Newspaper Page Text
THE TELEGRA3I HEBALI FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1390. OXJT BIGHT US TWO! "We lmve jitt 3Kxpoiieueecl one oi tlie Greatest 01eiiiii fule- of F Ui na UJ 10 1 AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Ever known in Grind Rapids, at which time we reduce our prices to such an eitent that it caused all to wonder. Now we or our entire stock of FCRXITCRE and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS at price still lower than ever. Although our sale wa far Uyond our expectations our new line of CROCKERY, GLASSW ARK, TAFiLE CUTLERY arid SILVERWARE; our extensive l:no of CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUM and OILCLOTHS, our new ly abided line cf CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES we found, upon a partial arrangement, would occupy more room haa we ha.l yt cured. consequently we shall otter our entire stock of SIDEBOARDS, BOOK CASES, FOLDING REDS, FANCY ROCKERS, SECRETARIES, FARLOR SUITS, LACE CURTAINS, DRAFERIES, CARFETS, etc,, at greater reduced prices than those named during our greit Clearanco Sale. This Means Goods Sold Below Cost in Every Instance. Sideboard, Former Frice, $22 00- Now f 15 00 S.df board, Former Frice, 25 00 Now 00 Sideboard, Former Frice, 33 00 Now 24 00 Secretaries, Former Frice 30 00 Now 24 50 Scretars, Former Price 25 00 Now 21 50, Former Price 20 00 Now 17 50 Parlor Suit. , Former Price, f 15 Now 37 50 Parlor Suite?, Former Price, f50 -Now 42 50 Parlor Suites, Former Price, 65 -Now 50 00 Rook Cases, Former Price?, $30 Now $21 00 Rook Cases, Former Price, fS7 50 Now 26 50 Center Tables. Former Price. $ 7 50 Now 5 50 Center Tables, Former Price, $9 Now Center Tables, Former Price, $12 Now Carpets, Former Price, f0 Now Carpets, Former Price, 75c -Now Carpets, Former Price, S5c Now Draperies at Half Price. 6 50 8 00 47 cj 62$ c 72 c The Slaughter Is Universal. The Knifo has been applied to each and every article. All oods will bo marked with former and present selling prices in rialn Figure. Sale to commence Monday, February JM, 1890, and continue two weeks, unless these oods are sooner disposed of. All goods sold for cash or on Easy payments. 1 1 Ml lb u 0 5. OS and. C Canal Street. P LATEST STILES OF HATS AND BONNETS! 40 per cent. OrJ Its Regular Price. Come, Examine and Rc Convinced at Bemin's Winery No. 2J Canal Street. Store, FSSMKNT HO 1 1. fr era-line. zraTr'lm and pann th cutters of Thomas street, from . . .'. . . l ,:t .tr..t in th flftr .-.f Oranrl 11.11)1.1 Mir&. l"vrlrt!-r.. Assessment. Fees. Amoaat. All tht rft of ttie east feet In lnzth of lot t n a U.tiori to th rltj el Urand RapiUs. f. f t of ih wnth h of 1 ti.imii Mrl . ' ri J." ira- of ?.r or tri i Je-.