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otm. ■MMMMtwwWiaagesesasasaaisasagPsases^ JOS. T. HAYS & CQ. | r Successors to |}j | 0. H. GOLLINS. H You will find nice fresh jj ... DRUGS ... | j And the best* ™ 1 PATENT MEDICINES !■ ... New Stock of - - - j{] | PAINTS AND OILS. J ? Yours to please, • uj JOS. T. HAYS & CO. Ui JOB PRINTING “ .prbss OFFICE JOHN WESTDAHL, | First efnas workmanship, latest styles, and best quality of & a goods »m the ruling priuoiple of our business, guaranteed by 8 | years of ex|>erieiiee. When you want n first eluss suit call 8 | O' l UH - 1 ftsxs e» @ »• «•« The Milwaukee railroad built lengthwise across Hand county would be the greatest developing agency thnt could possibly visit the county. Fifty miles of rail way would be a big investment and would double the price of nearly every farm in the countv. And Miller would be a sure 1800 to 2000 town in a very short time. Orient would moke a fine It Wins The Confidence oi women. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription wins the confidence of women because of its "superior curative properties.” There is no test which can be applied to thus great medicine for weak and sick women which does not increase the esteem in which it is lield as a safe and sure remedy for womanly ills. No wonder that " Fa vorite Prescription” "has a large number of friends among suf fering women.” Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflam mation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It is a supe rior tonic and nervine for weak, nervous, run-down women. "I do not believe,” writes Mrs. C. B. Lind, President of the " Harmony" Woman’s Club, Milwaukee, residing at 136 Seventh St, Milwaukee, Wis., ‘"any honest physician who would prescribe Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription for female troubles and ob serve the results could help but ac knowledge it to be one of the finest remedies on the market to-day. Have tried it myself several times during the past three years, and have faunait very satisfactory for a worn out system. A friend who is a chem ist analyzed it and gave it unstinted E raise as a highly concentrated erbal remedy, having superior cur ative properties. Your medicine lias a large number of* friends among suffer ing women, and I have yet to hear one speak disparagingly of its merits.” There is no alcohol in "Favorite Prescription ” and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and other narcotics. It is well described as "a highly concentrated herbal remedy having superior curative properties." Sick women, especially those suffering from diseases of long standing, are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All cor respondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Of. Ptmrom’m Pimmmant PmlMm mrm thm moat dmmirmbls laxatlvm fw doJ/oatm woman. yT . ■c's* ' Merchant Tailor, HHRON, SO. axis'? @ Pert -- - 1 Coquillette f • > - Sells Good • \ FURNITURE | OHEAP | CARPETS, I ORQANS, j P JANOS, I SEWING | HACHINES, ETC. 1 Also Carry 1 UOERTAKING! GOODS. DAK. town, and there would be an other one in Buffalo c ounty to the south. The little stations between would not interfere with the grow th of these main tow ns. County Auditors elects! for the piosent term will seive only 22 months, us the new code snvs their successors shnll qualify in January. TO CROSS AT EVARTS. Which Means the Orient and Platte Connection is Sure. Argus header: —It in well known tlijut last fall and up to the time of the pannage of the re ■nbinixsioty bill by the state legis lature that M. L. Fox, of Sioux Falls and Vermillion was active, ly at work ii\ the interest of the Milwaukee r v yul which sought to have the capital question re submitted to Ijbc people. Just how close Mr. Fox is to the pow ers that be is not known hut it is likely that he sjwakc with a cer tain degree of knowledge. W liile in Sioux City Thursday Mr. Fox is reported to have unbosomed himself to a Tribune reporter in the following: “1 am informed on good auth ority that the Milwnukeeund St. l*aul railroad will begiil building i.i the spring and will continue for the next two years, until it has connected iis branches in South Dakota, and has crossed from Evarts, S. 1)., to the -Black Hills/’ This is the sentiment <|f M. E. Fox of Vermillion, whose known intimacy w ith the Milwaukee and St. l’aul railroad makes his statement semi-official. Mr. Fox is now connected with the Secur ity Ti list company of Sioux Fulls. ‘‘You undetstand that in spite of ti e fact that the proposed change of the capital from Pierre to Mitehed would suggest Cham berlain as the point to cross the Missouri river, the Black Hills extension will Is* built from Evarts?’ Mr. Fox was asked. “1 think I have it on good authority that the first line to cross the reservation will lie built from Evarts,” Mr. Fox answer ed. ‘*The country we*t of Aber deen is filling up so rapidlv thut the road regards that as i:s most promising field. ’ While Mr. Fox said he knew nothing about it, it has been un derstood from other sources tliut. President Earlingof the Milwau kee and St. Paul railroad believes the Evarts route to tie* Ilil s the most practicable, while Roswell Miller, ihairmau of the board of directors, has inclined to Cham berlain as the best place to cross. Mr. Fox believes that 1008 will be the biargc st selling year for Bouth Dakota farm lands. He doesn't e\] eet the land look ers to be as numerous, but he thinks the land buyers will bear a much larger proportion to the visitors. Two years ago the Pkkhs ad vis *d tin* people of Hand county to buy tie cheap lands laving around them. None who took the advice regret it today—hut many who di I n: t, now regret it. The investment is still good, at- double the prices, because real estate is n good savings bank, and is absolutely sure to increase in demand and vulites in the near future with the further develop ment and settlement of central South Dakota. “What’s the matter with or ganizing a stock company right herein .Miller, and going down after gus?" remarked a I nisi ness man the other duv. “A local com pa n \ secured gas at Pierre, west ot us, and a company is now organized to bore for gas or oil on the Jim river east of us. Why can't we get the business men of Miller together and do likewise? It would he a great thin x for Miller." The I’iikss thinks it would be n grand good thing if we could strike such a flow as l'ierre did. And we enn sc*e no reason why it should not be found under the artesian flow here, as well as there. What do the business men of Miller think of i t ? OASTOniA, Bwi the /y Hw KM You Han «:*2ys 1882 21st YEAR—I9O3 C 9 a \ Twenty Oru* years is a long a # time to do busmens m one j location —but that's the ex- q jferience of the £ f Palace Drug Store J 5 Under itH prestnt manage- £ S meat. Otherscome for ft brief £ f time, then like the Arab fold J J up their tent and silently i J disapffear —but the Pioneer # f goes on and on. J 5 THK RBASON?—It l« tlrmt X 5 ( !««• *o.»d* in nil the Him* w* h»ndl«*. X |ir«>in|>t jmjimiit of all MU*. «*r«*ful J J attrition to what tlir poltllc rrt|ulrra, \ f timl rfiiHOtinNy* |»rh*W. J J. D. Fitckrald, Proprietor, j Miller, Q. ••••••••••••••••<>••••••••« 5 # Purely Business. •$£ | If you hare aurthloa to aall, nr If veil dr ain* to h«< anyihluK. u Ibrw or four llu* , notice In the i'KKOa will brio* rrnulta. Land Wanted. I want to buy some good i quarters of Hand eounty land | cheap for cash. Write or call on me at Miller. tf G. 11. Cauuoll. Nebraska shell corn bOe. perbu. Ground corn SI.OO ]>er hundred. Ton !«)ts SIO.OO per tony All at the Miller Holler Mills. Btf Money to loan on retd estate at 8 p«r (*ent interest. Athlress J. H. Kixc, Huron S. I). 27tf Wanted. Seventy five pigs and shoots. We also buy fat hogs. See us lipfore selling. .Mll.LKft Hiais. Mrayed. One roan steer calf, from my phice before the snow storm. Or2° Clayton Pouteu, Miller, S. 1). Teachers Examination. The regular teachers' examina tion will be held at the court j house in .Miller on March 0-7, j 1008. Applicants will please !