Newspaper Page Text
THE TELEGRAM HERALD, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19. 1890, IN IB JOLY Lffi ! Dr. Taiuc Bids Farewell to ; Palestine' B&lieal Shore. ! m-iUi ii 4 Bttiail TWtftj CrwaA 1 ittl it ai Tfcf.lik SlitKM(. fMyl h. h an 1. l -vTt.i, ri, t. IL--v, Y Ccxtta rrisoMJt, Jyu 2, l-l,1. befor f-jr a and .-ti iL't lii j fx at OpiT'--u:i, aurLLig cte c U. l tU U-U aLIo cia t--t c, touh ofto tai ir. 1 1 u orU..'iar ruvt,at, viJi ruid CAUjir-fcd aa.U, wf.ira a:.ed qultJ aupefd u, Li it pr.'cd l.i., cr cn.t-it;.l i f atx oats t-Ui-T. Liiii ud 3tii tajojed thiLii fcr a iii.-j, tut j -Vtilr Usn if vajofef rlMuicil xril rajJi U-Ui to (ill ihir rirt v Lvd t;.?n-':Lti :r.c ws kit w V.j-k, ia I- tirn tha it Ultra to j?n the? hr.e-i white cap app-urvd, a 1 evy undercurrert r-"a..'.a6 zaxrAtrsV.y I :.ain, anil th U. i: t-in to toej to xud i. it an lLkTinuiz r Ai.ii ofvlr wtio given to html uth 13 uUuc-il opfe;d. Ih.t thu thi oarsmen t juiid iaifvaSie. Wegota. car to the 1 uid ai w vi conaidred and wiiu i f r a ti d it .ai to carry ir over sjrue ' f th rwks t-twwn !a 'h vt cull i j-xjrt, tn: tidil wivt 'Ii 1 n :t ia jvo ia that JLrwti'va thu, xad thirdly ihrw cf t:. tu-n.'.i:i,' tHer.Kclted uf Uitir ( Utcr fI:?Tif..i, jlillijf'l llltO th' 5':-iiK)W v r an I hf!i tha Lat fruui U i'i !tl.ri to piece. th- rent ct t.'i-? i rw follow!, or.u oi:t th- l:trtT l.i " t i w-t very I'-n;, but it alTufdod an- thr p-u-jcf GAliir.ia tijvrience tLai wi,l not soon bi furcotu-a. At tl;- Im-li; pUi th whole neigh tjri.ojil h.i.l ap: a.rat!y turnvl out to Tr.-t ui. ALut oua huuJn-J r.ien, t o-rr.t-n a::-1 cul.lrt-a. ari l iuany v( tia m in r' than Lxl' nioJ, Vxl ready an J aiti.T f something eoaieliow to turn tip t.t worrM secure for tftom a harvest i KMrk-'hnh.' Dut somehow or other iiotLLi j of any account stirrvi, and ?o"y to start natter themselves with thestenofypd mor.osyIIa.hi'; (jTi-ry, "Ar.t W?" with whuh every furtiner i prcetttl, and which r"-rud iu plain IL' Uih would ra.l: "Would you like to purcha.-. this anti'jnity;"" No d.-ception M uo barefaced for theeo tricky pt- p!e to attempt, and they must either find t arist cosily uIliM or tht ir rninion ft Arri-nicnn intel!i3co cort-iinlr very far par. Modern coins, with r--nt dates p!ainlr IM. a: r.rt;:;rially corroded and offered thj r-.-n.:! cf lito arh.tvj'.nl towJ. j ut picked up with thi jrii still wt clirin to thc-m Lr represented part of sm-" ancient r:ioumT.t cr statuo cat in a! toother i: liferent material. Cliy limps frh fr-'Ti th pvctrry, with th prio tn :rk-1 i". ; , ar-(. tl'-re i a " cun-:.-; jt f 'jn 1 hi r-nt!y e' tosih.s of the a I'T:'. And h:e we w re lysie-'d It adnls, children and even I .a hies v. ho e whole vocabulary F to Co:i t't r t rTt th t r word', " in' k"' and : i-kh-e.-,!i." Wr hid i"jMit a n'Jniher t f smi'l cin liar.dy and wtr" ni-jt to (!:i'n':.u'. th:n either pi - rival or hr t :r5wir: th-m at rand;m am' tlv ervwd, L':t tlr dmonvm Nrd us rvt t do so, th ls.i fortunite ir, 3 v.