Newspaper Page Text
'ftV I Ay Ay, JAS.A. MENZIES, Publiiher. Io the Be,t Itrt. of the Community In which we FOR THE RIGHT AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Vol. XVTLL No. 44. 18T" "ft. YALE. St. Clair County. Mich., FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1900. Price: $1.00 per Year. 1 " i i 1 , m m 2 WEEKS' 2 CLEARING SALE OF CLOTHING. WE must make room for Spring Stock. Some suits at one-half regular price. All will be offered at cost. (Fancy Worsted Clays and Serges excepted) 3 ow is the time to secure a suit for yourself or your boy for very little money. We have a few Fur Coats Price reduced to $11.00 Next year they will be wortli $11.00. You should secure one now and save dollars. YALE CLOTHING HOUSE J. C. HOLDEN Prop. 0 PPORTUNITY Is the Cream of Time and here is your opportunity. llising Sun stove polish $ 05 G saucers 07 0 sauce dishes 10 "Wash bowl and pitcher 9 Open chamber lo 0 cups and saucers with handles. . IiO 500 carpet tacks .... t 05 H-pound hammer...."... .. V 10 Large sheet-iron drip pan 10 Large granits pie tin 10 10-inch file, best make 10 5-inch file, best make 05 1 set nickle-plated Hat irons 8'. Combination handsaw K) Harness riviter, a good one 80 l'arlor lamps sold at Sl.U) only. . . '.) Medium size willow clothes basket 05 Celluloid dressing comb sold at 10 05 Tin basin .- 02 Shoe nails per box 10-foot wire clothes line 8-qt granite stew kettle 2-qt granite rice boiler ( 1 ranite coffee pot Pancake turner a good one (J ranite wash basin " cup (lood pair shears Nice hand lamp (iood toilet soap per bar Chair bottom, a good one Nice towel sold at 8c for Lace curtains per pair. . .50-S0and Men's bracts, sold at 20c for Nickle plated tea or coffee pot. . . Nice line of bed spreads at C9-1.00 Large glass fruit dish, sold at. .10 01 K) 30 40 25 03 10 08 14 25 01 10 05 1 25 10 50 05 Hart Building, The Racket, YALE, MICH. New! Nobby! Neat! O UK IMMENSE STOCK OK SWUNG SHOES are here already for your care d inspection. This stock was bought last fall uetore the advance in leather, therefore wo will offer you the same Splendid V" as heretofore. Our old cus tomers need no introduction to our celebrated J. Rich ardson & Co's. line of Ladies' and Children's Shoes, but we wish to impress on the public generally the im portance of buying Shoes that are fully warranted by the manufacturers. Every J. Richardson Shoe is abso lutely guaranteed free from imperfections in work manship or material. We have this year a much larger line to select from than ever before. The prices are as low as ever and we consider it a pleasure to show you the goods. Don't buy a Shoe until you inspect our stock. We can please you. Yours to please, H. C. MARTIN, BELL PHONE. Successor to T. II. rarklnson. YALE, MICH. J UST RECEIVED. 'A FINE LINE OF Belt Buckles All new patterns. 25c to $1.50 STATIOITEB. Remember When You Patronize The Yale Expositors You always et ... . UnvrDTKJlKA AD TAD WAD1T iiinenn nu 1 uuiiuiuu vn uvii uuniY, Value Received cl We are out for business on business principles and have twice the circulation and best equipped Job office of any other paper in this part of St. Clair county to back us up. No job too big. No job too small. -M5T. CLAIR COUHTYtf- SAVINGS BANK PORT HURON. MICH. CAPITAL, - $50,000. SURPLUS, - - $35,000. Interest Paid on Time De 2osits. Accounts Solicited. Chas. Wellman, Geo. W. Moore, PRESIDENT. CASHIER, SCHOOL NOTES. "Jlelievo m, the talent of success is liotliinR more than doing what you can do well." Sevcnty-ono books were drawn from tho library last week. Maggie Ross is visiting friends in Drown City. James llrown yisitcd tho different departments hist week. The sixth grade are drawing produce maps of South America. Thero are liftcen foreign students attending school. Tho book-keeping class has finished tho fourth trial balance. An organ ha9 been ordered for the intermediate room. The school en tertainment and lecturo course pay the bill. The grammar room is supplied with a new teacher's desk purchased from tho entertainment fund. Teacher What is taxidermy? Johnnie I think I know, teacher. Teacher Well, Joh nnie. Johnnie It's putting down carpets. School Reports. Frtllnwincr ia t !m rpnnrfc nf snhnnl in district no. .1, Drockway township, for month ending February ''J, l'JOU: dumber ot days taught, l'.t Grand total number davstaucht. 331 Average daily attendance, 17 dumber pupils enrolled, lemaie 10, male 5, total HI. Total number pupils enrolled during year up to date, fe male 20, male U. Punils nftithrrnlmftiitnr tflrdv firnm and 1'earl Darling, Kva and Llewellyn Richardson. bakie R.Scott, teacher. Report of school in district no. 5, Hrockway township, for month'ending February 23, 1900: Whole number enrolled, 35 Total attendance, 43S Average attendance, 23 Number of days taught, 19 Pupils neither absent nor tardy are Roy Menerey, Florence, Hugh, Alex and Kddie Johnston. J. Johnston has been appointed a9 director in placo of W. J. Morgan, de ceased. The attendance ha9 been irregular on account of the weather. Robert Sidebotham, teacher. Banker. Routs A Robber. J. R. Garrison, cashier of the bank of Thornville, Ohio, had been robbed of health by a serious lung trouble until he tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Then he wrote: "It is the best medicine I ever used for a severe cold or a bad case of lung trouble. I always keep a bottle on hand." Don't suffer with Coughs, Colds, or any Throat, Chest or Lung trouble when you can be cured bo easily. