OCR Interpretation

Telegram-herald. ([Grand Rapids, Mich.) 18??-1892, March 01, 1890, Image 6

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn98066392/1890-03-01/ed-1/seq-6/

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123 ISortU
Opposite Post-Office, will be
March Srd,
1 k
Of the Famous and Well known Electric Sanitarium
and Institute, of Detroit, Mich.
Prof. J. C. Chambers has become one of the most
noted Electricians in the land in applying electricity as
a curative agent, inventing and patenting all his own
devices, etc., and to be convinced you are invited to
call and receive FREE FOR ONE WEEK
nnrnnTfi rnnn imirmTmni
Having just perfected NEW and SUPERIOR
devices and appliances for tlio administering of
ELECTRICITY to the system, avo take this means
of showing to everyone, even tlio most skeptical,
our complete and effective method of treatment
giving almost instant relief.
No Matter What Ails You
Avail yourself of this opportunity to procure a COR
RECT DIAGNOSIS of your case, even though it
may he of many years' standing. We will honest
ly tell you if we can cure you.
Do Not be Deluded!
Rut call and we can surely henellt you and prove
the correctness of our assertions. Those at a dis
tance who aro not able to call can avail themselves
of this oiler by sending for Health Journal and
Question Blanks and they will receive a written
diagnosis of their case FREE. Physicians and
Surgeons in attendance. All communications
treated strictly confidential.
Owners Electric Sanitarium,
123 IVoi-tli Ionia t.,
Opp.Post-Ofliec, GRAND RAPIDS, 3IICII.
x9o Now urxiviiig;.
All the remaining Stock must move out in one
IV e have sold more Fine Dress Goods
the past three days thanx in any preceding
month. If you want a handsome costume at
little outlav come to the "Bee Hive" at once.
XD. W. SEaVEIPrjE, Manager.
7 nd o vt Fridr 5"t, Qnrvi Fpi'i.
The Grand Rapids Store & Office Furniture Co.,
JSEZJJZ?? & SUTTOX rrcj?., terror Lytivxd Cavjp-vi-tU.
Located at
Ionia, St.,
Opened for treatments on
1390, by
m II m liimm
i nuNcnii
I uiinmuLiiu v& uuimuum
is--' t
! re--' 1 Mil i g v
i t :-- - r p .'-ni.
t utter V. !v
i Ire p jual.
if :i-
licet -: r t uL 1.
0u u. -. i tastici.
An.. r-o buftri.
Leasee IV'J.v f ucuad.
(irftta. ft'lwur and Feek
Wfcr.t-Nf. 7r V tufceh
Cor: .ix;e i tun'
Oat Nt, ill f busiel
Colli Mri-$i5 ' i t JO.
brief-f lJil.-M huadred.
.Mi41i!nx-"l..fJ t1 tou.
H ur-L::j WL-.tf. tilO; Ptf at. !160 V hua-
JobbtrV Price.
Applrs i.i'- 2 rO r barrel.
hra-tl.7,Vu2.w) rbusuel.
Yz-l t dozen,
butter lTt.'-x' t pom.d.
Oli, if I only had her complexion!
Why, it ii easily obtained. I te Voi
zoni's Complexion Towder.
9 are jut as Glad as lie is.
No one nut thoso who have tried it
can know the life of an active, industri
ous, hardworking traveling man if, up
at alt hours of the night, driving
through the mud and ram over coun
try toads. Eating a dinner of cheese
and crackers at some customer, s coun
try store, taking your meals when you
can cet them, is it anv wonder that the
stomach is all out of order; Kowels in
a costive condition all the time and as
consequence Hemroids so that riding
on the cars is torture. iKpepsia,
Chronic Headache, all ambition gone,
life a weary drag. That was my condi
tion exactly. 1 would go two and
three days without a movement of the
bowel?. I have taken enough medicine
to sink a ship, but always got back in
same condition. I was told to try your
Extract ot Ked Clover, and, on repeated
urgings by my friend, Mr. Lacy, a trav
eling man, who had used it, and who
now says his gripsack is not complete
without it. I purchased a bottle in
Grand Iiapids with I must say but little
faith. I tollowed tho directions faith
fully, and within one week I noticed
he change. I bought a box of your
lied Clover Pills and have taken them
all, and my stomach is now in better
condition than it has been in the past
ten years. Your Extract of lied Clover
acts" on the bowels in so mild aud
pleasant a manner that you feel it i?
