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Notice of Sale of Beal Estate ■TATB OF SOUTH DAKOTA. County of Hand. To Whom It May Concern; Take Notice I. Thomas Trythall. Treasurer of Hand County in the State of South Dakota do hereby give public notice, in accord ance with law, that I will on the first Monday of November next, being the sec ond day of November, A. D. 1903, sell in the manner provided by law, all lands and real property in said Hand County South Dakota, on which the taxes of I'.mio and prior years remuln unpaid, for the taxes, both real and personal, due and unpaid thereon. Said sale will be held at the office of said treasurer of said Hand County, In the Court House In the Town of Miller, in said County, between the hours of nine o’clock A. M. and four o’clock P. M., and will be continued from aay to day until all have been sold. Fur ther notice is given that the following list hereto annexed and included in this notice is a list of the lands and lots to ba sold and the amount of taxes, both real and personal, due thereon. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at the office of the County Treasurer in the Town of Miller, In the County of Hand and State of South Dakota this Ist day of October, A. D. 194»3. (Seal.) THOMAS TRYTHALL, Treasurer of Hand County, South Da kota. SP H » JS * V 5! J* 3 p £ Description. 9 ? ”§ p “ • • • • • • • • • • • • * • * * BATES TOWNSHIP. NeW 1 109 CG fit.ll EM; of nwW arid nV4 of se»4 l 109 fits in.m SeW ft 109 0<; 12.0 s Se'4 7 I**9 on 12.12 NeVi 8 109 (Ml l().ir> NwW 8 109 0)0 10.18 Sw'/i 8 1410 o>« lo so Se'4 9 1011 on 12.08 SwV* 10 109 66 11.80 Wl4 of seVi and p’4 cf neW 1." 109 00 9.51 N>4 of ne’4 15 199 00 4.07 NwW 1" 109 06 11.04 NeVi 17 109 60 12.08 Lots 3 and 4 and ne'4 of swW 19 109 00 8.0." SeW of sww 19 109 00 2.77 N-W 19 109 00 10.j.j SeV, 19 100 no 10.15 NwW 20 109 00 10.78 WVf of sww and neVi of sw'4 20 109 66 7.53 WW of nwV, 20 109 00 4.91 Sww of i.w'4 and nwW of sw'4 ind s'4 of sw>4 27 109 00 8.05 EM, of se'4 28 109 00 4.91 Nw'/* 29 109 00 9.72 SeW 30 100 00 11.21 Nw*4 30 109 60 11.32 NwW 32 100 00 8.05 EW of new 33 109 00 4.37 W% of neW 33 100 *l6 6.08 Be’/* 33 109 00 10.00 Wt 4 cf ne'4 and se’4 of new and se’4 of nw'4.35 109 00 9.00 ROSE HILL TOWN SHIP. NwW 1 110 00 9.50 Sw% 1 HO 00 9.13 Ne‘4 2 110 00 9.13 Nwii 2 110 00 9.13 SeW 2 110 00 9.13 NeVi 4 110 00 9.13 Se(4 7 110 00 9.13 Nw‘4 7 110 00 10.15 New 7 110 <Hi 9.1.3 Nw'4 8 110 60 9.13 Nth of ne‘4 and eM, of nw'4 10 110 00 9.39 Sw‘4 10 110 00 9.13 Ne'4 11 no (Ml 913 So'4 12 110 00 9.13 WW of seV4 and se’4 of awW 13 110 06 C. 77 NMj of sw>4 and sw'4 of ne>4 and se',4 of nw'/*.13 110 00 9.13 SeW of neW 13 110 66 2.38 EVi of seVi 13 110 06 4.89 SW of ne'/4 and nW of se'4 14 110 66 948 WW of nw'4 14 110 00 4.02 Se'4 15 110 66 9.93 Part of nwW of nw’4. .18 110 00 .38 Sw'4 22 110 00 9.13 NeV* 21 110 60 9.30 Nw'4 of ne'4 24 110 00 2.38 Ne'4 25 110 00 9.13 SeV* 25 110 00 9.13 SwVi 2S 110 00 9.13 NMi of neVi 28 no 6*l 4.02 Sw'4 29 110 06 9.13 Se'4 29 110 00 700 NeW 32 110 00 9.13 So% 32 110 00 9.13 Sw'4 ...: 33 110 00 9.01 W«i of e% 35 110 66 9.01 HI LBERT TOWN SHIP. SeV* of se 14....' « 111 4 0 2.52 Ne'4 10 111 06 8.80 Nw‘4 of ne*/4 and sW of ne'4 18 111 00 7.57 NV4 of se'4 19 111 00 449 KW of se'/» 19 111 *l*l 5.01 WW of sw‘4 20 lit 00 4.31 SeW 22 111 00 940 Sw'* 27 111 00 4.89 SeW 28 111 06 4.80 E'/j of sw'4 28 111 06 2. fir, NwW 28 111 00 8.01 Ne'« 29 111 06 8.01 Nw'4 29 111 o*l 8.80 Ne'4 .’a* 111 06 B.nt Sel/. <in ill «o 9.30 Se'4* !.”