Newspaper Page Text
4l I I jtf •» * *' l f* in' I V. ■ ’ s r «• 4M( I * I f i { If II v The Kind You Have "Ml /\i wa ys Bough! AVegdaWe Prcparaticmfor As j g ] Bears the I *. ' sigHature /}\x Promotes DigestionChecrfuF M 0/ ness and Rest Contains neilher flf /|V /. tf r Opium .Morphine nor Mineral vx #l\ ijv NotHahcotic. II \|| ip nm'pf 0/OtdIt SAMTLIiTCHCR * | fiJnu. f . 4ft. 8r j j l\ LA j| fu J* Osfi Aperfed Remedy forConstifw ; 3 'fl y lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea *1 I Vv » a Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- : J \ S? InH 5 111 OF ness and Loss OF SLEEP. ; \y lUI ÜbU! Facsimile Signature or n* ■ ■ Thirty Years *■*,— ■ -*»’* THt C.CITAUS COMMHf, NtW VOBK CIVV. land Wanted. If you wish to sell your land, lisi it with me, I want to buy a few quar ters. They must he cheap for rush l! G. C. Briggs. J L. KEYES, OFFICIAL ABSTRACTOR. Lands Bought, Sold and rented. Loans negotiated. Abstract* guaranteed bv $5,- 000 bond. [7 RANK E. CRABTREE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real gstate. Collections and Insurance. Special attention {riven to probate mat ter*. Tuxes paid for non residents. Land* and Cltv property rented bought, sold and exchanged. Office opposite the post office. Miller, So. link. A- F- MVERTY, Successor to T N. Wadi:, Full stock of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Harness hard ware, etc. and everything found in a first class har ness store. Expert harness and sad dle work promptly attend ed to on short notice. Give us a call. Miller, S. D. For Cash Only. RasmusHHi’H stock will be closed out at cost. Bargains for everybody, bring your cash. 43tf N. H. Rasmussen. "MTEfHUTIOML STOCK FOOD" Eldontl tj “Farm. Stock ail Hoim.” •“Owlns to the tttter worthlessness of many of the so-called cattle and stock foods offered tn tho post as specific for Hog Cholera, and other diseases of animals, Farm. Stock tout Home has absolutely refused them space in its advertising columns. At last wt art eaaMsnt that a hot el actaal merit is found fa “International Stock food.'* an advertisement of erhich appears on psge 79. It is • rime tried remedy sad say emounl si proof is shewn to prom rt..i || W |U accomplish everything its makers claim lor K. It is the hope of this Journal that every reader who has a diseased or unthrifty animal will not delay giving it a trial. The food is being prepared by an eaperienced feeder and stockman, is warranted to do all that it claimed for it, or purchase price will be returned,FAlM, STOCI ANL JOME, '« th? —aorpyßt prints »t»n wriOOro Vy Owaa. after h. rt.ited oar o»o., and pubbshod ** »4»«rtUinf In kt> war tlmpiy boeaoM w» linn,hi hit ra*w w*r« 000 ht*h for hit aaOnal sirenltMaa. or. r-/,n'i>anraii hi ilur HI ThresisaM affef w® Quit hil pApdf Mid Jufet *t I tl!I10 W lltfl Wd COIUHtOOtd htvdftldlllg .»* reS* "sue* s?syk£ •£* I3s.si32ffLoftsswifi: mlsdsd iwopl. eani»• -k»>_lt th..n*We« of t^,l uSTJd Id mVhTuIIiWd sSwt KtkikU a*Pari, la U»*. aa4 10 wat awwOtd Uw hltkMt aMdal. It i:"i sttfasssarea 's&wjsfjx issz^Mg Irmsnlif tdli.raf Firm >'k mad Horn# W Ppifcliflf MHltWilijf flfeltofui fOMfeiaft. M lhtdriill«hll Ktodk ¥—4” (/•Kin 0)ld by JO out Dnldn on * B>ii c&ih rvirurtro to refund f»»diri bom? If I* foils V- foltll omw ll£Z. £r +*l,ry' 3iirU?W rack andl * HoowKkr OOfwtaaci aad •oothsr la«akclMU « W'Ll won be a<li d. n. , .Tw jrot v>aa> Ban'.« WWltaa'o Bout.or Commitalal *ft“T la ■lnaaapnlla wna.'TioiiAt stoci food co. I Cath Capital gsor.esp. | Mlaneapolls, Wilts-, U. 9.1. For sale by Thomas Patterson, 9t. Lawrence, S. D. Four Nights Show. The IxmdHle Theatre Co. will ap pear at the Miller opera house Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week. It is recommended by papers us a first class repertoire company. Gallery Closed. The Gallery will lie closed on .lan. 21st till Feb. Ist. Tall in before that date if you wish any work done. Well Boring, I iini jr< pared, with a goo 1 outfit, to put down well* to the depth of 200 fe»t, at reasonable prices. \V»*ite me at Miller. To Whom ft May Concern. The condition of the coal trade is such that we are obliged to ask that those having coal con tracts with us take out the coal due them on or before Feb. 1, 1 902, ns we wish all our coal contracts to terminate on that dote. 4t3 Hated Jan. 8,1902. Chaß. Thomson, Agt. 1). A. McCoy, Agt. Improve Your Stock. For sole, four pure bred short horn bulls. One three years old, one two yeti r» old, two full calves, for cash or on time with good se curity. 