-r. 1. t;. . l-!ii THE JUDGK NONPLUSSED. liur Go. If the angels weep, they cit!t Lave duae o wUtn Michael Run, took his -!; on the frayed out carpet Ufre he Ur of the police court. If the angel oer sicker, they must Lae done &o when Hit Honor U trytl hun.ane j-erpieiity, and LoiitJ-tiy ex- iiiraed: "1 rvally uoa t know ivi;at to do." Rut he d;d know rgut out o: the goodness of h:s heait, :A yiicb&tl'a t-eiiieiic1 : lnaenmteiy utfe:iea aiur sflf-cvnvu'tioa oi hT;ug r-en very tiruiik. Rurus live at the soiduis' Home, and ozi Tuefdav Isat, while la- tonr-s; under a fit of temporary insanity superinduced Ly smc gouene, slipped away from the home and tot verv drur.k in town. lie was amsitd and arraigned, and aid the uual fine. His reapp-arance m court yeteraay, mud ins face ounded out of thane and hie tocket- took stolen, containing &!0, made him a pitiable s:gnt indeed. Michael men tioned that he drew a pension of H a month, and His Honor remarked, halt facetiously and liali earnestly, tnat 4,a man ought to ktp sokr on fd a month." When Michael kit the court he was as huppv a man as the circum stances would warrant. Warmeit up Affection. Reman ied after a separation of ten years, um w a me case wun m. Reck, of Grand Rapids, and Clara 1). Rarr. of Greenville, latt week. Older citizens remember the daughter ot Jack Rarr, and when che was one ot the hrihtoft of the High school pupils. It is not necessary to tell the cant of the separation, puthcient to say that it did not at all reflect on her character. For years she has been a member of the family of L. JI. tTatt. Mie was remarried, bcarinj her maiden name. Greenville Independent. & CO.'S PRICE LIST! Yun't'r' i ui J r. At: f h t p.-irt ot lot I. block . Krmiiutrtii's i .1.:. a to :tv oi llapi 1, buniiea an.t it"rrit)oi f ol- ! ,i pont wns-Ti !. I'n wr-l fi in noriu-aifc oorar t.f'vi'.t t 'f. l '.' wt f -t. thnv-e utl to th south uf ,r rn i. f't. thn- north to th rUce of fsrta- p',-ij xv'i: -'i 1 f? f th .ath Uri of Th'm trt 4o a TVarr'-n i-'inV i. li t ri t prt f lit K ?. F. KnnIy's RUhdlvlv Ln oi i 'i-tiw rr""t . 41 V, 2 i 13 91 "' 'i 'trvTc t "o "ri tt r"t itiE. it Rif a RiriD. Mich.. Jnury 27. !?. It irr'n ii froTi th rtura of th Clt? Trfi.urr triat t:i awmeuts and ro!lctioii fes ri rv r ; in fxp-.d r In p4r it prr! at rmMi tloa on Friday, the 7th diy nf M r-' I- ? 1 a r' ta tl: tr hii. M th dor of th court hom r th pla'-s f.r k ,,V" ' fi rir"ir. ,v.rt (" th ountr of Kent, in vi1 rity of lirand Kapl-lv and sold to the f -st ' l ir fr r! purpe of coii- tine id assmnt and intrt thfron. and fifty e.'nt f r th of v i Jot or parrel, i.i addition ,v,l,c,,t,vJNry,,l( n.rk Total Collrtloa Total Asnieat. Ffs. Amouat. l F.MFNT FOI.I. for th-nrrnrtioa of a wr la th alley la tlock R ConTfrv and V ja ,fr-d tdltlon to tho City of tirail r.aptd. Jarr if '"OT or , o.v-:pit:ort TWripMon lUdntzH-. Jm. Th oi;ti u :' in wnm oi ios i v nirn-ii. i. vuu- Telford' A! iitton to th-city of rand Rapid Soli - lUdVsl Jim. T i-n-Tth h of lot l-.o.ocki.U'oavr .iTalford s xidifoT th i v of '.--and P.api t- - l ?l Cli r Ci '!- Th ""'itn ft in id th of lot 17. M. ' L', Con- tirVA I!f-rl-4 Adtittoa WtCifT ot t J rand Rarll. ...X n 1 M n a 'fft" O"- ITT i UK!, 'twni' r t r i .'ir . 