more nature than medicine. I have
not been troubled with constipation at
all, being as regular as the clock. I
have never before found anything that
would help mo in this respect, as all
other medicines I had tried made the
after results worse than before, but
your Extract of lied Clover has regu
lated my stomach and bowels by the
use of but three bottles so that 1 feel
myself a new man, though I have not
used it now for over four weeks. Mv
gripsack is never without it and will
not be. You are at liberty to use this
as you see tit.
To J. M. Loose, lied Clover Co., Detroit,
For sale by White Sc White, druggists,
Morton House block.
Don't Pay Till You Are Cured.
Blind, bleeding, internal and externa
piles, fissure, fistula and rectal ulce rs
cured, or no pay. Treatment painless
No t'nie lost from work. Hundreds of
references. Examination free. Lake
side, physicians room -S, Porter block,
132 Monroe-st. Hours 0 to r, dailv:
Tuesday and Saturday evenings, o to 0;
Sundays, 10 to 1.
For I don't care, dull, tired feeling,
impoverished blood, dull pains in back
and head, tantalizing skin eruptions,
Kemp's Sarsaparilla never fails to give
relict. We alwavs guarantee it- Price
U per rattle. t;bbs' drug store, 126
The transition from long, lingering
and painful sickness to robust health
mark an epoch in th life of the indi
vidual. Such a remarkable event is
r e a s u re d i n t h e m c m o ry a nd t h a ge n cy
whereby the good health has Wen at
tained "is gratefully blessed. He nee it
is that so much is heard in praise of
Electric Bitters. So many feel th'y
owe their restoration to health to the
use of the Gn at Alterative and Tonic.
If you are troubled with any disease of
th kidneys, liver or stomach, of long
or short standing, you will surely find
relief ty us of Electric Hitters. Sold
at 00 cents and 1 per lott!c at Peck
Bros.' dn:g store.
KleTen Years In Charge
Of the Package department, Boston Jt
Maine Depot, Boston, Mass. Miss Helen
Jones sAys: I was a sufferer from gener
al debility, biliousness and water orash
for several years, and life seemM al
most ft burden to me. After tn-ms; al-.
most everything Sulphur Bitters cured'
Rneklen' Arnica Salve
Th best salve xn the world for cut,
bruises, sores, ulvr, s-ilt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hand,chiltlains,
corns and all skin rruption, and posi
tively enres piles, or no pay required.
It i guarantrd to give perfect atifflc
tion or money refuudf. Price 2ocent
per box. For sale by Perk Pro., drug,
gist, corner Monroe and I:v;3ion-t,,
Loo-r's Ilrd Clover IMls cure Sick
Hradarl.e, I)ysfp a, Indigestion, and
V.rit;ri:ition. per ), . bote
for il. For s.i!e by WinJe & Wh.t,
rirui-.sts, Morton Hous Mxk.
Picture Cord Given
tjov corn;r : ..v-r-
rt X -hJir- i P.;-,r-.-r'-;TnVM.
r i i r -1 'f . r.tk th
rc.t ; p f tv- ir. ?Vr
J rxTTT her. WO(ir,S()
Srif n C V)., TAlrdo, Ohio.
fridetit lt.uf't Kitir J. ii. Mwlii
ktu VslruUiur).
Ti. folio 0.:g gvi.t!al i.otice UsWea
st iit out by Prcj.'ier.t TiiAvc-r.
l'!::caio A Wit Michigan railway,
Itro.t. I.a.:;-.;-. ft Ncrtlirrn ia:ir..i,
Mi'.: aw Vaiiey 4v M. Ixri s ii:lro.d.
Oicc ot the pres.dr nt, a, Matf-st., Bv
U:i, Miv., l'tb. -.o,
J. B. Mullikeii. l.avug n s'g'-ied tV.e
p--.t.oa l.t Id hy hi!!i en t:.c uUac irads.
