Newspaper Page Text
THE TELEeiDQl fiERAXD, FRIDAY U0BMN6, FEBRUARY 28. 1890 ; THE Wr.TUJS. WAiax ircj, Krb. For Lower M.ct'an Thrtciag wr.thtr with rin cr r.o; nQrtrat:rly ir.ii; coi lef ,-?Aturlay inor:-.:.,r. For r fccow; coi-ier; north, rly z:.i. ADV AND kOIJOfcUJ. Tin little 'Sr--i.. u..r.e,' Aal ti i,j--.,i.s til. Tiea tii !.';: ,:; ua Of "extra ! 4: aj" la & ttAl-A.' ik. i . Ami tfc tr p i Lent ui.r fc.-f - i..fl?ri V 19 Irx L .wait. Bat t& 11t n-'-aae &c(Ur4 a fi tlt4X Cxuxbipl lata ttler. 'fraiii4 aauer t-ll to It 'xslt tlidnt Aai "tai!as5 -1 ' are rune; ar en t p.ain t -jt ai 5 at gat iar jt i he. TOWN fiTOPIOS. ilclntoah rain coats at Gardiner A Baxter's. Trie grand jury of the Tnited States court will meet oa Tuesday next. A plain drunk took J oh a Powell to the liable yesterday for twelve days. The name of Martin Uosch should be substituted for Martin Haiti, as accux'i of being drunk. Mrs. Ida Anway, of Allegan, will oen an art store on South DiVis.orist. iu the ViUh block March 1. A delegation of tohocl teachers from Jackson arrived in tho city yesterday to m;vet the local tyatem. The youn people of the Mffiah IUpiist Church gave a concert in Ihn-juette's Hall Ut evening. I'.kN for the coitru tion of the pro r oed addition to the Tir.on school will tv t pined on Saturday afternoon. John Iienjamin, of the Grand Kap id .4 National Hank, will put up a f'JduO res.denee during the coming spring. Jut:ce llvitorn united in marriage, vt -trrd iv, Wnl am Winer and Lulu "May Woodruff, both of KnglL-hvillc. Whether or not I'eter Van Ktten was drunk will not be judicially determined untd March ri,at l1) a. m. These heavy cases take time. The suit of Farmer Reynolds against Klmcr Crawford, of the StturJ.iy Tele yam, has lvn appealed by the ucfend ant to the circuit court. The ILtzletme-Perkins IrugComrany have commenced ni:t in the circuit court against Camplll & Undciwood to collect a debt of floOO. Again tho John Allenham-Kunion- tool-cmUzzlornent cae has lecn put over to another day in police court. Adjourned to March 6, 10a. m. The wagon was called to W"ct firidge ftt. yesterday afternoon to take in Frank Martin, who was paralytically drunk and serenely disorderly. The wagon drove Fat Heaphy from West Bridge-st. to hcadquardcrs at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Pat could talk, but he couldn't walk. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. ('. A. have voted to present the asso ciation with a set of the Kncyclopcdia Frittanica tor the reference library. Frank Carroll, proprietor of the Boulevard, has let the contract for a new brick barn, which will bebuiltnear th hotel on Cheny-st., and will cost OHM). Ira P. Rowley filed a bill for divorce aga;nt May P. Rowley, in the circuit court yesterday. The bill is snppressed, but the ground is understood to be cruelty. Tho motion for a new trial in the case of Rufus (iillctt, against Iwis pauiding, was denied by Judge Grove yesterday. Gen. Withmgton, of Jackson, wai to day appointed bv Governor Luce as a member of the Soldiers' Home Ujard, m place of Gen. Alger. Lansing State A. C. lUnk.n will speak in the Won derland Theater this evening. Subject: Thi Rum Seller." The rum sellers and the public generally are invited to br present. Gt orge Rrown has been arrested on a wtrrant charging him with keeping his al i ;u operation on Sunday. Kx';tn will occur in police court thu morning. Ho'.l. K. Mosher, of Rockford.was ra.d Jll.J'J m sparrow bountie by the county trt-asurer for 1373 ?parrow. He shoots the b.rdsm flocks, using a double barrel gun. I. MeGowen's assault and battory wtn! In't have co-t him but ''.SO in l-ol c-court, yesterday; but whereas he t. id not the wiierewitii to pay, he went to ja 1 t'-r twelve days. Th Yung I-iiiis' Missionary Socie ty of .it;i hivi.on-treet M. K. Chr.rcii, w;Il hold an important bui ;ie.i in the church parlors this aft- rn'M)n at 4o'rl-k. Tii'1 j lil has t en substituted by con- tra. it for Monroe alb-'y, as a temt-orary I Ia e of rt for Rd"y Vandrrmire, v! o i oiiargrd with vagrancy, lie v. U N exa;uu-d today. her.:!" Ihshop as. 11 b home from C.liicago th.s mornii-? with the prisoner N-.rtie?, wh.Ktolo thecl.ithiugot Patrol man Fitpa trick. Norton consented to it me witiiout t'Xtradit.oa. T1. 