OCR Interpretation

Telegram-herald. ([Grand Rapids, Mich.) 18??-1892, May 04, 1890, SUNDAY TELEGRAM-HERALD, Image 3

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn98066392/1890-05-04/ed-1/seq-3/

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Tn pTCrt FA.M.Lf ANQ A.3TC.A.
A tut lUa &aa t-fc
i i y 4 Hum ! - km m B
till alt . ( 4ti-U IkiM
A.?. r sitj cL'J,r Ldi c t.ii chilis
a.U'.ty O.I 'r.;. -r. is
h r W ;Lai r.rr va.:jJ al
?ii.u Ana a..i rfujiti 3 bi'i iv.v
I .. Amur en t.r i'it th.
ycu4 u iuiiijf ri.v-r r ay L-iaicr
'hoy ar-s vu ally i ax ry,.' oii :rr;!l
wari- ia tr.i-ir bsi:.csM. Ii-ry wo t.
t on Drfitr! ruji. m-wit ct
itr 4tvct:.a to Suii. ljtr.i ,
u-i trying ar I i St.4aa by L'i-tiri
cr" tAUil.uruj 4-u i twoh m-ly w,taR,
hj t,'X t.vy takt. la wL:;: . -c-aOLir
II, in. l..!: t;.rMr o!..'
.3 if-
Whn th? 'auow th- TfUt alverAry
cf souls iA !) thy vnll r. t try
& s-.vfs him w.th or yvil wiiea or
hiv h:ia ar..l hia ho-'- by bttij the
Urahvar.r.'. !h aokb:t v. ! !h larvl
L.r l. HacAaitT. chanty, s. ft ap aa 1
na.iIlLh.r:i-fw mil lo u:r towxril iriv
la -ataa -tiuit t;rl fIir.' than all
the loa-i a 1 on: n rLkVdrl h"aaDd of
Laai itxl rat-i: aa 1 L!t-atlac women,
who k t hirxv th h. t. of hIl with
a bwv iln:ra whilo th.Mr own children,
w:th risjty t. raike'r an l uaUuiitlhel
r f-M, wt-p at h'ir..
IJ"J 1 wad -;-akin of Astoria. I
N ti'ht jT7r: l:ouIar lot thrt?, with
jvk-r In it brri.-kts holding
fraa iraj-l'Ta-?::t. A-: -ru w:w pttll
ia 111 by Mr. A?tnr, T.vhec f,icJJy aro
vi ! t." t jvij.It f rajaa5. His rseMi l
ar.M Ut ia Nv.- YTkaa l art? amor.ic
oiir tt-t The Actors aal th
Sy art? fj-iit thick. Thy cftea b.r
row iLLrt (.f Ti. wha thy luive cora
7ay crta-s ia ul lealy en thtfra. WhiU
o'ir xr.mtrrs wpp catching wkaltn, the
Ar r wr? catching "Iau.'hrat., The
el l-r A.'t. r ww projrpl, howovt-r,
wr thxa th- eMtT Nye. fr whn r-
tr 1-Tu;a l-vn b ?Mimrt through the
t ar. ' our f 4k h.vl to lur (at to Cart.
Kill. wh;!o tl.- At..Pi dilw-n ia the
f ir. It .i:..l rn hi-Ie bnir:f"SM.
