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xvrsv i i i i JAS;A.MENZIES, Publisher. In the Best Interest! of the Community in which we live. FOR THE RIGHT AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, Vol. XVTLI, No. 46. 18 year; YALE. St. Olair County, Mich., FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1900. Price: $1.00 per Year. . . 1 i ; - 1 Yale Clothing House THE OLD RELIABLE Where you will always find the best goods for your money. Clay Worsted and Fancy Worsted Suits, only $10 OO (Ave made rllit and are up-to-date la style) Boys 2-pieco Suits, Navy Blue Cloth, only 1 35 Boys' Navy Blue Cloth Pants 25 Twenty Dozen Men's Overalls Blue and HA i Black with and without apron front some 0 are heavy double fronts. All bought at ill III I i old prices. You can take your choice at. . www The Largest Stock of Men' Shoes In The Village Prices: $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and upwards. A Large U ATC In All Stock of 1 1 Styl The New ylcs and Shades 35 dozen New Shirts in all styles and prices. Our aim is to give you the best values for your money. Respectfully yours. YALE CLOTHING HOUSE J. C. HOLDEN Prop. milium;1. iir Mw Savers ! llising Sun stove polish 3 Brass curtain rod only 8qt. tin pail 17qt. Galvanized dish pan Extra heavy tin tea kettle Glass oil can, tin jacket Steel curry comb Heavy steel spider sold at. .40 for Turk's head muflin pan Heavy cork screw sold at... 10 for Egg beater sold at 15 for 3-arm towel rack sold at . . . .25 for 30 sheets shelf paper Tompadour combs 10 15 ana Novelty mirror (Jood machine thread Men's turkev-red Hdkfs 2 for 12qt. chamber pail Nice water set sold at. . .81.00 for 05 10 10 30 29 17 10 30 IS 05 09 10 05 20 10 03 05 25 70 Large rug 30x72 only Men's suspenders sold at. .35 only Extra heavy shawl strap Briar pipes sold at 25 for Wood towel rings 3 for 8-inch saw Hie Harness riviter Heavy dairy pail (ialvanized wash boiler Cobbler outfit Willow clothes basket Wash bowl and pitcher 8qt. granite kettle 2qt. granite coflee pot 8qt. granite tea kettle Chair seat with tacks Men's watch chains, sold at 25 for Largo granite chamber Good horse whip, sold at 25c for. . f.9 23 10 15 25 10 35 22 75 35 f0 fiO 35 25 50 10 10 45 15 Wanters Will Welcome These Winners. Hart Bnilding, The Racket, YALE. MICH. New! Nobby! Neat! OUlt IMMENSE STOCK OF SPUING SHOES are here already for your c i eful inspection. This stock was bought last fail before the advance in leather, therefore we will offer you the same SplexicLId. Values as heretofore. Our old cus tomers need no introduction to our celebrated J. Rich ardson & Co's. line of Ladies' and Children's Shoes, but we wish to impress on the public generally the im portance of buying Shoes that are fully warranted by the manufacturers. Every J. Richardson Shoe is abso lutely guaranteed free from imperfections in work manship or material. We have this year a much larger line to select from than ever before. The prices are as low as ever and we consider it a pleasure to show you the goods. Don't buy a Shoe until you inspect our stock. We can please you. Yours to please, H. C. MARTIN, BELL PHONE. Successor to T.II.rarklnson. YALE, MICH r J J UST RECEIVED. "A FINE LINE OF Belt Buckles All new patterns. 25c to $1.50 -Remember When Yon Patronize The Yale Expositor You always ict ... . inVI7DTT0TVfI AO TAD nTADV leitnerm nuiunnoinu vn vd iivim. Value Received We are out for business on business principles and have twice the circulation and best equipped job oflice of any other paper in this part of St. Clair county to back us up. No Job too big. No job too small. -1ST. CLAIR COUNTY-- SAVINGS RANK PORT HURON. MICH. CAPITAL, - $50,000. SURPLUS, - - $35,000. Interest Paid on Time De posits. Accounts Solicited. Chas. Wellman, Ceo. W. Moore, PRESIDENT. CASHIER. VILLAGE ELECTION. Although the Election was a quiet one, a Large Vote turned out and gave James McColl83 Majority. The village election last Monday passed olT very quietly. Although there were two tickets in the field, and a slight contest was on tap, yet there was but little discussion, and the usual large crowd about the voting place was lacking. One feature connected with this election is rather strange. The regis tration of voters made on Saturday previous, resulted in 02 additions to the electoral roll. This may show two things: That many have been careless about recording themselves as voters; or a great influx of voters has taken place since the last registration. 1'er haps the increase is due to both causes. The poll list also showed an increase of 121 votes over last year, when there was only one ticket in the tield. In IS'JS there were two tickets, yet thi3 year's votes wero 50 in excess of the number then cast. The ollicial count for 11)00 resulted a3 follows: Village ticket, straight votes 110 Citizens' ticket, straight votes 33 President James McColl J. C. Holden..' Majority for McColl 85. Trustees F. 1 Currier 183 W.d. Wight 175 Wm. Mackman 178 II. Doelle 05 Currier, Wight and Mackman elected. Clerk E. F. Fead 148 Ed. Andreae 87 Majority for Fead 01. Treasurer II. E. Beard 180 Assessor A. J. Ward 187 ..101 .. 