Newspaper Page Text
IHE TELEGEiH HEHALD, FRIDAY MOBXING, FEBRUARY 28, 1890. MATTERS C MICHIGAN. Th ;i;UWc lUAxitfct u tr: t Rock.- Tr.d Kockford tuve iralll U filling ti Henry Myers Ls on trUl at Flint for A tuIMlUii f uric hii rtl:ed for l;lio.L'l Irsa .ic:l:t:f!S Arj to have & 1'L-i Aiiia ctkfi factory is about to iiocic tke hyoutof. uid. A of Kti:ht3 cf the GoUea f.dS hj Nren iii.t:tutei la Ovui. The interior of tae Battle Crtek Sani tarium Ljt-v;tx UiOroa'-ily rtjuvea-itevi. Ir. F. J. Jackson, prom:ueut citizen cf L-ipter, did ot U gr Wednes day. Wild geee hiTe arrived at the sum mer rtsoru. lhe ottier will come Ut-jr. Tr.e Muskegon police ha?e succeeded :n treakm up a gan; of chicken thieTci. lA!ro:tr are dUcuwlsg the rapid transit qucet.on as though it were some U:iijf lit: -v. M. l. I'errio, of Lansinz, has been cli ja rts tieiit keeper of tna Ingham county pjr. lhe? I-ake Superior Ice Co. is catting we io juu-en inches thick at th5 mouth of lead river. Marquette wants to utilize her water power to furnish electric lixatms for that city and Ncjraunee. The. Kalamazoo women's auxiliary to the Y. M. C. A. will establish a free kindergarten, in that city. Houghton and Keweenaw counties will hold & Sunday-school conTention at like Linden, March 7. Kalamazoo has a new police patrol waon. Although it is a jim dandy, no one seems to e anxious to ride in it. The Allegan County Sunday-school convention will be held in Wayland on March I) and 20. at the M. K. Church. T.erthi Hyler, a l-y ear-old girl lir ir.z at Hath, took pans green with sui cidal intent, Tuesday, but was saved by a fjiv-.eian. No cause ia knowu for the act. Mrs. Mary A. Barter, wife of a farmer living twelve miles nortli of I:g llap.ds, dropped dead Tuesday, while attending to her household duties. Apoplexy. Tbrt jury in the ease) of Bush and Wehhan, charged with manslaughter in the Kalamazoo -treet car horror, have brought in a verdict of not guilty. The jury was out live hours. Guy Samum, a young boy living on a farm near Olivet, pulled straw from a !taek Tuesday, when a hay knife fell from tho top striking him on the head and piercing his brain. He will die. A man approached Miss &avctzka while she was on the way home at De trot early Tuesday evening, and after giving her a good smart' slap in the lice he seized her umbrella and ran away with it. The Slate Military Board has decided to equip all the State troops with new overcoats to te supplied' from the I'mtd states Government appropria tion of $ 13,fH for clothing, etc., which will te available after July 1. C. W. Waldron. the Hillsdale tank crook, has been joined in Washington by his wife and childr?n. He is doing a land office business in the new State, and Mrs. Waldron has evidently for given him his little escapade with pretty Sclhe Bidwell. J. A. rutnam, of East Saginaw, has just received a postal card which was mailed in Detroit, October 31, 137s. The card was just li years, 3 months and days reaching its destination. The writer has been dead several years. He got there first. A Pinekncy man went up to Jackson the other day to get a marriage license. He secured the paper and paid for it, but was so overcome by toe situation that he departed without it. A tele phone menage reassured the clergy man, and the marriage was consum mate I. The State Agricultural College is sending out a circular warning farmers agumn sowing clover seed containing pia.ntain seed commonly called buck norm Another name is rib gnm. It not only runs out the grass, but re duces the value of clover seed by one half or more. The feeds are brown, f'hlong, concave on onu side, convex mi the other. CI in Lin JV'ioa. Michigan pensions: Original invalid r.enj. F. Campbell, Hdlsdalo; Jas. G:lh -p.e aim-house j, Wavne; Walter Billing. Peach Belt: Betiten Pagv. Grand Junction. Increase Geo. W. Mellrn, Athens; Cha. A. Hann.iford, !on; Cha. T. Ford, Pottervillc; Henry Benedict, Birmingham; John Marshall. Flint: Aruna Holbroot, Katoi; ILip.vls; Albert A. Norton. IlM ak; IV Ut Hotlman, CarsonCity; Fred er . k I,. Cr-.v. .Vrth ,Ur; Benjamin Me!!, Th.r-r Ilivrrs; Jusei.h (i llmgharn, Fn'on ( i:v; John s-r-cnhar, St. Morns. I;-'isvip-f-M w ,ni'n, now haac -an 1'rr, Grind na;.id: Frc h rick PI its, P rt !