A-'- n.i is really a ! city atil shows
rr:-hthr.f: ir. 1 t-nrrpn.. Th A.tT
f i ::; :ly w- 1 l t ry coitLmon-libl
iwt !-y --MMi.-hirur hbrnry or ."'ra" pr
u:.iar.t iiv-ti fir:-?i th-r w- rthy f f th:a-
'.r rr. 1 th thririr.i? town. Tbr are
0. ' ; j I ' i:i ri-i. Th v.ai:ilal
r.v r. '.- c:t".'ht all al-.tch'r. an I th lw
b f th "t-.itr.r cc'v.t " bv t'rera th
r: -h KT-Yti nv-1. which uj.hwl-
v. r-; th -o hvh -p bank', whil ever
r.l r;i r-, th- wvl f th viwaii II Cilia
f rth t; vTj.;..ithti.- fnrsof th h'.hly
:-:nv.l -!iv, aa.l th boautifal hilh in
t ; t :'.r rr. :::-.; i ;rTaeats glv ba k an
Wb.i'r. I thre th r.t i.-
hn "r.:;-:il rr.ic0, vr.m;r. the
- v--h'r t nht ;tw;iy frui:i thrc
l'..- I ir-.- h Lx t' -I t!.i evT7 yar or
I ! : .i". I w;-h I 'al l ?-t a ch.n.H
. rl a ri'M1 f r th ; r."i ler.t c-ae
r- ir. r. ' ;!1 N tt r. r r- jar th h
i th' f t ; t !". t . J".t one
. -. ! .1 t. . I ; r --sri: it wo;;l 1 alo
! -rv,v .!. it-;t it w iM
j. ... . j . i v. r: a ;- h f t
r , . :. ' i .-f;l 1 ;;;'.n;.fl
:..!.;- :; .- .nUt t." Ml
-r t r i. -x : t-
t:i .. .. i .... .. . . . , rr;.;,,r ir;vh"r.
1' : ! ' j t. ! wl;;Virl
n-1 - ! - . f.l( -v' r 5 -it
h ' - v j . : f t t '1 vr..,i,
t' -1 ' 1 1 - i : . i -.v. i t -i
n : ; , - . " : i:' - - -h
i ; r - . an M Ii.lr
- - i ' :r--i -ir-'i r.
! - !s ;; -. '. I w-;M -r- rk
. , ,- 1 ,r.r r.
r..'-il h: aV-:5
' - h- d .--:,".
'A !
f I -
r? r-vd. In-
h 1 K T v.-n er ;.
r-r r., . . d-ir-g
i -
ill Sol i d
V l
: fo w vvi
;r ' ir
V lrr. u
r- ir. F-r--.s
' ri-
in o'Ut -
.. . - r r
T v:
I zz.rCz thk ti Lrcr will
'-f.T-i.Iy ulax j ftrvr.a uticrly
L..t Lithrr ks tiH a --i-I.rt:ty'l
t lr Vj u.tra:t ti
a Li.h w Vii to ia? t-y
-a wh'.xu I t-ki tsm.xrtij tL utx; t cv.x
a Itu
A cun.-j ftvr r.f th febv- jc
ti.e taaJts th Oe-I'iiatijfc k ti 'j-4
It la -i i i- tri.-U L cut " -r
a i j.-rti by Lija jlra, la.ik'.a a
l .:.: m.L b.-'UistUi.e tlttili- f .r
U.'J.-- up tA'r b-v rrtl Lu'l tcj
j.ia tlj; aliu t iaiLij:4cItr v'xjiL
ai'.h t;rr the tluia. :dr.t tcii
li.'-t-s ' f ttr will li th w vrk cf a
hfUL'ri tv; La e..iXia t'." a-i
ti t-tyB hilU, aii-i in ft la ra.t
lra Wif.IJ C.'ill C-.t tr ai 1L
It '-s a aatiflil iiht J the trIWf L
r,r.l ai.d ci f'ia of tj ai fu-x f it
o tifl 'i- Ti thtH S lLQc t the
9.;.ib ,tt Ualir.,;, vrt aal urrv"l,
fcut i -trw: ia & cr'irr.
La Prtli I ia?t aa artor who Lvi
jwt rrtural f.-'jiu Ala.-k. He says
thvt Al-uka ad y?t t L -t go i show
j-Ia-v H mw the country, h.wvrx. I
akl h:ia h-jw thr; n-t-r.'-ry wad anl othr
worki t crt-tiwa. lit mAld thy were
"T-ry lrv -r." I hvt nvr h-arl the
wi.rk.i of d i ir. lr-l heartily by aa
i.'tt- r U t a, aa I so I ?;ik of it hen. I
1j it ia orivr to ;-.-ov ti"uit raauy of the
uf.kui'l cnti iiiis wt har relative t)th
T'-viti a arj r-a!ly unjust, ani ari-e
fr ia a fr-lin i f -nvy and jl'Usy
worthy-alv.f M.iill-r rain Lj. A truly
r at rain will r.-t try to It-httle othrn.