2t4* C. S. Rrown, St. Lawrence, S. I). OWL RESTAURANT, Miller, So. Dak. Having bought out the Owl Restaurant I am m>w ready to urnish warm meals at all hours. Especial attention to serving oysters. Come in and see us. -U4* John Hanson. A. S. CLOUSE. Business Locals. For Sale. Fifty tons of good bright hay. Inquire B. T. Unities at Crabtrees store. My bargains in raw land and im proved places me fine. See me lie fore buying. Time given. 4.‘ltf Closing Out. I mn going to tlose out my big stock of met chncdise, andall parties owing me must come in and niaki arrangments to settle, -Fit! N. H. Rasmussen. Wanted. Capable lady or gentleman for permanent traveling position. Sai lin' sloooyearly, expenses and com- mission extra. 40tf The Co-Operative Pub. Co. W. Cam i’, Manager, Ree Heights, S. B. Land Wanted. I want to buy some good quarters of Hand countv land cheap for cash. Write or call on me at Miller. tf G. H. Carroll. loan on real estate tit 8 per cent interest. Address J. H. King. Huron, 8, I). ANNUAL LICENSE REPORT. Statement of Llcunr UreiiM collected by the Treasurer ol Hand County, South Da kota. during the year ending on Monday the noth day of December. 1901: Bv Whom Paid. Warren Hurst: Residence Milter. S. P. Nature of Buslneae, Retail. Plaew of Business, Miller, S. P. Pate Paid, June 20-1901. Amount Paid, $400.00. State of South Dakota.( County of Hand. ( ThornnM Kelley, lielng duly sworn, upon oath depone* and way* that he I* the Trena il rat of Hand County. South Dakota, and that the foregoing and wit hln report I* a true und enrrect statement of ull the Liquor License* eolleeted by him during the year ending on Monday, the !?oth day of Decem ber, 1901. Thomas Kki.t.kv. Count v Trcssttrer. Sul>arrlbed anil sworn to before me thin 510th day <>f December IDOL Jay P. MontiLi,. Notary Public. So. Dakota. Jan 2t5 Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. U ulted States I.nDd Office. Huron. South Dakota. Decem ber 7th, 1901. A sufficient conteat affidavit bavin* been tiled In this office by l.otila M. Hanson, con testant. against Huron Series Timber Cul ture entry No. 90951. made January 1.7, lMh9. lor North Fast Quarter Section 21, Township 111 N.. Uanre 7«» W. by Albert J. Rodger*. Contestec, in which it Is alleged that he Is well acquainted with the tract of land embraced in said entry and knows the pr< sent condition of the same: also that, the said Albert J. Rodgers (upon contest ant’s information aud Indief) has failed to break five acres third year of entry; failed to plant five n»r«* to trees, tree seeds omit ting* the third yeur ofentrv ; failed to plaut five acres to tree*, tret 1 aeeda or rutting* the fourth vear of entry ; also failed to culti vate to trees, treeseeds or cuttings any part of said tract during years 1*92, 18951, 1894, 1895.1896,1897.1898. 1N99. 1900, and up to October 251. 1901, or cause It to lie done, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Feb ruary 19.1902, before the Register and Re ceiver at the United States Land Office in Huron, S. D. The said contestant having In a proper affidavit, filed Dec. 5, 1901. set fortli facta which show that after due diligence, person J nl service ol this notice can not be made, it Is hereby ordered and directed that such no tice lie given by due and proper publication in the Pioneer Press, putillslied at Miller, 8, D. John C. Htonek. Atty. for Contestant. Dec. 19t4 Notice to CREDITORS. Estate of Russell F. Kimball Deceased, Notice i« hereby given by the undersigned, Administrator of the estate of Husseli F. Kimball deceased, to the creditor* of and all persons having claims against the auld de censed, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four mouths after the first publication of t liis notice, to the said Ad minislrntor at his office at the Town of Mil ler in the County of Hand, S. Dak, Dated at Miller. H. I>. Dm-, tilth 1901. J. H. COLE. Administrator of the Estate of Russell F. Kimball deceased. Dec. 20t3 Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United Htates Land Office. Huron, South Dakota. Decem ber 2H. 1901. