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**■ ;■> \ v ' V . J «* The Kind Yon Have Always Bought* and which has been iu use for over 30 years* has borne the signatnre of - and has been made under his per y*onal supervision since Its infiincy. Allow no one to deceive you lit this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good” are but Bvpcriinents that triile with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* •G, What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It 'contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea —Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J * w The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' thi co*N,T. tv wuaa.v araerr. new voaa city. , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4 „ ■» , —■ ■ .... « i L. KEYES, I* T ' OFFICIAL ABSTRACTER. • Lands Bought. Sold And rioted. Loan* negotiated, Abstracts guaranteed .by 000 bond, t r F. BOLLEsNBACH, Mason. • All kinds of mason work, In stor.e, brick, flustering, etc. Work Onaranteed. Kefer- Mw —my work. Miller, 8. I). t ■' 1 pkANK E. CRABTREE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Heal Estate, Collections and Insurance. Special attention given to probate mat ters. Taxes paid for non-residents. Lands and Cltv property rented, bought, sold and exchanged. Office opposite the postofflce. Miller. 80. Dak. HOUSE. C. H. HENSHAW, Prop. First class lodging and the beat meals the market affords. Farmers made welcome. Amo a livery and feed stable In connection Brondwav. Miller. 8. D. 0. H. COLLINS, Druggist. * Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Wall Paper Paints, etc. Prescriptions; carefully com pounded, At Johnson's old stand. Miller, 8, BjP. TOBBEY, * PaaraisToa VANDERBILT HOTEL. First-class accommodations guaranteed a reasonable ratee MILLER. - SOUTH DAKOTA pENTISTRY. E. H. Wilson D. D. S. lifter tine Block from Main street on Eas„ rood *trfK*t. *■ l ■■■ ■ 1 ” (' C. BRIGGS, VJ« (COUNTY JUOOC) ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real estate and Insurance. Farms and dwelling houses routed. Taxee paid lor non residents. Correspondence solicited, Miller, Houth Dakota. j —■ 1 H. COLS, i * ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oi re two doors north Hand Co. Bank. MILLER* SOUTH DAKOTA A I l J D. FITZGERALD, DRUGGIST, WALL PAPER & ALABA6TINB. Mas on hand Pure Drugs. Patent Medicines Dye Stuffs, Combs, Brushes. Perfumes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac. Physicians’ I I prescriptions and Frmtly Recipes com pounded with care. Miller. 8. D. If J 11 Y. Christ, LAWYER. 1 ’ And Ileal U-state Agent. Collection* and usurance. Taxes paid for noh resblenb roperty owners. Office over CeqilUleltv s If tore# Miller. South Dakota. wm l •V, NORTH-WESTERN Railway. TIMS CARD. Arrival anil departur of train** at Miller 8. D. uverC. * N. W. Ity. • OOINO EAST. No. 6 Passenger <1:45 a. m No. 82—Freight and Acconi 11:85 a. ni GOING WEST. '*• No. 81—Freight anti accom 12:15. a. m No. 7—Passenger. 8:47 p, m. All train* dally except Sunday. Sleeping earn between Hawnrden and Chi cago, and between Mankato and Chkugo. and sleeping car* betweeu Brookings and Kasota. Chair can between Kasota and Minnenp oil*. For further formation Inquire of W. B. Knihkkhx, A. C. Johnson, Gen. I‘a*». Agt., Chicago. Gen. Agt. Winona Minn. C. F. FLYNN. Agent. Lit. Lawrence Lodge, A. F. and A, M. No. Hit O Meet* at Miller, 8. 1). every flrat and third Friday night each month at 8 o'clock. 8. V. Ohrl*t. W. M.; J. L. Kevt*. Beo’y., \\ , H. Barnea, Tyler. Chapter 24. B. A. if. meet* first and third Wednesday each montn at Miller. E. H. P. —C. E. Soatwg. Secy, Chas, Miller, W, H. Barnes, Sentluel, , ( resent d&pter No. 4, O. E. 8. meet* *ec on«l and fourth Tue*day* each month. W M. Mrs. Litble Morrill, Bec'v Mr*. Helen Beasom *F • Notiae That Right of Redemption Expire,. To Joseph McKlbbit), and to whom It may concern: Notice is hereby given that Tax Certlßeate No. 240, 241, 242 and £43 aud 244, . .held by the undersigned to the follow big de scribed renl estate, vix: Lots 4. 