No ni.it vr wiwh'-r we are trying tc'D
ftract iLt yt-nis r-levate th Aiar
i sas", n-'ih'.rijr enn l- 'linl by the
eihbiti a I a Ma.ill jalouy.
! ii t irlr br iltl oystf-rs in Port
la.vl, Oroa. (thr victual.' ar r-S'na-1
1 ia j rir- an.l wrll i'rej.arl. but th r is
r:o corioiay ia buying bnill oystr-r.
I ; a; I ?ixty t-at for r-ix lro:l-il oyter,
and each on was srnalr than a collar
batten. On th cvtt th clara in the
W.iM McAllister of nautical circle. He
tcwa to an norm 'is fiz. and i arri
,'int to a d.rr" I kiw in San Fran
eco a clira Jhll which hal len nvd
for y.ipi as a hors blcn-k that is, I paw
a raan who sai l h saw it. Ilia name
wu Saamrl Pc-st Duvis, and a letter ad-ilr-,vil
t him at Carbon, Nevada, will
call f. rth a plaa-l and happy rpon
At Tacoraa I saw several of theSiwa.sh
tribe of Indians. I pati5l to Kcrntinize
thara in r c n fully. E.-'pcially a bright
younj Alfarita s-iaw with white tt-et'i
and black eyes. Thy had Ixn blacked
by h-r husband, I prejume. But she
w.w quite rrtty, and therefore a threat
curiosity anon.ij the Slwahe, who area
low, tri:r.' set.
I l k'd at her eamtly until she
came timidly toward nie with a large,
wt t mackerel in one h.and and a blood
curdlia oath in the other. Then I eaid
to Mr. Lacy: "We will now go and loolc
at thou lots of yours, if you are not too
busy.' He said perhaps that would be
the better plan, so we trudged away.
The Chinooks are a more peaceable
people, fund of out door sports and Hol
land jrin. Their lives are epent mostly
in their canoe, which gives them won
drfal depth of chest and a paucity of
le0' which is quito remarkable. One of
them looks very robust as h rows, as he
rows, but when on Land ho goes, with bis
ten converging toes, it would make you
sure to grin at the way bis toes turn in
On tho ehcre.
And bis string halt 6tyla of walk, and
his Waterbnry talk make you smile. For
his knees are out of plumb, even when
he's out of rum, and bis language knocks
you dumb
When George Francis Train got ready
to go around the world a few weeks ago,
makirt? Tacoma the starting point, it was
suggested that he take with him Queen
DuIeseirno, daughter of old Chief Seat
tle, Duche-s of Yamhill, and heir to the
throne of luiyallop. She is now over 90
years c f age. and no longer cureu by the
fatal gift of beauty, but she sAid that hex
parents wre lwth dad, and in their ab
sence sh certainly would not eon-nt to
take Fuch a journey with a man of whom
she knw very little indeed. She said
that there vrn already scandal enough in
H'val familini elsewhere without any
cor.tribr.ti- ns from her family. TTie
qun thn Ur a mall Wte of Pifr
Ib-i l-'ie' k tobacco an-i declared th an li
enee ;it an end. As she awept proudlj
o- rf t.- r'--vr,. rur.g r.-.fh-T r'oh
'r br : r. r--s;ra -I her p; of
rim), ,ir,' n h t! "'wl rfT down twn.
1 . t:t ir. -h a qun M -ra
-r- "p-- 'r -.r'r:'-5 ir i '" l-nrr. v?lu.
bvr, fr-ra h- -.1 of this g-,-tl
w!-.. 1 - hr k:cg-l'ra
fr.l r. -ft -f h'r r-Tg-.T.r rl th-3. yct
v-.tt. 'o givh tcne. 'f csr. !.f i alitk
t !.-r.
I i hr Vri-nr rr. dsv rrt i'ri
: - . trr'r'1 s" . ".;t ill. y
r ' t '"'."."v. ""T 1 vir
' 1 - ' t. I- A-- r-l i" ! v hi
..- r 'n-r - i H-r t-h
. "" '--r " irir !'. V-; u ;
-r -' 7--' ' , t'.cT ,', r"i
...... ... . t,u,-.rT. Ir-l.an Yhrvr
"!v r. , u"1'" tc 1 : r
r?'" - -V--. s-1
I '- h --'---'.-;. h V-";-;
f '---. I-d. ir -:
... .. , V!a-;r I .S"" "r "r v
xf '"r ' i a "i"'1" - " '" t a.".,-1
- ; i, o '-t -.-; ' A
- i . It : ". 1 - T
f n ' - v -4 r- - v-. - -
f-v.-iT -.vih, v. j j rr ,
.f -. -r--.' '.:z
TV -"e, f""-- v--. '
?" r r 1 -''-er nx I L r:cTr..
