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vKy IT 3 If fl t(i JAS.A. MENZIES, Publisher. In the Best Interest! of the Community in which we live. FOR THE RIGHT AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Vol. XVIII, No. 45. 18th .y. YALE. St. Clair County, Mich., FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1900. Price: $1.00 per Year. i , . i Yale Clothing House THE OLD RELIABLE Where you will always find the best goods for your money. Clay Worsted and Fancy Worsted Suits, only $10 00 (Are made rlaht and are up-to-date In style) Boys' 2-piece Suits, Navy Blue Cloth, only 1 35 Boys' Navy Blue Cloth Pan t s 25 Twenty Dozen Men's Overalls Blue and fl A I Black with and without apron front some HI Ifi T OJ are .heavy double fronts. All bought at If If II I n old prices. ' You can take your choice at. . v W tw The Largest brock o LMen' Shoes In The Village Prices: ,$1.00, $1.05, $1.50, $1-76, $2.00, $2.50 and upwards. ALare U ATC In All The N Stock of Styles aru ew d Shades 35 dozen New Shirts in all styles and prices. Our aim is to give you the best values for your money. Bespectfully yours. YALE CLOTHING HOUSE J. C. HOLDEN Prop. See The Goods, Note Our Prices USE -STCfCriS CTTTIDGrlMIIEIbTT. Men's leather gloves sold at 23 for 10 j Rising Sun stove polish 03 ; Nice line oi 23c headrests choice. 10 i Nice liana lamp sold at 30 for. . . . 20 j Open chamber 20 i Covered chamber 43 i Granite basting spoon 10; S-inch pliers sold at 20 for 10 i S-qt granite stew kettle 33 i No. 8 steamer 20 j Extra heavy dairy pail 22 i Cobbler's outlit complete 33 ! (Jranite dipper 10 j Large (Jranite pie tin 10 Chair bottoms all sizes 10 Shoolly rocking horse ill) (Jranite tea kettle 50 Curtain pole complete.... 121 (iOod mop stick O'J Jackson bracket complete 22 (Jood horse whip O'J Large glass fruit dish 05 G teaspoons warranted 1 pair lace curtains 1 Nickle-plated tea or coftee pot. . . 21qt. bread raiser Asbestos bottom cake griddle.... Engraved water set only " 4-piece table set Plain 4-piece table set Fancy 4-piece table set Fancy parlor lamp sold at OSc for (Jranite tea or colTeo pot Iron dish cloth 0 cups and saucers, best ware. . . . i-gallon water pitcher X ice bed spread sold at 89 for ... . ' $1-25 for. I " 1.75 for. 1 (Jood corset sold at 3'J for " "49 for " " "09 for " 14 89 for Fire shovel, a good one A. CIXIX.3D C-A.:tT BVT -A.3 CUE .A.rJjTr ZZEnS .A.S -A. The Racket, Hart Building, YALE, MICH, New! Nobby! Neat! O Ult IMMENSE STOCK OF SPUING SHOES are here already for your e.i- '. ful inspection. This stock was bought last fail before the advance in leather, therefore we will offer you the same "Valines as heretofore. Our old cus tomers need no introduction to our celebrated J. Rich ardson & Co's. line of Ladies' and Children's Shoes, but we wish to impress on the public generally the im portance of buying Shoes that are fully warranted by the manufacturers. Every J. Richardson Shoe is abso lutely guaranteed free from imperfections in work manship or material. We have this year a much larger line to select from than ever before. The prices are as low as ever and we consider it a pleasure to show you the goods. Don't buy a Shoe until you inspect our stock. We can please you. Yours to please, H. C. MARTIN, BELL PHONE. Successor to T. II. Parkinson. YALE, MICH. JUST RECEIVED A FINE LINE OF Belt Buckles All new patterns. 25c to $1.50 STATIOITEII. -Remember When Yon Patronize The Yale Expositors Youeiwayiger ... . invCDTTClVr. AD TAD WADV citnenn nv iluiijiuu vn uvu iiuiiJVi Value Received We are out for business on business principles and have twice the circulation and best equipped job office of any other paper in this part of St. Clair county to back us up. No job too bii?. No job too small. --ST. CUIR COUHTYH- S AVINGS RANK PORT HURON. MICH. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, $50,000. $35,000. Interest Paid on Time De posits. Accounts Solicited. Chas. Wellman, Geo. W. Moore, PRESIDENT. CASHIER. CITIZENS' CAUCUS. The Citizens' caucus called to meet last Wednesday evening in the Town hall, to place in nomination a village ticket met pursuant to call. R. An dreae was chosen chairman of the meeting, N. H. Sponenberg, secretary, and II. Van Vice t and W. V. Andreae were appointed tellers. A very quiet and harmonious meet ing was held. The balloting resulted in the following nominations: President J. C. llolden ( W. A. Cavanagh Trustees II. Doelle (Pert McDonald Clerk Edward Andreae The places on the ticket for Treasur er and Assessor were left blank. We are informed that W. A. Cavanagh and Pert McDonald decline the nmoination and refuse to have their names placed on the ticket. SCHOOL NOTES. "It is never too liite to be what you illicit have been." "Kingdom Reautiful" is the subject of Delmer E. Croft's lecture next Wednesday evening. . Maude Pearce, '9S, visited the high school last week. The second intermediate room has a new picture. The IJrown City