1 3 It ppa''n2 fr i the r?'ini of th t Iry Trea'J'er that the aaaevment and collection feea rtithe 4'.Vf,d-ertKe.i aarei ot real entat remain unpaid, not!. is hereby tfyen that a!d ret! etate i'l "X,-"-d f r vi- l:i S'pirae parre t puhli auction oa Friday, the 7th day Mfirrh l'l' t li.ifhf la th forenoon, as the door of th court houn or the plaoe for b".t!T2f h cifvnit eot;rt It th wtit of Kent, la a!d ctry of i,rand Fapida. and so id to the hii) hd 1- t te rrj-po of eo'lftlnz H aamnt and ia'eret -thereon, and fifty ers for the Wof iS lot or pari. ,n ad titioo to th cost of vljertiMrg W. A. ?H INK MAN. i ityfl-rk. 557 F!NT HO IX f-r fe m??h "Ion of a ewr in Thirl arenu. fr om a point ft A"V- f'the an f S-ata ltTlioa $fre; to the ror la Pachaaaa trt. la th City -iofi'-ir'r Total Co . t..-n T' al ('iv'r'iT i--r,pt:on .asmQt. F. Amount. 1-- t 4.,; tfs-r;rr,.f .;ran.l Ppd $ ? 13 . S ? 57 '...' .-' 11- r..n h !. t. ;raa: t Adfittoa to th iTy of T -rar,'i f--n t. r"i"-i of t:v H't rra'ifr that th aamnT anl o i-tin f n ter!:w..t rafif real ea'aermaia tapa 1. iv!- l hry r.a tra anra . k ,i :.,r in orarat ra-c:. t p-iM'c a -: on r ri lay. th- . 1 " lit ,,r;fc .. a n ivf.';). v iv.r .if to co-Kt ho-je or th r'.o f?r(i;i ! ' .... t... t, ... 4 .,f ,.r-A n- n.4.-k'.1 tf'.o .'xt 'i f -r f-r rh- v' i-poa ot eoi.eof-ii : 1 j-nent aat lneret thr--. ant 2fty ,rth t l .inot r,1''l,,,JlrA: 5niNKMVN:Vfc-yC;e. 100 lbs best Roller Process Flour ...$2.00 25 lbs bjst Roller Process Flour 00 o Every sack warranted. 15 lb?. Granulated Sugar for f 1.0) 6 lbs. Rolled Oats 25 c 25 fl". Turc Ruckwheat Flour 50 c 1 gallon nice Tabic Syrup 35 e 4 ls tt Currants - 25 c 5 lfls new Prunes 25 c 3 lbs now rasins 25 c 1 lb nice Maple Supir 12 c 1 gallon pure Maple Syrup 00 c 1 quart pure Maple Syrup -25 c 3 lb'iirst-elaM Tea Dust 25 c 1 gallon Water White Oil 10 c 5 gallons Water White Oil 45 c 5 oil can with pump and filled. ..1.75 1 h cood Japan Tea for 20 c 1 lb very lett Tea for 50 o Warranted to pvc satifaetion to the most particular tea drinker. 1 lb ground Coffee,our own grinding 15 c 1 lb choice Rio Coffee for 25 c 1 lb choieo Morha and Java Coffee 3-) c Good Reef Roast?, per lb 6 c Foiling Reef 01 Round tik 3 lbs for 25 r. COURT KtCORD. CiBcriT Hon. Wm. E. Grove, judge Cyrus E. Perkins, judge of probate of Kent county, Michigan, lor the use ana teneht ot Joseph h. Platte vs. llham Cordes, ajsumps-it; continued without costs. Herbert 1). Perkins vs. Unor- eaux & Johnson, assumpsit; verdict lor the plaintiff ,.-jr, and luugment ren dered accordimrlv: nroceedincs staved twenty days. Charles J. Rurnham vs. PhilliD Graham, replevin: on trial. Rufus W. Gillett vs. Lewis Spaulding, assnmred; motion for nevt trial denied with costs. Hon. M. C. Rurch, jude (ieorire A. Casselman vs. WilhamMc Caul, assumpsit: on trial. Kingman A. Co. vs. William C. Dennison, replevin; continued over the term without costs. Scterior Hon. E. A. Rurlingamc, judge W m. I). Htmbhng vs. Michael Tennis, in chancery; hearing closed and case submitted; March 1 is the day set for hearing arguments of counsel. The City of Grand Rapids vs. Adrian Welle man, assumpsit; on trial. Probate Hon. Cyrus E. Perkins lunge hstate of Patrick ceased; will and petition for probate filed; hearing March 31. Estate of I?aac W. Wood, deceased; report