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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
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ggs *»g3£w^c;btigasrEljsS3sr£i3sSgs'ggc!sig.figsl AT COLLINS’ Drug Store.... YOU WILL FINP THE FRESHEST DRUGS, - And the best Standard PATENT MEDICINES, Among them Collin's Blood Purifier, which \yill cleanse jour blood thoroughly. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. New Stock 0f... . WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. Come in and see us. O. H. COLLINS. Ss It#®®#®®®®®®®®? ...... • •®*>t®3®|Xß®i®l®i®@®@««®*<S® S' LAND, LAND. List Your Land, if you want to buy or sell, we have IMPROVED and UNIMPROVED FARMS and stock ranches, both for sheep and cattle, also good dairy farms, with prices to suit you all. Give U 3 a call. LEYSON BROS. Ree Heights ----- South Dakota. XS ®OW®SXS®» /i ’ * <3® S®i®l®i® S <D® S®» ® . * NEW LUMBER YARDS. If you are thinking of building you can not do better than by letting us figure your bill. We handle everything in the line of BUILDING MATERIAL, And can give you satisfactory prices. LAIRD-NOR I ON YARDS, F. J. WEBER. LANDS.... Have You Any? DO YOU WANT ANY? 5 '5- | wwww <*) 4) Are You interested? If so, call on or write | to W. D. Craigo, Miller, So. Dak. Send him a i 141 description of what you want to buy or sell. He $ will do the rest. Office three doors north of ; Vanderbilt hotel. | T | |r nnrpp And Inter Ocean one yr $1.50 IHr l HrW “ Sioux City Journal “ 1.50 111 at: 1 IlliVy “ Dakota Farmer “ 1.25 NO Man 1$ Stronger Than ms stomach ■ The statement that no man is stronger than his stomach will appeal to every man who has ever suffered from stomach ’'trouble." He will remember the growing feeling of weakness until he was hardly able to crawl around, and could work only occasionally, and then with difficulty. The danger of dyspepsia roots in the fact that when disease attacks the stomach and other organs of di gestion and nutrition the whole body must be the sufferer, for when the stomach is dis eased and the digestive processes are imper fectly performed, there is a sure loss of nutri tion which is felt by every organ of the body. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition. It makes strong men because it makes " strong ” stom achs, and enables the proper digestion of food and the perfect assimilation of the nutri tion contained in the food. ” I have taken aix bottles of ‘ Golden Medical Dis covery ’ and four or five viala of the little ‘ Pellets. ’" writes Mr. A. J. Vanderwater, of 873 West Division Street, Chicago, 111. "I am happy to say they have done me worlds of good. These medicines have made a great change in me ; from a slow mope of a man that could hardly crawl, tired and sick all the time, could do no work, to a man who can work, sleep, eat and feel fine, and that tired feeling all gone away. * Golden Medical Discovery ’ and little * Pellets ’ have almost made a new man of me. I feel young as I did at thirty years.” Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. There is nothing else "just as good ” for disease of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Ad viser, the best of modern medical works, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the book in paper covers. Address Dr. R V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. (innn valley Chief President Carling of the Milwaukee road passed through Kimball again last Thursday. There is a re port that Milwaukee officials 1 have bought a sight for a town about 10 miles south of Kimball! and that preparations are be- coming active for the Platte ex tension to Orient. IMunt Advocate: —Com'r of In surance, 11. C. Shober who is al so brother Shober of the High more bulletin, and Pro. Healey of the Miller Gazette, dropped off the afternoon train Monday, gave us n hand-shake and made a brief tour of the town to look at improvements, both are from spruce towns and could npc that blunt is on the top grade. With a splendid corps of in struetors to assist him, Prof. Snoddv ojiened the teachers' cortntv institute Monday fora four weeks course. Prof. Geo. Grace, principal of the Miller schools, is conductor and Profes sors Pruce MeVey, Harry Cross and L. N. Smith are instructors. Supt. Snoddv will also assist in the work. The institute opens this week pith about eighty five enrolled and the prospects are very bright for a most .suc cessful term. The democrats of Hand coun ty met en masse at the court house Saturday to the number of about twenty five or thirty. They selected John Pusey as chairman of the convention, and permitted him to select the dele gates to the state convention. The convention was held in the court room, and refreshments served in a vacant room down stairs. Charles Miller was nomi nated for liegister of Deeds, J. P. Morrill for County treasurer and J. H. Clodlelter constable. After selecting these two l**st places on the ticket, John and his party kindly left the other places for the populists to till out. A petition for relocating the new artesian well was quite ex tensively circulated the first part of the week. It is to be hoped that some such tnovewill actual ly materialize. Every year the drainage question becomes more important and as long as a well is maintained in town it will re main unremedied. Tolocatethe well on the outskirts of the town will undoubtedly cost something, but when the fact that it is al most impossible for residents near the well to maintain caves or cellars and also that their health may in time become en dangered, is considered, the in creased cost will bethought verv light. ®D3«®S®s I Mr. Floyd Swart out and wife, of Gann valley s|ient Thursday night at Mr. Camp’s. They were returning from a visit to Rev. R I*. Swat-tout at Lebanon. S. 1). Mr. G. C. Willett has been quite sick the last two weeks, having had a surgical operation performed bv Drs. Lane and Tavlor. 