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rl In the Dett Interests of the Community in which we live. FOR THE RIGHT AND THE REPUBLIC N PARTY. ! S.A. MEM2IE5. Publisher. ' Vol. XXI. No. 52. 21st YALE. St. Clair County, Mich.. FRIDAY. APRIL 24. 1903. Price: $1.00 per Year. vu Mr KB Yale Clothing House. New Spring Suits Tor Men, Boys ami Children. Well Made and Up-to-Date Goods. The latest stylos in Huts and Caps. Fancy ami work in" Shuts. Overalls ami .Jackets. Everything New in Neckwear. The Latest Styles in Collarsand Cuffs W. L. Douglas Fine Shoes. Working Shoos for Mm ami Hoys. Quality of Hoods considered our price are the lowest. YALE CLOTHING HOUSE, J. C. HOLUEN. Prop. All Kinds, Every Style... You can't have too many clocks while there's a room in the house without one. You'll find a clock here to suit any room you'd put a clock in. L. ROY FULLER, .m:vklku. We have oa hand one 12 horse power years and is hi good shape, winch we HUM 1 rUItUKT us ii you are agio sou. W e still have some or the lirst JACKSON on hand. Xow is the time to pick yourself a Duggy, Surrey or road Wagon. We have for sale one light Wagon in good shape with polo and shafts. All kinds of machinery is going very fast. You will miss it if you do not get in out of the wet. JJuy while you can get what you want. Come and nee us. Chamberlain & Montney 2ralc, - J WALLPAPER. We have put in a no v. line of Wall Paper and in- M ilow Shades. You will fuel the latest dcsiirns in wall paper A in our Mock. Not n Inst vnr'.s pattern in the whole lot. 1-4 We are scll'mir at the lowc; t piM-wlde price, ami would he plcasnl to have you call la f.r; lniyin ami look over our w Mock a we are sure you will ?avo money hy luyinr of us. t 3 CORNER DRUG STORE ? MATHEWS at WICHT, Props. A The place tho best of everything in their line is kept. STATIC NKK. r 7 Huber Engine, has been run two A on tlrue to anyone desiring such. . on pmuuz up ii tiuu mui una or WAGONS ZLCicli.. 9 ? e 9 9 JAMCS LIVINGSTON. ProlJcnt. JAMES McCOLL. Vice-President. W. II. LEARMONT. Cashier. GUY C BEARD. Ass't Caahlcr. Yale State Bank Capital. - - DEPOSITS SECURED BY REAL ESTATE This Hank is under supervision of the larly examined by Honey Loaned on Good Paper. Wc Will Purchase Auction We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Let us help you save money. (Set our ami 4 I'erteut PROBATE JUDGE Is Kept Busy Every Day In the Week. Some Changes In Working Plans Since Judc Graham Took Reins. iKroiu Tort Huron l;i!!y April H.) .lust a e;r ago the oillce of tl.ejudge of prob tte changed h.iiiili and Mepheu . draliam was ricclcil to li I tins re sponsible jH.iti(in. Muce till! time tnany clruigH Ii.ivi- heen mane in the hVhtem of tiliuT ittu tins important hraiicli ol tli omul) ernmeMt and never liefur in the history if t.o otlice has tliere Uf-en l tti r s.iiisf.i, tini given to tt!i attorio j.s other h liiui it iiere-jur) to api'e;tr in t hi court. I'poli ;lssllliiMiir Hie .ti of the of tree .ludcf was iiveii to uinler t tinltli4t it wnij. I reiMiirf iioiit one ia o 'tin- weei; o hi- true, lint he mm f itmi in oroer to i;; v e s it i-tiict ioii to the put -lie :.! !' j l' ii'i totheollire, he 1 1 1 1 I hive i in t ah n his time and the preat increase of bus iness since t tie present incumbent lias taken charge justilies his action. A conservative estimate places the increase in business at about one third more than it had ever been before, due largely to the fact that Judge (Jraham has inaugurated many new and original ideas. One- of his lirst moves was to es tablish daily sessions of the court, morn ing and afternoon, so that one may do business in the nrohatn court any day in tho weeic ami at almost any time in th day. lie also requires executors and ad ministrators of the estates and guard ians to lilo annual accounts thus giving an opportunity to speedily close-estates and greatlv facilitating the worK of the otlice. rhe exiH-tiHH of conducting the ottice has also been curtailed to a great