5, U. V and 8. Block 88, North Addition, will become absolute unless redeemed la-fore Noveniber 0, A. U. 1002. E. J. Mii.lkii, JlOtß Owner of Tax Certificate. . —». *►— Notice That Right ot Redemption Expires, To Jaine* Wheaton, anti to whom It may concern: Notice is liereby given that Tax Certificate No, 271, held by’the undersigned to the fol lowing desorllied renl estate, \!i: Lot 5. In Block 6 of South Miller. S. D., will b.-eome absolute utile** redeemed before November 6. A. D. 1902, K. J. MIIXKB, 2018 Owner of Tax Certificate. Notice that Right of Rodemptlon Expire,. To Mvrtl* Smith htlr of J. J. Smith and Mary V. Milter. Krunk Miller. Henry Miller anti William Miller heirs of Wm. H. Miller, and to whom tt may concern: Notice l* hereb-.given that Tax Certificate So. 102. heltl by tip; undersigned to the fol io wing described real e«tale, vlx: Lot 14, block 28. E. J. Mll'er * addition to the town of Miller, will become absolute unless re deemed before November 6, A. I). 1002. E. J UIUKR, 29tR Owner of Tux Certificate. Notice That Right of Redemption Expire,. To Incorporated Town of Miller, and to whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that Tax Certificate No. 114, heltl by the undersigned to the fol lowing described real eetHte, vlx: Block 15. North addition to town of Miller will l*>- come absolute unless redeemed la-fore No vember 6. A. D. 1902. E. J. Owner of Tax Certificate. Notice That Right of Redemption Expire*. To Marv V. Miller, Frank Miller, Henry Miller, and William Miller, heirs, and to may concern: Notlcals hereby given thutTaxCertifl- ate* Nos. 194 ami 198. held by the uuiler*lgned to the tallowing described real estute, vl»: Lots 12 ittd 13 of Block 13 North addition to the Town of Miller will become absolute tiah-sM redeemed before November 6, A. I*. 1902. K. J Mim.kb, 29 Owner of Tax Certificate. Notice That Right of Redemption Expire*. To Lucy Grllttu, aud to , hum It may con cern : Notice Is hereby given that Tax Certificate No. 276, held by the undersign to the fol io wing described real estate, vix: Lot 10. Block 18 South Milb-r addition to the Town of Miller. S. I). will bseonte absolute unite* redeemed before November 6. A. I>. 1902, E. J. Mii.lkh, Owner of Tax Certificate. Notice That Right of Redemption Expire,. To K. Lauxon and to whom it may con cern : , Notice ft* hereby given that T ax Certificate No. loti aud 107, held irv the undersigned to the following described real estute. vl«: Lot* 20 and*2l Block 3. He Sub E. J. Mil ler’* addition to the town of Miller will be come absolute miles* redeemed Itefore No vember <l, A. »>. 1002. E. J. Mu.i.jsr Ow ner of Tax Certificate Notice that Right of Redemption Expire,. To I>. 11. Gregory, and to whom It may j concern: Notice Is hereby given that Tax Certificate , No. 2*4 and 2*B. held by the undersigned to the following described real estate, vii: Lot 17 and is in Block 21. of South Miller. So. Irak. will become absolute unless redeemed before November 6 A. D. 1902. E J. Miller, Owner of Tax Certificate. Notice That Right of Redemption Expire, To The MllU-rs Mutual Building Assyria tion and to whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given that Tax Certificate I No. 108. liebl by the undersigned to the fol lowing described real estate. vlx: Lot 1- Bloc’; 23, K .1. Miller's addition to the town ot Miller will become absolute unless re deemed belore November 9; A. I), 1902. E. J. Miller. Owner of Tax Certificate. That Klgbt of Redemption Expire,. To