C.iAiiv- M. He!d is turtby aj.pv'irud
ii'.iiil ii:a!ia.i;t r of the s.u. ; ttti
c.iats to ULi t rtivi March 1, pjoxuiio.
,NAi I1AMIL 1 II i 1 K.
Mr. Mullikeu's t aiewell.
Mr. Mull. ken uee ttie following:
Chicago & West Michigan railway,
iK'tro t, Lai.s::.g ft Noitheru r;lrod,
Sag naw Valley A St. Louis railroad.
Muskrgon, Mich., Feb. 27, lbX
To OCfr ta)plysj
I shall rehuquieh the j08ition 1 have
so long held on the above mentioned
roads on the 1st of March proximo, but
tiefore severing my relation 1 dcs.re to
eipread to you, one and all, my appre
ciation of the zeal and fidelity which
have generally been exhibited by you
n the eeveral tranches of the service in
which your lines have teen cast; and to
ay that the praise for whatever success
has attended the management of these
gnat properties, belong not to aie, nor
to any one oriie.al, but rather to all who
have faithfully performed the duties
ass-gned to them and their name is
hgion. In bidding you good-bye, I
wish to say that I take pleasure in com
mending you to my successor, and 1 as
sure you he will recognize and appre
ciate faithful sorviceaspromptly aud as
generouly as I have always endeavored
to do. Wishing you all a full measure
of success in life, and abundance of
happiness, I am, sincerely, yours.
Vice-President and General Manager.
or Heart Dictate.
Another of ourold residents and most
esteemed citizen, KeyrenWhalen.Esq.,
died at his home, No. 67 Stocking-st.,
very suddenly of heart disease yester
day. He has been in filling health for
about a year, and quite ill for two
weeks, yet when he fell from his couch
and was dead when his devoted wife
reached him, there was? an awful
suddenness about his decea-e that
completely overcame her; the more
specially as the is suffering from a
broken wrist caused by a fall on an icy
step at her house, and from rheuma
tism which has set in the arm, the lett.
Mr. Whalen was a leading stone mason,
a good mechanic, an industrious man,
an excellent citizen and neighbor, w ho
had accumulated a competence for his
old age and for the wife he loved so
fondly. He was about t( years old,
came to this city from the County Kil
kenny, Ireland, 15 years ago, a year or
two after he arrived married Miss Julia
Whalen, and has always lived here and
attended honorably and stjictly to his
business. He never has been away
from Grand Iiapids any distance since
he came here in 1845 had never visited
Chicago or Detroit or any other larger
city. He was a leading member, a
pillar, in St. James' Church, and will
he. buried from that church next Mon
day at Sa. m. He leaves a widow, only,
as "his survivor. They had ever been
peculiarly near each other, more than
forty years of wedded life had intensi
fied them as lovers, and the separation
is doubly hard for Mrs. Whalen now,
but she has the sincerest svmpathy of a
largo circle of friends who will often
remind her of the many good qualities
of the one who has but shortly even
though it may be years preceded her
m entering into rest.
Ssj He ll a ISishop Ite.
Kolasinski, the tieposed priest, alleges
that seven independent Polish congre
gations in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Buf
falo, and other cities, are going to
unite and form an independent see, the
cathedral to he. the new church w hich
the Kolasinskians are about to erect in
Detroit. He expects to be elected
ti-lion. Meanwhile he has imported
'Fr. Pi'. Provdzicki from Russian Poland
to act as assistant pastor. lhiroit Tri
burif. m
court riKcemn.
Cirxr it Hon. M. C. Burch, judge
Geo. B. Dunston vs. The Hoptonic Com
pany et al., chancery: demurrer sus
tained. Theodore. M. Carpenter vs.
The Kent County Street Railway Com
pany, in chancery; submitted on briefs.
Marcus W. Bates an 1 Marcus F.Bates
vs. Win. H. Herriek, assumpsit; stay of
froceedmgs tor twenty clays granted,
on. Wm. K. Grove, judge Chaile J.
