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READ AND ' COMPARE PRICES % SX£®€ v) ®®<S i<> '•x&ixyxsx*) MX* >jxS«S'«t<f) $lO Ladies Black or Tan Cloaks at $6.50 $5 “ “ “ at $3.50 $2 Children’s Cloaks at SI.OO These are all new, up to date, stylish goods, but we need money and room. We have a large assort ment. $9 .Furs at Furs at $4 $lB Furs sit sl2 1 have the flat and round shapes to suit all. $1 size patent medicine - - 85 cents 150 ladies folding sewing tables highly finished BfC 100 folding clothes bars - - - - 4? c 135 folding ironing boards - 85 c 3 lbs old Hiekory Tomatoes, not a bheap brand, 2[ c I advertise for trade to con* vines you my prices are lest, A large store trying to supply your needs. Thankingyou for the immense trade given me T. P. SUTPHEN. §hft §ieiu ihess. •ESTABLISHEI> .JANUARY 4T11,1H82. rUIU.ISIIKII TBUMIUY BY .1. A, BUSH FIELD, PROPRIETOR. Subscriptionsl.OO « Year In Advance. St. Lnwron •«» Lcxlkp, A. F hiu! A, M. No. :!0 at Miller, 8,1), every firet and third friday nijrht eeeh month at 8 o’clock. S. V. Ghriet. W. M.; J. L. Keven, Sev’.v., W, H. Barnee, Tyler. Chapter ii 4. n. A. M. meete tinst and third Wednesday each montn at Miller. U. H. P. —R. T Sedniv, Secy, J, L. Keyed, \V. H. Burnt**, Sentinel. (Veepct Captor No. 4, (). K. 8. nieetn eec ond and fonrt li Tuesdaye each month. W M. Mr*. Ella Miller. Hee’v Mr*. Oertrude BrlgK*. W. H. Barnes, Sentinel. •♦©••«©a©®ooo«©oe®»©c-3®oc® • 2 1 PERSONALS. t Attorney F. E.Crabtree visited Huron over Sunday. Mrs. Millie Shaw and son re turned last weak from a visit to lowa. Don't miss the James Whit comb Riley reading at the Opera house tonight. Call at 1). P. Cree’s hardware Store and see those fine heaters, for hard and soir com. 39tf Chas Thomson and family visited relatives at Hurley, S, D. this week. Rooms for rent—lnquire at Coquillette’s furniture store. 4tf Wm Oleson has been on the sick list for several days, but is now able to be about again. Wm Fenton went to Sioux City last week and purchased a new barber outfit for his shop. Horses lor Sale. 1 have several good draft horses and colts for sale. 4t3* J. A. Clouse. Rem Lacey departed Monday for Aberdeen to attend the ma sonic meeting at that place. ®LE’S OIJGH (URE ALWAYS CUHCS CHILDREN LIKE JT, •iwitanteed—23c and 80c by all <trujf*Uta, I Clarence Hubbard mm 3 up ' from Dixon, Neb. last week for a few (lavs’ visit with friends. The highest market price paid for butter and eggs at Sebring‘& doll's. 45 tf Stats Superintendent Nash was in Millel Thursday attending the school met ting. Pin* i iiess acknowledges a pleasaut call. My new Dress ginghams for Spring have arived. Gr.f H. R. Greeves. Geo. Eft li called ntientio i to the spied of mails these days. On Saturday Jan 10 lie received a letter from his brother mailed m Germany Jan sih. f have two $20.00 fur coats left which 1 offer at SIO.OO each. stf H. It. Greeves. Seats for the “Honey Boy’s concert will be on sale ut G. C. Brigg’s store Friday morning at 10:30 Jan. 22. Remember the date of the entertainment Friday evening Jan 20. The Fuulkton Advocate an nounces that J. 11. Bottom, of that place will be a candidate to succeed Judge Gaffy in this cir cuit, That paper states that Judge Gaffy is not a candieate for re-election. Dr. Lane returned last week from the hospital at Rochester, Mian., where he went with sever al patients who lepiiied surgi cal operations. The Doctor is re covering from his own reeen. illness, und is again on duly at his office. LIST or LETTIS US. Remaining uncalled for in the Postoffice at Miller S. D., forfour weeks ending Dec. 28, 1903 Smith H. Belt. .J. W. Pavne. When calling for the above piease say “Advertised Letters/’ J. A. BUBHFiELD, P. M. „ r -t ■ - HATTIE PILCHER UNDER ARREST. She is Charged with Com plicity in the Col lins Robbery. The local sensations of lust week have ceased to he .of much excitement, except for yellow newspaper reports sent out to daily papers. The only definite \ * tangible facts in sight are these: On Saturday a warrant was sworn out for the arrest (if Miss Hati ie Pilcher, charging her with complicity in the attempt to rob Collins’ drug store and administering ether to the clerk Wilbur Quirk. This warrant was signed by a number of citi zens who desired to have the matter investigated. This ac tion is said to be due to the con -1 dieting stories told by Miss Pil c ter and not bv direct .know!- l e Ige possessed. She was arrest ed by the Sheriff Saturday and h is since been confined to his h >ine in the jail building. She made some sort of a con fession to the sheriff, to theeffect that she had tried to commit suicide. She consented to show t 1 e sheriff and his wife where she had thrown fhe revolver with 9 which she had done the shoot ing. With them she went to the pasture of W. 11. Waters’ faini along the railroad just east of to \ll and found the revolver, whieh was recognized as 01 e belonging to Clint Crabtree, and which had been stolen from h s store the day the shooting oc curred. A preliminary hearing of the case against Miss Pilcher was set for yesterday before Justice M iier, but was postponed till Friday at her request, bemuse her attorney, John Pusey, was out of Town. tate.s Attorney Cole sav* 1 1 e case will be called toworrow ai d a thorough investigation mule. Wilbur Quirk, the drugged clerk at Claims’ store, has fullv recovered and is about again. lientl