f. G. Hartley owner and heir, George M. Hartley: Jacob W. Hartley. Cora B. Tile. Nancy E. Me Lane, anJ Mary G. Hartley heir* of Jonlnh Hartley, and to w hom it may concern: , Notice I* hereby given that Tax Certificate So. 281, 2118, and 239, held by the under signed to the following described real estate, •vlx: Lot* 1-2-3 in Block I.H In North Ad dition to Town of Miller Ho. link, will be come absolute unle*s redeemed before No vember 0, A. D, 1902. E. J. Milker. Owner of Tax Certificate. July 3t3 Xolice That Rttfht of Redemption Ex pires. To Arthur Pugh, and to whom It may concern : Notice is hereby given that Tax Certificate No. 00. held by the undersigned to the fol low lug described real e*tute. vlx: North one half of lot 3 block lO of William H. Mil ler* Addition to the Town of Miller. Hand County South Dukota, will become absolute unless redeemed before November 0, A. I*. 1902. F. E. Saltmarsh. Owner of Tax Certificate. Notice 1 hat Right of Redemption Expires. To E. J. Miller. J. J». Miller. Charles Miller. 11. Me Miller. Carrie A. Coqnlllette, H. B. Miller and Edw in L/Miller, Mary \ . Miller. Krunk Miller, Henry Miller and William Mil ler heirs of Henry Miller and Nancy MlHur, mid to whom It mby concern: Notice l* hereby given that Tax Certificate No. 257. and 258. 275. 289. 277, held by the undersigned to the following described renl estate, mx : Loti 3 and 12 Block 8. Lots 7 M 9 10 11 121314 and 15 Block 20, Lot 3 Block 6. Lot 8 Block 11 South Miller. So link, will become absolute unless redeemed before November 0, A. L>, 1902. E. J. Miller. | Owner of Tax Certificate* Notice J lui Right of Redemption Ex pire*. To Marv L. Burr Gibson, anti to whom it may concern : ' Notice i* hereby given that TaY Certificate No. 84. held by the undersigned to the fol lowing described renl property, Vlx: Lott) In block 2 In the Original Town of Miller, Haud Couuty, South Dakota, will become absolute unless redeemed belore November 6, A. D, 1902. 29t8 N. T. Hu.-Kt.ox. Owner of Tax Certificate. Notice that Right of Redeniptlou Ex pires. To Thomas M. Williams and Clara E Myres und to whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that Tax Certificate No. 17. held by the undersigned to the_ fol lowing described real eat ate. vis: The North West quarter of Section Twenty-one Town ship One Hundretl anti fifteen. North of Range Sixty-six, Hand County South Da kota. w ill become absolute unless redeemed before November 0. A. D. 1902. J - W. Davison. Owner ol Tax Certificate. John Pehey, Attorney. 26t3 Notice That Right of Redemption Ex pire*. To T. C. Plcktun and to whom It may concern: Notice is hereby given that Tax Certificates Nos. 196, 197 and 198. held by the under signed to th? following described real estute. vlx: Lots 1,2 and 8, Block 27 of North ad dition to the Incorporated Town of Millet- Hand County. South Dakota, will become absolute unless redeemed before November 6, A. D. 1902. Mattik A. Stephens, Owner of Tax Certificate. John Pesky. Attorney. 29t3 July Stß Notice That Right or Redemption Ex pires. To Fraud* C. Urable, und to whonllt may concern : Notice i« hereby given that Tax Certificate No. 27. held by the mi lersigned to tlie fol lowing descriPeU real estate, vl,: North West quarter of South West quarter of sec tion Twenty-five, Township One Hundred and Eleven. North of Range Seventy, Hand County, South Dakota, will become absolute unless redeemed before November, ‘B. A, D, 1902. •• J. W, Davison. Owner ot Tax Certificate. John ITsey, Attorney. 