mich., with u sword sticking through the backbone, the sword bearing a crown and the date 1525. gives rise tc the theory that possibly it may be tht skeleton of one of the party on thr Griffin, supposed to have been wrecked on the shores of Lake Huron. Vlie Meant to Encourage. Tom—Oh, r.ha’ll never ha\e me. 1 Know. Ocusin Nell —I’m sure she likes you. Why don’t you ask. her? Tom I was gping to last night, but she called me a lobster, and— Cousin Nell —You’re a goose, that's what you are! Don’t you know she's passionately fond of lobsters? Sh* meant you were nice enough to eat.— Philadelphia Press. Fife is Growing Longer. From statistics and certain changes In jur methods of living, it hus been proven :hat life Is being steadily lengthened. Wo ire Justified In believing this when we consider the great advance made In inodl ;lne during the past fifty years, the most noteworthy of them being Host* tter's Stomach Bitters. This ideal medicine lures headache, sour stomach, belching, near'burn and indigestion, also steadies the nerves, induces sound sleep and pre vents malaria, fever and ague. Be sure to try it. Untie for Knelt Ollier. Kdith—l hoar that you and Fred are quite interested in one another. Bertha—Don't you tell a soul, Kdith. tut, really. I believe that Fred and I were made for each other. We have played golf together three times, and we m ver have quarreled—except two or three times, when Fred was clearly In the wrong.—Boston Transcript. Don't tie* Rich, Pnp:i. The children of a certain family, dur ing its prosperity, were left in the nursery in charge of servants. When adversity came, the servants were dls ehaiged, and the parents lived with the little ones. One evening, after the father had returned home, after a day of anxiety and business worry, the lit tle girl clambered on his knee, and, twining her arms around his neck, said: ‘‘Papa, don't get rich again. You did net come the nursery when you were rich, but now we can come around you and get on your knee and kiss you Dor.'t get rich again, papa.” A man whose wealth keeps him from his family, sleep, healthy recreation, or the time to enjoy the legitimate pleas ures of life, is managed by money.— Success. \<>w Cnrp for Itlietinmtlam. Hester. Mo.. Dec. 16. An unusual -use which has recently come to light here Is exciting the keenest interest among medical men. Mrs. Kilenoi Guardhouse suffered for over forty years with Sciatic Rheumatism so se verely and so constantly that her case has been regarded as chronic and ab solutely incurable. At times the pain was almost unbearable and she could not rest day or right. Some months ago she was Induced to try Dodd’s Kidney Pills, a remedy re cently introduced in this neighborhood. The immediate results were magical, and she continued till she had taken right boxea. and now she declares that she has not an ache or pain left. She believes that she is completely and per manently cured, and us she has not used the pills for some months and is to-day in the best of health, the doc tors. who were at first skeptical, are amazed. It in «* vt flat lon». Mrs. Knowles—That is a beautiful recommendation >ou gave your cook. Of course she deserved It? Mrs. Milton—Of course. Mrs. Knowles—But what do you real ly think about the girl? I nave "written recommendations myself, you knew. Boston Transcript. Are You Faina Allen's Fiiol-Kn<f f It Is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning. Sweating Feet. Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists’ and Shoe Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T. The wedding day is looked forward to with pleasure by women and with dtead by men. 11 oWi This? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for anj .«aso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hail t Catarrh Cure. _ v _ . . F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, a We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in al! business transaction! and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. _ . , West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.- .Waldlog. Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act. Incdlrectly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prioe Tbc per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Bills are the beak Humility isn’t necessarily a virtue. The lowly onion would be Just as rank If It grew on a tree. A Christina* Philosopher. He asks three great gifte—Health, Wealth and Happiness. Then give him Garfield Tea; It brings Good Health, pro motes Happiness and makes the pursuit of Wealth possible. The average man's acquaintances are filled with astonishment when they see nfim tackle a glass of lemonade. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.' For children teething. soOenn tbe gums, reduce* In fl»min»tlun,»ll»T* pstn.cure* wind colic. 'iscs buttle. Some men persist in running for of fice until the undertaker overtakes them. S. D. *. F. -VO. 51— lIKII. CD In time. p>i tbr tlniKplitU. Wn| s^f2^uim2i4S2222SKjß Woodward & Co., Grain Commission. jm» ORDERS FOK FUTURE DELIVERY EXECUTED IN ALL MARKETS. MINNEAPOLIS. Rev. Marguerite St. Omcr Briggs, 35 Mount Calm Street, Detroit, Michigan, Lecturer for the W. C. T. U., recommends Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. “ Dear Mrs. Pixkham : My professional work has for the past twenty years brought me into hundreds of homes of sickness, and 1 have had plenty of opportunity to witness the sufferings of wives and mothers who from want, ignorance or carelessness, arc slowly but surely being dragged to death, principally with female weakness and irregularities of the sex. I believe you will be pleased to know that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound has cured more women than any other agency that has come under my notice. Hundreds of women owe their life and health to you to-day, and, there fore, I can conscientiously advise sick women to try it.” —Marguerite St. Omer Briggs. SSOOO FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE* When women axe troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement ot ulceration of the womb, that bear ing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. LydUi E. Pinkhuin’* Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine. 3lrs. Plnkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, 3iuss. tier Question. Mrs. Bouncer -Ah! Professor, dear, there you are. I hope you enjoy good health? Piofe.