whar the Peoria, 111., Herald -ays of Coney’s Boys: “It one of tin* fiw real musi cal treats of the season. Every one of 110 ay’s Hoys is an aitist and 11 > allowance had to be made or their youth.’' These famous musicians will lie in Mil ler Fridar evening. January 2b. Black Si » oie yard v. ile for SI.OO per yard. li. P. Greeves. Gtf A new feature in the Honey Boy’s conci rts this s asou is the “Golden Organ,’’ 1 eai iv 200 bell met til organ pipes grad uated chromatically, and played percussion, vibiatiug with the deep upd mellow chime of cath edral beis. Manufactur'd ex pressly *or Roney’s Hoys and the largest of its kinde\er made. Yes, we buy inn s, wheat, oats, com, and sell hard and soft coal. Come and see us. Milier Bros. Gtf Regis er a. ds . o kin> and wife rejoics over the arrival of a boy baby at th.*ir home this week. 1 have 25 different patterns of new white Linen Wuistings— very handsome Pattern* Prices from 8 cents to 50 <ents per yard. 11. H. Greeves. stf H. Hemings oll and wile, of Highmore \ Piled this week with her parents in Miller. Pilsbury Flo jr. The celebrated Pilsbury Best flour at the Feel store. Best flour in the world. Otd W. L. Crisinan. German heaters, soft and coal, best stove of the kind in the market at I). P. Cree’s 39 tf A complaint was sworn out yesterday against Geo. Forrest, charging him with giving liquor to Dean Campbell and other minors. The case is set for to day. Will Ileulev * went to Siouv Falls yesterday to attend the State Press Ahh’ii meeting. Pro. Healey will probably catch a snap in some newspaper plant soon and again engage in the business. Don’t forget the Pearson enter tainment ut the Opera house to night. Headings from Riley, Field and Mark Twain. Come out and forget your cares and business and enjoy a delightful evening with this matchless reader and impersonator. After twenty days of the very finest winter weather, clear and moderate, this morning starts out with a little snow. And while we were enjoying t his mild weather, the east covered with snow and experiencing very cold wea them New Barber Shop and Billiard Parlor. We have opened a barber shop and Billard Room in the old Rasmussen lidding one door north of Pglmer’s Restaurant. Everything new and up to date. Cull and see us when you want a first class shave or a poo J game of Bil iards or .Pool. Cottrell, Sweetland & McGowan. Until further notice I will give a cash discount of 5 per cent on all cash sales in my store on all bills of one dollar and over. Remember I sell nothing but good substantial goods at pri ces heretof ire sold and giva you Scents off on each dollar for cash. 11. R. breeves. IStf i tjck Holders fleeting Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stock holders of the Masonic Templeassosciation of Mill r will he held at the office of S. \ . Christ in Miller is, 1). on the St i day of February 1004 at d ocloek P. M. t » a !opt a code of by laws and ele< t direct ors for said coi poration. Dated Jan-15—1904. John T. McCnllin. Gt 2 tin r President. Loss of Flesh V/hen you can’t cat break t, take Scott’s Emulsion. When you can’t eat bread and butter, take Scott’s Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott’s Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat Scott’s Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat Scott’s Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for com valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott’s Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott’s Emulsion for bone, lesh, biood and nerve. T. We will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of a Übel It on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. scon & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl Si, N. Y. 50c. and $f 1 all dmjfM*. ©HEAT * SHOW WINDOW * For tremendous Bargains] for only CRABTREE'S CASH STORE, Miller, jj W. W. WAITE, ; 3|«nd 3owi%ltale®aniti | MILLER, SO. DAK. •3 Organized under the State Banking Laws. Loans on Live Stock a Specialty. • 9G9MC9M99i'9o9oMtO9o9iCCt#9oCM9t9Mt6ttsv9M#Mft j HARDWARE j 1 ~ JLJsriD— i | tih_ware. I j .A. DOUBLE STOCK!. ! J I have purchased the Beasorn hardware store, and will t • consolidate my two stocks, and open up in the Bcasom J g building. Ifyou want anything in the way ot Hardware, t ® wagons, implements, etc., Call on me. Prices right. 5 2 Miller, S. D. PORTER CREE. | I GEO. S. RINGLAND, Pres. F. D. GREENE. Cashier^ 5 GEO. C. FUEUNWEIDER, A. B. CAHALAN, 2 a Vice Pres. Asst. Cashier. J FIRST NATL BANK! J SOUTH DAKOTA. J a Pays Interest on Time Deposits. J a Buys Notes and Sale Paper. J \ Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. £ Vour business is solicited. — _ - • 11 « i | ♦ i|[3 It is a positive fact u ♦ that every man in *\ ♦ m bring in a load of wheat, « J with the proceeds he j J could take home a big load of our solid handsome lurniture I ? and we would save him enough on his purchase to supply £ ♦ the ladies of his family with all needed from our big milli- t ♦ X ♦ nery department. Then there would be joy in that home ♦ » you bet. Try it. Yours Respectfully, X : PERT COQUILLETTE. 2 | i 'O3 PRINTING At the "- - p RESS OFFICP k SPECIALS. look:! in our south 9 cts. IDOHSTT MISS IT. President. Interest paid on time deposits, f South Dakota. ESHSBSaSHSHSESa 1 E. F. WAITE, "1 Cashie*. 5S ESES iH£ Hi - r mm 4 ifXt i mWm ' Wk^^i MßT *... 'v fSfSSSSA I # NH