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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXII. • SOLO OtiT. « Having sold out our big stock of goods . I and rented our store room in Miller, to give Very best prmts per yard SO3 summer vest. SO3 po«session October 3d, we wish to announce Good “ “ n °’ Cotton pants goods 15 to our many customers and the public gen- •* muslin “ 04- Colored outing flannel 7to 9c erally, that we ar going to close out our en- tickinp ,< (!8 Heavy cotton .. ( >3 tire stock consisting of dry goods clothing, . „ . n ,. ~ , . ~ . boots, shoes, hats, caps, cloaks, furnishing goods, groceries, queensware, [glassware, Press cambric jl Summer lawns 04 crockery, etc. at just what they cost deliv- Silesia nil colors 10 Table oil cloth 15 ered ill Hiller. OITCtCi-.I ,3 ail new Apron check gingham 05 Ladies wrappers 05c to 115 and most of cur new iail goods are in and j) rcss “ 07 Summer corsets 20c to 80 we can fit you out with your entire supply . , 0 _ j . , J . . , . . 1 spools of Coats thread 2o s Black satin skirts 05c to 200 of tall and winter goods and save you a great 1 many dollars. Below wc give prices on a 4 “ lmen “ 2o Ladies waists 4()c to 100 few artices the quality of which is the best. n MMMMNnwmfIMnMM : » iui i , iiin »■ »**»"--« * »"' -*a-, —-- ■■■ 1 TIM— ■l■ II I in I I I —— ■ ———- ————— riM —, See OIU’ big new stock of ladies, misses and 4* We have more dress goods, silks, velvets and trimmings tlm all oth children’s cloaks, jackets and caps-all new 1903 - —— oWtIiCM* $ '*4 Men’s suits $3 50 to 14 50 buylcls j* AX See our big new „ U/ u W Bo - vs 100t0475 — ■ —— k <•'//) stock of t,IC y />] Men’s hats 50c to 190 .fa . GROCERIES. If \ bra ted Mu using un- \ Boyß . .. 40c to p, /M H \ V? Bring in the boys Sc 20 lbs granulated sugar $1 00 Lewis lye s<>7 'll J derwear just receiv- 1 / Men’s finesh v lor t $0 / j\ lffQ\ girl* a®d fit them JML 20 lb, light C “ 100 Bc«cnn caches 20 \ / ed and tfle best \ ( „ “' * I2V / 11/l t \ out with ucw suits All packagecocce p, _ \ I ~ \ J " LJ/ LJU I k) Climax, spear head and Good peaches eg [J tne W 0...!. J Ladies’ ““135t0 $3 Os \ / «ildf/and »choo s lOC "* horse shoe plug tobacco lb 40 pears 15 Mil .. children’s “40c to 135 \ / \\ HP School begins soon Battle ax & standard navy 30 Best tomatoes \\ | J \\\ a nd von will need ITTV\ Growles smoking tobacco 15 2 ior 25 t - «■ —■ —— \ [ V\l- ’ ~ I I l I tvi “ “ 20 Best suear corn t begin to list an the goods wc have, but think we have given [ l \\ the goods. 1 J V 4 ~ , , , ~ in , . • , , . r \\ — Y»i Best tea dust alb 10 a lor ~o enough to convince you that we mean just what we say. We tell to con- ® ! “ i>(?c Japan tea 40 can pumpkin 10 gumer a only and not to other dealers. No more than $2 worth oi sugar l’ ml t “ 40c “ “ 30 “ white cherries 23 s l| —— Reat ’em nil soap 7 foV 23c 8.-st canned black cherries 23 Arm & Hammer soda ''‘j bar jair,. will go firsrt and that no line « ill be replenished, when the Best canned salmon 18 Cornstarch 04 Pyles Pearline 3 for 10 atock on hand is msposed oi. we arc through. Thanking you all lor the very liberal Good “ “ 13 9 o’clock washing tea 3 for 10 Sardines 3 boxes lor lo patronage gi\ en us in nic past 2o yenfs and hoping to see you at our closing out “ “ “ 3 for 25 Large can baked beans 13 10c mustard sardines 2 for l.» sale we remain. Yours Very Trulv Small can baked beans 08 Canned apples 10 | »■s■** . • / # . r'" " ."cOQTJ i£^et-t e f TOOTTBIPF. SirilSClllUKllS. 