2918 July Btl Notice to Creditors. Estate of Jacob B. Llun deceased Notice is hereby given, bv the undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Jacob B. Dull deceased, to the creditor* of and nil persons having c laims against the said de ceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication ol this notice, to the said Admin istrator at his borne near Howell I*. (>.. in the Countyof Hand, State of South Dukota. Dated July 3rd 1902. Ampkosk 11. Linn, Administrator of said Estate. Notloe That Klgbt of lledemptloa Ex pire*. To C (V Notirae and John Cummings and to w hum,it may concern: Notice '« liereby given that Tax Certifi cate, No. <ll, held by the undersigned to the following described real estate, vix: South en*t quarter of South east quarter of South west quarter of Section Twelve. Township 114 N. of Range 70, W. sth I*. M. will become absolute unless redeemed before No vein bar 6, A. D., 1992. J. W. Davison, John Pesky, Owner of Tax Certificate. Attorney. Miller, 8. D. 31 July Btß Notice of Expiration ol Right (o Re deem. To Will J, Evans, and to whom It may concern: Notice I* hereby given that Hand County. 8. D . Treasurer's Certificate of Tax Judg ment Saie ol November 6th 1901 Number 673, held and owned by the undersigned to the following described real estate vl,: Lots Thirty Eight Ul*> In Block Eleven (11) of Geo. J. Love’s Addition to the Tow n of Kee Heights, xtnnd County, and State of Boutli Dakota, will become absolute unless redeemed on or before November 6th 1902. Fstkk Watkins, Owner of suid Certificate. x liotktf lliat Right ol Redemption Ex pire*. To Francis C. Grable aud to whom It may concern: Notice I* hi reby given that Tax Certificate No. 28, held by the 'tUdernigin d to the fob lowing deMcribed real estate, via: North hull of South Ea*t quarter and North East quarter of South‘West quarter of Section 'J w-enty elx. Township One Hundred and Eleven'. Noith of Bunge .Seventy, llmnl County South DaUota. will become absolute tin less redeemed before November 6. A. D. ’1902, ‘ , J. W. Davison, Owner of Tax Certificate. John Pish, Attorney. rue heights. The ladies Aid served icecream at the hall Tuesday, which was very acceptable on such a warm day. Harry Camp left Wednesday morning to attend the encamp ment at Watertown. Fred Camp came home last week from Huron to Hpend the summer vacation. Mrs. Whitcomb of Miller, visit ed Mrs. Willett last Saturday. Ernest/ Suhn is quite sick, (hasn’t got the small pox.) Dr. Lane is attending him. . Miss Anna Suhn is visiting her grandparents near Harrold. July lOtfi Notice of Sale* of Renl Estute. By Virtue of nn order anti decree o( the Counts Court of Hand Countv. South Da. kota. made on the petition of the under signed.!. 11. Cole as Administrator of the D.-tnte of Bussell F. Klnjball deceased, for an order to sell the Heal Estate of -aid de ceased. at the Regular July Term. A. D. 1902. of said Court to-wlt : on the 7th tiny of July 1902. said Administrator will, on or after the 26th day of July 1902 next, sell at Private Sale, subject to confirmation by Said Court the Heal Estate described as follows to-w it: The North West Quar ter (N. W. Section Thirty Three (33 1 Township One Hundred and Twelve (112) liange Sixty Nine (691 containing One hun dred uutl sixty acre* iu Hand County, State of South Dakota, for cash. lliils must be made in writing and l*ft with said Administrator at Miller South Dakota, at any time after the first publica tion of this notice and before sa!p. Dated, this 16th day of July A. D. 1902. J. H. Cole. Buhl Administrator. July 10t6 Notice for Publication. Department o# the Interior, Lund Office nt Huron. South Dakota, July 7, 1902. Notice I* hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of Ills Inten tion to make final proof In support ot his claim and that said proof will be made be fore the Clerk of Court at Miller, 8. D., on August 16, 1992, vlx: JOHN E. MALSTON. H. E. No. 15062. for the S E V 4 See. 21, T. 113 N.. R. 69. W„ sth P. M. Vlx; MARTHA M. Wll.pOX, nee Mars ton. H. E. No. 15061. for the N W V t Sec. 21, T. 118 N.. It. 69 W„ sth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his i-oiitiiiuou* residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: j John Wilson. Lawrence Stlnleltner, John Wlren, Seth Wyland, all ot Miller. S. D. C. A. BLAKE. Register. July 1717," ■i Mortgage Sale. Default has heen made fu the payment of the prliu/lpul and Interest moneys.