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Henry M. fh-Motte. con testant, against Huron Series Timber Cul ture entry -o. MlOri made October 21, IHS1) for. North West tjiiartcr beet lon to. Town snip 111*. llniirt I'd W, by Will,am If. lliitt' rfh Id Contest,-e. 11l which It Is al leged that: be is well ac<|Ualnled with ihe 1 1 act of land embraced In said entry and kilims the present condition of t lie enm*; al so that the said William 11. Butterl'eld bus limed to eiilllvate said tract orally portion ih.Ti of during (he ; ears ] «'.»)!, Isj4, IH9.">. 1K!,,,. j«*j7, itftlM, 1599. 1900. 1901, up to the present time ( December .1, 1901 1; also tliut sa:d claimant has tailed to |Haut an; Itws. live seed - or cuttings uiimhl tract of land or any portion thereof since the year 1 MOtt, and lip to tlie present lime that he has whobv tailed to comply with inetlmbcr culture laws olthc ( lilted ntatew. Said par ties are hereby notitied to apix-ar. respond mid oiler ei Ideuec touching said allegation in luo'clck M. m. ou fr'ebrunrv o, 1902, before the Register and Receiver ut the I niten fttaii% l and Office In H ill on, S. D. The said »oi.testant. having Inn proper affidavit, iited December if, 1901, act forth facta which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice can not be made. It Is hereby ordered nod directed tbat such notice Ist given by due and proper pub lication In the Pioneer Press, published at Miller, If. J». C. A. JiLAXh, Register. A. E. 1111.T.H. C, A. Bi.akk, ltexister. Do You Have Headache ? Thousands of people are suffering with headache who do not realize that the cause is a defect or weak* ness of the eyes. All these cases can be pennantly cured bv glasses that ar® made to correct the error* and properlv fitted. I don’t tnnelv sell glasses.'l fit eyes and guarantee a cure. Examination free. ( HAS. E. SoNTAQ. 51 tf Jeweler and Optician Miller. S. 1). He Has Cured Thousands (ilvcn tip to die. DR. DORAN Next regular professional visit to MII.USR. FRIDAY JAN. 17th VANDEHBIIiT lIOTKL. Hours »n.m.to6 p. m. Returning every month. Consult him while the opportunity is at hand. DR. DORAN haa no superior in diagnos ing and treating diseases and deformities. He will give fort for any case that he can not tell the disease and where located In five minutes. All curable niedteal and surgical diseases, acute and chronic catarrh, and Special Dis eases of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat, Lung disease. Early Consumption. Bton cbltls. Bronchial Catarrh, Constitutlon&l Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Stom ach and Bowel Troubles, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Bright's Disease, Dia betes. Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Prostatic and Female diseases. Dlxxiness, Nervous ness, Indigestion, Obesity, Interrupted Nu trition. Blow Growth In Children, nnd all wusfing disease in adults. Many cases of Deafness, Ringing in the Ears, Loss of Eye sight. Cataract, Cross Eyes, etc., that have been improperly treated or neglected, can be easily restored. Deformatlves, Club Keet. Curvature ol the Spine. Disease of the Ilrain, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, Dropsy, Swelling of the Limbs, Stricture, Open Sores. Pain In the Bones, (iralnular Enlarge ments and all long-standing diseases prop erly treated. Young, middle-aged and old. single or mnrried inen and all who anffer from lost manhood, nervous debility, sper matorrhoea, seminal losses, sexual decay, failing memory, weak eyes, stunted develop ment, lack of energy. Impovertened blood, pimples, impediments to marriage; also blood and skla diseases, Syphlllls, Erup tions. Hair Falling, Bone Pains, Swellings. Bore Throat, Ulcers, fleets of Mercury. Kid ney and Bladder troubles. Weak Back, burn ing Urine, passing urine too often. Oouorr boea. Gleet. Srticture. receive searching treatment, prompt relief and cure for life. Cancers, Tumors, Goiter. Fistula Plies Yarieoceie and enlarged glands with the subcutaneous injection method, absolutely without pain nnd without the loss of a drop of blood. Is one of bis own discoveries, ane Is the most really scientific aud certain ly sure cure of the nineteenth century. No incurable cases taken. Consultation to those Interested, f i.rtrt. DR. DORAN. Minneapolis, Minn, Boston Block. Not. hltd Timber culture. Final Proof.