!!.!..-'il ill 66 8'53 Ne'/, 32 111 00 9.19 BwV* 32 111 00 8.80 N'i of nw'4 83 111 00 2.40 Nw'4 35 111 00 9.49 Se’4 '.35 111 66 049 GRAND TOWNSHIP. Sw l ! 1 112 00 10.50 Ne% 2 112 66 15.59 SVj of nw W 6 112 06 6.45 Lots 1 and 2 and sW of ne'4 6 112 06 16.30 Lots 3 and 4of nwV4--- ‘1 112 00 11.03 Sou 7 112 00 10.95 Se'4 10 112 00 11.08 Ne'4 18 112 «6 11.30 Nw'4 18 112 60 15.19 SeVi 18 112 60 11.19 Sw'i 18 112 00 10.95 Sw'4 22 112 66 11.90 Se'4 22 112 06 10.52 Nwl4 3t* 112 no 6.00 NwC 31 112 041 11.06 Sw'4 34 112 00 5.53 GILBERT TOWN SHIP. NeW .6 113 00 10.30 Ne'4 13 113 66 5.2) NwW 13 113 06 5.95 Sel4 13 113 tW G."l Se'4 19 113 416 5.02 Sw’i 19 113 410 5.31 Sw'4 24) 113 64. 6.20 NeW 29 113 06 5.2 > Nw’U 29 113 06 5.413 SeW 29 113 06 10.34) Sw'4 .....29 113 60 5.20 Ne'4 30 113 06 5.::7 Ne'4 :52 113 66 10.344 BURDETTE TOWN SHIP. NeW 2 114 06 U. 05 Sw'4 2 111 4>o 541 Se'4 10 114 60 5.42 NeV* 11 H 4 66 5.79 NwW 11 114 416 5.63 Sw'4 23 114 06 5.41 BeV* 23 114 60 508 NeVi 24 114 641 5.41 SeVi 24 114 *46 5.73 Sw'4 21 114 66 5.41 NeW 25 114 66 10.73 NeW 24) 114 416 5.41 NeVi 28 114 06 11.15 SeVi 30 114 416 11.03 NwW 32 114 66 5.41 WHEATON TOWN SHIP. SwW 2 115 66 12.40 Sel4 3 115 60 12.53 NeW 3 115 66 1193 Ne'4 » 115 041 13.98 NeV» 13 115 06 13 98 Sey 4 15 115 60 13.98 NeVi 1» 115 «6 13.9.8 NwW ..19 115 66 11.93 NwU 21 113 4(6 n. 93 SeW 22 115 416 11.93 SwW 20 115 66 13 97 NwW .20 115 041 10.30 SwW 27 115 00 11.93 B#W 28 115 66 11.93 SwW 28 115 till 12.16 New 29 115 66 11.03 Hl I -;.. .......... - 9 Tsrrrr —r- ttv:, . for Taxes. •i \t • . Mk 44 ? J D**erlptlon. * 3 B" •7 • • • • • • • . • • • • • j WHEATON TOWN- ’ 1 4 sllll (Continued.) * 115 418 11.93 a,7 * 115 06 9.70 S'jf. 115 66 12.39 *> . ‘ 115 4)0 11.93 PLATO TOWNSHIP. i hr 60 13.89 ‘ V •••; • 2 110 tiO 16.73 Lots l and 2. seVi of new 5 116 60 12.411 o£ n «'.s 5 110 06 4.27 of nww and nw of vJ*, 7 116 66 9.43 jjwu ia> **» iz f>l eJ;/* 116 66 10.76 v' e i f 116 4i6 13.37 ijr.f* 116 66 12.2.8 Sl’fc 116 66 11.29 spring lake town ship. ;l v 1 100 67 13.4)4 £•*» 3 109 67 o.B^ sw of Nf, a lu; , u 7 0.84 oi a•„ 4 io*J 67 15.00 )A)a of sv\v» o jou 67 6.84 t; e . v * 9 lU9 67 13.04 S/a of bW lU9 67 13.64 e V V'* - 14 100 67 15.64 “ w '4 lU9 67 11.46 4 lU9 67 13.64 V , , t ‘ v * 109 67 6.09 ®‘ '' 33 lU9 67 13.64 ® w * 100 67 12.2 a se ‘‘ 14/9 67 13.64 HILANJL) TOWNSHIP. 8 110 67 10.68 £ ,e ‘* 110 67 10.419 i 12 llu 87 10.02 b‘a of siv',4 i( no i,7 0.48 Lot l and e',i of swill... 18 110 67 6.05 < of nw',4...; lo no o 7 2.21 S'j of nww and i*W of awW m H4> 67 10.418 Sew 30 HO 67 10.6'' Sw*» 33 110 67 11.18 PEARL TOWNSHIP. SeVi 4 111 67 19.33 Se'4 u> in 67 19.52 SWW 11 111 (17 19.52 New 13 111 67 19.32 Ni W 14 111 4i7 19.52 Nww 14 111 67 19.32 Se'4 14 111 67 114.52 NeV* 15 111 67 19.32 N> W 17 111 67 9.72 Nw‘4 17 111 67 19.32 Sw'4 17 111 67 9.72 New 19 111 4)7 16.27 SeW 114 111 67 1 7.448 NeVi 20 HI 67 9.72 SeW 20 111 67 10.23 Sw'W 20 111 07 17.08 SeW 21 111 67 19.33 SeW 23 111 67 19.33 NwW 25 111 67 • 19.32 NeV* 26 111 (’.7 19.32 SeW 26 111 67 19.32 SeW of Sw 1 /* 26 111 67 5.04 NeW 27 111 67 9.72 Ne*4 29 111 67 19.93 SeW 29 111 67 19.33 Lot 1 and neVi of nwW of ne»/* 30 111 67 14.84 NeW 33 111 67 16.38 NeW of se'4 33 111 t>7 4.91 S*4 of seW .’53 111 07 8.19 NW of ne'4 and sw'4 of new and nwV« of se' /4 . .34 111 67 19.33 Ne'4 of se'4 and seW of neW 34 111 67 0.72 Nw'4 34 111 67 18.38 NH of -wH 35 111 67 9.72 ST. LAWRENCE • TOWNSHIP. NwW 2 112 67 13.39 NeW 8 112 67 19.04 New 9 