Burnham vs. Phillip Graham, replevin;
on trial. Wikje Bouma, administra
trix, etc. vs. The Michigan Central Rail
way Company, trespass on the case;
continued by order of court. Richard
B. Gooding and Richard J. Gooding vs.
The Toledo, Saginaw Muskegon Uail
wav Company, replevin; continued by
ord"cr of the eourt. Fletcher Williams
vs. Ball fc Watters' Transfer Company,
assumpsit; stay extended thirty days.
SrrEP.ioit Hon. K. A. Burlingame,
j'idce The City of Grand Rapids vs.
Adrian Welleman, assumpsit; ad
journed until Monday at 2 p. m.
Probatk Hon. Cyrus K. Perkins,
judge EsUte of Mary Clements, de
CHaed; will admitted to probate;
Charles R. Stewart, executor. Knate
of John Patrick Brown, decayed; in
ventory tik i. Estate of Catherine
Covle,"deer.ved; letter of adminiitra
t on icU' d to Henry Sullivan. E'tAt
of Thorna. Shields, decreed; Ella M.
Shield appo.nted adni.nistratrix. Es
tate of S:meon Hunt, deceased; inven
torv filed.
nr. i. r.sTAir TRANrnr..
Th!. !!t I f-jrn!4!!
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bT W. R.
ST'.basr ,
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M-'.i. Vctt' r Tfs t ' r'.' T .
i ' ' '. .. . . i. - - -
t4Ti.e Blue and the Gray" w-U pre
sented at Rilii0i:d's this tleiri.Kr.
and evviiin. The attract. ou at ll is
li.e ater next wet k wn'a.'tntiiuo Mx
c.'inKt.aa ai.d characur aetor ln
Ketly.m a m lodrau.a called "in After
lx.vtu lr.ri." eai are now on ie.
BUu-hfitU Kav&i ai', the faiiious
Uy soprano who w.ii apjuar at lUrl
n. in's Hail next Tnurdsy nenmg, is
la looming rich. Encase tneuts are
U-mg offt red ban in t-.usli muntH rsliutt
he i? ui.ab.e to rill them ll .a to
lec-e.ve tO lor four uppt iir-iu ef in
.Mi::tit'a;K.ii., '0 for s.i.i.i; twiee m
tlie Auditorium m C hie go, nd jfl!0 u
night for a lour in the Eat. Henry B.
Eonev, liis teacher aiid accompant, is
albO his manager, and 1- doing tnucit
toward eitabhshmg the wonder! ul repu
tation the boy i gaining. He wdi ime
the assistance oath occasion, of Mine.
Fann;e Mytra Langlo.s, a young con
tralto, who enjoys a rplendid rt juta
tion as an operatic ingtr, and who
w ill, no doubt, he ard w ith pleasure
on the concert platfoim; alo Francis
Campbell, whose arttic tinging is Uk
wen known to the jeopie ol Tirana
Rapids to require eulogv.
Trie well known actor McKee Rankin
will appear at Powei." on the even nt;
of the 10th, in his successful drama
The Runaway Wife."
"Little Lord Faunth roy" in its dram
atized form, i listed for" production at
Powers' Grand, on March io aud '-'1.
Who that reads docs not know t he
story of Little Lord Fauntleroy? Who
that thinks fails to appreciate its tt n-
der pathos, its cxqui.-.te humor and
its e:m)lic:ty of character.
There will be a grand matinee at
Smith's Opera House this afternoon.
The full program will be given. To-
night closes the engagement oi the
vaudeville shows Mr. Smith has had
this season. For next liek many
startling novelties m theatricals of this
kind will le offered.
The Knight I'roperty 31ay Not be IJe-
rorated Atier All.
The Committee on Buildings of the
Common Council was instructed to
purchase the Knight property on the
corner of Crescent-ave. and Ottawa-st.
for $12,000 if the title was clear. Tiic
man who offered the place for that
amount is sick in Mt. Clemen, and as
there was nothing paid to secure the
bargain, it is not known whether he
will hold his offe r or not.
