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The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in. use for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of j* and has been made under his per sonnl supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you i n this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA ©astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It ‘contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—Till) Mother’s Friend, CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sp Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Alwajs Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM« CIIITIU* OOKI*»MV. Tt MU**** •*•***. CIT*. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J h. KEYES, OFFICIAL ABSTRACTER. I.andH Bought. Bold and rental. Loan* negotiated, Abstract* guarttuteml .bv #3,- 000 bond. pKANK E. CRABTREE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. flen 1 rstate, Collsrtlon* and Insurance. Special attention given to probata mat ter**. Taxes paid for tion-reshtoots. Lands and Cltr property rentad. bottght. sold and exchanged Offlca opposite the postoMe*. Wilier. Mo. Dak. pAVID A. ANDERSON, Auctioner. Stock Pales n specially. Terms given on application. F. 0. address Ames, H, Dak. JJBNSHAW HOUSE. C. H.HENSHAW, Prop. First, class lodging and the best meals the market affords. Farmers niade welcome. Aisu h tlver.v sad feed stable In connection Broad wav. Miller. B. D. 0. H. COLLINS, Druggist. 1 Dealer In Drugs, Medicine*, Wall Taper Paints, etc. carefully com pounded, At Johnson'* old stand, Miller, M. ... ■"—y '* BF. TORREY, • Fhoprietob VANDERBILT HOTEL. First-lass accommodation* guaranteed a reasonable rates r . % * MILLER. • • SOUTH DAKOTA DENTISTRY. E. 11. Wilson D. D. S. Office over Beasom’s hardware atore, Mil ler, 8. D. ( ' C. BRIGGS, (COfMTT JCDOI) ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real estate and insurance. Farms and d welling houhcm rented. Taxes paid for non resident*. Correspondence solicited, Miller, South Dakota. J H. COLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OP ee two door* north Hand Co. Bank. WILLKJU SOUTH DAKOTA J D. FITZGERALD, DRUGGIST, WALL PAPF.R & ALABASTINE. Has on hand Pure Drugs, Patent Medicine* live S*nff*. Comb*, Brushes, Perfumes. L piilnts. Oils, VnrnlshcH. Ae. Physician* 1 B prescript lons and Family Recipes com 1 pounded with care. Miller. S. I). \ WAGONER, | Mason. j riaatertng,atone audCement work. AT. u ot% gunrantf-ed. Mliter, So. I»uk. [j C V. Giirist, I o# [ LAWYER. K | And Beal Estate Agent. Collection* nnd I Insurance. Taxes paid for non resident K property owuer*. Office over Cequllleite’* S *;«re, Miller, South Dakota. i it*'- Tho London Family Doctor, a medical publication, again calls attention to tho misinter pretation of this old maxim. “Stuff a cold and stare a fever.'” The real meaning is just the re verse of what the words literally convtv. If you stuff a cold, you will have to stare the fever which surely follows. In other words,a person who has a cold should be very moderate in eat ing, because a gorged system cannot carry off the cold, which runs into a fever. Evidently the idea of the maxim w asto caution jieople against over-eating w hen they have colds. OWL RESTAURANT. Miller, So. Dak. I am now ready in new loca tion in Johnson building to serve meals and lunch at all hours in first class shape. Best of every thing the market affords. Call and see me. A- F. L/IVERTY, Successor to T; N. Wade, Full stock of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Harness Hard ware, etc. and everything found in a first class har ness store. Expert harness and sad dle work promptly attend ed to cr. short notice. Give us a call. Miller, S. D. Thompson Corn Planter -A-Hstid CORN PLOWS, Monitor Wind Mill and