-ju! 1 s ;rly f Uot tn up until in d-pair w Krati.1el their imp-rtuniy. So w- vt ur fvM v t'.tr.t" aiia-.: B.-th --u ia nr. I !" in a a hour'i trarrp t(.o'r;!i .iruv, tti ky tr.M i ar.kl' d-p rnthr than r;-!c c.r lirwi aq iin n th- like, zr Km dually rp or.- t)v rrov d f-l! afiyuuiil at w ra a.uu ' j iif A'.or'j. 5Ti'of th" nitir hir- Uirn ed jn.'t a lit?! Kr.lih. an 1 th-e, wj. -n t'.y i for-in'T. rr ily arpr- . vdi l.iTi with ' I dm' yoji vrri " rr.'t h frr i Th-ir n.pi.t U uturly i ;r r-d th-y or.;v.i-.-: 'd dtnk u:i vrr;- n::rh f i :x: n' cv-f ;!, r i;i : 'it Ii"' rrnta.-, arnl s-nillst c in known a ' :t i j,:irtT ' f ;i in that thy turn av. av Tiu-st i; .. ff.iLt- J, Lint et T!'n-T.t n ! hMV T o- t U - re l i :. t ; d-r f.r.a'.i'r a -t :.r i. to? l.-r.' r.:. I -orto it. If f i.l.n evi.ii it h a ! f t'v ti.i.y to ret as ti.-) I i f.,r-i rn 'r t; .it cros.i th-ir pnth. "iprrT. ia-n .I' d IJrhMidi ar v-r,-r rM-.-:-;, t lv f. r--r a u;; h:i in ! ; r r, s of Aitiit; aiir '.!' t r -1 m ir ?,'. wji,; ti, lt:- r ;T r-i ' f 4nr rvount m th- wit of ir.- t; j j,:i-. M;t i? noT r " r ui if' d i 1 t T'; t H V . y ''. ' T . 'w'' ":' N " " 1 C ir!--rv. ir' : 1 ; -.- .'. !. ;.: d i. .' .in'i il v o i- r . - r i ! r-u" i : h.vl. r r. ( 1 1 o. .; ;. i-- .,.;, - r urt j 'ii V.-. : . -.. - i -t. - a: ! i i", iz'-t, : rr -; tr"?-v'l t ""'-" 'r- ' r r 1 ''- !'-v.-r -- r. o, .j,-, i S-ix ' H ; V - r s ; r ... i' ":". ;rd r -,. t r ;..-r-s. rii',-l T "" -r. : 5-r- ;j ,n ' "t" ' - 1 -.- ; r " v T ? h ! O - X ' 'v ' - ,r :?.--t f-. ie-.l "T. wi t j . aj jwrii-y r .o -vm. -V.- fe"; 'Ui -'r,ud, '-. - tt 1-1 a tiij.-y c.cpno-.t: t !y u--TL-rO, i n.-. grUftii tf -i ir-a w ca.rei t-j a l'it tio n - r Lea we o-il ari Aa frvui tnt !.-. And yt tjui i-ti-iy day -ej-Ud to c3? no u'.Tci;c-.-i. V hi j-.ii-tly aTe:d t . 'vr a lrgr trrr".u.ry tnva usual r. i t travt.1 LLn vri-r-ifoly, :.d -rr u-j lL; CL.aiCjuii t-1 vii :!.-' I'ilecLU. Ir'xi S.rLi. Is. h.f'.-.rKOi v.i 4ui' ci-rr, thvh th icruir. Ld t-ii ahowtry. When on the lucdcWi t "J f'-" r' in to y-ttie acd withi'l U.'l liU2Uio It boCAUl' to lienae t:.i th n.!tM -ouIi i.t -n't-thtir Lcrfcei ht.-iJ. Wo j urtirfc-i Li aL-n.-o, hiU ihe dirktieca iacrtfi-o?d pcrvcptihly iuj taciuiiy, h. t: lcru-j whra a:.i H tjt-xd we krrHto rn.a;np f r t:.e niut. 1'rea entiy (u; dramu calW a 1 hailcd, tfviieLitly a r.-p.-n, hut lioi.r Ai::e. He then cnfeo.rd that L-9 ha.1 l j-t hU way a.':d had h: j.d th it cv ou'i at tht en upLucnt wouli Lear t.i cry 1 ar.jwcr. iJar ftt?!u:e can Le tter t.v th.'Ui iv. cd. A wa v habitation of any kind, tn a dctui 'ft f',' Without .'i.clt.'r or fo".i, rdht fa.-; apprv .tehi! and in imtuinexit dan--r of uo.'idti.t from uiL.-tep and prvci I'.vit h.ippi!y our anxitty lxted tut a !::tl- whit.