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Image provided by: South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
M*. : \ m ; . f 3 i 1 I 1 I .Si ■*A Dujt w ' $ | A 60MIN©, GOMINB. At Miller Opera House, Sat. evening Nov. 28. sfIGLA BIBVELb, BARATONE BALLAD SINGER, CONCERT VIOLINIST, AND READER. Scats on sale at Collins’ drug store Saturday Nov 21 at 1 o’clock. Admission, Adults 3f» cts. Childred under 12 yrs 15cts. No extra chsrge for reserved seats. juHSS*SHSi?JErc SHSHS2S?SS£rEb“ESHSaS2£r2S2SHS?SP?SaSBSHS^S^ i DRUGS.... . I AND MEDICINES. | I CITIZENS OF HAND COUNTY. gj In rj | lam back at the old stand on east side j 3 jjj* of Broadway. I invite your patronage. nj I My line of DRUSG is the most complete | j and freshest in the county. jjj STANDARD PATENT HEDICINES jo are alwas kept in stock. 1 also have a fine stock of Toilet Articles, Stationery, etc. tj n See my stock of Wall Paper, Paints and jf Oils and get my prices. jp ! O. H. eOLLIRS, 1 Druggist. B LS2aBHS3SHSa.SrHSHSHSaSZSHSHS c^dSSSEEHSHSasaS-£SF-SHS'^J azsELScLF&s . j sasHi?asaErasHsasssssasßSissHsasasHSHsHs^s^ | W.W. WAITE, E. F. WAITE, g) President. Cashier, ffi Jtmd C«Ml)fßMt|«k | MILLER. SO. DAK. jf Organized under the .State Banking Laws. Loans on Live Stock a Specialty. § - . j | Interest, paid on time deposits, a _ ’’ j ir:ESaSESHSSSaSHScLSSSctSHSa. r SaSSS-HSHS ES HSSS iff ida-- J SB Hi ,1/ UJ Pi t r “Junta little chilly around the edge:-,” wan a common re mark during the part few days. What liejter recommendation can a speaker have 1 han i he fact that for twelve yenra all of Ids time has heea tilled from the middle of Oct. to the first of.) une besides übout thirty dates dur ing the Bummer. Thigh* DeVVit t Miller’s record. It Hugh Grant return *<i home yesteidav from Oklahoma, where he has been the past year or two. r ywv www¥vwvv\ wtvwvyw ww v »rv v wwm •'tfvvvv.vvv* s fMJSn THAT Rl® STAIN : I m j gapW On the handkerchief sends a ciiill to the j * jf heart of the woman who had kept on \ thinking—"the cough will get better after a while." Now she knows the ( '*fight for life is on and looks eagerly mk \ aroun< * f° r medical aid. There is one medicine whose marvel jf -Jy&J ous record for cures commends it at once / mm&Mm to every sufferer from lung troubles as I • * Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Di«4bovery I cures obstinate, deep seated coughs, bron ' I wea k wnd breeding lungs, en lacia- I on an( f diseases generally, which, if I / illliyll neglected or unskilfully treated, ttrmi ' I if |\\\«. k nate fatally in consumption, I (/I w ln the ‘ Lewiston Journal,’ November r-sth, I V l\\\\\\\\\wOT 1901, printed in L<;wiston, Maine, I find an , 1 advertisement of y our ‘ Golden Medical D is- 1 | covery,’ " writes Mr. C. H. Brann, (provision merchant), of Bridgton, Main?, \ ’ "I want to tell you what the ' Discovery * did for me years ago far ] 1 spitting of blood. The first three bottles helped me so that I was practically « ] cured tor one year. Then I took three bottles more with the same result, \ , and lastly I took three bottles more, making nine bottles in all. It has now J ■ been over fifteen years and I have not been troubled with spitting any more « ; blood." < Accept no substitute for "Golden Med’cal Discovery." There j is nothing "just as good” for diseases of the stomach, Wood \ and lunga. ; A 1008 mage book, from for ttm iwMng, You onn get [ Mrs. I).A..McCoy and daughter Bernice departed yesterday for New York to secure medical treat ment for Mrs. M. Tho«. Jones, of Florence twp. sol 1 his fine farm of 800 acres this week to David Peterson, of lowa. The sale was made by W. .». Dal bower, and the pri'-** sl3 per acre. Mr. Peterson got a bargain. Rev. Lacey went Huron Tuesday to attend the farewell of Rev. Vanderlas, the Presby terian pastor of Huron, who goes to Minneapolis. (i 1682——31st YEAR— 1903 ff & Twenty One years isa long t time to do business in one location—but that's the ex it perience of the t 3 Palace Drug Store £ Under its presuit manage-' $ ment. Otherscomefora brief £ time, then like the Arab fold \ up their tent and silently f disappear—but the Pioneer € goes on and on. X THE REASON?