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r? QE have a fine line of Ingrains, Hemp and Stair Carpets. Carpets Also a fine line of Mattings. i.- ' and Kugs j" " Curtains o o o Ingrains ranging in price from 25o to DOc a yartl Stair carpet from 18c to 30c a yarl A gooI hemp at 15c a yanl Malting from 15c to SOc a yard Hugs from $2.00 to $5.00 each Laeo curtain from 75c to $S.OO per pair Hope Portieres, all kind and price. Kemembcr we car ry all the above in stock and cut the carpet totityouVroom. Wo also havo a full line of sample of Velvet Carpet at 1.10 per yard Saxony Axminstcr $1.25 per yard Extra Tapestry llrusscl $1.00 per yard Tapestry Hrusscl 7JC per yard Stair carpet and bonier to match above. If you need anything in the above good give u a call and wo will try to please you. BEAVIS HUTCHINSON, L't'd, Putney & Chamberlain's Old Stand. TALE, lEICIZ. MM Li - tt hi A , Attention Fanners. Uuy an LMl'IKL CKKAM SLT AKATOIJ. It saves both time anil labor ovi-r the iM way of setting your milk in pans, ami besides you Ki t all of the cream and have t!i" fresh warm milk for the c.ilvea and pigs. Over one hundred sold In the vici nity of Tort Huron. If you are interest ed writ" for circular and prices. C. B. WATERLOO, Acr.t fr Ct. Clair Ce-a.3a.t3r. MICHIGAN, We would like To draw your attention to the fact that we carry a good supply of Choice Seed Corn, Timothy and Clover Seed which we will be glad to lurnish you at right prices. We also carry Portland Cement, Lime, Hair, Fertilizer, Etc. Give us your next order. Walker & Middleton, fl n ni7WTTfl t To-day we open our doors to the people of Yale and vicinity as "The Vale Fair." I wish to be recognized ns entirely different from II IV El Ci 1111 II ln-v predecessors. The Vale Hazaar and The Vale Racket, both of which I recently purchased. My plan will be to sell Good g"Ods 111 us mau a proni at 1 consistently can. i.very article bought oi ine is sold w ill tlie perfect, understanding with my customers iii ..J am 9 that if not entirely satisfactory it is returnable. I wish to mako friends of every purchaser, as a pleased customer is m best advertisement. Hemeinber from tiiis day forth the llazaar and Itacket will be known as "The Fair" and will le located in the, building llrst door north of the Paisley. I thank the people of Vale and vicinity for their past patronage, and hone to have their support in my new store. We commence our young life with an eleven day sale of bargains that has never been offered you before. W give every purchaser during this gale a handsome souvenir card. I hope to see you at the store during this sale even if you do not buy. Respectfully, X"1. XZ. Xvi.'X'XXX3"7"3. Samploa of Our "Oponlns Salo" Bargains. : u.irt tin lull, M.irr;tiii' imt t leak, '.. Limit, . tu t ruitDiinT, I)nini'Htli nrii. ali ml. its it l.linit, U tn nistoini-r. Watrr TtmiMers. . -Ce il Limit, I tin to ii ritnmiT. The Bargain Seeker's Home. 4 .M U'l:iss t;iMc vt Limit I to it customer. 7 iWc Itfiry S-t ,-7c Tliln Mwn tiimMfM .Vtirh Limit I.' to a i'iitiim-r. Ijirce tXX till w;isti lloilcr. ropju-r liolton $1.10. Ijue" tllt Jim nml l.nln, :u li !. l uiirv toilet Jiirf and liiiiln. ea.. l Fine water vU from : to 0cIm p.irr :mi -tivrliH-. ? Limit, J to a ciiMoiuer. The 1 A jYaie 1 1 1 Quality First, Prices Oar Second Consideration. In Name In Dealing In Prices In Profits. inu gixxl rnvHoM4 ....ITc 1 0Oipri n 100 i.ii-i ft 100 pl.T fl I mi t.i - 1 10 Dinner CJota f.llicy t 1 1 I ili'Hli;!!. ( rtv'uliir prii-f, thu "ii f u nt tint liM-or.iti'"l, trMMi H.iwcM, tcol'l I'.ni'l w prlre, tliH i) llowrreil w.irv, ii !, thU .tle flt.oo , liniMII I1.IMIT4 no re:ii!.ir pritv, thu naie rrziiot Cots. C plorr tolli t wt S:.'a ri'uuUr price, tlili wait- H .95 7 pie- l.tiu-y m-i $!...' prlrt. tliU uile $ i i 10 iier rt, lili-cly ili-cnr Htf. SftOO rt-Kulitr prire, tin tili S.l.Jin M rrr nrl. liultiinr lilvrr y So itml i.i, n-s. jTlrrs, tliH wle .. .