-a-i!ie: John V.. I.athr n, Pending, or g nai widows, ct- llarv y, fa'ner of i.j-mand I'mwrr, J svillj; s.ian. morrr ot John ; r - it, Adri u irrr,", mr ari'T or jo-. r:i i:o- rr Oihen; Tlia, mother of G.rg We:vr, Qumev. All d -ordr caued by a bilionVate of tiie fy :ei. i can curd bv i:;hg barter's 'l.-Ttb- Liver X.) pain, crpir.g or di-onitort attending their ne. Try th'.ni. Pear"' tlie purest and rct Sap v-ant effcet anl thn rvff w;rcn U t-es may yvMre j ,d t:o: W&Tt SUS'K; ir. n ri.Mi5;g to th '.-:. !"r: n.nd.-r i'l v. !- r- "; y and t- t;i- tv ,rrre0 Yf--t ert- the- y. Lvrr and j Trv " eor- r"P'"T- 1 - nu'M t $ r a! ' ! t r A i t 1 ,v '.1 r t t r oiiij fd -at; -i- u THE BABOO OF BENGAL THE GHASTLY T0WRi CF SILENCE WHERE THE DEAD ARE PLACED. Tm fitrM Lm UU UuMttH-A S(i.4 th. Tb-sy locked so human with thir ga- Ueeyw,40 LktsoLbr p. pie, briber ihmj taiked Goxer,u vr EijglUh, whether ou saw them in thj zxaxiiu place cr at a tutt, tLt it rtu dirlicult to bliv thi bcrror ct theto. Yrt it wis inie, for there were th fcu and bUtlLtictf in & hula hand bck in th r tiding room of thi bote!, tizu Aiid taiistica of veeterday and today and tjct of any rtanut period cf auU-civilizatkio. Thi &d lo time; and aj to j Li not three miles from Lr we at, on the topmost point of Malabar hiiL an eminence which fcLso bore the residue of Iord Itty, roTenor of the Bombay prwidency. We aaked the hotel manarr, who was a Pardee, if be had ever Tuited the spot. lie bhook hi head and shrugged LLs hou!der jat as jui Eaglibiuan miht have doiw ulkin of the churchyard or the family vault. "Parseea go only once, he aid, "and then they are carried. But he advised uh to go; all tourist did, he said; and he knew the secretary, he would t as uc&eta. on the rmi So we arranged to drive the next mora Ing rery early, to eee the Tower of Si Icnce on Malabar hill, whither the Parse living bear the Parsee dead, bidding them a more utter farewell thau is conceived by any other people of any other creed on earth. Two native soldiers stood in the queen's uniform at tho gate, and looked at U3 w ith surprise. It was late in the season and early in the day for people who wanted to see the century old sight they prou-cted from tho over curious. Louis went up to one of them wdth in torpidity and showed him our passes. He shook his head and said something in his own tongue. Neither of us understood it in the very least. I produced a phrase which I had carefully concocttd on the way from a "Handbook of Hindutaneo' purchased in Calcutta, and w hich I in tended to mean "We wish to see the Tow ers of Silence." But the man only looked at his fellow and grinned. I tried an other phrase and yet another, but com prehension did not come. Then I reflect ed that perhaps the language of the Baboo of Bengal was not necesaarily that of the native "Tommy" of Bombay, and later investigation proved this to bo the case. Finally one of the men pointed with his gun to a small house nearby, and nodded his head violently as Louis made as if she would knock. So she knocked loudly and presently there appeared, in blink ing undress, a very short, 6tout old Par see, who instantly retreated again. We then sat down beneath a mango tree and awaited events. The old Parseo was not long in reap pearing, tall red cap and gown, and gir dlo and all. In his hand he carried a large Ley, with which ho beckoned to ua to follow him. Ue went up the steps, unlocked the gate and let us in. Tho road still ascended before us through tho outskirts of a tropical garden, and we climbed to another iron gate, which tho old Parse unlocked. There we stood in tho dead calm of early morning, with the yellow light in the eastern sky threat ening every moment to break into flame, in a strange place. Flowers bloomed around us, those crimson and purple flowers of the tropics that are all sense and no soul. Bordered paths led in dif ferent directions, neatlv