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The Yale expositor. (Yale, St. Clair County, Mich.) 1894-current, December 21, 1894, Image 1

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JAS.A.MEHZIES, Publisher.
Ia the Best Interests of the Commuoitj ia which we live.
Vol. Xm, No. 33.
YALE, St. Clair County, Mich., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1894.
Price: $1.00 per Year.
Is full of
Changes !
And now the change of Holden & McXair to Holden
hence a change in price of Clothing of which there is a large
stock. In order to reduce the same in the next 30 days, we
have decided to make a price that those who are in need of
anything in this line will buy. Gents Shoes in stock will be
treated in the same manner.
Must go
At Any Price !
There will also be a great reduction in many styles in
Ladies' and Children's Shoes. No place in town can you
secure such good, honest bargains in Staple and Fancy Dry
Goods, Notions, Etc., as at the Old Reliable.
In Abundance !
For the Holiday Trade and we aim to be the Lowest in
Price. Our 23 cent Tea has no equal and is making new
customers every day. Thanking you for past favors and
soliciting a continuance of your patronage. I remain
Very Truly Yours,
Shipped pure and unadulter
ated direct from the distillery.
Pronounced a pure and whole
some tonic-stimulant by the
medical fraternity everywhere.
Gives life, strength and happi
ness to the weak, sick, aged
and infirm.
If yon cannot procnre it of your druggist or
liqnor dealers, upon receipt of $1.60 we will
ipreM prepaid to any address a fall quart
ample bottle of Old Elk llye or Bourbon.
Lexington, Ky.
Subscribe for the Expositor.
Hease send Grandma a RED CROSS
Papa a CARVING SET, Sister Lucy a set of SAD
IRONS, Auntie Jones some KNIVES AND FORKS,
Uncle Rill a RAZOR, Cousin Tom a JACK KNIFE,
Cousin Maud a pair of SCISSORS, for the Hired Girl and
Hired Man send a HAIR CURLER and SNOW SHOVEL.
Don't forget a RATTLE for the IJabv and a pair of
SKATES for Me.
Go to the New Hardware Store and you will iind all these
things, and lots more that will make nice presents, besides
their prices are right and it Is a pleasure to trade with them.
Yours for Gifts,
The People who sell Hardware Right,
Farm Harness !
$17 TO $21!
Deposit your Money where it Is safe. C per
cent Interest on Time Certificates of Deposit.
Personal Paragraphs About Yale
PeoDle and Their Friends.
W. II, Harm was in Tort Huron,
Saturday last.
Duncan McKeith was in Port Huron
on business Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Reecher were at
Port Huron Wednesday.
Mr. and Mr. Hart McXulty spont
Friday last in Port Huron.
Jennie Cogley, of Kenockee, visited
Mrs. A. J. Ward this week.
Mrs.(Jrant Holden visited her parents
in Ilrown City over Sunday.
Del Dawson, of Sanilac Centre, has
been in the village this week.
D. B. McXnir and family have been
in Carsonville the past week.
Jennie Palmer ia in Petrolia, Ont.,
visiting friends and relatives.
Lulu Mitchell is spending the holi
days with relatives in Canada.
K. R. Needier spent a part of last
week in Port Huron on business.
Miss 15. McXulty, of Fremont, was a
guest at Hotel de Martin last week.
William Secor visited his daughter
Mrs. J. E. Allen at Carsonville last
Myrtle McGregor has been visiting
relatives and friends in Yale the past
William II. Rallentine spent Sunday
in Port Huron visiting friends and
Mrs. Harvey Tappan and Mrs. J. A.
Menzies were in Port Huron last Sat
urday visiting.
Thomas Hebner is home from Xorth
Branch where he has had charge of a
grain elevator.
Mahlon Hearss, of Port Huron, vis
ited in Yale on Wednesday among
his many friends.
Abe Krupp and wife are spending
the holidays with Mr. Krupp's parents
at Petersburg, Ont.
Myrtle Huckeridge, of Port Huron,
has been visiting the family of William
Owens the past week.
Mernie Marakle started Wednesday
night for eastern Ontario to spend
Christmas with relatives.
James II. Moore, who is travelling
for the Walter A. Woods Co., spent
Sunday in Yalo with his family.
County Agent I5urns, of Sanilac
County, spent Saturday and Sunday
with his daughter Mrs. Bart McXulty.
X. J. Meharg and daughter returned
Wednesday from Tilsonburg, Ont.,
where they heve been visiting relatives.
Mrs. Rivers, who has been attending
her grandmother, Mrs. White, left for
her home in Port Huron Wednesday
E.H.Drake and wife, after a two
weeks visit with relatives and friends
in Yale have returned to their homo at
E. C. Bolce in Court.
Xot as defendant but as U. S. Juror.