$LM Samplos of Our 'Opening Salo" Bargains. ritm-v .T! Inrli p.-irlnr Limp, :i t. nty lit SVTu. Ottit'is f. i.tily low. Kltr'ifii l.unpt, 'JV one roiupl. ti l to A line USVH tlll.-lit. ' !. riKllt. C milk pain, t!iii;(HK kin. I. TJ: Limit I il"Z tu it ciut.iiiii-r. Whlti rupH oauceri, L'njr. w.tre, at 7o tlx. Limit I ilo to vuloiniT I'l.itp to m.tti Ii . ..VI. tat, 70, c dor. Iliimpty-Dumpty Km Cr;tt'g j.w guart gU-n jurf loc S om cent tablet .V A II of our 10c Nok, for tltlt sal.t at J for iV. Frwcr's Axis (Jrra 7c lox 0 Remember with every purchase of Be and op you get a chance at our drawing of 67 prizes. Don't forget the souvenirs we're giving away. PURELY PERSONAL. We want To Do Business. ami will if tin' kiraim wo ollVr aro any inducement to tin uililie. The past season has heen a joor one ami in ronseiuence our M'arcrooin are overstockcil with those celthratetl . . . . . . Ovid and Owosso Buggies None better on the market. For the next CO days wc will pivc a 20 per cent discount for cash on these ve hicles. Jiesidcft the above wo will pivo 10 per cent off for cash on wagons, Harrow and Discs. Seo us lie fore huying WHARTON CO. 2oal and Grain Dealers. MOVEMENTS AND DOINGS OF PEOPLE YOU MAY HAPPEN TO KNOW. (5eo. V. Keiil was in Port Huron Sat unlay. Laura I'.axtcr wan in Tort Huron Saturday. Lida liaxter yisited at Sanilac Cen tre Sunday. Kay Knapp visited friends at North ttranch last week. Sadie Carion viaitcd friends in Port llnron the past week. Lafe Stoner visited his parents at Sanilac Centre Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Armstrong is visiting at the home of her parents. Albert Menerey, of Watford, Ont., is a guest at K. II. Menerey's. Albert and Sylvester Kichardson, of Jlrown City, wero in Yale Sunday. V. A. Williams and wife, of Sanilac Centre, visited at llenj. Kvans Sunday. Chas. Ilright and llal Harrington, of Itrown City, were Yale visitors Sun day. l)r. H. It. Harrison, of Shelby, Ohio, was the gueft of Dora Honnard over Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Wallaco Mrs. Dr. A. Pollock and Kada Kapley were in l'ort Huron Monday. (ieo. Howse and wife, of Sanilac Centre, visited at F. L. Spring's part of la tt week. Mrs. (ieo. Parent, nee Trude Snider, of Hay City, is vi-iting her mother, who is very sick. Jas. II. Johnston and wife, of May ville, were guets of Jas. Ilrown and family Sunday. Kd. ('Atman, or tiagetown. nas i.een spending tho paht week with his par ents in (ireenwood. Win. Williams and wifo were at P.omeo Sunday lat attending the fun eral of James Kuddoek. Wallace Hallentlne has been in Cam City this week taking inventory of (ieo Turner's stock of goods. Wm. II. Halleutino and wife have re turned from l'ort Huron where they have been visiting for the nat ttirce weeks. Pan Decmcrt, who is working on the Almont division of tho Pere Marquette widening the bridges and making other changes for the widening of the road was home oyer Sunday. Hert Holden, who went to West Vir ginia a couple of weeks ago to accom pany Key. S. (i. Iiettes on a trip in Sam'a yacht, is home, and is tho most tickled boy in Yale today. fROM A CAT SCRATCH on the arm, to the worst sort of a burn, sore nr boil. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salye is a quick cure. In buying Witch particular to get De Witfs this la the salve that heals with out leaving a scar. A specific for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. THE CHURCHES. M. P. Sabbath school next Sunday at 10 o'clock a. m.; Yl'SCKat G:3 p. m., (.laud Nims, leader; preaching at 7:3U p. m. subject, "lwundcr about the Lord's Supper." Two years ago next Sabbath tho Pres byterians dedicated their church and nlMut two years ago Kev. Charles D. I-.llis becamo pastor of tho congrega tion and on Sabbath morning next Mr. Kills will preach hissecond anniversary sermon, in the evening the subject or the sermon will be "The (ireat strife." Preaching services at 10:30 a. m. and 30 p.m. The Sunday school is held at 11:4 a.m. C. K. devotional meet ing at 0:30 p. m. A Startling Tost. To save a life, Dr. T. (). Merritt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test resultiug iu a wonderful cure. He writes, "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcer ation of the stomach. I had often found Electric Hitters excellent for acuto stomach and liver troubles so I rrescribed them. Tho patient gained rom the first and has not had an at tack in 14 months." Llectric Hitters are positively guaranteed for Dyspep sia, indigestion, constipation and Kid ney troubles. Try them. Only SOc at (irunt Holden's. NOTICE. Dr. Warner Cornell, Kye, Kar, Nose and Throat Specialist, of Port Huron will bo at "Tho Paisley" Yale, tho second Friday in each month. THE WASTES OF THE BODY. l'vrv nivin ilavs the IiIihkI. mtlcles and bones of a man of average size l.oes two pounds ot wortioiil tissue. Tli watn cannot b renlentidied and iIia liraHli ami triMictli Lent un with out perfect digestion. When the stom ach and digestive organs tall to per form their functions, tho strength lels down, health gives way. and disease sets up. kodol Dyspepsia i ore enaines the stomach and digestive organs to di rrp.t an! assimilate all of the whole some food that may bo eaten into the kind of bloixl that rcbuiiu the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind and body. Kodol cures indigestion, dvspepia and all stomach troubles. It is an idetl spring tonic. Sold by Cirant Holden. MORE NEW HATS L-vOpened This Week. Our Millinery line is certainly complete in every detail. You will liu surprised to find that wo carry those elegant shapes that you thought you could only get in tho city. Come in and examine our stock. Respectfully, MRS. EVA J. BLACK & CO., Yale.. Jf "First door north of L. Koy Fuller's. Sood Corn For Salo. Choice seed corn guaranteed to grow or money refunded, for sale at Walker A Middleton'a elevator. Farm for Salo or Ront. For rent or sale A 120 aero farm one mile north and one and ft half miles west of Yale. Apply to or write P. 1). Sanborn, Port Huron. 47- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE PAY Take Laxative liromo ljuinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. W. (irovo'ssigna turo is on each box. 'J.'c. Bulls for Salo. One Shorthorn Hull Itf months old and one C, months old. Tor price call on or ad drees Chas. Hayes, lirockway, Mich. 40 S A CARD. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the tuone7 on a 50-cont bottleof (ireene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough'or cold. We also guarantee a "Jo ccnt lottle to provo satisfactory or money refunded. (irant Holden. ' Fnr Service A thoroughbred regis tered Durham bull, also registered Po land China toar, loth for service at farm 1 mile wet of Yale. Owned by T. 11. Parkinson. Farm for Salo or Ront. A good X.) acre farm, located .T miles south and 1 miles west of Yale. All cleared except atniut 14 acres. '20 acres plowed. Oood brick house and bank barn. Kmpiire of Ll. Sheehy, Yale. Subscribe for The Yale Kxpositor. Qeo. Gough, Funeral Director. Licensed Embalmer by tho Stato Hoard of Health. Full line of Coffins, Caskets, Fnneral Supplies 1 White Hearss and 2 Black Hearses. All calls promptly attended. Prices Reasonable. nhADQUARTERS rsr , CHOICE CANDIES t AND t CHOCOLATES J.D. McKElTH'S. Over SO different brand of Cigars to select from. One r.lSnuto Cough Cure r-cr Coughs, Colds end Croup. , Cores Crip La Two Dy. v. -tt U vftfitm UrATtirt nmnmn TMrts o ' on everv Seven M2Hoo boxt (old In past 12 months. TmS Signature, JyTZTtrZ roia dj urani iioiuen.