1o m1 lclg's of Knights of tho iV'M'Ui Kg m t list righ.t to U g a the making 'f arrangenient for p ntr tining th.e Grand I.cdgr f the order n tiie tirt Turlay in May. The Krr.tCountT Agn-uiltural S xi-ty r.Mvrnr.i'ni la am:eahi suit in the " -r ' ' ; . t rturt agiint Joseph Houseman, y't.Tdy. I y tiling a lV.1 b tet and ',ftt-- thA tit'e of ti.r fair ground. r v I dr. of I. o. T. wi in-ti-tut.-l ! rvemng. jt th re:.ine u. V. K-rn. ?1 Y ft! - ive.. by drand ! T'Tr;lar h W. I'la n. Ihe new j,-.." ,i .r4 n'T thirty niT.'.? e. Tb- tax nitof the rity ga;r.t Adrian Weilman wa argued yetTdy m th per or court. I t Csty Vt'rny Taylor srd v.. M. J. Smapy. Supervisor'? ird tat cnUeetrt re inrestnl ;n th r.-su;t. The White JH1 ps,n Cl'lH sr;ll gT of tl ;r rh asar.t piro partss their f''t'rf hs'I, Ninh pr--e!r-4t.. on uiir iy v.--. n i, f ir. h 1, to . - i t'-.-'V i-'"1-.!.. V-'y ;;iv'.- al, t. fr"''U to vtervi. "' .- e i of ""."'T of t; e pe?ieA n -t Ve!r . Arthur, vi a a,t -t ca'-d ty fvs ''ho !;--per," w ad of'-" I "A d to r'-i o'-srr iu -r i -:, i :n polio . ,v -t v-s:erJ y to M vch 7. To cae of lT-rL-.rt- P. P-rkirs : i;;i j-:.".z$0, wt decided in the circuit court yesteriav. TLe -ry rctujrucd a vtro-t f ,r arid JuJ;e Grove rvnierci a judgment i ti that tmouiit wth coi. Prov.v.d-u..g- wtre suyei twenty -vliys. Th A. B. WLoa w! K. C. di cele brate tr.t-r trst a;iiv;sary .turday, Mixcn I, at the hoi: ot Mrs. Lr. Hiita, NJUth IhYl0i-t. F-tfiteh- z.-e.u will U- oerve-i. Mrs. HAita i to turEjh ti;e chicken-p.e for the crowd. J. Gai.-cr, - moilicr at the Aidiae I gru- w-vrif. v,as i-a.uly burn, d by Vvl iroa oa Tueiy. Tb melted m-- ul j ran l::o his ho?, and t-S t-xt wa ter- ) ritiy bt i'ered so trxat it w.d t- fe-vt ial w-ks N-for he can return toh. oxk. J Young Lir T.-io l. I'arker c&n not be j , t-i Lilo-a Low much t'.aak I lit it ukta to ket-n n ni Ul jre the j pciice court tfum dv to tiay. ni j iit-U he ruuaway from isuiooi, be j ught to eonitr tn.s. Adjjuri,ed U j February lre;t n 11. Grover was admitted to rrct;ee a u a attorney at trie bar by JiiUs Buret, yesterday. He was. ex ai iiord by W. b. Perkins, M. II. Ford and Juhii R i.'iui, and Ju lgo Rurch complimented Mr. lirover uatiie line examu.ation he had uaacd. Mira Heiler, a Holland woman who arrived here m PrcemU r, has U.-ea aided by the county eutvcrmtenduits of the piAr. She claimed to have bveu dnvtn from the old country by the husband's cruel treatment, bemg gien money by relatives to enable her to leach th i3 eountiy. Charles Warner is a young man with an innocent looking face, yet Charles is a thief. He pleaded guilty, yta terday, in court, to the charge of po-ier-chips at the White Flc phat re-taur.i'.if . He might have leen released on p.iyir.eut of $s.S5, but he went to jail t r thirty days. A? sxm a.s the new barn is finished cars will Kgiu running regularly and frepn ntly on the South Ionia-st. divi sion of the Cable Company's fcvstem, which probably will be some time next week. Work at the powerhouse is pro gressing rapidly, and cable cars will climb Rridge-sthill about March 15. The mountains were m labor and brought forth a mouse. An array in the police court record of the names of Mate Morrison, Hattie Williams and John loe, adjourned from day and week to week, ended yesterday by a plea of guilty and a tine ot H and costs to be equally divided among them. Ionia Sfntineb "Wm. Steele being advised by his physician that he must ecek a change of location, started