of commissioners on claims filed. Estate of Wilhelm Sehwarten, deceased; in ventory filed; order that all claims bo hied m court on or bclorc August 27 1800. Police Hon. John T. Holmes, judge John Powell, drunk; $2 line and 3.35 costs, or 12 days; committed. Peter Van Etten, drunk; adjourned to March 6, 10 a. m. hrank Crawford, m Squier, Sandv Mcintosh, Thomas Fer guson and William Allen, disorder! v adjourned to March 13, 2:30 p. ni. E Mcliowan, assault; 3 fine and $30 costs, or 12 diys; committed. Alfred broad, cmoezzlcment; discharged Lorenzo l. Parker, truancy; adjourned to Feb. 2, 10 a. m. Wesley M. Arthur surety of peace; adjourned to March Jf.lOa. m. Clarence Dailey, disturl ing meeting; bench warrant issued John Allenham, embezzlement; ad journed to March 6, 10 a. m. Mate Morrison, Hattie Williams and John Doe, assault and battery; line fl and costs, divided. Charles arner, lar c?n"; $5 fine and 3.35 costs, or 30 davs committed. Michael Rurns, drunk sentence suspended. Don't Pay Till Yon Are Cured. Rlind, bleeding, internal and externa piles, fissure, fistula and rectal ulcers cured, or no pay. Iratment painless No time lo?t troin .work. Hundreds of references. Examination free. Lak side nhvsicians room 2 Porter block 1321 Monroe-st. Hours 0 to 5, dailv Tuesday and Saturday evenings, 5 to 0 Sundays, 10 to 1. Dr. Wilburs Kje Water Cures all kinds of sore eyes, such as granular lids, wild liairs. scrofula m eves, failing s:ght or cataracts. For sale at Peck's drug store, 50 cents per bottle. ... Pick neadarhe. Loose s tcn Clover ' i ins euro Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Pork Stf ak. ..3 lbs for 25 c. Fresh Fork Shoulders, whole per lb 5r Heavy Slt Fork pr lb 7c ;i;ir Cured Ham rr lb 10 c Ham Prio.1 Reef per lb 10 c Cila Hams fr lb 7 c Kettle rendered Lird, our own rrn- derinz,3 lts for 25 c Jrs filial - c hi A 5V.Af;N" J,m of -f i .-r-? ,,t. Xa'T. ;.a R. Kap"l no t.T, t--r th foi?ntloi o( t sTr la th r.y in V,-wk 14. rtter Frvrtlon T'ai r.!,eerioi Tot:. rvjT'rr'" .niai F. Araoun:. 7.e . twx !4. raer Fra-'Tion. Hy 0? tri-l ;t(s x ".SV'ri m. lit. Re;-. Ml-h . Jn. rr. Tt rraH-i e-,, ;s-rtrr-, fttT Tr-anrr that th a-n2t and i-lt, sm n tn 'MT.!.'-V-i rf- f rl r-mIiaiPid. "?;o i ff'trw tv a; mZ r-aJ v w r-"t to ai ia earar r r,', '.! -' Frt Ur. tne -, i .-.f m 4r-o ! at ; 'to-ic tn f-i-r-v-n. at tfs 1t of t'n e-'irt tv-i orta r'e r w;, ,:H....'r.M- -rt f.-.T : o-y of Kit, n .d ity of '"rnr.1 i.M t IJi v. v. 0 m nf eo -rri-z s;d nf and istrt tSrn. ii fl;ty cent? t.T tie . t ct s-..i:i a It parcel, tn altt t. f ,ct of r r I ' T a . ? H I N R Nt C ry C r DAMEL G. GARNSET, EXPERT ACCOUHTAHT, .:P...n ea.tnr.a tri. uri ti7.r,r i'! .1- '- Vy an t ev y tM ! r-rrt Fr"-T rr'ioni- a. Ff7HRr. d sr. ORAHGE LILT f a -i- f--r f- M-a "a V- t irows-s-v rvad Sap. la, J4 In reading the prirr io net th.r.k they rrpresf-nt pr cr on chap gn.l. We yrarrant pTrry article we oii to 1-e a repreer.trd or money rrfun-iM. We have a !arg cjh trio rA can afford to sJi yo'i a goo-l article at a very n-all dirg:n. Com and lc-ck ct?t ctt stok and if we can not s-rit yo:. VAN EVERY fc CO.. p,r, jn PTryt. r.;:- the cf Gro cr s FrnT .,-.. '.t ar.d . .