The store you know Voice's store don't
you? Well, that's in Port Huron yet,
some place on Water street. Did you
ever think what a good place Boice's
would be to buy holiday presents? You
wouldent feel that your money was
thrown away either, as the articles you
would find there are not only rich and
beautiful, but practical and useful.
That's what we are all thinking about
these times.
For the men you can get the very
best values in silk or linen handker
chiefs. A large heavy hem-stitch silk
initial handkerchiefs for men at 39c,
50c. 7f)C, and $1.00. Then there is plain
white hem-stitch or colored border ones
at 10c to 40c each. Silk brocade hand
kerchiefs and mufflers at 25c to $3.00
For ladies and children well you
know this is a ladies' and children's
furnishing store and vou are sure to
find just what you wifl need and ap
preciate. Don't forget to call at Iioice's
when in Port Huron, will you?
Died, on Sunday, December 9th, at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. Van
Clief , south of Yale, Elias Webb at the
age of 78 years 4 months and 16 days.
Deceased was born in Canada July
25th, 181G, and came to Michigan 2U
years ago and had been living in the
township of Iirockway 27 years. In
1841 he was married to Miss Triphenia
Narberric, who preceded him to the
better country lvyears. Deceased was
the father of eight children four of
whom are now living, Mrs. VanClief,
of Yale, Lucretia Webb, of Chicago,
Mrs. John McDonald, of Cope, Mich.,
and Mrs. Anna Morrison, of Bay City.
Early in life he was left without a
mother but he succeeded in making a
good and useful man of himself. He
was a kind man who made a friend of
every one he dealt with. Xone could
speak evil of him. He was a carpenter
by trade and a great many buildings
in this township were erected by his
hands. He had professed the faith of
the Disciple church for 19 years. The
funeral discourse was preached by
Elder K. B. Brown on Sunday last at
the Disciple church.
Sheep Pelts Wanted.
Tho undersigned have established a
Sheen Pelt Pullery and secured Mr.
Plank as manager. Wo will pay the
highest market price in cash. Farmers
bring in your pelts. Special attention
given where sent by railway.
32 C. Andrcae & Sons, Yale.
General News.
Carsonyille wants a grain elevator.
There are 25 persons licensed to sell
liquor in Lapeer county.
Tho Borneo Observer will not start a
paper at Lexington, ns was rumored.
The Memphis Bee has started upon
its second year. Long may it "buzz."
Four Almont families hail their
clothes lines robbed one night last
William Murdock, of Almont, has
had his pension cut down from $15 to
An effort will be made to have a
life saying station established at Port
R. O. McLaughlin, Brown City mer
chant, hus opened a branch store at
Every night from 3 to 10 tramps ap
ply at police headquarters iu Port
Huron for lodging.
The ladies of tho Port Huron Con
gregational church cleared oyer $300 at
their fair held last week.
The Congregational church in Port
Huron will hereafter ue individual
cups at their communion.
There are one hundred and fourteen
vessels in winter quarter at Port Hu
ron, Sarnia and Marysville.
Marvin Rogers, of Port Huron, has
been taken to the insane asylum. He
imagines that he is Jesse James.
Seventy new members were added to
the Bichmond M. E. church recently,
as a result of the revival meetings.
The first Spiritualist lecture given in
Bad Axe, was by Mrs. Bobinson, of
Port Huron, on December 13th ard
Alonzo Thayer, of Port Huron, is
said by his mother to be insane, and
she wanU him tent to the asylum.
People can see no signs of insanity
about him.
Lincoln Avery, of Port Huron, lost
50 cans of fruit, a crock of butter, a
roast of beef, apples and other pro
visions, through some thief getting
into his. cellar Sunday night.
People living in the vicinity of Down
ington who have had sheep and nu
merous other articles stolen recently
are now satisfied that the thief haw
been captured in the person of Frank
Mrs. Anna Bobinson, the Port Hu
ron Spiritualist lecturer, was struck
across the face with a horsewhip, by a
man who was pounding a dog, and
whom Mrs. Bobinson had asked to
stop his whipping. Later the man
could not be totind.
A fatal accident occurred in Xew
Baltimore ono day last week at the
ashery there. A workman by tho name
of Paul Socia was stooping over a vat
when some of the fixtures fell upon
himVrushing his skull, and death oc
curred in a few minutes.
Sums of money have been missed
from the roller mill at Marine City.
A burglar alarm was arranged and
men set watching, ready to turn on
the electric lights. The result was the
arrest of three boys, who implicated a
fourth. The ages of the boyb are
from 15 to 21 years.
David Turner brought suit against
the St. Clair tunnel company some
time ago for injuries received while at
work in the tunnel, but it was claimed
the company could not be sued In St.
Clair county, as none of the officers
reside here, but the papers were served
on a train despatcher and it was decid
ed by J udge ance and later by the Su
preme Court that this could be done.