Tumps and Pump repairs, Tanks ot all sizes, Minnesota Linseed Oil Paints, by the quart or barrel, Turpentines and Machine oils. One door south of Citizens Bank. GEO. JEFFERY. jfc' i*K A. S. CLOUSI*. ■ fine hundred nml ten carloads | ot immigrant goods arrived at Aberdeen during last week, ( bound for points in this state. PROPERLY LOCATED. I). H. Smith, familiarv known as Dick around the state house, is a candidate for railroad com missioner from Hand county. Mr. Smith has a wide acquain tance and so far is the only ayowed candidate for the office. The commissioner to be elected this year must come from the north district of the elected Mr. Smith would certainly give as good service as any one who has so far filled that post tion in this state, and perhaps he would propose some innova tion in the proceedings of that body.—Pierre Register. WHY HE DIDN’T .ICMP. Here is one that a young man who knows a good story when he hears it beards one railroad man tell another in a depot up the line the other dav. “Wc picked tip a new Irishman sonic where up-country, and set him to work breakin’ on a con struction train at 3 cent a mile for wages. On day when him an’ me was on the train she got away cr. one o' them mountain grades, and the first thing we know she | was flying’ down the track about ninety miles an hour, with nothin’ in sight but the ditch and happy huntin’grounds when we come to the end. I twisted ’em down as hard as I could all along the tops, and of a sudden I see Mike crawlin’ to- 1 ward the end of one of the cars on all fours, with hi« face the col or of milk. I thought he was get tin’ ready to jump an' I see his finish if he did. “‘Mike,’ I says, ’for God’s sake don’t jump.’” “He clamps his fingers on the runnin’ board to give him a chance to turn round, and, look in’ at me contemptuous, an- j swers: “ ‘Jump is it! Do yezthink I’d he afther jumpin’ an’ me mak in ’ money as fast as I am?" Twp. Assessors. Chapter 58 of 1901 Session Laws, require the assessors of the several tow ns and townships to meet on the first Tuescny of April each year, “in place of last Saturday as here tofore” at the office of the county Auditor, to confer with the county Conunis sioneres and county Auditor, in reference to tho performance of their duties. Accordingly the several towns are requested to meet, at this office April Ist 1902. Klt.'l IraJ.CitEE, Co. Aud. Pubic Sale 1 Having decided to leave the state, 1 will offer at Public sale. without reserve, on the north west quarter Sec. 7J14-07, com mencing at 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, March 24, 1902, the following property. 59 cattle. 17 cows, 9 with calves by side. ' . steers, 2 year old. 7yearling steers. 10 steer calves. 1 bull. 1 2 year old heifer. Three horses, 1 mare heavy with foal. 1 yearling colt. 1 spring colt. Parti) Machinery, etc. One plow, one corn cutting machine, one hay rake, one lmg gy, half interest in a corn plant er, one beating stove. Free Lunch at noon. Terms of sale: All sums under •"‘lO cash; all sums over that amount 8 months time with good bankable security at 10 percent interest from date: 5 jier cent off for cash on sums over $lO. Thad Simmons, Proprietor. E. 8. Wilson, Auctioneer. F. D. Obelne, Clerk. , ■ ■ Auction Sale. At mv farm adjoining St. Law rence 1 will Hell on Thursday March 20, all my stock, and farm implements, consisting of j native grown cattle, horses,! hogs, chickens, etc., and will; rent mv well improved farm to good man. Free lunch at noon before sale begins. See bills, for details. F. W. CiKRH.viiD, Owner. A. J. Baldwin, Auctioneer. Cham. Thompson, Clerk. Public Sale. 1 will sell at public sale on my place Sec. 23-114-68, Florence; township, ten miles north of Mil ler. on Mprcli 18th, at 10o'clock A. M. 38 head of cattle, 8 head 1 of horses, farm implements, household goods, etc. Terms— All sums Slo and under cash; over 810 seven months time at 10 percent, interest, with bank able security. 