Observer has been added to our reading table. The senior class furnished a very nice program last Friday p. in. The junior class will furnish a program in the near future. The book-keeping class are taking their last trial balance. They will close their books and take a trial bal ance of balances next week. A large number of tardy marks were recorded last Monday. Attend ing school should bo attended to with the same promptness that will insure success in any other business. The spring term is a good time for new foreign students to get into good working order for next year's work. OBITUARY. Eliza Steadman was born in Ireland. February 28, 1843. When 15 years old she came to Michigan, settling in (Jreenwood township. She was mar ried to John Hicks May 14, 18C5. Unto this union there were born three chil dren, John, Jennie and one dying in infancy. The subject of this notice had been sick a long time, but her ill ness was borne with great patience and fortitude. She died Tuesday, Feb. 27, 1900, lacking one day of being 58 years old. The interment was made in Elmwood cemetery, the mother being laid beside the son, John, who had pre ceded her to the better land by only a few days. The funeral was conducted by Itev. J. A. Howe. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of all in this, their double bereavement. A Card of Thanks. I take this method of thanking my good neighbors and friends, the F. St A. M. brethren and the church, for their untiring kindness and helpful aid and sympathy during the recent sick ness and death of my beloved wife and dear son, John. I assure these one and all that their help was greatly and truly appreciated in the time of deep and multiplied sorrow. Robert Kicks. Gas and Guessing. It may, or it may not be true; there fore believe or do not believe, just as it suits you. We give it just as we got it, with the advice that none of our readers tell it to any one as true with out further investigation. The story is to the effect that some time ago a Sanilac Centre man was in Yale, at which time he told an Expositor re porter that a certain party had told him, which certain party had been told by another certain party that a great railroad scheme was sprouting and that Sanilac Centre, Yale, Peck, and other points were in it dead sure. It is the talk, says this knowing one, that the Pere Marquette will abandon a part of its line between Pad Axe and Palms, and instead will run a new line south to Sanilac Centre and Peck, con necting for Port Huron and Saginaw at Yale. Now, we ask, what is there certain about this scheme t In the first place, the talk is an absoluto cer tainty and can be relied on as talk. In the second place: tho plan con summated would give the P. M. Com pany solid control of the Thumb, shut ting out forever all schemes for oppo sition lines. With such a plan, it is quite true, the cost of operating the separate line would not be materially Increased over the present plan of con necting at Palms, and it would be an immense advantage for all Saginaw passenger and freight traffic. Further, this deponent sayeth not. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Warner's White Wine of Tar Sprup, the best cough remedy on earth 2a and 50 cents. Staley & McKeith. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Yale, Mich., March 5, 1000. Council met in regular session, Presi dent McColl in the chair. Trustees present: Currier, Wight, Mc Intyre, Menerey, Mann and Ferguson. Committee on Claims and Accounts reported the following bills as correct: CONTINGENT FUND. Light and water board SI 10 00 11. C. Martin.. 1 02 A.S. Parks 8 12 Fox & Hounds 11 C. F. Michaels 11 10 A. W. Ferguson 4 00 W. G. Wight 2 00 LIOIIT AND WATEU FUND. J. T. Wing & Co 2 45 P. M. H. H. Co 112 31 Saginaw Coal Co 50 00 S. Curvin 30 00 It. H. Pales 48 00 D. Ferguson 14 ID General Hocking Fuel Co 00 83 Moved by Menerev and supported by Currier that the bills be allowed as read and orders for the several amounts be drawn on the Treasurer. Carried. Moved by Menerey and supported by Ferguson that if S. Goldberg & Co. do not wish to give bond as required by Ordinance No. l'J that they can deposit J?25.00 with Village Treasurer, to be re turned to them when they pay their taxes. Carried. The President appointed the follow ing boards: Registration Hoard Geo. Mann and F. P. Currier jr. Hoard of Election Inspectors Geo, Mann, A.W. Ferguson, H. II. Menerey, F. P. Cur rier jr. and Geo. Mclntyre. Moved by Mann and supported by Ferguson that the appointments of the President be confirmed. Carried. Moved by Ferguson and supported by Wight that the Clerk be instructed to make a contract with tho Michigan Electric Co for incandescent lamps ac cording to their olt'er. Carried. Council adjourned. E. F. Fead, Clerk. To The Public. It has been reported throughout the village that the firm of C. Andreae & Sons, haye been using the city water for drinking, boiler, and dyeing pur poses in violation of