Newspaper Page Text
THE TELEGRAM IIERALP, SATURDAY .MORNING, MARCH 1, 1890. n m DELICIOUS. THE FAMOUS CCCOA OP EUROPE THE COMINO ONE OF AMERICA. UADE INSTANTLY. . M-i i: L hrdjic 5 y Ua Ui3 :-i til fSl raGTncsnra fcvl -:rri ---f fc-l ' ,1 1;: I'M 4 h m v Kid r ; hi mkH te mnl Cfi? Farthest-Largest Sale in the World-Once Tried, Always Used" aro Lou."!toM wonl all ovr Europe. Now that thf manucturers aro drawing the attorition of th Arnonoan jmrlic to th first and, ever sine its invention, the best of all ciH-uij, i: be appreciated here as well as elsewhere all over the world. All that the manulueturers reqiu-M is Amply our trial or .-till better avwu!i.';:. vnth whatever other cocoa it may 1 ; then Van Houtkn'.s Coro.v itself will convince (vtv one of its rreat Miperioritv in strength. l!avt- and w)!iomv. 1 'it.- Lzitiih high-clas paper says: ' Nunc of the numr.-uus cocoas have as yet cqu; tins inventor's in -iV Jvera!U Uiic i.uu t.i.:iiii.c , . U a' rejr'l hvner at f'rt lcrrf-, a refreshing beverage. Superior to tea and coitcc ud having no injurious elTccts. Aik lor Van Iloutui's and take i other. MATIKR5 IN MICHIGAN. ' : I.Mt!.-r ! t.-f ; f jr I. - z w.v.-.u x i.-'.'.v l;vc-st)ry hotti. 'I r- . i .v-t sL::;:ii4 at I.e..!i!iton. - a ..rrV r r'iLir -ia:!:,i:at:u:i at lit i -. y, Mar-ii i ui.-l 7. . - 1 . i . r ! is K-ai ar r-::tt J. :i: I!-; ! -,. 'i t:-!:" ! r UCW clotht-'i- A N. v tv- vl-. ty h.i el. c I!. at !:..iif.J..j r-.k'ly :l ta.l'ire. i. r.vr a tx i..v.' U ,1,4 run c:. !!.. ViMj'A.'.r'l avi.'. car i.::o t:i 1-c-t:-.. t. '1 : f)( Vli'mw 1! Ka- ;j.7 0:1 ;t ? i( - !.t (.late, a:. I uivu l-ut I':. ! tro'.t :vht .:!.. ar4 to ho ! tl ;.!,:;'. 1 ai: r March 11. Tlu-v arc j i. t - . - :' :1. 1 'I I'.iru.t v'l Ch-VflAr.d NavlAtion i I.!:. - r'.ait t;; -.r out 0:1 1 a ;r i -!..v. I Ti.-T" v.i " aro-'s of hn.i, j v ti,.- v....!'- of I'-i-.t'! r, t:-ar.- 1 tvrrtvt ilsir.: y . r I' -J. T..- c.ty J 1. k-i !uatri)!:uon h.w? cM'h ' U 1 .-a; v.-.tii a :wv jcUlr -Iat il I .'ai lv !.iit.r:i of t::j hit. ?t :ixil bi il do- ! I Tu. he.r.Jrcl ico cutters at F..V Lake lr;; !c t.r 1;.'1ut wm-c.-j i-iy ! :.'..;!it. Tao j-oaany jci-.t theiu oil a:: 1 ! ::; h.r:!: ::v.v i:n n. " j .S-n itir .tociwLriJso loft for vh. 1 in'to-i yct-r:lay, talcing with liim hvc : n ..w ::tr -a valu-l at !o . II-- uNo j l:.u ti.rco ntV tv.rr:A'-5. K:hm.y:-o ; '.V. ; Whi! !ru:.k at Flint th other ni;;ht, j :i I y !!.' una ; a" Ci.arici S.u::i- !--r f !I fi' in a cov. !-tory . an-1 r c: :'. .1 si-ri-jin injuries. His j h.rj.c is in a:o. ; I: :tha Ilyh r, tho H-year-oM p;irl of j F-a:h,'. ho tu.yk iris rt t-n -.vith ! h.t.-at, is had fira its . il'j .;tj. She- j v, .1 a caa-i' voting cirl and 1:0 rca? m Is as- uoci tor the act. j (.'u 'torus ihccrs Ixiy anJ (Jrcen have i Rrrs t liv" Ch:n.-rn.'n at Fort Huron, ! ti.r-- for hr-ak.i:i tiio ia.v forl.-iUlin t arratm-n to e:it-r t'a r .-juatry aaU the j tthrr t.v for he! uinj then:. ! All th rctna-.nai -nn pirU who were ;r:j'irit in t'r.-- T:ll'-a ?chool fi.v ' at I n.t ju-t h' forc ("iiristaias hav." r-c-'.v-rel. aly on w.'d he carrvi n i h-r marks will ht. j h. I.. Frs--h a r-roa;::v::t insurance ' tit cf M. Lotus, -not r.iai--!t' ;a t:;' I' art ihur.