" - -..r r-r;v--rji "
-c ' ' vJ "- i " "
V .T-' '".T'-4; ra7 .
rcrt iw 7 Id-Aa ihiz m
a c,avrbat..it. 1 -err:
giXvXiZ cf ih-r e-2-Ul bsr
tsily fU tLc Ut wf ti arg'-i-t. I
rirrly aro uh li-- -e;.
h-u I hci th-s ii.vrr
h: .ax I w tS? .T ia
v;v, thvugt they 17 -cr '-i
ray ou.
Siwah i ai, a plai skm .-f.
.n, ka-jiLg tLt h t--er t-j
tlr tol preK. ic.Lt aXi'ay be I-,'t 1
to x;rro L:iu?lf. "p. t----t I? t-j.t
kf 1-1 Yvu j'ist ur 1!i t-
taortiiag wheu yc-u :t re-iy a:.d put on
or bd quiit -pruii-d )ou hfrt
g-. t it eta alrti j - jL.-.d then oU K c.Wr
fally about th dur.-a of the day by r
t:c d-jwn ia the gl.i burhane. It iu.i;t
Lj real tied.
A Riilefroom Who Forgot III ftrld.
Ulda't Krinuabr ia
"Neer was abntiuiild in my life,"
s.iid the little man, who tugged nerv
ouly at Li bristling mustache. Tiut
my father had orof the wrst ca.-"s I erer
heard of. He w as a taan vb" ued th
go 4 ol 1 farhioni birch gen?i sly. To
add to the g'Xd rjeot of the punishment
lie Uad to nend tu out to cut the hwitch.
If it whs not a goil on, he sent us Wk
for another. One h ent m on one cf
thoe melancholy errands, and as ray of
frnse had Wn pla)ung h--'key' frora
s-hrd for thrre days I was in no hurry
to return for my punishment. When I
c:u:ie ia the room he was pacin? thought
fully up and down the r ra.
Jamrtj,' be Bai l, 'I am sclad you have
come. I wanted you for something, but
it has slipped my mind. I will recall it
in a moment.' And I discreetly baek l
out of the room with my birch behind
me, and tovvl it over the fence. That
was the la-t I heard of that switching."
Case of suspended judgment," said
6rm one, softly.
"My brother," continued the firt
speaker, "was as bad as my father. n '
lives in a New England town, and he j
went to Boston one to transact some j
businesd which would occupy two days.
At the end of four days he had not re
turned. His wife's anxiety was relieved )
on that day by a telegram, which read: I
'What did I come to Boston for? Have!
been trying to remember for three days.
" 'Real estate, telegraphed his wife.
" 'Of course,' came back the answer."
"That reminds me," said one of the
party, "of a friend of mine. Ho was a
lawyer in a small town, and frequently
after working lato at night at his office
would sleep on a comfortable lounge
which be had in a back room. When
be was married there was a wedding
breakfast at the bride's home and the
couple were to start, on an evening train
for a wedding trip. II had to run
around to his office for, a few moments,
Laving forgotten some little thing which
had to be attended to. The hours went
on and H failed to return to bis
bride. When train time came and :io
bridegroom appeared every one was
thrown into a panic.
"The bride fainted, and the news
spread like wildfire in the little town
that H bad abandonded bis bride
and fled the town. The only one who
Kemed not to suspect him was the bride.
She, however, only shed tears, refusing
to listen to any condemnation of her
missing husband, but declining to offer
any suggestions. Finally sho could stand
the strain no longer and posted her father
to II "a office. H had gotten deep
into bis work and was just on tie point
cf going to uleep on his lounge. He was
to 'broken up' over his cruel blunder
that be was afihamed to face anyone but
bis wife, and extended bis two months'
welding trip over a year. They made
one of the happiest couples in the world,
but to this day bis wife has to find his
hat for him and remind him what bo
wants to do when be leaves the bousrj.