-krd M-a . 1HE KU1CE CESSrEEP. Salocnists Have Some Rights Un der the Law. hrwtf utluj Attwrtit) ilUua Dom t Aivt ot liukei) tu Liquor cases are ut utault:ng raj-ld- y m the recorder's court, aud a large uuiiiUr of thv-se ctiargt-d hquor en Sunday, are acipuitttd. Yt terday John Hanrahan, Leo Mrahl and John E. Sjieare t ie added to the list of those whom there ivas no cie made out. Alexander i. Mtyns having left the city a b.m.iar charge j aga:ntt him was dropjH.-d. When the Spears case was caJcd ProMcut.r.g Attorney Wilicox severely criticid the action 01 the officer mak ing the iHMi.j.lauit. Tht latter testified , that lie found the ude viuor Ueke t, tut rajijn d and the propr.ttor ojK-md it. "Uiere is no use 111 proceeding with ! th: case, your honor," Mr. Will- I coi, "as under this it will be lmpiv&ibk to kk uic a conviction. The "!ace was locked and ap;rc:il!y no business was being done, and the of- ticer did wrong m attemidir.g to effect an entrance merely to make a com plaint. If the police deeire t-i make Comj)laints of thii nature there are a great many saloonke ejera mthe central portion ot the city who openly violate the law and make no pic tense of clos ing their doors at nil." I do not this class of cases," said Mr. Wilicox last night. "In the trahl cae the defendant testilied that a friend and his wife called to see him on Sunday. They were talking in the bar-room when the officer rapped at the eide door. Cpon receiving no reply to h:s summons they allege lie buret open the door, breaking the latch. He 01 course denied tins, but there was the testimony of three to one, and I was forced to lelieve it. 1 took the same course a few days ago in the case of a woman who keeps a saloon on Crawford-st. that I did today. In that case Iwo officers in citizens' clothes knocked at the door, and uion going m one bought a bottle of soda and another a cigar. The Supreme Court has taken occasion to criticise the actions of officers in such cases, and I do not think complaints should U; made or warrants issued w ht re officers act m that manner. Unless they hear a fight in progress or some noise which leads them to believe the law is being violated, I don't think thev have any business to interlere with a saloon that is closed and locked. "One reason 1 took the stand 1 did was Ik cause such cases as those of Spears and Strahl destroy the useful ness of our juries. The latter are made up largely of foreign-born citizens, many ot whom do not loo kindly on the liquor laws. They become dis gusted, and when we do get a clear case it is looked upon as a farce and it is verv difficult to secure a conviction I don't say that complaints of this character are the rule, but there would be too many of them even if they were fewer than they arc." V'iroit Tnbnue. A UUSY SLSSION Ot the llitfcid vl 1'wlu uil lire Om-. uiiMtuurik. The Foard Fwl.ce ani Fire i o:;. lUiSSiOacrs held ti.e.r rculr ve k!y mettiiig yes'.fiday. Aiv..:;!s U the amount of 4.'u .:: tre and. ted and allowed, fend a large i.umU-r i-f com munications were receded from r.unt jari.e. f Joseph Purke, Geo. W. Rus.