-.'iay. He left a : -v v. h .- l:t for ih. Tl.- vh t nir i I i.rvo! to have I ten acci-h-nta!. Ann-c'la county t. ac!. r to'. I hi.--j -;j 'hen::.i:i' array was com- . : o - I f tur.iai.'i arl t.:i-v.. s, ami l.O'.v iif uri'ls h:ni-.'h" utixr 'c ton-'.f'i Ih :n-u!-iisiiaat: .i anion.; his pupil?. Mr, lh-rriun 1 r? it r.d 1; - Faiv!, d--l at Ann Art r, W. .In- iay, alt r to a s'lru'.1' il op rat;:.a. IF r f-y, I .-n'l v,.i v;tu u r, :.:: was r" --.v:r.4 sari -al t r at:r.':it for h.; F" K "y has cliy in ahundanr, and J. h. F'-oix:s s iv that :f -"ine ..); i;i v v. .il -vrt a I-r y ir l I'm- r-.-, ti; ? 1 i w.ll d .. .'. I V ta i.i. Any ..a : .0. -'x.:.4 for a lo' At.o-; -a.j il I do v.-'.il t wr.:- Mr. F- :;. I .if r Mor- a f irrr.or 1 vin- not fir tr-t.i Adrian, '-titercd las ici.v.i V, .! ; - iv a-..'. hot U l.i;' If in til" h- 1 .1 w.tii a rt-voh. -r, dy;n mtiv. II" 'v.i 1:1 o. l.- i:tii r,n I -p.i-.t.s and no ' 1 '! f r tr;" a- t kn va. 'I ',, ooi? -r,i-tor of t;--o F. 1 -5 I a o r- : p'd hy io. dud. - ; -opiu- 'v;t:i r. :r-tty rhThs tti.Tt .1 i. o -1 o r 1 'i d".v. ry .:. 'aw a r r:Mt- -l .; I w-,- .. r 1 i: " l ii - v. !..-,- for F. t i' :'-. h:, 1 a 'va ft fr- ra ... : ..;.- f- F. - F. o ' F ';. 1 ; 1 o O ; 1 : ( 1 1 : . . h I' i - F ' t IF-eo, r - , . ; . . . 1 - r'-r 1 v - " ' THE TALHAGH TRIP. Incidents of the Journey from Beyrout to Constantinople. I 1IAND-S01IK AND THlilViNO C1TT It CTiurcL ua Chrituia A Cull at lartilcA, Cpru SIimkIj xnj SauUey la MiHjtru ltit I. It;.Iiru auU ll Wou tfrfl Iluln. Mjlilen.' TheOrt-ck ArcU klhu lit Tuiklsh tlovrrnor. IavEitrcoi., Jan. 5. -Frohably the &-.vifu-t and pleasanto.-t thiiencc fc rvice la t!i': world is that from Ia:uas:u.s to I yront. A F:f rich oompany mvns and i ,-'S it, r.nd it would Le nnsliess to ear that this tntorpris i- la triki::ir c ntrn-t to any entcrori.-rondiutc 1 br th. un-t-akat"l. Turk. The road b-tw.-fi the two citi',5 is in excclh-nt con di'ien an I is a marvt I u hit of f-n.ineer-i::', crisir,; the mountain" of Lebanon ra u. hfh;ht of 7.C0J fet. Six Jiorses are hxnci.-evl to each conveyance, and there are chan.l every hour. Tho trip is of fourteen hours' duration, ho thirl ei-hty-four l.ore3 are hroub.t into usj be fore its completion. "With the excep tion of the beauty of tho scenefy, which increases in attractiveness rdl the way, there is nothing of special interest witiiin tho hrmdred and twenty tnilea alor w hich tho road extends. The villas which dot the approaches to IWrGUt aro surrounded by gardens of rare beauty, Riving evidence of the good taste and r.mple means of their owners, most of whom nre merchants inthecity. Thegas jets illuminating F.