112 67 1.8.25 SeV* 9 112 67 20.09 Ne'4 10 112 67 18.25 NwW 19 112 417 16.81 Ne'4 12 112 4)7 18.25 SwW 13 112 67 17.47 NwW 14 111 67 8.41 Ne'4 22 Ills 67 17.55 New 26 112 07 18.25 YORK TOWNSHIP. WW of seW 2 11.3 67 5.81 SwW 2 113 67 13 25 Sew 3 113 (17 11.17 SwW 3 113 67 ILI7 NeW 4 113 67 11.56 Nw'4 4 113 67 11.56 Sew 5 113 67 5.82 Ne'4 10 113 67 6.48 NwW •' 10 113 67 11.71 Se‘4 14) 113 67 5.78 SwW 19 113 67 13.12 SeW 13 113 *l7 6.67 Ne'4 14 113 67 5.86 Se'i 14 113 67 5.74 NeW 15 113 67 11.63 NwW 15 113 67 11.86 NeW 17 113 67 6.95 NwV* 17 113 67 7.39 Se'4 17 113 67 0.24 SwW 17 113 (57 6.24 NeV, 23 113 67 5.74 New 24 113 07 6.13 HOLDEN TOWNSHIP. Nw'4 5 114 67 495 SwW 5 114 67 4.71 Nw'4 « 114 (17 9.02 New 11 114 67 9.32 Nw‘4 11 114 67 10.(53 SeW 12 114 67 9.62 Nw'4 13 114 67 9.32 SwV* 13 114 67 0.32 NeW 14 114 67 9.97 Nw'4 14 114 67 9.81 Se'4 14 114 (57 10.63 SwW 1 s 114 67 10.46 SeW 18 114 67 11.11 NwW 21 114 67 10.63 NeV« 22 114 67 10.63 Ne'4 27 114 67 9.32 He'4 27 114 67 9.62 Ne'4 28 114 67 10.03 SO, 29 114 67 9.(‘2 SwW 34 114 67 11.22 Ne'4 35 114 67 9.32 Nw W 33 114 67 10.63 CARLTON TOWN SHIP. SwW « 115 67 12.118 Se'4 7 115 67 5,81 NeW 14 115 »57 1 3.94* NeV* •••••••••••••.••...18 llu 6* 4) 48 Ne'4 19 115 67 11.50 NwW 19 115 67 13.41 NeW 22 115 67 13.41 Nw'4 25 115 67 13.41 Sw'4 27 115 67 13.41 NwW 30 115 67 13.40 Nw'4 34 115 67 12.06 LINN TOWNSHIP. NwW 1 116 67 12.16 New 2 116 67 6.13 N'W of nwW and seW of nwW 2 116 67 4.81 Sw'4 2 110 67 580 New 7 110 67 6.13 SW of neW and e'4 of r.w'4 8 116 67 7.48 Sw'4 9 116 67 5.13 Ne'4 10 116 67 6.12 NwW 14 116 67 11.70 Ne'/« 28 116 07 13.59 SeW 28 116 67 13.59 PLEASANT VALLEY TOWNSHIP. NeW 1 100 08 9.83 t and 2 and sW of neW 4 109 68 9.91 NeW of ne’4 5 109 4S 2.54 SVj of ewW 5 100 68 4.41 NW of nw'4 and seW of nwW and neW of swW. 8 109 68 8.74 NwW 18 100 68 0.93 SeW 18 109 68 4.96 Se'4 4° 100 68 9.42 Nw'4 20 100 68 9.93 NeW 20 109 08 9.93 SwW 21 100 68 9.93 NVV of neW and aeW of neW 22 109 68 8.73 SeW of aeW 22 109 68 1.09 NWW 23 109 418 4.42 SeW of bwW 23 109 68 1.09 WW of awW and neW of swW 23 109 68 3.63 NwW 25 109 68 8.74 SeW' 25 109 68 4.42 SwW 25 109 68 4.42 OHIO TOWNSHIP. NwW 10 110 68 9.97 SeW 11 HO 68 11.00 N,*W 12 110 (18 9,97 NwW 12 110 68 11.68 Sw* 12 110 68 11.00 ■ ■ v- ' . . .. : '•. ' isPE'''-iw*" ‘Atv,’/' j.’r.i; ‘ ' #* /jtfTC 1? gf! A Description. 9 w? * * :J • • :: : : ;* : . OHIO TOWNSHIP (Continued.) . ... SeW 13 110 68 $ 5.58 NeW 15 110 68 11.0*5 SeW 15 114) 68 997 SwW 22 110 *'H 11.06 NeW 23 lU> (58 9.1*7 NwW 23 110 08 11. On SeW 23 110 68 11.4 W SwW 25 110 68 11.06 NwW of swW 26 110 68 2.85 SW of nwW and nwW or nwW 26 HO 68 821 NwW 28 110 <SB 11.08 NeW 32 110 68 99. N4of nw 35 110 68 12 14 LOGAN TOWNSHIP. SeW 12 HI 68 12.59 NeW 17 111 68 7.16 «» «• ««* r*o r» or rt»‘* 11 *». "•—* NW Of ?eW 17 HI «W 3-’2 NeW 18 HI <SB «.3.> SeV* 18 HI ,; 8 6.3.) NeW 19 111 68 635 Nw'4 21 HI *SB 12. .>8 NeW 23 111 <SB 12.23 SeW 24 HI «8 12 58 NeW 24 HI 08 12 •>8 Lo’a 3 and 4 and eW of swW 30 111 68 1041 SwW 31 111 45S 1223 SeW 33 111 68 12.i>9 MILLER TOWNSHIP. Lot 4 of nw', 1 112 68 9.<»9 Lot 1 of neW 2 112 68 9.:’.4 SeW *. 7 112 t’-s 18. mi Part of neW of ne', 10 112 68 LSI) Farce! 1 part of se‘4 of swW 11 112 68 22 SeW 23 112 458 20.3.3 SwW 23 112 68 20.33 SwW 29 112 68 10.05 ALPHA TOWNSHIP. S'4 of nw‘4 22 113 68 4.90 Nw' 34 113 68 9.60 Sw'4 35 113 OS 4.0.) FLORENCE TOWN SHIP. New 3 114 *SB 10.41 NwV* 3 114 *)8 9.7'i New 7 114 6.8 10 14* Nw * 7 111 *SB 10.40 XeW 9 114 68 5*.7*1 Nw'A 11 HI <8 10(1 Se', 11 114 68 10.41 NwW 14 11* 68 M.lil New 15 111 0.8 lo w* - e'-i 17 114 68 10.41 NwW 17 114 6.8 Sc 1 , 22 111 458 9.75 S-.vW 26. 