>e ion hand promptly at 0 o'clock j Friday morning, 10t2 G. 11. Grace, Co. Snpt. For Rent. <l2O aero farm with comfort able home, 50 acres cultivated land, balance good hay atid pas ture land. Write or call 011 Home Land & I.nv. Go., Miller, N. I). Millet is sen fee, but by sowing early I got a lot of clean German seed and I will sell it for <lO davs at GO cents a bn. It will surely sell for 75c. or $1 in Heed ing time. Stockmen, sow a lot and get a choice change of feed lor your cows and calves. If will clean your ground nicely, too, for wheat after it is too late to plant cort. Write to Miller or call at 35-115-08. At my Auction miles south of Hitchcock, 1 will sell one pure bred Pereheon Stallion, eligible to register. This horse must he sold and will be a bargain for some one He is perfect in eve ry wny and it will be Imrd to find his equal in the state. I will sell this horse to a company on easy terms with good securit v. Wm. Witt km an. Hitchcock NOTICE. j By s]tecial arrangement I have le-leased the gallery, which will i remhin oj>eii until further notice. ! As soon as the weather will jfer- 1 mit I shall begin the erection of a new gallery and shall locate in Miller permanently. Trusting my old patrons will remember! me when my line of work is need ed, also assuring new customers, fair and honest treatment, I re main. Rcsp’v, Geo. C. Stoxeu. M. A. Siu'strk, Jr. Notice. S. I). Hrf. " v New LUMBER yards. If you are thinking of building you can not do better than by letting us figure your bill. We handle everything In the line of BUILDING MATERIAL, And can give you satisfactory prices. LAIRD-NORTON YARDS, F. J. WEBER. GEO. S. RING LAND, Pres. GEO. C. FULLINWEIDER, Vice Pees. FIRST STATE BANK SO JTH TDJLI<ZO r rjL. Incorporated under State Laws. Ti ansacts a General Banking Busircss. • Loans on Live Stock. * s Collections promptly made. Interest allowed on time f deposits. Your business is solicited. 1 M ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* j HARDWARE. j J \Y e call the attention of the people of Hand Co. to our ♦ ♦ Large and varied stock of ALL NEW Hardware. Every- I < - thing right from the ffictory, at prices that will command i ! 1 the attention of every Buyer in this County. In addition to X 3 3 supplying all your wants in the hardware line, we arc the J 3! Exclusive Agents and sellers for the world famous Majestic J 3> Steel and mailable iron ranges, and the renown and now * <; very popular “Retort” Airtight heating stoves, burns any -3 3 thing—saves fuel—holds fire, and the neatest and cleanest ♦ 31 stove on the market. If you will call we can convince von * 1 I * • * « of the mpnev saving power of your dollar if spent with us. « 2 Very Respectfully, t J REDMOND BROS. j W»W.»W»m»imKIMHW»««IWMI»WHWIIII SW. W. WAITE, E. F. WAITE, jjj S President. Cashier. ft 1 3i«ut§ @0 u n15- Sta te Sauk I MILLER, SO. DAK. j jjj Organized under the State Banking Laws. J Loans on Live Stock a Specialty. 1 Interest paid on time deposits. ] ' j HARDWARE { | —-A-ZtSTID— I Tir ware, i * DOUBLE STOCK. | 2 * have purchased the Beasom hardware store, and will j J consolidate mv two stocks, and open up in the Beasom J • building. If you want anything in the way of Hardware, • J wagons, implements, etc., Call on me. Prices right. X i Miller, S. D. PORTER CREE. jj iHURON NURSERYi i♦— 1 $ ♦ JOHN H. KINO and COHPANY, PROPS., ♦ j| H. W. HINDS, Mgr., Huron, S* D. 2 * Nursery Located One and a half miles North of Depot. t I Will grow and deal in a general line of Hardy Nursery ♦ Stock, especially adapted for general planting in South Da* * kota. 4 ♦ have for next spring’s choice lot of fruit trees, shade J | t rt *s, small fruit plants, ornamental shrubs and bulbs and 2 ♦ nearly* 000,000 forest tree seedlings, such as cottonwood, ♦ ♦ willow, ash. elm, box elder, walnut, etc., EVERY PLANT 2 ! ♦ AND TREE DAKOTA GROWN. 2 ♦ If \ou contemplate planting an orchard, a shelter belt. ♦ | a timber lot, or some hardy ornamentals on your lawn, 2 J " rite at once for our new descriptive catalogue. There is 2 2 not an item in it that will not bear the criticism of the high- ♦ t cst horticultural authority in the Northwest. Addtcss all 2 Z correspondence to HI'RON NI’RSEKY, 11. W. Hinds, Man- 2 ♦ ager, Huron, So. Dak. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦49»449494499*499mmf99mW9 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ' Wt* , 3 Capital Stock $12,500.00. F. D. GREpNE, Cashier.