-yrout were tho first we bad seen tince leaving Athens. Tliey riTorled expectations cf its appearance by dayli'it, which happily we found to bo fully justified. Dcyioutis a handfiomo city contairiinj; aljiit a hundred and twenty thousand inhabitants, alarge per centage of whom are Christians and civil ized according to the highest European f-tandard. These have rained a soli'l foot ir?, in Feyrout, wliirh accounts for its l-ein the most attractive city of all Turkey in Aix Dr. Talmaje was en tertained royally by tho American col lege, and during our tday preached in tho American church to an audience so lare as to severely tax the rapacity of that handsome edifice. The date of the ser vice wr.i Christmas eve. Whether for this reaton or in honor of the officiating minhier I know not, but the church wa3 decorated in a tacteful manner, and the :uuicrr.dr'"d during thr service would have elicited favorable comment in any leading churcli at home. Mrs. William Ii. Podaje had arrived recently at Bey routh on a to her ton. who is tho head of American church affairs in tho city. Sao was delighted to meet Dr. Talmne, of whos movements the had lirjt h' rsdf well infor:nel. On Cliristnias day wo f darted cn the jmrn' v homewards. Our parting from th''Mv'no had .t'-compani'-.l u in various e ip.icitp 3 dnrini; our jdlrimae thrciIi Fulf-itin an I Syria was firll of f ad r:-.-.s m l tendi-rncs.-s. The uide was atTicted d. f r! y, atd we shall iH'Vt r forr"t liis prr.yer iavf'iing for u- divine jai.eoti'-n and hr avrrdv bcri-dictli n durin.; the re-r-.ain 'r of r-ur trip. A f tor our property U n inp . tid and our hnpcac thorcuirhly oerhauid by the revenue ;;i"r.-, wr.o eoilfcfed 1 p. r vrit. duly cn all purc!ia-- ; rn rd-1 in ir own roaa trv, we entered a row! 'at arid were n o,t r to to - Fan dora f -r a ''-. a ';. -,' trip onth ! !ue M--.!;; rraa-i'n. Tl.rv ilays woiad I; ave Uc.u r.n amply c ' at time for rraoh;;-.,; O 'antin. i-p!o by a fr..:t st am r. but a pv ;':n r t rathe l-t w a t' t.w ci'i s i b it incidental and eirr'ir: fre-i'ht thejr.itn e .:.ddera- ti i". ti a a Cr :.y u t ; ; 1 a f imp. r e 1 p.s the . F.ut a rati "liar t.s !r.- 1 hi' v f. ,1'(-S t. . - - -a v: " i' : ) ;vd:;: ar.d d. f ;r r-t Fi a 1 t-.d , lng vrnat nature naa aireuy uuuw he wilder iiigly gluriuus. Wo leiuhed Smyrna about 9 in the morning, jut.t too kte to catch the train toKphetiu. F :t fuch a trifle as this dil not at .11 di ronruge us from making eur iutf-uiioria tf vidiin a city of f uch creat iu.p jrtanee in Seri: ture. We ! chart red a t pecial traiu and telegraphed J iu advancu for horws and lunch. At i half jt 0 our trum f-Urted, rudiln, alonr-r with all the r.cLs,- and confusion c t u lintniug a and the f-pet-d of an ordimiry American freieht train. We arrived at Iuphet-u.s, a di.-tancu of forty j tiglit miles, at twenty mimiUs j ;ut 1. j S.on aft.:r reach n'.; the hotel we were vatid on tdx cf tho moit mliera- I. le r'.i.-i thatthisrtatiati .ii can loast of, furlh.'inso of which we allied to pay one dollar each. On our return after : two houn"., we men found our.-elves each comp-ell ;d to pay a dollar and sixty cents, and two dollars for each of the horses ; ridden by tho ladles of the party. When : we rem. n-itrat 'd with our host on tho I overcharges, he quietly informed us that the u.