extent and daily reports of tho business transacted are published so that the public and any one interested may be kept in daily communication with the. business of the probate court. Judge (iraham is also called upon to spend much of his time giving advice to those interested in probate matters. Ya I C--VS--Marietta. Our base ball boy went to Marietta l;Lst Friday where a warm game was in dultM'd in between the two teams. The day was a pleasant one although a lit tle chilly. Myron Williams did goM work in the pitcher' box. striking out ixteen men while file isoti of the Mar ietta team struck out hut li V0 It re quired the work of two batteries in or der to keep up with Yale. The bat teries were: Matlette )hriie and L ibert, lileason and Weston; Yale -William ami Lothian. Had there not U-eii some funny work In the ninth innings our team would have won. As it was the scoie bIimh! '. and 8 in favor of Marietta. A return game will le played in Yale soon. We are informed that arrangements have Iwcn completed whereby the Memphis team wilt play a matched at Yale on iH-coration Day, May ;wth. After LnOrivvhKt? t'uslly s hst kin cohhIi ami n gen rrsl feeling if Heakoei, ofleti lemling to fUl reniiltP sflcr the psttent I mip- roe! to hnve pnn-ed the dtnger Doinl bley's Honey mod Tsr i L'Urntped lo cure tho ''grippe rough" nn1 mke you strong nnd well. Il never fails to top cough if Uken in tune. Tke no snbatitute. Fr sale by sll drug gitts of Yale. NOTICE. Dr. Warner 'orncll, Ke, Kar, Noo nd Throat Specialut, of Port Huron will lo at "The Uhdey" Yale, the econd Friday In erh month. . ..... . ... . - 4 V I j S25.000.00. AND OTHER GOOD SECURETIES. Commissioner of Hanking and is regu trial Department. - Real Estate Loans.-No Bonos. Sale Notes at a Fair Rate. Savings Hook. Any amount recHved interest raid. LOYEJOH ROAD. GllSaysIt Is a Sure Go. and If Yale Don't do Something He Will Put Her Through Either Ly Port Huron or Mclvln. Monday evening we met our old friend till It Lovejoy in town and af ter passing the. time of day with him the conversation drifted to railroad matters. He is hound to lui.d his rail road and is putting forth every ciTort to bring the scheme to it Hucce.-.! ul is sue. H it fails, (id will not le at fault, for he has hpei.t lime and money to further it. lie ays: - "S i y, Menzies. what's the matter with you fellers up here in Yale? Don't vou intend to do anything towards my railroad? I can tell you u. thihg site's going to go ami if on teller don't do soinel lung I am goimr to put her through by Lexington. there's a ronl bed already graded north (nun Port Huron and' that's tl:e way I'm gonT. It dcs seem kinder funny with you tellers heie in Yale. You won't give me even a pleasant look. I uot to t liiuk in' about it last iik'ht. and have decided to put her through by oelvni. You'll be sorry When jou see me s'lil tiig down home tn-r's ter d'or. I'm goiu north to and n-e my people and something will soon be doll". Ol.! "die's a Mire to'0 " The following item we clip from the I'ort Huron Dttiy Time: "(Id K. I.ofjo, railroad promoii-r. etc., of l.ciio, uropjied into 1'urt Huron on aturd iv alti i iio :i ing enough to say to The l imes: 'My railroad is a Mire g. Port Huron people are mvetii,g t hous, iinis of dollars in oil welis in Kentucky nnd Ohio ai.d setidii.g S'H- Olo Culi'l to purch.i e 1.4111. h it uneti it. com s to a lirst - iss railroad propo sition tlo-re is no money in Hght lam coming up to Port Huron one of these days and try and convince the moneyed men of the town that they are m tking a mistake unless they take stock in my railroad scheme. ' BEAN PLANT FOR YALE. Providing Cnugh Acreage Can C Secur ed to Warrant tho Outlay. ('. F. Mc(ieorge, Sec'y-treas. of the drown City (irain Co., And Charles Keeves were in Yale Tuesday on their way to Avoca, and made the Kx politer ollice a friendly call. In con versation with these gentlemen we learn that it it the intention of the Hrown Citv (irain Co. to build bean plants