3 per cent, dis count for cosh oil time pur chases. Free lunch at noon. 12t2* O. I>. Lt’DDINOTON. K. S. Wilson, A net. J. Ik Andrews, jr. Clerk. John H. King’s Land Agency. A new office at I'aulkton S. D. For the purpose of extending our loan business, and also do ing a general land business and selling land on commission, I have decided to open an office at Faulkton in charge of James Thompson of Hampton, lowa, an old experienced real estate man. I can assure all persons desiring to do business with me through Mr. Thompson at Faulkton that they will find him a courteous reliable gentleman. Our loans well be made at the same rate of interest in Faulk. Potter, Wad worth and Edmund counties as in Hand. Special ef forts will be made where it is possible to do so, to make loans to parties wishing to loan on large tracts of land for the pur pose of sinking artesian wells, believing that the redemption of this country apd its future de velopement and progress depend largely upon the number of ar tesian wells that are sunk. The Huron office will still have charge of matters in Beadle, Spink, Hand, Hughes, Sully, San born, Jerauld, and Buffalo count ties, where wc are prepared to make loaus at any time to peo ple residing upon their land, to encourage the digging of arte sian wells, building new barns, purchasing additional holdings, and improving their property’. I especially call attention to Hand county and the surround ingcountrvto the desirability of painting the houses and plant ing trees. I hope in a few days to be able to announce 1 have secured a most reliable nursery man to start a nursev at Huron, S. D., where farmers as well as city people can be supplied with the best and hardiest of lriiit and forest trees suitable for planting, and I think now is the time for planting trees in South Dakota. * 12t4 >\'anteti. If you wish to sell vour land, list it with me, 1 wtnit to !>»iv a fov< ”<ir- Lera. They limit he cheap foe crbli t f (>. C. IJKIGGB. HOL.SEHOLD GOODS For Sale. Now Upright Piano. Parlor Suit. Pedrooß! Suit. Suit'. Lure • Fine Book Care. Si*if Board, W ritimj; desk and Folding Bed combined. Sewing Machine. Kockiiiii' ('hairs. l?c<l-stends, Iron and Walnut. Majestic Steel ltange. Bane Burner. Soft (’on! liurper. Spring Bye and Barley. And ninny other things. 13t4 A. E. BILLS. He Has Cured Thousands (Jlvon up to die. DR. DORAN Next regular professional v ls It to M 1 f.I.KK, FRIDAY McH. 11th VANDERBILT HOTEL. Hours on. tn. to t> p. m. fieturnln|ttery month. Cousuli kirn while tli# opportunity Is at hand Dll. DORAN hn* no auprrtor in diagnos ing and treating diseases nnd deformities, lie will give fSO tor any case that he can not tell the disease and where loented in i five minutes. All curable medical nnd nurgienl dlscnses. acute ami chronic catarrh, and Special Dis eases of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. I j,nog disease. Early Consumption. Bron chitis. Bronchial Catarrh, Constitutional | Catarrh, Dyspepsia. Sick Headache, Stom ach and Bowel Troubles, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciatica. Bright’s Disease, Dia betes. Kidney. Liver, Bladder. Prostatlc and l-’emale diseases. DUxlneas. Nervous ness, Indigestion. Obesity. Interrupted Nu trition. Slow Growth In Children, nnd all wasting disease In adults. Many cases of j Deafness, Itluglnc in the Ears, Loss of Eye- , alght. Cataract, Cross Eyes, etc., that hare been Improperly treated or neglected, can be easily restored. Deformatives, (Tub Feet. Curvature ot the Spine. Diseaseofthe Brain, | Paralysis. Epilepsy. Heart Disease, Dropsy, ! i Swelling of the Limbs. Stricture. Open Sores, l’aln in the Bones, Grainular Enlarge- j | ments and all long standing diseases prop* j eii.v treated. Young, middle-aged and old. i | single or married men and all who suffer I from lost manhood, nervous debility, sper- I matorrtioen, seminal losses, sexual decay, I tubing memory, weal.eyes, stunted develop | ment, lack of energy, impoverten-d blood. ! plmyloii, impediments to marriage; also Mood and skl.i diseases. Hyphlllls, Krup j tions. Hair Falling, Bone Pains, Swellings, Sore Throat, Elcers.