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Grant Ilolden'a drug store. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the part nership of Wharton & llolden is hereby mutually dissolved; that the business of the firm will be continued by Whar ton & Co.; that all bills and accounts due from the firm will be paid by Wharton A Co., and that all bills, ac counts, and notes given to tho firm or due them are to be paid to the said Wharton & Co. John llolden 43-4 Trios. U. Wharton Dated this 20th day of Feb., 1900. A CARD. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25-oent lottIe to prove satisfactory or money refunded. Grant Holden, Yale. J. C. Regan, Melvin. Resolutions of Condolence. ltesolutions adopted fit a regular meet 1 112 of Friendship Arbor, No. 11, A.O.O.t;. Whereas, tho Anjrel of Death has with appal ling swiftness, called at our arbor and has brok en our sickle by removing from among us one of our worthy and esteemed companions, John Hicks; and whereas the close and Intimate rela tions held with him in the faithful discharge of his duties In this society, makes it eminently be fitting that we record our appreciation of him; therefore be It Hesolved. That the wisdom and ability which he has exercised In the aid of our organization by service, contributions and counsel, will be held In grateful remembrance; be it further Resolved, That the sudden removal of such a life from among our midst leaves a vacancy and a shadow that will be deeply realized by all the members ami friends of this organization, and will prove a vrinus loss to the community; Kcsolved, That we, the olilcers and compan Ions of Friendship Arbor, of which Companion Hicks was a worthy member, do extend to his bereaved relatives our most sincere sympathy in their s;id n Miction; Hesolved, That as a token of respect, our char ter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty lays, and that these resolutions be recorded lit (lie monthly leaner and on the records of this Arbor, a copy be sent t the father of our de ceased companion, and also that a copy bo given to the Yale Expositor for publication. I llenrv Hldleman Committees Lizzie Carlyle Ashton W. .Smith Consumption Curo Warner's White Wine of Tar Syrup the best cough remedy on earth, cures a sold in one day if taken in time. ' 25 led 60 cents. BUley & McKeith. A TAX REFORM ASSESSMENT Trouble Ahead For Supervisors. The new State Hoard of Tax Com missioners are preparing to make a heap of trouble for some people if they don't comply with the provisions of the new method of making assessments. And there seems to be trouble in store for those who obey the new reg ulations. The Assessors of Port Huron recent ly completed their rolls, and supposed they had made a fair assessment and had included much personal property not heretofore assessed. Rut as soon as they had completed the work, State Tax Commissioner Freeman, recently appointed by Governor Filigree, swoop- eu down on the assessors and ordered them to do much of the work all over again. It appears that it will be insisted by the Commissioners that every tax-payer shall fill out and swear to tho state ment to be made by them, including description of all property, and that the supervisor shall iix the lull cash value of the same. These blanks contain a very largo number of questions ami it is safe to say that to enforce tho law will drive a supervisor crazynot to enforce it will drivo him to jail. So the incoming supervisor finds himself between the devil and the deep sea. Whichever way he jumps he will wish ho had gone the other. It is too early to predict what tho result of these new methods may be. Rut they are not likely to bo such a howling success as the so-calk'd tax reformers and equal taxation agi tators claim. For instance, the assessors will be re quired to place a man's savings bank deposits i)ii tho assessment roll. It also provides that from the amount of this deposit the assessor may deduct the amounts of the debts and assess the balance. In case of the largo depositor thi3 is liable to be a very convenient loop hole. Ho will have a variety 01 business in terests and holdings in other portions of the country and can conveniently wipe out the assessment with these and an elastic conscience which he is sure to possess. In the case of the small depositor it will be different. His business opera tions are confined to his home locality. The supervisor usually knows all about him and his property. He is not naturally given to lying under oatli to save himself from his proportion of taxation. He will be assessed lor the lull amount of his deposit and will not have