Newspaper Page Text
THE TELEURAM HERALD. THURSDAY MOHXLNU, APRIL 17, 189K . HOW ACTING 15 TAUGHT. JL Daj with, tha PupiU cf ta Xx j iay ot Dnsr.A.a Art, tw4 fe Director 9mm gmA Elmr fwpj- mi Xu3m W CufiKtuvt, law, i Ta rwch ta wvratajr-tvom of tta iarV3 Airdoi a Draaiatio Art ti rUIVer edjI jrv t!;rj;a 4 aaort fcali w 4 a 4 ;J tiect taat wk4 nia t&ttrvafaare vf 4 feahiooable reetdecc la f xu by, taa ? tew fiita of UJrs, From Uit peiat oaward aa4. op-wal h sat-it pt 4U feita U Irft daee aal filg hi fvid bUadly liifvufti 4 texte f byy that crtxtk a4 tvt;a4 tend tariga at-rooai, caa4:-rAm ck f tae iu of Lyceata Tlw aai over lt aatU 2 4WK, aaaoh to his own aatoclia saea, iaao 4 Larf igun recta o?r ta theater catt-aac 411 at taa 109 of t bullUc. Tills la fitted ttp 44 4 lcHir-rooou aa-i tiieavw. Th atee la wail aratuv. wish wla, files and curtaias 43 1 ha 4j,;iovs drla;r room 4 tio siia, which ar act o3 from the achool-rcoca b acweaa. Tiia I th at I mads th journey from the trt v too chooi-rvoci my j-ylie aieppd aithsljor aa44ii: "a-h-h-hr" 1 i-a-hvl aai heard 4 uoceloa of fca4 tlt seat mj heart into in 7 tiro "Aa! Ai b-h!! That was 4 rtrht jc4 stroke, E bey. cufht hi heart, aanutl a bae voice. Tha tare wn 4 4hin; of ateal, 4 --4inr of tet and 4 high, opcao frrrraca, "Onl Oh-h!! WowJtr "".That's the matter. Mis KoStson? I fcor-e you're a?t hurt," asked th Ttmsa VOteei. "Oa moment,' aaii my guides a ad be kaocka-i lwt"w on the door. A mlaute Utr tbe door wu opatd 4 ad Prof- Ltr SfTor waa dlscoT nd with esc half of Lis fencing c!u. Tb feaale half of tko ciia bad diiatf 7rrd. not so muoh on 4xoaatof tlniJ Ity 4a modary. Tbo diner of tbm worse a' a fsaciacojvuaiea had evidently 4 dee-rooted dUUke to aklrta, and aa 4 remit tbo future Eoeallndn aad Paul lrwa are forced to train for their fencing rolee In aklrU that will not admit of too Initial tire 4a Inspection. nr Ttra rrscrx Rooac Tb? me a were pdded ao tbat the foil cor: Id not do then ariocs dajsajre. The iaatroction waa prctic4l The pupiLs 4 re tafht to fight, bleed or dio, 4 tbe aether and stage manager may dirrt. When 4 yoang actor engages with 4 eo5opay he mast be prepared to die cheerfully in the fro at o. the stage, or t be 44S4Alnat4i near the win!:wl;h oat 4 caartaar. lie must fall gracefully or drop in 4 heap as the exigencies o! M'is Dfrtla nMoa. I!m r.jf 1 Spni?. MU Edith Ciapinan. tba rolo deratirid. and he runt Ho still whilo his rUal responds to 4n encore without moving 4 muscle to show the wrath that it coasnailn his heart. That 1 art Ilirh Art aad thia Is aa Academy f Art. All of thce thia ar taaht by r. Shaker, aad tho students are apt vcpil Th thirty pupils of th acada:7 are dlridM Ic'o four corapanifa, each with Ifr-liu? laly. Urstold woman ar.d p ibrjfo ar it H.-t joiir.j and chirocfr gcntlt:a The Iattr, who i3 nt-i.Aliy ficul'y fitted far rccpr. trie roles, pU wi i -uj:: prt. a r-plL Tho flnt c"rrr-iy .,or.p.'8J of th'j ncaiors, or ?