their agreement with tho water board. Upon investiga tion I find that such is not the case. In justice to tho above tirm I authorize the publication of this, the result of my investigation. James McColl, Village President. Wrongfully Accused. Of late a report has been circulated through the village to the effect that we have been using village water for supplying our steam-boiler, coloring wool and other purposes which was contrary to the agreement with the water uoara. Not until Mr. Edward Andreae an nounced himself a candidate fgr the office of Village Clerk did this rumor come to our hearing and as we are not using village water contrary to agree ment, we at once invited the members of the water board to visit our plant ana satisfy themselves by making a iun investigation. We are surprised that some of our citizens should countenance such ru mors without at least trying to ascer tain the truth of them. Any person feeling himself interest nrl m 1 r wictfr na of onr flrrna on1 rr n Ira full investigation as to the extent of Village water used. C. Andreae & Sons. The ordinance of baptism was per formed in the Disciple church Monday afternoon, one person being immersed. Persons desiring lots in Elmwood cemetery can secure the deeds at Grant Ilolden's Drug Store. John llolden. Notice: I wish to say to those who are indebted to my deceased husband that I am in need of money and if they will please call and leave the amounts due either with D. G. Williams or the Expositor office I will be greatly oblig ed. Respectfully, 42- Mrs. Thos. W. Moore. All my accounts not paid on or be fore March 15th to E. F. Fead at Yale Bank will be put into an attorney's hand for collection, also all accounts not paid or settled without reason, will be advertised for sale; so it will be nec essary to settle or give reason for not doing so. Will Lennon, 43-3 Canon City, Colo. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, Pa., says, "As a speedy euro for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Cure ia unequalled. It is pleasant for children to take. I beartly recommend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will pre vent consumption. Grant llolden. From a communication sent to this office we learn the sad news of the dy ing of Mrs. Pearl Grinnell, which took place at her home in Monroe, Mich., on Feburary 3, 1900. She was born in Port Huron in April 1830, and was mar ried about two years ago. Last Juno the family moved to Monroe. The funeral was held in St. John a church, and the interment made in the Catho lic cemetery, Rev. Father O'Rourke officiating. Consumption Curo Warner's Whlto Wlno of Tar Syrup the beet cough remedy on earth, cures a sold in one day if taken in time. 25 tnd 60 cents. Staley & McKeith. Tho Farmer's Best Friend Is the horeo. The horse's best friend is Ilolden's 4S-IIour Condition Powder. It is the best on the market and you get 2 pounds for 25 cents. Try this liret, then judge for yourself. $3 m OS 7 fl Lent Is Here AND SO ARE OUR FIS m FRUITS: IT tl ft Hananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apples and Dried and Canned Fruits. Salmon Whole Fish and Cans. White Fish Large and Fat. Family White Fish in pails and kegs. Cromart Hloaters. Herring Smoked and Dressed. Sardines I m ported and Domestic. SHOES -A-XTD X1V33X3X:XS3 X3TTX:X3."2-X3C33-r". H. E. BEARD Bell 'Phone. PROMPT DELIVERY. $ m tea fig k IT S EASY TO GET Perfumes. Toilet Article's, Rrushes, Syringes, Hot Water Hags, and all other Drug Sundries if you Don't mind what you get. Hut it is safer in the long run to take the trouble TO GO TO THE RIGHT PLACE. DONTGO THE WRONG WAY. WE ARE in position to supply the wants of every body. We have everything that is to be had in the Drug, or Drug Sundry lines and we sell them at such remarkably low prices that we are bound to win your custom and incidentally your good will. Remember our store is new. C-A-XjDLi .tid see us. MATHEWS ft 1 T am, DETTGGISTS. LTJTZ BLOCK. YALE. MICH. ssssssssssssssssssssssssss s s u 8 8 u 8 8 A ProQCaMe Investment It makes no difference how small your pur chase, you have a right to ezpect this True Value For your money is what we aim to give you When You Buy rcoucHs, A REMEDY FOR J colds, m PRF.VITEUT PDnilD fUV IUUIUUUUI sore THROAT, j Just at this time Depend upon this fact we desire to help you and use our best efforts to do so. Try Us Staley & McKeith, TYale, Mich. DRUGGISTS. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ssssssssssssssssssssssssss The Paint Brush or The Scrubbing Brush, Which? Tho day of the dnsty carpet, the dirty floor and scrubbing brush la waning. A rug can be shaken in a minute a painted floor can be cleaned with a duster. The Sherwin-Williams Special Floor Paint la especially prepared for floors. It drle quickly. It glyes n hard, glossy finish. It represents the diU'erence between the light and me aura biuo or nouse-geeping. Soldjtf UNION BLOCK. ess OTTnriDs, HARDWARE and PAINTS. YALE, MICH