In Yale and Avoca this aumrner Croviding that sufficient acreago can c secured. The company is a sub stantial concern, being incorporated for :H),000, mid the farmers can de Fiend on whatever proposition they put orward. There are many favorable arguments as to why tho rsuing of beans would le beneficial to farmers. Hi the first pUce it will bring in more money per acre than most any other crop. It is tho easiest put in, very little trouble to work after it is planted, is easy nil the land, and the work of harvesting is tone with a mower. Many curry tho idea that heuns should be planted on light, handy hnd. While hexus will grow on very light soil, the better the land the better the crop Another ar gument in favor of beau raising i the ViiluMbte ttislitie of Lean cirsw for feeding stoek It is even hetter than either corn fodder or clover liny as a milk producer. Yaleand A Voca fchould give l ' . in- lu-try every encouragement ptsdile not in the way of bonuses for ttds is not asked -but lo get the farmers t-tsrted. In Iocm lines where betns are eit-nively rained the farmers are very prosperous, and no one will dispute the fid that wlntt helps tho farmer helps the town where he trades. In taking orders for acreage the coninsnv does not require you to sell the product to them. You have the privilege of veiling Pi thabest market. t Paries Keeves, who is favorahly known around Yale and Avocn will spend the next four weeks m this vi cinity soliciting acreage. If he calls ujMiti you, listen to hi proposition nnd consider the matter for your own best interest. GOOD FOR CHILDREN. The pleasant to tike and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi ate relief in all cases of Cough, I roup and Katirippe because it does not pass immedistely into the stomach, but takes el!cct right at the acat of the trouble. D draws out the inanima tion, heals and soothes and cures per manently by enabling the lungs to con tribute pure life-firing and lifenuis taining oxvgen to thebloodandtissues. (irsnt Hofden. fEfHJ11! 1 - .!? !' ."'?".'"' J New White Goods. Send for samples of our new white goods for summer wear the sh er soft kinds for your "best dresses." Now is the best time to select materialsfor grad uation and commencement gowns and we have the most beautiful line of these fine fabrics we've ever had. Write to day for samples. A Few Remarks About 1. The vt ay to llgnre cost is, not how much paint i nv per gallon, but how much it costs to paint onr house. 'J. Huy jour paint by ens and huare ard-, not giil.ins'. li. A low priced gdlou trein ntly mean-, a hili pi iced job. 4. Don't throw away good time and Uioron r punt. Hi using It. P. iiotnin;; goes to vv.ite; no h inl r-edlment, DO hkin.s. no I ii in is or gut that are ulwajs found in kc.: h .id. 00 . 1-cunntlatIoT) of nirty paint p- ts and c 11 in s y mixing tubs, 110 tea 1 t n i." no k-gs to scrape le ul t.r colors on ne.T up and no, .ie 1. 1 t, t 11114 up a.idi ski lining over ever) tiling clean, convenient and c- m 1 m f i . '. A paint may he made of uuod material and t' I t- po-.r paint. Paint to be good must be composed of good in I'criais. and .1! 1st he mixt'tl u i tli brains. 7. If you will send us photographs or hlu- nrii's of voir Im-iso we will furnish suituhliM'omltiuat ions of shades, N.'iotviug proper color treat ment. Iree of charge. Rounds & VanCamp Not because we say so, but you will say so if you give them a trial. ZE3C.C Jjrrxisr MANUFACTURERS SALE! Thursday, Monday Xj-a-idxes' 2T32"W" sipxezisro- SXTIT3. arc offering tin most fa.!iion.ih!c tnoilols in ready-to -wear suits, ill 1 all the popular shades in Cheviot, VVnitian Cloth, Broad cloth, Ktainimc triinnicd with incdallion.", Tassel, Fros, Taney Braids, stole front and postilion hack. Remember the Dates:-Apri! 23,24,25.27,28. 73 cont Cli.irt Walnto for CSO ccrvta. Wallace B. Ballentine. OLD STAND Painting. Some Shoes are good others are bet ter, but The Portia Shoes Are The Best. FridaySaturday, and Tuesday. NORTH SIDE