Three of the oldest lawyers in Michi
gan live in St. Clair county. Judge
Walker, of Capac, has practiced law 58
years, came to this county 50 years
ago and is 82 years of age, but still
attending to business. B. C. Farrand is
74 years, has practiced for 51 years and
lived in Port Huron 50 years. Judge
Mitchell was admitted to the bar 55
years ago and has lived in Port Huron
47 years. He is still active in his busi
ness. There was a frightful time at Vassar
one night last week, when officers en
deavored to force seven tramps from a
box car whero they were hiding after
stealing tho trainmen's overcoats. The
tramps opened tire on the officers,
badly injuring two, but a posse getting
after them, four were captured. A
day or so after one was arrestod at
Oxford and the other two at Port Hu
ron. It is thought probably that a
well organized gang of safe-crackers
has been captured.
Mr. Longtext Johnnie, can you tell
me where the bad little boys go?
Johnnie To Sunday school, where
there's goin' to be a Christmas tree.
Virginia Farms.
Tidewater, Virginia, is now the best
place to go for a cheap home, either
cleared or woodland. Good chance to
make money. Any person desirous of
looking up this particular location,
located between the York and the
James rivers and about 40 miles from
Xewport Xews, Southampton, Old
Point Comfort and Norfolk, one of
the finest harbors on the Atlantic coast,
write or call on J. B. Francis, Box 77,
Yale, Mich. 47tf
Old People.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate tho bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bit
ters. This medicine does not stimulate
and contains no whiskey nor other
intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and
alterative. It acts mildly on the
stomach and bowels, adding strength
and giving tone to the organs, thereby
aiding Nature in the performance of
the functions. Electrio Bitters is an
excellent appetizer and aids digestion.
Old People find it lust exactly what
they need. Price fifty cfints per bottle
at Grant Holden'a Drug Store, Yale
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World' Fair Highest Award.
That Is the all-absorbing topic among tho great finan
ciers of this country, but it makes no difference which
is piiiuKeu uown on
A. W Ferguson & Co's
Counter. We will give you vnlne received ev ry time.
Special liargai,,, in SIMOLE RANGES -
for 1 lurty Days.
And our cleaning out prices on HEATING STOVES. If you see our stoves
and listen to our prices you will be happy.
Hard-war In
The Best Cross-Cut Saw in
Royal Stock Food
We also have on
stock foods for building up a deranged system.
Our stock of Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Varnishes is still complete.
General Hardware Merchants,
Your Ear Please !
Yon have Heard No
Our 5 cent Factory Cotton. It speaks for itself so if
you haye been near it you know its the best in the city
for the money,
Come in so that we can show you one of the
finest lines of General Merchandise in the
village and Hear Our Trices.
Anyway You Have Heard About
A Box
of Pills
Is all right but would not
be a tasty holiday Rllt. We
recommend a nice box of randy
or maybe a handsome bottle of
perfume would be better or
perhaps you would rather
choose yourself from the fol
lowing list of which wc have a
complete line.
Toilet Articles,
Whisk Holders,
Box Letter Paper,
Fine Candies,
Oder Bottles,
Box of Cigars.
Anyway drop In before
completing vour holiday pur
chases and see
Win. Lemon,
I Windsor, the Tailor, I
Can be found at his suop over 7i
the Doelle lilock. Remember J
Gentlemen, We do not ask you 0
to speculate when you deal with Jl
us. We guarantee you the worth
of your money in Goods and a (
Perfect Fit or No Pay. We do fl
not believe In taking your money l
till we have earned It. Repair- (J
ing Neatly and Promptly done. 92
Windsor, the Tailor.
G-reat "Variety.
the world is the
hand "Rovnl Stock Food", the hont nf
Our Ladies Solid Cordavan Shoe, leather face fly,
worked buttonhole and well made throughout for only
83 cents? And its not old Stock either.
Our 23 cent Tea. It is conceeded by all to be equal to
any in the village for 33 cents. It ks nicely flavored
and steeps a tine cup.
Doubt About
Central County Bank!
PECK, - - 2ICXX.,.
Loans Money
On Ileal Kstate and Good En
dorsed Notes at Reasonable
Receives Deposits
And pays interest on Time
Sells Exchange
On Detroit, New York and
other pomts.
A ISpecialty. Prompt Re
mittances. Writes Insurance
In First-Class Companies.
Real Estate
Wild Lands and Improved
Farms for sale on easy terms.
J. M. GAIGE. Pres.
WM. H. AITKIN, VIce-Pres.
Collection Dep't. Central County Bank,
Collections Made
lromptly and remittances on
day of payment.
Wild Lands
and Improved Farms for sale
on easy terms.
Ciias. J. Reynold,
Yale, Mich. Manager.
Times You always want a piece
of Meat that is
Long experience has made us ex-,
pert judges of Meat, and wo will give
vou points on how to nick out a crood
Meet us at our block when
in need of Meat.
Holden Bros., Props

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