kept, and clumps of trees did their best to give the spot shadow and sentiment. We were not looking at the flowers, but at live strange, round, white structures that roso at a little distance, divided from us by a wall, in the midst of heavy masses of trees. The oldest of them had ben there 200 years, with never a profanation of its name or office a tower cf hilence all tliat time. The others had been added as they were needed. They were not vaults and they were not cemeteries, yet their business was with the dead. EY ORDER OF ZOEOASTEIt. They first arose 3,fK) vears ago br command of Zoroaster, as you doubtless know, thus: The elements, said Zoroas ter, are sacred as symbols of the deity, therefore should never be contaminated or denial. Neither earth nor lire nor water should serve a Parses after death had made him acorrujt thing. His lody should l placed on a tower, high alore all human habitation?, that living men should not bo polluted by it, and no foot cnt r thej-e but those of its bearers, who should leave It and come away. And the towers of Zoroaster's thought, 2,000 year3 ago, wero the towers with the Litest sanitary improvements, that stood before ua in the year of grace which gives one an idea of the real meaning of conservatism. We saw a model of the structures ! pliown in the garden, and understood it with the help of th hotel hand book. Th--y are built of solid black granite, and coTercd ith whit cheenam. Inside is a circular platform divided into three shallow rccfptacl with I -rt paths lv tw-n. th -utr row- for", th next f r femalf-s an l th Inner for children. Thrro i the notAhl" number of the fol lowers c f Zoroaster, r'mindirg them al-rc-nv cf th cardinal -TrTn of their re licion ''good thouihts," "good word "goJ deds. livery Fnro? wears a white wool n elrd- of trir-Io r,il fnr it, d.Uy uzg-,tion and he carries out the th- U.t. Th. corr l are fFte c.v.r-pari by certain r- '-'" rni'T.i una I'TT I To live 8rr,rt -rrx tl nunitr Tr.a: v of th Par.soe corn cf th1 imr'iritr which j t'.cir cfT;o U 5i:p d t- contract for j them. ! In a mpri-a; ion th work highly , jrnid. Thj carry t; ! i y. wathl in ! a V..-t. t- ir r ; t and Jay it thrro ' ili. ".' r -'- "f.r. " 'rk,'f.--r.-- ''3'cf. ".-Tr: ir.?-- t ,- w..r: 1." a dZ rov-t- r. TV 'n i n-r thtthis c,-n?r-r.4.-n can rrwt rf. f .rtj.ou. f-rhich ar'l to pir cr d .' . h. Jt, or.; rt ;rrt afir c-T" .;,. ? p.-ir J.'ur iiry cr.a. 1 :. r r h. ,t cn the f "Tnvi u th.t d.-Lir f "r 1 rrt !:n.y thr c-re r.d f,e? ' f ; '- i.c.r.' w.v 'it t:-; rric ,J t'- h:.r ci to M.i (rrr f- r an nr t::s ev.h f :r th. I giv ILU La LJutxUaa cf th uickery cf tL Turk. A VUit to ZLmmS 4V. Th oii Eo noAn kqu-jduct. with iu ixxnu'-jaerubld stexk usU, u iLm trt tbject U a.tiuity that one ws in the city. After that there ti noeui of attraction. Kva th very h-dgr tm with broken statuary and choice ifpcciicer-s of sculpture, which ai ud a common stoce. The gijcclic ruL-j of tha Temple of Diana am laipo ing ia the mamrlinod of thtir pn r".rtioas, and their ugnitu Je we found to exceed all that we Lad set-n else where la cotapartioo with them the Parthenon of Athena la u a village to a city. Two hundred and twenty years were pact la tuilihsg the eucture, and no known edifice has ever equaled it in dimensions or grandeur. Beautiful speckuene of the sculptor's art abound in the ruin. The ruins of the theatre, which was once the ecece of the great uproar recorded la Act xix, en able one to form a pretty definite idea cf what the building must have been at the time when it had a capacity for over fifty thousand visitors; and the stadium, or race oouree, afforded acoomxnodatious for no load than seventy-five thousand spectators. It still exhibits the terraces which were cut In the rock for the con venience of its frequenters. Dut 1 must not linger longer amid the ruins. After an excellent lunch, of which various delicious preparation of rice formed the principal part, we again rxarded the train and returned to Smyrna, where the glad news awaited us that the Pandora would not resume her