114 68 10.41 w 32 114 68 10.41 i-OWELL TOWNSHIP. NeW 3 115 (58 11.53 SeW 7 115 68 4.03 NW W 13 115 458 11.50 S'.j of new and new of r.eW 14 115 68 7.01 SaW I* 115 68 4.90 So', 25 115 08 4 *s') Nw'* 25 115 4*B 9.20 New 25 115 08 5.80 NeW 34 115 08 9.22 PARK TOWNSHIP. Lots 1 and 2 and seW of neW 1 116 68 9.29 WVj of nwW 1 116 68 5.36 Sew 1 116 08 5.30 WVj of ne'W and seW of new 2 116 458 7.97 NeW of neW 2 116 (58 2.72 Sew of neV* 3 116 68 2.72 NwW 5 110 *lB 10.4*1 NeW 6 116 68 17.29 SeW 6 116 68 10.49 NwW 6 116 08 10.48 SwW 8 11(1 (58 (i. 14 NeV* 10 11*1 458 10.57 SeW 40 116 68 10.57 Nw'4 11 116 68 1223 SwW I* 116 458 10.58 NwW 12 116 «8 5,35 NeW 13 lit! 6-8 10.58 NwW 15 116 68 10.60 SeW 15 118 68 10.60 Sew 16 116 68 12.10 NeV* 17 11« »W 5.45 NwW 17 116 68 5.56 SeW 17 116 68 5.36 Sw'/* .. 17 116 68 5.36 SeW 1« HO 68 5.3(1 SwW 18 116 <lB 5.34 SwW 21 116 68 10.58 NwW 25 116 68 10.01 Lots 3 and 4 and eW °f sw W 30 116 68 9.39 Lots 1 and 2 and eW of nwW 31 116 68 0.29 NeW 31 116 68 6.07 Lots 3 and 4 and eW of swV* 31 116 68 9.39 New 32 116 418 12.06 NwW 32 116 68 10.61 MONDAMIN TOWN SHIP. Nw’4 1 100 69 12.82 NWW 6 1(1) 61) 12.81 NeW 8 109 69 12.81 NeW 1° 60 12.81 NwW I* 109 (59 12.81 Se'4 18 109 60 12.82 Ne'4 19 109 (50 11.23 SwW 23 109 69 12.81 WW of ne'4 and new of ne'4 and neW of nw'4..24 I**o 69 10.88 SwW 27 109 69 12.81 SeW 31 100 60 12.80 SeVi 32 109 69 12.90 GLENDALE TOWN SHIP. NeW 6 110 69 7.01 WW °f nwW and wW of swW 6 HO 60 666 SeV* 8 110 60 18.23 NeW 11 HO 60 15.67 NeW 17 110 69 16.(18 SeW 17 110 69 15.67 Sv’W 17 HO 69 15.77 NwV* 17 110 69 13.92 Nw'4 21 110 69 14 <ll Sw'i 21 110 69 18.91 SeW 22 110 69 6.90 SwW 23 110 60 7.00 Ne'4 24 110 69 15.70 WW of sw'i 24 110 <59 3.54 NwV* 24 110 69 7.00 SwW 27 110 60 15.76 Ne'4 33 HO 60 15.76 NeW 34 110 69 13.92 E'A of se'4 and swW of seW 34 110 69 12.75 NeW 35 110 60 12.89 ROCKDALE TOWN SHIP. SeW 4 HI GO 087 SeW 5 111 69- 13.21 SeW « 111 69 13.62 SeW 0 111 69 13.13 NeVi 25 111 69 11.73 EW of nw' 25 111 69 6.48 SeW 35 111 69 13.88 MIDLAND TOWN SHIP. Lots 1 and 2 and sW of neW 3 112 60 10 62 Lots 1 and 2 of ne'/ t .... 4 112 69 8.51 SeW 4 112 69 852 Lot 3 5 112 60 1.97 SwW 6 112 69 9.37 WW of seW and sW of swW 7 112 69 8.75 NW of nwW 7 112 69 4.83 Sw'W 8 112 60 3.99 NwW 1° 112 «0 8-'2 NW of rwVi 15 112 60 4.83 Sw of nwW and wH of swW 21 112 69 2.84 WW of neVi and nW of nwW 21 112 60 3.45 NwW 26 112 4*o 4.53 NeW 27 112 60 7.87 SwW 27 112 69 7.48 SwW 29 112 09 0.82 GREENLEAF TOWN SHIP. SwW 8 113 69 11.23 NwW * H 3 69 0.H3 R* W 4 113 60 10.53 NeW 9 113 60 in w* SwW 12 113 69 545 New 15 113 69 5.45 NwW 15 H 3 69 10.80 SwW t 15 113 69 10.84) Lots 3 and 4 and eW of swW 18 113 60 10.79 SeVi 19 113 69 10 79 NeW 22 113 69 10.79 NeW 20 113 69 10.79 NW of neW 81 113 60 11.68 NwW 34 113 69 10.80 SeVi 34 113 69 11.08 ALDEN TOWNSHIP. SeW 8 114 69 8.15 NwW 4 114 00 8.15 Nw‘4 5 H 4 69 8.15 NwW 11 114 <» 8.16 NeWW 12 114 69 8.15 hieV* ••••••••••••••••••* 15 114 69 8.15 NeW 21 114 60 8.15 SwW 22 114 60 8.15 Sw’i 24 114 60 8.15 NwW 25 lift 69 8.15 NwV* 31 114 69 8.15 SeV* 32 114 09 8.15 BwW 84 114 Of 8.14 ' ■ Ji 3a JJa f ; , . • ~ ~ 3 mt ' mm EK 441 4 Description. a -a § 5“ : ; : • • • * • • FAIRVIEW TOWN SHIP. ft 115 69 0 4.14 NwW 5 lift 09 4.30 £*e'., 7 115 t,ii 4:u £ w > 115 69 10 33 B*fVi 25 115 tSI 10.33 s<> '-* 115 69 8.17 SPRING TOWNSHIP. SeW of ne'* and lots 1 and 2 1 116 69 9.00 Sw',* of ne', 1 11(1 69 3.08 Lot 4 and s'j of nwW.. 1 11*1 «» 11.20 Lot 3 1 lit) tip 3,<iß SwW of nwU 2 11(1 6P 3,08 So'* of new 3 U 6 09 3.0» Sw'i of neV* and lots 1 and 2 .. H lit! lip 13.47 Sw'* of nwW and lota 3 and 1 3 116 <59 I?