* secured by the mortgage executed by Thomas Barnes (Single) to Joseph J. Smith, dated i Ma.v 26-1890, and filed In the Office of the j Register of Deeds for Hand County, State of South Dakota, and recorded in Rook 50 of I Mortgages, Bags 48 of salt! Office, mort gaging tbs North West Quarter (N. W. Vi) ; of Section Seventeen (17) Township Otis ! Hundred and Nine (109) Bulge Sixty Nine (89) containing 160 acres mors or less iu •Hid Hand County. That said mortgagee duly ' assigned said mortgage and moneys secured thereby to The German Savings Bank of Davenport. lowa, and the latter to William Barnes, and the latter again to ths undersigned, us fully *h own by the record of all of said assign ments in said office. The total sum claimed to be due on said ntortgags. including taxes paid on suid land, is Seven Hundred und Forty Five Dol lars (f 745.) Notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed under the Power of Male therein contained by u Public Sale of said premises, or so much thtreof as mav be necessary, to pay said sum and the costs of this foreclosure at ten o'clock iu the fore noon on the 29th day of August 1902. at the front door of the Court House in the Town of Miller. Hasd County, StateofSouth Dakota, by th* Sheriff of salu County or his Deputy, for cash. Dated at Miller. South Dakota, tills 17th day of July 1902. Hbnrt Err, of Ames. 8. D., Bald Assignee. J. 11. Colic, his attorney. July Bt4 Notice of Application for Probate of Will. State of South Dakota, j In Countv } SS County of Hand. I Court. In the matter of the estate of Nancy Miller Deceased. Notice of time appointed for proving Will, etc. The State of South Dakota sends Greeting to Benton H. Miller of Blnlrstmvn, Iowa: Mary V. Cilery. Frank Miller, Henry Miller and Willlum Miller of Ogden, Iowa; Eudell J. Miller, .lohß D. Miller, Charles Miller. Horner Mac Miller, Carrie A. Uoqnlllette ami , Edwin L Miller, all of Miller, So. Dak., De visees and heirs next ol kin of Nancy Miller deceased. Pursuant 10 an order of said Court, made on the 80th day of June A. D. 1902, notice t* hereby given that Friday the 25th day of July A. D. 1902. •Aten o clock In the fore noon of said day Pt the Court Room of said Court at the Town ot Miller in the said 1 Couuty of Hand have been appointed as the I time und jduee for proving the Will of said Nancy Miller deceased, and for hearing the application of Eudell J. Mliler for the issu -1 ance to him ot Letter* Testamentary when and where any persou interested mar ap pear and contest the same. Witness the Hon. G C. Briggs Judge ol j the County Court, and the seal of said Court, i tills Roth day of June A. 1). 1902. at his of fice In the Town of Miiler Couuty of Hand and State ot South Dakota. (Seal.) Wm. Dow Len, Clerk of the County Court. Junel9ts Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, Cnlfed States Land office. Huron, South Dakota, June 18. 1902. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by Bessie Maxwell, eon- I tcHtnut. against Huron Series Timber Cub ! ture entry No. 9979 made June 26. ISH9, for E Vi of N E Vi A E Vi of S K V, Section 10, S Township 111. N. Range 70 W. by Irroy ' Bee. Contested, In which It Is alleged that : she is well acminltile ' with the t ract of j land embraced in said entry and knows the present condition of the same ; also that rhesiOd Irtov Bee has ttPver broken, or mused to be broken, any portion ot said j tract, except lice acre* during lSß9;thnt ssid claimant has never planted, or caused i to be planted, to trees, seeds, or cuttings, ntiv portion of said tract during the years 1899. 