-. Hei.iy M. W.ihaiu. Jatues F. Dow n::.p. Pvtei Chafftv utld Ail.sJll Ta u't.ell hpj.l.ed lur pOsltlcdiS 0:1 the oi.Ce fcrce. JuliU S. Lamnia iind ten id hi 1 1, asked that a fife aiir:u Ikji te p.iac-d ut ttie curlier t f Rr.dce and hn.ia sts. t.r llast.ngs and L-nia sta. It was n Itrrt d to the ( OiUiuillet on Piuerty. ihe nremen 'A l-ariaetit et engine house asked to U- turnished with one of the daily japers. Ihe resignation tit Joseph L. lhon:- son, as opeiator at jchcc htadpuartei , was accejited. J. A. Kennedy aid died for the ikm- tiem of drit r ot the city ambulance. I. M. Weston notified the Uaid that Aithur Meigs had purchased the prop erty upon which the iohcc barn tUnds, andrtterred them t.) Mr. M gs lor a fuither lease of the ground. Referred to the ()ir.m.ttt e on Property. J ne tieasunr reporteii the receu t 01 Jo.l'O from Ce.mnr.fs o:u r Lcx-ttcert, who is adtnhiMiator t i the estate of Matthias This if Inonev paid out I'V the jHJiii c department in u ', - rai.diing. lheinouevis tuiiied I'.lo the city treasury to U ind.tid to the police fund. aac LautK'nstf in appht J hr k jmjs.. tion as a mcmU r ot the ainbuhu.ce corps. Ihe Grand Rapids Mi ss iij; r .V P.o k re i'o. asked the jr. liege of a d.reet t lephone or signal w;re in connection with tlie city t ngiue houses and pohce headquarters, to U us d in connect. on with their ivstem. 1 lerred to the Committee on Rules and the tupe rin U ndent of fire alarms. Stiperintcdideut R ttinghtdise- pte Kmt d a plan, for the numU ru;g of tire toxes: vvlien the city linnt? are e xu nded. Fire Marshal Ivcmom r joited that the t hemical t ngine, at numU r .'i en gine hoube, wa damaged recently to the amount of 135, and the re ¬ ceive d bv several liiemeu at the-Lam-erraux fire on Canal-st., and Fire-man Ge orge fpae!stra a-ked pay l r lost time in consequence ed his injur, s. I. P. Horton and W. J. Corb.n ten dered their re f ignations as m UiLri? of the fire department. Henry Reckman has U( u transferred from the position ed pqx man to that of lieutenant at number 3 e ngine housr, and Charh-s Howe, ed the same depart ment, exchanged place-s him. At 0o'chck the lard had taken no action in re gard to the petition ed the Fnivcrsal 1 rip d Comjwinv to e re ct a dry kiln near tlie (Jay building. DON J. LEATHERS. If Freed Clark i Not PetstmaMer Ilia Hark rrt Name ttiafan. Hon. Don J. Leathers, the noted backer of Fred S. Clark for the office of postmaster of Grand Rapids, and a stayer at every turn, was in the city yesterday and dined with Senator Stockbridgc. "Fred Clark will be anpointed about next week," said Mr. leathers to a Gazette man. "or if ho is not we will name the man. Pie rce stands no ghow. We have won in the fight although it has been quite a warfare, and some features ot it reflect only on those who went back on their word." "What led to it?" "Well, Rlodgett was the first man to sign Clark's pe tition, and then because he could not boss lark in the cao.c railwav company at Grand Rapids, he