trip until midnight. This afforded us the welcome opportunity of viewing the city. W e found Smyrna a delightfully clean and attractive place. Dr. Talmago visited an every day mission, wherehe charmed the auditors with his matchless eloquence. The next morning found us at Myti lene, where the American consul re ceived us cordially and insisted on show ing us around. He presented us to Con fctantinos Valiadis, tho Greek archbishop, and to Fahn Bey, the Turkish governor. The former of those dignitaries con versed with us in German and insisted on our partaking of Turkish Delight, the most popular because the most delicious cf sweets, recommending it as a sure cure for dyspepsia, with winch he had heard the American nation particularly was afflicted. The governor, who was fairly covered with diamonds and other precious stones, spoke perfect English. He invited u to inspect the Turkish fortress at Mytilene. Before we left he pent one of his servants out into his gar den to pick the choicest oranges, which included, as a matter of course, the de licious mandarin variety, for our refresh ment. At all these places wa had recently vis ited, Paul had stopped. In Ephesus for three years he "ceased not to warn ev cry one night and day with tears." From Mytilene he sailed to Samos, and thus pursued his journey to the end. How full of interest these places were to Dr. Talmage only he himself could telL Ho delighted to roam about in them, and read habitually those passages in the Bible which made references to them In the train on the way to Ephesus he read aloud the entire Epistle to the Ephe- 6ians, explaining it3 meaning as he pro ceeded. Of our subsequent travels in Europe there is no necessity that I should write, the cablegrams published in the news papers having kept tho public fully in formed regarding them. I therefore end here tho recital of my experiences as his traveling companion with Dr. Talmage on his recent tour abroad. Louis Kxctscil THE IDOL. I haw Trnown It voting, I have known It ol I have found an klol of purest poM, And yet there has always come a ds.y When I saw that the idol's feet wera cUj Of rirwt prU was fashioned the rest. In that ooff Mol I loved the test; Acd ah! that there should le thU to sir. That the fel were clay, tho feet were clay. You may watch till watehlcg outdoes your mih .ver the gold is a whit kss bright; The idol corer shall 1 se a ray, But the feet are clay, the feet are clay. I had emrntxl. half knowing, the cct before If onlj the idol 1b mine to ador " I crWL. 'It Is naught if the trumpets bray That the feet are clay, the foet are clay. "If the tbundor's voice should bear It afar That the idol to what all idols arc; If I take them for gold, what matters it, pray. If the feet of the idol are only clay V And yet the Dews ono daj must corns With t'ine of harp or rattle of drum. In strifa tt fq:ia. Irons, on moonlit bar. That the feet after ah are nothing but clay. lift the people tell it, and let them repeat What ta,! they like of the Idol- foet. To tlin antiraurri my Hfe I'll hold. That the idul's heart is of purest gold. A worshiper must be br&ve and wi. TuC gold is a diuulle. gazer's prize; Tl the Lund who chant in the name dull waj That the feet of our idols are alw ays clay. Xt the darkened eyes of the blind aV.e, Lt thm the truth for the truth's own eake t hoj tiail know t a f oolisb tal is told That even Uie fct are of auzht but rold- It the blind but open their ryes to tb liffht. ray, lt them sre truth in their visions of ni,;ht, f R.jali they an Hoi fashioned l-hol 1 Thrwga and throurh of th pure Walter Hemes roilock ia Longman 'a. Improved Tenemeata. Dr. R.S. Tracy, the registrar of records of the lipalth department, has submitted to the board rf health a report on the tenement hou?o mortalitr of aim- j l-tnentary to a report inld bj him on j th same ubjct in J?i)p, lSO. fav Tlie ow m)t Mr!ical RocCr(i jj)e doctor m." that fiace the U-ginning of l'O all tenement houses hare hen constructed undrth superriion of the health d? partnier.t, and th contruction of rear tsienaenU ha net ben r.