1 HIM . 1892, 1898. 1894. 1895, 1896, I 1*97. 1898, 1899, 1990. 1991. or 1902, Bald parties are hereby notified to appear. re*|b>mi and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on July 28, 1992, before the ( lerk id Courts, of Hand County 8. D. at his office lu Miller, S. 1). and that final hearing will held at 2 o'clock P. M. on August 4, 1902, before the Regis ter uud Receiver at the United States Land Office In Huton, S. D. Tbe*ald contestant having. In a proper affidavit, filed April 10, 1902, set forth (ad* which show that after due diligence, personal service of this notice can not be made. It is hereby ordered and directed that such noth* be given by due aud proper pub lication in the Pioneer Press, published at Miller, 0 D. C. A. Blake, Register. July 17t7, (lands I I For Sale, j 1 : • In any of the northern counties of I SOUTH DAKOTA, I | « • At prices that are marvelously | CHEAP. j {REAL ESTATE BROK'RS EXCHANGE. | J Hiller, South Dakota. • • Write us for our special prile list. • • 1 2 Offices at Miller, Highmore and Bryant, 5 i July 17t4 Notice to C reditors. K*tate of John Wcstmlre d«n*««»d, In County Court, Haild County South Da kota. Notice lx hereby given, bv the undersigned. Administratrix of the Estate of John We*t intre deceased, to the creditors, of and all persona having claim* against the snld de ceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, with.n four month* after the find publication of this no tire, to the said Ad ministratrix at Dean P. O. in the Bald County of Hand. Dated July 14th 1902. Anna West mire. Said Administratrix. June 19t0. , i Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at Huron So. Dak., June 17, 1002. Notice Ik hereby given that the followir.g nanted settier has tiled notice of hi* Inten tion to make tinul proof In support of hla claim and that said proof will he made be fore the clerk of Court at Miller, 8. D., on August 2, 1002. viz: JOHN a. MOI.YNF.rX. H. E, No. 16224. for the W Vi N W V 4 Bee. 2S. T. 111. N. i:inure 69 W. sth p. m. He names t he following witnesses to prove hla continuous reoiuence upon uud cultiva tion of said land, vis: Janies It. Oarnian.,of Cedar S. !> . Avery Hainmill, Mearl Ilaiuniill, of Cedar. S. 1)., Prank Bingham. of Miller, S. I*. C. A. BI.AKE. Register. --.-y. " ■ ■ - Junel2tfl. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, I,and Office Huron, south Dakota. June ft. 1902. Notice ix v given that the following uauied xettler has tiled notice of hix inten tion to make final proof In support of lilx claim, und thatxaid proof will be made be fore Judge of County Court at Miller, S. I>., on July 19, 1902. viz: EDWIN L. MILLER. one ol the heirs of Nancy Miller, deceased widow, H. E. No. IG2H2. for the N. W. V 4, Sec. 34, T. 111,'N., R. 69. W., sth P. M. He numbs the following witnesses to prove hix continuous rexidence upou and cultiva tion ot xaid land viz: Gilbert W. Collin*, Robert Scott, John Fletcher, John 11. Clodfelter, all of Milter, S. D. C. A. It LAKE. Register. July HtO Summon* Relief—Complaint Kilt'd. State of South Dakota. | In Circuit Court. } Sixth Judicial County of Hand. ) Circuit. Jennie K. Woodard, VS Robert E. Woodard. The State ot South Dakota sends C.reetlug: To the above name 1 Defendant: You are herehy.suir iiioiied and required to answer the complaint, in tldx action, which was tiled on the 23rd dir of June A. I). 