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asssasasHsasssrasHSHSHsasaszsssasHSHsasa sr^ AT COLLINS’ | i n' YOU WILL FIND THE PATENT MEDICINES. Among them Collin’s Blood Purifier, j) will cleanse your blood thoroughly. | NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. | New' Stock 0f... . 1 WALL PAPER AND PAINTS. £ Come in and see us. % JOB PRINTING A, “” FURNITURE. \ YOUR HOME Can be made more pleasant by purchasing | some new Furniture at Coquillette’s Furniture j» Store. Organs, Pianos, Carpets, Iron beds, | dressers, cup board, bed room suits, etc. Our | - LOW PRICES - j Will surprise you. Undertaking Goods In con- | nection. Hiller, So. Dak. 4s!®(3)®®®®®eeee)C)e(t>® •®®s> •> REE HEIQHTS. Mrs; Iterpme of Plankinton, Rres. of the \X. B. M. 1., of S. Dak., gave an address last Sab bath morning. Her coming was Unexpected, and a tfnvall audi ence was present, but all were pleased with her address. (ieo. Elfrink and wife left fof Win. last Tuesday. He has pur chased a farm near River Falls, M is. (leo. is an old resident and all are sorry to have him and his wife depart. We wish them hap piness and prosperity in their new hoifie. j \V. I). Meehan is faking out fumber for an addition to his house. JCrnest l>‘yson is building a fia\f house in Spring Hills, these things indicate prosjierity under Teddy's rule. Every well , trained, .rooster in town is crowing lustily over Hand county's victory in the * ( bite election, tho a few look very disconsolate. Mit Smith came home from N. Dak. in time to vote for Hon. It. L. Smith. “ Restored tv Good Health. A woman born blind never appreciates the real loss of sight. A woman who has been an invalid all her life does not fully realize the loss she sus tains. But a young woman in the very springtime of life who loses her health knows to the full her own deprivation. Dreams of home and husband all vanish when the shadow of womanly ill-health falls across them. It is no wonder then that a woman is glad to prai c e Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion when it has been the means of restoring her to good health. Thousands of women offer this tribute of praise to "Favorite Prescription," which has cured them of headache, backache, nervousness, sleeplessness, etc., by curing the womanly diseases which cause these ailments,—irregularity, debilitating drains, inflammation, ulceration and fern*!© weakness. "I have taken six bottles of Dr. Pterde's* PavorUe Prescription,” writes Miss M. Fyfe, of Orilla, Simcoe C<v., Ontario. Stiid two b<jttl*s of the • Pleasant Pellets * as you advised for congestion of iitenjg, ovaries and weakness, and can safely say that your medicine lias Hfeen |ttie means of restoring me to good health again, which I had not had (for- over three years until taking your medicine. I thank you very much for kind and prompt attention to my letter waking advice.” ( , , Sick women, especially those suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter,/**. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confiden tial. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. »e Drug StorC .. FRESHEST DRUGS, And the best Standard T 7** JIM JIT MVW«, te r - 4rf #. r. Wr^TSrSrJi.V.V"* o*™*’ 0 *™*’ ** O. H. COLLINS. PRESS OFFICE Married While You Wait. A writer to the Madison Out look from Arkansas thus de scries the method of weddings down there: “ The general fashion here of getting married has amused me. For the benefit of the young men of the north let me tell how it is done here. First enough Jmoney to get a license (some have friends that they borrow it of,) then proceed to a justice or min ister, call him out to the road side, nml the knot is tied there. Then the bridegroom takes the bride home to “ Maw. ’ and there is no other expense, no prepara tion, no guests, no presents, no wedding supper, no tour. In this neighborhood,since 1 came here, probably forty couples have started out in life in this way, and with one or two excep tions, not even the pnrents of either party have witnessed the ceremony. So you see, the whole system of true life is ns we feel it, and the whole world is only beautiful when there is con tentment iu the heart. T\ "p ♦HtWHWHHMH—t • # Purely Business. # • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• II you have anything to aell, or If yan de *lrr to buy anything, a thr** or four line notice In the rum will bring mult*. Money to lean on real estate at 8 p°r cent interest. Address J. H. Kino, Huron S. I). 