-, f .r lialtm a.ain after a slow, cautii'Ui ude of ten mmutt-s or so Krt re.aled the call, aril the wtloorne rvssjem away oil vraa !:stinctlv Leard ty alL Euily tha next moruin. while hiking from the hill over tho alley of Mrroiu, nher-i Jhax .successfully fuuht lh twenty king, we held a family codicil as to what fchould Lj ilone. That day w to our List in, f rl fore ixKi I an, th extreme i:orihwe-t ointf would I 1 and lv-area Idiilippi u as designated as our lunclnn ; place. Th -.:-iti. n prt pv r xd w;us hliall we cro.-j tvtr to Ik-yrout, oninlly phunnd in cur kiuu-rary, or crooa Moutit H- nnon and o over into lUrnrvoous and from thence follow up Paul's preat tour along th-j MeditiTranean? Naturally it was a complimentary council, as with Dr. Tal cias;e alono rested the final di-jKaition of the matter. Put happily for tho peaco and harmony of the v:u-anijmentt we ail agreevl that the prupo.ied new addition would be a m'tot interesting ono and spe cially calculated to prove a fitting iud up of one of tho most gloriou-?, arct-ahlo and Fucce.ful tour ever made through Palestine and Syria, and henc with a unanimous vote It was decided to pro long the tour, and instructions were promptly cabled to tho Fteamship coin any infoTming them of the adjourn ment of tho day of sailing for "'home, Wfet home." Brightened and cheered and full of cn, we entered upou the last day in Palestine, yet our experience had been such an agreeable one that we would Khidly have lingered had Dr. Talicage been able to lind any more material for his '"Life of Christ;" but he claimed to pocoes all that he could utilize, and now wa.- anxious to vhit the places of Paul's triuxnplia and trials. The eun shone grandly as we started oil, and but very few cloud recalhnd tho lio:ivy fog that caused us so much uneasiness the nij'ht tvfere. f r. Tnlniago felt, he paid, "as though he could tak the whole trip over agnin." Ntaring Mount IP-ru:ou, the tops of whieh were capped with si.ow white clouds, he pointed u to the b-autiful suh: and s.iid that while the urn was doing its very lert, there were jut enough loudi left to make every Inll a Mountain of Trandiguration. Wi'hin a thurt time afterwrd3 we rwh Ian, at which the Jordan LaLefl its-.t irt. Here over an hour v. as i pent in sdecting a ftorv suit t' for t!e bap tismal font of the new Prd;lrn Tah-T-r; !''!, which, when hlh-d with th" J rdtn watr, of whicii Ir. Talmige liid in an abundant supply, will make a very in tf re -tin : reminder of the mo.-t nleaant trip -f all his life. Bidding fare -.veil to I tb ( Id J-rd in we pushn I r n, an 1 ?on : .irr; d tl'Tt 1 1 r J;:;i- . pi:.r. n I the ex- ! trn lirrit of!irv were at h'j; J ' by h-ir::ig :"r'.rn n-- dragomar.: I t'. -! ::-vMu.h, j At. d it '.v 1-5. We rncimp. d for an i h-.ur, vi I th rend ih i v-hcrd r- T -s to it and pi--.d on, grattd'td throughout f ur trip thru-h Icdr j I. .r i ? r-.-i h-nt had h fa!'-, im, ;:i p'-r.- of .-'.I t"o ml", v' .'-: ' r.r i r:;:: th it fv-i t!i' -ugli v 'II ! ti -.-,o pr-ir.'r f In pr.