-C'?r.d-vra pv.plls ar.d tho other thrro f a'co la th" jur.irr. In scm of their ".h p'jpils rr.rot toothcr in tho l r l-rjT 1 or c t'.e uTao of t'e t'-i'T. v' rjics of V.-.f instruction con r .T of r i..-ti- in ti." form of r-heir?-1 .-oh oTrspar.y ii drilled by it- s-lf. FtV7"- r? ir-yio r.xrTAi!rr.D. 'T.t t. f.r.a- ( f rNctinr.' sa'.d Mr. '. L" ivr ?;, "i i kt. th detail of nat ural a-ir.. rr art ronc-iN art. It i i Iii-u'.r thin-: I h. It 'n r. " i j p" r' I f.-cra a lecture or srjhcd fr-a lo-,i it is th only r v r rt-na;: istru-Ioa that hv r. ti.cory ri i tht no Pil-x Only ths- stuJjnU who fcavo psne tbroagb tLo cl a: rr.t.iry ela.i;c attend th crerci'"': it l cf course oaole1 to try to tvh j pupil the highlights and del lrai tints of pnlntia before he has lvirnr'l tt' ItrcstAry 4rwi-;. It ap pars at tirna thst the mechanics aad Tnthc-1 e? th !,ni eatery clas are bicg contra-UctM. It U not sa My wrr' Is n try to hli tbe technique and t the training N felt in th? result, anl aot sn. Other Jrvbers hare girn thTi the confident of crrrect rM. I try to nk thm feel tbe re nporihil5ty ?f erigiaali-y. la acting. littl krowlge is dngrous V.I7 ' A 'on. l-nr that yoa irs cler jt bae done wat yon were t il 1 to d-" nd 1cne 1- .-r-ctly. Ii fstal to :Ii-rte m-irrin la drasiatie art a-s in 41 v, "niw Vgianrs trt aIraot where eers lr" off. in rcrl to naurl tp-h arr-i wtln aoi -e rio by b-i-g aV-.r-lly lerntlonsry and th'-r1c. Thee hare to be cured 0? p'.--bo-a cWlraati while ta" cthr hae to N d.M wth the toni r( theory sad erer-is " rt tbir ptit j.'. tt UN at all. I do art hch !s th mt diff-'nit of trTnr he ov bat nod a the one that rqni.-s a ttl-an'a. ie rxii !t :a y wr are im Km'? tb pipil V play.- the andieer aid Tt t thein: Te rr.nVr thy are rr cf li.g pin and e-r V -"t ef cf "it '-tiTre: not to thiak tr.n'-a -f s ty are iciag thT.l v-, v to e rrcr!t to what cre io- ?z; t'iC" her hegfn Si -:noo-er-1oce- 't ai '-'wclc-:e tieg a.lwys ap- r'ars na'" Nc 1 e It It ntar e r f vfnl acting. hc.t tvn tn'.ed r a ace w rrwi vaat 1 ce &ea t;"-i to lo lux ao, aad by i'a wmUy "I hare -ea moat gretifyirg rtwul'j," added Mr. Wfteetcr't in coaci-ain, "with aatne aad e 1 prt coi & foeiirg of tatvr in aia tta other. 1 I thick the aaVwtty of ppili who ttecgat that they kn&w it ail ta I rat net ttex. low t-n tj reaiUe that they b,4fe aly jist t4rted ot ta the study of a 4 We b.44 ao ead an-1 th4t dcaaais aOSe &O41S-0X. JZM WULUM. more help from nature than moat of them 4re gifted with; 4cd I 4seure you 1 did not relUe tayaelf how much there wu to learn In the finease of Mting aatll I began to teach lv MOW TO BlUlATiri CORBXCTLT. 