last evening for Detroit, accompanied by Mrs. Steele. If he felt able when he reached there he expected to continue his journey to his olu home in Canada; if not he "will spend some time at Mt. Clemens." Arrangements are in progress for the proper celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Hope College, of Hol land, next June. A life size oil paint ing of Rev. Dr. Philip Phelps, the first president, will be executed by one of the best artists in the laud by order of the alumni, and will be placed in the library of the college. Tho Press Club will give a Jxmquet to Thomas W. Fletcher, now of the Ecm inj Seus staff, at the Owashtanong Club rooms on Sunday evening. Mr. Fletcher will leave for his new home in Detroit on Monday next. Sunday evening is chosen for the convenience of morning newspaper men. Covers will be laid for fifteen. Charles J. Curnham is having a suit in replevin against Phillip Graham, in tho circuit court. Curnham is trying to recover a horse that was taken from him for debt, and sold by Constable Chamberlain to Graham. I urn ham claims that they took the wrong horse, and that Norman Cummings had a chattel mortgage on the one sold. State Game Warden Smith's report for the month of February shows a light business, only eight cases having been prosecuted in the State, and each one for spearing lish through the ice in St. Josepn and Barry counties. Each man was convicted, and the aggregate of fines is $00.84. There were no viola tions of the game laws reported, and deputy wardens arc having a quiet time. John Roushkolb is in the city. He will go to Muskegon, Monday, and ex pects to take charge of the ball club which that citv will put into the Suite league. He nas eleven men engaged from the Texas and Southern league, and says they are pennant winners. He says that the Muskegon club will be a winner and that if he manages it he will make the other clubs do some lively hustling to keep up with the pro cession. - Yum, Yum, Yam. Some of Gen. Alger's &tatl', including the bache lor, Maj. Hopkins, are kicking themselves because they didn't accom pany th' general on his latest G. A. II. trip, on which he started Tuesday. The general has gone to Syracuse to at tend the "ew York State G. A. R. en campment. At Parkcrsburg, W. Va., which he will visit before returning to Detroit next Sunday, it has been ar ranged to have a reception "for ladies only" in his honor. Friday afternoon succeeding a general citizens,' reception in t he morning. No men will be ad mitted, the ladies insisting on having the general all to themselves from 2 till i.lJrfroitXar. IVauM a rcllnc YanlU Cemetery Commissioner Isaac Siglcr is advoeaiing the erection of a large reviving vault for Grrrnwood ceme tery, which he claims would be a great e';iv;ait :ir during the winter months. TLe ai iitin recently made to Green, wood, by the purch.nenf land adjoin ing on tne noitii, makes a urge and t a it fill piece of prop rty of th o rn ct ry. City f-urvcv r Coll r is engag. d in making plans fur tho imr rvi hk nt of the nhoio, which wiil U: rarr rd out till summer. A ro-v'rvr j to be opened on the north .de of the cr me tery, if the city and the property own er interested can roni to an grfemnt a t the amount of land to be given 1 1 i- the purpose. Will rmbaHy ArrpU Kev. Frr P. Tupper, P. P., of Foun-tia-tr-f t Paptist Church, it is hel--Yfd, : a bent to make an important change. Tu h r'pivl nrVr 'rem tn K rt F.ipt ?. Church of Pr. vrr. He d:t n't' vrpt, but fe d iys rpee. vM a rv. r-r ca'l, offer ing h.m salary of f-V"". -rhioh h wh! ;ro' iHv iov-t. IT l -ei c-i ;n it e ruatfer iil prcKaf"'y t. mad kr.O'sru t hi c-.r.rrrg.itior, or t-Mth rnorr.-:-g. Th" eh ur.;h that has givn him the cll hn r-.mb-Th'p of rv.