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i » i TJ-'P IE Pi ’ I'fy ■ * / ■ >jsi cr? gTr l SmESSSHSE scu» r* * s^^ I JOS. T. HAYS & CO. I 11903-Wall Paper-19031 j *so * I NEW PATTERNS. H - - - New Stock of - - - [i| I The Celebrated S. W. Paints, | I Paint Brushes, Wall Coating, etc. [j| J Yours to please, $ I JOS. T. HAYS & CO. | . SSZS*3S3S ssEscLsas Hsasasas asrasE. cr3 aszsasHSEsas as iOB PRINTING M tlle "T"-PRESS OFFICE HARDWARE : i —jAHSTO— • Tin WARE. | ii A DOUBLE STOCK. | j | I have purchased the Bcasom hardware store, and will J ! consolidate my two stocks, and open up in the Bcasom 2 { building. If von want anything in the way of Hardware, • • wagons, implements, etc., Call on me. Prices right. Miller, S. D. PORTER CREE. S i • W. W. WAITE, E. F. WAITE, jfj President. Cashier. jjj j s}«no §oun%iW#® ciate S I MILLER, SO. DAK. I y « jj Organized under the State Banking Laws. 'J . U| ;] Loans on Live Stock a Specialty. | Interest paid on time deposits. I f'i JI > lu the May Delineator the pages of illustrated cookery por trov an important feature in Troys for invalids. The diets suited to various kind of illnesses nre described, and in each case the rejmst is shown attractively’ , t * served. Also, the art of making bread is explained in detail, as well as other dainties made from dough. Hhubarh, n somewhat neglected de ieac.v in America, affords numb m- of apparenly ex i client recijKM, and the secrets of other seasonable dishes are im i . parted. A Good Friend to Women . "A friend in need is a friend in deed.” The final test of friend ship is deeds not words; not promises but performance. When Mrs. Ruff refers to Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription as a good friend to women she speaks out of a wide experience of the merits )of that medicine. When her "life fwas hanging in the balance” it brought her back to health. As Director of the German Or phans’ Home she has oppor tunity time and again to test its power in. the cure of womanly diseases. As a result she says: "Our great rem edy for female trouble ia Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. We have found nothing that would so quickly cure the dis ease, relieve inflammation and atop pain.” Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion establish® regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflam mation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women string, sick women well. *Fhre mf t ago when my life wm • hugigg ia tfceoalaam, Dr. Pfecc'i issasEs v*t»trjise± The Chicago Specialists' Diag nostician will be at the Wilcox house on Wednesday, .lane 8. Free examinations. brnn ‘As ,*!!» KnJ Yrw fee Kkea 3 I). W. Itlim, who has been in charge of the Hazelwood Sioux Cit.v crt'iim basilican l:e.e for a yeur or tuo, lins to Ponca. Nebraska, to work for the company. Favorite Prescription was brought to my home,” writes Mrs. Caroline Ruff, Director of German Orphans’ Home, residing at 339 Rowena street, Detroit, Mich.- M took it, .and, like a brave friend, it fought the battle against dis ease and won me back to health. Ever since then I have been its firm friend. We frequently have mothers come to our ‘ Home * who are suffering with uterine troubles, inflammation, tu mors and ulcera tions. Our great remedy for afi fe male trouble is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, and we have found nothing so far which would so quickly cure dis ease, relieve in flammation, and stop pains. It is a good friand to women.” Sick women are invited to consult Doctor Pierce by letter, free. All letters are held as strictly private and the written confidences of women are guarded by the same strict Kofessional privacy observed by r. Pierce and his staff in per sonal consultations with weak and sick women at the Invalids’ Ho tel and Surgical Institute, Buf falo, N. Y. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. momt tftuuiwiuSwtiJtULU tut iwu mmt J Horsemen met at Mitchell re cently and organized 1 ii racing circuit composed of Mitchell, Huron, Alexandria, Parker, Plankiiiton and Fhnmborlain. Huron’s meeting occurs .1 11 1\ 2. 3, 4. One buy mare, ring hone on front foot, about ten yours old. At A. B. Winer's, Danforth, Hand Co. 8. 1). 17t3* The new school law provides that any pupil of n country school who finishes the Bth grade may attend a neighboring high school, and have their tuition paid by their home dis trict. and 4o calves by their side. All for $1,200. As long time as von wont. Millet Seed For Sale. I have some good millet se**d for sale at the McVav ranch, six miles east of St. Lawrence. 2t The <\ IT Society will hold, “An Faster meeting'’ Sunday evening next, at Presbyterian church. A special program is bring prepared. Everyone is in vited. leader—Miss Nellie Pot ter. OASTORZA. s ** n **• Hi Kind Yw Hava Always Boefbt The Pres. Aid society will meet with Mrs. (Seo. Beasom next Wednesday afternoon April 15. All the ladies who are mem bers of the society arc most earnstlv requested to be present, as it is the annual election of officers. * J. IT Morrow, of Alpha twp, sold his entire huitch of cattle Inst week to Biehard Hold, of Al den twp., amounting to about SB,OOO. Tliis bunch of stock was the accumulation of about five veai*s, or since Mr. Morrow bought the itas'inis Hansen place. His 320 acre farm has also more than d added in value during that time, while he was making good money mining crops and making butter. A copy of the Hancock, lowa, Signal, dated April Ist, received by Jmlyrc Carroll contains notice of a trailedy in the family of S. L. Sage. formerly editor of tlit* •Journal nt Miller and St. Law rence. His oldest daughter, Aurilla, went to pull a shot irmi frwn a box or barrel in her home, as directed by her hus band who had sold the gnu. She took hold of the muzzle and pulled the gnu towards herself. The trigger caught and the load was discharge 1 into her side. She died shortly afterwards. She leaves a husband and three children, besides the parents, brother and sister, to mourn the result of this fatal accident. The family ’s old friends here ex tend their sincere sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. same For sale: Seperator, been used only three months and is ns good as new; will give some discount. Also 19 head of cattle: 4 cows H to 7 years old, 2 heifers 2 years old, 4 heifers 1 year old, fj heifers 9 months old, 2 fall calves r» months old. d heifers 1 year old, 1 all red Short Horn Hull .4 years old. Also 2 miles of barb wire fence and posts. M. Holman, Miller, S. 1). McWhorter, of Ree Heights, handed in an advertisement of fering for salon couple of French Couch horses mid before Ins ndd was in tyjM* he Hold one and the other strayed nwiiv. The stray is bright bay, stylish and a high stepper, 5 years old weighing about 1200 lbs., of smooth, compact and finished conforma tion. Was raised at what is known as the lowa Ranch about thirty inilesMOUth of Ree Heights. If Me erer catches him he will |»e for sale at SIOO.OO * Taken Up 40 Fresh Cows (’aiiuoi.j, & Beasom. Private Sale. One F. S. Cream lßS2****2lSt Q P <J t> Twenty One years is a long time to do business in one # x location —but that's the ex- x f perience of the 4 f Palace Drug Store f x I’nder its present manage- £ meat. (ftherseomeloriibrief time, then like tin* Arab fold up their tent mid silently (Hsapjiear —but the Pioneer goes on ami on. \ THK UK A SON ?