<>4 N'... of ne'.* and swW of ne'* 4 nti 09 12.04 SeW of new 4 116 (i'.t 3>2 Ni'* 10 116 69 14.22 SeW 11 llti 69 12.04 Sw'» 11 11*1 69 12.04 Nw'* 11 11(1 69 12**1 NeW 11 11*1 4IP 12.04 NeW 12 116 6'.* 12.-14 SeW 12 110 69 12.<H SwW 12 1 111 HP 13.47 SeW 13 116 09 12**4 NeW 14 llti OP 12.04 SwW 23 11*1 r-P 12.04 SwW 24 111! OP 12.04 N- W 25 114$ 09 14 22 W'.j of sw l , 25 llti up o.ot E'i Of se'* 20 110 419 7.lit NW, 29 110 69 14 22 COMO TOWNSuIP. K'v of neW and nVj of sc’, .. 3 Ilf* 70 7.95 NeW 3 I**9 7*> 9.413 Lots 2 and 3 and seW <>f nwW and neW of gwW. 7 1o» 70 9.07 Ne • In Hi!* To 9.07 Ne'.* 11 1• !) To 8.4 H Lot 1 IS lop 70 2.32 SwW 24 14.19 70 8.98 CKDAR TOW NSHIP. EW of tn : 1 and e'-j of seW : l 110 70 8.30 SwW 1 110 7<* 3.48 NeW 2 lit* To 4.29 NeW 11 no 70 10.04 Sw'i 13 1M 70 8.30 SeW 14 no 70 10.87 NeW 24 110 70 8.30 NwVi 24 lb' in 8 34* SwW 24 110 To 10.87 SeW 24 lit* TO 8.30 Nw'i 25 114* 70 10 91) SwW 25 no 70 *3O Sc-W 25 111* 70 8.30 S'-w 26 no to B.;*' SPRING HILL TOWN SHIP. SeW 13 111 70 B.til SW of neW and n'4 of seW 11 111 70 5.84 SeW 18 111 70 2.80 NeW 19 111 70 2.8*1 SeW 19 111 70 2 B*l SwW 20 111 70 5.4:0 NeV* 22 111 7<* 5.60 Sw'/* 22 111 70 2.85 SeV* 23 111 70 5.(10 Nw'i 23 111 70 531 SwW 23 111 70 5.01 Nw'i 24 111 7<> 5.01 Nw'i 25 111 70 5.01 NeW 27 111 70 2.85 SwW of swW 27 111 70 .77 NwW 27 111 70 2.85 NW of swV* and seli of swW 27 111 70 207 SrW cf seW 28 111 70 .77 NeW *6f seW 28 111 70 .77 Kl 4 of sw'i and nW of seW 28 111 70 291 NeV* 30 111 70 2.55 NCj of net* and lots 5 and <’. 32 111 70 2.00 NW of ne'4 and nW of seW 33 lit 70 2.90 NW of nw'i 34 ill 70 1.32 REE HEIGHTS TOWN SHIP. SVj Of new 2 112 70 6.48 SwV* 2 112 70 12.83 SwW 5 112 70 12.83 Lots 1, 2 and 3 7 112 70 7.19 NwV* 8 112 70 12.83 NVj of neW 11 112 70 (5.48 NW of neW 12 112 70 6.48 SeW of nw'* and neW of sw’i 13 112 70 6.48 SW of no'. 14 112 70 6.48 SeV, of neW 15 112 70 3.29 Nw’4 21 112 70 12.83 NW of ne'i nnd n',<| of r.w', 29 112 70 12.82 NeW 31 112 7'* 12.83 Lots 1,2, 3 and 4 31 112 70 10.73 SeV, 31 112 70 6.47 Sw'4 32 H 2 70 6.80 RIVERSIDE TOWN SHIP. Nw’i 1 113 70 7.21 SeV, 1 113 70 11.93 Sw'i 1 113 70 6.511 So'* 2 113 70 11.93 NwW 5 113 70 7.15 NeW 7 113 70 721 Nw'i 7 113 70 6.47 Se'i 0 113 70 7.21 NeW 11 113 70 7.21 Sw'i 17 113 70 7.21 Sw'4 22 113 70 7.22 SwV, 24 113 70 7.22 Sw'i 26 113 70 7.21 E'4 of se'4 32 113 70 364 CAMPBELL TOWN SHIP. SwW 1 m 70 8.50 Sw'i 2 114 74) 8.54* Sw'i 6 114 70 3.70 Ne'4 8 114 70 4.80 Sr-L 8 114 70 4 3(1 Sw'4 R I’ 4 70 4 30 Ne'4 10 114 70 8.50 NeV, 18 114 70 8.54* SeW 20 114 70 8.50 Nw'i 25 114 70 8.50 Nw'i 29 114 70 6.38 Be',* 8* 114 70 8.50 Nw'/, 35 114 7U 8.50 ONTARIO TOWNSHIP. Se'4 8 lift 70 9.00 Nw'/* 10 115 70 8.43 Re'-, 27 115 70 0.80 Kit of sw’4 20 115 70 4.87 Se'i 30 lift 70 9.89 Sw'i 83 115 TO 0.77 SeW 35 115 70 033 SwV 3ft 115 70 9.33 HARRISON TOWN SHIP. SeW 4 110 70 11.71 Sw'i of se’4 5 1141 70 2.74 Nw'i 7 116 7 'l 10 06 Se', 7 HO "0 10.68 N 1 of ne’, and sw'4 of new 8 116 70 8.02 SeV* 10 116 70 11.37 E'., of se'/, and sw'4 of se'i and sel* of 5wW..25 11C 70 10.68 New 3<) 116 70 5.73 * Real Tax. ORIGINAL TOWN OF MILLER. Lot 14. block 3 H. 96 Lot 15, blcck 3 4.31 Lot 6, block 4 41.98 Lot 11, block 4 31.03 Lot 14, block 4 29.