"A singular caso, but ono which could
hardly be called absent mindednes."
said another of the little group, "is that
of C , the stork broker. On the morn
ing on which bis first baby was born he
came on the floor with a radiant face.
Catching sight of me, be rushed up and
said, with a beaming smilo and joyous
" 'Congratulate m old man; Tra ths
happiest father in New York city. ThT.
never was such a handsome baby lrn
" 'I do congratulate you. Hnrry, old
man.' I answered, as b squared my
hand warmly. 'Boy or girl?"
' H l-.kd at m for a moment, and
thn a wave of blank despair went ovu
his f ao.
" '111 b bangrd if I know.' be said.
'C ditapared from the nV.r, but
in a rourW f hours I f'-lt som on nearly
jf -k my arm from its f-ckt.
'It's a .;.. criod C . gleefully. I
w-r.t hrce to find out." Nw York
All th QallfWMn.
"I hv an annt who n rrry nnfrtn
nat." said Maude. "Sh is fbchtly daf
ar.d vry r.r sihtM."
irao-;oa.r re?;-nli Marri. "Whst
a lovely chaprora she w- u' 1 make."
Vaahingt4-.n P'st.
Mr Br-wn Wrut ma-ln yri m-ik" a
'are hbind my ba-:k?
L:tt J--htis;e Wbr. ma. yru bdr. t
think I aa f 1 en'uVa b". d . it b-f-ra
T fv
p vivVt M;v? S7cotl r. I n !1
dirk V- it v-T.
'". h th 'i".ai r"7""- th"-,.
;T. "1 F ITf'.
H .
I -V4. y4 - '
T-T 'r T'
K r,r r-tr.
'! di7 r"". :"r-""
'Ta "
4 l
g.i.i awi v. t-i a L.v aj H.
Je jrvilrtl Laie Uij, - uAi
ljirti p-i.ri !$.: rwli w-iiJi;
lu (tJ lie " Uj t'.-j-f. I-
ci a '.f ti- JcrLi wr ;j tmfly ri
ex ir.c-r iit.
Li van o.i.
1 h ii is a cyl oue,"
t. ' . a can ksuid ti house "
tt.Mf arv Lltnt. " a can ksuid u house " luch
lent for 4" rr in tit i tor ( rw
aiiJ Lav tLt r tLer sii-i iu huh to I: fu. Ah i
toi'iit i d-s ii i hv au auia, iu
ro.'ne an 1 iarj i 'u'tsinfal rv.'urcs to b.vW
it ih kabl h id.vi i a viry LrixLt oiie.
We'll tnk a d:.ubi t.- 'use taat is u:ix ir-m n.
We'll make & tLai u fi:tirely diiTcreat trv.i
ury ! n'jL'.i' tiO. jou t ia."'
I'liis fartt.-r talVc i alut, and it as
ti-cit.-l tiiit tti w.nji i c-)u:dir a d .ulU
hti fliu H b preps 'ed to go a a fitly
font lot lii'h tfa?y L.ii pureUal. In tta
hoarse uf time t Ley a cat into U. oct? to
U k at Liie jkrtcb.
The areL,Ue-t wanted to baiii t bin double
houj. II kni it wouiil rr.ake a goovl hr-ua
uao that wuu'.d be comfortable and attrue
tivt alii culd prove a t;00! invtmifuenf.
WLoni bi clients earae luto tt cfTi te wai
just a little anxious.
Ti. illustrations iu this column ar repro
ductions cf bis ketchee. II showej tbt-m
the iloor flsiw first.
tiaid he: Tie fctu is 44 feet wid on th
rst fl'r. Tais gives a 3 foot pasacway
on ach f-ide. Now we will look at tberooxs
on therij'at. We have the entrance at the
front of the setni-ccr agonal shaped room. It
extenis around and tak iu a section of what
w..uld othervvii l a part of IL front bitting
room, and tbun gives addrd width to thia por
tbn of tho hall or vestibule. Back of thia is
tbe revpl!OT hall, with a wialow at the
right sid5 w Lich projects over the tidewala
S 1
rrasT floor.
below, but at a height sufficient to raiw the
heads cf thof wh' piss tinder it. The wall
fpace in frnt senaratins the t-itting rr:ii
and th reM-jttion room is filial with turned
spindle wf.rk in oak. Tbe stairway is a com
bination affair. We po up from the front
Lall ti a landing, pa through some portiere
to auother landing:, whi t i cor.n.TleU by a
airway and two do-.rs with tbe kitchen.