There are two other nieces of property
almost adjoining the Knight place that
are also offered. One is .V) feet north
east of the Knight plaev and facing on
Ionia-st.,and the other plaeeis just back
of Colonel Briggs' place. The price asked
for the Knight place amounts to $ 1.20
per square foot; the one in the rear of
the Briggs place is offered at the rate
off 1.10 per square foot and the one
facing ou Ionhj-6t. is offered at the rate
of f 1 per square foot. Tlir Knight
place is considerably the largest, and
for many reasons the most desirable,
but if the offer is withdrawn the com
mittee will have no dilbculty in secur
ing a convenient site close at hand.
Preparing for the New Edition of the
The new edition of the Board of Trade
book, "Grand Rapids As It Is," will
not be published until September, but
Secretary Van Asmus is already solicit
ing advertising for the lok.
The statistics required to le used in
the publication havo nearly all Ik c u
obtained in answers to circular letters,
and aie all for the year ending Percm
bcr 31, 189. No statistics for the pres
ont year will le given.
The book itself will be practically the
same in size as the present edition, but
instead of opening as it now does, it
will open from the end, so that the j
pages will be longest acros. The design
of the cover will to ditlerent, as also
the coloring, and there will be a num
ber of entirely new illustrations. Many
of the old ones will beyed, but in such
combinations as to jiJvc the effect of
novelty. Parties are already figuring
on the work of publishing the edition.
Don J. Leathers Won't IlaTe It That
Referring to the published ehargc
that he was disgruntled because C. F..
P.elknap did not appo.nt his sifter to
the Rockford pot-office, Mr. Leathers
"Belknap toll this sanu- story in
Washington alout mv being tli-grun-th-d;
told it rrpeatedfy, and wh:i we
were all teirether ono day, I naihd the
lie squarely. Mr. Blodgett w;o piet nt
and ndmitt- d that what I said aU.nt
the affair Wiis the trwtli. I m t the l
at Washington, in the White IIr ; , jn
th Pot-oM.c Iepartment Mvt Ue.
where. I ani S!irjr;sed to har Mr.
Turner is circulating it at th,s late dav,
but Ul.eve the rau for th" )iir;ng hi
the hquid in hi -coanut is quite ap
parent to everyone."
n. ii. n. if i i.i. iti'.m.
Mi Maud Severens is but little Wttrr
at this time.
Geo. Kirtland i; taking an rxfnded
business trip north.
Mr. Rev. H. S. Shaffer i on th"
sk l;'t, under tl.n ear"- of Ir. I'a.lir-g.
The choir are making ir'od r,e of
th'-ir nrw anthe m b-k at the U. R.
Two bu.r. m'n from RMt Crr--V
ar orvrong a I r ( Tirf z - ' G in
S nth Grand R'p. !.
B i,p (!:. '
K'khaM. In h. ; ' i-i-r
I'.i icr .9' f! r,
lav m-
. a:
T.h" m-tirr8 at th I. It. M .-n
yf V.-d. 1 hirty-.x rnvr rior.e and
fortv-thre have y,.wi th (ivirru o
f- r."
An at ' "ichm' nt tak'i ' :t by ";.
rr, Jud'-r. A rv., on Thursday, r' r.t
Ut,tt M.Rronol'y, H' ; r a . ay-t-r,
t-r, :ntr. r'.'.i'-'V f;i'-d ;r - 'u -
sn1 the
. ' : t ::,!'.' h")'ff
i T
f.T. e.f T n '
'. V'T l:rr-
V H- it'n's OToa Tr". or g.r.s
ilo XUrj lAwk at iLe ltifc4 ItlU
lu llUlU
Cotutiuiivug on the Alfred Bro4
ease- the louia Sfii Mud iut nli.t:
Few i-as-.-s hae Ueu WaUhed by
luniaii w.th j:! rater interest than the
Broad ce, tht cv:h1u.v..'U ot whivh
will tie re-eievi with the iu:k-at hat.s
fai'tiou l ) t t ry c.t.ieu. The general
filing is that Mr. Metle was It j u.ti
Uiaking the comj laint t-y the uu war
rantable advice ot L.s atU.ii.i. , Juhu
B. Cvil., of Iiti..t, who hu. en.h.i, t
renialkabie m-dcrt tuu lu h: o;.