*12 Lot 15. block 4..: 29 39 Lot 16, block 4 25.98 Lot 17. block 4 4.49 Lot 18. block 4 108 Lot 19. block 4 4*i KE SCB ORIGINAL MILLER. Lot 3, block 3 42 Lot 4. block 3 16.<*5 Lot 27. block 4 5.4*9 Lot 28, block 4 94) Lot 29, block 4.,,.**,,**«)-*««*««** .9*) Lot 81. block 4 8.12 W. H. MILLER'S ADDITION TO MILLER. Tx*t 4. block 5 96 Lot 14. block 5 26.82 Lot 1. block 9 64 Lot 4. block 10 6.22 Lot 10. block 10 7.11 Ixit 19, block 10 29.84* Lot 1, block 11 84 Lot 2. block 11 84 Lot 3, block 11 7.64 Lot 1. block 16.••••«••••••••••••••• .(IT Lot 2. black 10 67 Lot 3, block 16 «7 Ixit 4, block 10 .67 Lot i*. block 10.•••••••••••••••••#•• .0* 1 ,ot (), block .07 Lot 7. block 10 67 Lot block 16 .67 ljOt. 9, block 10. ■•*..•«••••••••••••• *67 Lot 10, block 16 .67 Lit 11. block 16 «7 Lot 12. block 10 «7 i/ot 13, block 16 67 Lot 14. block 16 67 Lot 15, block 1(1 19.09 Lot 16,. block 10 90 * _ i W. H. MILLER'S RE SUB TOWN [ MILLER. Lot 26, block I -JJ Lot 27, block 10 i E. P. MILLER’S ADDITION MIL- I LER. ! Lot 15, block Lot 16. block 21 Lot 17, block M I/Ot IS. block 21 J™ Lot 1», block 2* Lot 20, block 21 - Lota 5 and 6, block 22 Lot 12. block 4 4 “ HE SUB K. J. MILLER S ADDI TION MILLER. Lot 21. block Lot 22. block •$? Lot 23, block 2 Lot 24. block 00 ATLANTIC ADDITION MILLER. Lots !) and 10, block 1 Lot 1. block " It Lot 2. block 7 3, block Imjl w. %***>*•* 4. * 1 "' * * fro Lot 7. mlock 7 Lot 12. block 7 j;,. Lot IT block 7 U.t 14. block 7 •••••••••• 24 East 4o t.. t of lot (, block 8 a- Lot 6. block “ 22 Lot 7. bl< ck It 04 GARLIOKS ADDITION TO MILLER. I»t 16. b ock 4 *} Lot 17. block 4 ”” Lot IT block 4 “2 Lot 1. block 16 Lot 2. block ZT. , Lot 3. block "J j Lot 4, block 16 I Lot block Lot 6. b'ock 1 Lot 7. bloc’: -‘J Lot s b’ock 1/n «». hi ck r 2; Lot 10, bloc , Lot 11.: b! -k 16 29 | Lot 12. block 16 Lot Li, block 16 2JJ Lot 14. block If- 8.21* l.ot to. block ltl -29 Lot 16. block 16 Lot 17. block 16 29 Lot is. block 16 -9 Lot l<t bl ck 17 2» Lot 11. b'ock 17 2JJ Lot 12 hick 17 ;»* L< ts 8 and 9. block 23 -96 Lots jit, 11 iiu ! 12. block 2.1 .42 NORTH ADDITION TO MILLER Lot 8. bloc t 12 9-99 Lot 9. l !o k 91 1 I n: 11, block 12 16.98 Lot 9. block 2.1 12.73 WVat >f lot b>, block 25. 96 Lot 111. block 27 65 Lot 1 !. him k 27 W Lot 15, b'ock 27 .65 Lot If. 6b ok 27 65 Lot 13. block 28 14.63 Lot 14. block 28 -36 Lot 1. block 31... 12.73 Lot 2. block 31 12.73 Lot 3. block 31 4.40 Lot 4. block :<1 27 Lot 5, block 31 27 Ixit 6, block 31 -27 Lot 7. block 31 27 Lot 0, block 31 27 Ix>t 1«. block 31 36 Lot 11. block 31 36 la>t 12. block 31 86 Lot 6. block 32 12.60 Lot 9. block 33 36 Lot l<>, block 33 36 Lot 11. block 33 30 Ivt 12. block 33 30 Lot 15, block 33 .86 Lot 16. block 33 80 I>>t 17, block 33 .30 Lot IH, block 33 88 Lot 3, block 31 86 Lot 4. block 34 .86 M WHORTKRg ADDITION TO MILLER. I.ot 1, block 4 0.95 Lot 2. block 4 86 Lit 3, block 4 86 SOUTH MILLER. Lot 3. block 3 8« l/)i 12, block 3 38 I,ot 2. block S 6.85 MILLER UNPLATTED LANDS. Parcel 3 of sw l ,. section 10, town ship 112, ranße 68 6.89 Parcel k, part «e|4 of hw*A, *«c tlon lti. township 112, range 68.. 11.64 Parcel 12. n% of swt4 of nwVi, sec tion 11, township 112, range 68... 11.66 ST. LAWRENCE TOWN. Lot 1, block 1 6.71 lx/t 27, block 1 75 Lot 28, block 1 75 Lit 5. block 2 86 Lot 8, block 2 2.00 Lot 11, block 2 1.68 Lot I<>, block 2 .96 Lot 11. block 2 1.61 Lot 19. block 3 .53 Lot 24, block 3 53 Lot 25, block 3 52 Lot 27, block 3 3.50 lait 15, block 4 289 Lot 10. block 4 2.38 la>t 4. block 5 5.59 Lit 5, block 5 30 Lit 9. block 5 5.69 I.ot 3, block 7 .32 Lot 4, block 7 4.29 Lot 6. block 7 3.89 Lot 4, block 11 32 JjOt 5. block 11 32 Lot 6. block 11 32 Lot 10, block 11 1.09 Lot 11. block 11 5.50 Lot 12. block II 30 Lot 13. block II .30 IxH 30 block 12 .32 Lot 31 block 12 .32 Lit 1. block 19 32 Lot 2. block 19 ..