—lt I* »lmpl*. First v <’ltiHM «<ioiO In till thr lin*Hi »r kudlr, prompt payment of all MU**, careful J attrutloM to what the public rc<|ulr«x, 1 mill miconublc piicin. J J. 1). I'itgekali), Proprietor,j |t Miller, S. I). <* • 5 •>s* Purely Business. # 2 • © oeieMmeeiMetMieNin** If you have anything to aell, or If yau >lc »lw to buy anythlnx. a three or four lino notice iu the I’nkmh will brinx rexulta. Wanted—A gtsxl milch cow. Jersey or part Jersey prefered. Fuaxk Mveks. Take Notice. The dumping of manure or refuse on any road or highway in Miller township is prohibited. Parties disregarding this order will Is* prosecuted. P. M. Mkah, Twp. Supervisor. For Sale One dark red Ihirlmm bull, long two your old, high grade, tit Mc- Vay ranch, six miles east of St. Lawrence. 2t Pasturing. Wanted, horses mid cattle to; pasture. Plenty of water, past-; lire new. Pall on J. A. Clouse. .Miller. 15ttt* Sts* the J. Thompson dang anti Sulkey Plows, Harrows, Corn-planters, also the Hock Island Bisk Harrow, sold by (Jko. Okpkkhy, Miller, S. |). tf For Rent. 800 acres in section 5-112-08. | 1.81 acres in section 3-112-05). 1 S. IT 0-112-0!). 800 acres in sections 1 and 2, ' 114-70. S. K. 4 and ol 7-114-70. 1-114-ON improved. S. E. 31115-05). S. \V. 15)-1 1 5-05), 14M acres. 1018 John Pchky. i Oat?. I have several thousand bush els of first claims seed oaits fop sale at my place ia (Jlemlale town ship. C. H.u.iiKi. Nebraska shell corn ooe. |>erl>ii. j <i round corn SI .OO per hundred, j Ton lots $11). 00 per ton. All ait tin* Miller Holler Mills. 81 f Wanted. Seventy live pigs and shouts. We also buy fat hogs. See us j before soiling. linos, j For Rent The cidiivttled ground on tlie Thompson quarter, one mile north west of Miller, to some good man to 1 >ll l into wheat. There is about WO acres. Will furnish seed if desired. A good house to live in. •I. NY. COQfILI.KTT. Wall Paper. Cal! and examine my full line of Wall Paper samples before buying. PRICES LOW. Papering and Painting done at reasonable prices. I am agent for the cele brated “Carrara” paints. I also have a full fine of samples of the American Woolen Mills Co’s, made to-order clothing. Prices the lowest. W. OJ^IsAF, Ree heights, S. D. mht m* | BUTTS BROS. 1 j 52 IN!L. jjc | Fancy (staple Grocers i ! w XXE£££r*XrrrVTS «C vV 'r* _ o, ■Sfr last week we invoiced and took charge of '£ the well known Grocery Store of h. R. £ n? Greeves, amounting to $4,000, and can say % it is the largest and cleanest stock of HIGH sfc & GRADE GROCERIES to be found in this £ ❖ section of the country. We cordially ask all £ j X the old customers of Hr. Greeves to continue % sjc trading at the old stand, and we shall en- S •$£ deavor to hold your trade by honest dealing $ and courteous treatment. We invite every X one *° call at our store and we will supply # X you with the best of goods at the lowest J price. We shall maintain the we!! known £ sjc high quality of goods carried by Hr. Greeves. i ❖ Yours for Business, BUTTS BROS. # I • j Mew I LUMBER YARDS. If you are thinking of building you can not | do better than by letting us figure your bill. We handle everything in the line of I BUILDING MATERIAL, And can give you satisfactory prices. J L GEO. S. RINGLAND, Pkes. F. D. GREENE, S GEO. C. FULLINWEIDER, Vice Pkes. 2 4 Capital Stock $12,500.00. s FIRST STATE BANK V MILLEB, SOUTH JDJLIC&TJi.. # f Incorporated under State Laws.<w%<%<w%<%, # r Tfansacts n t General Banking Busiiess. a 5 * Loans oh Live Stock. * j ? Collection* promptly made. Interest allowed on time 2 4 deposits. Your business is solicited. J ! * N j fl WOMAN HUNG | t Her arms around her husband’s neck % and bagged him to go to * j BRIGGS' BOOK STORE I And buy her some of celebrated • j ALFRED PEATS WALL PAPER : 6 From ten cents up to one dollar ner roll, and v/h!!e there to buy her daughter one of J those beautiful Ivers 0: Pond pianos and a 1 o few copies of the latest sheet music. ♦ i FURNITURE | I OF all Rinds. { 1 carpetsT i { ORGANS, j 1 PIANOS, [ j SEWING MACHINES. I Our Low prices will surprise you. Under- | I taking goods in connection. | i COQUILLETTES Furniture ftore ;J **} * l