Se;l.'l proNrCUlioa ot the le.-pv .'.t
Wtale ProMVUt.nu Atiu?i..y M:;.,it l.u
priM-cuttd the el.Aia ruUsiy .u the
court, Mr. e eri.t. is e!id avi') t i to
create a public Mnt.n.ent ;t::rui.-al to
Mr. Broaa.
Allied Broad was aritttd at h:
home iu th.a city tally on the oeuu.g
of Augut io, and taktn to Giand Ra;'-idn,wh-re
he waarraumcd thefi'liow
mg tiioriiing. 1het xani;r.at..:i m -npird
many da t and has Uen djournel
twenty-eight times. Ovtr lki loiio? o!
tet.mony Were taken.
Pro.MCUtmg Atturnty W. J.Stuart
had the a.v. stance ed Pru.ecutu.g At
torney I a i?, of this c;tv, and John B.
Corlis, of 1 t tic.t. Mr. liloa l has U-e:i
ably dt 'tended by W. V. Mitchell and
W. . WcbMcr, f t!n t ,iy, who i.iad.e
ne technical ot'jeetiou to the introduc
tion et any t r-tirnouy w hii ii wo.ild
throw hsht UJm'U the " na.'e t ! nj.i:i
Mr. Brood's n lulu. u to the atta.i.-til
the Packing ( Kiiipny.
Tht unjUrt charge h:if eo;-t .Mr. Inroad
ev ryihing matt i jut he K-er, d, hut
the deei'.oli It ndett-d by J udge Htjlliit,
than whom t !i if i im moi t j u-i j u j ft
m the Mate, ha itt-t'-d to Smu i
fair name , and h it hit. reputation w . th
ou! a f-hadow uni it.
The d(-c. tn is haded by very one
m Ionia w ith much fath-o tion, though
few if any liHe tloubted thitl It would
U- as it is.
Mr. Broad and hi att'irneys rt turne d
to Ionia at 4:VJ vt .-tt rdav att rnoun.
I'ro(rain of the lr-tiii; lu he llrld in lit
The next nie ting f the Seheo!mas
tcTS Club of the Mute, di U.- he Id ,n
tlii city in the H-h n-ho'd Imiid.r.g,
second lloor, today. All tcici. r? -f
this c.ty and rgan aie crd.al!y in
vited to lo pr.-nt. The fw!l:n.ng is
the j.r 'grain 1 r that e.i:'jn:
lh;i a. iii. Ru;ri i duc;it.(!i :n the
pub3:c k.'1io !; a cuni:n i .al depart
ment, H buUHs ourt-e; jt bu.nebS
method. in all cuiiix c.
A i'yinpc.-'iuni Iy .uperintf nd i.t K.
L. Rr.Lrg, Grand H:tvn; Superinte n
dtntll. N. I rene h, Kal.mia ju; Pro
fessor W. N. lrns, P.jg Raj-.d; Mij r
mter.dcnt II. M. Slauson, u!l water,
and SupeiinU ndt lit o. C. Sdve Mar
fchall. 10..';0 a. ra. The future wcrkofthc
club. Gfiieral discussion. RusinesN.
11 a. m. Ango Saxon in the H:ph
Khool. Prof ior F. A. RarlHiur, tat
Normal hchroh I).wu4on ojwned by
Suitermtende nt W. H. Hony, Mouioe.
'1 p. m. rmversity I-atin, Pre-Hjr
F. v. Ke l.ey, I nivi r'.ty (1 Muh'pan.
Higii sehool pn paratory I-atm, I'rin
cipal V. A. Greex)!), iiand Rap:d..
ihHO j). m. Ph sical training m the
public tehcK'i, with demenftratiorm of
the eyttem by a number of cadets.
Professor D. Ih Jayne, Midiigm Mili
tary Academy.
F.very one who i interested in edu
cational matter :s un ited to attend.
Prolevsetr 1'.. A. Mrong will U pr( sert
in his i ajiac.ty a pr fc;d-nt ! the ( inh.