'Do yon know how to breathe? Yon think you d. I dare say. Most people da But I 44nxe you rery few ever le4rn the art of br4thing corrtctly. I had been conducted to the mnslo room where Mr. Jeseo William, late of the Casino, was surrounded by a piano and 4 circle of young wxtnen- Xo. sir." oontinued Mr. Williams, 'Moat of tbe world Is totally Ignorant of tho right wy to breathe. Now look. If yo plea, 4t this young lady. Kind ly breathe, MissCstes. Just watch the play of her lntrcoeted muscles. See bow they expand and contract. Miss Gates know how to breathe. She breathes from the abdomen- She doat do all the work with her lungs. She exercise ber 4bdotnln4l muscles and ber mid-rib mnselee aa welL Now strike Q. There," and Mr. Williams pUnted bis chubby foreflnger upon her fore head. "Now strike 'C;, middle W 4nd he placed bis finger on the third button of the pretty rocaiist's frock. Do you know," ocntlnued Mr. Will lams, enthusiastically, "when a singer knows where a note Is located she can hit it erery time- " ho added, il lustrating with his rolee and forefinger. "Now tho upper CiH and he raised his finger high, abore bis head. "That's my system. Of courso my method of breathing and singing Is beneficial. I teach actors, public speakers and cler gymen. If they don't know how to breathe correctly and properly use their voices they go to pieces very quickly. 1 train my pupils so that they can talk all dsy withouj getting tired." x rr.optn staos fall rLLrsTBiTxrx Upon the director of the Academy, Mr. Franklin IL S4rgent, much of tho hardest work falls. In addition to his managerial duties he has charge of class in pantomime, and his work Is often times nocessarily acrobatic in character. When I reached his class-ropm tho play of "Hazel Klrke" was being rehearsed. Miss Ansel, aa JlaieU had Just separated from her mother, and was giving way to a violent pasaion of grief. "Whac am I about to do?" she ex claimed, tearfully, "send away the only happiness Heaven has sent mo? Oh! I must not think of it. I shall die," and she throw herself despairingly upon a chair. "That will novcr do." Interrupted Mr. Pargent. "Recollect you aro not fall ing down for f'lii or for effect either. You are not happy, neither areyu com posed. You aro in despair. Do you Mr- MOROAX. MI49. ei'KAGUK. think a young womn in despair sinks gracefully into a chair and spreads thi drapery of ber dreM about her? No. Sho throws herself down as though she were in her own room and no one look ing at hr. She forgets all about the '.:din"e. f he do it this waj," and the director fell upon tbe chair in a heap. I One more clase-roota remains. Prof. ' Norisaimo, the instructor in dancing, did not "feel too well" and he bad closed i his leeon a trif earlier than usual, and j Actor Charles Woloot, of the Lyceui j Company, had finished his rehers4l of "Charity Hall" on the theater stage, j David BUoo, the play writer, bad j looked approvingly up-on Mr Sargent's j pupils and the stare in the tig ele rooTti had bea et for a sone in "Wlth rM Iive." rt,fjwT'v SHTtmnr. REMARKABLE DUELS. Ve fT.ty f T titn Fee fit I th trk- Fral rT:arkable dul hv br f i-.ght in the dark. In lto 1,4$ Ccrry and narry Grattan r;riri ia a Sre) ebee. which eilnilntM ia fyrry sf Irg th4t Orattan. Insei of d4feing him should. If he bad his deer, Se ftAndlag a 4 felon's br. The tw left the Irwdit.ely with friertada, aa.i Ith: it w- peaoh !rk. riof w- en