-dk t i. ter- n thi'-g hut pie i.ure, fjnshir". pr i'.i : ard t-u lt : hl ors ; Tl If.ij !nr' (ir j I i;-.r. j Apr--; -. ut.cnnny ;i s, I b-ard a V'Tv Oi '- fr; i : Irlr ; r c'd wr t ! r:au v u: t t! " e'd .. r dir. I- t. .t t.f a .:v.:h j ' ;..o i i t: . 1 1; ) -:rc, ii r a ray ; . ' t'o n: t:;:.i.;: s , . : t g a . ;:...n i:; th- ' : .. t '.. lr . : r. i e. . i, ,v. u i'. ' i xx r. i : ..; f t;.- v'uie : ir h in i ' ' '.. ."s- !:'i,-' ;:.; tlit n a - a r-'- : ; r ; ' . rr ; . :;ir" ! id - n n ! " " t ' , ' r ". , or-- i 1. ... . , ... i " ; ; : : f i i t . , ! ,f . r. ?0 : - ' Ti ') r ! r . "I... t.;r.- ,1 ' -.- " , . v ;. r r, ; J i ' ' " ' " i . i ,.!-. - ;-- -. cr! . - - i ; o! : . ' H ; . 1 f 1 ! T - -.J I' -T .'r-i- .--. r - . ... Mi i . . : . TT?r-i p ; r-vp- 1 ;rTrJ d.t i - ,-,ii -,v.i-i j l.Tf-i ; I' i. 'f; C it f f i t It Jv : "'. ir- T' rn-: c f nr.r-d-Vik- ' .1 - --1 ,-- J-'' f' ;. i .'N'T'.! '." ti 'V' t r t'-r. ';-. f d l11 h-" " i ' ' 1 ' i 3 ' ; f ' ' ' ' " i . - iHS 110YAL NIBS IN FHiSO.N A tCY3 FREAK AVIATED ALL EUoCPE- 0jUl Uj ILU f rre The kiryj of Prar;., o thro c!4 bHad i.tLii U;, iih 40,tj rur-n mrch?i up tr; f-:i fcnd Jun hr-i down afai Vnd mj Prir Lui Prddij-p Kidrt, J we d' Orleans, v. ho thiak be h a nht to be kin of Kru:oe. crictrud hU twenty-first hirtlr'iay by ttiarchang into Pnrw and tdanng to brve et a privaue idier ha othr trichmen cf that if: rpjireri to do. Put ther l a Uvr forbid-Ling any ueintr of any faadly wr.ich ciaiuas th throne to reenter Piarav; an i to th duke soon fi&d h:n.Lrelf ia lint Concierptne jrt"n, and ti"W the 2Tnnjeiit give out that he vw ill bo- strleuced for a time. aftr which President Caxnot may pardou tdia if L rfo tit. The duke ia the son of lht Comto de Paris, who, ith his j(Kinger brother, rred awhile on the tta'u of Gen. 31c Clellan. In thoee djys it wm no little amusement to Americans on the tdaff to obbcrvH the extreme deference paid to the count by hid younger brother, who acted precisely as if his elder wtre the king of, France.. It is matter of common knowl edge that "the French princes," as they were c.ll 1 1, euon got tired of so democratic a Country a-s the Uniu-d otatea. They were grand fcoin of Louis Philippe, the, la-t acLno A lodged king of France, and the (onite de Paris took high rank as a scholar an 1 writer. I a lti07 he married his Uautiful and talented cousin, Isabella, daughter of the Due de ilontpensier, and this boy was born to theui Fob. 6, l!Soih All these- are "of the younger branch," for ths Conite de Chambord, as tlie direct descendant of Charles X, is by strict law of descent nearer tho throne. When, however, in IS!:?, the people overthrew Churles X, they ruled out that line as a finality and gave the crown to Louis Puiiipp, who was a son of Philippe L'gaiite, who was a d'-scendant on his mother's bide from Louis XIV, and on his father's from that Ling's brother, and therefore had concentrated in him a little more of the blood of the original and