-r cr tl ous-vr. l, ,ird h wi.l bar? an --tant pav.r to h'p fa:n in h: p.u. t.r! ;rk. Glenn Sen r. i' No rth I r-'A- arr.s, .V- ieTrr)-'ve.; M: Fh--:i j Mr. Wetre.l, . Packard -St., dph- WAS IT A PKIZLB FIGHT f twm J iU V e0!.U- TLe examination cf James M' charged with prr.cipat:r.z in prt right :u Graai Rapids township tr.r-r !t. h's before Justice Wenf all yesterday. Prwecut'.cg Attor- J nev M-jart iooktst ftrr thecal for the Iople, a ad 1. M.Turner took care cf tne Thi pnncipal witne lur ti: ? people ere the representative ol th-" pr a,, and a large u timber ct mem vtie ubpoenatd. Some of tht iu were prtKiit at tne aia.r iei aome were-not, but all ere called upou to tea v, laI they knew. Mr. lurner wravd the vii.uee tnt a crini.nal c2eue was charged, and that :f such had been comm:ued that the tT-vCtator and all jartits con cerned in the a3a:r ere liable undrr tiie law. He thought oi.der the C.r cuu)t.uiee that the witness fhoud kuo-A' tuat taey could claim their priv-lh-je. and ueed not testify d they wished to avoid it. Most of the witnesses did not seem to ; . . . .. 1 r5.1.. J conn ler mat tne aiiuir wm a o-jii- -e .. , . i . : ... 1 priZtf bt'tit, ana only one Ciiiiou tiie jinvil.-gt ot the to an. The evidence went to show tluit the uriuCitaU of the ariair wore i,. solt g. ves, and although they sparred I for over tiny round, neither of the j contestant wa seriously injured. Ac- : cording to the evidence, Murphy had j one eve badly swelled and discolored and Ryan had a elled and bloody nose. Nolody saw any money up nor saw any divided letwcenthe principals, and the occurrence was K long ago that but few of the audience could te remembered bv the witnesses. Gne or two member of the Owashtanong Club j were present and some of the witne.-sn 1 insinuatctl that it was a club affair, but this certainly was not the ea.e. The ! members of "the Owashtanong declare that they had nothing to do with it, and President Chauncey stated so in court, adding that ome tickets to tho effect that the scrap was under the club auspices had been refused by him and sent elsewhere for disposed. He also stated that, while 6ome members of the club may have lieer. present, they were there simply as individuals. HONORABLY DISCHARGED. Tho Alfred Hroart Caae Gomes to An Unci. The long and weary examination of Alfred Rroad, in police court, closed yesterday, by the discharge of the re spondent. The many friends of Mr. Rroad will congratulate him all the more by reason of the bitterness which they charge as iupiring the prosecution in the first instance. The nature of the case, involving a long and weary jour ney through columns and pages of figures, and the disentanglement bf a large mass of complicated business transactions, have made the case in this court a somewhat famous one. There is wide-spread satisfaction with the decision, and Mr. Rroad was speak ing not for himself alone, but tor a wide circle of interested friends, when he stepped forward after the decision, to thank His Honor for the judgment given. A brief epitome of the history of the case is as follows: On August 30 Alfred Rroad was ar rested oa a warrant sworn out by Wil liam Steele, of Ionia, president of the Wm. Steele Packing and Provision Com pany, charging him with embezzling 10,000 from the company of which he was the treasurer. Broad was placed in jail but gave bail in a day or , two, and the case has been adjourped twenty-eight tunes, many times on ac count of the sickness of Mr. Steele. Thirteen witnesses were sworn on the part of the people and twelve on the part of the defense. The testimony was very lengthy and made 550 pages of type-writer "copy. Temperance- Templars. At the State gathering of the Royal Templars of Temperance, held in Lan sing Wednesday, the following officers were elected: Grand councillor, J. H. Tatem, Grand Rapids; grand vice-councillor, Mrs. Virginia Randolph, Vernon; past grand councillor, A. S. Partridge, Flushing; grand chaplain, H.W. Parker, Owosso; grand secretary, T. 