ei tbe arraagM. at th firt hrt Ci v j 's left ra frvtTrM. Cn ula'ht Ca!a PiiaeT Iteeei w-m pleyieg "Tlamlet" nd we lnrrapted Vt the Jaad teiilrg d lenf b!g "f a lviy ef yenrf Inile riaellf Ve rv4. ra th- wWdl- of 4 pea. aad frlrg to e f.TM;Ttg said: I will rjH!V4 Vi yn WJTI atVw TC" 7e ihte-af "fL Vjt at te frhean ' e play 'te V'fie v.eei-d V-nj a e4i if frn . te y-rnff jer. Tl V A n ar4d Vj Ta aitVKnlT ra- jjiy the as it Esorjilar, he bad W give a iorforoaac 41 Milaa. lie weat w ih 4dirv of the eaalUair 4lUd fi.tur to hito. edix: If yvu will diipeaee wit a the fvrm t2ity of aeoviwi 4td will 4C-xmpay i my hstel, I hve 4 til rovia in huh weeea settle oar little alfrc In um fvr in w get avay w Milan, If yoa will allw ne." The propoeai u 4gTeed tos aal they repir4 4t oao to Kjj's hot!. Bat they wen net allwed w Cht their duel la peue, f jt the landlord cece to the daw vbdbxwd w W blioeed to eater. II had Lerd of the ehallecge, ax.d o tag ol return with 4 atraager Lis cspioioa were arooed. It wa H ia rain that Ecaai told hLra that U vilue had gone. Nthlr would aeuafy hlra aadeea be saw the Light extinguished. "We mut humor him." whispered oai. 'It will be eaay to take aim by the speaks of oor oigarett." 60 the Light was put out aad the land lord west away, oaly, however, to avar ta a few miaate two Lud reporta and to find hi fear ecu firmed on ruahitg bck 4f 4in. Boeal tuxei uninjured 4nd hi aat4foalst lay with a broken thoui-der-biada. THE WISE SHOPPER. nw Mm Win btw Be Hr4te4 DUer. Wholeaome adrioe for shopper U gicen by Alice Bathbone in Oood Hoaso keeping. At no tltae ia the old saw, that if yea will take 04 re of the penniea the pounds will take care of themselves, more true than when one Is paaelng by tempting shop window and counter of knick-knacks. If we bought only the thing we really wanted bow many mow of theae we might have: "In the home of the wise shopper w shall find no trash; in its place are well choaeu objects; few it may be, but eaeh good of in kind. New book of worth we fhall find there, and artistio needle work; bright bits of pottery or delicate poroelain. and photographs of some of tho treasures of the old-world galleries, all gathered together slowly and fondly with the eared-Bp small change that by the thocghtle&a buyer auight have been exchangod for trash. "Thing of worth and beauty are not alone for those to whom 'a porchaeo is sot a purohaae,' since they 'have money enough and to aparo.' A share of the be4uUful may 00 me to eaoh of us who will wisely plan and wait for it, instead of acatciitng up traeh. A good-sized photograph of Bomo favorite picture (of a Madonna, perhaps, with sweet, uplift ing faoe), may be had for one dollar and a half, and the same amount will glaso and frame the pioture. The patlont workers of Japan send ns many curious things of raluo quite within the reach of tho60 who will not squander on trash. "A simple bamboo frame for acablnot photograph, of neatest construction, aad pretty withal, was lately found