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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
A . * VOL. XXII. Of our closing out sale remains. We have had a splendid trade ever since we commenced, and hundreds have taken advantage of our wholesale prices and laid in a supply of fall and winter goods, and saved a great many dollars. We still have a full assortment of fall and winter goods left, and you delay too long. Having: sold out our big: stock of goods and rented our store room in Miller, to give possession October 3d, we wish to announce to our many customers and the public gen erally, that we ar going to close out our en tire stock consisting of drygoods f clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, cloaks, furnishing goods, groceries, queensware, [glassware, crockery, etc. at just what they cost deliv ered in Hiller. Our stock is nearly all new and most of our new tall goods are in and we can fit you out with your entire supply of fall and winter goods and save you a great many dollars. Below we give prices on a few artices the quality of which is the best. See our big new stock of ladies, misses and children’s cloaks, jackets and caps-all new 1903 styler. GROCERIES. Hring in the boys & 20 lbs granulated sugar $1 00 Lewis lve SO7 girls and fit them 2 > lbs light C “ 100 Best can peaches 20 out with new suits All pack ace coffee 10 “ “pears 20 , , , *. C imax, spear head and Good peaches & and school shoes. , , r • /horse shoe plug tobacco lb 40 pears 15 School begins soon Battle a* 6c standard navy 20 Best tomatoes and you will need Growles smoking tobacco 15 2 for 25 the goods. (/ U\ IXL “ “ 20 Best sugar corn Best ten dust alb 10 3 for 25 w ' * “ 50c Japan tea 40 “ can pumpkin 10 * 40c “ “ 30 “ white cherries 23 Beat ’em all soap 7 for 25c Best canned black cherries 25 Arm & Hammer soda 05 White Lilly “ “ 25c Lilly Glow starch 05 Bird seed * 05 Best canned salmon IS Cornstarch 04 Pyles Pcarlinc 3 for 10 Good “ “ 13 9 o’clock washing tea 3 for 10 Sardines 3 boxes for 10 “ “ “ 3 for 25 Large can baked beans 13 10c mustard sardines 2fo • 15 Small can baked beans OS Canned apples 10 «BR3*Efc^j^3^iajSC2?!ss : *« rOOllslDKvrnscnilW'llS X A colored pencil murk over a > Uilh purntrrapli Ik notice thnt.vour i x subscription expires with thin is- X x sue. It von desire the paper eon- x X tlnueil to your address. send one Je dollar to the I’iiehs, Miller, S, 1). ¥ If not pa|H*r will be dltooiitlnu >d. P '-1 And now conies Dowie with a | new flag which he wishes to i substitute for Old Glory. We will j [■try to wriggle along lor a while i [however on the little piece of Blunting we are now using. B The grove a: & Kc ting ••h- v ; s a .*en m* * . taming a ■ tit a , If' c. P s- // ' ' ■ ;.f„ *2m j 75ro&< :7 ,• / p ■ i 'KEE&m;. ONLY 3 M2RE WEEKS Petit Jurors. Hotny fit. Lawrence. O. VV. Arbouust, 101)-70 Win. Thompson.. US-07 Charles Moncnr, 314-08 L- D. iivang. 31J 07 Allen Jones. 112-07 Wilber McGee 114-70 Frank Denter. 114-09 W\ J. Davy, St- Lawrence Frank Tro timin', 114-00 O. i'owdni, i|| lil-70 A. C. Wharton 114 07 P. J. Dunn, Miller John Lee, H 9 70 : Carl Selsa-fors, 115-GO i C. i 1 l • • i Sp>. Ki. i:, 112-CO Le .vi . McDonald 111-00 i W. A- Scott, 110-69: !?. A. Phinney, Miller | J.. J. Cummings, Miller John Almond, 112 69; F. P. Brown, 113-67! L. M. Henyon R h Miller) REE HEIGHTS. Margery Gardner was very j /• / :Sfaaa«iig«f ' -M 4 . yl .n.; 4 W. , -J >!P i.a%m *»vcl}:<%, SHtSMSjfe Swl MILLER, SOUTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 1003. Very best prints per yard $ 05 Good “ “ 03 “ muslin “ 04. “ ticking “ 08 Dress cambric q 4 Silesia all colors -jo Apron check gingham o 5 Dress “ 07 7 spools of Coatsthread o -4 “ linen “ o sick Inst week with appon li itis hut is rapidly recovering. School eonirneneed Monday ’..iHi Mr. MerleDngno,fromClark as principal. and Miss Anna Shea of Miller assistant. They are hoarding at Mr. Seiretmerlioru's. ! Misses Mine Scott, Rertie Wen ink Stela and'land Derry are attendin';- school here. , Tli* £ve months old halo of Mr. and Mrs. On in Hall, d»-*d nt the home of Mr. i’crkhm -f,Trr: - ; day morning. Mr. Spiers arrived a week ago, j with a i a rge stock of goods. and i r'*paii i:•!.»