we nt back on it and got Rclknap to do the same." "What alout the story of Clark going to Canada to e sea pa going to the front? "That was as contemptible a trick as I ever hoard ol. When I went to the White House and learned of it, I told the President that 1 wanted just six hours to prove it false. I tneu wired Clark, and he said that he was born in 1M, and lived at Kalamazoo during th war. I saw Senator Stockoridg and had the whole story refuted. Tlie Senator telegraphed to Mr. Winslow he-re to preve ( huk's statement. The President was m i l when the icports were laid Iwforc him." "Will Rlodgett run for Congress next fall?" "I don't think he will, or Rclknap Cither." Kalamazoo Gazrltr. IIE WASN'T TIIEEE. Constipation. L'oc per liox, 5 boxes Trans portation Committee ed the ao for fl. For sale by White h White Nation. Thf committee will d;cus druggists, Morton House block. th furniture freight classification. - - - I One of the great obj. -eta of the a ';- 0G?M L3 A TRUE COMBINATION OF 2i:cha, Java and Rio. A Beautiful Souvenir Picture Cord Given WITH EVERY OUD PACKAGE. tjov corn:?: 'f M'-h,JsT snd Ri.-v, prrr-rlj !rd H, nnd i f-r-W hj nil to ir'ak' thi ti't euprf C ia th ?nd. For Salf rrrTAhfrr. WOOLSOX SPICK CO., Toledo, Ohio. iiifsiTH "lti iva;im r:i men C. W. W ATKINS, 1 t I.-e-jv.- f-ivd '--'. . - i Neither W a III Jlondtraan A rlj. jiointed ( romi. It wap a disappointed lot of colored folk in police court yesterday after noon, when they saw their own favorite number, which they had haer; tired a half day's work to sec jKjformed, crowded, time after time, tu the l.ttom of the program. Hut hojH' jring) e ternal, anei not an Alrian laee ;n tl,e crowd lost its glow of cxpeetation, until the cabalistie speech of Raiht! IV lto:i caused evcryUKly to j-tare inht e very lie kIv else's face with a painful lok of inquiry: "(.'larene' Pailey; Clarence I aile y'; Clarence' I)ailey; e-ome into cuiirt'and answe r to the e harpe d el"s turbing meeting, r your re c gni?a nee will be e-strcated." Rut wln'ii the mys terious voice rang out acam, it was utter woe to the asxmhid throng: "J. J. Adatr: J.J. Adam; J.J. Adam; bring the b-dy of Clarence- Iailey into ejurt, or your w.ll W estreated." Rut Clarence didn't come', and J. J. Adam didn't bring in his e orpus, und a Ixmch warrant issue d, and a dusky, disappointM crowd cme rg-d, and e-ourt adjourned. . ri'iuiLT n:n.soxAU I. C. Levi has returned from New York. Miss Gillespie is visiting frimds m Chicago. Dr. W. S. Shot w. 11 is in Chicngo on business. Mr. and Mrs. l. T. Fargo went to Grand Rapids today. Mis Lina Gerg'', of Inton Haibor, was in the c:ty ve st' relay. Mrs. H. K. ieodye ar, of Hastings, js vis. ting relatives in this c.ty. Mrs. F. Fairman,of Rig Rapid,: the gurst of relatives is th;s e ;ty. Mrs. Mary Craddek, of Hn-t;!