in a Japanese store for one cf thoso dimoa that to easily slip from our grasp at the ten-cent counter. Knowing tho better things, our prudent holder of tho Blender puree can para, untemptod, tho crowded counters loaded with crudo wares of various kinds. For, looking at those ware as the result of poor work manship and poorer tag to, sho sees them In their true light and finds them only trash,- . Guard Well Thj Heart. Guard well thy heart leat passlocs sweep The chords, aad God's e;t melody Be lost; let from the ruins leap Tho spirit cf unrest set free, Aad o'er thj life dark chaos f alL Guard well thy heart! r.est rot coateat With rlsloas fair. Unwearied seek Till thy hast faund the trua love sent Dy IHci wao watcheth o'er tho weak, "VVho heeds the suppliant's call. Guard well thy heart 1 Its throbbiriR life rrotect with Jealous cara Do not Dismayed, though bitter crow the strife. And dark contention mark thy lot. Fear not; He rulsth over a:L Ottawa College Owl Note Cnjolated. A sweet little la-?le Whoso years numbered four TJc4 to watch every evening For tae at tbo door: She welcomed no Lome with A Lu and a kiss, Wfclrb pet my heart slEgla; With paternal blls. I a?!-:ei her ere everlr.j. While perched cn ray kses. To tell nc exactly How much fclio loved me; Bhc po-dcred a rr.eraext. Then earnestly raid: I love. 00, dea' pepa, Alacos' nca'Iy dead e Tis years flnce tay dauhtrr Das watcLe lfor her "pa," 6he now l.?vi that duty To dear, faithful "tu;" la fet there's aaottr Wio ciia?i In my stead My child loTe? a hur.r-y" "Almo oi"y drc l" Frank D. Wrleh, ia Detroit Free Press. DUcnehaotmnt. Phe a!d to tae "he. Ued my seatlxent, Sbe rralsd me ev'ry tine sr. had a chase to. And b'a, as eft, en discing w wer best, Sbe askd tae ut whit time J liked to (lane to. Pat j"'ckiy matrimonial woe Tre found, For ev'ry eanre te find a fault fi p!zi. Uc'.ike tie ball wbn fm w tnrt, Tra beund To dance to whaUoeter tlx paes : Natlaa M. Lvy, la Miu't i Wseklj. Ia Qu!t fterery, Bratlaies ta qilt revery Whn day Is (rroelaif dlci. The heart 1 n'.of Inf sll-atly A eet uiwrttteo fcymn. Tr tr!ns r u-3t te mSTre wrepbt, Py rnanlac ef the mlad. B",t f n !k hTweir.if rp5t trcuct Frem IIavn, 4114 irf, tblsd. The misty hir.s r,f tyr7re One Trk to lock Tjpcn, f ind m '.ike Nsfs;s la re'Jf Af iat the tt!5f etui. T?) rala raty f:L th 1 say tw; Th nl uahir. iT4 t5rif. tTb , lketheMrl"nfc h".t?lrg bovga, fii s'ts with fo'.dd wl?j A brf and p'.M rt'rr 7 v"lt A B'.h I Ml. Pf-r rr hvX $tv i.r w-- vt ta haad. T-3. ftrt thaaks Vill'.m who r HfrhxT-s !a hT e.a PS h's t'c rLi.-.r ? iT 1"-. il ? Ur ra 7hm: Mw(;r, it rfric'f JAnrr.a Mfft-y of tbe . A? ry a -m!r Trznr Drw-a Ka-t a'd f"C3 ta yr; He fa-- wM -'-v. wla a f-cw "TVs h-l" '', v. f.Vac tr'f;t, Lt Tiv?t wti"t C-' "1 tv,a r - r'4 r4! "Si It y m k-w"" Aid V-viy Ka a ? f r, rt.lL "JL y , Th t ,V. yi a 'f a" ff E f ?: j rr."t3f y. T f v!, -c'J-f. ti. m rr Cf ati re- 9 ('- w, A4 rtr s 4 -?-; U re saaw :t ff so Wr ;mm mi. j - - ... 