- the Lansing budding and will open a general slot ■ as soon iisthepost-ollice is rernovt d. Mr. White sold his large flock of: beep to a gentleman from lowa, and they wei ‘shipped o it j Tuesday. Mr. Harney snipped| tlie same day two earloads ‘ of.) cuttle, which he purchased from} tin* fanners. 'Pile fi’st wheat was brought to market last Saturday. The; J. W. COQ UTI^ETTE 1 ’ "J • *JWl'.'i. *iki We have more dress goods, silks, velvets and trimmings tha all oth er stores in Hand county combined and the goods are right. •• -mmmm —fiwt——Mtffatn—■ —i<r. r ..'wm —w—n—iau—mt « v.- ■ i-.Ttrmmmtm 4na ~ , , Tif Men’s suits $3 50 to 14 50 See oi!r big new v* j / t (\ Bovs’ “ 100 to 475 T/V vM stock of the cele-/ \ \\ • * 1 H Ls \ Men’s wnts 50c to 190 // j/fje (\ \ brated Munsing un- v , ~~ II 7/ 1 \ J \ I Ho - vs “ 40c to 75 / J ./M- I \ / derwearjust receiv- / A , f / t\. xs) j ed and die best in \ j jj oys’ 0 ys’ “ “ 100 tos2 I / the world. JU Ladies’ ““135 to $3 children’s “ 40c to 135 \ / ' • U*r» mmii h« if f *""*•»***• m • him • iuji* m■■ •taAjki n;ww/ imimiivi irunaa 1 J We can’t begin to iist all the goods we have, but think weliavc given enough to convince you that we mean just what we say. We sell to eon- j sr.mers only and not to other dealers. No more than $2 worth or sugar JJ 1 to any customeranct strictly for cash. Pie:«se remember that the best bargains will go firsrt and that no line will he replenished, Adieu the stock on hand is disposed of. we are through. Thanking you all lor the very liberal patronage given us in the past 20 years and hoping to see you at our closing out sale we remain, Yours Very Trulv, veteran grain linver O. C. Willett is still agent for the Atlas Eleva tor Co. , The annual thunk offering • meeting of Indies missionary society was held last Sunday.; The program was lengthy hut good. Recently lightning struck a chimney on (J. C. Willef t’s leu:; * arid tearing off a few bricks' struck the ground near the) Ininher yard last week, it sire k i a cliiiniioy on Mr. Russell's liouse and Sunday night visited ! Dr. SitiiHi'K striking the chimney | and descending into the insr-j ment. Phis is coming u iitt;M nearer than most people like, hut ( very fortunately no one was :n --.i u red. Mr. Stslinett horn liiuoislmsl purchased a carload of horses! in this vicinity. J!L »H W C3> M jSm , ' 'T‘OL«MSS : 3f '* j i i»v & silk mamM Ladies summer vests $ 0’ Cotton pants goods 15 Colored outing flannel 7 to 9c Heavv cotton “ 08 Turkey red table linen 20 I Summer lawns . I Table oil cloth 15 Ladies wrappers 65c to 1 15 Summer corsets 20c to 80 I Black satin skirts 65c to 200 | Ladies waists 40c to 100 U ' jjiZs ST2?ISS'E 55H5E5T25 SSILjSSHSGSSSIEISP.S HSHITELSci] ESI’ £Si> j(0 ''* r: Bj « ■'» 3*5 I'TlEaL?' 1 ' T lEaL?' ft you appreciate highest prices for your wj Sj country produce, such as eggs, butter, poultry. ![' 1 jjj etc., shin same to ' . LESEHMJSI. BROS., jn 114 West Randolph st., Chicago, lib m* I J < feflffiffiHlH i fl>' v >f r> «ney ,Jave the largest grocery market and e, ft ho-el trades to supply daily, which enubies them | Pj to dispose of any quantity you ship to them. IS THE EDITOR. jjj Oj S. If you di sire any special information, ($ ft they will only too pleased to furnistf same if ft IJ you correspond with them. f ;ftj jB EaStSZLSH l»i*intr in the J oys an 1 mid Mi them out with suits Bind’e :';. our hor.-es and cattle, s hoo! shoes at (ost. .J. W. j 1 '<» " n’i nford to c without CoquiiK- 11<. 1 oteiinarv Oarbalisalve. if is a money save.- or it quickly - ires imb, u»slls and gores with lh • • Burr.-i >a!t $1 .*JS at J. o;t tear. . o’Jc end by W.roqusdette. I IYH‘rceraW. 28t.i nj la WMh. .■.. V t ■'tat Ksri nerjuat •r fM NO. 39 m . S m'M ' L. g i * ■ r* J "•; - , -| 1&? 2 fT '£ ~r ■ IIP l -0m : ' ' ; 0 V ' • . V . ;'f ' £■, ?ST9Ji'il.jljhl \ t ft i i ;■ < . thBI