4- “Children's Day” will be ob served with appropriate exer cises next Sunday. Mr. Suhn has had an addition built to his house. Several young ladies took the train Tuesday to attend the Hand Co. institute. f , Miss Clara Morford closed her school here with a picnic on the school grounds. Mr. Swanson of Highmore is working on the section. There are rumors of several new houses to be built in town this summer. 1 have on hand and for sale a large stock of Draft and general purpose horses and brood mares, which will be sold singly or in matched teams or by the dozen, to suit the purchaser. Good chance for the right man who warts to start a ranch, to whom good terms will be given. Ranch 7 miles north of Ree Heights, S. D. Address R. L. Smith, 15tf Ree Heights, 8.1) Institute Opens. Ree Heights. r MW 4 YEAR—I9O2 • i -<■& -«■■ y W Y 1 —-ii* SPECIAL * ♦ 20 pounds BEST GRANULATED a i> Palace Drug Is the Pioneer. J A careful, steady busi- ness conducted for 20 5 years is a guarantee to J all who need Drugsand J « Medicines, toilet arti- g 5 cles paints, oils, etc. 5 rf WALL TAPER a*d ALABASTINE. • 5 J. l>. Fitgekald, Proprietor, ? Miller, S. Never before at this season of the year have the prospects of a bumper crop been so bl ight as they are at present. The whole country is covered with a mag nificent mantle of green. There is already a plentiful supply of moisture in the soil uipi the fre quent rains nre constantly add ing to it. All kinds of grains are in fine condition and the grass crop was never ]>etter. The rains this week have de stroyed all prosjiects of the usu al June dry s]»ell and if we es cape the occasional hot winds ! of early July; Hand county will I have the greatest crop in her j historv. Shall We Celebrate ? With the fourth of July only j four weeks away it is time some j action should be taken in regard to a celebration. We have cele-j brated every year for several rears and each year the celebra-1 tion has been g success. From ; the present outlook the pros pects of a splendid crop ore brighter than ever before. The j people are ready for it and if work is begun now Miller can have the best celebration in her history. Whether a field day bo the program of the day, or a good old celebration with a par-1 ade, orator and fireworks be the choice, may be decided lntef, but definite steps towards one or tlje other should be taken immedi ately. Circus Day. Tomorrow in circiw dnv and nil kinds of work should be hub- \ pended. .Miller linn not been visited by n Qireus for three or I four yeai'H and the people are feeling just right for one. With ! splendid prospects for u croo in «ight, the heaviest part of the spring work finished and every body feeling good, tlie whole county should put on their “glad rags/’ lay aside their work, and come to town with the expect a tions of a good tune. Even if j the old folks are not interested. I they ought to remember how the! children are excited by the flam ing banners, courtly horsemen and horsewomen in glittering uniforms, gaudy wagons' and chariots, beautiful women facing wild*beasts, noisy bunds and the huge, awkward, but interesting elephants. Then too. they should remember how the chil dren love to watch the crowds, buy circus candy and rod lemon ade, and see the great circus it self afterwards. By all means come and be young again. For Sale or Rent. List of lands for sale or rent by Briggs & Miller. Lots 1-2 and .‘l in 18-111 -06, S E 28-109-07. X 13 14-114-70. N E 5-115-09. Lot 2 J 4 of X E 2-112-08. X '4 of S E 22-109-09. S E 7-114-07. S W 35-115.07 N K 23-110-08. S E 20 & X E 35-110-08. X W 30*110-68. E \ 31-110-60. X W 32-115-07. X % of N % 31-109-09. NE 7-110-08. 23t4 (Jirl Wanted. I want an experienced girl to do house work. Call on me at Coquillette’s store, or write to ine ut Miller, S. D. Al. Sebhixg. SUGAR The only stock of real GLQTrime New Goods. 3 cakes fine TOILET SO/IP -A.3STID ■ of spoons for only 25c. Set s♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦*♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦<><►♦♦<*»* HSHSR!TSS'iJSHScSiSS2 51 W. W. WAITE, President. 525H5125^ E. F. WAITE, [J Cashier. [u Mmß Co w tiff B tote 3> an fe g y Takes pleasure in stating that it has commenced business ni m in temporary quarters in the Stover building, next to the rfl Cj Redmond hardware store in M il!cr. We arc organized un- nj K der tlic state banking laws and the management has had § [}j over 18 years experience in the banking business in Central [J{ gj South Dakota. With excellent financial relations and bv }{] w orompt and courteous attention to all matters entrusted to K m us, we hope to merit a share of your patronage. In rd Interest paid on time deposits. Special attention given 3 p] to loans on live stock. J| ees<9e*o««t» ! HARDWARE • I have them at modern prices. If you want to • 2 build or furnish a house with iron or tin goods * • I can give you a good selection and save you | • mone y- * handle the best farm implements, £ • buggies and wagons to be found on the market. 2 l Miller, S. D. PORTER CREE. £ A- F. MVERTY, Successor to T. N. Wade, Full stock of Harness, Saddles, Whips, harness Hard ware, etc. and everything found in a first class har ness store. Expert harness and sad dle work promptly attend ed to on short notice. Give us a call. Miller, S. D. Bearath* Slgaatuo tf Boight In Hand County, And All Yours Very Truly, W. COQUIELETTE. ~.A.ZSrD~ IMPLEMERTS. SI.OO. EHS2SHSE Thompson Corn Planter CORN PLOWS, Monitor Wind Mill and Pumps and Pump repairs, Tanks of all sizes, Minnesota Linseed Oil Paints, by the quart or barrel, Turpentines and Machine oils. One door south of Citizens Dank. GEO. JEFFERY. JUST OF LETTERS. Remaining uncalled for in the Postoffice at Miller 8.1)., for four weeks ending May 1 If, 1902. Chas. Donahue. When calling for the above please sa.v “Advertised Letters. J. A. Rush held, P. M*