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' - j iii i ~ r - i —- 1 ■■■ ■ ■ t WHI.WV. w ■' „ ' jl -®Css*. jPS:I,> ’’.' v "■ Mn<;i 35* ju ~ ' */^ v;» *»* * ‘ vty ..;> sj<; We have them. We can’t take the 'l' place of the regular Santa Claus. You must CC X do your part and be liberal with * **• %. %» .... .•*.. /k V<> %.»* X *V* pi In this happy season. Do net postpone it. | j j Come in today. If we havent got what you jjjJJ, want we will order it for you. What you ! ijii want we furnish. j| i We have on hand a TON OF : I 111 1 m n 7”7 r C'?* sg j-j paoo vf iit 1016 6» y 6 siio i ❖ , * v Special attention and prices given on large qi:anti- tics. Nothing better, larger, or more complete than you can find with us. In I\ancv Dishes we can surely ± ' . ' v* . • please you. VC 3 >JC We wont carry anv ;C V v*. • Vwr/rT Ht YrSra* «§'- | selling them on agr »- I g .$.:;! Ji- ••■ ss. * ccrv profit '•'■ W Yours to please. li'-pf J-Sf i p-..,.■■' ?•' 'y # _. ;i ., ; ' vC * Ou lu UnuOi V ❖ 4 • ;, u 7xl . WKsm&L ;>.? while out looking after her horses nil it cold day recently, fell down and laid in a. Keini-eoiisions stale for quite a while before beinjir dis covered and assisted home bv hmlaughter. At last report she was nlon<r all ii^ht. Farm tor Sale. I after for sale my fine well im proved farm adjoining Miller, in «eluding stock on the place. 2t3 George Beasom. I j I fj I it *■ i j [ J I'- : . h Y* i \ ■, ■ ■ , Sis ?lr. £■• ] rr-»'i' ; * * I N- •-F K Mrs. llersliman, of Golden twp A strong MAN . -1.. J Has tlie advantage over a weak man in * [7-. the world of work. Physical strength / is made from food when it has been di gested and assimilated. There is no , other way m which strength can be \l. 4- made except from food. There’s many a weak man who is unable to do hard and heavy work because the food he eats is not perfectly digested and so fails to nourish the body. He has stomach I ['«trouble ” in some form. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov cry cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It builds up the body with solid flesh V and strong muscle, by enabling the perfect digestion and assimilation of food. s Tj "I «u a great sufferer from dyspepsia for j 7 over two veara, and I was a complete physical / wreck," writes Mr. Preston E. Fenstermacher, M of Egypt, Lehigh Co., Pa. "Had many tortur es / ing, gnawing and aching pains—l tliink nbout fit , / all that a dyspeptic has or ever could have. I / also suffered much with coustipatioci. Mus f . cles were soft and flabby, circulation poor and ~ (ii / ii slow. Suffered greatly from cold bands and j «. feet At last I came across an advertisement | J/ If of Dr. Pierce’* and I tried I)r. Pierce’s Golden y' / U Medical Discovery and ‘ Pleasant Pellets. • I Wm i / I used about eight vials of the 4 Pellets ’ and ten IRffSßav/ I bottles of the * Discovery,’ which brought me I back to my former state of health." llllllfefck /Obi m IT y°u ash your dealer for "Golden sd&fiiWp Medical Discovery ” because you have confidence in its cures, dp not allow IHKL# /\ yourself to be switched ou U» « medicine yfK«X j claimed to be "just as good,” but which Lf I you did not ask for and of which you Al l liknow nothing. The sluggish liver is made active fay y the use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. So many eliildren have croup that it is well to know a good household remedy. Cole’s Cough Cure is guaranteed and the child ren like lr. Try it. Sold at 25 tad 50 cents byJ. lb Fitzgerald. 212 Jan Ist is the date to square all accounts. If every person would make a special 'effort to sett le up all accounts, big and ii t tie, on that date, it would be a grand thing for business, and u satisfaction to every hotly. loTy"!* 1382 2!St YEAR— I9O3 0 Twenty One years isalong <* time to do busmens in one \ J location — but Hint’s the ex- J p l>erieuoe of the ( f Palace Drue store < J Tuder its present manage- , + ment. Otheisconieforabricd < £ time, then like the Arab fold * p 11 p their tent and silently ( $ di*npp«*ar—but the Pioneer < J goes on and on. J \ THE REASON?—It Ih «l in pie. FI rut Z Clan* >roo<N in nil the line* we handle. » prompt payment of all Mil*, careful J attention to what the poblic require*, * T ami reasonable price*. * Z J. I). Fitgerald, Proprietor,| $ Miller, S. P. i 4fr "4' John (initv, of Kolda twp., summoned to Illinois lust wink by the death of his aged father. Mr. mid Mrs Win Ooeken of Neb. arrived this week to visit her parents'll*, and Mrs. JohnStruif of Howell. V .I.'J'. Hays returned yesterday from Brown county, accom panied by his sister. He leaves next week for college at Des- Moiiies. Christmas Gifts. There are in) more appropriate Christ intis gifts than teacher’s Bibles and children's books. You will find them tit Briggs' book store. ltd A state law prohibits the tie ing of horses on the streets and leaving them there for hours in the cold. A fine of $25 is tlie peu altv. ‘‘Every man his own automo bile maker” said a farmer bov down in Minnehnhacounty— and he proceeded to make one that runs. Huron College has recently re ceived two cash gifts, orn for $2,000 ull d one for $15,000, which will be of great benefit to that institution in pushingalong tlitir new building. Reports front the range coun try west of Pierre state that sev eral of the large rattle outfits ure making arrangments to hunt other Holds, because