15. Knapp, Howell; grand treasurer, John Mc cormick, Port Huron; grand herald, 1. M. Wheeler, Detroit; grand guard, A. McLeod, Shelby; grand sentinel, L. I). Randall, Grand Rapids; grand directors (three years), O. M. Rrundage, Kala mazoo:" representative to supreme council, A. S. Partridge, Flushing: grand medical examiner, H. L. Rower, M. D., Greenville. The lodge amended the charter to provide for the issuing of policies against sickness and accident. Will Give Another. The ladies of the Emerson Home As sociation have decided to give another of the lunches which have aided sev eral times in paying the expense of maintaining their commendable char, ity. It will take the shape of a Satur day evening tea for the business men of the city, and will be given on March l.r. at Hartmaa's lecture room. Prep arations will be made to feed several hundred people, and those who have attended the dinners heretofore given will not need to be told how well guests are cared for. No File oa Him. His many friends in this city will Iks pleased to learn that Fred W. Fairfield, who recently went to Nashville, has se cure 1 a deserved promotion. Attorney John A. Fairfield, his father, receive 1 a tli--patch yesterday announcing that Fred has been appointed city inspector of r'ectrie wires in th.nt city. The j position i in important one and carr: s j a.po d Miar? with it. i rea n j in Nashville "but about year, yet has readied a j-osition which many men j would strive years to win. i i Th i-f - tT( t I r. rn!Ls Co'igh Ptrn?. w hy' P"i 1; rTr 1!'r,'"i'"t. v9'i4ti. a.. riviioa ou h muawui r. "Tr.M hp-" :gtr 1 no; p -r t , r la r.T r tvr v c!;ar, aai cn'.y in tt; bst iri le f,f MOST APPETIZINO The Van Houtexs prcKc?? di(5tion and develops in thej aroma. It i an excellent flsh than the best of other cocoas. W MUM U n?7 no "BEST A CCES FARTHEST." A." kt f-T Ti H-n Tttt jr- THE IIIXL GANG lTi toy do cot frtpAeatIy walk up la . "gicigs," even m police court; but yesierday the Ull y Kmewbat changed andfite stalwart young horny Laadc-d so::? cf tsd rued into court to aawer the cl.arce of disorderly. The rroup ani the r re.rt oa the have Win tulh de-r-Ud in the Tti-tRa- j JiitKAip. Yt-swidav as the day to! wtuui the hearing of the car wu latt adjourned, a(id ail tte rive etcrmctants vtre precal vnh their attorney, John C. QaiLsrv. The lot, Fxank Craw furd, Wai., Sandy Macintosh, Thuinas Fnjjjori. Wm. Alien and . "one who :? iVot" hu.e a vluUro:a in ! the Coulton block, and they do things there really good toy tare tcUom j caught at. Wh-!i the case was called vetterdav. the people wrre not ready to hj them la the e, by it-a-oa cf the abeiice of the people's attorney. Mr. iuiasey very magnanimously corcuted to an adjournment, but asked tiat it L-e put ..... ...... If.. i 4 , o I I... . ., uu ivut r.u i.itec i ... 1 1 I . iV... ,..., ixys were an employ eu m lAeioi ie, ana tLeir appearance in court o many lime would jeopardise their sit uations. 11. e court thought tliis a good pomt, but thought, further, that the attorney was making toa n it, and compromised by making jvummciit two weeks. wjo una ii oi the ad- CToakmgs by the yard. New style at low prices. VojOT, Hi P.rOLSHEIMER & Co. New stock of cloaking iuti receive at Voigt, Htipolsheiiuer V Co.'s. The renting of pews in St. Mark's Church for the ensuing year will be made on Saturday, March 1, l1 '. from y to 10 a. m. antl 5 to 6 p. m. Step in and see those new cloakings at Voigt, Hcrpoltlieimer A Co.'s. Elegant line of cloaking just received at Voigt, HerpoUheimer A Co.'s. Meeting at Calvary Raut:&t Church, Ringuette's Hall, will be held on Wednes day and Friday evenings of this wet k. Arrangements "for a lecture in the course (in place of Dr. Donnelly' lecture) are being made, and the announcement will be made in the papers. . New styles in cloaking at Voigt, Her polsheimer A Co.'s. Spring