4 \ i-olorfd pencil mark over 4 thU i>nrnsri*npli In notice tbfttyour 0 mliMTlptlnii expire* with thin ln i *nc. if you (icnii-e the paper con- J Uti ed to your a<l<lrctm, neml one X dollar to tlm Pkf.hb. Killer. S. I>. J If tint paper will he discontinued. A number of small circuses aud tent shows of various kinds Have visited the; *..!; \: kut none of them have been first class. All ol the big shows ,n the cast this season. Just Like Salts. Aberdeen News:—John Alex ander I>owic, Elijah 11, has been naturalized and is how an American citizen. The United States has stood worse blows than this, and will doubtless be able to assimilate the prophet. OA.STOHIA. tU (to Kind You Haw Always Sojgtt Po mtv press Foreign dispatches report another case of American phobia in Germany. The cause this time is attributed to Emperor William’s courteous treatment of Americans of late. And now because City Attor ney Folk of St. Louis did his ! duty, he will in all probability i] err me the ("emocr .t.e nominee i ior governor and is even being | talked of forpresident. Honest I men must be a rare article in Missouri politics. State Register Officials of the State of Minnesota have served public notice that all millinery goods, hats or hat trimmings containing song birds or parts of song birds will be confiscated by the state. This is in keeping with a law ol that state passed last whiter. This is a good thing, and other states should get in line with Minnesota, AIILLER, 50UTM DAKOTA, THURSDAY, AUGUST ,20 1903. The Hessian Fly—For several i years, more or less damage has ; been caused by the Hessiait-fiy. *, The insect is so small that us ually the damage it does is laid to rust, drouth or other causes. The resting stage ol the Hessian fiy is a small dark body about ’ j the size of a flax seed and is found inside the lea.d/neaf ol the wheat near the lower nodes or joints. r # ' The insect lives over the winter ’! in the wheat straw and in the spring emerges as a fly which lays its eggs on the young grow , ling wheat and soon dies. These ; eggs hatch into a small white magot or grub, which feed upon 1 the wheat until they pass into 1 the resting stage. The above is taken from a bulletin issue by the Brookings experimental station. It recom mends burning ol the stubble and 1 straw in the fall. The Pkisss, and wt* believe the other local papers also,called at tention to tlie need and benefit of Miller incorporating under the new law. These suggest ions did not even disturb the “Commer cial club’’ in its sweet dreams of jw'aee and quietude. We now hav<* tb'» first* v to otter fungible evidence why Mil lei should rein corporate. A part* stands ready to build and main lain an electric light plant in Miller if he can get a franchise. Under the present incorpartion only a permit can be given, which is insufficient. Now isni it worth while for us to get. bus\ and do something if we grow and progress? When a town starts to move one thinginduces another. Start one or two enter prises and others are sure to follow. Bttntto . Ike Kad Yaa Haw Bwgftl jjras S22SSHSS2SHSaS2SZSSSESaSHSSSHSHS2SasaSSSESHS2£ asg ilf you appreciate highest prices for ycur uj country produce, such as eggs, butter, poultry, § etc., ship same to § LESEBHSf! ESS, j “j 114 West Randolph st., Chicago, Ilf. D| [jj They have the largest grocery market and § | hotel trades to supply daily, which enables them 5j jjj to dispose of any quantity you ship to them. | § THE EDITOR. g Gj P. S. If you desire any sp<J.'i information, jjj B they will be only too pleased to furnish same if | ® you correspond with them. | lISHS , asaSHS?SHSZSrEiSSS^!?=L£rES2!r£SaFSSr2£Jc , J?EiSESi:£S2SaS Don’t Worry about th echildie having the croup. It does no good and wears you out. Just get a bottle of Dole's Cough Cure. It’s the best ever. It promptly relieves and cures a rough in a wov to stay cured. Children like it. 27> and "»(><*. Guaranteed to satisfy by J. I). Fitsgerald. BStBl agawf i 1; The sight of several loads o Indians in top buggies and carrying umbtellas was the in teresting spectacle seen here this week- If the iel men would adopt only the good customs of the white man such as using modern vehicles etc. tl.eir civili zation would be an eas matte* NO. 36 V ' v i