7 31 DKV GOODS, NOTIONS. IBOOTS.SHOES.RUBBERS I 9; TLee t5 b-2 a little sr a J-r ou tk uc?t, aufl it it a-rna a; eua tr 2 dc-i-. vel g.v Ai i ;ue fcuve y cvee ur iLtvi. I'ttan:, 460 SOUTH DIVIilON-ST. i-rUtt r irMtt LUALa iitis ana 1 , n a. m. i a t va s T T a v w mn r-t 1 3 DURABILITY the Hi r?AIfT HE T1PAT. O U. E. MORRIS, Hi luth IMfltivo Stra. S. S. PERKINS, HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, Building1 Materials, Etc., 27EIilD2?T-X02SrE 612-1. C4I SOUTH DIVISION-ST., GRAND RAPIDS. illiE STEELE J1ARKET, H VT. O. 5IXCLAIU, Jt COrf Treps. in M'Saccesssrs ta The W. Steele Packing and ; ItwIMou Conjpaxjy. tm, 13 AND 21 S. OIVISION-ST. i N" j Dars ta cbolo Fresh and Farted l 1 Meut. lUiua, fihouldeM. Hacon. Lrd.Sau '6 ' s'f. Peictr). Mis' K't. Trip, etc. u! tdiuz Or.t ol and warranted. Ail erders S CiJe u:id d-!lrrd prompilv. Vi-lt the r;nsest market in t.V city; lt-ave your or 1 1 ders and b convinced. BURT EM A, SEIDS. GROCERIES & VEGETABLES, 418 and 120 South Divifion, GRAtfD RAPIDS. JT. F. fc Co., HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, TIN SHOP, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ETC. ii ; 503 South DiYiion-t. ! FEED MILE ! Wholesale Retail Dealer in 31 i Flour, Feed, Grain, Hay, Eic. Fresh Goods Always on Hand, .3! m. H. RICHARDS, i: 4CS ani 470 S. Divi-ion-St. ;1 ij j FOR FlfE UFlIOL5TErjyO GO TO Iradcliffe&holt in ! 111 South D;viion Street. Th's firm has a Cne'y equlppd ?t-ra;e i hon, erectrd for storinj house y hold fcoods. Telephoue fr a nioving van. ; : Telephone .900 ASK YOUR s. li VIENXA I J. S. WALKER, r n VHOT.T.Lr ITT.r-BlX PICKLES! Vlnnar, n5er, JV!. rrrvM. N Mln Mat. Mp'e tyrup. Fa:T Kra-?.and fl (jfr'ril rniT.I"'f'!!. Jb? rrivel i a fuli Un of k n t rrrves. I 323 SOUTH DIVISION-ST. iiii.r.rnoM: ict. TiiiETniironaniicoiiKE SHORT HAND INSTITUTE! 10, 12. 14, 10 S. I, virion. j : p;a'tial V'- -k i t'-.z r,i c--fTr.T i nut ,!;3' r ii. f j , ;? e...... ) 1 1 f, ; : " ' ." I' r K' :.-;. j'- r3R IRtAKPAST, tUKCK, THE HEALTHIEST r-,? r--..;4-, riur runii PTPhiTi iin n n ib re inn hmimumMBM PjMp; i I" i m i ONCi: USED. EVER TTITHOUT IT. ASK FOR i ELLOW WRAPPER. 1 ! FOR J3ALE! & lU:ue&! lxs v: Uth l;Vjio:i-it. Xioru 4-j to fl'JS 4 it. iiuuUj;. 5 1.oivwa r t.. yta t . u I :vv C Lvac i , j.j ivr . ..t.'V lji'.Ki i Lkn- -u fvt a ; . iTue . . -.. u .''' 5 hu va Jf 2; yj.i kt. . .. su u- v.v vri) in . Li'.u vi iliitj . CEEHLEY, HCS10.X A COMPANY, Kea! Ufctele ei.d lr.tarinw OJhce i iuih Iniswvu u wr V th ve , CHOICr WINKS AND UQUOliS. lujportt'il u:4 luiuett.c CIGARS! Crystal Palace SAMPLE ROOM 459 South Division Stjet. ! A. R. SKINNER, Prop 0 r.i: a. Moms Bed Lounge I ii At TBI mi FURNITURE CO. I 100 South Division Street- For Spring Styles of Dress Goods!! GO TO T. J. NICHOLS, !H 25 South Division Street, Telephone 61. Grand Rapids, Mich. Zo You Know that at No. 87 South Dirisio7i-S(. ! FURNITURE1 Is sold cheaper at this si?on on Recount ci tae sai? man at any M omer pi3ee. CARY&DkYRIESI' 257 South Division Street. All Xrw Patterns and it v.ll be oM as cheap as the C II K A TEST. J. J. ZERKLE, j 245 S. DIVISION,1 OR00ER FOR vzlim fii ai it? BREADS New Styles and Novelties Rf MTI Il r AILY IV WALL PAPER My Fprlnr t tri"'d. Ix ll pjf prTa!l. rir?t-e,ai ewrkrr;- Ij will Yi f;.rT'h"1. u (). M. DUMI A M , 2 tooth rl li n trU j- y. c. DENISON, M4MT.f 7r?rf 'i:v7. PORTABLE STATIONARY -tGULS g AM) Itoif.i R, l t ;-". I-rr a::1 V- v - -t. f ! 