-e of the horves was one dollar for each one, but this price did not include tl hire of the baddies, which w as three francs for an ordinary one and tivo francs each for those used by the ladies, i I this in Illustration of liie tricksy ; of the Turk. j A vh-it to Kphestn pays. The ol 1 Po 1 man aqueduct, with its innumerable ttovk nests, is the Jirst object of antiquity that one sees in the city. After that there is rio uid of attraction? liven the very hedges teem ivith broken fctatuary ; 1 and choice fpveine us of sculpture, which ; are U: ed as common stones. Tiie Riirictic ruins of the Temple of Diana are impos ing in the magnificence of i-Vei? pro Iortio!i3, and their magnitude we found to exceed all that we liad sten else where. In comparison with them the 1 Parthenon of Athens is as a village to ! a city Two hundred and twentr Tears j and no known editico has eTer ! ni:nlrfl if. in rlimr-j'.vinfK nr n-inr1.-iir Feautiful spe cimens of the sculptor's art 1,0X03 . 1 jj 1 f :t , TXi h -r.l)Our.d in the rains. The ruins of tho j i ii-ai. s i-.e. n,! :"mw" theatre, which was once the scene of tho j ! lf , '",',t'n ry ' !0, crreat uproar recorded in Acts xix. cn- . WG "HASSAN BAD." able one to form a pretty delinito idea of what tho building must have been at tho time when it had a capacity for over fifty thousand visitor-.; and tho stadium, or race course, afforded accommodations for no h-.-s than seventy-five thousand spectators. It still exhibits the terraces which were cut in the rock for the con venience of its frequenters. Put I must not linger longer amid the ruins. After an excellent lunch, of which various ddicious preparations of rico formed the principal part, we again loardcd tho train and returned to Smyrna, where the glad news awaited us that the Pandora would not resume hrr trip until midm-ht. This afforded us the welcome opportunity of viewing the cnv. e iounu rmivrna a aennuuav cl. r.n and attractive place. Dr. vidt" I an every day mi.-.'-ion, where he charmed the auditors with his matchh;3 eJoouence. ir.eii'-xt morning found usatMvti- Fre, wliero tho Anuriran consul 're- c ived us cordially r.uJ inr-isted oniliow incr u-; anmrid. He piesntcd us to Con ttantinoi Valia lis, the Or: archbishoj, ond t Fahri I5"y, the TurLi.-.'a k '-" rnur. The former of t!;o.-e di.rnitaries con vorvd with u inii'rm u; and lighted era our pirtaiiini; of Yor'a-h L1 li::ht, tho most popular because the mcKt d. of ewe-;, rrcoaimpndm;; it ai a Hire .lrt was :i.rh t h The i--,, who was f.oil- covticd with d .irac n.Is an I o'der f.-.rtr.-s at ?In!'ne. F f-r' vre h it Jje teiit ere of his servants out into hi car-d-m t a k tb.e ci:'dret .rani:' s w hich i;.' i '.h h a matter f i o'ir? the de li :i :us m.'.u i.irin vari'tr. for our refresh. Dl' lit. At all th-e pl.i w hid rer.tly vis- ited. Fa turev;,. r.d v-;ped. In Ii; hus for , sr3 .n "t - - t t i i warn f-v. ra.lit n i d-y t -ar." From hrt oi 1 -, 1 .s. and thus -i bi j rr-. y t tho r,d. IJ av r- J r-f x f t I T. ;! 1 ?. 1 11 in thm. nr; I - - it : ' ta r vl f i,..- c 1 t:-.--; is m-i u.; r4 le' t tr-ir..;i jn it I i w i ?r " : , - :. ' t 1 r l.i d i T 1? XLorc'H. r f . r AUUt'LvEli'TS. O'KANIJ orKP.A HOLili L,,,i'f .i.ii .Malice; s. LD. K. tALli:il. Actt.