-,sor— Of course I do, when 1 an get it. —Moonshine. Pain, suffering. Wizard Oil could not live together, so pnin and suffering moved out. Ask.your druggist about It. According to Ilolth) . His Mamma—l'm mortified to learn that you stand at the foot of your class. I can hardly believe it possible. Hobby—Why. it's the cash si thing In the world. —Detroit Free Puss. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York. Care Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Dis orders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over HO.OOO testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Sample fkf.k. Ad dress Allen b. OUubted, Leitoy, N. Y. More In Ills Fine. ‘‘Do you think 1 will make a player?" asked u sluggDh applicant for football. “You may make a chess player.” said the coach. "You are slow enough in moving.” Naturally people want to be WELL for Christmas, for nothing so promotes hap plnsos and good cheer. Therefore, take Garfield Tea now; Its uses are manifold; It cures all derangements cf stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels; It cleanses the system and purifies the blood, thus re moving the cause of rheumatism, gout and many chronic diseases. It Is good for young und old and has been -held In the highest repute for many years. Physi cians recommend It. Kin Know ledge of llrooklyn. Brooklyn Man—Have you ever been In Brooklyn? Ccchtnan —No, sor. Ol nivir waz In Brooklyn but once, an' thin Ol struck the wrong ferry an’ got only to Jersey City.—New York Weekly. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color silk, wool or cotton nerfectly at one boil ing. Sold by druggists. 10c per package. A man is foolish to be a clam when spring chickens are worth so much more. To Cure a Cold In One day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails tocure. 25c. Weakness of character resembles wheat after the flour has been crushed out. rtao’s Curs tor Consumption la an Infallible medicine for coughs nod oolda—N. W SmoiL, Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. IT. 1000. Sometimes a woman forgives a man so she CRn throw it up to him later on. TitTnciiestir f f /“LEADER” and “REPEATER” SMOKELESS POWDER SHOTGUN SHELLS tre used by the best shots in the country because they are so accurate, uniform and reliable. All the world’schampionships and records have been won and made by Winchester shells. Shoot them and you’ll shoot well. USED BY THE BEST SHOTS, SOLD EVERYWHERE ESTABLISHED 1H79. It is difficult to realise that the sweet Kiri graduate was once a short-haired L-aby w ith a red nose. When lii St. Ftml Don't fail to visit the Star Theater — the home of refined burlesque. JUST THINK OF IT Every fArmer his own lundlord. no Incum brances, his hank account increasing, year by nyeuv.lund value inrrraa ink. stock increasing, splendid climate. e»- cellent school* and churches, low taxation, high prices tor cutUe and (Train, low railway rates, und every jsisaf bic comfort. This i- tha condition or :ne larmcr in Western C anada— ProTlnoa of Maaltoba and district* of Assini 001a. Saskatchewan and Alberta. Thousand* of Amt rteans are now set tied there. K< dueed rates on all railways for homcsoekcrs and set tiers. New districts are being otiened up thta year. The new forty page Atlas of Western Ca nada sent free to all applicants. K pedley. Superintendent of Immigration On a wa.C uniuia or W. H. Rogers, Canadian Government Agent, box 110, Watertown, 8 D. CAPSICUM VASELINE ( PUT CP IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES ) A substitute for and superior to mustard or anyother plaster, and will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain allaying and curative qualities of this article arc wonder ful It will stop the toothache at once, uud relieve headu'-he and sciatica. We recom mend it as the best und safest external counter-irritant known, also as un external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and ail rheumatic, neuralgic and gouty com plaints. Atrial w>'l prove what we cluirn for It, and it w ill be found to be invaluable in the household. Many people say “it is the best of nil of your prrparat ions.” Price 15 cents, ut nil druggists or other dealers, or by sending this amount to us in postage stumps we will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted by the public unless the same curries our label, ttsotherwise it Is not genuine. CHESRBROUOH MFU. CO . 17 Slate Street, New tork Citt. NO GUESS NEEDED. When you weigh on a Jones 8001. b. Heal* PRICE «S 00. FULL PARTICULARS. JOS kb (HE rAYS THE FREIGHT.) BINGHAMTON. N. Y. ■figßlC JOH V W.^IOHBIA OtllOlUll Washington. IFF, ■ 3 jr i. lu clTtl war. it mUimlicuh* claim*, at Ur aiuoa nOMDCV HEW discovert. n*«» Dl% w I O I quick rellefendcuret »onl CMC*. Book of Motlmuolal* >0(1 10 Oil** treatmo®* ■ML PL li. H. OBLII’S BO 18. B*i B. AUeate. So. AGENTS MAKE $lO DAILY •oiling (olutloa for inaklDe mirror*: rocii •<«■. ..lie for aoc: recipe with foil Initrurttou* »ent fur ltio. 118808 BALI FAtll KJKU CO., 114 w I ,rt tl . aw*. ■■-rrsr^. SAVE FUEL HEAT ADDITIONAL ROOMS bv attaching HIKTOM'H MF.I. KCONOMIZKR to your stove pipe. Saves one third fuek Price. $4 SO. Your dealer will supply you. IX not, order direct from us. W. J. BURTON Sl CO. MJ CASE STREET. • DETROIT. SUCK. ClUii<tn>» and teattmunlaia on rfqorgt mlm. .<**•" . ‘"' "‘ ■**■ - - *1 I T*J| I