70 Republican Township Caucus. A caucus of the republican electors of IJrockway township will be held at Village Hall in Yale on March 27th, 1900, at 2:00 p.m., for the purpose of placing in nomination tho following officers: Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer, Com missioner of Highways, Justice of the Peace (full term), Member of lioard of Reyiew, and four constables. John Sheeny,. J. C. Holden, Harvey Tappan, Committee. Of Interest to Parents. Director Tappan has sent the follow ing to the teachers of our schools. We belieye that patrons will approve of the course outlined. To The Teacuers At close of school last night while the children were on the way home from school, I saw a little boy about 8 years old, one of the pupils, attempt to "catch on" a heavy pair of sleighs. He slipped, was caught across the small of his back by the heayy runner and pushed along in that dangerous Eosition a distance of 50 feet, a sight to orrify and paralyze any parent. He might have been crushed to death or maimed for life. I realize how difficult it is for you to look after these pupils after they leave your presence; but I thins the parents of the commnity will uphold us in do ing everything in our power to prevent this dangerous practice, either during school hours, or on the way to and from school. Adopt your own meth ods, but let us do something to stop it. If necessary, the board will aid you in every way possible. Harvey Tappan, Director. "Kingdom Beautiful." The fourth treat in the Yale High School course occurred in Central Hall Wednesday evening, and consisted of a lecture by Key. D. E. Croft, of Bos ton, who presented the topic of "King dom IJeautiful." The speaker made many good points and clinched them with a wonderful array of anecdotes and witty illustrations. The general effect of the lecture upon the audience was uplifting and an inspiration to better thought and life. The hearers came away with tho sense deeply im- Eresscd upon them that the "Kingdom cautiful" was not a far away fancy land, which few could see, live in and enjoy; but each one might bo kings and queens in every day life, in the soulful manner in which they might do life's noble duties. There was an immense audience present almost every seat in both floor and galery be ing filled. This speaks well for Yale's taste for the higher classes of amuse ment, and our people's appreciation of the more solid form of mental food. A second hand buggy in good repair for only (5, at The Racket. OBITUARY. Died, at IJrockway, where he has lived for about 13 years, on Sunday, March 11, 11)00, Wm. Patterson, aged 72 years, 2 months, and 9 days. The deceased had been in poor health for a long time and his departure was not unexpected by his friends. Mr. Patterson was born in County Down, Ireland, near Drommarra. He came to this country in 1858, first tak ing up his residence in St. Clair, Mich. During the war he enlisted in the 1st Michigan Engineers, in which regiment he served about two years. For many years he resided near Lakeport, in this county, coming to Brockway in 1887. lie was married about 33 years ago, and his widow still survives. To this union were born two children, John, who resides at home, and Mrs. Wm. Wilkes, who resides in Brockway town ship. Mr. Patterson was for many years, previous to his death, a member of the M. E. church. He was a thorough Biblo student, perhaps as well posted on that book's teachings as any man in tho county. lie was a great reader, especially the older class of books. But no class ot reading was so interesting to him as works on theology and kin dred topics. lie was a man of strong and clear cut-opinions. Neither his church or political creed was obtained second handed, but thought out for himself and when adopted, openly avowed. He was also a conservative man, making few changes in his opinions and rela tions, and as such was not liable to be blown about by every wind of doctrine, lie was. in spite of his conservatism, a very radical man in views and policies. It is to be regretted that the generation of men, of whom he was a type, are fast passing away from the earth. The funeral services occurred on Wednesday, the 14th, and the inter ment made in Elmwood cemetery, Kev. J. A. Uowe conducting the rites. These obsequies wero attended by a large company of friends and neighbors who have long known and respected the deceased. Cakd of Thanks. We take this op pertunity of thanking tho many kind friends and neighbors for their sympa thy and aid during the last illness and death of our beloved husband and fa ther, Wm. 1'aterson. Weare especially grateful to the M. E. church and choir for assistance in the funeral