- fleets of Mercury, Kld j ney nnd Bladder troubles. Weak Back, burn l Ing Trine, passing urine too often. Oonorr- I hoea, Gleet. Srtlctnre, receive searching ! treatment, prompt relief and cure for life. Cancans, Tumor**. Goiter. Fistula Files Varicocele nnd enlarged glands with * lie subcutaneous Injection method, absolutely without pain and w ithout the loss of a drop of blood, is one of his own discoveries, nnc Is the most really scientific and certain ly sure cure of the nineteenth century. No J Incurable cases taken. Consultation to i those Interested, fii.OO, DR. DORAN. I Minneapolis, Minn, Boston Block. , | Feb 27t0 Notloo for Publication. Department ofthe Interior. I.and Offbeat i Huron, south Dakota, February 2*. 1902. Notice is hereby given that the following * named settler has tiled notice of her Inten tion to innke filial proof in support of her I'laiui. nnd thnt said proof will is- made tie fore Clerk of Courts at Miller, S. I>., on April 8, 11*02. vl*: MARIE FRAHM, H. E. N 0.15881, for the K. W. W. Sec. 24, T. 100, N.. R. 6H. W„ sth P.M. she names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upou and cultiva tion of said laud viz: Joseph Xinkhs, Herman Koch, of Duncan, X. D.. William Morrow, Agios Wipegar, of j Dean, X. D. C. A. BLAKE, Register. i j Jan IGtO Lease of Lands, Notice Is hereby that, on March 18th, ltMi'4 all common school mid endow ment land In Hand county which shall lie unieuard on the first day of February, 1902 will be offered for lease at puidic auction, , between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and f, ! o’clock P. M at, tlie front door of the Court i House in said county. Dated at Pierre. S. D., January Brd, 1902. I). Eastman, Commissioner of School and Public L ends. Mrh ITtC» Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Huron, S. I),, March W, 1902, Notice Is hereby given tliHt the following rained settler tins tiled notlceof his intention to make final proof In support of hie claim, end that said proof will In- made before j Clerk of Courts at Miller, S. 1)., on April 21, 1902 vjz: FRANK PHINNEY, 11. E No. 1(1042. for tlu-S R 1.4 of Pec. 25, Twp. 110. N. Range Ox, W. sth p. M, Ho names thu following wltnosses to prove bis continuous residence upou ami cultiva tion 01, said laud viz: F. E. Wait marsh, of Miller, 8. D., T. H. K Intigb, W. H. Yost, M. I*. Harris, of Dean S. I). C A. BI..YKK. Register, Mch 18t5 ( on text Notice. Depart men! of the Interior. Pnlted states Land Office. Huron, South Dakota, Febru ary 25. 1902. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed lu this office by Seth L. W viand, cun tentiuil, ngaln-t Huron Series Timber Cul ture entry NOl 10040, made December 12, I X9l>. for North Wes' Qunrter Section 28. Township 114. N. Range B 9 W. in Harry Kllpntrl-k Con tester, in which it Is «j. legedthut: lie is well ae<|ualnied with the II net of land embraced lu said entry and knows the present condition ofthe saute'; al so Hint the said Harry 1.1 pntnrk has ‘lail cd to cultivate any portion of said tractor to plant nny tries, tree seeds or cuttings 011 s aid t ract during the years lx,lo, fx97, j IX9B. I s '9, 1900, 1901 and up to the pres ent iJune 10. 