271 f List vour lafid for sale or rent with the new land firm. 1 -Jtf lUjau EsTATK ItUOKKUS Ex. which Nine room hou>4» for sale; side walk, water mains, close to cen ter of town. 45t3 Home Lank & Ixv. Co. On Saturday, Nov. 15th, 1 will sell at public auction at Wessing ton, 40 head of horses. Sale will begin nt l o'clock p. m. Time will Is* given with good se curity. It. \Y. Haiimm. I want to buy some good quartet's of Hand county land cheap for cash. Write or call on me at Miller. We have a large list of lands fh Hand, Hvde and Sullv conn ties; also well improved farms in the counties along the Big Sioux Valley. Write or coll on us for special bargains. 1 Jiff Estatk liiuiKKits Ex. If you wish to sell your land, list it with me, l want to buy a few quarters. They must be cheap for cash. tf 0. C. IlltKiGS. If you want to sell your farm or stock ranch just mention it to the Heal Estate Brokers Ex., and it’s gone. 13tf 1 have on hand and for sale a large stock of Draft and general purpose horses and brood mares, which will l*e sold singly or in matched teams or by the dozen, to suit the purchaser, Good chance for the right mail who warts to start a ranch, to whom good terms will lie given. Hanch 7 miles north of ltee Heights, S. I). Address B. L. Smith. lotf Bee Heights, S. D. 25 to 30 cows with calves, 30 head of yearlings, 2 registered short horn bulls, one 2 yrs old, oneJiyrsold, Also black team 53 yrs old more and horse, weight 1100, one horse 0 yrs. old, one mare 0 vrs. old, one mare 12 vrs old and colt. The X. W. H of Sec. .‘{2-1 12-OH. Good hay hind and living water on tlm place. In the Rig Rend wheat and fruit country. Rig crops, fine fruit, perfect climate, good mar kets, cheap lumlier, for sale at low prices. ;t:ttf iVasiiixcton Land Co. P. 11. COQULLETTK, Agt. Any one wishing repairs for the Standard Mowers and rake can get them of Geo. Jeffery, Miller, S. I). 2!>tf •">OO head high grade Shrop ewes from one to five years old. 100 head ewe lambs, 17 head of high grade and registered Shrop rams, on section 9, Twp. 110, Range 00. Address I*etek Gnoss, Zell, So. Dak. I have two Short Horn halls for sale. One registered, the other high grade. Roth 0 year old. J7t;{ Three fait blooded pedigree with' Ot c. 4*712* tJ*. H.Gmace. House For Sale. Auction Sale. Land Wanted. tf G. H. Cauuouu. Land Wanted. Stock for Sale. G. W. Eufuink, Sec. 13-113-71. For Sale. Geo. C. Rkeekk, Owner, 4t* Pullman, 111. Washington Farixs. For Sale. S. L. Wvlaxd. ♦.* tf .« [BBa aoth YEAR—l9O3^$ 5 __c s __ 4 X a a 2 Palace Drug Store f Is the Pioneer J J A careful, steady busi-S 0 ness conducted for 20 J t years is a guarantee to 2 J all who need Drugsand ? 9 Medicines, toilet arti- j J cles paints, oils, etc. 0 * wall paper am. alabaStise. € 1 1 J. D. Fitgerald, Proprietor, 4 . 1 - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ End of Populism. Huml County was about the last to give up populism, but the end has come.. The crushing de feat which overtook that party in this, their last foothold, on Xqv. 4th puts it to sleep. The , leaders and party managers are 'quarreling among themselves* charging each other with being traitors to the party and swear ing vengeance. Whether there were actually traitors or not. among their own ranks is onlv for them to know, but certain it is numbers of supposed populists ! are wearing broad smiles at the result. The party islairsted wide open, and can never be united again, because the old leaders will never again trust each other. And now that the end has come, whatever the cause, it is pro|>er to look at the future Numliers of men who joined the nlliance-populist-silver party did so in the honest belief of secur ing some good. They hung on for a long time until thoroughly