service. Mrs. Wm. Patterson and family. A Yale Man In It. Wo clip the following from the Daily Pioneer-Times, published at Dead wood, South Dakota: Isaac (Jibbard, of Rochester, N. Y. and 15. It. Noble, of Yale, Mich., have purchased thirteen claims near Custer, containing the recent discoveries of ka olin clay, marble, onyx lithograph atone and mica, and have organized the Black Hills Porcelain Clay and Marble Co. Mr. Noble is president of the company; Mr. Gibbard vice presi dent, and Fred W. Wellington, of Detroit, Mich., secretary and treasurer. The company is capitalized at 3,000,000 shares of a par value of one dollar each. It will begin operations at once upon the marble, onyx, lithograph stone, and kaolin clay, and it means the es tablishment of a gigantic industry in Custer county within a few months. On the property that has been secur ed there are also large ledges of varie gated marble, gray marble, and a red mottled marble. One of these marble ledges is 40 feet wide. There is also an immense body of tombstone gran ite, that polishes finely, and would make a fine stone for building purpos es. In fact there is marble on the property fit for any use to which mar ble could be put. It has been stated by competent critics that the white marble would be equal to the finest Italian marble, by getting down far enough on it to be beyond the influ ence of the weather. There is a ledge of onyx 11 feet across, and some elegant specimens have been taken out. To all appear ances it is equal to any that is used in the country, and it has been opened up sufficiently to demonstrate that it can be worked commercially. Kaolin clay is largely used in the man ufacture of china and porcelain ware, and in the manufacture of 'particularly fine wedding paper. It is in big demand, and seventy-five thousand tons of it are imported annually to this country from Paris, for the uso of the manufacturers. On the property of this company, at the base of Harney Peak, there is a vein of it twelve and a half feet in width, and going down into the - arth, there is no telling how far, and analysis proves it to be a first-class article. Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We never feel safe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little boy's life when he had the pneumonia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take, harmless and gives immediate results. Grant Holden. As many as 4,000 dates have been found on a single palm. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasent to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," eays E. Hartgerink, Overisel, Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Grant Holden. The Shakespearo club meet with Polly Williams next Monday evening. Consumption Curo Warner's Whito wlno of Tar Syrup, the best cough remedy on earth, cures a sold in one day if taken in time. 25 and 50 cents. Btaley & McKeith. One Capital Oak heating stove for tale at a bargain. For particulars call at the Expositor office. 40 Lent Is Here AND SO ARE OUR I B. b 33 m FISH. FRUITS: Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Apples and Dried and Canned Fruits. Salmon Whole Fish and Cans. White Fish Large and Fat. Family White Fish in pails and kegs. Cromart Bloaters. Herring Smoked and Dressed. Sardines Imported and Domestic. AND 21"ST23D332a3 2TCXZ 2Z'VZZTlTZ2333mzr. H. E. BEARD, Bell 'Phone. PROMPT DELIVERY. IT S E ASY TO GET Perfumes. Toilet Articles, . Brushes, Syringes, Hot Water Bags, and all other Drug Sundries if you jut it is saier in mo long Don't mind what you cet. run to take the trouble TO GO TO THE RIGHT PLACE. DON'T GO THE WRONG WAY. WE ARE in position to supply tho wants of every body. We have everything that is to bo had in the Drug, or Drug Sundry lines and we sell them at such remarkably low prices that we are bound to win your custom and incidentally your good will, llemember our store is new. MATHEWS k Mil DRUGGISTS. LUTZ BLOCK. YALE, MICH. SSS9SSSSSSSSS9SSS9SSSSSSSS 8 8 8 8 8 :8 8 8 8 8 8 S9SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS9 A Profitable Investment It makes no difference how small your pur chase, you have a right to ezpect this True Value For your money is what we aim to give you When You Buy S0 PREVALENT A REMEDY FOR rcoucHs, COLDS, i PDniiD sore THROAT, j Just at this timo Depend upon this fact we desire to help you and use our best efforts to do so. Try Us Staley & McKeith, (TYale, Mich. DRUGGISTS. We I avelade t a point to keep, our stock of dairy supplies up to the highest standard possible. In churns, milk cans etc., you will find we have the best and latest. Easyrunnins: churns, well made and durable, are our specialty. Union and Aspinwall churns are our leaders. There's good material and great strength in our milk cans. They're made to wear and stand travel. If you're looking for good dairy supplies, come to us. FOX & ROUNDS, UNION BLOCK. HAPOWARE and PAINTS. YALE, MICH