Many of his lornur puj'.ls .il le gli i
to se-e him again.
qu:tu diffkrkkt
Are the riCur on i!ir Valuation of tli
llOul ml.
There is quite a discrepancy in the
summaries of the valuation of prof'ity
in the Third ward. The l;.:ud of
Review and Kp:ah.al.o:i makes, the
total valuation al o it 4,"'r,,,,'!M,i w hile
Supervisor Rcr.iannn mak t. th' rum
mary aKut ! J"fo more In the raw
of tho city aga;nt Adrian Well man it
lxeun.e nece'-:iry that the rxaet
figure s should - r.K'erta ,n d, nnd
SujK rvisor V. I). I'ros?, of th 1 ourth
ward, wa. e U ( d ;s a man el grrat
mathematical skill and a di:nU'r ted
party to ascertain the rxaet l;gur.
the supervisor vaii ttirnugli l''i
)tape fd tigure, and apJte.HTe.l iu the
sujctK'r eurt yewterday w . t ! ; the'
1 iiit of h lah'irs.
lie i-lofKl U I h fore tlir- f,v,ri fi
srjlemn a a meat ax, aii 1 Hnnonnee.l
that the ttal valuation wc 7, o h
The smaller Pgur were h 't in t.h"
cnvul- on thrit hook theeourt.
The ;.h a i.f ),;, v'i i-r ovm a paltry
f-nn) hke $- 4't,o o, v hr ri n i x ; rt n h,
a ddle i nee oi ::,4;vo) dc;df d!v
i h foot rg of the F.oard of Revirw
are hei'ee-l to t"1 (frreet, n one (,r
two ( r tor have already le n found in
Mr. Re r.jannn' f.gu? . ar.d noric s-o
far in thoe g;vm by the luiird.
The Amrr,' an . (l'rfe com-
rne nce-nie-iit, hel l at the G. A. R.Ht'.l,
on S,xth-st., 1 a 1 1 ( ( Ti : t : f , wi, 1 ? r g i y
Htt'Tielfd. 7h? ertlTK" were ff'V,-
e'.uete-d in a r.ot - rg n.ar.: r, h fi
the rnging r.f Ir. W . II. K'., of .!.
Raj is, M e h., w - h'ortly :..'-o- -
rAU fd hl i' ' 1 "' . t' " h :' h .he j (
f:on fed ui a n.-t ;-t.-ff.' i"v tn' ' ?.
( 'i ik' i -tin u 7 1 i-'-( ,i,t ni v .
Ir. !io'& ?i ;,! h' rr -1 y 1 1 f ' !
: at b; oil."- m the ,,' -.-: - t-
v.-z ra;n.
Th" P.-.t nix I'-irMt'ir' w,v.x
i.UA ;i f nnnhi reo .-t yUit.y. It
o.!-il 1- ; f ''. hl, r '1 ail f.-f t! e
em vi'.t. ,;' 'i n. It o ?, r ai ' ' t-
vaVj' 1 f.t ri'' ' 4 ''d ;" ';&!-.
t nt- an o ;- t nr t-. ?".'".. 7 h'
eieoff e f t1 r -oi' rnt'ori ".our.t t'
5 ',2 4".. s-'i -t ):Hi er-'jtt to t
smo'in! of :.; ;'.. 'I h" p'.n'-p;
to V . f -o i'r ' v' -' ' 'i' """ ,(...
.jr -f . V m. M.r.Tr,r:- r. .T. b.
Re if.e, . N. W. N''".l r ;., .To;.h JI,
ri r C. C. Gr,u:s- ard I . I..
( orr-.r z-
J.e t'.r.-.fei rs' of tV J""". t
Hr- ;t- ff f orr' ' " r"" r'"! 1 ; ih'
0-irT e rk y r-ity. T? r :'-t
.S'.Tt'thv t- ' ;v- ' on rfc a "
r-i n of t;r..';.V..V; o-r g V rr i ' - '.
7 v totH; r-r of r
rr- j
T -1
. t -
7 h fe "jO" i'
! t r s.
r,e,.'', h' t ' o"." T' - r-.'.'i.
I f-- jJT. t

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