-ermitt's.l The rororda show theee things: l. The dath rite as lower during In ho';v standing r.ej on a lot than where there wfTihoth front and rrar h-jf. 2. Th oVath rafin hones t-viilt :'r.rc lc03 waa l frthan in h cruses built before that time. 3. 1 lie dath rate n remarkably l.-.wer in 1 mtvs i ';i:t sine- b'.th fr'r R.i.ilta acd children. Yct letter. TVhat r TVhlefe T!r ra-tst b some p,t-ii!;'ar faah'tT hr-.r-r.z hrlxh: children. 1 thre wo-iU r.-r b rj"h a dfirth cf br-ht mn a I orr.'n. "Wat ar tb fnr rr-at lakes b. te i Canada and th Gulf cf xeor PVd t, w Th tben rc i I Lw rr-thT of hr rvjr.j- I '-- rr- v v:, : V '"--'Mi'. I fill i nil I V irfhf'faiifrit tether r-.nJere.l mom tit. ar,J m -;.y - ; - 1ft HOltnt ':.' , J V ' 4 " f T-.'- ? " 'f ft ' .r 7-e-, t f 9 S In Lerr.c l?rniriL. m4 ( M f rv( y.e'i. "ksKK sr. ?u fv;r gT'aT t. "r, C y i a... j tt. F-r..ry V. 1 . T-.'' I , , , r pressed pet-Ji.S' I77 1'rvaaci t k -1 .'.. v l'fraei M itvii i pott 4. lvM-d K .u-trv . fiL vhi;eBS. l'Kllte tv i. .t, ir pwu4i lUikO. Hi l.C tvwd. O reB 3H M'ic J oand. rt Curti- vc i vii r '-Li Crtsl r jmuu4. I y -i rpufit ki L- a K- e t-c utid. Ikiiucu' l'roducc. Butler :o r l-ouui. 'ntilv vc r t uDrl. 1 lirul;, 'J: i c 1 b-Lel. l'-rt vi3o lUhrl. l'i'i:il'.-. 1 4,-'V e tusheL Ai m-6w!: r tusiSel. Lciiuctl.; jx r i ocud. Ciaiu, i lour kutl JT4dU Wheat New. T6c V busieL Corn ;"jc bu-hei. f'al New, bubhcL C ..rn Meat' r tua. He ioo r buhrl. lariey-"Li ,vl.-" 't hundred. iroULd Fffd ill O-mV.'.w r too, hran HJjX' Iva. .Vldd;ii:K liV' f tun. Hur-Liiy White, tiks Tstent. fl ? can. drtd. Jobber' I'ricca. Arrlfs t'---5 2..r-0 r l.arrrL Jtaus-J1.7,-a.' f busLel. 1 l" r d ji?u. liutlrr lva.o' f louiid. l'utatot i-.-c "r baahtl. Oh, if I only had her complexion! Why, it i easily obtained. I se Poz zoni'e Complexion Powder. We arjut Cilad aa Me la. Xo one but those who have tried it can know the life of an active, indu.tri ous, hardworking traveling man , up at all hours of the night, driving through the mud and ram ovir coun try loads. Fating a dinner of cht t e and crackers at home cutonu r.s coun try tture, taking your meals when you can get them, is it any wonder that "the stomach is all out of order; JJuwcl in a costive condition all the tinu- and ks consequence Hemroid.-, so that riding on the cars is torture. Defpt p.ia, Chronic Headache, all ambition gone, life a weary drag. That was my condi tion exactly. I would go two and three days without a movement of the bowels. I have taken enough medicine to sink a ship, but always got back in fame condition. I was told to try your Kxtractot Med Clover, and, on repeated urgings by mv friend. Mr. Lac v. a trav eling man, who had used it, and who now says his gripack is not complete without it. I purchased a bottle m Grand Papids with I mut f-ay but little faith. I lollowcd tho directions faith fully, and within one week 1 noticed the change. I bought a lox of your Red Clover Tills and have taken them all, and my stomach is now in better condition than it has been in the past ten years. Your Extract of I led Clover acts on the bowels in so mild and pleasant a manner that you fool it i? more nature than medicine. I have not been troubled with constipation at all, being as regular as the clock. I have never before found anything that would help me in this respect, as all other medicines I had tried made the after results worse than before, but your Extract of lied Clover has regu lated my stomach and lowels bv the use of but three bottles fo that I feci my8?lf a new man, though I have not used it now for over four weeks. My gripsack is never without it and will not be. You are at liberty to use this as you see lit. Y'ours, SAM T. PICKLES. To J. M. Loose. Kcd Clover Co.. Detroit, Mich. For sale by White & White, druggists, Morton House block. DLAICBFORD KAYASACH, ! I ! " THE Vi'OSDERFUL DD vritt ArriAR n cover Br at HARTMAN'S HALL, Thursday Kvc, March 6, 'CO, ASSISTED BT MRS. FAX5IE MYERS-LAXGLOIS THE CET-t r.K ATED f 0XTRALT0, AND M. FRAXCES CAMPBELL, BARIIOXE. Admission. 