beloved IVar bon, Henry IV, than any other claim ant. In tho early days of the republic little attention was paid to these kinglets the more claimants there were of that 6ort tho le?s likelihood there was of any of them menacing tho government the boy the Republicans really dreaded was tho prince imperial, son of Iouis Napo leon. Very opportunely he went to .South Africa with tho British troops and got killed by the Zulus, and t-o his cousin, young Victor Napoleon, lec:mie Lis heir, and that practically ended tho imperial ists' chance". Meanwhile the kinglets had been gaining Hjpulir favor, and ono of them, the Dua d'Aumale, had attained to th high ofiice of division general ia the French army. The Couite do Paris' family gradually ret up a sort of ccurt in their magnificent mansion in the Fau bourg St. Germain, and tho attempt cf the so called "Henry V," or Comte de Chamhord, of th; older branch, to oserl his claims to the throne of opain brought on a crisis. The c;c puLion law, which was tho net result of the agitation, forbade tho re turn to France ef any claimant, and when, therefore, the duke presented hin.seif at tho Bureau de Ih eniteinent e.urly in ih" morning and gravely an nounced hi- r.i:u-', that he was a citizen of France and had come as a patriotic Fretichm n, in compliance with the law, to l egm his three years' service, the otli rial wci completely s,hr.ken from their pr pr: ty. One can hut regret that there war-a"t a Yankee cr an Irishman in contr -1 there t hate promptly ordered h.t.i into barracks with the "to;:ghe.-i" I .t of recruits that could be sei-ctd; one night of su di a practical j h e w ould hare made ni.n hail the government ar-r'-st ;.s a reiif. Th- p;fect of Paris jdice nrr ,.dj;iiu tiiat and he .-pent the night in the (Jonccrgeri' in ?eid. It app-a: 1 in th" prdiiinary i:.:;.-.tion t!i.u he iitered Fraa.ce by ?..rht ard in d:-gt;ie. li s ii.tim.i'. friend. t!ie yourg Di: -. l.ny rvs, !" n rr-:iding otn '(iays "Mth him at Liu. '-an:. . wh rc he wa-? a itu !': t i i the .vIs Miiifiiy r.i.iunr. V.'h u a; n -uuerd li ir.fnticn !! I ' de I. ; - i. -: r. 'ure i him tr.e puni -h-ir.cnt w.-j. j r.-vr-.e. Philippe, e;r., i-l ir" I t !:.. i.Pi ri-one.ier.: had no ter-r-r r him: Fra:.o l--,d cilie i W r :.. ooii-d y... j:o; pilJ i 'ts t the r.irAj; i " ' :.- of th ui and nvrt c. 1 : t " o f rfpd :T'eie,l to lln'-ra. v i j u a blcn . r.inii"'! h: ihi a l'-o'.vti i: and rMange , i,, the T .'.I.:!.'. T - night e x o.d Paris. Af-erh-rfik-: . at 1 h'ir iegint i'-d t "r::it " r,o; f r k xwr.r rr. -.r.lh? i . i v tlur.k it p-'.l r v 'rA:t!t d' o' i I ia I I. ... ! ; r ' ;T'rr t ir?. :' ' rn'. .' 1 5 : - ?. A -.o tvr. .p .irt'oo p'.- th -f i . :-..;. th t t.rr.?h-t a.-.d r. - fr- i ;i r r. b'. d, J " t ', j r, 1 fi n x ,('.'. ' w l-i; f -i.- .-r.--.--t : i'r'-i- ' t ;---r -r... -ii . -n " p.--.-.. ; - r ' : , . : k -- ' : '.: f err-.-r.. i h i -: ; d- . :-r f. .4 ,.