*l2 Lot 3. block 19 6.80 South 150 feet of block 32 1.02 Lot 1. block 33 9.29 Lot 5, block 33 ’[ 8.37 Lot 0, block 33 1.00 UNPLATTED LANDS ST. LAW RENCE. Parcel IV*. part of w<4 of se>4, section 7, township 112, range 67.. .36 Parcel 2. part of section 7, township 112, range <>7 11.00 Parcel 4, part of nw'*, section 7, township 112, range 07 48 Parcel On., part of nw'i of no-4, sec tion 18. township 112, range 07.... 3.52 Couldn’t Spare Him. While passing a little village tavern a cyclist heard a female shriek, fol lowed by the muffled sound of a man’s voice raised in anger. "Give me a helpin’ hand wi this door, mister,” the woman called to him. “My husband is drinkin’ In here and I don’t want biin to come out Just yet.” The cyclist obligingly seized tho handle of the door and joined his strength to the woman's. Then, turn ing to her, he said: “Why do you wish to keep your hus band in the tavern? If he’s drinking he’d better he outside, wouldn’t he?” “Not till t’ policeman goes past,” panted the woman. “Oh, I see! You're afraid the police man will run your husband in?” “I'm afraid he’ll try to,” answered the woman, “an 'I want to save him if I can. Bill nearly killed th* last police man that tackled him, but this one’s too valuable to be spared. I does his wßßhin’.”—OssseH’s London Journal. Sympathetic. Young Wife (rather nervously)—Oh, cook, I must really speak to you. Your master is always complaining. One day It is the soup, the second day It Ul the fish, the third day it is the joint in fact, it’s always something or oth er. Cook (with feeling)—Well, mum, I’m truly sorry for you. It must be quite awful to live with a gentleman of that sort. —Punch. Debts of gratitude are usually com* promised for about 10 cents on tht dollar. «•<*• « ' •- Sooth Dakota StaU News — G -^ 1 Paragraphed. MMMMM H H M H M The Supreme court has admited on examination, Warner Moody, of Dead wood, and J P McKenney, of Aber deen. An agitation has commenced at Canning, for the enactment of a cur few ordinance, and the town council will be petitioned to adopt such a measure. rinrln® the pe«t fen days shout 1.1K,- 000 in cash has been distiibuted among the farmers of the vicinity of Artesian in exchange for their sur plus cattle. The Yankton oounty commissioners took final action on the question of the new $60,000 court house by refus ing all the donations and resolving to build on the old site. A cry is going out from the rural districts for school teachers. Some schools will remain closed during the winter if the cry goes unheeded. Wages are S4O a month. I A Jury at Sioux Falls returned a verdict of guilty in the case of L. A. Dean, charged with selling a quantity of furnishings and draperies from a Pullman car on the Omaha road. The collection of gold nuggets and free gold quartz specimens gathered by M. R. Russell of Dead wood is said to be one of the finest private collec tions of its kind In the United States. I Emil Faust of Lead, who set out six monthß ago to encirc!