—It in nI tuple. Flint \ J Clani> RuodM in nil th» linen wo bundle. J prompt pnvment of ail bllln, careful X attention to what the public require*, \ uud reuHOiiable prices. Q J J. D. Fitgerald, Proprietor, J <* Miller, 8. I). 4 Our balmy, Indian summer weather disappeared Saturday and the weather man sent us a cold wave that caused a general hustling to get stoves, storm windows, elc into working shape. But 1 hese lit tie changes make the spice of life Rev. 1). 10. Murry the new M 10. paston announces regular.lser vices in Miller as usual. Services will also be held as follows: Prayer meeting at the home of M. D. Harris, iuSt . Law rence Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. Revival services will l»e --gin at the church in St. Lawrence Mondnv eveing Nov. 23,continu ing each night. Thanksgiving service at Aloneur school house in Alpha ;wp, at 3P. M. Nov. 25. A dinner will be served in the school house at one o’clock P. AI. East Side Items. Wessington 'Limes — Mrs. A. Thompson, who has been suffer ing from a severe attack of typhoid fever, is slowly recover ing, and was able to sit up in bed about ten minutes, last Friday. Harry Schultz, son of J. \V. Schultz, arrived Thursday morn, ing from Jensen Florida. Harry left here 11 years ago: and he has returned to spend the winter and once more inhale someof the South Dakota fresh air which he has missed while awav. The ladies of Sand Creek neigh borhood met at the homeof.Mrs. W. S. McNeil on Thursday after noon, to organize “A Ladies Aid Society.” There was a good at tendance, and the society bids fair to be a prosperous one. It was voted to name the society the “Rose Hill Ladies Aid Society." The next iiiGrtiug will be with Mrs. Sorenson Thursday ft* afternoon November 19th. The Church of Christ. Services next Lord's Day as follows: Preaching— 11. A. M. “Jesus as Prophet.” This is the first of three sermous on the office of Jesus. At 7:45 P. M. Theme—“ Our Ad vocate.” Bible school 12:15. And C. JO. services at 7. o’clock. Leader—Miss Lizzie Berry. Special music. A cordial invitation to all. We can warm the house very comfortably now. Thanksgiving services at th n Presbyterian church at 11 o’clock A cordial invitation tobusinpss men and all the citizens of Miller and virility. The ladies of the Christian church willservediimerand sup ptT on Thanksgiving Day. A Turkey and chicking dinner ami an Oyster Supper. Come and dine. Notice. 1 will Sell the* S-E JL6-1 11-09 Situated in Hand countyS.Dak. at a bargain if taken within 60 days. A dress, W. 11. Alleman Fresco. lowa. 49t3* The subjects of two of DeWitt Miller lectures are “The uses of Ugliness’’and “Love Courtship and Matrimony.” One of these will doubtless be hissuhject when hes|>eukHin Miller next Wednes day evening whatever his subject it will be one of the best things vou ever heard. It <r~ r> \<P j\f jr"’ %h/ $ |ft DRY GOODSjfI Our shelves are filled from the flour to the ceiling with New Dry ifi goods for fall and winter, the only complete assortment of dry goods f i° Hand county. VVe have selected them with the greatest of care after 4) long experience, in order to get just what our customers want. Our | * JAGKETS ♦ t | For Ladies, for Misses and for Children, | Are the newest and best on earth. | Our Shoo