- , h :r y " j ; f ; " . : t , - -j j - . r f r ' ; , - ' h ' .'!; 'Otpht i : r . a - '..r.- t. r t- .f s-a ' J t"-'4 Are -.- -sr h"t fJ r. " 1 i .. n t; i .- - - -r.-. --.' . . ... ; ,i i ' A 4 r , - f. -. r . f - - !; ' .--: r-. : m r rcc d'ohlea'3. CK1.MJ UHU MAtktlS. luew-C l Tc f hii:l t. .. v i. twre-fj . 11 ; V ii i a. Gtft;-i4 -. f .'wil. h-t -! , riv - ! w'tsl t - -v t ai. Io V 4.1 u J --' e i -' - A. M ' r x, - - Ai" . t- i. v. e io.ui i 1 - f 'I - i'Uv Ut,r3 . t .v.ri. i ; s . ui. o t uudroA. 1 UC;,-., f t -... hf: r - '! 1 !:. lo t tuatL Viaa-v- Os,u, lour tad rd. V bflt- Nf.' V t'.sarl. toru .wu' r !. !-:. t -Nt. ?- f taiieL ra Vr.! -.'- ,' r Uix. hr- V r I. bar -ti. '.- . .'J T t csirea. ti-.i - j .1.".-4 i'-.A' v torn br-i. r r t.. Midat'.r-tl--.'' r fen. ..ur-Ll.y V, Mir. - 0, I'tet;t. h'-fl-lit. JoH.n.' I'ricea. A pr - f' V t-arreh 'r;tU-I'. f t -Oaci. 1 -Jn V (1 iru. bht,T Ivt JV 'f 1.jU1. lV'Utwes-vicC t bLitiel. 'l he fympbens of dvpep?-a, such af distre if i r eat. ng, heat tbam, and (ea!i:;il in adjchi thould not U- n pin ted. Take HiKd's Sarsapanlla if you wih to U- cured of d?jeps:a, 111.M..1 I Uf I i t t J. M. Loose lb d t iover t o., DettO t: I cliterlully lurnii the tiiue for publ;cat:on. Mrs. S., age 33, cancerous face cell cancer, lias trinl many physicans and on prt jt-ntat. on to me was a lioiTibla s.;dit to look upon, noe tartly taten away, devp pits m cheek-, lon-laod and 'chin. A a lat h(pe 1 put her on Loose's Lxtract of Led Clover large d.-es internally, and as a loi appi. cat:on, I Used the solid extinct In plaster form. She improved rap.dly iiom the first v.eek, anl in lour months was entirely well. Now nght--n mouths s.meiiist treatment and no signs of return. JOII.VJ. WFAVEIh l.dcerationoi' the leg ( Indolent L'icer), lhi ovemi entirely alter tlire inonths' tnatm.-nt uuth ih-d Clover Ivxtmct and Sjhd Kx tract Dn s.-ing. Now one year since treatment and no sign of return. Cancer of Lin and sk.ui die.w. Kntnely cured wutii tlnec months' treatment with P"d Clover Fx tract and Sohd Fx tract Dressing, Now over year and no sign of return. II. Ihec ondary yphdis was entirely ( tired by iicd Clovi r Fxtract iu three months, with none of the after results such as are. left by Mercury in uch cases. If you have any doubting physicians, they" can write to me and I will give them a full history of each case. Pr. W. 11. YARN ALL. Write for testimonials. For talc bv White N: White. 'tu About Town. It is the current report about town that Kemp's Balsam lor and Lung is making some remarkable cures With people who are trout U-d with Coughs, ure Tliroat, Afcthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Any druggist will give you a h.ltlc tree ot cost. It is gu iranteed to relieve and cure. The Lirgo Uittles are 50c and $1. Don't Vay Till You Are Cur'l. Blind, bleeding, internal and external piles, fissure, fi-tula and rectal ulcers cureil, or no pay. dreatnet.t p;i!ih ;s-. No tunc lost Irom work. Hundp els of rel'e rence s. Exam in it.on fife. Lake side physicians room lh Porter block, lh.d; Monroe-st. Hours 'J to o, Tit. .