the home steaders are coming in and tak ing up the land. A Happy New Year! Twenty times has this writer wished a happy New Year to the people of Hand countv, through this paper. And never before with a more favorable outlook for the future prosperity of the county than appears at this time. Pioneer Passes Away. John Duthie of Rockdale twp, passed away Wednesday night after a brief illness at the age of j TO. He was a native of Scotland I and a veteran of the Crimean war ; ; His first home in this country was in Rockford, VY is. tie mov ed to Hand County in 1882, lo cating in RockdaleTwp, where he has since resided. In 188J1 he be came a county Commissioner from the ild district, and served in that capacity t hrough the ex citing political times to 388fJ. He was a quid unselfish man, highly respected by bis neighbors. He was married here to his second wife, who survives him. There are living five grown child ren, from his first marriage, viz; William, John and Margaret Duthie, Mrs. Chas Thomson,.and Mrs. Lizzie Dean, who have the community’s sympathy in their loss of a loving husband and father. Funeral services were conducted at the residence Saturday by Rev. Lacy, and the remains laid to rest in the (i. A.R cemetery. Card of Thanks. We sinceiplythank the neigh bors a lid friends for their kind ness during the last sickiifss and burial of our loved one. Mrs. John Duthie, Miss Mar garet Duthie, Mr. J. P. Mr. W. M. Duthie, Mrs. C. C. Dean, Mrs. Chas. Thomson. TA' / . ~ y \ . •- JSfc ?v.*k ,'!t .• <r —r A Our shelves are filled from the flour to the ceiling with New Dry goods for fall and winter, the only complete assortment of dry goods in Hand county. We have selected them with the greatest of care after long experience, in order to get just what our customers want. Our I * JAGKETS ♦ I For Ladies, for Misses and for Children, * (j Are the newest and best on earth. |i Cur Shoe Stock # # sizes. CLOTHING for Hen, Boys and Children. We have ’em and can £ fit out any one £ e»£cos<* , je«©j®©o'<i-a.<3OGr,©®a©©frtts'»®®»a3o»3C's#«co a % EATS, GLOVES, 2v£ X ld 1 TIEII!>T3 k) And many other things too numerous to mention. Examine our 1 new stock of Dry Goods and you will not buy any more old goods or L* ' close outs. Yours to please, % ■ H. E. GEEEYEf $ | * - GEORGE JEFFERY | DEALER LET ic>=r— — J I FARM MACHINERY. | 4> 5 The Place for the Standard Mowers, Hay Bunchers, Hay Stackers | and all kinds Mower Repairs. I also have a complete line of $ $ m 4> $ * <► * Buggies and Road Wagons, Wind Mills, Tanks, Pumps and Machine Oils and the Minnesota Oil, Paints, White Lead Varnishes and Stains, Glass and Putty. ♦ 11. C. sterling and his force of workmen are now placing wires and fixtures in buildings for tlie electric lights. They report that uearlv everybody in town wants the light. The Church of Christ. Preaching at 11 a. m —“ What the Christian Hoard of Missions are doing.” A silver collection at the close of the service. 7:30 P. M. —theme* 4 1904 for Christ,"’ the opening of revival services. C. K. at 0:30 P. M. leader—Miss Lena Jackson. A cordial invita tion to nil to attend each of these services. A change is an nounc-ed in the management of the Citizens Hnnk of Miller to occur Jan Ist, Win. H. Waters becomes pres ident, and F. E. Saltmarsh Cashier of the bank. This ought to make a strong business firm. Mr. Waters has conducted a safe aud successful bmiking busiuess in Miller for twenty years, and Mr. Sultmarsb Is a chrefnl, shrewd business man, both well Acquainted with the people aud conditions of ihm county. GEO. JEFFERY Miller, S. D. Herman hearers, soft coal, and best stove of the kind in the market at I>. P. Creeks 89tf Another strange freak in the weather was noticed last week. Christmas ushered in aeoldwave over the eastern half of this country. In New England it was a howling blizzard of snow, In the middle west it was cold and wind. Bight here at Miller seemed to be about the western edge of the wave. St. Paul re ports 10 below, Winnipeg 30 be low, while eastern Kansas aud Oklahoma had 5 below zero. At Miller, many miles north, the thermometer went about 6 or 7 below at night, for a short time, then quickly rose to 30 above, while the cold wave passed on to the east, so that it was consid erably colder in states several hundred miles south of us than it was in South Dakota. Thanks for welcome calls for the past fltweuty one years, arid invite you all to remember me the new year. With hearty good wishes for a happy and prosperous new year to all. | i .D. FitzOEkalo, Druggist. I Do you need a new stove? If so, call and see the line stock we have on hand, both hard and soft coal heaters. 39tf i). ]>. (;, ee. Every boy in the county whose ankles and knees are “caked’* most of thevear will throw bo quets at the Chicago doctor who says “bathing is harmful’’. 1 his suggests a question for literary societies to discuss. “Is the boy healthy because of dirt, or in spite of it?” LIBT OF LETTERS. Remaining uncalled for in the Postoffice at Miller S. I)., for four weeks ending Dec. 28, 1903 Jmith H. Belt. J. W. Pavlie. M hen calling for the please say “Advertised Letters. ’ J. A. BUHUFiELD, P. M. ___________ mW Taken Up. At my. place hoc. 25—113-07, one two year old steer, red and white, no brand, one pony mare, with buucheson both legs, no brand. Owner prove projier ty m*d p»y expense* W TV, Cottou. I . 2to* . o o * «< f * *