Stock £ $ Is always complete, with the est fitters and best wearers in all & sizes. CLO i HING for Tien, Boys and Children. VVe have’em and can 5 j fit out any one W & **V99f9®mQ<tQ999*OC}i!t9*G9li99«>e'f**WOC9 6©O**ff»«**-3©©a®OtfS33<9*«(*«C®o 0 Hats, GLOVES, MITTEITS 5 # Anti man y other tilings too numerous to mention. Examine our & $ new stock of Dry Goods and you will not buy any more old goods or i close outs. Vours to please, ? * EL H. GREEYES- $ and tollerton-stetson | PPQTOECQ Tem I ra 8 SlSs'lj© £ lLi4*£j| 3. The ones y° ll have always found •>'*• 'V :i # here. Johnson’s Cider Vinegar, ❖ z<*gu (fi /E Iff na P * sf|h )fi/M ol,r aim is P ure food regardless $ ‘ r&ftl cost ' VVe kee P the cheaper sfc but don’t push them. y J~ / ~ysry f&fr Below are a tew prices: X fo A fe'-f'! * Standard tomatoes ioc X Boston baked beans 12% Yeast Foam two pkgs 5c X Machine Castor oil 30c X 111 % • c «™ starch, 5 c * ifeJjOjll Ifl WWfeylj These are not cut prices, simply $ - 1 a few reminders. J Yours for Good Goods, Honest Weights, and Fair Prices. *jjf BUTTS BROTHERS. | yr A New York Juderfi Ins allowed h girl $3,000 in a br«*»eh of pro mise suir, for 1,23(1 kiss's, which slic swore the man liad taken. That, will establish the price of a kissut about $2.00. Sometimes ils cheap enough—but, then again, there are times when thirty cent would be exorbitant. Kisses are somewhat like the value of real estate. Thev %> vary, according to location! An Astonishing Offer! If for way rewon w* foil to we yomr ! Catarrh! ■ of the heeii. none, throat, longs or > tom ten in ! any stare the treatment costs yon nothing:. You doubflts* have catarrh and want to bs cured. You bare tried nearly everything. Yet there is only one absolutely known cure (or catarrh in America, and that Is MEDERINE, the great Blood and Catarrh cure. It arts directly l upon the raucous membrane through the blooa, i opens up the nasal passages, soothes, and allays ; all inflammation of the affected parts, reaches the seat of the disease by filtering, cleansing and puri* ■ (ring the Mood. MEDERINE has revolutionized ! the treatment and cute of Catarrh, and created > the greatest sensation in medical circles. Thousands of Catarrh sufferers in every section of the country bear tea* i ! timony to being cored of CATARRH by the only remedy that cure’s—MEDERINE. Wilte MEDERINE REMEDY CO.. Duluth, Mtnn., fcr their lystcm of tr.Atm.nt. AU letters utocred. Illustrated booklet containing Mtti mentals of cures auiled free. Price si.oo par Bottle— 6 bottles $3.00. Seat express paid if your druggist does not carry MED ! i CRIME In stock! MEDERINE OINTMENT IZZZ'SSSZ'£ I Old sad Running Sorts, Uofrs aud Ulcers, joc per boa. MEDERINE SOAP c<£££k2s bea. titer, a >«ritct curt far Daadruff aad aU scalp aad skla dlaaaaes. price sjc Igederiy Remedies U 9 —ld —* piruttM by O. H.'COLLINS, Druggest. firT Tpjr II $ pat i sin llii nftßil I Of coming to our cash c tore for many little things Aon are in need of. Rend our prices. It will suggest to you what you need. We buy for cash only, and sell cheap far cash. We do not expect our customers to h'ive money to burn.” Ii you have there arc many pla»ces \\Tiere it wili be consumed more rapidlv than hiye. \ii' respectfully submit the following prices for Your Consideration : Others find them right, why not vou? 15 et mop sticks be Good parlor broom 20c No. 2Li tnp Chimtiv 5c 05c parlor broom 25c Oocd outrag flan?iel 9*-* Asbestos stove mats 4c Bovs’Cot-dry pants 49 50 ft clothes line 9c e arc headquarters for imicy and holiday goods of all kinds at every day prices, with the double profits cut oi. ibe Cash Store welcomes you to the feast of low prices. CRABTREE’S Cash Store. ».'<>• O Xgf v r \» viXt>&iAS& 'A*