—Notlee tor publication. United Staten La ml Office. Huron, So. Dak. November 21, 1001. Notice la hereby Riven that (Jeorße W. Mc- Qeorße hn* filed notice of Intention to make final proof liefore t’onnt.v Judge at Miller. S, D. on Wednesday the sth dav of January. 1002, on timber culture application No. 05ttH, for the North went quarter of section No. 2.", In Town ship No. 111, N. flange No. 07 W. f*th P. M. He name* ns wltnesae*: Hi njarnln T. Foley, CharlesL. Choate, John Johnson, Dnvld L. Evans. all of Ht. Lawrence. S. D. Testimony of claimant will be taken anme date before Clerk of Circuit Court, at Dead wood, S. D. C. A. BLAKE, Register Jan.9ts CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. United State* Lana Office, Huron, South Dakota. Decem ber 17, 1901. A sufficient contest affidavit haring been filed In this odlc* bv Mary K. Johnson con testant. ssnlnat Huron Sevirs llnmeat'-ad entry No l-totlo. made May Id. Is it, for South half of .Mirth ffmt ipiurter A North half of south West ijuarter Se-tlon .»H. Township lit N.. Kiiiik"'•'> W„ by t'harlet Akt-rblnd Conte, ice. m whlrli it I* nllexwl thstatic |i< well nc iuniutet with t'u* tr o-' of laud embraced tu «o«ld s.itry and knowi the p« cacti t condition ot the Maine; nlao that thvsaid Ufiarlt-M Akerlilad ban never e* Itliliil'H hie reanteii vor redded upon *ali| land aln e the date of li a tiling, nor made uii.r Improvements whatever on aaid land, and that siihl alieence Iro.u Die land la not due to hla employment In the Ariuv or Navy of the I lilted State* during any war. Halit partlea are hereby notified to appear, r.-- apond and offer evidence touching aaiu al legation at to o'clock a in on March *l, lu»>2. before the Uexleter and Itecelver at the l ulled state* I,and Otfieuln Uurue. *. t). The attld couteatanr having, iu a proper affidavit, filed December t'J >l, no forth facta which -how that, after due dillx-ii.-e penioual service of thin notice can uot be made. It I* hereby ordered and directed that auch notice be xiveu bv due and prop er publication in the Pioneer Press, pub llabeu at lllUer, S, D. C. A. BLAKE. Register, £. H. Vancjl Atty. Jan.2tß Content Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Latin Office. Huron. Booth Dakota. Decem ber 7th. 11101. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by Louis \f. Hanson, con testant. against Huron Series Homestead entry No. 141198, made July 17, 1893. tor gouth East Quarter Section 511. Townahlp 114 N., Range 70 W. by Benjamin E. Wen ber. Contestee, in which it Is alleged that he Is well acquainted with the tract of land embraced In said entry and knows the pres ent condition of the same; also that the said Beniamin K. Webber baa aoandnned his said entry; that he has failed to make settlement thereon nnd Improve same; that there Is no bouse or other I mproverncut upon said tract at this date (October 23. 1901); and that there has not been any house or other Improvements thereon since said entry was made; and that his said ab sence from the land Is and was not due to hie employment I n the military or naval service of the United States in an.v time o w ar. said parties are hereby notified to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 1« o.clock a. in., on February 111, lOOSf. before the Register and Receiver at the United States Laud Office in Huron, S. D. The said contestant ha."lg. in a proper affidavit, filed December S, 1901. set forth facts which show that alter due diligence personal service of this notice cannot lie made. It is hereby ordered and directed that s.ieh notice he given bv due and proper pub lication In Pioneer Press. Miller 8. D. C. A. Bi.akk, Register. John C. Btox«m, A tty. lor Contestant Dec 19t4 Notice to Creditor*. Estate of Jacob Crouse Deceased, Notice Is hereby given bv the undersigned. Executrices and Executor Of the Inst Will aud Testament of Jacob Crouse deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the