The two doors prevent the noiw and odors
cf the kitchen from reaching tbe front part
of the houK.
There is a seat on thn front landing whieh
proj-s:ts into the hall. Uuitr the part of the
main etairway which gr" to tbe econd flo)r
is provide i th" cellar ?tair way. The diuing
rwm. a will U sen, u btck of sitting rom.
The kitchen connx:ts with th dining room
throueh th ctina gantry by m-ans of two
double swir.; d'rs dors which switp toth
ways and stand cl 1 whn rele(l. This
china ro.rri is libti by a small window and
h-is a cupboard w ir.b class door above and
r.Dell kir.rs b'-low. The kitchen is provided
with sinks, tr.bl'w and drain bofirdi ronTn
int to the L.iia ci -t. Iu the pantry 1 a
p! V r an ie ch'-st w;th a drain to th out
vide. Tu'-re is a lr-or over tbe cheat fco that
joe can le i ;;t in ts ithmit p-ua'.cp ihrongh the
kitchen. The cellar is uadT haif tbe hrtue,
w;th furris rora ppij'tinj under the t
tir rt. In the c-iiir s'.'-p nink in
which wah wtr rr.ay I p"'ire I. a nty m-t-r
f ?rf' ti' r ari l a laundry s'. t. Th
r '.!ur f.r"T is ' "Tinte l.
Pi th kiTh'-n is ht ar.d v-,ld water at th
sink, and ia tue I nthrc-TJi -n the -rn l fbor
j -a? r r',-i. wah-tnnd and tub. Thr
r" fo r .trn th w-.nd fl r in th
In VI - ' r bf"--m. e?v. and th olher for
t-d '(!un nd art .-i' of ?1 ; character.
, J I ,
27 J
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. .. . t v-
&mm& uF c5?!p .
t mil -4
ro?cn j f rc
4. .....
crf,slcl,., ,--'u
j , , , I PEARS' SOAP
I? - -r.-'-r H u ih MOST ttCC4NT R
v '7. ;.;:;; h toilet soap I
- -T- ? " -' '-t a-4 -.- M T THR TTOH i,r. I
, -, 'i j B 0,11 T ?. - I
Prepare For It
1! V.-j Vvur
--AM -
I tils n.or.th, so At o:.. f t j Hon
V .orlouS ai.d pAk tlif.o
o.it. Ill- .o. 'k now compitU
tut a week cr two more cl nn h
trade a we ti:;od last ( '
-te tbe Ut !ie sold o'ot.
I ! Ivr!
Than in Ar:v Houe m the Citv.
Boss tl Norton
K UNTIi: TO MlCIIKiAN s ldif.k.
I have ruaiie a careful examination
of thehu of this M.;t'' in ig;ird t(.
Male bsiiintief, and the fact l t!ie:r
payment, atui ::ve it as my opinion
l hi t cirru t'J'iir r v l,n f"li.-!rl 7.-r Mn, H,
1';4, .! uj to t'elruury 4, Joo, rii fOf
J1(M St.itr llvutiu.n." he it e-.-.titU'l t-jit vnr!
the lev and ha j-ict xf- ei'fi it. I would
advie all fiicli k! i.( is to apply ot nt.
.S)ld;( rs enl:t.ng from March lvl-'J, to
January 1, I'm. 4, WHO ontitiod to '0,
j-rolnlly all rurh uexe pai'l; but .1 H"t JiUid,
are .-till entitled. All sold.ers enli-tm
up to M'iy 14, I'M.!, llOHl January 1,
101, wen- .rtf,ril.'y paid; btlt if xi' t ja iii
are entith j to -loO. Sld:ers en!i.ting
horn hiu,ry 4, 1G'. lor one year,
were entitled to floO Jio'n.ty, and sol
dirrs enlisting tor rAro- year alter
Fthrunry 4, lOo, were flit. tied t $'Jt.i
bounty, but S1C prdnbly pat I; if to-f UiJ
are ttdl entitled.