convinced that they were mis taken, and then they returned to the republican party. With the breaking up of the ]K>pulist party others will now do the same thing. It is safe to say that Hand county today has a republican majority of 200 to HOO and will hereafter remain in the republican column. This victory, this majority, brings its responsibility to the lenders and officials elected by the party. It is fair to sav that as a rule the populist county of ficers have b<*en good officials, and republicans must be equally us good or better. If they conduct county affairs wisely and economically the voters will continue the party in control, and this tlie Press ex pects they can and will do. Anvone landing n ski-tch »nd dc»erlntlon roc quickly »*cortnln our orlnton free wiietluT mi H p nimbly imi eatable. Communion, th.nmtrtctly miiUdonttal. Handbook on Patents scut free. Oldest amncy for sei patent*. Patents taken through Munu A Co. receive tprrial notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely IJnnrtrafed weekly. Ijirgeat cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. s.i n ▼••• if : four months, sl. Held by all newsdealer*. WUNKBCo. 36,B '“”'New tori' Branch Office *HS If Bt.. Wajh'jurlon. D. C (Jet our exchange ami w hole sale rates on Miller Superlative Hour. Miller Bros. 4(iif Our large stock of Ladies jackets excell all others. 45tf 11. IL (jREEVES. Foinii—A fur coat. Inquire at Press office. * HAND COUNTY LAND For Sale or Re it. 100-67-N 10-11 109- W-2H 110- W-ll 110- 10-20 111- 10-27 11G-C7-N 10-510 110- W-10 115-08-8 10 11 111- N W-ll 115-09-N 10-Htf 109-70- X 10-2 114- W-27 115- N W-5 115-70.8 10.15 , . 2271 f wyIOHN 11. KOOg J aw, LnnlJ, and Ins., j >li?roi\ f*. f>. • >♦♦♦4 jNEW6OOBSj the | | Big Store. | 33 - ♦ 33 VVe have just rec’d the largest stock of ♦ Dry Ooods, | || CLOAKS, CLOTHING, HATS, I 1 CAPS, SHOES, BLANKETS, Etc. 1 3; That has ever been shown In Miller under ; 33 one roof. All the .... ♦ | Nicest Newest Styles j |ln every thing to be had, are \ : here and our prices are right. \ j Come in and see us. ! ! SPEGIAL. I Y ♦ : 100 pound bag of best granulated: ♦ Sugar $4.75 cash. To consum-1 : ers only and not to other deal- j f 9 . • ♦ ers. 1 J ♦ | Yours Very Truly, J ! J. W.COOUILLETTE. | ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ : sgfi- SHSH*7HS , t> SHSHSHS2 SSSHS3SE SHSHS2SH SHSTSSESESS 51ESH5fc iI"W. W. WAITE, E. F. WAITE, g President. Cashier, H iouiity §Me ®aufe | !1 nkes ])leasure in stating that it has commenced business jj) in temporary quarters in the Stover building, next to the B Redmond hardware store in Miller. We are organized un- Jfl dcr the state banking laws and the management has had j{] over 18 years experience in the banking business in Central [} South Dakota. With excellent financial relations and bv jiompt and courteous attention to all matters entrusted to G us, we hope to merit a share of vour patronage. G Interest paid on time deposits. Special attention given G to loans on live stock. .1 c) 2SHSESHS 2SES2SHS 2SHSHSHS \ HARDWARE : JL DOUBLE STOCK. I have purchased the Bcasom hardware store, and g consolidate inv two stocks, and open up in the Beasoni % • building. II }’ou want anything in the wav of Hardware, • | wagons, implements, etc., Call on me. Prices right. • Miller, S. D. PORTER CREE. I ■®®aSXS®@®(S®®S ®se<» I cron J’ clans workmanship, latest at vies, and bent (juality of is the ruling principle of our business, guaranteed b.v \ears of experience. \\ hen you wont a first class suit rail v on us. LANDS, LANDS. List Your Land, if you want to buy or sell, we have IMPROVED AND unVmproved farms i and stocl ranches, both for sheep and v tattle, also good dairy farm-, with prices to suit you all. Givjttisa call. levson bros’" } 3. n.' —.A-InTID — Tir ware. TT WESTDAHL, Merchant Tailor, Huron, so. dak. ESESES Z'.^'rL-iESZ! Thompson Corn Planter -A-Hshd CORN PLOWS, Monitor Wind Mill and Pumps * % and Pump repairs, Tanks of all sizes, Minnesota Linseed Oil Paints, by tire quart or barrel, Turpentines and Machine oils. One door south o? Citizen? 1 ! Bank - , riE(>. JEFFLSV will J