65.P0& 92 S. DIVISION. u ?'4 T'i-iMir'C DINNER, AKO AU TIWEtL, AND THE BEST. fPIQ ! co IDL. TRAIN USE HIILtS l: phM RtPilS A IM' ANA KllUCAr u liiSivi At rj H lf. Mrk.i..e .'f l h.'J..uirt Ul hi1 11 1 aiwk:i. H'l'iH t.Wris Krvu. v" u i rrl. M in 1 'ojt k' .; a i.'uiM'A f a nr '1 .iwu to. Lea Ur sr.w eaLlC1 a ia 4 iv p uj A i Utu 1 ? . rTUT I -i " f."ri.'t ia Kr ! i w : .i:Aiu !:'. a aa i .r i'..viui tt i .'i'Ui :atn 1 t i.i Aii.ijs.i alraici! i t ..! k I' ra 1 lo.ti t hd d c .v, a ut i : a i. i . Ur at t r IB ilI w r: .i ti o ii i . u ai :Jk a lu ruu '.. e-a luC-l-wei. oilier t:.i. au cl tuuc3 a. Hirvu nt. r.k.,., kuiMina. Nortli ! Iw a i.t ki 4 ii1 tiaatii tan i-',L fch 1 ! ..)! vrs lot M i kiue Cli. .o'..H,-T i iu tra'.u UMi.k.n i abdt Ixi tiki... i w.lU.aJ j J, Cr AI tMtbi.k. Mmkritb, (.iMttU KkUt a l&dl. la KikiT 'o. 1C. IK" er .luk'.. . . im .. ll m.. r4? tu lv in .' Ar . A : f a tu, .'.k.iiu a 1 li o UkU lH.t u ii.l lu.i tuh'i u.t ion ait bm La4 1-9 tah:t. u;tut. A. A.ii.- a.l. I.r.t FLt at 4tt l. or ii W . Mtiaii.. i'k-t.-n tivaat tT Mourot i. ! laiiijA t.. . L- L" kii.. (ru i'.v at tuL (MIICAGO A M11 Mlt lIir.AN-TKAlN j i 1 r n Kip. f-r (V.etfo. Vuk';k'u. l.-.Iruuf ,v m !t MtJ lol K l.lrto ... I .V u LiprtM loi hi ut & r. i.a Hi t . ? p m Niil.t l.ij ir tr t L;- ' "i! iv tit N .' t i.i i-rr.o iof 1 j...:aiii.w.i! il ia u. 1 r LiM i.ak C. ha.tlM.i., Lu,l.i.l.L kiirt Mail. ai t- '614111 Fir I. c hai.ea. L.Golii, Luii.rivu kiid ilauis: r'... ... 1 f nt Fiprrslor JklL?arawL. t f ; i. d ilrut Mi 1U N'Ct't Fiprfss Jru: Liu;ti.. .s a in N'.i't.l Kit-ifsi fi..iti'i i. t t :t a ut i i 1 1 u viii y. ..mi . !. ki.4 liki i.. ,b a la 5o:r 1 t.i ;.d i'. l.fc rk t 5 U it I l rr irola i. liJ ilfcMi 1 f 1 i i i s i r . lit 1 1 Lihti-r. M uk t. 'U 1 I . i. it 1 oM Ll r s liwi!. ( I t 1 a in 1io!ti Vart-t . LuaiiiiU lia.Se ;t ki d i I.hj u-. . . flC'Jsau 1 III: ilkli'.-trr. Ltn! 1 Jiloi! , ',..U Vi : I. 4 p m "i'.Ly. tl'k:!)"fitM .su:.JjJ. 1L.:jfk rf r h!l:r!lk. li'a'..f eiixi ,;c:.sla. 1 ;.iot.:i .Krii-i io t.'i.u-w wi 1 p. n.. trii u rim i !.tri'f for 'Hie a. lit. tf ii iw.iu:ir : cay cvk !. llroiifili CkU.UIi ! Jlk a.: Lk'r ear M ar.d Iiclu lLa.aLkj: ,u N. lil !. j r traiTii. Jliro-.iti 6l-fer to tud frciu ( Liikto l:',kM . j rr trfcl , 11 . M HJ, Mai.i.rj. . A. C , P.PiS'j 1 R. 1 rar.' Mai.icer. M'Ji.i !a A. T'i A I tfi.. A i r i t . igiiigax (Trntrat; THt NIACAHA FALJi HOUTt. Nfw Verk Kv:rss l' J r ilt Li lr Mlied 1 .i y rr ... 1 .v, p rn f v t m i' i' i;i 4', a Di .. f si.- p !u '"v1 p m .. 1'i i'j t H' 11 ... ti m At:: l:c ked I'm tfl".... I :'. A ti ii !.