weight cloaking in all the COlorS. VoiGT, IlERrOLSHEIMER A Co. riiea! rue:: pile::: Loose's Red Clover Pile Remedy, is a positive Hpecific for all forms of the disease. Rlind, Rlecding, Itching, Ul cesatcd, and Protruding Piles Price 50c. For sale by White A White drug gists, Morton House block. Th "Toss Cp" Clear Is not a rAmpetltor against any othrr be brands, hut all lfic brand beeauae it is filial to any 10c cigars on the market. IU1 NEW PRICE LIST! Granulated Sugar, 7c per lb; 15 lbs ?1.00 Ex C Sugar, Cc per lb; 17 lbs 1.00 Rest Roller Process Flour, per cwt 2.00 Rolled Oats, fi lbs for 25 c Choice Dairy Butter, 15c per lb; 10 lbs for 1.40 Ground Rio Coffee, per lb 15 c Water White Oil, 10c per gal; 5 gal 45 c Choice New Rasins, 3 lbs 25 c Choice New Prunes, 5 lbs 25 c Choice Carolina Rice, 4 lbs 25 c German Family Soap, 6 bars 25 c Golden Sirup, per gal 35 c New Dried Blackberries, 10c per lb 3 lbs for 25 c 3 lb can Tomatoes, 8c; per doz 85 c 2 lb can Corn, Fc; per doz 85 o 2 lb can Lima,ieans, 8c; per doz... 85 c 2 lb can Green Peas, 8c; per doz.... 85 c 2 lb can String Beans, 8c; per doz... 85 c 2 lb can Red Cherries, 10c; 3 cans - 25 c 2 lb can Whortleberries, 10c; 3 for- 25 c 2 lb can Blackberries, 10c, 3 cans... 25 c 2 lb can Raspberries, 10c; 3 cans.... 25 c 2 lb can Egg Plums, 10c; 3 cans.... 25 c 2 lb can Strawberries, lhc; 3 cans... 25 c 21b can Gooseberries, 10c; 3 cans.... 25 c Housekeepers, a comparison of the above prices is rolicited. You mutt admit that the man who tells nearest to cost is Rft C. HATCH 12 5 3Ionroc-St. T'I rne No. .12 - EAS.LY DIGESTED. renders their coroa fiy of highest dprf its delicious - formcr, fjty prr ant. greater rrwr. Z s mm h A NEW& COMMODIOUS ELECTRIC 8AWDTA l'enuanently Located at 123 IVortli Ionia St.. Opposite rost-OfTKx, tcill he Opened for treatments on March 3rd l$i0, ly C iBEBSO 0 Of the Famous and Well known Electric Sanitarium and Iustitute, of Detroit, Mich. Prof. J. 0. Chambers has become one of the most noted Electricians In the land in applying electricity as a curative agent, inventing and patenting all his own devices, etc., and to be convinced you are invited to call and receive FREE FOR ONE WEEK . raimioH, EXAMINATION m nunc nunins Having just perfected NEW and SUPEUIOU devices and appliance fur the administering of ELECTJUC1TV to the system, wo take thU means of showing to everyone, even the most skeptical, our complete and eirectivo method of treatment giving almost instant relief. No Matter What Ails You Avail yourself ot' tliisopportunlty to procure a COK HECT DIAGNOSIS of your case, even though it may he of many years' standing. We will honest ly tell you if we can cure you. Do Not be Deluded ! But call and we can surely benefit you and prove the correctness of our assertions. Those at a dis tance who are not able to call can avail themselves of this oirer hy sending lor Health Journal and Question Blanks and they will receive a written diagnosis of their case FItEE. Physician and Surgeons in attendance. All communications treated strictly conlldential. j, c, II UI UI CHAMBERS i ui u Owners Electric Sanitarium, IVoitli lonin S5t.. Opp. l'ost-Offlcc, GUAM) KAPIDS. -MICH. GRAND Tiie result of our opening $ale vtith GXE-TH1RD OFF during Vie past ucck, has proved very satisfactory to us, and more so to our customers, to he ahte to buy goods at ONE THIRD OFF the regular market pric. Many goods cut to One-Half and One-Fourth tlrir reg ular values in order to close cut the present stock and make room for a complete line of IRY GOODS. Remember this Great Sale 1-3 OlTon all Goods for a Few Days More. t K 5 M. FRIEDMAN, SO. 70 MOMtOE BTJinnT, SuccewHors to .T. Unvtli. The Grand Rapids Store & Office Furniture Co.. BUTTON'S fOTAELE VQH COUNTER. H0 DISKS. fitON MOLtv I'm CASES. AD &rLFl KB FHEARN d- SUTTON Pr-ps.. Corner Jsvi'n Crpi-rtr4 UMl k J SO SUCCESS!