50 Cents. No Extra Chare for TteservM Seats. Eox Office opens at 3 a. m. March 3. Cr. Qwr.n's Electric Beli. ' ' ' '"hi H.Tr.Hr.nlEl W fkneFS. YnU -Xl-- :. 1. I'K. lnn: "! A itr. I. !'. AwHodthe'l itf i'tir' laint Clntan iatl "CnvC.:Ti. UtK it', m.,'1 t.r rfmnij rnner.t rf r' y i a UmU.r. and ..!! tre to retre wvkarra tHralh a." lc. P.LECTRIC INSOLFR 8I.OC. f.(T7n' n Vocii!, (.eri',f. sortiiii 4. crwv ufHELTC0 I91A1S3US. Thk V- RDAT EXlMiiTlOHS MADE AS TO NCVELTr. tAS.o.PAS,tformtriif lraminrU.S.PantOfeJ PATENT ATTORNEY AS EXPRESS BUILDING. CHICAGO ILL MBt"" '"w " - For a Discfderenieri Try BEECHAH'S PILL s. 25cts. a Box. OK AJLIj UltTJ-OOISTK. Pears' Soap srri Rrs a BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. or AIL WA rtiiiSTS. 0 AO Vl t' teS? y L FOS a! A AW WOMAN Pii?. '1 X Vm,i V.Vf know. Sp r.l - - f y 1 r. . i r 'r-:"'f j : T - or, ;r i.T"i r-T ' , J ffra'T. . 1 i" ' . ; ... r-r. -. ... . ,w... ... i.. . i - t. ' ...... . i . . . . . . . i ....... .. . ' . n . i I IT r f i , f a' s- W . I ! fc T' - a I ? f i X . . ' X . I . - i ."r,; C'.tjir'inr'T, J Jul;" f I r t . 'i i t j AN OKi'JSAXCE. re.i.t:ux l-cruavviou l Ue Mrevi j Uti)), I wu K to i;;ur: M;htr Ui othrtt to Ur. vi rru.r., ki't f U aiUtik'U fclrr t l ii ii iu tfef c:tf ot iritd hai-iCt. ri4 to v-t.t;i.u :ri cr nru up-tt M hrv. I"i,f Mirt Uiif CotrrBf e! . Gtat.a iuij ,a cvt '.r-c.t.air u. eMt i-siwB ot i ct-iista t! tbc r Hum iw ci-erkiod iu .said t'ily, :: Oii ts,i:b lialb ircet. f j U.r- l:tnf. s.d ctlj from bai. UrtcL r. st vt k 4 c.t t-Ui'.U va cttri atiect :.a ti,ii-j i,uf ; aud. Vi i t ie,. .vl j' Mather acd OiLi l-x La ird h K?a:.itr !B U oiii:ta;,ce I fcaMrU l lUe Cwfuhu.L v. vuuc;i. t l U.e i ii t uraiid H i. oct.'ber li, i-. giauUt yti Uii.s oaia ;rior la kti, oj ervt, ue :.a fiik'UlAifc Uirt I tb ttt ftlXvcl Ol oral ii Ll id. 1! li I.d bcCOUi:tg U.f tUlCr4,ir oi kid Mrtti iva iej tt oiaud ! U the ue of ail lit a&id lrvi ta.ia Li.- , and. vViierta, Aftr k14 Street Rail war CPru t'i:j cl ura&i hj iC4a .1 mi Smwrl Xati.rr iivi ihei, tLrir tu'r. ii kut a.ufc. kl.all LieftoLuia acd vxuudrd Utr atrrti ru jiy l aouih ol id t:iy l:uni u outh ii!i;it atrcet. asu rM sin cit lnnlta ou bi.a Clirnjf lret aud Wra.iL' hirut, tl.e oi.rrativu ot e-rruiu i,rti ju it aid iiKrlr kilvct fkliMk) KHKf wt i U l,r ln.JTWtia itle, tow, the CoaiKioa tuuc:. id the Citj of Jru4 ld co oruai. k l j. . w : tvi tisu 1. Xlmt toLa-ri. rt a 1 vli B bed authority trrrby t' cii ji!.dg: au4 aun seated in iue h;a irtrtt h&;o ay Ci.a.paiiv id "rti:id Kaini. aud lu .-a.tiUrl .Ufcthrt. Mi uani 5;hihri. y. J. Har, tuer.r lu l t-rry aii4 lot ir .vcalrt. id t i' ht-ir a iuiu a t'Oy i:.tlr tuv v.r ti;d hea u.d ll i aiiit be oiiie tl.e aaccettr lo the r!i.l ot haid n irt i j'.a:jw iy C o:uj.i;y I jt Jii:ds . lo k-e;), u, aad opcrU ktiK-i t.iiay watks lu Hall btrrvt. Irom lis liitet vet. uti ."uih I'lWaiv.'t atlt-rl to Jfl?ri!o fciflltifi aid 111 hot tlrrt-:. Iioiu Its luiriK-ct.ou MltU c htrry Mlret lo Mirl ii.U urcrt. lor t .f pLrl'vbt tl ruul:ii cr in l1 vtf naiil aLrcris, to aud irorn Sdtd rsfuta Ul visien iireet, Jritraon ae uue. t r.firy strrrt and Mirju.iU Mtrrt. to and tioiu the t'ir Lousrt and bsrus tl and Mret La Uay Coiipuy id otiiiid l:i-id. aud itii kiy I'owrr lu um utou the Mir 1 raila) -t inc Mieet r.ailnay Lonuauy cf di&uS Mil Ms, aad said famui-l Mather bud others iLrit ut- c-srna otbT. ."ec.'i i hat J:d Mreft Hallway C dicy cf urand ivapida and miu rainu-, .Maiut-r arid ttlier. ahoe namrd. th-ir un uiand a alicna til and w hen they bri-ornc Hit- sm cmon ct !a d tret I'.ailway ('ompanv ot (jrand Marw la;, sttau not hf ooliird to oorr-tic ttr-t ran tor ordinary and rt-nuir alrt ri car M-rvire Uioii aini over a;d JlM urert, Irm a!d "oath hniMuu strrft to JefTrrM'ii avmie ij ca anl oer aaid atreet Iroiu t hciiy trrct to arlna!l sirect. hut ,r.;i te at u'.t tlmt-s exempt lr..i;i iijertlj: a:. '. niaintiJniug atrert cur srrvn-e lr the of lau tcrs upon aad over Raid port;.nio! Hall Mreet and t.zsi f-trrt nbove nanird. t:t:,rr a ladr. ieudi-at hire l car ilnt-s, or u art8 4.i;d j or tlua ol any olher .treft car liaej uow or hrre- alter owned lu I or-eralfd by 8ld compaiiy, r r by aaid KauiUrl Alather aud others, or successors and assigns; i)rtv:dfd. howcyt-r. UiAl tne provisions ot this orUhiance sha'l not becurue operative unt.l hat l Mmrt KailWay emi).t:iy, or said .sain it l -Mather ai.d otl.eii above u med. their ;i.