-r da'.ly r 'f pt .- t.u li . 1 .ir Ii." fK ! M.'.v. V .1 li J I'.. i"iVV M-pii.i: c: a Pa'-ifn ai i At let: He P t rf e t itJ.d frv:u 1'Hi t it I '; t ira r ati i-u I'fy Lipr irrvi Kapiil l iirtia aii1 !rra itr;t. I i i r-. i uv nn-tii-i.! mki Detroit with a i tlir-oiiirtt trt:! Li 1' h r! oa ! at I :;lin 1 n ket u. t7 Alo'uroi. t.. and at I't lon ticpol. 1 no.) V.. )'f o..s. n'l Af't, Mouroe-t. 0. V. F.t.: is. 1'. n1 j". Ac 1. 1 Li tv T AKEnORE A MlfHIiV. jriUBRX. M 3 : 4 a in p ci a rn p m 7 4" Lv Oracd Kaplds... ar. 9 t ( 10 10 00 6 .Ar Ke.a w aou A r. ? o . 11 o Hf.:t J'ii;f-u L?.. ; u' ru p ro p p a m oC'j lo li. Ar ..Te!fla L. :j , ? 4-1 a ru ?.' 15V. Ar Clveiand Lt. f Vt 4, am t ra li Si ).A r Bu!T.!o LtJ2 r U 43 P ra p ni am l.'u 1a .Ar r:khart -..Lv. s:w l T'i ; ta 1 rr tjj 1 UJ .Ar C 1ero..v .. Lt. il a so A. .1 S tu. G. 1'. A.. .'. and. O, T)CTr.0IT. G. II. AM) MILW AlKJH o ;m. W 1-;. Arrive. Ie. ...11 : p rn m; r na .. 1 4 i' p rn 4 ; -r. 4 p - Mormriff rirf ... 'J It ru-.t; : Ma: ?i:Lt Lx l rf- . M11K I 'etri If Fj T r ' ' a ti 'I rr li't "''ji ' "'' I' iS a m 1 t-UiIk' .'.if . ... ... - ' i- M ' 4-'. p ra 1 .t) f ? . i ' V. 1 it, 1 !'.! iy. M.r Aa ''iif! f. l'fc y ! l'i I 1.x ; r-- tr;,1:j l;'rli r -4t: r rut .Ml.-.f ! I. hfil r 1 , r.. 4. tn. 0 ti' tt !:t 1- ir'ii !.? a 1 p - ' t 1 a l. ! 1"Ou st! j r' r-i t arr' jijr'.M jt 4 ar i' I J rc : t . nrrl 1 i ;n I't-v'.t at t .2 k !. Mi.ri:;! rri rfiTiil Ornnd I;e.!e. Ciprs Lae paruT car a!i t.l. 1 l.r-'i-!t rft r'.a l ti' k t a-.5 "f"r, '.lp t i 'K t si; -I f 1 :i c ht t"i 1 " !'.!' at l'..G. 11. A M. v2.--, .;.r 1. a:.'i hi tar rtpvL. ,T ?. rAVm'I.L "l:y I- Aifrt. JN'i't. "V. I,"'. i. 1 rut ; fc' r. 1" ru't nnrGii. hnmn. a N"r.Tin r.5 - I ' 1 P.rJ,'-. A "Ji.-'r e 1 '! !.': A J 1 1 Rl t ?? .1 n d p: 1 lKiit I ' 1 -11 e i "t p mi u ni an 1.-. I rr J. rw ! rt '1 1; ) t i ! 11 !; l'i ; v. ,'; T .. i t ,Vi ... Xat.v; ,.. . , ;. I" ;-;m r 11 4'-.. . .!': pi t : . 1 :? f f p rn p rri f. ru Ar. a pro t " I rn am T-f. At. a m p to 4 ; 1 7,' -f'.u I;p .. ll 4. H . 3 " m r t . .. t' t, .!: 'at't 7 f )o p rr, ;, p i r . 1 . a m J rn 3 l o r t t p.: ' t !' iro 1 .r 1 T .!. I f a.-.l parW'f a : t 1 .: t a.1 . '! ).il!l. 'J i';.M i"'" 1 ! 1 'Mill ii a r 5 (;')'' p '( r ' ?. fin 'f.b'-' trvn dt.i. i(pi r.' . Air .;r-i. t'f't Ar-' t. ::'! ; 'rr, tr. Vt I s-u.u 7.- ki e i.t. ( V- t v-t Jt. ti''l Ar'i r,-V .! vv. A. .ri:i. 7r--'- i.r. DULUTH. SOUTH SHOHTTnUKTIC tLCGAM WAGNERJioFFtT ELCtrir. Tre;.SK(.4 AV:a-Vf Fy. it t; e S'-ioM Lr frcTi Loe'' ".r rr 1f' q.rftte, HoufF.ton. Nrat'ef ti. F's !, W-r-r'-apiU. Dj!u4-., Pf':inl Sra4!., Tator-a, ! F F' r .Vapa. I.'-! Pun, u'st VA hi M I. .'' ri Vfc, ll?r-iJ leu ftiC F. IITf'TI. .J;. HJFMMi. ;.. V ' tr". i . A- Cr. Owpt's Electric Bell, rt aa. tr, ava-a "VrrA- r-i. iy a! in. 7. V--- V-- 1 a M ft. 0 fb ) f ! i'0 v rr w T" ' Iff T .r;. PENHTF.OTAL PIUS. i . V- l.' V f 4 4M. : I pHILDRUa ASK FOR j PccHam'R Croup P,trrzf I r T f ;. r 7v fit it ti It. 1 Htu a "'rr-"x