Soldiers desiring to apply for Boun
ties under any of theso acts or condi
tions, are invited to call upon or write
the undersigned.
Itoom 41, Old Ilouveman niuck,
(iiand Ilapids, Mlrh.
A rure cure f -vr Itchy
. s-;i!p. Iniiidru.
J7f ma, iv:id or I'ail
Hair and nil e!)
To r'.cnn th t'eMi farly w !i!t. !iaricn th
puriis. a 'id I in part frnr riin"- t tin- l'r-:it !i. u-
11I.I..K!" lOO'lll 1U I, - rnt.
Prepared bv H. ii. MILLAP.P. 7 Mo:.r " s.,
Grand ltapl'ls. Mli ti.
Per s ty all drupnIsM and dnlrs. or nt
postpai 1 to nay address rn ter i; t i! a'.ve
pure, .-enl loi eircni:is and tet im.-ii H.-w
Aeents Wante4 outride tf city.
Steam Carpet Beating Works!
I'orrr.T'y t C aol 4v Kr.t-t.. his
31 1: c u a n i crs w i. a c k,
( nr Iii.s : d Cr r"'i : s.
iy.U )'I!iM. tn.
S. N. A I.I.KN, Manager.
Domestic Dry Goods ;
A a "e r t 1 r. ' f
f.roccjrics mid Fruits
s.T Ir t PrT
!. . W .... . . . . . I ....
I lMtl7rlJ fl't't I tf iT Ml SltMPStM
1 kr ' -4- l. -. . . , ,w
f , -. ... H41TP ..4 t4...r tilln
: t ' m-' tml l .4.. '.-' . v ,
Tfl C't AT IltlltK HtST.
t. r -tp ,,t r . --..-
lor 25 On U.
ht nni t,t,iT
L u ' ""I
Success Follows
terU!rt d.d iht p-.ii., li. ui-
X.Ut f.i J j'H . .fti.O i. ..1
it .it i.i i .:.v :
NKW O !l
1.e tlirotic -f 't!M!i( who b i. j) t
flt-gant "JitoiU," N'om. A h d
Vb flock P.:ilifs pp.i! 1 to .i , : i
('.ate to 'U f Uili vt t .11 ..:
C IK' iff tl. V loUiid at ol.! ..
l.ange ii.a P,t o ..-..i i 1 ,
i. '.v l'p!.!.t a.od ;.: it )'. : 1
olrt arid worn-out p.a:.. . rA !.
Jonper fret the pup.i, ti.e p .i.ot. t'.
teacher. Wt a'iow lull j !. i j t . :
Mich old piano- and ot .'.ii.- N t
t.niO to tX( hai.pe the-, oi l .:.-!! i.:..
F. J.
Iui 1 Iotisr;
Nee Locat'oi. WonJ(ri B.o;k!
x m rr i r;ri
Tho-o flits icjurvciil :
Icclrt(m plate, a met ;ini l
lvhicli artilicial teeth viui hv
insertoci on a very Miiall
1'latc, not eoverin the rcol
of tlc inodt h. ( more linn
r j i. . : ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
tt"rt:c&al. View
o in t n x
loo-e or
AVhere. Hriiio Work is im
jiossihle, tills Is a sncei ss
Teeth extracted by our ki'
metliod of Vitalized Air.
IY lltCPIiSlO UW7II THtfit z z icrtR
lit o;ubtas T5 TNi !;;: tf m
vim wi. a3 oj rctE pf u lcw
21. ftC'TN ICK'.A IT.
cm: w c
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t ' -V r -' !
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f t I r S. f ir' W( t-c 1 r
The Grg y Utitr,t CcM fcVV...,
111 Q H
All .iLMi
A.v 1M1 i si ' j i v I M i's .
AVI !.li"s ASM t t M V,
iThe Natal Paaeanll
! r f .' 1 .
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ii .o, r j e j t I'.t ii a:i.aTti
Mr lMri A Si .lvitl.p-
ri...-. Vi A. t.v b P'Jrl.
I. iliUl. - l I i , 1 ! l.f
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