« the globe, tins returned. He proceeded as tar as the Mediterranean sea. He visited his old home in Germany for the first time since 1848. I James M. Priest, aged fifty-three, was cleaning out a well at Dalzell when a rock fell upon him, crushing his skull. He went to tho Hills in 1876, and had represented the county in the legislature. I A prairie fire burned over parts of Hague. Darlington and Richland town ships, southwest of Clarke, consuming many stacks of hay, some grain, ma chinery and a barn belonging to Charles Munson. Thus rar several train loads of cat tle have been shipped from Britton this fall. fall 200 carloads were shipped from this station, and there Is little question that the shipments fall will break that record. Pliny Stroinlnged died suddenly at his home near Fedora. He was sit ting In a chair conversing with his wife and fell from the chair and ex pired almost Instantly. The remains will be taken to Parker for burial. Fire In the business center of Hot Springs caused a loss of between SBO,- 000 and $75,000, distributed among six teen business houses. The buildings were small structures, but the stocks of merchandise were of good size. Dropsy was the cause of the sud den death of Dr. Albert S. Amerman, one of the pioneers of the Black Hills. He was born in Medina county, Ohio, In 1849, and was graduated at the medical college, Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1871. On account of his wife's health, J. W. OMeara has disposed of his half interest in the O’Meara Brothers’ drug store at Salem to Dr. H. H. Hewitt, late of Cornervillc, Ind., and It. O. Sperry of Salem Mr. O’Meara and wife will remove to Denver. A fine two-inch artesian well has been completed on the ranch of W. F. Robinson, near Gann Valley. It is 912 feet deep, Hows about 100 gallons a minute and has a pressure of fifty pounds to the square Inch. The well 'nao drilled iS lilliC uSji>. The making of final payments on state lands is not going on at Pierre, as rapidly Just now as it did In past years. For the past month but six final payments have been made and patents taken on the same Two of these go to Minnehaha county, two to McCook and one each to Lake and Brookings. The Wakonda town council has ta ken steps to have that place provided with a street lightning system. Ar rangements have been made to have a number of gasoline air pressure arc lights sent here for trial, and if these prove satisfactory they will be substi tuted for some old ones, which have been unsatisfactory. Professors Chiicott and Hansen of the state agricultural college have been appointed by the national com mission of college an experiment sta tions under the direction of the Louisiana Purchase exposition board to prepare exhibits, the former of macaroni wheat and the latter of fruits of the Northwest. Chambers Kellar of Moody, Kellar A Moody of Deadwood, and S. E. Wil son of Hot Springs, were subjected to fines of $5 each by Judge William O. Rice for contempt of court. Their of fenses consisted of disputing during th© trial of Thomas C. Graes. The court had previously warned them against the use of personal language. At a mass meeting of citizens at Clark the proposition of putting in a system of water works was discussed. A motion was carried directing the town board to call an election for the purpose of voting SIB,OOO in bonds. It is proposed to build a standpipe on the hill at the north end of town, and by means of an engine and machinery constructed for that purpose keep it filled with water from a well dug for that purpose. A large majontv of the property owners room to favor the proposition and it will probably meet with little opposition. M M ■ *p fyM 9UI 1 s? m 1 I i- i '( >