raid deceased, to exhibit them. « ith the necessary vouchers, within lour months after the first publication oi this notice, to the said Executrices or Exe cutor at their holiir at HyPectme, New York, or toj. H t ole as their resident agent at Miller South Dakota, or to the Clerk of said Court at his office in Miller, s. Dak. Dated at Miller. ». D. Dec. 17th 1901. Ei-iia Ciioi hk & CIIANI.UTTK Ltr.riK I\MX K, As Executrices and Chaim.ks M Croisk, As Executor of the last '.VIII nnd Testa ment of Jacob Crouse d«■ eased. By J. H. Cock, their resident Agent Dee. 12t0 Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Huron. B. I). December 5, 1901 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has died notice of bis inten tion to mnke final proof in support of tils claim, and that said proof will lie made be fore Clerk of Circuit Court, at Miller, S. U. on Jauuary 514, 190:1, viz: ARCHIBALD H. HALL. H. E. No. 14754, for the S W 14 Hec. 1. Twp. 113. N. Range 67, W. sth P. M. lie names the following wilneases to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultlva tl»n ot said land, vlx: John R. Bowles of Miller. S. I).. Frank Bowles, II A. Biddle, Richard Jones, of St. Lawrence. 8. D. 0. A. BLAKE, Register. Dec. 12t<J Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Huron, So. Dak. December 9. 1901. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of hi* Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of Circuit Court at Miller. S. I)., on February 1, 1902. vlx: JAMES WALSH. H. E. No. 14503, for the SE *4 Keo. no. Twp. 109. N. Range Ob W. sth P. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of. said land, vlx: John W. Burns. Terrence Burns, of Ames. 8. D.. Richard Hayes, of Duncan. 8. D.. F. E. Stebbln*. of Dean, B. D. C. A BI.A KK. Urfflater. Not 28t7. Summons—Relief Complaint Filed. State of South Dakota, | i 88 Sixth Judicial Circuit In Circuit Court Within and for Hand County. John L. Pyle. Plaintiff, VS M. T, Hill and John Doe whose true name I* to the Plaintiff unknown, conatlfutlnx the firm of M. T. Hill A Co., Defendant. The State of South Dakota send* Oreet- Idr: To the above named Defendant H.. Yon an- hereby summoned, and required to atiMwer the complaint of this action, which waa filed on the Sth dav of Novem ber A. D. 1901, in the office of the Clerk of the Ulrcult Court within and for the County of Hand State ot South Dakota, at the court house In the town of Miller County of Hand South Dakota, and nerve a copy of your answer upon the subscribe* at their office on Third Street, In the City of Hitrou. South Dakota, within Thirty Dav* alter the service of this summons, exclusive of the dry of service. If you fail to auawer the Complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will epply lathe Court lortherelief demand ed in the Complaint. Dated at Huron South Dakota, this sth day of November A. D. 1901. Pvi.r, A, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Jan 9tß Notice of Hearing Admitting Foreign Will to I'robnto. Bt«i*r of Sonth Dakota, i In ('mint.r { SS. Court, Count rot Maud In the .Matter of the Estate of Hnrnn-I If Chip'll in • r " •••n*e«l Vo't -1i U •n’h.v lilvt-n. Timt hi’ nnl',* n Ih* nmh rsf'ine I li»<l4f« of th*» County <’ > ipi In nml for If unit ' 'omit r. lint" (if -oit i |)n ko'tu. no. I" on *he UMi 'll v of .1 .urn ir / \ I*. lltOJ, tint Moii 'iiv thti :! Trii day of .fsn nnrv \. I> 'll ijf. at ten oVI > -lc A. VI.. n*. flu* offie* of the Clerk of said Court In th..* court 1 toner at Miller, linn I Co., So D.ik,. line le-eu ft.x«*d and appointed at the time mid plan'for hearing the petition of Alh-• A. Chlpnisn flirt the will ot Samuel li. i'u.ji ■nail deceased, proved, allowed and admit ted to probate in the I‘rohute Court of the County "I Km met. in the state of Michi gan. lie admitted to probate. aud recorded In thin aold County Court, and thnt letters ten tan tern ary issus to Alice A. ch.pman. Witness iny hand aud the real of said County Court, this titu day of January A. I>. 1 »oa. [Skai.,] <l. C. I Woosh, Judge of said County Court. Attest: Wk. Dowl kb, Clerk of raid County Court. u Cut Ist, On M Dend< of hei titruc missi High arou tho | ting. Pete elPCtl day. wtati to ti jecti Hum!