the advantage of tho "debt" racket. It is also stated that tho Commission will insist upon raising all assess ments to a higher rate where not assess ed at full cash value. If this is true it is easy to foresee that the result is liable to fail as an "EcjuaL Taxation" meas ure. In the case of farmers and si.iall property owners, of villages and cities, all of their property is visible and open to inspection. It consists of farms, cattle, farming implements, horses, or small stocks of goods which may be readily seen cind appraised. In the case of large property holders a very large proportion of their property consists of an invisible sort bonds, money, stocks, notes, 3tc, all of which may easily be transferred or sent to other states for investment. Of course this is wrong, but it is a fact and will remain a fact, and must be met as such. Any means that may be taken to prevent this should be and will be upheld, but we do not believe that to raise the . assessed value of all visible property will accom plish the desired result. If the Commission insists upon the Supervisors doing this the burden of the small holders is most certain to be increased. Those of the large holders, most able to bear the burden, will not be materially changed by these methods. It may be best to defer judgment until these measures shall be tried, but there is a growing conviction that very much of the so-called "tax reform" "and "equal taxation" agitation has had lor its object tho keeping of one set of office holders in ollice and another set of fellows out. Meanwhile new discoveries are being made as to what has been done with the moneys that we have been raising by heavy taxation. It now is shown that tho Military push, including Quartermaster General White, not only used up about all of the $500,000 ap propriated as a war fund, an enormous sum in itself, but that the fund raised by taxation for the general expenses of the State .Militia was also used up and overdrawn by !?10,000. This leaves n deficiency of that amount that tho tax payers must make up in addition to what has been paid out. It is also claimed by those who have investigat ed the matter that a large amount of this deficiency was caused by illegal use of the State's money. Among other things it has been shown that the members of the Military push allowed their friends to travel over the State for pleasure or private business, paying all expenses out of the public moneys. This, with the 8 10.000 stolen by the board through tho pretended sale of Military supplies, accounts for a goodly portion of increased taxation, and it is certain that tho public will never learn just how much of this sort of scandal ous work has taken place during the past two years of State mismanage ment. It is certain these abuses must be corrected. It is also certain that the republican party of the Stato does not seek to uphold those who are responsi ble in any manner. It is also equally certain that the party will seize tho op portunity at the ensuing conventions and election to put level-headed busi ness men in charge of State affairs who nro able and willing to work out a plan of tax reform that will be safe and conservative, and give us an adminis tration free from thievery and scandals. pi m H Si p. m fi fcj fcs n Lent Is Here AND SO ARE OUR i j3 FRUITS: Uananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apples and Dried and Canned Fruits. s Salmon Whole Fish and Cans. White Fish Large and Fat. Family White Fish in pails and kegs. Cromart Illoaters. Herring Smoked and Dressed. Sardines Imported and Domestic. H. E. BEARD Bell 'Phone. PROMPT DELIVERY. IT S EASY O GET I'erf umes. Toilet Articles, Erushes, Syringes, not aier tiags, ami an other Drug Sundries If you Don't mind what you get. Hut it is safer in the long run to take the trouble TO GO TO THE RIGHT PLACE. DON'T GO THE WRONG WAY. WE A HE in position to supply tho wants of every body. e have everything that is to be had m the Drug, or Drug Sundry lines and we sell them at such remarkably low prices that we are bound to win your custom and incidentally your good will. Hemember our store i3 new. CA.XjXj .ItfJD SEE ITS. MATHEWS k W UUl, LUTZ BLOCK. YALE. MICH. S 8 n ti 8 8 8 n 8 A Profitable Investment It makes no difference how small your pur chase, you have a right to ezpect this True Yak For your money is what we aim to give you When You Buy IsO PREYAIEHT f COUCHS A REMEDY FORJSSkK' ' sore THROAT, j Just at this time Depend upon this fact we desire to help you and use our best efforts to do so. Try Us Staley & McKeith, (ZYale, Mich. DRUGGISTS. 8 ft ft ft ft ft SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS9S9SSSSSS Don t C limb Trees We have pruning tools io save you the trouble. They are well made and serviceable. Each kind, size and style represents a perfect tool. They are made of the best material th roughout. Our prices are as low as the tools arc good. If you have to climb the trees, we have the tools for that work toogood in quality and low in price. FOX & ROUNDS, UNION DLOCK. HARDWARE and PAINTS. YALE, MICH