-dav and Saturday tvening", to Sundays, 10 to 1. B-ee ham's Pills cure Bilious and nt rvous ills. H.K GL0SS0ME.R! A sure f .r !". v sore sea!;., ieo.-l.u . .-.' ma. : er ; .:! Jr.: li-or ;ud n!i s.t.:;. dl-. I'-'S. T. i -tv.e teb re:r;r Vlt. hftr - ."iH- s. ; , .! 'M'arr f r-;;rii'-' f '.e .r6nih. !: !,N TODlii hm.m, -sr ..:.t. i I'r-;are't t.r II. b. .MILL Ai'.b. 7 .: Minn. st.. ' o::u! I Itr.p!'!-. ! I r ;!' !. y all ! n:.vts ftrfi te-atrv er .nt ! I .:i'ai'l to I'.ny e.ore ej re- t: t ! a'.ne j I r, e. se:i I fr etic i! trs ir 1 tet :m ui.a.s. ! i, 0. KNOVVLSQN f. tub!' and h v,;tid t or Ba:;g'-. - a "(. irlnd ' T!. ti--! lpsi.b ( rfi ... "ii 041'. s SOAP. R BEEGilAM'S PILLS I VT T UK .d KWA OlOidUUi, S 25 Cents a Box. y Cr ALL DUCC!?Tt. W COMPOUND -.- . T T T ft I i ,, 7- !-. t. .v. F. I-. a--.. ON 30 DAYS' 7HSAL. V r'r;:::; ,-trT-v:7:;:Vl j (10 A Cidkl f ! Sr. 0pnf3 Elect rSc 8ell. PRESENT PRICES. j 28 J -- - i Iv' 71 u. t , .,. rw i :.. 1 ;ur, Nut ai.d No. -I 0.7j , IP 2 h HUiYIPHREYS' VEIEKlKiKI Sl'EClflCS f Zznsu Cr.-U, Zs fcki ( km.rt Bmf.4 !, A.A. f l(iinii MJU I t, ( .1 .tOfcOftttj-r , Nkttl tUiktc. k-. t t m .. lir mo1. t.r..( lu i, icll4wW ,, rrlie, II urr ka. It. 11. I rtfear? mi Kuittr Uuwiw. 1. 1.k rtil i 1 Mkk. J.K. Iirk i lUtilM. MiHr t e, !'& S;N-ia. k:auAl. l-l. (l) U3 l.rf.K4, FrUt, ik'u tii w ov, . foii ti lUi, iscot Flcl-ji a.rlN fcka.tYp1 ted. Cc, tCi fvti-ii M,, I. T. 1 2IX2IP2IS2:TS, f3SPECIFIOHo.fiii Ksnrsus DetiStj, Vita! WeEkncs?, tyiX t lciii.irn cri.l 3 im J l w limn kirjt j-' !'' t., AM Iu U ILOYER PLOSSQU i he GREAT 'SM Psitttt CO nou itaaa XT CU JtlH3 Cacr, Hemon, Sorrs, Ulcer. Swclllnft, Tutnora, AbscrMc. blood tPouooi&f, iialt Rheum, Ctarth. Eryaip!. kbauotiwn, and all Blood and bkiu Diataaca. l'Mict. Si per iDt 1"'. or 6 bottJaa lor $A 11U caaSwiiJ Litra-ti W J. M. LOCto: iUO CLOVER CO, Letro.t, Hlcd5 rOrt SALC BY Alt DMUGGItTS. For sale Ly White k White. drui;ctt. T If you're a close buyer call at 1(15 West Bridge Street, or eall Telephone iH2 for close liprures on Flour, Feed, Hay, Wood, Coal, etc. TO SIDE FEED BOOSE IV. II. I-.U'IIA.M, .Mrf. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CAPITAL, - $3C0,000 1 ran "sets a r'iral h-nkltiS t.t.s'.nx. Inter'-.! p .; . n tt . e tu j sl5. J v p :a! ar rani i:i.-nis uitti .Nts:. N ' U -4 A ii'i.'i. ff N"v V.'tk. I't!ei-.t rreii! 'ur rent in nil l'-.p-Jn - i: :j t r i t-o-l !;:-- t lil'i.a tMt- 11.' st l o.MaN.e '..' illi'.'.s; U'-1 n:i!fi .Ir.iwa cn all t Li Icrca titles at l:n--e.-t l i.t- s. MHIXToR?: r. YV.'a'. i;:;-ui cfrn. Y. sM!lVkil.l. (t.. U . Jo'.jiiiK'a. . .(. b u ie. .li'iies n:-t.r. A. I. lv iii';oa. I- A. I'iceliiett- W. tlay. A.J. bOT'Nh . Pr !.:. 1. A. i:LoI)iiK IT. Vice l'res.deat. It. W. .A.-H. Cas.'