1901,) nnd ih.vt Hie said in ; try is an uu» wholly abandoned said tract, Said parties are hereby notified to appear. I respond aad otter evidence touching .aid I allegation at 10 o'clock n. tn. on April tl, 11902, before George C. I'il; s gs. Cmiuu •iitdgy of Hand Cun my. k. 1). hi his office lu rtlll-tr, s. 11. and that final hearing w ill tie ! held at 2 o clock I'. M, on Aprp ; .s, I*lo2, j Indore the Register and Receiver at the j Fulled states Land office It) Huron, s. ii, 1 The sail! contestant, having In a proper affidavit, tiled July It), lyol, set forth facts which show that utter due nlligetr-e, j-eiSofia, service ot this notice cun uot lie made, ir is herel.y ordered a nd directed Hint fsucli notice i-e given hr due and proper pub lication In the Pioneer Pres#, published at j Miller. X. b. i C. A. 111. Age, Register. NOTICE. To artesian will Contract ora. The cltv of Miller. «p. Dak. will recelv* bids for sinking an artesian well | n the city of Miller. Plhi,h and Specifications on ex. hlhitlon at the otic* of City Clerk. Bids will be opanad Tuesday evening March lx 1902. Board reserves the right to reject nuy or all bills. P. H. CoquiujtTTK, City C';crk. . Mch. Otd. Notice For I’ubllentlon. Dejiartment ot the Interior. Land Office at Huron So. Dak., February 27. 1902. Notice Is hereby given that the following, named settler has tiled notice of Ids in ten tlon to make final proof in support of his claim aud that said proof will be mad- be fore Judge of Comity Court at Miller, S, D., on April 12, 19**2, viz: JAMES B. HARMAN, If. E. No. 15602. for the 8. W. I/4 See. m, Twp. 110. N. Range 00 W. sth p. tn. He names the following witt> .sos to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tioit of said land, viz: Oliver C. Eastman. Adam Koeh. Green 11, Thompson, William Scott, all of Cedar, 8. D. C. A. BLAKE. Register. Mch 6to Timber Culture. Final Proof.—Notice for PubUcatlou. Fnlted States Land Office, Huron, 8. D. March l. 1902. Notice Is hereby given that Pierce Ifoda wny has tiled notice of Intention to make final proof l-etore Register ami Receiver at his office In Huron S. D. on Tuesday the 15th day ol April 19**2. on timber culture application No. I<*2.T7. for the South-east quarter of section No, 22. In township No. 114 N., Range No. (sb. W. sth P. M. He names «« witnesses: John Andrews, James Andrews. Thomas Joues, James Jones, all of Miller, S, I*. C. A. BLAKE. Register. Feb 27t5 Notice to Owner of Lund Before tTnx llet-U shall Issue. ' To Philip I- Darwin. You are hmvUy notified that on the xth day of November A. D. 1X99. flu- following described piece or parcel of Real Estate, tax ed in the name of Philip 1.. Darwin and sit uated in the County of Hand State of South Dakota, an follows: The South West (junr ; of Section Number Twenty five, in Town j ship Number One Hundred nnd fifteen North of Range Number Seventy West of the sth p. M. containing Ifi** acres, was sold for taxes then due and delinquent for the year IS9S, at tnx sale by the Treasurer of said County *o Hand Go. ’ ami was by J said pur j chaser duly assigned to M. W. Fltz, nnd i reassigned to W alker Lewis who Is now the lawful holder <»f the certificate of purchase. That said taxes then due and delinquent amounted to #11.217 an 1 that subsequent j tnx»s to the amount of have been paid. ' with Interest, penalty and casts accrued, 1 $7.10. niak'ng total amount necessary to redeem slß..Vlanil 11l addition thereto, the cost of service of this nqtlee. together with such interest ns may accrue after this date, must t>e paid, and that the right of redemp tion will expire nnd a deed for said laud be made within sixty days from the completed ser\ Ice of this notice. Da'ed Miller, S. D. January 18th 19**2, It. S. WII.LKTT. Agent for Wamucr Lewis. Feby l .ltd Notloo For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Huron, So. Dak. February 11, 19**2. Notice is hereby given thnt the foilowlng named settler has filed notlceof his intc 1- tlon to make final proof In support of his claim, and Hint said proof will tie made tie fore Judge of County Court at Miller, X. D., on March 22, 1902. viz: EDWIN 8. PA KM ELY. H. E. No. 15882. for the SE *4 See. 11, Twp, 100, N. Range fix IV. sth P. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva Hon of, said land, viz: Patrick Lvneh, of Miller, 8. D„ Xereno Stcbblns, of Dean. x. D. Horace Morrow, Thomas N. W ade, of .(fil ler, a. d. C, A BLAKE. Register. Feb 20 tfl Timber Culture, Final Proof,—Not!c« for Publication. 1 nlteij States Land Office. Huron, South Dakota, February lx. 19**2. N 1 tlee is hereby given that iVilllam Caw icy ha* tiled noth-e of intention to make final proof before Clerk of Courts at his of fice in Miller. 8. D.. on Thursday the 27th du.v of March. 1902, on timber culture appli cation No. 9*.84. for tin* South-east qnarier Of section No. 27. in Tow nship No. 118 North. Range No. 1,7 West. sth P.M. He names as witnesses: John Slum!, ,!ohu Mltcliel. It Spence, of St. Lawrence, S. D. John Fletcher, of Miller, 8, D. C. A. BLAKE, Register. Feb, IJUfi Timber Culture, Final Proof.—Notice for I'ublioatfon. l'nlteil Ftntes Land Office, Huron, 80. Dak. February 10, 1902. Notice In hereby given that George W. Mc- George lots filed notice of Intention to make final proof before .I udge of Countv Court hi his office In Miller, s. J>. on Friday the 21st du.v of March 1902. on timber cult urn application No. 950 H. for the Northwest quarter of section No. 25, in Township No. 111. N. Range No. »;; w. sth P. m He us witnesses; H'-iijntnin r r. holey, Charles 1,. < hoatc, John Johnson. David L. Evans, allot St. Lawrence. S. D. ( -uiuuint s tcHtliuonv to he t -Iken on same date before Clerk of Courts. Lawrence Coun ty, 8. D., at Dead wood, X. D C, A, BLAKE, Register Feb 29t0 CONTEST NOTICE. Tepr rtinc-nt of the Interior. Pnlted State* Laud «mice. Huron, So-itb Dakota, Feliru ary 10, 1902. A sufficient contest nffilarlt having been filed in this office oy Alb i t Hern, contest nnt. ugninst Huron Sell- Timber Culture entry No. tortT.'S, made \ c 11st 2s. ixxo.for South East Quarter Section 8. Township 11*5 N.. Rang*- 7** W'.. bv Csrollue Trust. * intcsiec. In width It i*'alleged Mint he Is well acquainted with the tract of land cm braced in said -ntry nnd knows tlif pre-ent condition of thes.vni'-: o that the sal*l Caroline Trust has wi ~1 Jailed to culti vnt.» or caused to be eultlv »ted or plowed, or caused to bF plow ed, all- portion of said tract during the ;r l. : r r,t t), 7th. and xth years after (o iiy 1 *0 that the said * (irollne Trust has fm ed to plant, or cll line to b - plant*-1. lotc -i, tr.— -e •<! i or cut tingH. any | *>rlfon of said trn* t during the .‘>rd, 41 h. stb. *'-th 7'ii, au l Xth after entry ; also that the said rial in an 1 Imx wholly fall eil to plant, or ca 1- to *».. jointcd, at any time, any portion »f *aid tract to trees,.tfau seeds or cuttings t -i sin- has wholly aban doned the sold land for more Minn eight yen i'M Inst past, anil that nil of siit-1 failures Still exist (August 9, 1901), sal'! 1 partlne are hervny -1 sjioud and offrr e\ idem loi.-'jin-r said ai : legntlon at 10 o'elo -k n 01 011 March 21, i 1902, tn-'ore C lint .1 .(u d .-• of lln ltd County. at his office at Miller, couth Dakota, ami i Hint final hem lag will h< tn It at 2 o'clock C. M <lll Hnrctl 81. 19**2. In fore the l!i gistor and Receiier at Hie United Miatca l,uu<l Office lu Huron, i. D. The said contestant having, In n proper affidavit, filed Oefuhe* 2*l, 1901, set forth facts which sh-iw I~* ' after due dfllu -nee pi rsiuinl service of t Ids notice can not lie made, it is hereby ordered mil dire u-d j ttuit such notii e t>-- given by *1 uc uiul prop- Icr jitiliiicai ion in the Pioneer Press, uub tlehed nt .Miller, K, D. 0. A. BLAKE, Register,