-g, ; spending H'm' Cme :;i th,4- e-,ty. C. L. I-orkwo d iiei retnri!'d f t cni a bus.ness tr:p to Cuie-mnatj and Clu' flg''. Henry F. Wa'ch h gone n 1'ont.a'; toatlciid the funeral of h w;frV nte r. Henry L. Ilouwmansnd YA. H. Ion nelly have gone Fast on a tr;p for thre e w ee ks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Raton are ;'.t;rg Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Smith at F'Mo;i Hnrlor. Sohn Fattnr,, Jr., has rr turned frr.?ti his trip to Wa-h.ncton and Wrt-m IV nnsyivana. Rev. G. Van I'' Kruke, of Kf iavia- ass wiuie a s.-n.i ir artue, un-icr r .a .., anothf r name, rnav fo-md in nr.r-th'-r j K 1 -' " J. cla, where jt haU'-T placrd In-some ! Mis Jei e 1! rr ha rM'irne-d to ),rr railroad nun who know but httle aUut in Wat ir,i:ton nfur h t.rr rt furniture. ! mot rd tbr ;nt r w;ir r.:r nr.'.e, .'. Apt ,0 M(Ud. Hon. .I'd -- nonrrAan. f c:at-r-)0"t ' - 1 1 r , a t-'e r.n r tt ' Rj t 0 d . I'V" -t ''ntl'T, :i recsru to nr v r.i ei e ri"i i"-,: s: i . n 'f f . V. grant"! m theca-e of .Kha A. ,1- , ; - .. ,,,, )v,.r-r f'.r A r.'(,--(!. . (;';!' ill th ! Vre'y 1 Tr.'e-a 1 i T.T'J. Rt th'- Te ' J"V of '.. G. Rrowp, 17 Vv T'V 1 Are in ( hirfigo. President ('harks R. Sligh, of the National Furniluie Manufacturers' Association, an'l C. I,. Mow, are jr. Chicago to attend a meeting ef tlie tion ; p cet a unive rsal clailie at;en so that railroad men will not !e the sole judge s ef the rla to which a e rtain hne ejf goerd be long-. Aa the matter now stands one ait.e io ifi nlare-d m e;ne e Gra-d of e.ra..H ,f J irtrot , ft dard aga:nt I'xtT I. V -rc t. for 1 I reirh of prrTr. "-e. tho'e- who sr'- i' t fi'-'Tii 'A' u w;tr. 1? fonnaht:- i the 'I r.-e w r.t e,f error ; zT-Ar-i ,n most e bv thf- S'lj-re me ourt !,'!' a b.U of r xr ji tr.r. ;s fo-rt, ard there . a p"- iil.ty error :n t he ve rd;'t of the jo r cA-.irt. Th' vi.t . eer-j-.iy a form ad th'- n to a h'sr,- g.';i the r r'm'- 1 e. ;rt , and -ij-n i: -c i ni' of this r,t the a'f.rn' y are aliowe-. 1 t- argie t!:e ea' lfor" thr Mjpr'm ( o ;rt yAz' rlT Thi'Jtti'1. Anolh'r lari-e a r aerr.vd at the WminUrA to br A. c. Rar,k:r), t'-, err.r' wft, erT ' .g. ) i SUV- ytrt TM ' O':, T - 5 1 At th" T ! ! of t'- r- '-'t '.z th rty r 7:t -er j 11-d to i -t. ;':,sV::.z "'' m n'-.l. J If .yt th tn-r-r-z "" i 7r e I I' mti ..--r.'" h N d' '.ire j .n t'r Vr-A'-A. Mr. RaMcn ::- : t uA t r-.' . t' ; re'-r.t ar.'d i f'-r V. r, V,iJ s;. . a k Ihe fr'-' ki'.-fr f ''.I tv t re of .- th' d--.trj cf L'r yc-u; J C. More, pre d'r.t off'- e,rar)1 Ilapid Furn t-iTe ( ompary. has re turn"! from Florida wh'r b? ba Ik'h sp rC,;rg oer! v-ki. Mr. W. W. 1' iT.nirr and da'ighW, lrf?.f co". Urn p' at tT't f J i to r '!' J mr;n:r g r as 'ri i n-r.'.ore d " n tat r-'.aer some f.m. W.lha.m ITd'Tif a rfUrar; mh 'r "f T"eumeh, i ;n t h- 'Itti t r p h s n. Marv:n Ha v6rri, and da :gv t-r, Mrt. 1.7-tii J. Wife, of 27 rr"v-':;i.t. Mr. Frark fvt !t, e f f1 later- Y.. and Mr. ar,' Mr. J . oM 1-V I , t1,' g- .tr'r t. Mr. a r.i Mr. 7. ' of Rroad a t. M." I'rt IFu -, ef G'H'ie I.s; rr.t k; r h'r rr;' ther i" ' a r t. Jrr 'Fag. 1 tr .'A J:; 1. "'' ' C .-.r ,a ' li V-'r ,f ' '' ' Mv ar- : 'B K. ' -: -) d. 'Of f.- ; r ;, T"r. 'ra.'J !v ' '-r : V.t. ; s r o-j " r Si h'" T th r'"'v' V. M' Jkt TIT, ' ' r t n it , i-i IP- S i'. P.: 51, 53 & 55 Canal-St3: 11. of U. .e .-- JJ.jL J'Wir ifrlns :irr"T. 2f i