-c-ts us or asaiiis. sriall have built and extended the present Hues l Hrert railway owned and oier:;ted t? sild htreet lUilway (.'oinpany ol liiand ilapias s-uia oa ...uih lM:s:oa ttrt lrin t4!d lUll street, and east ol Last srn et upon sid t herry ttn-et and said 'e;ilttiy a vn.ui be yond the city limits respeeitveiy, and fiav- riinniriir and In oneratlou tl.ertupon. if::uiut lines ol btrert railway iu connection with lh present Cherry street line, so caret, and Wealthy avmue line, to railed, and vutliJj; vision street hue. so called; and Iso sbuii have Lullt. Jnd In operation, u line ol street rail way Irom toaih Jnvlslon itreet. in audt ver Hlakeiy avenue, to JtCerson fce!iue; thene- in and over Jefferson aveuue to hallstrct-l; tlience In and over Hall street Iron It uiteivctiou with Jeflc-rtoa avenue, to ila4t $un avenue. Section ;!. the riht to dl?cont'.nu' ftref-t car jiassenger service upon that p'.rtbMi ol II alt street, he.reialwlore lumrti, slial de- fenn upon t li extension cf the outti ivision street line, so caliid. bey(nd s:id city limits; and the neat to discontinue stren i assengcr service upon thai porthui 1 t ast 6".i eet. above named, sbal! be condiib-ned up on the extension ot both the Cherry meet and Wealthy avenue lines, so called.easi of the city limits. Section i. The privileges conferred tythl ordinance shall extend for a period ol mlrty years from the acceptance ot tliis oidlnanee. factions. This ordinance shall net become operative until the sa-ne shall be accepts m writing by th k'rantees herein named, ty themselves, or l heir duly authorized aent or attorney, which aereptauce shall be rile 1 with the citv dork of th olty of ;rand Kapidsou or before tLe first day of .May, l'.-O. Passed and approved ty the Common Conn cii. rf the Cltv of irand ltaplds. in rfc:'!ar session, held .Monday evening, 1 bruary 17th, " W. A. SHINKMAX. City Clerk. pRODATKORDER-SUteof 5Ile.Wean.Ceun-- ty of Kent. ss. At a ses-on of the probate court lor said County 1 Kent, he'd at the Probsite oflice. In the City of raud r.nplds. ou the I'.tn day of February. In tlie year one thousand eiht hundred and ninety. Present, i'yrui K. Perktn. Jude of Probate. In the matter of lh st:it of .JoHN .MAUTiN, an inan person. Patrick .Mccaun. cuan'.ian of said John Mxriin. having rcndeiel to this court his Una! account. It is ordered, that Monday, the 17th day of March next, at 10 o'clo' k in th forenoon, at said oltce, , ar; ;r.ted for ex amining and allowlni; said a-:-u:t. A nd it is further ordered, that a copy this order be publish 1 three successive wcks pre vious to said day of hoards, in the Tit-r-otAii-HeiT.n. a dally newspnnr printed and circu lating in said oisTitv of Kent. CYK! S K. rUKKIN. Jufizeor Prohate. (A true Copy. I Apoixb I. Majov, r.e:?ter. mar 14 Tr.OBATnnRDEP.-tateof Mlfhlran. Conn- ty of Jvent, ss. .t a fslcn of the Probate Tourt for said Connty of Kent.hld at tn- pri bate ;( . in th City of trnad Itaplds. on th' 11th day f 1 e'.rur". In the jear one tliouvmd emu hundred and ninety. Present, Cyrm '.. Perkins. .Iudj;e ot Pronate. In the matter of the rotate of .lACOli V, . .MINI!, deceased. An instrument in ritins purport Irg to be ti e lest ill and testament of Mid d oKed, 1 Rinc been filed In this eourt It prohate. It li ordered that bridsy. the 7th dar of M;;r'h next, at V) o'clock In the lore iiocn. at ?aid ProhateO"ce. be appointed lor prorlnz ftiil instniment. And It is furtherordered.that a copy of this order be puhiished three suecs'lre week rre vh'Tis t said day of hearir.e. in theTrit r.Ku llrtAir, a dally rewi'rer prlcted asd circulating In said Co'it'tT of Kent. (A true copy.) CYftr K. I'KRKINS. Judge cl I'rohat. Ararn E. Mi"y. Brj'Mrr. Trl TJPOBATn onnrr.