-.c iiau. . THIS AFTKKNOO.V! The Great !ii:t oy I'ra::r.. The Blue and the Gray! CO loii!e oa tUm Ms;'. t'J ' tirFp- c'a! fn;-i.;.'ri;i nt of the Orar d Tl-iptils tJuard, uiiier cumtnsad ot Cai laia iuanry. Next Week-Din 1 Ih tly. Alter Sena Years. PRICES in, C. l.ko t:i 1 Ik Ci.riahi rt-es proRir'tiy at S .YIu ... QIcIITlI'S OPERA IIO'JSH. O Y.'2I. 1;. .SMITH. I'roy'r au I aUa 1 Han "lsoniest ant Apimintil Vaudeville ll.tau-r in the city. mi: 01 1 Litixr, or WEEK OF FEBRUARY SI The O.T. rins for tD; Week: Lit.'l ' n.-lfs r.nrjes'r:" fV:n la:.y. ii .1 b. ti:,- Lr.i- Even'i: ! Trices ' 1j..; f ,, jj, 1 HAI.L. TVm A V W .JIN. L Ltui!.-s Ml siea'.. .I at'ei lIOVAJt! SI 1 !.!: J i Thf Kasu ni Ni; tw ' tKs. j First Aim ea-.m-e of t!i IOC the oy.t. . n-ier, w.u. j;ai X. MTS LopA LaVj RNh 0:11: r.r.'i liar c h:tly. ;i:o. 1.. ima.vomj. 25c 15c 1 Amerb-u's 1 atoriie ltailtoite : C i.rit Ai! arnnc ,f the CAlthli: LA'iO.N I clts MISS III TiK Sr. (LA lit. r. -'. urni-iiie. 25c -?zz.-z. ; L j Or'TJje P:ejfyrri:i;".'-s USUAL MATINEES. Perhaps it is early to talk ioat Spring Carpet . hut wJiatistliu list? ()F V. JMllJ7 liiltiJ tllO SpriS!'" Ttt'-iti is 'iere to buy yourne .v ;u tet? Our three ihurn o! t)iir double: store art; ov 'ai'pet S, b:)l!bt (!i reel Ill the iiianufaet urer, repre sent in;; the choicest pat terns and Fabrics, and trie variety oT design and color for Hprinjr oi' 13'.(has never been ecpialed. Select N OU r carj)ct S, AVC WillsttK C "hen ordered. V, C IllflliO a SKM!- j;lt V Ot fillV Work, klt(vill the best advert iscincnt we can liave. SMITH & SAilFDFSD orra ir.i m. pkmu, st:, j GUAM) P.M'II):-. ! or v at CKNT CENT f i.r A. B. S. HARF S . r. NO TiCKLTS! "ti ti! - M vi:ij 5 t .V - I " ; : ? V Ml ; J- . - ' ". 1 tj . REDMOND ' f nm u 0 Rnother Great Story I DY THAT ttCST FGFL'Ufl VTittTEn, p b e s s o U L, U W TOPSY The rrcat French author's latest and best work will Iwin in serial form in these pages, and will appear in liber..! i:r hd meats until completed. Illustrated by Hieholl. It affords us a genuine pleasure to announce th.Tt we li.ivc secured this great story, as it means a rich and profitable: liicr ary treat for all of our readers. WATCH for tho OPriiTNG CHAPTZRS OF c dJLim )fctdf If you arc not a subscriber, become one at once. You can not afford to miss the perusal of tin's anl other good ; stories which will appear in ; I ft I. t ' ; V HARK ? " t . -v l "J Vi I-v T-' C-u n ,s fl & ,f c: " .V 1 fY M-dr 3 I ymmn can take aM a cr.ij? cai? ssy, fl?(d! f037iaJ2 willi dul 73 cani v&sl lo ftkiife SanlaClaus Soap N.K.FAFKBANK i CliiCAGG. MILLA1U;S HV1IJ GLOSS 'MEK1 A 1- 8 J i 1C J.V" St US r;a ? . n j.- .r if u 1 b Shi q k rati? u $ rr rc rz 1CJ Vi L.L it U TlfEVY, this paper during the vcar. 11 : '.H ,'""v ill '.MI....U ,- ' ', iroubls can cops, her cjojljes pnec):on she no'i'o t "V Uuv t ni-tii PIANOS ARE PULLT Tr r t r r " ? : ; ' ' ; f ' " C-J-l If 0Tt'i.:' 'AHH ANTED . !ot . , :: s CO' NV. ' . I, j : ' ! ' ; "" f tell- E f-u. t; Li PROCUa?ED. tllf lyr - r: : - ' f, :nn rtL RKKST Ii. DI.SIi;!r7.', !-f I) rs i t I i i i t tt. f t, n-. '' ' I"