1902, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court within ard for xaid Hand County, at Miller South Dakota, him! to > a copy of your answer ou the subscriber at my of fice In the town of Miller, S. D. within thirty ilayx alter the service of thix summon*, ex clusive of the day of service. If you fad to answer the complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the complaint, besides costs. Dated at Miller South Dakota', this 23rd day of June A. I>, 1902, S. V. (insist. Plaintiff's Attorney. | ' j JulyVfl ; : Summons Relief—Complaint Filed. I State ot South Dakota, | In Circuit Court, > SS sixth Judl- County of Hand I cia! Circuit. William Watson as Administrator with Will annexed of the Estate of John P. Con key, deceased, Plaintiff. VS Floyd D. Yaw : also Floyd D, Yaw. Ger trude Yaw Gyger. Ida Yaw Wood and Winifred Yaw as the sole heirs of Ella Yaw. deceased. ,*• Defendants. The State of South Dakota scuds Greeting: To the above named Defendant*and each of you: You are hyeby summoned and required to answer the complaint in tills action, which was tiled on the 25th dav of June a. ; D. 1992. In the office of the Clerk of the < Ir | cult Court within and for said liund Coun ty, at Miller Mouth Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer tin the subscriber at ills office in the Town of Miller South Dako ta, within thirty .lays after the service of thix Summoue, exclusive of the dav of ser vice. If you fail to answer the complaint w ithin that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in'the complaint, resides costs. Dated ut Miller South Dakota, this 25th day of June A. D. 1992. J. 11. Cole. i Plaintiff's Attorney. July 17t« Summon* He lief—Complaint Filed. State of Mouth Dakota, I } SS. County of Hand. J In Circuit Court, sixth Judicial Circuit. David It. Sinclair. Plaintiff, VS Beatty K. Todd. Linnie A Todd and John W. Wolves, Defendants. The State of South Dakota Sends Gmt , Ing: To the Above Namod Defendants: You are Hereby Summoned and required i to auswer the complaint in this action ; which was tiled on t|>e 15th dnvofJulvA' [ D. 19C2. in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court within and for said Hand I County, nt Miller South Dakota, and to serve a copy of vour answer ou the sub scriber at bis office in the Town of Miller South Dakota, within thirty davs after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of servi e. If you fail to answer the complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded lu the couiplamt, besides costs. Dated at Miller booth Dakota, this 15th dajr of July A. D, lv*o2. * J , 11, Cole, Plaintiff s Attorney. July 3t4. Notice to Creditor*. Estate of John Heckman Deceased. Notice Is hereby ghen, By the undersigned. Administrator of the Estate of John Heck man deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said de ceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the tir*t publication of this notice, to the said ad ministrator at his office In the town of Mil ler in the County ot Hand, Soutli Dakota. 'Dated June 2(1 1902. (.’Has, Thomson', Administrator, Estate of John Heckniau, deceased. June 19tti « Tlihlkt Culture. Final Proof.— Notice for publication. I'nlted States Land Office, Huron, Bo.,Dak. June 16. 1902. , '. Notice is hereby given that Sylvanu* It. Cook has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Judge of County Court st bis office in Miller, S. I>. on Saturday tho 26th day of July 1902. on timber culture application No. 10052, for the iSnutbwext quarter of section No. 9, in Township No. 110, N. Range No. 0* W. sth P M. He tiumes as witnesses: Nis Peterson Fril* of Gtwdalr. H. D., John H. White of < at s. l>., George O. Engeluiann, George Hard wick, Sr., of Miller. S. D. C. A. BLAKE, Register July lot 4 Notice to Creditor*. Estate of Eliza Chapin Deceased. Iu (,'ouuty Court, Hand Co., South Dako ta. Notice is hereby given, by tVeundersigned, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Eliza Chapin deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against tie said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months af ter the first publication of this notice, to thexuid Executor at Canandaigua, P, O, New York or the Clerk of said Court, Dated July l()th A. D. 1902. Charles A. Rlchardson, Bald ExecutOr. July 10t4 * Notice to Creditors, Estate of William C, White deceased. InCounty Court, Hand Co. South Dakota. Notice ix hereby given, by tlie undersigned, ax Administratrix of the e'state of William C. White deceased to the creditors of and all persons having rlalms against the xaid deceased, to ezhinit them, with the neces sary vouchers, within four months after th tirxt publication of thix notice, to the sai l Administratrix at Mitchell I*. O. Davison County, State of South Dakota, Du ted July 10th A, D. 1902. Rvth A. Watkins. Said Administratrix. July 17tti Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Laud Office ut Huron, South Dakota. July 11, 1902. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intcn tion to make filial proof In support of his claim, and thut xaid proof w ill lie made be fore Clerk of Courts ut Miller, S. D..on Aug ust 23, 1902, vizf MICHAEL GORKINS, H. F.. No. 14646, for tbe N E «4 Sec, 24, T. 116 N.. N.. R. t,7 W„ sth P. M. He nßnies the follow ing witnesses to prove his contiiiuous residence upon and tultba tion of said land, viz: Mllllittn Dring. Ambrose Linn, both of Hand. S. I)., George Irwin, John Denning, of Rockhuui, S. D. C. A. BLAKE, Register. June 19t7. Mortgage Sal 5. Default hax been nipJe iu tbe conditions of n mortgage executed by Alexandrine (Taxer say to W. W. Mc Donald Trustee, dated Jul.v 2<th 18ix7, and assigned by said Mortgagee' to Solomon Crittenden, and by said Critten den to Robert Weber mortgaging The North West quarter of Section Six |o> In Township One Hundred Fifteen (115) North, of Range Sixty Eight (68) and the North East quarter of Section «Ine < l ) in Tow nslilp One Hundred Fifteen (115 i North of Range Sixty Nine (69) West of the sth I’.M., all in Hand County, then Territory of Dakota, now State of South Dakota. The amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at this date Is Twenty Niue Hundred Ninety Seven and 6s-1 00 Dollars. and Twenty-nve Dol lars, Attorney's fees. Notice Is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a public sale of sab* premises or a sufficient part thereof, on the 2nd <la.v of August. 1902, nt 2 o'clock P. M Ht the front door of the Court Mouse in Mi ler Hand County South Dakota. Dated at Aberdeen, S. !».. this 13tli day |f May 1902. Robert \, Assignee of Mor. ;ngc W. F. Mahon, Attorney. July 17t3 * Notice of Hearing Petition fot* Lett«?i*x of Allnllln.Btrf.tfou. State of South Dakotnj 1 In County, > Court. Comity of Hand. | July 17th 1902. In the matter of the e-tate of f’Hrmeile E. Smith, Deceased. The State of South Dakota sends Greeting to William O. Smith. Win. F. Hunger, Sarah J. Young, (buries \V. Konger. Abram W. Konger Samuel T. Songer, and Mary A. Konger, heirs at luw uud next of kin of Permelia E. Smith deceased, and to all to whom these present* may come. Notice Is hereby given that J. L. Keyes lias tiled with the Judge of this • Court, a petition, praying for Letters of Admlnts t ration of the Estate of Permelia E- Smith deceased, and that Saturday the 2nd day of August 1902 ut ten o'clock A M. of said day, being n day of a special term of this court, nt the office ot tbe Judge In tbe Court House In the Town of Miller County of Hand s», Dakota has been set for hear ing suid petition, when and where any per son interested may appear und show cause why the said petition should not begranted Dated ut Miller So. Dak. this 17th day o' July A. D. 1902. (SEAL.) G. C. Rkioox, Judge of the County Court Attest: Wm.Dowlcb. Clark.