.t'T. Zliow Prices Prompt Delivery. Order your Coal CENTRAL COAL CO., -LEALERS IX- Ilanl and Soft Coal, Wood and Stone. Bart ott ttn' t. P , L. & K.; Ji-LM'ilo:,"!: bit .:m&mm , . ... H a a - t. LECTRIC INSOLF8 f 1.00. i ui. am ni l; oiic k. fir-.- r.-.; '1 Mh r- . a . . i Nr' J h"y t" -n : ot t'. -ri,nt f i J -r tfi rv,a'rw tio.i f f -a - r m , i,. i..;. T :t- ti- . .O n ' - t I - t. j ' .I.- tr-t, i i e ' . ' .' ) ' f ! i" r. rv ,-,--; . i ? h 5, J ; f . r - ' ; -t tvr - t'.r ,h Ter1- 4 f' trtT ft- f r ' -o,o, at ) t (-'Z' of i." iv I .r". of. (. -r T'.. ITT. r, V. bl- t:t?lf"hjrr. Trr Airnnc Tirr.. 1 iriii'H' er-i . i r ' f - c r. ' 'A 1 1 1 t 1 11 1 M I.I. - I oe f ?i ' t . t r. ERNEST D. DISBROW. M D PHiLDREN ASK FOR PcVhem's Croup Remedy LOOSE'S EXTRACT u. HARTMAN'S HALL Monday Eveniai'. Feb. 2490 FIRST POPULAR CONCERT OF IHL Philharmonic Society MKi. LTfA YAl.K, MK. J. lb URAMFR, Mlw. L. P. LDDY, AM 7 ti I CRASD EITIDS ORAIOKIO SOCIETY Of HOG Voices Altrrt H. NwiiLottl CeLduUvr Adti li io.!.ery ai.d StM-tU'i. C d4 l, .ViCtLiK Nv!,n..l a, iv t uu l. ei ia. -l itrltvl VilLowl e I i w J :.a sair e? srol I : r. 11; ' t .. . o.-.i l lirr: i X ' k XI i l oust . i i ii-y u.ii...4, 1 r it it. al t v i.vtl. 1 1 n ii n ukam on la ji.'L; ME Ll. lw fcALJMw Act.;. Xai.aei. ONE WtLK. inVMCM'lNij Mo7idd)Feb. iy.iSgo ilktlLtej, luriiky. 1i.L.:h:- a:.C .vatui. nrt Time lu tt.e ':tY at I't-i u ar I'rie ct L H. ti.f at.. .1.4 1 ujr.iL Mi .v- i i a :L, SHADOWS GREAT CITY! Now tu tta Htb Jrrr'u; rr uLi IM&cUtefl b t '.t .J, .. Ui ,t. iiAG.ina:.r .vcj..v;c i:ititsi t' -. :?r, r-r, v. j 'urta:u rtt n j :1 l . Nft Wetk Jtie t: if aO iLr iiy. P OWj:HV (iUAM Ol I.K.i UOISK I RFI' O rLI;i;hH . Ue n: i M.i ajcr uALU VJl Ail.;. .:u.u ONE SrMOKDAY, FEBRUARY 24. NKi O.NLV iLOUIS JAMES, Anl bi J iM t r f i ! J' hjera. la d.aL; e 1. u ..tJc r..y. "OTPPJ-o." f1e f t .e'-ats AV. C.'.fKtij, J ftruary If, at '.' a iu. Prices--.. 'J l s:m A Stereopticon Lectori "ENOLISn CATII KDRALS A. K. M E B Ii I A M ! Tliiirsdiy Lw.,at " (f .k. ADMIIOX CENT.. The lfct::re t e ..hi-tnti d ! v v ; e i ? i i i : . t' r . -' s ' ' x : - ; . ;s t .!..: up'; i lar- : u ihy ; ?, :. i i'or the o .'; n. A ; : : i . : .: .. i y Mr. Chidw: !1. r::':::.'t at t e !'..!. r .... fcrcjrat.or.ul .1, v .i p.- c . de t: leCHirc, 'y;z.:.:..:.Ji tt 7 . h qmitix's opera nou.s::. U Wil. l:. Siili, I, ; l(i C.r. lUal'erjiest vi t I ' ' .. i'v.i 'lutat.; ,f, .; Til! "i i ; yej:k uf i-'i:m:i'M:Y ;r. Arirrhs' '.n ..v-t - i a,;;:.. ; IdCi! m ! i ... I r. at -:.:'; t ; v t . J f t i' t rf t ' r J 1LL1 J M.I.I- prf t - -XI- I . ; h;h h ... .. 1 O r ' ': t V ' ' J FrerR rrira I5C 35c I i 11 hit' J i. a : on 1 CENT V;? CENT JJP.3ST TEA t Y' t B. S. HARRIS PlEIvIOAT AL ! 'i I if f a im! J a 5 ? i I Sleeni Osrpct B:2!iu,i Works C'-rtT ':- T S. . A Li! !".', LA A f Kit pw."".": VIA I fc2 ii O y PROCURED. !,. ' . it. . - $0C , 1 y 1 . . i .: r e-.r -. f ?i i r '"! f-f $lt t : ' ' I : h h r . M ',',n L L. j tf t" - .- t It". ., r -i .. a .v