-tate of MleMran. Conn- tr cf Jent, ss. At a sSHfon cf the Pror ate Cfurt. f -r said Count? i t Kent. hld at the P. o 1 fTt f. In the ntv of rand lUpirt. on j tl.e 11th day ol t ruatj, in th year one theu- fh u e;nt r.uncre.i ana r.'nrxy. )"rre-t. Cyrus K. I'erkins. Jnlge rf Probatf. Ia the nrstfer of the ev:g rf CAT JIAP.IM: PHILIPS, deceased. Jam y.. Mct:t1 4e. adn lr.1Tr,it r of sail es tate. hj.vjr.5 rendered to this f.urt Lis frst ari n'.al aCi;i:. It Is o-.iered that Frilay. the jej, Cty nf T'i 'rsinsy 1:,st., st fn o'cio' i ti th f reorn. : s t J'to a'e off hespj o r td lor fiam Jr.irt Sid ll. Ire snirl sefnrf. And it is Jurt-ier . rcT-,l. 'J a copy rf this order e i-i.t.pshrd to so'-csiTe wev, pre. s i - s f "!T of 1'fsrn'C t- ti e Jr- rcrv Hit! r. a dai'jr rew paper prli.t'd and :rru Jat;i: la sail CourJy rf Ke-t crr.rr r. perking A trc rrj.r-. Jnf'c of Pr&hate. Art.rr P.. M PeftT. trl pr.OPATE OPI'Er. -:aff r M:(Mtr,rn-;n- tf of Ke;t, ss. At a ; or of tNe JVf.S- ; Co-it f r said e4-or.t r? nt. r," 1 at te p n l'a'e ofrA, 'n th nry rf ra til P.r on the ;ih day of F'i r-.a"-?. i t yar ose toiisar.4 f ;?.t h-i-i 'rl a--, t.lre y. i r'Sr t C .T'.s P.. pe-kiiis. .Tlit" f f Trcate. IT, th' r'''t- 'ft" -1Te r lU.HW H '(' I.y.V(,.dMMMi .- r- a J r'-s r. x'ln. 1 'U'i!'1' of sH estate. f. r' r .T t "i ' r t 1 T t ' f '1 'T s V".- It : t T'T '. thflt Fr f'r. t :h 4 y,-srr nt. at V- 'fe in ;! f a- s:1 i r s ''. l.."el f-,r ei r.-l if (s rrt? ' r ' t'.T.. th a er ef m ' f1 s ! i f -f h-nr c. ii t : 7 t - i' 't'! H rr - r f le- t. ',A-m'- r t J'rr-te P Mv. F t'! it UKND ITER a liuliU l-iay 1 urwovi. iMos a lit iu..a;ei K. tALTEK Actlti uaaaex. THIS AFllTltXOOX ! rJTO-K"IOI-IrJI? ! Tht Great Miiiiary luau-a, The Blue andjhe Gray! 60 l4jl ou the !ifce. 60! 4r FpeeiaJ ei.saveiiicr.t of the Grand Kaptds Guard, budtr ivOiU.aud ol Ci laa hiuut-y. Htxl Wttk Xih'l K Uy, Aller reea Ycara. PRICES et.r.t hK-. Sc. 3v, Mj loo. 2j a&d MatiUrc. Curtain rt j rcu.ptly at o cl,.ca. IMITH'S OPL'RA 1IOUS11 UanikoiEfjt and 1 -t Appointed VauaciUle liteatrr ut iu- cUy. TUP on L ;ixr. F WEK OF J:iUiUMiY TLe Offering . '. tbe V'eek: j Line na'.l' !o r!ef.iue Com- ; Vaijj. In i . b the I ra- Even's Jrncwa L1LLIL i ALL, i inoei - v dtv. M.a.,a. r.hs. :l. I. ;.;. n-e cf the L l.ti 1.1 )in Mh TLt La.-ieru IirM Apten 15c 35c IOC W.M. i .A MP.- l.oi A boi.j ad i- i.l.O. J . .: , America'! 1 ii .0 cN. 1 r.v. !".. . l..aito::e J;rl Arp'i.i.i,e f tLc C'.es r v ! re- OAKhll. i. U.-n. MI.v- Ii fll. - i. ( LAIR. Pi ro-Csnjiue. Thewilw,r to W.tU LV.lie l'a'.' .kj...ri.!!;,; ljurlep jur. Seal In ivxea 0 Jl t ), ( lc. 50c 1 DHU. Or "The Pt Hi) pjirurj." UEUAL K-.ATlNE.tS- S m m "0 5 u Perhaps it is early lo lalk about Spring Carpets but uliat is (he use of waiting until the Sjnin nihil is hero to liny your new car pet? Our three Jioor ot our double store are now packed lull of bran new Carpets, bought direct from (he manufacturer, repre senting the choicest, pat terns and fabrics, anil tho variety of design aud color ing lor Spring of lS'JOhas never been equaled. Select your carpets, wo will storo and lay them for you when ordered. We make a spec ialty ol line work, knowing that a customer pleaded In the best advertisement wo can have. SMITH i SAHFORD OTTA WA and PL'AJtL STK, GItAXfl UAJ'IDS. MILLAKI)S HAIR GL0SS0M.ER ! A tare -Tjr for Itrhy ore fra'p. Iar:ruS. I fj'tr a. I. or I a!!. tnc Hair and all aip d'.f asm. ev To ean the Ue'h par'T h'.te. t,ird' n tL r:0"i. and trt prt ra "MH-e t,, t l.r-.v, (, lll.L.Iil - Unu 11 101, 2 , r.t. Prepared by IJ. K. MILLAKI. 7 .Vor.rye rt J Grar.d r.apM. Mlrh. 1 sr sale t. fcii ori f a"l r;T. or srt yostpajd to a:y diens on re e;j t t a'oa pi 1 re. rend wr clrcu.a.'t tij'l P-MimtMim. BROTHERS' PIANOS ARE FULLY WARRANTED THE BC6T i CWtAPtiT," rvr Mr. i ci r i om t u r, v a vr a f .ttp rr.K CHASC EPOTHLRS PIANO COWPANi-. Fa!room, 2 Monroe F r t . 1 a'tory. 1 to 7; routh frort f tret. or it CENT AH CENT JJJP TEA I a yr.'.rz cvf rr t r tzrl I r;'t You 1'orr t B. S. HARRIS atd iz i j' i ;v; P. XO TICKETS! REDMQE1D i